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The Clinton New Era, 1889-05-03, Page 4
•t 1. 6 _. . • ,,11 , V ., .; �.a ,( . . „ . 11 . h The 61,04 lU.it�t¢t'tl<>ji#.itd, proposes to abolish. A �T r. t r' r „Servant wanted --L• Kennedy the �a111cial residences of the Glow AWFUL A �i � IDEM 1 491104 _Tbo 49unt 4 Korn@It wanted -Naw p3aAQ9ice ernor-General and the Licuten• '�" Ml' d. Ro°, of k'ordwich, brake MARRIES "• 13� p00141--Beealey & Co A Yost train jumps the ttaek •"- " C.0V1,Trs_VA1 QAUP—•In Best Wawa,, Iklie t tthollUmuton ,8prit,g A'asizel� • . - I along the Line --Pay & Co A aut-Governor e, and let these off, his arm by a fall last week. It is estimated that there hoe 6he 4e04 pptil 2$rd; at the zeaideuce of (j S 1 Myra Harrell sued Fainta--•Johnson & Co been„ a decrease of $11,000,00.0 d a tether, b Rev Mr Ctlodarsy, } �'Ti,. i4 Rush continues-•-Detl°r & Co °sale do their own entertain. Following so closely upon t6@ Dr Betbune,of Toronto,forme]y in the United States public debt $ a' laghan� of London, Oqt,� r terrible railway disaster at St. of Winghaal, has purchased 4) since'April 1. MW hoax '8°P aA ar, 4 B the fi0��4 for breach of promise of Wall Paper -A. Worthington iqg, if they Want to b'ntatdain, George came the news Qf another Ma°kld'spraotice In S°aforth. Y marriage, and got $4,000. 9'r Groves -Geo, swallow That's right. �vhy should a man diaAstel on the Grand Trani; Rail- residence of the bridr) s parents, on the 99 Grocery -James Angus o An otter was eau jht in Geo. Kingston's n ulesda was in 44th April b Rev J. New pump factory -,Toho Stephenson jn T3amitton pay taxes to support way near Hamilton, on Sunday McTaggart's flap, Ii easels, on creased by 1$ on Tuesday. $man y $' Dyke, Mr SUNDRIES dd Joseph Wh1t$eld to Miss Ma > rain, I Espace in oar to let -John Stephenson mOrniq Satar &y night, 1t measul'ed $ on frith his a moved� the Olt both of Grey townshlp, COAL STOVE FOR BALE, -SELF FEED. House to rent -L. Kennedy- a house for A man in To onto, or g' As far as can be learn. ii Y $BOoa-SToBley -.-()n the 24th April, ' �✓as. nearly as good as new, Boat 839, Will Tenders wanted -•Rev. J. M. Smith to buy champagne for a man in ed this second accident is in one 8 inches from tip to tip, a sod 16 children. At the Manse MoBillo b besoldroriu. A t stNEwERA OFFIt:III Property for sale -Mrs Whitely espect, like its immediate prede The East Huron Farmers' suets- Thera were 4,700 f@w@r @mi. ave' p' y Rave. lk[n6. PP y Ottawa? Give the officers what °essor, on@ in whjeh no Alam@ can tote will b@ held at Mr Thornes Broom to Miss ►]nor BI7Q{}y FOR SALE At Home -St. Panes church grants from Britain tQ Canada in IAC Storey TE '$ th of MoRillo . i t moo• wu�'beaol A NEAR, y Court of Revision --Jas• Braithwaite their services are Worth, and lot possibly be attached to an GQI•rie, on the peat four months than in the d°nos of the bride's brother, gip ! sew 1U svgs onty rallnin , short t ` Court of Revision --W. Costa y p@reOr May 28t$, at which the Hon, jar •"fit the regi. cheap, NEvv llA� office L Dissolution -Foster &Rifer them pay their Owl, house rens Connect@d w]th the road, It was Drury wi]I be pre eat to�jd]scuss the 8rd A + ppen, on OTxBGIf TQ R$ T — corresponding pe r! )d of last year. pri1, byy Rev i�alnael Achesot, ' N THE COTTAGE i farm for sale -W. W. Farrah not due to any One's negligence, farm topics. Mr Robert gfrk McAllister, of Fair- ' oaiLe '>resent a oeno edby Mr shearer, darer, o Sewing machine --J, H. Worsen and grocery bill$.. -Hamilton to any act Qf omissioq or to the It is stated, on appareut•Iygood grove, ." pride of Orford -lanes & MoLanghliu Times. To alt of which we sriy violation of any ru18 br order, but A" little girl named Scott, of N d Michigan, t° Maggie, eldestIss FOXmox, Clinton' to rant Is, that the ortbern VAGI- aughter of th0 lata William Blair. ! i,. Pincher --Avery & rlott Amer). the result of accident purely. BruaeQls, narrowly escaped death &0 � Ma°!fobs anis Manitoba & + DIED ; Blcrba lenge�in nee on� Woe 8 onezin y last w@ek by gettigg a dose of car- Northwestern Rail way systems MAapaEsaox.—At Fin al, on 1st Ma , portsot order. Niokle•plated. Coat $130• There was no neglected swltch,no are to b@ consolidated• 1889, in the 66th year of her age, Mary, A r XIM Beeauae we Announced ttMat .signal misplaced, nu rennin hoist acid in mistake for cough Y PP1y Box rs, Blyth, out ; CH10011 W&A there way a possibility of Mr Pot•• p g medicine. • Woodstock is growing, slow memberife °# Daniel Macpherson, senior OARDER$• WANTED tA8L01' At a laCO wh@re CAutjODA COUPLE QF hAe to be exercised than is safe The veteran Dave Fiah@r left but sure, The O alAtion inureas, Co., Manufacturers, of the firm of Macpherson, & bBoara°, n ee argeeb Ladies can wi�iila ave mid .. FRIDAY, MAY ,3, 1889. ter getting the Goderich postmas-no ed from 8,314 to 8,,804 d Masora D. .cph and mother of notes W®Ik of the market. Apply at the I tership, the Signal thinks we are pat of of watchfulness aineolblfoi dance .Goderi lastTuesday Ali o Awl�Cb 1O pie )ding lAst Macpherson, D. L. Mac- Nkw EAeo�ce. pp y ' �"` Cutting' Down Expenses, P y with a ou y year, And theAssossment rose from Pherson, and Mrs W. Coats,----�--.• __�__.��_ I tV01'1`yjng Over it, Uon t beat all Ahead, A•11 the circum tanpgg of the best Specimens of this coon- Clinton.ClintOIIANTED• ,j TENANT iN A GOOD. $ ,286,5G5 to $2,409,280. �VATTERB.-At AapiA, COI., On 24thai2ed hones, With large araen, Rent .. The Joint Committee of boil, Alarmed, friend; of Course, if the indicate that it was pure�y asci- the b°r•seflesh that has ever °rose April, George tiyatters, formerly of will be made to;; it tenant wit Put some r - A man well known in Coiling- Tuokeremittr, a;ed 28 :, - Ilouseh (the Si nate and Lowol Government wanted to 1;et the A mysterious occurrence a border. It was raised by John wood and Barrie as "Bab" Fletch- epsus on the place that could be done by months. • y°are and 10 himeglf. Apply at NEW ERA office. Mouse) API+uintC,] a') economize beat man for the position, thole directed by a power gloater than .Dunn, ofStaglpy town$hip, 01', suieided by hanging him$elf RICHAADaoN.-In Grey, on April, 22nd HOBO -BRED DURHAM BUL I the power of meq, Nevprtheles$ Mr Edward ShA�;inan, of God near the former L FOR would b° an edjtol''jai vaeanc3• on it was an accident of the worst rich, has boen a oint from the limb of a tree jn a bush Mary, beloved Wife of Walter RiOhard- 1.1@gisla00n, flare "OPOrted. The Their is E Subscribers keep for cervico p1Aco afew days eon, aged 48 years and 12 days, etliarorb a Durham BullGregiatered. Terme S@pate Chap]:stn is t0 b0 deCRpi- the NEfi' ERA, but, as tiles• Al'O uAtUl'e filet bA8 happened On the mentlnBUeC_Or04 110,11$w public udA still body was found on Sat- Cox. -In Goderioh, oII April 24th, tnrnin toted, the f.l hC+r of th@ black 1pd b 801n0 Un@ @1&p James Q°g $1 at�ime °t service, with pprivilege of re - not aeekiDg {ala{ Grand Trunk Railwtl in , �, Ml' /�hRl'man 1S a Com- g, tf necessary. TYNDALL EROS. , y y care buildin rS, y hanging, ,agedr78 years and 11 months, turned out of his :nog quarters Ili.. tell! get it, plobAbl3.14It Cam bell beingr in Many respects, and iq otont mechanic, and a better gp. At Chicago on Tuesday evening Nelson Glew ' on April 30th, the most important respects,worse@arson •for the position could opt GnEw'-In Clinton HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE P ' there teas a disAstrous panju, NIaagLa°g•' aAt the r°arB, streets, ts, cont ini., a Rattan s, withd ErGe ' : the builoin,�.', ,III(! )r, l to tel{o a (tvho has certainly earned it at than the St.• George disaster,. be made. y•some fireworks , moths streets,oontatningBevenroo,ne,withoenar the hands of the party) and yet Thu loss of life and rho destruction caUepd b prig 1st of his good stable on the lot, hard and soft water 1 roduC y'v ul' rbar- y And the ally foto the crowd. Hundltede'ofOing r, Goderich, on. April 19th, Peter f po e8B 4 lls orchard and all aonve t water _1. _ ._ .ji{Idll_%_,f 't}le;. 1/Y(L' t [Ir� i]3, ly' 1'erOrst :: p1�.tiAl,ly DIr Portet',tPlu2 has. lleezl, ..p� >jl Up@rt wer0 l@rrjb}e. Thele Th@ GOdCriCh Stat Saya:-�tr S. were tram l , pe0- Nicholson, aged 24 years and 5 months. given at cyto. THOS. TIeLINa nlonderl ulfo�'rnudSan3e-r)€-his Ott"q s t a'i'•1a 10'c'" }tSiUrr3Lh@ a11 -fated tl'aiq.. a dams has BhOwn lls a Sam le thron p on by .rho OYCIt@d Rv69ELL. -In MO$tllo , On the 2 tlr TEACHER WANTED-FEbYALE, FOR S a� tv1 Ji a:; lt(.@xcludion )Otters that ha cannot cit for g the right of wA f�r0w,atoesolvfrrri:ls3s P _ g,:�romen aid cbildr.�n, sus:. -�pri1 John Russilla*e s. No. 7, Colborne one hnlaln llficin r `` >S nlifirtths: 68 .3 rli acct .class Lori1}To� eCceQtalile, fief a ee(oad ' Of'stlanburs 1',tuu the lobbies an(1 �Pestl3uron Again. At !asst theao g Y and a gas`- feFing setsously "' CICaI t2'ACk, NOI' WAS Lh01'p A d0)1 Lh18 s'eal,frOm aced which had Preterrgd. Applionnta to crate ealnry ex. the reataurunt„ - Tilt: body cf the supporters say he has been so in- P h•in. .,The onl • cause which laln in the ground all winter, h Many of th@disappointed Okla. �E1L �'�tiv¢t1# k" the pectea,anaseaanp it ti not later than 1lC 3 tttBllZs. Boarq of Trusl Of tees BenrC,iillerRST, secretary' loport is tr s('he'l tiv Of rpducod formed, and the Sam@ persons lav_ cAn be Assigned, and the only One Thp new tubers average 5J inches oma booraera are on the point of 13 salal•ics 1V the 1.1017tilltS thin al'0 tiVe party workers) wel•0 auth0l. s In circumference, and are as grood starvation. Provisions AI's Sp SERVANT tVA\TED.