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The Clinton New Era, 1889-05-10, Page 2
` , + _ _.. - . Trailing Claude of glory do we came Ida`s writing, and this he read first. , ourself. I tell " It ran as follows :-- 0) 0 6 From 0 tvhu ie our borne:' A ItIAY, 10 1889•. __ more hlz left in them out oaIIa theycboth you frankly that I OU14 think of as well 00 do not believe when ]Eaby'Yae sick, as gave bar Caatolta ilei p s0 Ba a the poet, but, alas! tb0 rill CuasEY,--I am told ,lust whoa she wall a Child, She cried for Casteria Is 19 (1 gray air you ace now able to read letters, au I, to CaatoriA, i AARjfjlA q� C. agret'd that the treatment ae their t'aat, as times are,it will bra possible Y I ow i QUIt iJt U11 hur111>la ileal brethren was ail tint to raise thirty thousand pounds to 'clouds soma melt into the n me•tell you LtetO thankful Taut that you y�eApbabadchildren,0110yA.otilOmCaetoriw 1 I and so oily of tis, Le hasten to write to you. drat of all, let tylion she gleams being, ego slung ppqw could be ;desired, aild 6o far as they pay off the charges, unless it is by if 1, for haaur course is fiu:tshed, forget are in a fair way to complete recovery I W I OF C(JUNTRY LIFE 0 were coilcerned there was an end of the help of Edward Cosse} . `tea, Y from your drAadful accident. And now it. be lives --and as he has lasted ria that they ever were. And yet which ca 3: !A I t passed, and Edward long I expect that he will live en areatus an, ho} es andd �is the Shadow of the ruth; those I must aspi,rat ons most astplainful forou ayou to read as it is I, � v had a , with for me to write, namely that the eu• Y . I :) 4 s� r l} U. RIDER IEAGGAND A v eek h [ ou refuse to go On Y ,t itu THIS I C2 CONTINCED• Cossey, nursed night and day by 5 we shall be sold of our younger lel., uc rein h' Y gagenient between ua is at au cud. Tor Nelle (,juest, still hoveicd between gagement to him, put the matterfrankly,you will remem• 10 #hitt and published by arrange tip, and that is all; for that fellow,'i corruption vvi4h which the world v.nY11tTLR% I C3 W ;t with the Bose Publishin►; life ens death.cakes It was a Thursday, and Harold Qiest, confound him, will shote us 'I � �g ut at she could not ex- bar ngae d to rightly il or eouditio to IL "i Company) That engagement has not been fulfilled; = „ has walked up to the Castle to give no mercy." Y Y for bir Quest, to whom Y e mortgages ��,I, AND PLUG I- p, but 'I Relieve he twillilt Gaud the squire the latest wawa o£ the "I know it, father," answered 1 pea; her father h s m s judge with on lay father's property have been - _ -- --- a loafed at each o "but 1 cannat and will not 1 [lel; she knew that to hisjudgment, menf gats ill the eyes of the Other wouLdad wan. While he was in Ida, 1. Consequently 511101 11 - IPPEN MIL' f transferred by you, is pressen for their i r K and I had both suitors been a nail sound in payment is at an end, dna wi+6li t tho 1li�ipy OB.1lkc.Cts g which' passed through the vestibule telliu IvlleaandeIali,a an marry pect me to. Ingot engaot think ged, , both suitors Ing equa yams an oil lay n ;thou„ ht N to tell to Air be la , g g wins and limb, the choice of one of engagement must eud also, for I grieve Are takiu the lead iu Gristill dna Chop - r. If 1.dward t uSS1y' ittau whom ho �erragnizea a§ one of or rathera because that un I them should be a matter to be de- to tell you that it is not one Which my �I1+8i:il •['E CAN EWEla tut;,wt,ia� willl,edon�at allt�,nea,onthe they would be free to mE�ry • personal inclination will induce me to shortest notice. CHOPPING only l Cbe,euta, a it that Ilf;t 1I 1' l2uea4's clerks rang tLe bell. to Lim, b SLL Lag. Give us a trial, and you will et Your ----- early ala they read it?