HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-10, Page 4I I , a, ADO 9­11IM" Iii ­11 Liz .'L F FL E U Kt Ev.t.-t ;i Tt Iits I Ij 1A 1, % 11. . t l"LlItUIC t.,L a�11; t.., it h -pirtul L Of tr IG) 'It NEW 1.16AUFF ICE. fI1 i flit- t L I to ac 1. a s.; L IXt job I -A- f I. IJL�i. iz Iof a %try tine Card-. L ILis pri, di I 1, T,.. 6 # )P FULL ,ALE — ,, NEAHLY 11Ij:I_'Il,,:, (.1. t: 'iLVUtf)!I "CA Tu a hort -r I.,.. %`i, , 1, , ,-,I,,. EW L11A O&CU remdv­ J :L- 1, �ertb­� -Al-L 1 it I it i 6, , it I. isZ\ I 1�t tl.v II ,I prevalelit is a grcat err r, It It, 1jer to Vl. but fktLv Trustees will for the primer) Ies . -B. Lauml.,:L ill 1)1��A bd!dL, L -.v ti.ei., rv�,ro.iusc itild tit. eLl.ilt% .t her. Grttt,l r u I,. Lit% is! Ilk HOUSE TU KENT - THAT Kat:t,E O'bil A wury sk,,its.s. I f their Last Victoria stirver, lately occupi,,i by tlia 0) may tell I t,j i:..Ijrcsd their trutI4 uivry ts Loubushiess f 51,�Tavl It, of Wrtjl- ) lIling attention to tlij sea se ;I. ail get them for IL excelleut rist,file aiid kill 1,e rv:ited clikidap- fir 1,11,1,stniastcra throughout or- of dmall 7.43 10.0 L a , I - d I . t %valite.1 U11Y LLULL tI.0 IIUIJli- aaer, Idk,t Sat urday by Dr. S. B. SULILIV. "'i 2.2 p. Us 1.2 p. Lit. KENNEDY, Ctrl Huwl, Cdatou nkry %vur. lf��v nations slide by (if Wroxotvr, ELS-Aed bV11iSSUll, Willits), latIct oftParliamelit ii,c:caziL,g the r�. It is Lere, that the ohill �ecelNtss 2 1 f )I),, I f. .5 ) P.111 iu removing froin one f5If his lurigz near. at, ge upon registemil and its and must laistill" 1111pres. POTTAGE TO THE COTTAGE 9.27 P. m. for sit e:' --L, Vie Lordcr liue 6tretchiln, bet%VeWl tLeul 4 'I - -ed him, I ,Irup requiring postage to sions, a;id is it not, then, of the utmost N-1 fit present aocolpioj by r SL,,a eili. --L Stewart fur Licavily *,UUU ie same cc. ly a gdlou of tluia, which relie% iol, I, AiOn L 'i ck� publications issued lead importneb, that right habits of thotialit Ifurok anJ Bruce Division voiltu the Model bel. I)IL, rf tLL same litueage, thesalucs�lhll- a-,' Liz was tikkffcrhi� grout slid Lad 31ISS FOXTON, C�olt.)U frequently than "once in it month, will study, uction an expression 6houlil be Going North Going Soutil guA,,e, tile sitille fill tj�u stionu litera- ilut slept forts. WQ,:k. )I.tl If the a. in. p.m a. m, 0 p. m. OARDERS WANTFD - COUPLE OF Lure-, the sault: wailtb W be bUpljliu(i, ()U i,f IiLst week "" be sent out by Potuiaster-aen. illculcated in this early stage. BU,:utlew,al ur Lalies QLjj prucure good eral. It is intended that the changes foundation is good, the future up build- Wirigham . -I 1.00 7.1.5 6.150 340 'p,C)dUellig in Many VLSPeLt tile dallitJ jojn� IiAsil,Ud, Of SdUSIlikke, crossed the board, uteu larp., iti,iii tivo Lui. will go into effect at cne.-, though it ing of that mind is going to be easy and Belorsive ..10.42 7.27 7.0 4: articluti, nutUral w 111% -f but severe 00 nutus walk of tLr wArkvt. Al-l)!y at tLe -1 -w LuA vdl,;. will take some times tv et the III, plea.aia, Is not a large amount Of BI of all Jordan of death afttr a brit, �7t I I ...... 10.2,i 7.12 7.1 4.15 L a ii,urcous su Liz ilineof lit innialiun of the hunts. aititio.it siuii!ar kiL;J,�c tia -r will strength gain-. to be savea by Londeaboro 10.11.) ", .03 7.20 4.2.5 chiialry in orlc time rustricted Ly a hostile tariff wall. Nu The deosLased gost his feet wet still cOn. 'T P, John D. Roekvf-_-IIvr, wl,ij %v it,�j his having title first impressions aitti Chilton .... 10.00 7.5.5 4.45 W-IINTED.-A TENAN - %�itll it luill, twtod a Cola which settled oil his lull"s I hut.-, with far,,,, I" bt! LuEL Iv uw If t_ ir,1 -lit a u eperienced Brucefield. . 9.42 6,26 8.15 E.0 I .1i, size, sll brother William is at the IlLad of tile jai I it -implanted bN tl . stttiuuglit uf his w, -.U, witramilulltA I,y and in spite of all that coiji;l be dullo lave all instruutcli.! Money c-annot eitimati Kippen .... to.34 6. 17 4.2 A 5. 12 jtt,il'a 01. tilt, 11!1,--- tl,i,t C,,Ul Statois.rd Oil Trust, is said to I I Ilk, 1,)t,u by InrejIblLe, or pulitit.,41 biks oulUd ViUtv it resulted lit his deatl,. what the child loses by flit want of HeiLsall .... Is H.32 .5.11) Al,lj;y tit NEW ,:A (I nations %�itlloflt 111(oule of �20.000,Uou it Vear, and to be L, the progrLss of tLu tw Oil Sunitay taorning tl,t: AZ %%'as it -Li&y LLL Ito%%. tl,c richest Mall ift &WO11d. The propLr training in its youth. Exeter .... ii.li; 5. 5 7 .5. 'lilt 0 it fs Ir ra aMotioll, that tQ ILI Trinity church Bcytl,, WHis,takun bN HOR0-11HE DURHA�l BULL FUR Uuited States was alitiobt tht- "I't.att.8'. incouit: (If another influential member Probably there is no individual i,� hese London .... s, .1 4.25 lo. 1 5 6.4., TSERVICE.