-YOUNG GIRL tME! LIJIE-$UBS which SCet.11S In aqy way t0 LpAI $CAl'CO At GUthl'18 t}lRt Cl'aCl{eYA SUBSCRIBER IS PRE. directly 4tnploj'v+l ,,, .,ervinfr. }>ar• ty fol• the report that hp had his; the tliglit of reason, is that th@ a bample of early rose as, ono tr all Preferred, blRs C. E. Hot EY, Clinton. L PARED to furs S any quantity of tlrst- b eye on the Postnffiee. Ther see a Couple of months hence. have met with read sale at $ class limo. Price 14c. per bustle] at the kilo, 3 mai. Engine jurnod the track, Tile re. Y 1,05 H0C$E TO RENT -THAT HOUSE pN or 17c. delivered anywhere within a radiusloP liamont. T}]p tt:n ,;]);t proposed b@lio him, but nrp collo th@ lean A �Ppond, The iAIIwAy is too busy undersigued� etroffijrlately cote led b the six miles. Alia lime has been used andsta 4 Suits wel'0 Of elle most .Orl'ib}@ On Saturday morning last a P Y LIVERMORE, o first•clnas mase R'` LO be tiat'cd i)1 thl ttAy la Rpt 1©$pOnajble fol tie 1'C )Ol`ty. Sj b tAl{ing fJgjtly@, boom@ exoolleutstablea ed to rent. It has a» LIVERs. H. 1 Since natul e. It bumped Over the quantity of partly -burned shingle 18 OUt Of LACK HENNEDY Oentyral Hot l Clinton MORE, Louaasbor0. Hogsback Liule rE given, and ott th,, ill' ncjpal of this was in t3.pe rho Newa Roc01d sleep@rs fora few 3Arda and then and othormateriAl was di�oaverod for corrjtory to find opportunity 1 Iinn,9thean. oY Huuett. OfliClally (1CIlle9 LhaL DI!' Postel pitched into. An inlmOn$@ wALel' a1 the OABt Cnd OfK01'lllan'$ stable, ODVpying food jn10 )t ``E 1LF,D TENDEIIs ABE INVITED FOR (IAUTIO.I'-NOTICE IS —HEREBY GIVEN �,:7• small f11•; 41•,4 be Officially i}1:1)1 kfU[l ' I 0 S the ereettou fin cvhole or part) aY a naw v that the unde,ail•Red well not be resltoa- s 18 A candidate. tar k, t Hingham. It looked as thou h nI J• Mal of Queens street Tee !ot$veSt or tender not Town of Clinton, sable for ay debts whatsoever that are eou- gOlved,`we ]ll'eHi11n0 qhp rhpaVlly- Zhe tank was built upon a tracted to hIs name without his written or - - slightly elevated bit Of Some one had read@ aliatt@met o west' Toronto, was arrested last C8pted. Plane and ueeessaay e- '1ersonal authority, SUf,OSIO\ li ;'l�• taxed 1!t1:'(Icn-}+��1�!'�'l';t of Ctlnu(la - ' Y__� gt'OUnd, Tuesday QPoCia°ations may be , ILLE:�, Additional Laca1 News, g y fire the building, but it didn't Y night in the act of setting are uta ietro in My un ersnot glater YTen. Lot -4, eouoeaeio» 18, Flullott. ti will feel glad that tl:v {.r'overnment ` ' , •- and bo strop 1 ; con$tructed thAt Hullott, April 4, 1689 -------.�.._._ when th0 engine ran into it it work. A quantity of iavol had fire to a pottage owned by him on May z), Ira°• xEv. J. 11, SMITH, Ctlairul;eu 1 LIFE 51'OCli INSURANCE. -A meet. Came t0 a (lead stop. �. at, 80 {Ile' P g that end flltCb011 At Oni:e1 TUC will b@ tr jpd or Building Committee LTOUfiE AND 21� AGRES OF L:1�D F 'k has shown e; )illy diSPoaitjon to recently been put alon r t Ll OR �' In Of rOmInBnt -live stock owners Of it, With the g Ol AI'SOn. The Cottage was �JERY DESIRABLE ROUSE AND LOT 8a� Subscriber offers ror sale on fldODOD1iZt` }l,) g p CAPS li] 1'eAl' of the buildln 'and the Chal t'ed very res onablo ter]us, the property at pres- . , tl'i't'•.I' n)11A11. Blit was held at Che' Rattenburyr Elouse, „ht Of a IUDs, and beaus' train' 1'Ul)bi8h vPAA Ott the top Of ]t, gp worth tll fOr Sale—The undersigned offers for sale on occu tad by himself 011 the. ~thpi'e arU Melly Ill.irl' W,l 'a jq y q(lg rr y $100 and there was that new house on ,,�rluoess Strout east, IZ,t London. 3 on Dlonda ,for the purpose of form• behind them rennin IEoaa, } oPw mile below clhltou, The house ' ` �] that it looks as thou several ttlide7 pd clullAl:q worth ereetea only Inst sumHMer; It Iso two-story9 is a good comfortable frame one, and fila 1• tvhlCh L11C fzUl'Uf,11rl, 'r,t could eC n• lug a Mutual Live Stock �1lautanC@ 1'Ade g On a pawn though It was in- Of 1g8UranCO on j{„ trema,containing 7raonls,cloeete,&c, wit4 lot consists of 2,lacreswith°llolcerruitt 1. U Co, in accordance with the le ialatipn g ' rho cgra, in front were tondod fir ilicendiAriam. A party oto»° foundation .throe pont, thereo», stable, water, &c, rasa '' Omlze It' IC Wer dt'ivcp Ou.' T'h0,{pnd'pl' Of thee hard and soft water, aoodshed�oHalf--acre for an ono wanting to retire. JOSEPH ' 1'C:11ts' d0all'011� passed at the last meeting of the Le residing in town is''spotted." FAlm01' McDZaster aqd hla wjfe lot' Planted with Prutt trees. O}tner is de• JOSEPH °'' of cloin,; so. Tho 1 r}rnvhise Act g• i;jne was hurled to one side and ' Sir of leaving town attd t;•II Iva reason- STEP""- SON, Clinton. islative Assembly, DIr John DIr- r `"-""^• And child of MOI'1ia0n township, able terms. DIR8•C, tygITELY ATTLE FOR BALE. - SUBSCRIBERS Millan was appointed President, and drawn right away from rho front X EI WS NOTES. while roturgiugr pomp from Sau- k` CO�ts the people ir. the neighbor- Mr M. Y; McLean, Secretary, p11rt and thrown to ono side right - ---T '; Chavingsolattloir grass rar,n, otter fpr , hood of ,Crj0o,000, cli•00 it awe - orn Bridge on Saturday, were up- $ T -_ _� salethofollowingCattlr&ss farm, 0 aorsrw- i P y ExADIINATIo e, Qn W@dnf 9dA In the way of the bag Ago Car be• The majority in 'favor of Scott set from their bu S _O -.K/r � Ing 2, 2 Heifers, 3 Form, Cows, Durham eat Jtnd ,• _ an 1)OI'tr10L,1 "aCln Messrs Croll • C00 y Act repeal in Lepda and Grenville ggry b - Lhe eh tie, either registered or ellgible for xegiatra- { g could by hind it. The force rum behind 1 per_ aAd Stanbtlry lb r Of the h01'88. DIC Y The Young People's Brauoh of the ire , ill tion in the feek Inion Hord Book, 2 i effected, while Lbe 10-grislative m4. Went to Toronto for their examina" drove the first baggage s 1,258., car light 13A(1 some ribs broken and suatainl g Mission Auxiliary .of at, Paul's Church, will 2 with Calt at Feet; 2 Durham Heifers nsln� 2 ire au "At Some" in the School H°ase, on YearlingI( Durham Hoifere, and a red Bull tlOns In Arta Iq ttr0 Univ@;city. 'rhe. Ov81' tile'@l?gin8 and thl'ety It OVOI" JOS°ell• Wb'alCy� fOrnol'ly pf ed internal iu ut'ie6' Mr res evening of TUESDAY, bPAY14, DlusiC IS montha old, tt711 be sold for chinoly Iv�auld ru r u:l rho $mbthor two latter have been attending, the creast. ELCOAT BROS., Tuckerkm thh+lm one hundred feet. It came down North East -Hope, ]oat over $2,. And thecliild'esi;A ed with b uI' S n slugs, and reereahnlentB•wilt aoilatittiti I." �dithout ihiA be.1vS drain upon iL. Collegiate IntStitute, and Intend writ- On the track, minus its trucks, P h bruises theprbgram. Admission two Par2to - Then rho i4upclAll7tlrltion$ cyst Ing on the first 000 by a recent fire in' DacotA. The Direct of the auderbjlt _ JPr� oPerty for S- ale•• Science course, ivht year f rmerEba and Stood there right side : up, dome British flags displayed in ,Road$ ono of the r Mullett G'oui�t of H©visloIl The undersigned offers for sale the house . I. ..about $100,000 illnUall greatest and Notice is hereb lven that the first sitting and Icy Street. T o°upiea by bar on Rat. y, Arid the going to write for his B. A, in the Taw., Second, baggage ear, . the ay, w Street, Nety York, on bion- most rofitable of American. rail - p tenbur 11° house Is a go0a two- amoking of the ConrE oYRovision for, the Township storyframe, with accoluodation for ordtn• Senate aDOther hilt,,.Ired thou'saud Metaphysical.courae. We Wieh them g cal' and the flout coach dAs', wor@' torn down by Boston way eyatoms; have decidedOf cry famll 1.oY nllQtt, will be held at Bafl's Hotel in the y, and usual conveniences, with bOt1l. Of wllj('h rYll h L [))'OfitAbls' b0 with flying oolurs.st they may return ne, o t AloscOped and loft standing m'ljtiamen• abandon all Sunda as t0 Village of Londgsboro, on BfONDAlI, MAY hard and soft water. The lot is ono -fifth pP he p On the track And by {]lp y g g Passenger 27th, 2883, at ten o'clock, a.m for the purpose an or and being So centrally situated is a A ouq evan, elist arrived in Y P g of hearing spjloa)s against -the Assossntent very desirable Mace. TeYms reasonable t. done tri there t•` In addition to traffic and all Sunda ' freight Roll of the said Township for the said yyear, SEND OFF. -The Y.P.C, E, Socie- ti s{sloe )pl• Th esecond coach, thy. St Thomas on Monday, the 'w ifs of 3 ght tl'af• and revising the said roll. .I.ls 7i1tAITH• bIIiS OLIVER, Minton, those til+tre alt ilu:,t] ' fit except that of lave, stock and WAITE, Township 1 ods of.ways. ty of O',i Ol: street Dlethodi,t church day coach- and Rzv J• E. Hunter, Of Huntcr and pei'jahablo goods, which havo to p Clerk Notice to Oa rrers of Lots fit t.. that Dion(+m�. c;,uid hu pladtised, gave Mr W Kay; who for some time the three,sleepel•s were left Stand- CI'Oeslpy, Pl-pyenting him with a be immediately forwarded. Th]$ Cliutoll Court of itetfsis�ll tlle.Clinton Cemetery and, we di) nu; )•ui,l)),� it ttpuld has been the choir Ieader of the Ing -On the track, the first of them eon. yy C11t1ICh, Mid an active member of the et 1) to the wrock of top 'il7C COnSCCVaL'V Action Seems t0 have been perfect Take notice chat theAssessillent Roll o[ ed tlho Clinton rCatZ1111tteahaving oxatnin•r be 11:1rc1 til ;.A Vu �(,t*(•1•a being close U I CS of lj voluntary, Town of Clinton has this -day been re- a the lots to iundtorde=1dthAta»umber w:: 1 million society, a royal parting, On Dlonda other three cars. has°' chosen 311• turned by the Assessor to mo, Ana that the of the o t by ren d i y and 'number dollars, f1'un; t}:u genOra1 expends evening, The President, ZLir'Dtaup The ears at Once too ' Rufus Pao to. A'ChicA O, , Court of Revision will bolditsfiredaiilet ttting ie trotsti a ' of Certain ansaltablo !s fit,c, The P ' I1I. dOApateh says: .tthe Cboftl8 cid halnber, Town Hall, on Tllura- in, s and and the ving b°°n Plantae there - tare of th' i ning,presided over the very enjoyable Smell of bulking contest the constituency for the Menta, the daughter of Vincent by-law, destroying hot], i oRl r,r ,0 cloths filled the the i 1889, at thg hoar 0f a fila for their own lots and those adjacent thereto.