`0 vineed that this L4 the right plaeemt L� get our Y Tie vv as sho\vn in, and handed the woman had n right t° put her own cited by the general consideration complete recovery, and every happinebs ,, Gristing done, as ayeryowe g ::k u U interpreted it in wordy' ours, and I vs ould For men,and especially old mon, } and Pete a cov in your future life, Uv- manufactured from iris own "haat. Far�'- Y „ sl 'Ile tlito ti fully addressed br#ef envel• happiness blue oche welfare of all of wealth Jina general Convenieltco, carry out. ��'ishiug yen a speedy a+s are can ct Tedd on getting their stuff home Sypu lttusC not think 411ut, 51s(• , 1 ,p t,�, lists lug, near Mr Cossey, wiyb theta. a. ,,it is very wrung," j Olie+ a'Lich, lie said, he had been old family FLptJli Alan FEED. -Flour and feed kept told to deliver by ever (guest, wad, have carried out that engagement at aro interested in the matter,putting , (( wrong," answered ills t Cl IvA u& LA aIOLLE." constantly oil hand. - - It is wranb, ace' $;ayingthattheretsasnoanswer,bow- any cost. "But since then, to tell asi.da tLeircontemptof "sentiment, Very truly yours, q �D 1#-b1cLEAN gippeubulla: tt =apparently in noway suepris you the truth," and she blushed little understandtthe preferences , 1I( put this uncompromising and .- ed himself out. [ y ,,not one have I learned to woolen. Since l,u world began t. nao,zL os CLINTOE biECEIANIC's INSTITUTE, °der intarpretatiun of his tholiphts' + As soon as lie was gone the en- deed Y crushing a},i$tle clown, and fiervolts Library end Reading glomal Town At uufortuuutely Names nature iS velope was opened by Uir De la dislike him a great ileal more, but I wolueu hate been an article of many I caul eir heartsly glanced at the squiie's, «'hick Ilan, down stairs. about 2,o(lC volumes man nature," p was very siert. It began EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE to the Library and all the Leading News f i to tell Ger all Alone, wno tco' from it two legal have come to care for Scale one nen look�l loatlthent as an article i u{e a hie ur a sMealsiket thedayannum Then bo went or documents which Le went on to who also cares for me, "MY DEAa CosaEr,-Ida has shown O en from a to 6 p m•, and from 7 to 9 p. out it, Ida made no comment, ed iheretora has a right to be consider- of coalmelyce still elingt(except, ex P ,ao me the enclosed letter. I think that you MOiv Ei ! C>� EY 1 MUNEY i 113'Applications for membership received after those first words, "Bila 1•ead, Suddenly the first dropped ° what it means able of an real feeling exce t of we can make a few good loans from private Dy the Librarian in the room. «at•1�' "v which but from from his hand,and with an exclama ed. Think, father, it , ter those r the natural what moat be nailed a money baredrgain funds at tow rates Rnft moderato expense. S1 l felt tion lie Snatched at the to a woman all t of eiell rwben she cares ,sti nself into bodily est), and quite ready totaccomma for r„ydaughters handernal in- did unwisely when , Whether, entered till- MAY ,,!Ill. N0 �8`0rTsurtborroWor Clinton i3E'�11ILLLER NURSERY or in bor astonishment. She ' ('What is it, father3 asked Ida, a g ' date themselves to any master which der all the airenmatancesshedoeseither - . _ t�-. lli 'ud'he felt too, that the question as ,;��rhat is it? R'hy it's juat this. for another man." , well or wisely to repudiate the engage• E. I�� FL Ay FRUIT ,,D ORNAMENTAL TREEI I how that gut went off was one Edward Cossey has transferred the "Nell, well," said heram o all ,with fate gives thaw. It is, however, 11 1' N0pWAY 5PRLTCE, SCOTCH fter it s once ''.hich way beat left ilninquirP,d iIItO is not for me to judge. She is a fres ASND ASTRACHAN, PINE, n nlortgagea over this property to some n attersnof�Isent m ntGh they tunonles reach thfair to attc ne hat ustonlby study agent,so some- mant ,and has elf con seas right to ala' a DENTIST, , y them. No doubt, tf the ma it st the l�Wyer, and Quest has upon posit -of her life as she thinks fit. This — �! tllR LATTER Ui, VtnlCtl wH IrAY11 A spactALTY,� ied, there would be an inquest,and Quest, µ NORFOLK Y1LL:t, 1dT COLLEGE STREET IJ4RtIF. STOCK ON HAND served a notice on the calling in the are not in my 'ins, and I know that from the life rather than y t e in- " ins he began to walk up women have their prejudices. Still hgrited tradition. being so, I have, of course, no or as I TQRONTO. the whole matter would be invest' moue Z- --- ... .. — + , Aiea,while one t•L#ng was y'\ SHAVING PARLOR- The abc,a ornamental trees and shrubbery wt gated. she dna aawli the room in a state of you cannot expect me to look at the however, Ida httd made It lity bee-' It vs a decision which for some ren- • 'train, I;(lwnra Cossey, whom matter in quite the same light as choice, made -it suddenly, ,but none have anything to do with the matter:' „Q rent agitation. sons regret, but which I am quite pow- (TNIU- be sold at very' low prices, and tho+e wantin ;;was engaged to, was shot and likely great don't quite understand," said you du. PAnaa teb4"thr, gentleman the less father'sginterest ana the erless to alter. Eft �•r,r(�. lids rvrrtN(t AND sRal►I- anything it, iiia connection will aaYO mane '.to die.