-Sul ii(mberd kkj.,I, fur o�'Ly lu, 1,-o nation UUdLV tile Sun.? Wad it xthoo of the dan a combine, Iloi.ry Il I lag and proceeding -3 are -o Neces-,iry i.,.formation can always be at their fariu.11ili,v Lilt,', (Its,it-rich TI a na annot n.,ed that it, r.)ugh failing ,Or, is est ZiNeti and iniii. ecure,l frui'm the company's a, tilt)' had sixty tM ulilliuns of iniateil at about �7,UUO,uuu. and tio misconic Durlinti, IniII.r4.At-t,r,:.l T, -r.,:, id t,)o lartiextent Of 1,�riah "Outs'— "'I Lit tiLuki. uf hurviu,.-, with privitugo of ru Both of the.ie men lialve made nearly rupri, as are those Of the School The early inorning train South Olt the it tiestei4i.ry. TYNDALL RROS. peonle and we had ouly I!% I- ? Why "'Lis work I;u had been forced to hand It re- -I tile case London, flurou ail 'tolif ittilit Think. it it y digiiation ittto the hand-; Of the Church the whole of their wL:,ath out (A the tgicliur. is it not too ofti.,. had a ireater wealth than Great d Bruce, and the ore Britain herself'? %�as it that ilk Standard in a f uw % ears, at tile expense t1fat the teacher is tried, found guilty, east .,, the Graud Trunk, connect at 1 1JULTSE AND LI)T FOR SALE OR TO warklvlis, totakileffuctonthe lbt ufJuzi(:. root, ail corner uf Lattoubury and Erlu Tit(, pu*,,li.. It '--I cf te Don-illL It 1-s mileage of riliki,ays, ill ill-oductiVu of- of the great mass 6f tile consurners of condisillined and almost executed. before as do also the niornint, trains "Erects, coutaiiiistiq zuven roallivi, witii cellar 'In mkknufaf�turc. does niakr- cowurd"Of us oilthkoughout the country-. And yet he is odered till opportunity to weit and north, the 4.45 p.m. tralits )Otl stalij, all tbe lot, (octal ftgive Otte our p hard awt soft wter that Nvelit to make a ,reat i,atiun ill this kill," Shalibspuare days; it some. word lit defence. Ili many cases chil- a -it and south, anti the 6.45 p.m. train L7,)oJ bearing orchard H.114 fill i some people hold that trusts are -priv. a At five -s inake people 1101, 1'et hs dron take home biased, prejudiced and :VLltury, flit, LIiite,l Stated SIJUUILI so tinit. est, tou. ate concerns." north and p.m. train west. Pussesslou giveli at Once, THOS, TIPLIO all, Wonlall 1,:�,j its efr idurVasi this country .1 Ilu (Ila ,lilt citu a strange case. Last lveek DIr Tilt- Ont trio Oovcrinet.t Illisid appoint. sometimes untruthful statei&nts coil. va, it to talk ally dilloval , ty to coral rr EACHER WANTED-FMIALE, k"Olt btile,,, ut Jainc.3 Reynolds, %%-Ito once conducted a all Prof. Reynar, Of Victoria College na wbat Las taken place in stl BORN. S. No. 7, Third a the I.re- 'ais Certmeato but a Of this claur'lli 9 vocerN here with the firm name of Re r C, -I.- ilobt llvariy 1%% lie waisted to put hinitiLlf lit the I)otion - and Vr J. J. Tilley, Inspector of 51odoi schoolloom, anti forthwith, I Bno.­ - At Tit 25th Itruferred. pl-licants to st�to Salary eK. dred million izi ia reportL-r who has been away fur iiolds received a letter enclosing I-ichoold, a Comm" on to inquira into sel'"'Of the child, the parent, without anteiford, oil the two crisis 55 natus and written oil it thought or question, unjustly and as. of April, the wife off Rev A. K. Birks, 1wetud, &fill st"all allpIleatiolli not litter tLait and came back with t the cunditi)n a ic Frech Schools in Ile 1-501 of try, and thu int v--: to twenty ti% I -ord. f it crely critici/es the teacher. U;ider of a doll. I ay, to etile ne%" that lie had picked Lilt. t%, . Shoot Cif foolsealp clilclold(d, tilt. %V s 'ssex. v oara o Trustees, lietnailler ::I Prescott, Russell and K The boope C I-scivilec IlloilL.N.." Mr such circumstances, what is likely to be ..be t a Ito I wit ( f t1w po,:kuts Of the lt�f, Calladiall Will) Spent portion of his 11 , - Commision will be to find out StallIvy, Oil tlku 11d all linki no i'doa wLs.-re the Ili ley calliz f of thL psk),ers wi 40.,,t ro,is the Atlittiti,, tone in the Ukilted States ri-iii, toaChillo Of the conduct and bearin,­ of that child hist., the wife,of Mr John Gilmour, of It LINIE-SUIiSCRIIjER IS .5 (trot -,I ill thE, Wing. the mado-in the L to fournili with tilt ullpl Ilativ Children, per daug tOr. ally (itrutitity of first. -ejuilice,j e%L: 1-U- but t1w letter Wa. )Ili tile language in these district.;, tp his teacher ClAl 14c. tier bushol it tle kilit, every VeLls-. tIl;i-; hant Postoffic�. teachers, slid halls, do not intentionally falsify, licit It the.fact t1olt Ilium wore lit In 1�lvtu, oil t 11 0 j Ed or l7c. delivered Within a radiuslof tile llUL-IiflCat1011$ (If little Omission, ail act or wor unduh- ix tiffle,;. Tills little liag teen U.;,:,l drain wi Its- )f ti" TLLc Itit All rline, of EiClwniv If%- which the I lust., thl.� Wift! Of )rr W. CIXkL lubt Nvvv(- inglitorle wilo �Ncllt to -t -fit: stubnos ca�u be to emphasized, placed �L tiiatter Ili ucti. NU U. . . of the 1au"lital caii JojT. Tf fur'%' hlt NL,11' 114U, r(MVIlLd t�j BrllliaVIS' Itirely-Thfferent h-ght ty) eal state of -r grittle'of 01clon on t to 2 Ith of t li"IlL fIIn— ('11 iof ilruattr and his %'ill arriNe befure tinit ro liure. Why was this Work was i.,.t 't;Li plentiful as of Nore .1 -it is The cum. hamiliatinn, be more just to `lpril, the of 'Mr Rosa of it 1AUTI0N`-N-Oj-fC fUl )1, f,)I* ll:k tit,, tit!