- Sf1, If 'all thiti entertainment. Refr@sl�ment6 were seAt msec vacAnt b3 the death Of Purpose of hearse and rectifying all hinny o[ rho mpnun:euta a �11�voru d,;r;u ii'e `r(il),,iO4would feel y the B. Smith, a rallluad statjonagent complaints agninst or errors oil the Assess" I'allyn f tbOwn mOD salved b air with an Occasional whiff Of his father. at Almira, a northwestern Suburb car and fences aro young Iadjes, .and a another ems]] ti hick told unmi8• A t T3igI1 13! vVa$ went Roll of this liresent year: Persons in- mltteo request leaning sal al d•theConi- 11 the bclli,t:ta ,:; }.Ani,,,; lighter bu)•_ choice programme of music rendered. d ptsEohava '" , sated are requostod to felts notice and them put in proper order at once, as thq solos were given by Rev Dir Ljvjng• takab13- that human beings had Canadian Pacjfi near •°n the prostrated with scarlet. fever, govern thr- eque tedordiaplr. Committee intend, if oss'bl dons t'� ' : ur• 1"A instead Of stone and Messrs Harland and Fos- pp .Her father is a believe,• in faith Clinton, May 1st, 1889 1V. GOATS, Clark put the Cemetery in much (,otter co; it to been Or tcero bean„ roaster], And a farmer named Wm'. McLeod Illl- and instead of dlE,On COmrnur:"_i:lg .,t '•h+.' :,lot Of an evilter; a duet, by Mj,3s Andrews and cure treatment than It line hitherto been kept. The Care- . F�Dir little or nothing could be done 'o ed his tivo children and then him- ealling.a physician be norleet - taker of the winunaertal(e, for a !!11 {o (:UL 1;,+AGI . (::'icl c�,y' choirs; the lnstfume4talIt ed NotieeofLissolutiou. '� small fee, to keel) lot, I, 3iroPerord�r. Fur - 1, it, t}lc cheir,'Dlessrs Cornelius, Cbant�Gibe oxactlshllaty mantvth hard to toll sOlf therinformaytioucaabetlad.on application his'buslness to Strengthen hi$ faith ho etoforebexolstin�vbe cvoenhusassuliluori I. Govcl'1,nlet. t "lar,:, op among the bings and Diamond, furni.abed° ood 3 l to uF,ortv>J TEDFORD, Sutterinteurten ?' e3 number pd, in Mentals 1'BCOVCry. Wbpn ill@ merehante in the Town of Clinton, line baca W. C, 9EA erint g Lot the parte taken out would It rs stated in Montreal that gill died the father dhVdayd'issolved by mutual consent, All 'i Y>. op )r;s»,'h ;,,1 little will music, as did also Other members °f Chairman CemetoryCall,, 4i I'eau1L ,lir , , the ebp,ir: The indicate that the number moat Air V anHorn will give up the A burjal el'mjt An could not gat taaueor owing co the seta partnership - t'i } ( 1:t,!e tree i l de- lvhieh Ir Kay hese beenthehead] h lteun or twenty general managership of the C, P, het P + d the Coronor mots fC Lu oil°aforesaid` Ann ter, at the " IlaVO been eitrl CQLITY LO HURON889.TEACHERS ES- ;`'" strOyvti• the other memoers 3 lf. and will bo succeeded by either d 11n Inquest. The verdjet con• nit claul s. e/ Ann�Aztoxs lbyp, _• _ I., er and Dr rise be Foster ands , Nor,' burned, rleal'ly all Americans. uses»et the said partnerebip aro to bo pr°- _ Su erintendenl sure verdict Smith fol hiy fo]Iy and in- croeywliiveeotii a°$latex itkiCliilEon ruse 1 Thr, (,. I„ m • �'� 1)t'S,mAC1C a D1jDUlC C,yamjnAL}O❑ P j� [lyte or nrl' Second and third class eon-i,rofeasioual 1`•` 'r t) 1)Onljnio�l ]and, with Dliss CTibbin s as accom• f the rcDlAllls Of -the. passengers S}laughnesss', humanity. 29th day of April, A, 1).1L59, esnmluatiouBattllacollegiatelnstitntesan(I ` panist, i p g 0 witness t Iligh Schools la tbo County ou loosen f .frit' ;ton, " '!' .,;;1,..: g: VC h peal aupon the taste who were burned. 'T.hey came to preliminary plea of the dp. nLrpobbin, the fol•mGr AatO,' w.r. FOSTFR, July, 840 a.m. First C.,,7u1allTu y, )tit OVCI illl'CC reflected much credit upon their taste LhC COIICIu�]On {]tat' t11C b ThG 101jlnlnar )I' + p JAMES SCOTT. J. w.ItITF.R. `andiclatesahowiahtowritoath, 8.4•Clin• of the Presbyterian Church in s.4o aim. . nljlliorl, : ,i ,,, }. ; , and . trainin burnelt fence In the Josuit,e-mail libel was t5nperior Farm for. air] _ to or earortb must notify D. a r,1I,1n1,oc1,, I.s p0rty t}'pm fi. Th}s club has (lone tt aro ,et en rncu tour tvornen tit o Calidon Eaet Navin r q tt it.11 n , s, Inspector, clincou P. O, not lace] other r nine tail good service in many entertainments filed in IVtontrea[. nlondAy. Thp g been depos- out reserve, then the 2'dna of 'May, stating which of the t. }ion, }n the church and elsewhere, and w@ children and four pplspils who Quebec GUvornmentwill be called °d' make$ it necessary ' to harp twoaa11o01s the tntonatottritoac,and those ' „'' `` r'I) r)f' t)'allu" hope someone wall step into Mr Kays }' 1)urued that it teas rho pulpit su plied from Toronto. FORST"rH vs. F0PVSY YT i.li°. To�,Esq � 5 at uutst notify 1; agrlirr,; + tt'pl'c' +o bad] into rho case, Thp defence taken p p or,Godericb 1,U„ 'a1; pled, and keep •it together, takes the gt•ound that the Society nal' tVAtt, a Knox College student', The untlersignad will receive ofrura f r 1 at then alae date. 7'lte notice 1livat be ac- < ---. _ reit Of the pl'O�rAmm6 was made up I n Ubdjble to AS/'Cl'tain then• sex, p t to P ed 11y a roe of .;+5, or notice l ilio eart- �15, r,� :1) 1.Oximate }lir . ofJesus cannot a proaChpd there On Suilda r t0 all 3a11nale fNhaol luabto farm boing Lot 27, Con didato aliplies Por the First 1 N, .filo, i•.• .;t''•: �-__ of readinrya b IieP 1 ❑G Ol' Allythillh C18C 1)pCAr Atld )ICAd, 3 , Case as (v°uas 'aa l'llflltll!'tl til! e Y lir Livingstone, a)UUt LhCnl, b)Fne s.canUt Civil rights. ] , but I11A am- consisting of ibOoACrosofchoicoiElaul'it,8„ hofondClassExaminations, Nonainewill in his 9lyn Inimitable style, DIr Man- ° al)Pl eeiaLivo audience, b d, and forwarded to the D° +artlueat unless tht. , �_"- l),,; i T, ning and A THE, 11ROKEN AXLE, Robt .Mackorizio Socrot. • azoulent a8 well as that Of the Roar stall e,isared inch, Tuckoismith. It is foo acco»t tenses it, 1 end blasts ;(.. ''"' "'rllne)1L ilii, , n address by Rev AIr Ed e. , 'lly and CO.n t'C rALIOn Wa r • i �tao,:d, undorrlralnod Colle((lata 4alliellit, or HI•h Ie of the+ ., t^yCAI` iy i,t ;tt' " : ,, u 1 ` ..'t)Q, Ul' .110,111 Just Just before the close, Alr T, Diamond Opinions among, Treasure ' Of't}lC ti OUtll tiv ll g g s l0at t0 find and in a high °tater of It, un, it has a Co"(1a acrid the 0.t ,I' R Schools will Ll1C 1'a111ti'1!y e inP;ton On *Olprr � good brick dw°Iling, and nsna) barns anti .dntus to the Inspector ot'sth�their Candt- y . ('10,1>lrt t p ,'1 And Miss; Nellie 1VAlker msec C}1@ Ot11(IATA Al'0div'IdCd in 1'Cnal'(1 to AgrtCultUl'al SOCiet g b LU thACh11rCh that $Om0 outpuIldtnge. A Clear fitly will be frau date$ to til ft,t•islolI in 'r• CCCI'y Illtlll, Presentation of a tom lets teacher's Y hAS dlaap 1n1SerAble mlSej'CAnt had, (lUl'In Subject to this given, , iltgiate Instituto or High Sell ill :;>v0mau :lnlf t h ., ': , ,; p the Krol{ell axle tahu;h was die• peered. Rumor S11yS he has gond SAtuldA - Year's 1CGaa. Ileaaalla})IU is aiCitntad, Forms OY application rimy ba ') T)ominjon, bible and hymn book, covered. 3 night, g of 1 aymeut accopEed• This farm will had from the• 5ccretar ,The conlel ,,-.,I; : o 51r Kay, on behalf oto the ()f the dubl'jg0 clenl in r ilii A to the States. The books of the church windo brolren rho„ b0 sola with W. FARUAN reserve, slid tt an early dato I'"Tr•,lt AI)AllsoN ! it was -too bum t g y $OMC SO( i0t BhOtV a 8}JO7'tA�rO 0f $1,2�t), glass, ws,ninoteen Janes 'of Ani+40'. Apri130,18d9 , 1tc+CCivur I''Olrng P@Op1C. The eddre9a, read h U1' in order t0 allow the s Uuderieh, April tinct, 1ktt9,Sl%CY, };, ht's. Trish w}:rn{i.], ,iC71p tt was ill D1iss Walker, breathed the true epirlc look at thersituatic,np�°abetter A full investigation is to be insit- e wore hmaah d tomoaof tie mash _ _ dower ; th •tl toted immediately r110r•o pieces. Tllc Tnlprovert ZVlriti .� iu the 1-111911 Court of J w ry `va-, only $'22,_ 'of Christian good Wishes, and was , line while when ;00,0011, t1'ht,t ! ,,, replete with affectionate tidvice to all t}te Ju''3 were exAmiging the track ]tArtjcu111r8 wall be msec known, "` Another lot Of the WHITE SEwrNG brA- G'ornruolr ,Pleas Diviyi011, Id 1L be call- rho oml)loyees of rho road' draw 11ir Abbott, it is Said Varna. CHINEB just arrived, which I all, selling w nOtV `' present. DIr Iiay made a verysuit• TIIE LIFE BOAT+ cheap, -Soothe now self-a0ttin needle, eco able reply, after which .the meeting Out the £foot truck of the enino, assn his plat° on the diroctolap CJarw,-Thos@ the new stitch rogulaEOr, cot trLe regulator UjfSYTI)C .'�l• I Ulta�'T!i ^" `•�" - _ who imagjne that the 'Temperance bvire,y number for any length of stitch you ie - closed by all uniting in,inging "Shall It wax fOUDd tbat one 0f the axles of the Canadjan Pait(, befot•o ,c Arl i}lman 1, i sentiment of Stanley vanished with bE totigcli Of stiteti1jpT}°f tlQoorla to �eE able Court °' }) '" ',rued, an11 we gather at the river," DIr KAy 1'eftPuraua»t to the judgment of this Honor- . e'wCi11'}' },r!i tVaa l)rOl{C11 In two, The diA• becomes niini$tot OfRaiiwa s Aho the Scott Aet will robably r@eonsjd• P vTOnsion rt dated the t)thda of 1(nrch,lft89, ! i.a., ri. , . on Tuesda morning for Carsonville, covert' tvay looked upon a5 An djs Canal Rollover Ie rho newest iwprovo,nenE on any mna0 horoln •the crodltors olfthe lately of >': Y!'kCd Scnrt_ and their opinion after ill@ ,UCCesafnl machine; as soon as the Prosser raised Alexander Forsyth, the DI1C11,, f011ORed by the good W19hC8 s- He will be a CA adian � aeries Of nreetin g held in the Tem- for �a oronaaalos in G�g3 nd nq, l,roaking of Younl or, lately of I'Sel•i:)1'' who 1)A` t1r,L( :i,'!em01'e filen iI OfePer ppI'tailt one. It may and it may Pacjfic mttn all the same. p@rant@ Hall, theT°wnah}},�ptorTuckeremlch,lntheCottntgg l'`' y one who knew him, What ng the goods out of of Huron, yl prnan,nre, o» or before the 13t1t ino i n ,., , ;t' ,, not lead to the discovery of the chaneo Wil] the Grand Trunk, arna. durin ]art the maenine, Examine the now Bent Wood y of May, I8H9, to send. b lAjl' AL LhC -' I, -- week. M g Cover- the etrongoet covet made, v'e n dm Y poet, pre Rid, Its I LItU<1 I) TI)lL'; TAIL } nk, Or Messrs Irish find Mills, yma°biu° Bent t° your hones on trial. Want to Measre rlarroty !k Proudtoot, of the [sown „•°�pital, 411(1 n'y(ip I Cal ('AUTO Of thU 1iC(IdCnt. aDy Other railroad whose in101'Ciite repreaentiag the Royal Templara Of i perfoctl eatlalled hint th0 White of GOdgrich, in the county of Huron, solici. 