- ° Ida, her breast heaving, and with's3 ---Colon Q interest of .the family at large, and "Believe me, with kind regards, pOOlYGdone very neat and tosuit purehasing'here. "Truly yours,' every Pe'rson.4jnith'a RHir k Presently, while they were still ' cut ions light shining in her epee. She nodded her Bead. _ - - „_ —. Orders fry DLalt will be promptly attend, e "Oh," said the squire, "I leave Ler own honor as a woman --for the JA3rEa DE L.i DIOLLL." O FiN w ►t>E�• act in. Address, ;talking, the s [nits name in froiu his ('Don't you#" said Ler father; G �,aT� ,i�r walk, tail to hila also the story was "reign retia ,s you will read that," nothing to say against Quaritch, in mere empty ceremony of marriage Edward Cossey turned his face � 0 V ,q JOHN 'STEWART% B@nmIller. ,told, and to judge from the expres t „ to the welt and indulged in as a GENERAL pl:AI.ER Iii TIMWAIIE- np— and he ushadythe pa}atter with that if he bas fi eahundreclsfiou)nds make cl shonoi� an honorable thinrld g. Co.'Sion of bis face . thought r user- As be dd so another themeditations as the occasion o Iffilop �intJ8 Insulan C Mous one enough. If Edward the he hoc[ not observed fell out of a yesr,that is every sixpence be can Se der dafinlar�eh aioryhrn Qat j d e if rine to, and they were bitter enough, 13(780 3TKEET, cr [)\TUN. 1 ll�Ill tIUU—iii til llltU say diad, the mortgages o t[teut• - . _ cleat on. 11 was as bent upon this marriage _ _. aopatru; of all kinds'proniptl attended to ' Bonham property would', as heoll e , as he had ever been, more a0 IR fact, re;esonahie ratan. Atrial solic.}tud. i IA�LOCK thought of course, pass to his heir, At this point Harold ' rd°on,ti g�°;, gveihundred stye r than 1F.dward tLAtte�lalnnereiiarola The angio gIBLE4•&TESTADZEbr'TSATCOST' �'1 NEILANS� ure fat i who, unless lie_ had made a will, "Don't go, Q „ t said_tll� squire. I t3ha11 be glad of Cossey upon fifty have heardusand.webo avx not in s be had elle draw�ng tooms(wthen way.now He kknotwnithat At Ida disliked Theclint"nBr`\nnhBiile society LIiRUfi GENERAL AGENT. 1. which was net , 'probable, series t4 a your advice, and I am sure that Ah, y o he was shown in, him, he Lad sale ac DR tltltEr, old Mr Coa y, hear will not go any talk like that before, though, p but he had trusted to time and mar- STORE, Albert Street, a tine asaartment of as Farm buildings and stocge k, ai aur' his fa , what you Riblcs and•Testa'uent8 1. anker, from "vihon 11Ir De la geniis Y„ haps, they think differently atter- Ida rose to greet Niru with a swee r[a�e to overcome the dislike. And b ' little mercy to further. smile upon her face for T(s9TAAtP:NT9 FROM SCtR. jJrtt'ARr,B ancon affected against stock that may e well know he had At the same time Ida motioned wards, Of s if but when you inthe presence of `Ler lover, all her no that accursed Quest had BIBLES COME AND st.E. DaR NURTHINGTON, Ue k.illeadrop a cc[ lightning, t ionboae adarese ranee expect, This was serious enough, him to eta and though somewhat to obtrude my doubts and troubles vanished like a brought shout the rain of his hopes. posiu)ry� � - -�� ,___ pAIN'TING� PAINTING. J and what was still more serious was unwilling ay, did so. b comfortably married, what is going Ida had seen her cbance of escape, J that all the bright prospects in r+' to become of Hanham I should like mist. and Lad, like a hold woman, seized ned sires to which he had fol some lay" been "Erma SIE [began the squire, au dwell to know, and incidentally of me4ghe °uI, have bebit yin t ltlook las upon it, There was one ray of hope, J. T. ti'ILICIE, 5G Rr= EUti, DENTIST peorte of Clington Algid viciaityttltat he has wb EnaloB Y returned to town, and intends to xemain o£ the, re-establishment of the letter aloud], al notices calling in "I dont know, father, dea , y , g ana one only. He knew that the Ho{da t{teezclnaiverightfor the county for basking, "s that' find the canal form tare ever to do a, and is bettor prepare upon a securer bast money g the Hurd process of admunatertag chemi• than ever to do anything whatever in the h he were rejoiced to eve it. his family p the sum of thirty thousand pounds In sfnswered,her eyes° filling