�u %VL mer.4 will litat i h t � H IS Iatiu,. imeasurably more just to tit-- t, r- leIlk! Ee1,j,,)tj_ twj if, ii stdrt,;,l siAe b.N ant therv, Fur thib and other r arid Ili try, I)j,t. iljSI ...... I .,,f OIL an early ol-ttfe. 7hAtSOtlVVrtlljI,L C)[: - ago, thu area (A tile two it pru teacher, it, instead of rushingliot-head- the w if" of rr travt1A ill flunt to writt,,!! dq, Dr.;. Grant and %Vil.ioll %�L-.-L ',it tile tsliy the countriv, was about the sallie I)nce inm-o take till. lli� uncler all to the scool roorti, HkIld makirv', Lilt still.oll, of It dau.,litur,sti.1 d ,0LONI S Province i oil- I 1-t 2V, pr( lit Thu apInic) thtit flit, wlt.i the largur cotintry. The I Ole Viliou Jttick.' Till. jUb1ld,tio!I Li the SAl%kItiCl1 AIIIIV Bar- Unjust onslaught oil the teacher before ,se rack6. Kinosturt, faA SLuiday night. rviow MARRIED 4MUlletc, Apri! 1, I.,,j twuple U., Caliada Were Lis hrifttario may have but I the tIlLN quietly inte tile lie I. illthose of the United Stated. What Owls it with tiny other (lit4ri ThQ latter, referring to tlie answer teacher at some' earIv boit future time. April 21;th, at re the reasons fu ter of The teischer is not infallible, a.4 tit) other the reiencu of John S. i1c.NlAtIA,GodO- trmi fario, ,�Xpelldiluto- E�.irptjnt to ov.,r fifty we r tilt! want of pro. tile lobe all tit,! year round the cleci. hd IkIftde tilt.- Bishop of Ontario six fur gr i, -sical ago-I-"NIv Lord, the church needs ill I.' Well there were certain ph� ;lot "arvi%lea at cailuot but be' favor - mortal man is, but lie certainIN houLl bN 1',ev Jas A. Anderson, 13. A., IOuuto thau doluble ' tle armv and the army ii�slds the IIFarrow C,,wd, Durilark, eat rLassons; T-hij reason lie hisid-toolfer for ab!o to tile Lind of tho Maple LZ�af, church: t . he I, rst to f,t tire and second understand Lis bUsine8s better tliaii ame . cMatli, Of Dungaittion, an.l. t t, cli-difilt, for what it was ill mr tinioY thu reat progress in tlib country tu the those who take it Upon thumselves to EIIL-,i Jane Dodd, of Goderich. The person reforreJ to lit thu subjuin. ftia lie still U11111IL011 Ilk'ftl 1;001r, 2 COWR Uzi %%,its because there had been to -obtain sou'll'I LI()Ctrill0"-e1 . I Wi Ell Valf at fVI't; 2 L)tlrllli!lr Ilvifer. iL116 12. I raph once editor bolleved as then. cou it it ed liull find ths.rL 114 tile slit"Ilitest po.ikii- -ic"th Of oil flua criticize and cemiurli At fit(., between all fill,, parag IIL wiriht;a the arm%-. litenes" .1.()Ul.,l be, vs. Durlialn livill at, rr free ipt-rconitnuoicatioll rtesv allit not dence of the bride's fattier, oil pril :1,0 I 1; Dill. b6ityth,it our will of tile Wingliaiii Time,: Many of the not tri tile church in ally WaV, I �,);,I for ca;h Or e,\coed forty f that country, complete iltLr. inctilcated in tile ulind Of by the Rev A. Potter, Danl, Buchilual: 1.1,COAT . 1111"to 0 pupils of Mr 1), C. Sullivan, for 13 years Let there be no division. They- tihould tlior()Ughl� millions, ftutirestiicted intitircourse, com- . . he -ii. every Telacherd, allow to Lelila j. Ilillion, both of Gutterich. rnorciol unitni between every state in principal of the Branford public fI,_tI i t together. In Concluding SUE" . tllei� to itish to the rowl to ape For Stle or to R.ej)t. This mcans. lot -1diti011 to 1,110 101)t, tile uni.)n, and nwie between Callatia ill rograt to learn that he is fit --)I%- theology is simpler now'diallt, be- AVATNO,,­Lowi-:.-Af the residence of at pasaer-by, or to sow- Ieasing tit thid, rate dedtittyce circuni,,tancs.b in G a o rg lot. it, ' It is, Ile ba the brid,.,'s parents, London, April 30th, tl,,. LotiAt. and if it g,jus �,i: ink.r and the rest. We by slipplyilig re all(l lot at pre.svitt ouctiptilot I,3 her un Rat - With his wife lind five daughtors lie th ball him, or use insulting language to by the Rev J, 1'. Smith, i1r E. It. Wat, treset. The house is a f thill country will each other'a wants. We had not boon went south to I en itavitio uth6ri. him, or who allows them to turn around the untire I, take charge (if till a0all- suit, of Godericl,, to Annie (Imu,ghter of story fralull, With 11000Ulodaijoll for ordir- able to supply the wants of the people On Fri,lay wbeit ' ir E, and stare at % visior entering the roorn, ary family, alld Usual e(ju% require to Ilk! used to meet interct, of the United States because there bad Only in that Stato, pending till his Xr and rs. T.'G. L6we, Witir Bible a -gent, Berlin, is 20 years of %vith eyes iA month extended to their hard ad softwater, Tile lot is one-tifth �i MCCULIACCUIE. - litt N`i,',Vlton, ail more, 111111 so s -which i's row thirteen million of dollrs. been a barrier between us,and them. available mean lit oing there oil the w0, drivin,,, oil the town 'line be., fullost exteht, arf� remiss lit their clutv. They had not been able to siiiiisly our ropreselitations