111 'C55IUrla1 111 ou Lo Le y tors for the Plaintiff, their Cbr,stlau and '¢rllntl.y itis,, . ),, • ;C, tt'il) r[) Issued May 1; �'"� may eonfljet with those of the Ca. Temperance, for three BUCCeBeive Wil! Eake tE machine for the money, if not, I surnames, addresses unci description, `I� : y k. li�ir l tlihll(1 Pl•Cel)yt('i y'• nights delighted and instructed all try one. y, it spicy°�Ry°° Codling to fall parduuhlrs of their c)aima, a tateent fpXne Attcl s tr ,.-;,.;,, ,; 'he CU )iditV 1'he deliartureof trailtsat the.vevere] Ak a tneeting Of this ecclesiastical �lth Pacjfic, have for fear _play who _ aELL, Agent of accounts, and the nAtara 1 stations named, . a AccordinIt to the court held at Brantford, on Tuesda ZI Abbot As Minister of ]tall. to those dtalentedeaearnessure f ChrBIIjng IicIZ oRTI:D _ _ __ thereof it any, hold by them; peremptorily to x I quit. f. .A pPr,pl( 'th+, LOICI'ALe 'in last Official time Card: y tVaya? t latlan ' CLYDF;eDALE STADLIQN fromthobenwill be etitoftho ala uamunCt. Etded bintel n> ',.,,. • week, whilst the synod Of Hamilton wotkera, A rich melodious hristex- q 3 ,, .,,• :itution like CLINTnx was in session, a call was moderated g reasin i'RIDE OF OXFQRD, the same earn any security is to produce A lar 0 Fwd iuiluential Ci011Vpr1• p g pure and elevate thoughts, the same helore rno at my cltambors in. tbu Ono Of (a>}, it 11 }u; iti a member. 1 Grand Trinik Division in from Duff's church, 'Walton, t0 LIOrI, eompp$ed of 1 o rpsontAtivp IB Ell@ peculiar gift Of Mr�riah. ]fir No. 131 3, C, 8, B„ of Acotland, Will Stan Court Hoaeo, in thusaI'rl flown of C' Goin Goinq SCeal Rev, DIr Forest, .of Bayfield ai Red la3rinon In the Sjmeoo Di Marga during the season -of hie, ae followsi Ion n the 22nd day of May, 1889, at tenao ole k iYlglflC a+� }I ttj 41`t;:t l )1 a 1 CC!Clt'1l1+rI q last Milia is lndieerlbable, to be appreei- Monday, leavoe Iiia own stnbte, Mase I,iho for r� i Ti_t3 °•'t'• 10.05 a.zn, by 108 adherent,, ' g ,, atrict,was ° t0ronoo», being thaEime appointed ; 00 fol' 1i)cn:111 I z,�,; m, Ttre ati end hold At 51meo0, on Frida ed he mu,E be heard, thoroughly in Ana pr°°°sae toJohn,iak°r'a,Maitlandcon., Dated`stCiodprlChEiilje�hus. t ,ingr nothinf;, 4 i1,, p' 1.20 p,rn, 1)rOnljsed , $7b0 with manse. The p The earnest in the great work of Tem• Goaerfeh Township for coon, thence to tA80. hrd rtnyoP:lpril, ii dein; it. ttcll. p''n' i+•55 p,m. call was sustained. Rev, Mr Me. Convention wag apPainted to be perance re rm his straight from the Tue a�yHotel, Hohnesville, for the night, ' `,27 p.m. Lennan reported that be had moder. hold in the Methodist Church,but, Shoulder I , , Irgrtra fund Oft] George Eawo ds, : o>h°riIIO oe" own the S. HALCo:uflox, ---�. ` - — LOnd+m, Iiuron antiBruce Division "!le lar» pit•I, :. ,'1, (;,)I that the' ated a call from St. Helens and East f,` yd itlustr Ow1D to the Oraph,itic 1)1'Ot0$t Of 6th con, to Thomas Tichbourn°'e fpr night, 3i Local binatur lit (loclorich r ., and above all his weanaeaay, byway of Porter, Hill to the l 3 itltOtV R PROUDFOOT, Gr'tila North .Going South -Ashfield t0 Rev. R, S, G. Anderson, the minister in charge, Rev. T. and a heali f (r 1, f Ia peal t0 the head 7th con., to Robert of Port ror gooa, tithe Plai°tiff's Solicitors. 'ltrilstrong r4 tcnl 1;(;u Werke of a•m• lent aim p ,n Signed by 1G9 member, and 185 ad- Collin p north Lo sideroAd and neross to rho 0th con„ ° Winghanl ..11.00 7,45 0,50 3,40 €,, who tht@atoned MI Ellie o nig hearers, and the to J.G.Bteen'eforn!gbt. Thursday toil! estatili>,h A branch Belgrave .,10,42 7,27 70.i rho@reRta• Thr�aa}grY is $800 includ- with loges action in me@tinge tools a tactical turn W Beath co 1 r 4.00 g month, vacation yearly, Of vention was hold inGthotchu eh p e iayn0ld Line, thea oast to John lmporWi, Niors i�! t0lyatl''l;rlt,Dljrl,igAn, Sure_ BlYtb••••,.10.2v7.12 have now a live council established Anacreonaroronehourthontowm.wlBe's �olU 7.18 4.15 thin St. H@lea, pay, $b2o and Ash- , with over fifty chartered members fornigsoon. thence t o° a nsea% Stan eny for i Londesboro 10,1,) was hold in the Opol a Ilouso. and when we say that It i6 composede noon, then Eo o ur _ _ r{,'thie nl:ut dor_',, )lot Icnpw-hi$ Clinton.,,,10.00 i1.45 7.55 4.45 of Attwood, Rev, son, Of enderson j; 7.03 7.20 4,20 field $275. Rev, bieasea Henderson, Haneo, Clinton,Cuatonto Y ld1' blixinCva- Il,c'!'l be ruined, The mooting was strongly in syra- of the very best material in our tom- sayyntolliao°w°O>°eiabie°tt for ntght, gnti3O,r It being nkt0rlyimpossibleto conduct Bruceflold..:)..12 r,,2r, 8.15 6:04 abd McMillan of Manchester, sat as PathY with the reforms pt'oposed Y, *e ma well predict for the till lbefollowing Mondaymorni Iiippen .. , , 11.31 (i,17 8,'24 6,,12 ' mutriit y P where he will romatn buslne,s wrthout money, I hereby noti• ` i ltig %6011 th0 i'anlcolas ; why Hea,all. , . , h,28 6.09 8.32 ,,19 °orresppond•ing members, Rev. J. in file platform. , ' LAUGHLIN Af n�• J„ 1. Mo• faOC all those indebted to, me, and whose DtcNabb, also reported bav]n mod- Varna council a career of prosperity. LAUGHLIN; Prpprl Eorer 1N:rh8 . MC i 'tl't he run 11jA u' .)'1rA in CAnadA Exeter i),t}, ; 57 g Crop top0rlH havo boon loceived ,Miff ted tllon hur,aer evening in- ountb have been rendered, that if the .ne, It0d . thil,, keel) all the M London.... H, $'S0 ,"93 P,rAted A Cal] t0 Rev. R. S. (} 'AndQr- FIRBT-CI A$8 CLYDESDALE STALLION, Or a are not settled by negoflable note 0.; ati 10.16 G,4, from the major1 rumher of county$ Ing officers *ate°appoin ed a James PINCHER, i ';: in th4 r nr)n ,, . ' Necewaary infnrrilation can always be son from White -church and Calvin r . of of May, that they } , and, besidpR secured from the company+, agents- church, East Wawanosh,' It was of Ontario, "itnd they agree in any- Atmetrong Select Councillor; Mrs No. 653 s, C, B, of Scotland,b will be placed in court for collection. ,`awfttll3 'di>•Ioya; tp) r The early morning train south on the signed by 180 members and 229 ad. rnh th11t'thoptospoets of agriou]- John Wanless, Vice Councillor;iJohn y, willecanaraYMAroathiBso !n' This"notice is imperative. go LO tiro London, Iluron and Bruce, and the one Aanerents, promising a stipend of Rea, Stanley, des—at ll'l',t th is is tvbat tho east on th „ Grand Trunk connect sat' ttrriats aro exceedin 1 Torrance, Past Councillor • Rev Mr °'a follows: Mordny, will leave Mr Nottt C� T /� exceedingly good. + stable°, London Road, and procoed to Lh8 �` •'- �.L3 �ZF Clinton, as wyAlso the rnofninq train, $900 wrthpp0 ted bydMe,s`ra I3, h The fall wheat, rogarding which Hart, Chaplain; Tilos. Doles, Sec.;- 2nd con. of Tuokersmith,then south to E1• iI•t3 E:ls H [ (}j',1;'j}lI]3r, JOl{ jn eR1l was sU M}as M"Blair, Fin. Sec.; John Spar- doat'scorner, thenoaattol3roadfoot'sbridge, Mammoth Iiarcl(vare and k .`a, thio n)an:lflletnrer le doing essttand South, ltandtthe (i�} fl "t' trains 1HI�lAndernonn;uRobert Schiel. Rev, o been Gx roused win- thea west to C; Landaborough's fpr noon, rove Ilansc, P , row, Treag,; Tho,. Proudfoot, Herald, then by O'Brion'scorner to the Huron Road, what hunts,' .',; will do if we p,m, train m trnilt accepted the call addressing ri tBiIialensoagt toned Wel[, An(1 has made gio11t John Wanlea, Guard John Ashton Clinton, north and ii,5:, pl'U�rl'CAe during th0 peat few Sentinel. ' ' ' dary, h etakos the the2nd oadcon to the bog nt- %�fr-n- "r, ;n > '»bt fret ctnr,,tl t+terl recipr0. -r Last Ashfield. A special, meeting woukA. Seeding has been earler -.- nary, West to W, Aftha2na can, of n,thoE Vi. 1, ,[j, ,r,ekk _e t' 0f&oe r- 1�'roxeter•. B(.1RN, -"'- '- then 'weatto W, Aitohison's for noon, than i, dividing }r;. ;,.pjL;il i)cttvee)1 the Presbytery will be held at St, than usual, and tho timely rains of BELL. -In Clinton Olt the lot iust. willto oe ea a alio 40 (ruvo•1 o a esday )ilio, ` lluRsr. ANt) ilCrrll' 1_Trir,FN,- 1'1)e H@lana On hlOnday, May 13th, for Inst wpelc did inlleh good, Tn {{lp the wife of Mr Richard Bell, of aeon,. pp dlon flies 1111x1 tit''' 1 n!' ed +States. I1' other dAy a mall hired 11 rig at 1�AU- file AY(llnati4tl and induction Of fisc norttl to East'Boorner, then west 10 th'o Mase fl'tLll (IiaLrict$ 1110 I)1.08P0Ct8 111'0 RITER.