with tears; thong oauy pure NltrogArk bionoxide, which is the Aintang Or paper ]ranging lice. All orders u )led far generations' tl advanced upon mortgage of the "we must trust to Providence, I "Edward Cossey the better. a won Wools,not be _orthcomin � @,trusted to hint will COCO'v Prompt and fit had occupied ceu y y• a off the mortgs> e.8: He could Safest system yet Beth.discoChared for careful attention. su nae. I know you think me derful pay a g tied painless extractlOn of tenth, Charges ". would vanish liko a vision, Now, HonhamCastie estates, by Edward Cos y y see, too,from the tone of the squire's moderato, aatiatactlon guaranteed. Oftice, GEORGE POTTS, Birk 8t., Clinton, m oasesaron for value received, very selfish," she went on, Catching 'say�tOlaha't cite answered, coloring a + Shop Huron 5troet,slluton. ho was not morn worldly -minded aey,Eaq• These mortgages have passed pp — . than other, Wren, but he did most into y p but, oh, father, , o letter, thAt he did not altogether epi ELLIOTT'STT'b Bi,00i;, lyse Rance's Tailor and itis now ,y desire to realize them, him by the arm, rove of bis. o `` fondly cherish the natural desire to I most deeply regret being forced to there are things that are worse than little, "and Tioty I have a bit ° And his fatliedatwa.�iileaof. L ke _ - k y prase _an old client, Uut-Yri.Y:�lrO'I'r''ed to do destk'ta woolen; or at least to some news you, Colonel Cuaritch. 14I y EXHAUSTED,-,- VITALITY. c- 1 [� see the family fortunes once more g with SIr Edward Cossey Clesar, he was the master of man (1� 1'J11�ON in the ascendant, The projected stances are such that I amacblitate your women, T almost think that T engageweet j `l . ilio-- E"'C--lttgdi'to , J j ) j Trla C betweeu his daughter and s0, If I can in any Way which. -is- as. good a8 i@g10I14. :1laIIey- IYork of the ago d Man- 1 ma efforts to raise the moneyI shall be very would rather die than marry Ed- is at art end. I shallnot marry le -ton,;, or rather of mu'ell money, r THE SCIENCE of L e ' Edward Cossey would have most 'glad to do so, batt in te event of the ward Cossey, though I would bate hili);" _-_-• , .-- Can make most'paths smooth to ,the ]ilei, Nervous and atu-r • _ 1�I. cal Debility,. Premature fully brought this about, and, llaw money not being forthcoming o at theBinary . gorie through-witL-wit-ho La'c}icClt Are'yau sural salrl fIarall,wlth feet. of the traveller, and why not Decline , Erre raaof xo.b• rT Hp, N - end of six months' notice, leis word. a gasp• TLD c, to untold miseriesW �' — ever muell he alight in his secret p fore- 1 Y thi'a a consequent thereon, foo heart distrust the man himself and steps will be taken to realize by ,,,No, no, said Lax father. "I r l Qutaud hA Lela have rherthana, I.to a conclusion, t He would not pages qtr t&ti'81eesAea1 UNDE�+�A---+R' closure. doubt wbother the match was really I am; clear sir, yours truly, Can't wonder at it, and certainly I' mina; l trust his silence to paper, he would Cloth, full gilt, only et, by tnaii, sealed. I1- do.not ask you. to marry a man you as though t° seal Ler words. plead his cause in )arson'.. SU ha [ilea td sample free to all young And sand -ANe- acoeptabl° to I tea, he could not view "W'. QUEST. [ ala a od mos,, send. now. The Gold and e lea l�e.trith indifierencr, While +'Ja>nes de la Molle,°Escl , J• P," dislike. But still it �s_.hard upon He cook it and kissed it, "Thank ER. its o [ "ire said. ' wrcte a' short note to thea nice tic- Jewelled Medal Awarded CI the author of { EMBALMER v were sill[ 'talking the dresain „ see now "said Ida; "�Ir Cas- "nee to have all this traubleryat ih COaY(Is Ida," he a{tsw,eeed,"thank(G,os;" knowl ging.• Ida's and his letter, . the National lags 3ostonAAfltss.. or r)rA,ayr II .I jIj 4.bc, I s 4 be 9, ran. and Harold rose t° go. 1 i nd saying that he hoped' to come �a�e;> yoarsaPractico aE3oaC n �atty may ��� won't ole, C;ual- $eY has 11 further hold ,on the ago, and the old place coming to I and see Lhem aa. soon ns ever the be cousuleed confidentially, specialty. Dill- Stop gIIa sine, Y u{ortgage$ or on the pro[ierty,' "he lama a wish thatr too. It thisnt ou hies waste and looking y merableiland de Dasa of tial,. otlico, No. a tEutflnoh st: ► itch4"'said the squire. "That's a"said the squire; � doctor. wan1,1 t4�ty him out of � p A Pl LL LINE.A1: {tj� 1larold'Lesitated anti looked at lies tgransferred them to that rasca#ly aver altrtgether. 