Made t�him of. the i . April 29th by the Rev Wm. Torrance, If a fartner or bashiess mail were to U- tween Bratittord and Bright, a person In thi, its lit all other thiii.p, tile pil. )IRS NIA% because right athwart this con- stitution. Thwackdamy, which was at. stopped him and asked for a ride. reut and teacher are looked up to as r John Angus, of Morris, to rs OIA - VE . R, Clinton, or, ik�ep running lilt() (If bt fit thi,3 Manners thicut there has been a tariff wall, a so to.afford openin1p for three of bid After riding for about two miles the exanipled� In too many instances pa. Enima McCullough, of McKillop. Ili Ilvrrinblock liters Lis teachers, fell short of ex A Market Square, suitable for any business big Own would tell Ilin, that barbed wire fence 4,000 miles lon't I clang * stranger asked him it be could change rents neglect to instil politeness and Rn8s - At tile Salvat;oii C It I - issida was shut out from tile Uniteo' I pectations, lit fact Vvas for him a dela For sale , tile homestead of flit, late Nlr,4 d a 1,;.5 bill. lie told him no; that he had courtesy Into the minds of their chil- Army Barracks, Denver, Colorado, oil Viliklit, situated oil Victoria Terrace, sooner or later, ruin would stare htated, however, b�, the barbed ire sion, and he Las been loft trnded and only a bill and some small change. dren. flow often are children t%ught April 10th, Mr 0. . Ross, of Denver, ch It tail, aild'o it tile DaVdilld River,close to the London Roast briage; 2i acres of land, fit the ftv.,c. fence. The Commercial ' Unionists i broken down. The stranger then asked if he would to peak respe.,tfully to strangers, lift Col., to Mail Jeanie, 4th daughter of flne orchard and 9,11 kinds of fruit and lawu, ishEd to have that barrier obliterated. 1P The Wingliam Times sa� 8: -Dr. sell his horie.' He said Ile would their hats to ladies slid superior, to the late Richard tsciev, formerlv of :hrubliory No conutry, till)- more than ail indl. w carriage house, stable istud wood. 1. P., returned oil , Satur. take NO for it. Upoq . reaching Birk's Brussels_ )led, suffible for retired gentleitian or any They simply wanted to say that trade I Macdonald, I answer questions civilly, or other little person who wants a good licime at it reason. viduall, call keep on increasing ' liabilities sball be its free between Ontario and day from'his legislative duti0iiiii Otta. swamp, op mile fromABright, t3oltran. acts of courtesy and politeness-? Is it SCOTT. -Ill Brussels, at the able price. Small payment down and iong New York as it is between Ontario arid was, arid has again buckled on the pro- er said he would take the bores, without not often the case that thuir rude ail- tinie,jiven for balanveatti locircent. Al)l)ly without game day having to meet nal harn" resilience of the bride's paretits,April 24 0 RDON or N's'. H. otielloc. This countr could not fessito ess. The doctor was not pay, at the same time holding a pistol swers and ungentlemanly conduct has by Rev A. Henderson, M.A.,of Atwood, to the same. A Ja% of settlemeut must prosper until absent a doky during the whole session at Miclioner's breast. Michonerclutch- �bcen laughed at or applauded ? Some I& John Watson, of Elma townsh* t Ur I P, 0 come, or later. A wiso,'prudent rux lup till Sat 'dity lat. This is a record ail the pistol, when it went off, the ball litt a habits of incivility are of so fre-. I -Notice of Dissoilltioll. that few aepresentatives can yhow. 11 going through his hand. He efter- b,Qys ara-gPill; Fannie . eldest daughter of Mr �Jvoll that the ItIsr-tokersIt cruit 7i,17ey6t.1- w1ye n a n of, f r a a- -h t'tj Le bt6li With 11,j7 k quent Decurrene, that- Noticle is bereliN . and honest individual -1, who finds Itim- 190 taken high rank Pt the wards pulled oil I nife - -of their iudulgence withoutr-beitict aware heretofore exiStI1119- -u4 ad liliefor uolf in delat, ccoiornizes in order to get fitIr tier. representatives on tile Liberal dide of and tot Dr Lake to dress the wound Oil April 24tb, a I rol t I h T fcl tou'llasboen of it., Agentleman oncesenthis son t 'b'% t consent. Ali ISpeaking of the pfluplo of the U nitte with a present to his newly -settled Mill- obts duck, or o ving to tile said 1,artuorslup lhirrijelf out (if it. The Dominion is n d tire House as a man of shrewdness, fore. The scoudrel jumped from the convey the residence of tile bride's father ; by Stiiiiies,'Mr Winian said there were more I fill.-. It is gain,, deeper all sight, grasp of political and economical ucQ and made for the swniti., later I Oil his return, the fillthee, very the Rev . 11. Linton, -B.!D.,Wr Charles are to be paid to*.Joqel)ll NV, Hiser, at tjjLI Dot ews iii Broadway than there were, of Youn(f of Tree8water,,to 'Aliss Margaret Town of Clinton, a foresaw, aud o6ti question, all indefatigable worker still 0 Clain.. PP tile time. What will be the result Of jaily other nationality. It 'Was tile one of the -best debaters inhe House. 