—In Clinton, on the lot inst., that, tothe south ntral Hotel (latesp;onor sj tor' i had :�Un11rIC11'il,l U1110I), I)L' lin's livery, �Croxeter, promisjn to Anderson, Rev, Messrs Cameron, Nlc• excellent: blll ,p('11ch0s havo 8Uf ort g Kay, Murray, Mci,ennan And ,lilac- fared SOmett hat f'1 to frost. Pas• the wife cf Jae. Riter, of a son, the attoraoon, then home for the III ht, ane PTI )'url Only his CanndjAn therettlrn it in a resentnohtraeelOfi@jhth@rep to Tn rsatt,-InBtanley,on28thApril, leaves big ownet¢bletotho2nhuradnynnon, [l dOna]d were appoint°c; to conduct the eel Tickets issued to afI stations ort Xtg, an<l �uppl3 l,in phtronq in ave tllro for the stock has been plenti- Bn wt a of Alexander Thompson, of the r©Y, by Granton, thou north t Hnytleld Qon , buy tGioktit It, aYstpm. Travellers con beth on ewhit It was a brown bore@, the trial examination. nPv. T. i1Av• fillr., and with favnrablU weather Yflold Road, of a eon. chop weer to Wiggingtonseornor,thonsouEh y enY before starting on jour- ,t�tlitr s at Lb0 san)b time. with one white hind�o0t, lard@ nos, Ideon is Lo pr@aph, lieu, ,rylr DlcfRev. to Henry nley,tiror night. Friaay, Wtu o no Ba gage chocked throe ilii )'"pr trik. rte to adrlre,a the mfuiater and Rev, th0 pl oAet)t tvjll be a good year GAan°w'-In Cadorich, on the 14th south to the bridge Ghon homo b- 'the 2nd in#OYmati°n apply to r' N Mr McLellan the p le, for crus April, the of J. T. Garrow, Q. C., of a con, or Stanley, anti remain until tto follow. '`� G+°P r' • son. Ing blonday morning, ALBERT NOTT W. JACKSON i s MADAger, AVERY & NOTT, proprietors. G T R UPTOWN AGENT. . a a r ; M i 1 i +�., , V ., .; �.a ,( . . „ . 11 . h The 61,04 lU.it�t¢t'tl<>ji#.itd, proposes to abolish. A �T r. t r' r „Servant wanted --L• Kennedy the �a111cial residences of the Glow AWFUL A �i � IDEM 1 491104 _Tbo 49unt 4 Korn@It wanted -Naw p3aAQ9ice ernor-General and the Licuten• '�" Ml' d. Ro°, of k'ordwich, brake MARRIES "• 13� p00141--Beealey & Co A Yost train jumps the ttaek •"- " C.0V1,Trs_VA1 QAUP—•In Best Wawa,, Iklie t tthollUmuton ,8prit,g A'asizel� • . - I along the Line --Pay & Co A aut-Governor e, and let these off, his arm by a fall last week. It is estimated that there hoe 6he 4e04 pptil 2$rd; at the zeaideuce of (j S 1 Myra Harrell sued Fainta--•Johnson & Co been„ a decrease of $11,000,00.0 d a tether, b Rev Mr Ctlodarsy, } �'Ti,. i4 Rush continues-•-Detl°r & Co °sale do their own entertain. Following so closely upon t6@ Dr Betbune,of Toronto,forme]y in the United States public debt $ a' laghan� of London, Oqt,� r terrible railway disaster at St. of Winghaal, has purchased 4) since'April 1. MW hoax '8°P aA ar, 4 B the fi0��4 for breach of promise of Wall Paper -A. Worthington iqg, if they Want to b'ntatdain, George came the news Qf another Ma°kld'spraotice In S°aforth. Y marriage, and got $4,000. 9'r Groves -Geo, swallow That's right. �vhy should a man diaAstel on the Grand Trani; Rail- residence of the bridr) s parents, on the 99 Grocery -James Angus o An otter was eau jht in Geo. Kingston's n ulesda was in 44th April b Rev J. New pump factory -,Toho Stephenson jn T3amitton pay taxes to support way near Hamilton, on Sunday McTaggart's flap, Ii easels, on creased by 1$ on Tuesday. $man y $' Dyke, Mr SUNDRIES dd Joseph Wh1t$eld to Miss Ma > rain, I Espace in oar to let -John Stephenson mOrniq Satar &y night, 1t measul'ed $ on frith his a moved� the Olt both of Grey townshlp, COAL STOVE FOR BALE, -SELF FEED. House to rent -L. Kennedy- a house for A man in To onto, or g' As far as can be learn. ii Y $BOoa-SToBley -.-()n the 24th April, ' �✓as. nearly as good as new, Boat 839, Will Tenders wanted -•Rev. J. M. Smith to buy champagne for a man in ed this second accident is in one 8 inches from tip to tip, a sod 16 children. At the Manse MoBillo b besoldroriu. A t stNEwERA OFFIt:III Property for sale -Mrs Whitely espect, like its immediate prede The East Huron Farmers' suets- Thera were 4,700 f@w@r @mi. ave' p' y Rave. lk[n6. PP y Ottawa? Give the officers what °essor, on@ in whjeh no Alam@ can tote will b@ held at Mr Thornes Broom to Miss ►]nor BI7Q{}y FOR SALE At Home -St. Panes church grants from Britain tQ Canada in IAC Storey TE '$ th of MoRillo . i t moo• wu�'beaol A NEAR, y Court of Revision --Jas• Braithwaite their services are Worth, and lot possibly be attached to an GQI•rie, on the peat four months than in the d°nos of the bride's brother, gip ! sew 1U svgs onty rallnin , short t ` Court of Revision --W. Costa y p@reOr May 28t$, at which the Hon, jar •"fit the regi. cheap, NEvv llA� office L Dissolution -Foster &Rifer them pay their Owl, house rens Connect@d w]th the road, It was Drury wi]I be pre eat to�jd]scuss the 8rd A + ppen, on OTxBGIf TQ R$ T — corresponding pe r! )d of last year. pri1, byy Rev i�alnael Achesot, ' N THE COTTAGE i farm for sale -W. W. Farrah not due to any One's negligence, farm topics. Mr Robert gfrk McAllister, of Fair- ' oaiLe '>resent a oeno edby Mr shearer, darer, o Sewing machine --J, H. Worsen and grocery bill$.. -Hamilton to any act Qf omissioq or to the It is stated, on appareut•Iygood grove, ." pride of Orford -lanes & MoLanghliu Times. To alt of which we sriy violation of any ru18 br order, but A" little girl named Scott, of N d Michigan, t° Maggie, eldestIss FOXmox, Clinton' to rant Is, that the ortbern VAGI- aughter of th0 lata William Blair. ! i,. Pincher --Avery & rlott Amer). the result of accident purely. BruaeQls, narrowly escaped death &0 � Ma°!fobs anis Manitoba & + DIED ; Blcrba lenge�in nee on� Woe 8 onezin y last w@ek by gettigg a dose of car- Northwestern Rail way systems MAapaEsaox.—At Fin al, on 1st Ma , portsot order. Niokle•plated. Coat $130• There was no neglected swltch,no are to b@ consolidated• 1889, in the 66th year of her age, Mary, A r XIM Beeauae we Announced ttMat .signal misplaced, nu rennin hoist acid in mistake for cough Y PP1y Box rs, Blyth, out ; CH10011 W&A there way a possibility of Mr Pot•• p g medicine. • Woodstock is growing, slow memberife °# Daniel Macpherson, senior OARDER$• WANTED tA8L01' At a laCO wh@re CAutjODA COUPLE QF hAe to be exercised than is safe The veteran Dave Fiah@r left but sure, The O alAtion inureas, Co., Manufacturers, of the firm of Macpherson, & bBoara°, n ee argeeb Ladies can wi�iila ave mid .. FRIDAY, MAY ,3, 1889. ter getting the Goderich postmas-no ed from 8,314 to 8,,804 d Masora D. .cph and mother of notes W®Ik of the market. Apply at the I tership, the Signal thinks we are pat of of watchfulness aineolblfoi dance .Goderi lastTuesday Ali o Awl�Cb 1O pie )ding lAst Macpherson, D. L. Mac- Nkw EAeo�ce. pp y ' �"` Cutting' Down Expenses, P y with a ou y year, And theAssossment rose from Pherson, and Mrs W. Coats,----�--.• __�__.��_ I tV01'1`yjng Over it, Uon t beat all Ahead, A•11 the circum tanpgg of the best Specimens of this coon- Clinton.ClintOIIANTED• ,j TENANT iN A GOOD. $ ,286,5G5 to $2,409,280. �VATTERB.-At AapiA, COI., On 24thai2ed hones, With large araen, Rent .. The Joint Committee of boil, Alarmed, friend; of Course, if the indicate that it was pure�y asci- the b°r•seflesh that has ever °rose April, George tiyatters, formerly of will be made to;; it tenant wit Put some r - A man well known in Coiling- Tuokeremittr, a;ed 28 :, - Ilouseh (the Si nate and Lowol Government wanted to 1;et the A mysterious occurrence a border. It was raised by John wood and Barrie as "Bab" Fletch- epsus on the place that could be done by months. • y°are and 10 himeglf. Apply at NEW ERA office. Mouse) API+uintC,] a') economize beat man for the position, thole directed by a power gloater than .Dunn, ofStaglpy town$hip, 01', suieided by hanging him$elf RICHAADaoN.-In Grey, on April, 22nd HOBO -BRED DURHAM BUL I the power of meq, Nevprtheles$ Mr Edward ShA�;inan, of God near the former L FOR would b° an edjtol''jai vaeanc3• on it was an accident of the worst rich, has boen a oint from the limb of a tree jn a bush Mary, beloved Wife of Walter RiOhard- 1.1@gisla00n, flare "OPOrted. The Their is E Subscribers keep for cervico p1Aco afew days eon, aged 48 years and 12 days, etliarorb a Durham BullGregiatered. Terme S@pate Chap]:stn is t0 b0 deCRpi- the NEfi' ERA, but, as tiles• Al'O uAtUl'e filet bA8 happened On the mentlnBUeC_Or04 110,11$w public udA still body was found on Sat- Cox. -In Goderioh, oII April 24th, tnrnin toted, the f.l hC+r of th@ black 1pd b 801n0 Un@ @1&p James Q°g $1 at�ime °t service, with pprivilege of re - not aeekiDg {ala{ Grand Trunk Railwtl in , �, Ml' /�hRl'man 1S a Com- g, tf necessary. TYNDALL EROS. , y y care buildin rS, y hanging, ,agedr78 years and 11 months, turned out of his :nog quarters Ili.. tell! get it, plobAbl3.14It Cam bell beingr in Many respects, and iq otont mechanic, and a better gp. At Chicago on Tuesday evening Nelson Glew ' on April 30th, the most important respects,worse@arson •for the position could opt GnEw'-In Clinton HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE P ' there teas a disAstrous panju, NIaagLa°g•' aAt the r°arB, streets, ts, cont ini., a Rattan s, withd ErGe ' : the builoin,�.', ,III(! )r, l to tel{o a (tvho has certainly earned it at than the St.• George disaster,. be made. y•some fireworks , moths streets,oontatningBevenroo,ne,withoenar the hands of the party) and yet Thu loss of life and rho destruction caUepd b prig 1st of his good stable on the lot, hard and soft water 1 roduC y'v ul' rbar- y And the ally foto the crowd. Hundltede'ofOing r, Goderich, on. April 19th, Peter f po e8B 4 lls orchard and all aonve t water _1. _ ._ .ji{Idll_%_,f 't}le;. 1/Y(L' t [Ir� i]3, ly' 1'erOrst :: p1�.tiAl,ly DIr Portet',tPlu2 has. lleezl, ..p� >jl Up@rt wer0 l@rrjb}e. Thele Th@ GOdCriCh Stat Saya:-�tr S. were tram l , pe0- Nicholson, aged 24 years and 5 months. given at cyto. THOS. TIeLINa nlonderl ulfo�'rnudSan3e-r)€-his Ott"q s t a'i'•1a 10'c'" }tSiUrr3Lh@ a11 -fated tl'aiq.. a dams has BhOwn lls a Sam le thron p on by .rho OYCIt@d Rv69ELL. -In MO$tllo , On the 2 tlr TEACHER WANTED-FEbYALE, FOR S a� tv1 Ji a:; lt(.@xcludion )Otters that ha cannot cit for g the right of wA f�r0w,atoesolvfrrri:ls3s P _ g,:�romen aid cbildr.