1{oweger,bce must pce$sel7, and of course rtothitia mare ��he �IZ4lsons Bank. {[ �1 j� 1 -91 ]]j STOCK Ida. She ma(lo no movement,•but lawyer. And yet he told me --I take things as we. find them, and we was said about the matter, tenors• ( ll — GOODS U liar eyes saki " eta'," and he sighed y pretty o CIIAPTI:1. :�N`Lr 1 rt> Isr; r ,�� rl� (+.n. I [ncorpurated by Act of Parliatncnt, lash. ' --- Y was rather a Cant understand it, I real] Ina s ed sad that; he °was coming back this i 2 OUO OOh. and yfclded, 1)iuner �;t this point the Colonel 1 . CAPITAL. - + t REST FUND, ti D, - $I 000,0(w inelancl,oly f,,nht, for the squire was a ,ole departutg,saying that he would evening, didn't Lel uliliclen as c<ueut Si c uweeksxhaveA�pasSc�l, talitl in i £rOlf SSiia[Idl iillf Ilillc> (!'�Ird -1 The bestFmbalming Fluid need 1Jreocculd((1 with his own thounitta, 1 and .edit had not• much to say, while, call again is the evening to see if .vile not bo xny p g o Ile could l)o of any assistana0. When at present; will tl+orel And look that time several things ileus Lap- �) iEAU 'OFFICE, ONTY�E L' so far as rile C<,lonel was concerned, paned. In the first pisco the min ' 1ti1 A\`I(T SCC>'rT' T1lQ)1AS \vottx)I.4\,........President• ►l�iltl3f )(��iLY�+l'. }ie was gonia Ida spoke in a cola, de- i a,ti a roinet bout hit a t i have talk - °rip Old Uankcr, Eaward Cossey's J. I1. It, 11OLSON , ... • • • •..,\rtaa.Frea. the recollection of the tragedy which termines voice. g } 1 had witnCast+tl that afternOo,anll ons° tela nx, that when enou gh things of my own to think I father lead died, hist death 11F,,ving', Barristers, So ic�torS, F.IYOLFE1tS'CAN TI103[AS, Goeeraiitauagcr t he I a 'tier C y N,,!,,,) rliAeOunGerl,Coll,ctiona mtade,Draffs of all tilt, tirw3dful details with ve married he would put those of witbout bothering my Lead about 1)c°n accelerated by rile shock of his CG,vvi YANCElc- :.e•; A1,13C,I. t S r.,CLI`TOlei, let the 1 sCn's accident, On hia will being i•vn:.^d, btr•rlirf!t ared Anterren)t ex- Ttbiclt it w i :lccompametl, was tint c4a•l,�r houylat a)ut Aalr4 at GulresP mortgages in lie fire. It now seomo yo, be for the pre -sent. Ana now I C ,enud, it ittts found that Plo},e''cy . (r�Fvitt ryrt�illo.>ta7ul\4i�rtr'iit;1 invr+�` current tarts. Residnnca neer store, condticivo to ,+[,petite' that the mor gage$ were not his t I _ As &OOt) ar ginner was UYCI' tl)C I and money to no less a value than l in:+n,t fit :S pat' cent allowed on d,•poratts. Ol'1'OSITL TOWN HALL woiltd d'is[iose of, or else that he has $inh I"aprgCQ1wjty 1rRsn't been 11 ere ,i<� �' six [it+naT'Cd t11011Eand [IOUnds passed r,\E\' T() LOAN 1101t•frin ;[P,� lH A,Jr?. VJ1W1C14.. taut• a)„trk1w� (1 tiler Ise transferred thein to �Ir (ystest wit Ue a , 014, .�g 11 lit, Yrtcato Rini+, r Rrtu,t'L,� '„ihitJ (,ha1n to ill([Ilil'e n 11e Came. bRCli fr0111 London, awl a'� under it to F+award R1)a0llt tCl y, , 36a,u',dw f more a larw,cra on o ain"c,iw Tui � w Al lr isrin i+ a •011e informing 'is." UINro uY,•r J Jaeksnn'S �turv, <aintort• with :�u,• or more ar.dor.vrs, N ly*,�a,t' . h v,,7,in+1t`,1 TfiR[1 tA'aR, etltitg i Only C011ditiatt RttaChetl being th<lt a ru:} un ecurfty. how tli+ g , ,,Vey, I K1111Tlb.r! so," shill the telco bit of news it will be t1,S.t I , ►1, r• uh+:ttr;h, ahitoll•r, lh1-,,.Ot• :ifterttvutls he atal t shall (lave to tell hili." I lie should coutillue in tLu house of j1L I1, Rri\l,'r t,;iis 4t fit the i,owary fly !i ,1 t;linton I{� � �T 'r'j1j `T� A��1J Cil, unit ! tit lilt'!;. 1,,U[,C hitt J:iuu,,rt' iNtii. _ 3.' AR1),,X &r 1I 'D „d, lest' ;n}t ;,';- doughter owl the I �'el well,' f still Tats. "Anil 'When her £nether had ` cossey d: `fun and leuv't, a certain ; JA1tEa at:(y'rr, rliuton. Y usam(thin• , did it tiling she hall not don(+ for I Ali l: i, Of his"fortune in the busiuef;s- ' ---Ciilu.i(.l: t,iGl:N,1.5 (,. UJ-) BY 1,111. ,iii filen Post Office Time 'Table colnnt•I ,+l'u' rr_' uovv,father,I will tell yO g \[1 i; the atria Intl runts ;Omn time, site wept a littlu• 1:cltviitd`(.'usyey had also, thanks' 1t u`d'`(O (THINr,lud, fa !rt`i�uca ur:lru gturt. , T3 A N K 1: [ti S •plwy t: , t i',tl' • ( I' i engaged , tuyself—nr, to beojt •ndifferttl I , rfr her fine inteutionti:of anlf•deniul hail I alrictly to l;ulldli CCn(lCr Itllrang, Al.f)-r , TO 1.k:SD 1:7 LAl:fli5 ity, 11Tailat`tho`Clintun l� t'Otflau`at fullu,+- �'ntch 01q. ONT ro01,1 »til •..