'Th Lincral of Miss Electa Mav Lhi. naturally, asked him how he liked the j Ballagh, of Teeswater, eldest a6a"lst tit sit'(' partneridiit) are to be pro A Affiberry, of Boan-isville, took' place on lie-% pastor. - Oh !" sai tile lad, he ne Solited to the Said-joseph NN. lititer, by whoat largest German city, in the world, and As a cool, logical and effecti dost.olfter'of Billa­fik, of Turn. tiney will Datod at Clinton, this ? it imply nicans- that oiir taxes ,-a speaker Sunday. Elie was n1popular young lady is a. beantiful mail; lie is so pleasant I . 1 go �Idth ay ofAj-rIl,A,D,1s,kj. he thought. the largest Ifisl city. his reputation is established. The faci 11.1years of age,e8tcenwd by a lar , circle and kind. that I cannot help liking him. I I berrv. heavN . for yvais kind years. It There were more Englishmen ill the that the h.blestmembesrs on flit- Govern-. of"ELcottlaintances. Oil Thursday she FOSTER Why, lie invited Me In, took me. into I J. NV. HM-,& mealis flistf Olt, a well as future ITIlited StatA than there were ever Mont benches have undertaken to criti- usiderwent, a clan.-gerous surg era, hia 'study, and told me to look* at his =A(lartisemints I . . . llit Canada. There would be pretty soon i .... . ?oPe- books while he"wrate you o noto., He. fut ice to ciia his efforts Or attenipted tp %veakprk tion fully conscious of the almost i allneratiOn ; will liave to (farry Ilioro Cndians too. jLaughter.)'. the"force of his. 'incisivL all-ri timely less' hittice of her life beiiig saviod, but J�I"ATED -A URSE GIRL, Aplily to a is really firlst rate, but, father, I bolie,w ctintion almost its Nvear out life'. -IT WAS a fact tit at there armore speec-lies, is. an Indication of his abilitv she decifLd to' take the risk. Chlorj- tlie poor inisn is as blin,l ad a loosetle." -11: TI-SDALL, Clintol, Canadians fit thoUnited States, fit pro-. find East Huron may weil form was administered, and ille opera- - Blind, my son what makes you think ITLoughtfitl evon pkiliting slip, The bavh.g exilinin I if VHTFR- ed thu ClJeton that'a runiffer portion to tile number left at home, feel proud of tier parliaiiietitary reprU- tion was performed its skilfully as Pos- he is blind'?'' Why, because, lather , N-), ,f tit(, (;overnment are than -of any other nationality in the I sentative at otta I'llySiCiall alld'SUrgoon. Honest. - of th�a lots are Ili and unsi-,litiv r) that dome I check Ololst I ,a United States. How was it these men sible, but she nover regaine conscious- when I came awav, he asked me if i ary fetifbcr of Outario.Vaterinary Medical con,lition, by rel,18011 Of OVitaill UILSUilA140 Treats all diiia 90d Of doineatiskatLd trees and iiihinbs baving been Illatited there. were not disloyal? People said that nes. Before the final prcitaratiolis for did not wear a ci%`p, and, if lie had not [atilicials; N'eterititLrydptltistr�,aspL,(,Ialty- Ili, contrary to tile I)y-jaw, destroying both tflit, evo-r-increasing exrava. NEWS the operatio were made, she requested been blind, he might have know, for Charges moderate. Officki, Otto door east of tilcir Own 10 6 nd thost IfIr Wiman was it, renegade and ft' t U adjaculltihe�eto_ ill(. Guvvritnient, but the great traitor. Every mail who talked about that ill case it provost fatal, tile P911 it was oil my he0d all the I wag tiIt, News -Record Priudii4 officlo, Clinton Ilill Of tile Illorlurnellita and fences re 0 0116b, AND FOUR Acul-,S O�, r o saitl lots to Lave flit- :Iectoratc eeni to have it tradina with tile, United States was a Tile Toronto tialar� for this bearers at her funeral sliduld ride oil there." --- broken down and leanitig ov,-r, awi theCow- _e \ D joitt I, roiliest Else owiiv , f n and a year has Wen fixtA at black horses. tier wishes were carried TI systuill Of C0htiliUlIV H for sale. Subscriber offers foriale It flivio Ilk lit iiroper order tit oil ck, it traitor to Her ajesty the Quee I Ile 11 I c I it$ the finallciAl out, and young men of the village acted chillighpi..' teachers is far too prevalent fratuo houe, story alld & balf, witli 4 Colininitteo of laiii, ou which are if llo8sible this yerdeback. ftol' a number of Learinq put the Ili inuelt bett,r Pondivi traitor to the mother. land. Ile won. Rao cholera is again reported to have lit the capacity of bearers on Ito' ir �Liral tichoold. Ono roasonk cii f ill(. cillilli.y. dered whether the million of Canadians brohen ut lit Tilbul-% wt�st, count%, of ruit trees, stables, hard andsoft writer, till"' it had hitht-rto been kvift, Tile Cak-,- lit the Unite1 StIttes -whom be was Essc-x� There ii a patlictic incident"ill con- till-., is, no doubt, the constant influx of situatc at jouilbon, ill tit(- Townshil, of lift]- taker I- tile m ' Ill undertake. for o. very l)roud to reprusent whenever lie nection with Kerbvsion's death,who was now teachers seeking employment, and let. r4ol,l on Ver L: slllsJI fee to ke 1) lots in lierorder. Fur - the Fltj*lliers. Elevv-,:t ' of ik 4 tlivr can s, I;r.O,, hall the opportunitN shad anythina I' illed"b a train ai Toronto, last Satur- otliLr.; luaving, teach , in,, and oing into 'EORWI. TEDFORD, fairkilton lait weck still retiviii uniaw.