�n, sus:. -�pri1 John Russilla*e s. No. 7, Colborne one hnlaln llficin r `` >S nlifirtths: 68 .3 rli acct .class Lori1}To� eCceQtalile, fief a ee(oad ' Of'stlanburs 1',tuu the lobbies an(1 �Pestl3uron Again. At !asst theao g Y and a gas`- feFing setsously "' CICaI t2'ACk, NOI' WAS Lh01'p A d0)1 Lh18 s'eal,frOm aced which had Preterrgd. Applionnta to crate ealnry ex. the reataurunt„ - Tilt: body cf the supporters say he has been so in- P h•in. .,The onl • cause which laln in the ground all winter, h Many of th@disappointed Okla. �E1L �'�tiv¢t1# k" the pectea,anaseaanp it ti not later than 1lC 3 tttBllZs. Boarq of Trusl Of tees BenrC,iillerRST, secretary' loport is tr s('he'l tiv Of rpducod formed, and the Sam@ persons lav_ cAn be Assigned, and the only One Thp new tubers average 5J inches oma booraera are on the point of 13 salal•ics 1V the 1.1017tilltS thin al'0 tiVe party workers) wel•0 auth0l. s In circumference, and are as grood starvation. Provisions AI's Sp SERVANT tVA\TED.-YOUNG GIRL tME! LIJIE-$UBS which SCet.11S In aqy way t0 LpAI $CAl'CO At GUthl'18 t}lRt Cl'aCl{eYA SUBSCRIBER IS PRE. directly 4tnploj'v+l ,,, .,ervinfr. }>ar• ty fol• the report that hp had his; the tliglit of reason, is that th@ a bample of early rose as, ono tr all Preferred, blRs C. E. Hot EY, Clinton. L PARED to furs S any quantity of tlrst- b eye on the Postnffiee. Ther see a Couple of months hence. have met with read sale at $ class limo. Price 14c. per bustle] at the kilo, 3 mai. Engine jurnod the track, Tile re. Y 1,05 H0C$E TO RENT -THAT HOUSE pN or 17c. delivered anywhere within a radiusloP liamont. T}]p tt:n ,;]);t proposed b@lio him, but nrp collo th@ lean A �Ppond, The iAIIwAy is too busy undersigued� etroffijrlately cote led b the six miles. Alia lime has been used andsta 4 Suits wel'0 Of elle most .Orl'ib}@ On Saturday morning last a P Y LIVERMORE, o first•clnas mase R'` LO be tiat'cd i)1 thl ttAy la Rpt 1©$pOnajble fol tie 1'C )Ol`ty. Sj b tAl{ing fJgjtly@, boom@ exoolleutstablea ed to rent. It has a» LIVERs. H. 1 Since natul e. It bumped Over the quantity of partly -burned shingle 18 OUt Of LACK HENNEDY Oentyral Hot l Clinton MORE, Louaasbor0. Hogsback Liule rE given, and ott th,, ill' ncjpal of this was in t3.pe rho Newa Roc01d sleep@rs fora few 3Arda and then and othormateriAl was di�oaverod for corrjtory to find opportunity 1 Iinn,9thean. oY Huuett. OfliClally (1CIlle9 LhaL DI!' Postel pitched into. An inlmOn$@ wALel' a1 the OABt Cnd OfK01'lllan'$ stable, ODVpying food jn10 )t ``E 1LF,D TENDEIIs ABE INVITED FOR (IAUTIO.I'-NOTICE IS —HEREBY GIVEN �,:7• small f11•; 41•,4 be Officially i}1:1)1 kfU[l ' I 0 S the ereettou fin cvhole or part) aY a naw v that the unde,ail•Red well not be resltoa- s 18 A candidate. tar k, t Hingham. It looked as thou h nI J• Mal of Queens street Tee !ot$veSt or tender not Town of Clinton, sable for ay debts whatsoever that are eou- gOlved,`we ]ll'eHi11n0 qhp rhpaVlly- Zhe tank was built upon a tracted to hIs name without his written or - - slightly elevated bit Of Some one had read@ aliatt@met o west' Toronto, was arrested last C8pted. Plane and ueeessaay e- '1ersonal authority, SUf,OSIO\ li ;'l�• taxed 1!t1:'(Icn-}+��1�!'�'l';t of Ctlnu(la - ' Y__� gt'OUnd, Tuesday QPoCia°ations may be , ILLE:�, Additional Laca1 News, g y fire the building, but it didn't Y night in the act of setting are uta ietro in My un ersnot glater YTen. Lot -4, eouoeaeio» 18, Flullott. ti will feel glad that tl:v {.r'overnment ` ' , •- and bo strop 1 ; con$tructed thAt Hullott, April 4, 1689 -------.�.._._ when th0 engine ran into it it work. A quantity of iavol had fire to a pottage owned by him on May z), Ira°• xEv. J. 11, SMITH, Ctlairul;eu 1 LIFE 51'OCli INSURANCE. -A meet. Came t0 a (lead stop. �. at, 80 {Ile' P g that end flltCb011 At Oni:e1 TUC will b@ tr jpd or Building Committee LTOUfiE AND 21� AGRES OF L:1�D F 'k has shown e; )illy diSPoaitjon to recently been put alon r t Ll OR �' In Of rOmInBnt -live stock owners Of it, With the g Ol AI'SOn. The Cottage was �JERY DESIRABLE ROUSE AND LOT 8a� Subscriber offers ror sale on fldODOD1iZt` }l,) g p CAPS li] 1'eAl' of the buildln 'and the Chal t'ed very res onablo ter]us, the property at pres- . , tl'i't'•.I' n)11A11. Blit was held at Che' Rattenburyr Elouse, „ht Of a IUDs, and beaus' train' 1'Ul)bi8h vPAA Ott the top Of ]t, gp worth tll fOr Sale—The undersigned offers for sale on occu tad by himself 011 the. ~thpi'e arU Melly Ill.irl' W,l 'a jq y q(lg rr y $100 and there was that new house on ,,�rluoess Strout east, IZ,t London. 3 on Dlonda ,for the purpose of form• behind them rennin IEoaa, } oPw mile below clhltou, The house ' ` �] that it looks as thou several ttlide7 pd clullAl:q worth ereetea only Inst sumHMer; It Iso two-story9 is a good comfortable frame one, and fila 1• tvhlCh L11C fzUl'Uf,11rl, 'r,t could eC n• lug a Mutual Live Stock �1lautanC@ 1'Ade g On a pawn though It was in- Of 1g8UranCO on j{„ trema,containing 7raonls,cloeete,&c, wit4 lot consists of 2,lacreswith°llolcerruitt 1. U Co, in accordance with the le ialatipn g ' rho cgra, in front were tondod fir ilicendiAriam. A party oto»° foundation .throe pont, thereo», stable, water, &c, rasa '' Omlze It' IC Wer dt'ivcp Ou.' T'h0,{pnd'pl' Of thee hard and soft water, aoodshed�oHalf--acre for an ono wanting to retire. JOSEPH ' 1'C:11ts' d0all'011� passed at the last meeting of the Le residing in town is''spotted." FAlm01' McDZaster aqd hla wjfe lot' Planted with Prutt trees. O}tner is de• JOSEPH °'' of cloin,; so. Tho 1 r}rnvhise Act g• i;jne was hurled to one side and ' Sir of leaving town attd t;•II Iva reason- STEP""- SON, Clinton. islative Assembly, DIr John DIr- r `"-""^• And child of MOI'1ia0n township, able terms. DIR8•C, tygITELY ATTLE FOR BALE. - SUBSCRIBERS Millan was appointed President, and drawn right away from rho front X EI WS NOTES. while roturgiugr pomp from Sau- k` CO�ts the people ir. the neighbor- Mr M. Y; McLean, Secretary, p11rt and thrown to ono side right - ---T '; Chavingsolattloir grass rar,n, otter fpr , hood of ,Crj0o,000, cli•00 it awe - orn Bridge on Saturday, were up- $ T -_ _� salethofollowingCattlr&ss farm, 0 aorsrw- i P y ExADIINATIo e, Qn W@dnf 9dA In the way of the bag Ago Car be• The majority in 'favor of Scott set from their bu S _O -.K/r � Ing 2, 2 Heifers, 3 Form, Cows, Durham eat Jtnd ,• _ an 1)OI'tr10L,1 "aCln Messrs Croll • C00 y Act repeal in Lepda and Grenville ggry b - Lhe eh tie, either registered or ellgible for xegiatra- { g could by hind it. The force rum behind 1 per_ aAd Stanbtlry lb r Of the h01'88. DIC Y The Young People's Brauoh of the ire , ill tion in the feek Inion Hord Book, 2 i effected, while Lbe 10-grislative m4. Went to Toronto for their examina" drove the first baggage s 1,258., car light 13A(1 some ribs broken and suatainl g Mission Auxiliary .of at, Paul's Church, will 2 with Calt at Feet; 2 Durham Heifers nsln� 2 ire au "At Some" in the School H°ase, on YearlingI( Durham Hoifere, and a red Bull tlOns In Arta Iq ttr0 Univ@;city. 'rhe. Ov81' tile'@l?gin8 and thl'ety It OVOI" JOS°ell• Wb'alCy� fOrnol'ly pf ed internal iu ut'ie6' Mr res evening of TUESDAY, bPAY14, DlusiC IS montha old, tt711 be sold for chinoly Iv�auld ru r u:l rho $mbthor two latter have been attending, the creast. ELCOAT BROS., Tuckerkm thh+lm one hundred feet. It came down North East -Hope, ]oat over $2,. And thecliild'esi;A ed with b uI' S n slugs, and reereahnlentB•wilt aoilatittiti I." �dithout ihiA be.1vS drain upon iL. Collegiate IntStitute, and Intend writ- On the track, minus its trucks, P h bruises theprbgram. Admission two Par2to - Then rho i4upclAll7tlrltion$ cyst Ing on the first 000 by a recent fire in' DacotA. The Direct of the auderbjlt _ JPr� oPerty for S- ale•• Science course, ivht year f rmerEba and Stood there right side : up, dome British flags displayed in ,Road$ ono of the r Mullett G'oui�t of H©visloIl The undersigned offers for sale the house . I. ..about $100,000 illnUall greatest and Notice is hereb lven that the first sitting and Icy Street. T o°upiea by bar on Rat. y, Arid the going to write for his B. A, in the Taw., Second, baggage ear, . the ay, w Street, Nety York, on bion- most rofitable of American. rail - p tenbur 11° house Is a go0a two- amoking of the ConrE oYRovision for, the Township storyframe, with accoluodation for ordtn• Senate aDOther hilt,,.Ired thou'saud Metaphysical.courae. We Wieh them g cal' and the flout coach dAs', wor@' torn down by Boston way eyatoms; have decidedOf cry famll 1.oY nllQtt, will be held at Bafl's Hotel in the y, and usual conveniences, with bOt1l. Of wllj('h rYll h L [))'OfitAbls' b0 with flying oolurs.st they may return ne, o t AloscOped and loft standing m'ljtiamen• abandon all Sunda as t0 Village of Londgsboro, on BfONDAlI, MAY hard and soft water. The lot is ono -fifth pP he p On the track And by {]lp y g g Passenger 27th, 2883, at ten o'clock, a.m for the purpose an or and being So centrally situated is a A ouq evan, elist arrived in Y P g of hearing spjloa)s against -the Assossntent very desirable Mace. TeYms reasonable t. done tri there t•` In addition to traffic and all Sunda ' freight Roll of the said Township for the said yyear, SEND OFF. -The Y.P.C, E, Socie- ti s{sloe )pl• Th esecond coach, thy. St Thomas on Monday, the 'w ifs of 3 ght tl'af• and revising the said roll. .I.ls 7i1tAITH• bIIiS OLIVER, Minton, those til+tre alt ilu:,t] ' fit except that of lave, stock and WAITE, Township 1 ods of.ways. ty of O',i Ol: street Dlethodi,t church day coach- and Rzv J• E. Hunter, Of Huntcr and pei'jahablo goods, which havo to p Clerk Notice to Oa rrers of Lots fit t.. that Dion(+m�. c;,uid hu pladtised, gave Mr W Kay; who for some time the three,sleepel•s were left Stand- CI'Oeslpy, Pl-pyenting him with a be immediately forwarded. Th]$ Cliutoll Court of itetfsis�ll tlle.Clinton Cemetery and, we di) nu; )•ui,l)),� it ttpuld has been the choir Ieader of the Ing -On the track, the first of them eon. yy C11t1ICh, Mid an active member of the et 1) to the wrock of top 'il7C COnSCCVaL'V Action Seems t0 have been perfect Take notice chat theAssessillent Roll o[ ed tlho Clinton rCatZ1111tteahaving oxatnin•r be 11:1rc1 til ;.A Vu �(,t*(•1•a being close U I CS of lj voluntary, Town of Clinton has this -day been re- a the lots to iundtorde=1dthAta»umber w:: 1 million society, a royal parting, On Dlonda other three cars. has°' chosen 311• turned by the Assessor to mo, Ana that the of the o t by ren d i y and 'number dollars, f1'un; t}:u genOra1 expends evening, The President, ZLir'Dtaup The ears at Once too ' Rufus Pao to. A'ChicA O, , Court of Revision will bolditsfiredaiilet ttting ie trotsti a ' of Certain ansaltablo !s fit,c, The P ' I1I. dOApateh says: .tthe Cboftl8 cid halnber, Town Hall, on Tllura- in, s and and the ving b°°n Plantae there - tare of th' i ning,presided over the very enjoyable Smell of bulking contest the constituency for the Menta, the daughter of Vincent by-law, destroying hot], i oRl r,r ,0 cloths filled the the i 1889, at thg hoar 0f a fila for their own lots and those adjacent thereto.