(lir ;(bout 1 accurate., 1 pxomiso to cuoa[,e my• 1 e , and she felt tminili- I l _ (( - — C LIN tint, tin 'vt,rd of love }iRsyed f�dwaxd Casaey, nn tl+e con- broken dOwn in Most r(wveretl; with one exception- 10 le ater1ateofinteri�st1lit 1iln�XF Ciii Wn -; .,oa! ( Ll'R ' — , ibin-;. sett --to - --- -lie vva,,and wot.ild be for lifC,$tonc i }rPlt�'t't•i: (^:,�', r)" tt'orli, iudeed,that llannituW , Y, •(11t10n Ll+at i10 WOltld telae up'thea0 atCl1 at thQ fact. SOA t 10 lilt it Of her jkt EEK fur the Cnunty of Irunni. Snla� nY furil, Seafcreh, Orand ,',Yt:f, an affectionate ala 'pS$C 3; Son wore to sacrltt [ deaf in tho'►rig' ear. The paralysis rt�ll,)`.{?.5 13ttUwti, Lil'E\5L•'U Al'(,T1uN- Tornutu Stint• - eoul;l 1„',(t mortgages when G y 1 ,•, vet ever sontCuce which the dOCtors had feared batt teadu,l to at remonabiv rate". "''Vaturth P.0, Trunl( east awl internla• 7 U0 •l nl ; r 50 P•tt, &dvances made to farmers on their own: uilicatre", .'• 1 threatening to foreclose, or what= duty, and to make herself the wed diary otnStratford', ... • • • ori<'rl tt rnCBS'.ige with it, notes, at low rate of, interest. they said v. i is called," ded wife of a man who wRS reptlg- not shovvn itself. ()ne of the first DR APPI,PTON-OFFICJ:--AT R1iSi• xfo t'ta nda.-.1 1 ever t DESrJE on Ontartu street, Clinton, op tnrch,'f and s, east.... 1,,,+', n•nl• 8 a'" r Business transacted •1 (1 was %13) hr,tty with. unuttered i( rluestions when he became conva- i p,tn.1 8.10A.m A general Banking , n 1, (r00d [}eavEnB!' geld her a6t011- aArit t0 het', and now, on rile first Grande rank wort .• . 8,4h ,.m. 2,41A p.111 with hone 1 0 „ a a! opportunity, she hail thrown up the lescent was addressed to Belle Guest, poaite l:uglieh Church. Entrance l,y endo Goderich I1olmesYtllo and 1 Interest allowed on deposits. passion n: 't l".4., , y and ished Fath!. what an 1 0 P irate, Ooaor}ah, .. Sale Notes bought eac,t OtLCT dea>"ly, » IIe Lad, a6 iri a drCam, always 1• \Y.\I,Kb:I;, �'p3Tf lel` :\ItY iUlt(iliOti IIamttton, Tnrontn, .. _. 1.1t p'm,.0 mb a.m the lovt'd (<I did It, went on lad; "and he contract on a quibble, a point of law luate ofGondan, L„ 11, & B. south a.m. p, seen last sweet face hanging over Ic . ToW,q� aphic Ontario saProm Promptly at at and inte,modiato ollEcey 7.W a.LbI1o,2Fi7.uu 1. P. `CISDALL, 11IanagOr. love is a, tlli.tg that Cannot be con took a tie mortgages, and in due as it were. Nature had been too tanda.l co. OtHae-Lonaos )orough•, Out. u1 y,t►t, ,in am Kinaar. real ,d by ,;•tcel•;i from • each other. course he claimed my promise, and strong for her, as it often is for poo hint, and dimly known that that she was r lino, Lucl(nuw, I'41,&B.ill r fro )nl able, it is like g to marr him, ple with deep feelings; she could not ministering t0 him. ;,ince It', WHITT - TRACHER OF MUSIC - north and intormodlato a..:, P .1 a•(n• ." n' Itowardod cru those sY14o read ° I.ikC t#t° at [ e' I becane ' engaged y ��Society, '9.au 6.ih1 8.1n,,.+Kt RICHLY Ing and to those "havo you nursed me evEt aIau'Lor of thi ( a»Aaiun ho s of uRlcos ....... . the flit' stirtoun 1 0, alt that en agement was most do it, no, not to $eco The }1�al 'tom 7.Do a.m., thaw g net. When a p " honorable eu'pio mbnt that will not take anti Tsai, t the ham the accident, I3ellel he said• site i{y°Sftestrin Piano hl Organ Hartt sfor c Yp{,ostia. e ofB Weis<laj;aTliurrsdnylon3 •lion• I thio and dila act: Choy es' u • who breal1to it necessary a re )ugnarit to ins. You will see the , t she would engage herself „ , t y than''rout tiller pomos efor overy 111 'rho t0 }title merely l advance ised that ((yes, $1tE answered• 1tr \\'Iletahantl'x, nlbatt itroet, Clinton Bayfltell). Varna, Horbtaon, ;2.3a p.nr.111,1Jp,rn. groats aro large anti sura for ovary i re now It wfl$ I,I•l[,pivwss having persuaded him to nus tersou,many have Mil and aro now r her speak, to to Eaward ,Cossey she not been in ,,It 'is very good of you, cunaid i _ . ,.3n►,,n,,� h,3op,m [[ i lel hnr an hes P , old not refund n u i� R REEVI% UFFICIs, RATTE�iBURY Summerhill, Tuosday and niakingsavorattnndreadol{arsanronth, I. tp alt"las l t[le Tlloney, I CO g I D tit, Murray Block, two floors east bf Friday. G'.faco " 1ov° with Colonel Qnaritch; now she orin g itll tLinpa, he murmured. I is easy Por any 1 1tr char