- Kerby,ioa had becti Lorifined 0 1 lei, professiIns. ,,rally ch'anges fire to(, itIi%%'bell tll(,'V WCUt to thttt Country six' after tier hul.1111. Qdc, however, simply becautse trustees that- they lost their cuat, or Ireleit ler IrN ing Imarket she f6unil she Wat, are going, to have the teacher MIS1114 SS 11,61. or artv form of adherence I I a ][all 9 bil' t,I Ielt-.-v Ler bell. She had the theyciffilget, teacher, lor tsI lit's livellfoluldguilt -, -I;, iI lilt navii., i ltwith m I uf intirdt rim, his li'll i ds abilit% -i not going to jIurf-lit . - I - - activ and bit ly. it 1, 1 bk I t, giNo 1111.4and It 1 tit- n% ofAll It,, if Salt. hi,I, fl I tollio(.nt intin of bil"Ity'nan Inot'l ; do"�ll. tisIntlivevoiting,after Iin Clintm" tim. tl:t I'llitf-d Illtit any tither or tI...... IltI1,1; t ttilt. ill I Lt. toj"Ichill" 1 di*l, i tlittl;.It I;w Ill ff)r Ililij, till(] IlLftVr tit :%tarr himelf. Ilk, !It In!. itsI N I �! iwri , iIArlil aro i�llt ti&n. wanN bli:]. than tilv% find \%,,I lItearller is tr iriiii;, .1 I!.rl% till I'). 11:- r N' J ttill,, �vkl 111111 ds lit, alitiroach, to -;fIti4N fit;-, I)L.tt\. joillooldv or 1A it, II IIitlllflit, I Citv, i., [tit\- I's r! t ,I tLe fftt'd 111111 Ill'!([ tht, �ill: o,f ilk tit'! do .. t1on. i('.,tir( f r t�:-- ilI! Iill*Cfl in it.(- 1!Ist 21 if) IL -t fill are ft)4') I-niown to) tit(,- writ 1:1. lit pf;li (;I 0'.. It sr.lnh ,: L if- trit'it. fant high lilt ti, tliv �% " i I oil Itit ...... I. if, thi., f, L',.. al!\ fll(if teachers it j,"N It,,r:ji wi-I I-114 :1 !'I - i 1; NV I If I 1.1 1), still' forti,t3ilimins(i ro'il iI flAnit ill(, lou'l ont oNt It is conqillemd oil(, if koarjr,g all ;tit (-arl, ol lirm , , isi . "Ll -16 oIii,to flit, If(,' ive as it dash(ti (f thu t6achor's 4ifflus to ;tufly flit, Ill.;. tit(, tistile farlin.l. tit tile. ihpositirn,, qtid per.uliar of to, takv iintif-t. sovI I'llitt."i Statvi, but ILIA ill,., collic. trtin ill) to 010 and th(ln - thcu .4)1(; of ill(, llvft The ril-latives of 11'r onathai, 'N, 11r, ,li. v y was that fnin', every (if rniv Of the St. Gcor,,L sikw Al trike Ole and each still yet enconrago. 40 .,n univirw1iieli lie i'4 (-g,l..4 wi rL sunt, to the J)f,'oi)le acruss N iptiniq, ifttle itGrin 1, i Triink f- )i(,.f hibiband into it Mont is thbre to do Thi., cannot Ile I I ur I ) Tl,'I;-, K LWAY If tilt, Will I E SE N\ I a;.,. iethe hull result fil:)o,0()i) And than sit(, saw no niore. found out about forty or fifty pupils ill ituptill r h ll,t Krrivod, stia ( av boot to time to oin SeInI A h I does beg 8 _�fi t O; iil.4, g of Canada. Speak- 'Major A. I. of the to k!�fl%v Ili ets an insight into tLe new stitt,h regniator, set tile regulator in 1, ;A! ingoftlioniarkostithat Canada would Kicking Horse throngli the linck� tile Ininds and knows, how to I) v ouijibcr for all.NL 1,11gtil tfIn'likelvtoillid in the'Unitold States, oftitch )-Ott il Mr Wiman said that lit New York there ligerl treA vach, tn el� the most alittisfactor les lberl on Sund ly tit Wilterville, Milos- of­F�s­-The tone f(surislation f 'to ')(?Oil to of good to gt.t 60. tile (IoMfellows; Hall 11119 he y right-1019thoftittlb. TheilewWrision ell COM- rewilt,,, lit, has N remove to snumvi: tb.- t i. .I� will If, haril fill- tile were njore inconles of 1LA000 to ever ig ill(, tl(-wt-,t fitil,frovvinent oil all) 000 than lit any other city lit the world; Harry xwol-01. late of Toronto, %vae pleted. r T. 11'riatnel! N Precling 8 sehool. uestion of or 1,XCURSION to 31ANIT011A ill act) I net as soon as thi- vresser foot is il inallol. new brick dwelling. Mr ; 1. fjob- fifty ilullari, a mitkto each ratepay,r, 4, 1 1 tilisill IS. tile is find Ito breaking of IlIld it %Vita ColUtIlly 80 with Boston, edI'OKf; Illiroli ,oil attirday tI:rLa(I or ti(-vdlvq fit tak I t v oods out of croilil, wili !�ivv li,trtial relief, btit ellicago, 11hiladephia and Cincinnati.' night while to wpaFaite two 111,01, kirk i -i Ill ail addition to his mlkes the change.0, Do I exaggo�Ate A of excursions will be rull'On tild I loachiliv. T."Nalflille ti'll" 111'ew Itent wool] tn tatiflil people were the reat consumers; whri were fighting. reiidence. ir John Coulter has whan I aay that Schr) loses six nionths troligi-st c-ovi-r ina(lv, Fiave a abovo) data.;. Full information given bv cover- flit! til too hojVvy, Iwavt %%are tile grreat producers. raised bis houde and is building a by the In\somL of the undersigned. Applyettrly. '011 oll -t 1!1 it Dr Bright, of Chathal ha b(%ell arl vou to be that the White What was file reason the poople lit this rested oil the charge (If furnishing a stone cellar Underneath. r Wro, Pons -se, tile hange alle 4i,,Alrable, Is ill(. b( st Illaollilip for till.. c ' y I,f W. JACKSON the majorit if t vOil llotlliog to country conid not take part of the cnor- young girl with drugs for tit(, toneman ii having a photogrlipll not N% ill titlic it i- %%fll I (i 11 It UPTOWN trl, ninii-i market teir createl?t of gallery fixt.d up. The ethodiat whether the teacher 1 i ( rt!'