- Sf1, If 'all thiti entertainment. Refr@sl�ment6 were seAt msec vacAnt b3 the death Of Purpose of hearse and rectifying all hinny o[ rho mpnun:euta a �11�voru d,;r;u ii'e `r(il),,iO4would feel y the B. Smith, a rallluad statjonagent complaints agninst or errors oil the Assess" I'allyn f tbOwn mOD salved b air with an Occasional whiff Of his father. at Almira, a northwestern Suburb car and fences aro young Iadjes, .and a another ems]] ti hick told unmi8• A t T3igI1 13! vVa$ went Roll of this liresent year: Persons in- mltteo request leaning sal al d•theConi- 11 the bclli,t:ta ,:; }.Ani,,,; lighter bu)•_ choice programme of music rendered. d ptsEohava '" , sated are requostod to felts notice and them put in proper order at once, as thq solos were given by Rev Dir Ljvjng• takab13- that human beings had Canadian Pacjfi near •°n the prostrated with scarlet. fever, govern thr- eque tedordiaplr. Committee intend, if oss'bl dons t'� ' : ur• 1"A instead Of stone and Messrs Harland and Fos- pp .Her father is a believe,• in faith Clinton, May 1st, 1889 1V. GOATS, Clark put the Cemetery in much (,otter co; it to been Or tcero bean„ roaster], And a farmer named Wm'. McLeod Illl- and instead of dlE,On COmrnur:"_i:lg .,t '•h+.' :,lot Of an evilter; a duet, by Mj,3s Andrews and cure treatment than It line hitherto been kept. The Care- . F�Dir little or nothing could be done 'o ed his tivo children and then him- ealling.a physician be norleet - taker of the winunaertal(e, for a !!11 {o (:UL 1;,+AGI . (::'icl c�,y' choirs; the lnstfume4talIt ed NotieeofLissolutiou. '� small fee, to keel) lot, I, 3iroPerord�r. Fur - 1, it, t}lc cheir,'Dlessrs Cornelius, Cbant�Gibe oxactlshllaty mantvth hard to toll sOlf therinformaytioucaabetlad.on application his'buslness to Strengthen hi$ faith ho etoforebexolstin�vbe cvoenhusassuliluori I. Govcl'1,nlet. t "lar,:, op among the bings and Diamond, furni.abed° ood 3 l to uF,ortv>J TEDFORD, Sutterinteurten ?' e3 number pd, in Mentals 1'BCOVCry. Wbpn ill@ merehante in the Town of Clinton, line baca W. C, 9EA erint g Lot the parte taken out would It rs stated in Montreal that gill died the father dhVdayd'issolved by mutual consent, All 'i Y>. op )r;s»,'h ;,,1 little will music, as did also Other members °f Chairman CemetoryCall,, 4i I'eau1L ,lir , , the ebp,ir: The indicate that the number moat Air V anHorn will give up the A burjal el'mjt An could not gat taaueor owing co the seta partnership - t'i } ( 1:t,!e tree i l de- lvhieh Ir Kay hese beenthehead] h lteun or twenty general managership of the C, P, het P + d the Coronor mots fC Lu oil°aforesaid` Ann ter, at the " IlaVO been eitrl CQLITY LO HURON889.TEACHERS ES- ;`'" strOyvti• the other memoers 3 lf. and will bo succeeded by either d 11n Inquest. The verdjet con• nit claul s. e/ Ann�Aztoxs lbyp, _• _ I., er and Dr rise be Foster ands , Nor,' burned, rleal'ly all Americans. uses»et the said partnerebip aro to bo pr°- _ Su erintendenl sure verdict Smith fol hiy fo]Iy and in- croeywliiveeotii a°$latex itkiCliilEon ruse 1 Thr, (,. I„ m • �'� 1)t'S,mAC1C a D1jDUlC C,yamjnAL}O❑ P j� [lyte or nrl' Second and third class eon-i,rofeasioual 1`•` 'r t) 1)Onljnio�l ]and, with Dliss CTibbin s as accom• f the rcDlAllls Of -the. passengers S}laughnesss', humanity. 29th day of April, A, 1).1L59, esnmluatiouBattllacollegiatelnstitntesan(I ` panist, i p g 0 witness t Iligh Schools la tbo County ou loosen f .frit' ;ton, " '!' .,;;1,..: g: VC h peal aupon the taste who were burned. 'T.hey came to preliminary plea of the dp. nLrpobbin, the fol•mGr AatO,' w.r. FOSTFR, July, 840 a.m. First C.,,7u1allTu y, )tit OVCI illl'CC reflected much credit upon their taste LhC COIICIu�]On {]tat' t11C b ThG 101jlnlnar )I' + p JAMES SCOTT. J. w.ItITF.R. `andiclatesahowiahtowritoath, 8.4•Clin• of the Presbyterian Church in s.4o aim. . nljlliorl, : ,i ,,, }. ; , and . trainin burnelt fence In the Josuit,e-mail libel was t5nperior Farm for. air] _ to or earortb must notify D. a r,1I,1n1,oc1,, I.s p0rty t}'pm fi. Th}s club has (lone tt aro ,et en rncu tour tvornen tit o Calidon Eaet Navin r q tt it.11 n , s, Inspector, clincou P. O, not lace] other r nine tail good service in many entertainments filed in IVtontrea[. nlondAy. Thp g been depos- out reserve, then the 2'dna of 'May, stating which of the t. }ion, }n the church and elsewhere, and w@ children and four pplspils who Quebec GUvornmentwill be called °d' make$ it necessary ' to harp twoaa11o01s the tntonatottritoac,and those ' „'' `` r'I) r)f' t)'allu" hope someone wall step into Mr Kays }' 1)urued that it teas rho pulpit su plied from Toronto. FORST"rH vs. F0PVSY YT i.li°. To�,Esq � 5 at uutst notify 1; agrlirr,; + tt'pl'c' +o bad] into rho case, Thp defence taken p p or,Godericb 1,U„ 'a1; pled, and keep •it together, takes the gt•ound that the Society nal' tVAtt, a Knox College student', The untlersignad will receive ofrura f r 1 at then alae date. 7'lte notice 1livat be ac- < ---. _ reit Of the pl'O�rAmm6 was made up I n Ubdjble to AS/'Cl'tain then• sex, p t to P ed 11y a roe of .;+5, or notice l ilio eart- �15, r,� :1) 1.Oximate }lir . ofJesus cannot a proaChpd there On Suilda r t0 all 3a11nale fNhaol luabto farm boing Lot 27, Con didato aliplies Por the First 1 N, .filo, i•.• .;t''•: �-__ of readinrya b IieP 1 ❑G Ol' Allythillh C18C 1)pCAr Atld )ICAd, 3 , Case as (v°uas 'aa l'llflltll!'tl til! e Y lir Livingstone, a)UUt LhCnl, b)Fne s.canUt Civil rights. ] , but I11A am- consisting of ibOoACrosofchoicoiElaul'it,8„ hofondClassExaminations, Nonainewill in his 9lyn Inimitable style, DIr Man- ° al)Pl eeiaLivo audience, b d, and forwarded to the D° +artlueat unless tht. , �_"- l),,; i T, ning and A THE, 11ROKEN AXLE, Robt .Mackorizio Socrot. • azoulent a8 well as that Of the Roar stall e,isared inch, Tuckoismith. It is foo acco»t tenses it, 1 end blasts ;(.. ''"' "'rllne)1L ilii, , n address by Rev AIr Ed e. , 'lly and CO.n t'C rALIOn Wa r • i �tao,:d, undorrlralnod Colle((lata 4alliellit, or HI•h Ie of the+ ., t^yCAI` iy i,t ;tt' " : ,, u 1 ` ..'t)Q, Ul' .110,111 Just Just before the close, Alr T, Diamond Opinions among, Treasure ' Of't}lC ti OUtll tiv ll g g s l0at t0 find and in a high °tater of It, un, it has a Co"(1a acrid the 0.t ,I' R Schools will Ll1C 1'a111ti'1!y e inP;ton On *Olprr � good brick dw°Iling, and nsna) barns anti .dntus to the Inspector ot'sth�their Candt- y . ('10,1>lrt t p ,'1 And Miss; Nellie 1VAlker msec C}1@ Ot11(IATA Al'0div'IdCd in 1'Cnal'(1 to AgrtCultUl'al SOCiet g b LU thACh11rCh that $Om0 outpuIldtnge. A Clear fitly will be frau date$ to til ft,t•islolI in 'r• CCCI'y Illtlll, Presentation of a tom lets teacher's Y hAS dlaap 1n1SerAble mlSej'CAnt had, (lUl'In Subject to this given, , iltgiate Instituto or High Sell ill :;>v0mau :lnlf t h ., ': , ,; p the Krol{ell axle tahu;h was die• peered. Rumor S11yS he has gond SAtuldA - Year's 1CGaa. Ileaaalla})IU is aiCitntad, Forms OY application rimy ba ') T)ominjon, bible and hymn book, covered. 3 night, g of 1 aymeut accopEed• This farm will had from the• 5ccretar ,The conlel ,,-.,I; : o 51r Kay, on behalf oto the ()f the dubl'jg0 clenl in r ilii A to the States. The books of the church windo brolren rho„ b0 sola with W. FARUAN reserve, slid tt an early dato I'"Tr•,lt AI)AllsoN ! it was -too bum t g y $OMC SO( i0t BhOtV a 8}JO7'tA�rO 0f $1,2�t), glass, ws,ninoteen Janes 'of Ani+40'. Apri130,18d9 , 1tc+CCivur I''Olrng P@Op1C. The eddre9a, read h U1' in order t0 allow the s Uuderieh, April tinct, 1ktt9,Sl%CY, };, ht's. Trish w}:rn{i.], ,iC71p tt was ill D1iss Walker, breathed the true epirlc look at thersituatic,np�°abetter A full investigation is to be insit- e wore hmaah d tomoaof tie mash _ _ dower ; th •tl toted immediately r110r•o pieces. Tllc Tnlprovert ZVlriti .� iu the 1-111911 Court of J w ry `va-, only $'22,_ 'of Christian good Wishes, and was , line while when ;00,0011, t1'ht,t ! ,,, replete with affectionate tidvice to all t}te Ju''3 were exAmiging the track ]tArtjcu111r8 wall be msec known, "` Another lot Of the WHITE SEwrNG brA- G'ornruolr ,Pleas Diviyi011, Id 1L be call- rho oml)loyees of rho road' draw 11ir Abbott, it is Said Varna. CHINEB just arrived, which I all, selling w nOtV `' present. DIr Iiay made a verysuit• TIIE LIFE BOAT+ cheap, -Soothe now self-a0ttin needle, eco able reply, after which .the meeting Out the £foot truck of the enino, assn his plat° on the diroctolap CJarw,-Thos@ the new stitch rogulaEOr, cot trLe regulator UjfSYTI)C .'