es of Ile , of the bar ain. 6 and nt v Wlt4"L t g t altars g wCCn tele cl'uI ri(it let me Audgetia' rntranen. Y.rsidence n r to+tite S, .11nncy t)nlare tay1 s. %rl ipwarc is received Prom ,orson to make . � ler day and , Lei caxxy out n Y r 1.1 ort , fi la i8 was, and the aitfurence hot wander titer, y'OH Array RRrraaka, tritruu �t, ('itntoni Ufifeu of oa hours tri mra(tn4'n. t,r 7 I) -%n- sexlyouda ariLrds�ald�anpitalis not�'liecia� ghat^ and the l"111111light plRyictg, 1 r Ler ,,Well,' said the squire, tL hunts, n a lit co 6 p lit, order Otnra arose d10. Sa.'u,� + Ifank null AioncyCogtiiYCB�you, reader can do it wellasain) Bair, and it Wa$happng now. iness for bet all new to me." states was considerabglo. Sci11 her the ,rnl she turner[ her face tO the 1 at 6,80 P.M. req Wrl 0d.Wtousatonceforfullparticulars LO know that it° was bitting ,(fie$" she answered, "and I fall. was a ht�m lia�ituolnTl slug felt -- wRll ana caul never a word, no dill t A1tF:S JTMvfj()N, 1,l(1ENyF:D AU\'- TitO3IAa FAiR, Povtttiavter, J Ttustsr••a Por the ('Duals oY Iiinrt)n. ares Clinton, April 40, 1889. which wo mail trod, •rAddress Hti,so &Co and watoliin:;, C� ur the most beau shol>ld never have told you of it,llaa pride, and, w 1 - Portia» d, blains. . - . y, ally further' conversation oil tlleSO ,tttended anyw mrA it, the county, at rO t of it things n1,',t.i deep affection is its ^it not been for this sudden change that Nor father was disappointed in Iilitt(lyot ex- peas between them. s"nahh, rt,•('., dtexldence nit;rrt ,uoet �HUROIN QN® BRUCE (y a., I.1v•:r01,q aecompnnyilig :+Daae of perfect coal- ('Nmol'• .-.�__-_----.--•-- . in the position of affairs. What I hect him at Lis a o (whencould riloaked 'then as lsi4'"�t'ength ORM° }Jack _ I.�►esti � jpVCyiI11C11� (i0'Jr >nniun ilii( tool rest, a wenso +,fiat did, ll d'id to save Our family from [ ��, Ic . TMill n ,thin" e1s',r ill this life can give,aud n ,jut now it scoms that Mr at through the mmoreof year food so did his [taaaian for Ida se la,• ,NIPflical'i f rtmtent Li`vr tDOrs uCi' Planing' o rut [ p lllollC revive. IIs was not allowed ! fly Trontu, tornrnrtg nPthr+ticapitals , ;vhicl,, ilk++;' lifting cloud, reveals a Thea company ix Loaning s%iaieY or y im ,a,' + t' t 1 whito pocks of that C OasCy has played its false, and that sentiment a > setts to write or even receive loiters, and „ud utepenH;tl-tea. ]vow Park! coroner for - 1 Willi thea explanation a lett silence n d the 0 ty DP fi,nrnii, Bayfield, One. Fart, Srcurr/lntrrrRl terSt Rahn of 1 -ANU— .)etu'tlso [, +1+ ,that we cannot hope we are to be ruined after all, There ish) to enter into her private feel• ' , •' h stormy j0nrney fore, the condition upon which I Ings, She know very well that R m he was fain to content himself. But \y, WI1,r.1AgS, B. A., bt, D„ (3RADU to trend it y I promised to marry him has not been strili, MOD 9 tOf il Ciesowh ch clse finer oth& the s col g T Of p L•nl iftn'l y ; Surgeons, p R Y ILi L N` for- ribil." w•rtrld. p d m promise falls to and .e the a( vire ]le was told, often called ��' Ua1{egn or pnyalclanA and surgeons, iI'IU1tT(#AGE�S - �I'uItCHASk1L tlrroucarried out, ikn Y p SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. And su tiv even wore away, a Tonna." in youth, much as the winter frost to inquire after him, and once or. InerlyoC,itple it y hr nee e, Albertsie 'tr *treat per Cent. IntrreAt .iltotard r 11 P's 0 is n o JUST COM tit g [ twice Caa Caine with h[m. Gluten. g, /+ and b p i rLRtRo and furnlshelhla now Planing Mli (.ill at iflfit they i)eflrd the sgtureS r,you mean that, sing, he and wind strips to rho delicate fo the At.length a time Came, `-. --- . - .--- -- on Depoeila+according toamount with machinery of the latestim roved patterns from tele trees, For to them the it was lnn,1 voirr; t,ilking to somebody out and time left. , is now prepared to attend to all orders in his entered, lives, yeti will not marry Edward R WORTII{NnOr, - pIIYto ofth, r line (nthe.nostpromptandsatisfactory manner music of the world is (lead, hove two days After he had b(en told of D ynr son, necoucher, Liconttate of tele "idc, l'i.,t., ntly he a Cossey." his father's' death, when he was pr(r Cal►age oe Pttystaiana, and surgeons of "I law i� bell, asked • I1aroI f "Y0a Ida mean it.