�ig goo( work, causinga abortion. 'I church at ex�mith, two and a halt Si,:ALED itstatenients pnblii ly Tile United States was our best but some other I t* t make t The now foot au(I carriage UsI)VIISIon .1, "T "'ll' a1 of will Next to tLe ability to produce carno bridge, at the Falls, es miles st-lifth-west of here, was hurtled Tlii,4 Is Appli,abl, mostly t tilt, erertion fill wlinit. i31 It Ile I I ig-da Coilirt ol' Ithe ability to consume. To the south built) aft I r I'lral ,cliooli. It is satisfact4v to note I,, tile 'Tio' ' ill toil. 'is M$ isloin. being blown down, as throwu rn () early ast. Tuesday morning. IsVe of u4 there was it pe!)ple constantly allt I - t tat in most of our towns and, 0, Any tender pot it(,. 'odfrey,la.,it week, ..,L P;alll tile public oil Tuesday. had R Call from Dr Cy the changivi are far lcqi frequerij. &till constantly increasing, Is 1'. tilt- hollio f till, i3ffbPr�Iivo,#I. Tvil. F4 )RSV1,11 I For tile first time fit Nlr Geo. Wemon rias opened a butcher The Uniform promotion lit! it, I,,%- Ilawl,; not I;tt(,r tban 11111,11-111. f, I pay u4 a good pricocither I I I -ill -I hand it full o. t of tile goods or fit Illonsty for what , had. has Islay School Trustees, who thop, and v% keep n. str`6 td be introduc6d iiii t of 1s� -, L-1. J. M. S -*41'111, Chairijou, Plil,4ullut to tile illditilwilt of thi,i lionor. �.v t i, i,,ji.itilin that would do Commercial union, lie argued, would their duties at the Collegiate I ritit'llto stock o f free' t meats. lInron, for the first tiniza. "next Octl ber. of.. (latest Elik- 21)tll fbiv Board meeting last Tuesday. The County Council, having grit hervin, tilt,- creolf-tord of flit, defendkilt, tj,(, ITIO: be (;ne of tile I)co� prevent all possibility of annexation. ad 1101'SP AND LOT vxanaer ForSN'th, tile yoonkur, lately 61 Commereial union would bring them Ilev. W. W. Miller, a Superannuated C. 0. F. INSTALLATION. -The offl. tN rl()n(,y necesary to) cover exp(%Ilq 9, N for iin Ivriligned offer for sale tlivTownihip of Tuckersinitli, fit flit, count �i:; forrim of legi,41ative advantages that annexation could not minister of Montreal Conference after cers of Maple Leaf o. 1 6, C. 0. F,, tit(,. Minigtor of IMucation left it in tit that now hous,! oil PrinevAs fitireet east, of Huron, yocitstan, are, oil or bi3forts tile 13Y I the Dominion Gov- bring. Ilewasapirialled and astonish. family lirskyor, walked into his y�rd tit installed at the Ia.-At meeting,by Oliver hftllfi4 Of tit,- hifnipectorq, with power to, r,,,,,d oply Imt guinineiv; it ij 9, t%%,O.gtory dILY Of Alay- l"89, to fly ilost, vrepaid, franio, Volitailling 7 rootnit, closutq, ,ve, witi, to es4m (;arrow & Pronaclot, of tile 1,own il Ine it ooil at tfic enourmous growth of the fee- Napance and fell over deal] .obnston, 1'. C. R , as:iitol by John AW lfrAt (-�Ftrnination will be ]laid tone foundation throughout, sto�)p cellar, of (;odcrich, fit the (Ionfity of Huron, ciollet. ing in 04 country lit favor of annexisk- I ar( atir Fie water, woodsliLt. rialf-avrO tors for the 1,111intiff. their clitiRtimi slid Detectives are still at work on th(.- GIVIt Smith, 11. C7R. I and H. AL, were "ll I!. - thir 1 1'ri,lay in October. I I I .4, ad( rv,;,,vs an,] (lescrilitiori, the accued of oncouarging poistioning case, and Deputy Attorney- I '. %Vi 2 vlantoill with fruit tree Owner is lie tion. Ile wag C. It., H. t� enp ; N'.C. 14111; : i 114 Of LoWn and wlj� give reAgon- foill i,artieulars of tboir clal a tatement annexation, but lie said tit General -Johnston says lie expects a Suc. F. S , AV. Jones ; It. S., . C. Cole The suffering of tile bilifIed OILIA, C. W11MA'y of their accounts, anol ill#,, ritAture of the so hall political content we di I I vinritie.9, if anN w(w hot, t yostorday, raiSO th0 cesfui termination before long, Treas., 1). Dickinson W., (Ireo. home, boomers foods most prominent ,, held by or Ili default' I -E-1 thereof thoy 'ivill lot- 1wretnpilorily excludod Tilt, Grard Trunk last year I)IIIII, b W., H. Stanbury ; ___ -i ;J, -r, I Trowhill ; . evidences along the border. Oil I Wed- Fvery rati, ,it I . -0, -I letters to 5 cents each. round numbers, !285,000 In duty' oil tile A. Twitchell ; Chap., 1. Dodold. John nesday 1,000 waggonq oil the narch vreditor holding an� security 1.9 to produce Till, I, I list step, but it has got down and 1400 waggons oil tile way back lie You lIr,fF)Ljiilo s Br :lch of tile. Nvoljlpjj,,q tile saine before file at tfl� Chambers fit the Around The.Counly I eoilLsoonsumed. Apart from this, fill, 15mith and IL ',tevens were elected w W411i011 A Xil V ft. IAUI'A 'llosrell,will of Goderich, to old regiAration is' le"ates to tit crecomited Tile groves fit tile Arkan. tile' ill tj o, . 