° has vanishod with tho summer dews, , ' pFFtCE-Cornerot MaORA nHORT North a and ki roa%Rreft"Ilrn(lo rates. d 0o return tIORAC tfORTON, thanks to an wird patronised the old m before and in its )[ace are cutting. blasts and Coroner for the Count. at Huron. Of- MANAORR. they Were Ur twdaxoCUte orders bexpedit{ouslY 'Will he livr 1' w tit° an It lie squire thought forta minutte� and snows and sero memories treat• r�omRe �n to reeve Ilia corhrespon• nee and ealar Lowlailenae,a Tlte(,buildingviocial ,tormerly Goderich,Auzuat6th 1886 toolsoonhdontbocanglvo satisfaction all "'i'lloy r�ratttsat say tt'a' "Tbw is livery set'ioua step, , Bene° as astral, uecupfed by hirThwaltea, Hurrzn street. PAC TOR fie Grand Trull Mover, "rrtlt tw,o nreatdoctors Ila'vo he .said "I don't mean that I think ling like fallen leaves about tli�ic cllntoll,.lan,10.,1871. - Clinton. `I bo move was erected •without ,Railway, rrr(tMAA lr3RRN7,Ir, been tt+ic';�mpl:ed for from I,ondori, that the may has believed well; but feet. As we grow old we are.apt ,� , BIDDLE�UMB Y, Rn,} Will h0 down to -morrow." Dito. LLIOT & GUNN still he man have given up the In to grow sway from 'beauty, sure an difficulty, . hero Ilene d s© ' W tC� $( !1�au'� Maker ROBERT DOWNS, CI 1 l A l''1' Eli r X I gag hint ood by. Even as.s did so es to tluest under pressure of what is high and pure; our hearts ,ori u , to the it. it. Eusat, tt. w. Guilt', Ds.D„ L. It. I George drove Ili$ fat [ Y C L.li.c.r„►.diuhilrg1, , . „Idtirl,urgh,L.R. CLINTON, somb sort, and might be willing to world; we examinetlovet ndhf d,ior door gncl, gutting licit.., delivered a 1,.tt.C.K., l alnhur 1, C. Eai»bnrgh, Lt• I dE�r 1,I.1;R, Via•, in.t KEr'AgTN' find the money to meet thorn.” + g {}10 think we fled, that it is naught stilt With paTttC• Licantiate oftho5l d• centato of rho bf(d- I,r „se Aacnt for the sato and r ' doctors cauls, +aid ,rI do not care if bo find loiter to the lndlady, wifery, p:ninhnrah, wttory,rdt».ofneo,ol' n>tltl ��� 1'h,s t A u rte) :it n tile a variety of lust; friendship, aritl Offi r at 41ill tea It- aor»nr of Ontario and pppOSITE TUU A,IARKET SQUA10" Clhlton• bran,,tapox and Prnpriot.nr for rho hoot Nw the two graut,loctor$,,ock0tol# their near instrllctione, that it waa to be \yllliaill , a., (:tinton I it,liGALtr,n ntthe , fFIRItRRPATRNTAnTnvATia [ money ton times over, Paid Ida, ('09se iy Own \there he keeps a Beleet 0110! lment of 11 tn.Rt(CLRAr4Ra. STEAM FITTINGS fornixhod hnntlred ghin, n far, and went, lsut will not marry him. Ile has not think it self-interest; religion, 'find flelivere-1 into Ir ' Y _• _ ___ and applied on Slt)rt notice. hunter the ,n a nor tho Other, riot kept to the letter of his bond, and Warne it superstition, 1'ho fasts of hAnils. As seta passCd, 110111/ saw t - - I Watobas Clool(S, Jewelleryc tt tVOnld COnlltlit t1t0r1' I will not keep t0 mine." life alone remain C10ar lttlll a0alxal,le' that It was Cdrlressr(l is the aqn#re'$ ©� H. CtJCii'Cf 9Ilrerware. itwllrr.'H, Fnrr14110r t e nal lklu4l!t ar C1f0 the ttYdl , We know that money magna powrr, ^ i bir,y,ti,%O. „f Ih•uln,1 Snrr;,'rt•, miilnr oval �i,nhtiinrty rp>t'nirr'A stfcp4'41knue ,+ly :glees t't a (,xt.(1 opinion as to rid ,,It is t►11 very well, Ida,,' ttat(l tilt halulwrititig. ate of tho Torn:,t,, r,•ltool of U,.ntfSLry. 1t'hieh we will Sell At rr`llsonahle rt4�',A. ftttd Jn a tawtipraett►rry mnnneT. ' renege of lila or r, and we titin our feels to ;\#amnion, When it was delivered t,) him 1•. war(] ('us<K,,y , r,1 squire, and of Conry° no can r if ho amilCa a tan uq we Rte con i An(l f i, Iward Co:ihoy opened it with cagpr- I lit•`, 'xurr, t(i,m of t'� thuijtt r„1 [r rho I Repairin�t nP nvnr desert ltlawttaprotrrAnt�l�y' Atenmparm i nnde\Yatar Pipasf (urrnishcdnti and piited. in d++Aril leo^,voter, one of thC1n force you into a distasteful malt ago, 1 tint to lot our finer vibiol-ft go where: r,tr, , „t.,,i• ,nu•'„+flu's i .416t.,t 1 tore. n, xt attentetl to, an, all wor pickCti (,ata r„imbor of shot from but I wish• to point out to you one int It coritairie.,i an rnalnsnre sn 1 t,) {',„,t(J..1 r.1,':,n,n„ J, RIn1EI,ECOb�RF. pnajt.x+n. 1)tCli,�4nadtn dertit) tron application. thing. You have your family to our youth hAs gone• : ty canton NDv.iPR2. 1 tlto woutANI roan and It , nnnibel - „ �I O O� E O� OI,jOa * 1 rte' Sili!it t+ell au : r 1 b C,rhlld..�°e'” Cry for Piteher'S COstOr1%, Chll(drer) CrYf0t1-1 ^ . ,�,.,..Ig -11 -..,,t, _.1 i ".._.....iti., . t