110 I 11011,(I or, oil tile 2121lid day of Nray, IMS), fLt tell o'clock (strand Trunk is tile 1110111vicSt tax .pa3 Or e fligh Court, which Asks and Walnut rivervalle a n; If) l.". 1) Y, Ili tile forenoon, holng this time rtl)t)oillt('(t - awl the difforcif,, Oil Friday lbeit (if Gray fit Calicos, ana flit! people pay tho,,i athat fford. sk ()It . aril iW8 at London the -second week in od camps for the boomers before the de. roadihqq,nan, refreshinent colllstjtut� for Aflj1ldiCAf 1011 Oil tiff- c.f&iljjq killed nakc� in 0 place back in increased freight rates. une. 7'his is th*e fourth time Nfr cc tit, are filling again with the unfor- tile firostrAll, rlitillAsion l3e, or twt) for ltiol Dat(A fit. Onderieli this 2:1rWilav of April, Ion his farm. . Vurious forest fires are ntging is, mith has been elected to the High tunates. There are hundreds of fami. Mr Ilugh Orleve has 4olA his Cou rt. 'It 1� 111.1t all Englishisnall IIFLK hUn- Northern Nortli-rn Wis. ties among them who hav-. set l- rsonsin, thing to make a trip, and now have no. drod mere farm near Seakforth to Mr I'll d every- at oaderielf (,flit the ail, Common, for Age halt been doiw, Yor inilpq 9AUU\AIIf,9 WrAT11jut.-Th - ,;Oil(!(, is livrebydVen that tho firAt ittilig :4i On three e sea thing left. The sight of mail, women of the Court of RevtAiott for the tiff r I, -t )I )low i.i kept Mr J, fl000ly, off Turnborry, III%,; hip. i Aides of Dullith the 9n%ble w1kather (4 the last 8 and children who are thus unprovided Of Flullett, wfil be lotlift oil It crs of horAe� to . the NorthWest counitry residences have boon I Inany few 1,111A.Ett, of lhostio"borkN on ONDAN', lir-l'ohnnotl(ittlyt, I oyed, Atli advancVd, vegetation to , emar ' for anti desolato, with tile mere frames Will at Less o'clock,'fx.in for tit(, purposo -4m(�c ongaging in this work. i edegree. Two of the main factors of horses sur%iving to drag theni aloing or omring aplivals agaiii,iii, flit, A94istAsnient The steamer Catalonia, which arri bl li AIr John Carrot has Isiased the Roval at Boston from Liverpool Oil f3unda i I plant (grow. b are h(al and m,)1sturr. is pitiful. $inl of the Towtilhijifoir she 41kill llpolitics thr, hotter (to. hotel eafon-th, front Mr ari,.vs We"ir, morning, brought the largest numb 0 llheruN Li sufficient moisture in the )I Thura lay voting rin patitions for ask I roviding Else said rolt, T.%s %� kITS, TownFihilMork for five yn.trs, at n rental of passengers ever landed on the at grounds and the rhereased tepera- the repeal Of the Scott Act took place this port. tier list innindeA Ill calli,iri, ture of this week., besides flushing lnd OxIi,rd ,,joill I It being tt Iy i ... to d t 6, �-Tontreal Witnosi i,; not Joseph Ardall, 7th con, 44 interrrfpdiat(� and f,361 Atoerago links. the early sown cerals and rootl, hm roUnt The Onler-in -Council for the i business without Molloy, I horobly()".101utei. of Gray, has T,voln tRoll',, fy all those indebted to me, IiLnd whose sengers. voto in Elgin contity his tint 0 cc f ery ink. tJary to tho Doiniliion all wheat 14i inches long growing on brought the land into prot,er condi. y t b n Town of Clinton haii this i,epn r,-- aecounts have been eenderod, that if tit Ili tile following item, still his farm. Old hP.3rd -lay they never saw tion for Mai7P-C6rn and th isued. These four erritintioeq artl the by tit(, As,,esvor it) fit(,, And t4jrLt till. sainise art, rlo)t settled by negotiable not Riev .1. W. Annis, pastor Of t1ij I' Aldv i,itri -t.4 in Ontirio More tiff, Act Courtof Reviqion will hold itst first A! ing in the crop look better at this scasoll of , ifetho.list Churcli, t. Th(imm, wh varietim of planto, Thi4 a fine or cash before. the I -it �f that tlie 0 1 i; lin%v in f wco. �ibors. 1, �tatcg it a If ,% ident firtith tile year. haA b(tcn unablo to takt, (if his time for goting in tit(- polatop crop, i tile h(r.ir Of 1i fit fnr will be lit court for 9 tit At arr dit t u= The Canadian Parliftment, 'Under Tile Distriot inveting of the work for some month.4, h�ijjgt lift(I ard ple,ity are now proparing frr henThi notifc iq (tile (1cmr,?n.IiAifg influence of 8ir John 'Nlftlilriftl corn. The grawi mAde a remarkaYe uswvt Roll of t ii; MEthodistchurrh, Winghnin DiRtrict, three conseentivo. attacki Of nr orrnri All'the A ­o, will be. hat(] Ott Tues lay and Wednes. fiever, wa; able to take Otto emiun in growth and trick in (lie croutsi 0 I,A.r,,�, r. ,,,I i,l to, t Lko is all ha.4 little self.rnspeot, and I f A I It III, I AA Ll 11 't'f of I til.1 ,lit, I Vt., Ilittle of anything but a stomach for tile day, 121.1t anti 22nrl inst., in Wingliam. I clitirvIi rin few da.74 will he ble to livo rut loori. S. IDA VI , of Government." Tile Conference will convene in t)f Min r t IV7,4 itat and findding 66