�l• I Ulta�'T!i ^" `•�" - _ who imagjne that the 'Temperance bvire,y number for any length of stitch you ie - closed by all uniting in,inging "Shall It wax fOUDd tbat one 0f the axles of the Canadjan Pait(, befot•o ,c Arl i}lman 1, i sentiment of Stanley vanished with bE totigcli Of stiteti1jpT}°f tlQoorla to �eE able Court °' }) '" ',rued, an11 we gather at the river," DIr KAy 1'eftPuraua»t to the judgment of this Honor- . e'wCi11'}' },r!i tVaa l)rOl{C11 In two, The diA• becomes niini$tot OfRaiiwa s Aho the Scott Aet will robably r@eonsjd• P vTOnsion rt dated the t)thda of 1(nrch,lft89, ! i.a., ri. , . on Tuesda morning for Carsonville, covert' tvay looked upon a5 An djs Canal Rollover Ie rho newest iwprovo,nenE on any mna0 horoln •the crodltors olfthe lately of >': Y!'kCd Scnrt_ and their opinion after ill@ ,UCCesafnl machine; as soon as the Prosser raised Alexander Forsyth, the DI1C11,, f011ORed by the good W19hC8 s- He will be a CA adian � aeries Of nreetin g held in the Tem- for �a oronaaalos in G�g3 nd nq, l,roaking of Younl or, lately of I'Sel•i:)1'' who 1)A` t1r,L( :i,'!em01'e filen iI OfePer ppI'tailt one. It may and it may Pacjfic mttn all the same. p@rant@ Hall, theT°wnah}},�ptorTuckeremlch,lntheCottntgg l'`' y one who knew him, What ng the goods out of of Huron, yl prnan,nre, o» or before the 13t1t ino i n ,., , ;t' ,, not lead to the discovery of the chaneo Wil] the Grand Trunk, arna. durin ]art the maenine, Examine the now Bent Wood y of May, I8H9, to send. b lAjl' AL LhC -' I, -- week. M g Cover- the etrongoet covet made, v'e n dm Y poet, pre Rid, Its I LItU<1 I) TI)lL'; TAIL } nk, Or Messrs Irish find Mills, yma°biu° Bent t° your hones on trial. Want to Measre rlarroty !k Proudtoot, of the [sown „•°�pital, 411(1 n'y(ip I Cal ('AUTO Of thU 1iC(IdCnt. aDy Other railroad whose in101'Ciite repreaentiag the Royal Templara Of i perfoctl eatlalled hint th0 White of GOdgrich, in the county of Huron, solici. 111 'C55IUrla1 111 ou Lo Le y tors for the Plaintiff, their Cbr,stlau and '¢rllntl.y itis,, . ),, • ;C, tt'il) r[) Issued May 1; �'"� may eonfljet with those of the Ca. Temperance, for three BUCCeBeive Wil! Eake tE machine for the money, if not, I surnames, addresses unci description, `I� : y k. li�ir l tlihll(1 Pl•Cel)yt('i y'• nights delighted and instructed all try one. y, it spicy°�Ry°° Codling to fall parduuhlrs of their c)aima, a tateent fpXne Attcl s tr ,.-;,.;,, ,; 'he CU )iditV 1'he deliartureof trailtsat the.vevere] Ak a tneeting Of this ecclesiastical �lth Pacjfic, have for fear _play who _ aELL, Agent of accounts, and the nAtara 1 stations named, . a AccordinIt to the court held at Brantford, on Tuesda ZI Abbot As Minister of ]tall. to those dtalentedeaearnessure f ChrBIIjng IicIZ oRTI:D _ _ __ thereof it any, hold by them; peremptorily to x I quit. f. .A pPr,pl( 'th+, LOICI'ALe 'in last Official time Card: y tVaya? t latlan ' CLYDF;eDALE STADLIQN fromthobenwill be etitoftho ala uamunCt. Etded bintel n> ',.,,. • week, whilst the synod Of Hamilton wotkera, A rich melodious hristex- q 3 ,, .,,• :itution like CLINTnx was in session, a call was moderated g reasin i'RIDE OF OXFQRD, the same earn any security is to produce A lar 0 Fwd iuiluential Ci011Vpr1• p g pure and elevate thoughts, the same helore rno at my cltambors in. tbu Ono Of (a>}, it 11 }u; iti a member. 1 Grand Trinik Division in from Duff's church, 'Walton, t0 LIOrI, eompp$ed of 1 o rpsontAtivp IB Ell@ peculiar gift Of Mr�riah. ]fir No. 131 3, C, 8, B„ of Acotland, Will Stan Court Hoaeo, in thusaI'rl flown of C' Goin Goinq SCeal Rev, DIr Forest, .of Bayfield ai Red la3rinon In the Sjmeoo Di Marga during the season -of hie, ae followsi Ion n the 22nd day of May, 1889, at tenao ole k iYlglflC a+� }I ttj 41`t;:t l )1 a 1 CC!Clt'1l1+rI q last Milia is lndieerlbable, to be appreei- Monday, leavoe Iiia own stnbte, Mase I,iho for r� i Ti_t3 °•'t'• 10.05 a.zn, by 108 adherent,, ' g ,, atrict,was ° t0ronoo», being thaEime appointed ; 00 fol' 1i)cn:111 I z,�,; m, Ttre ati end hold At 51meo0, on Frida ed he mu,E be heard, thoroughly in Ana pr°°°sae toJohn,iak°r'a,Maitlandcon., Dated`stCiodprlChEiilje�hus. t ,ingr nothinf;, 4 i1,, p' 1.20 p,rn, 1)rOnljsed , $7b0 with manse. The p The earnest in the great work of Tem• Goaerfeh Township for coon, thence to tA80. hrd rtnyoP:lpril, ii dein; it. ttcll. p''n' i+•55 p,m. call was sustained. Rev, Mr Me. Convention wag apPainted to be perance re rm his straight from the Tue a�yHotel, Hohnesville, for the night, ' `,27 p.m. Lennan reported that be had moder. hold in the Methodist Church,but, Shoulder I , , Irgrtra fund Oft] George Eawo ds, : o>h°riIIO oe" own the S. HALCo:uflox, ---�. ` - — LOnd+m, Iiuron antiBruce Division "!le lar» pit•I, :. ,'1, (;,)I that the' ated a call from St. Helens and East f,` yd itlustr Ow1D to the Oraph,itic 1)1'Ot0$t Of 6th con, to Thomas Tichbourn°'e fpr night, 3i Local binatur lit (loclorich r ., and above all his weanaeaay, byway of Porter, Hill to the l 3 itltOtV R PROUDFOOT, Gr'tila North .Going South -Ashfield t0 Rev. R, S, G. Anderson, the minister in charge, Rev. T. and a heali f (r 1, f Ia peal t0 the head 7th con., to Robert of Port ror gooa, tithe Plai°tiff's Solicitors. 'ltrilstrong r4 tcnl 1;(;u Werke of a•m• lent aim p ,n Signed by 1G9 member, and 185 ad- Collin p north Lo sideroAd and neross to rho 0th con„ ° Winghanl ..11.00 7,45 0,50 3,40 €,, who tht@atoned MI Ellie o nig hearers, and the to J.G.Bteen'eforn!gbt. Thursday toil! estatili>,h A branch Belgrave .,10,42 7,27 70.i rho@reRta• Thr�aa}grY is $800 includ- with loges action in me@tinge tools a tactical turn W Beath co 1 r 4.00 g month, vacation yearly, Of vention was hold inGthotchu eh p e iayn0ld Line, thea oast to John lmporWi, Niors i�! t0lyatl''l;rlt,Dljrl,igAn, Sure_ BlYtb••••,.10.2v7.12 have now a live council established Anacreonaroronehourthontowm.wlBe's �olU 7.18 4.15 thin St. H@lea, pay, $b2o and Ash- , with over fifty chartered members fornigsoon. thence t o° a nsea% Stan eny for i Londesboro 10,1,) was hold in the Opol a Ilouso. and when we say that It i6 composede noon, then Eo o ur _ _ r{,'thie nl:ut dor_',, )lot Icnpw-hi$ Clinton.,,,10.00 i1.45 7.55 4.45 of Attwood, Rev, son, Of enderson j; 7.03 7.20 4,20 field $275. Rev, bieasea Henderson, Haneo, Clinton,Cuatonto Y ld1' blixinCva- Il,c'!'l be ruined, The mooting was strongly in syra- of the very best material in our tom- sayyntolliao°w°O>°eiabie°tt for ntght, gnti3O,r It being nkt0rlyimpossibleto conduct Bruceflold..:)..12 r,,2r, 8.15 6:04 abd McMillan of Manchester, sat as PathY with the reforms pt'oposed Y, *e ma well predict for the till lbefollowing Mondaymorni Iiippen .. , , 11.31 (i,17 8,'24 6,,12 ' mutriit y P where he will romatn buslne,s wrthout money, I hereby noti• ` i ltig %6011 th0 i'anlcolas ; why Hea,all. , . , h,28 6.09 8.32 ,,19 °orresppond•ing members, Rev. J. in file platform. , ' LAUGHLIN Af n�• J„ 1. Mo• faOC all those indebted to, me, and whose DtcNabb, also reported bav]n mod- Varna council a career of prosperity. LAUGHLIN; Prpprl Eorer 1N:rh8 . MC i 'tl't he run 11jA u' .)'1rA in CAnadA Exeter i),t}, ; 57 g Crop top0rlH havo boon loceived ,Miff ted tllon hur,aer evening in- ountb have been rendered, that if the .ne, It0d . thil,, keel) all the M London.... H, $'S0 ,"93 P,rAted A Cal] t0 Rev. R. S. (} 'AndQr- FIRBT-CI A$8 CLYDESDALE STALLION, Or a are not settled by negoflable note 0.; ati 10.16 G,4, from the major1 rumher of county$ Ing officers *ate°appoin ed a James PINCHER, i ';: in th4 r nr)n ,, . ' Necewaary infnrrilation can always be son from White -church and Calvin r . of of May, that they } , and, besidpR secured from the company+, agents- church, East Wawanosh,' It was of Ontario, "itnd they agree in any- Atmetrong Select Councillor; Mrs No. 653 s, C, B, of Scotland,b will be placed in court for collection. ,`awfttll3 'di>•Ioya; tp) r The early morning train south on the signed by 180 members and 229 ad. rnh th11t'thoptospoets of agriou]- John Wanless, Vice Councillor;iJohn y, willecanaraYMAroathiBso !n' This"notice is imperative. go LO tiro London, Iluron and Bruce, and the one Aanerents, promising a stipend of Rea, Stanley, des—at ll'l',t th is is tvbat tho east on th „ Grand Trunk connect sat' ttrriats aro exceedin 1 Torrance, Past Councillor • Rev Mr °'a follows: Mordny, will leave Mr Nottt C� T /� exceedingly good. + stable°, London Road, and procoed to Lh8 �` •'- �.L3 �ZF Clinton, as wyAlso the rnofninq train, $900 wrthpp0 ted bydMe,s`ra I3, h The fall wheat, rogarding which Hart, Chaplain; Tilos. Doles, Sec.;- 2nd con. of Tuokersmith,then south to E1• iI•t3 E:ls H [ (}j',1;'j}lI]3r, JOl{ jn eR1l was sU M}as M"Blair, Fin. Sec.; John Spar- doat'scorner, thenoaattol3roadfoot'sbridge, Mammoth Iiarcl(vare and k .`a, thio n)an:lflletnrer le doing essttand South, ltandtthe (i�} fl "t' trains 1HI�lAndernonn;uRobert Schiel. Rev, o been Gx roused win- thea west to C; Landaborough's fpr noon, rove Ilansc, P , row, Treag,; Tho,. Proudfoot, Herald, then by O'Brion'scorner to the Huron Road, what hunts,' .',; will do if we p,m, train m trnilt accepted the call addressing ri tBiIialensoagt toned Wel[, An(1 has made gio11t John Wanlea, Guard John Ashton Clinton, north and ii,5:, pl'U�rl'CAe during th0 peat few Sentinel. ' ' ' dary, h etakos the the2nd oadcon to the bog nt- %�fr-n- "r, ;n > '»bt fret ctnr,,tl t+terl recipr0. -r Last Ashfield. A special, meeting woukA. Seeding has been earler -.- nary, West to W, Aftha2na can, of n,thoE Vi. 1, ,[j, ,r,ekk _e t' 0f&oe r- 1�'roxeter•. B(.1RN, -"'- '- then 'weatto W, Aitohison's for noon, than i, dividing }r;. ;,.pjL;il i)cttvee)1 the Presbytery will be held at St, than usual, and tho timely rains of BELL. -In Clinton Olt the lot iust. willto oe ea a alio 40 (ruvo•1 o a esday )ilio, ` lluRsr. ANt) ilCrrll' 1_Trir,FN,- 1'1)e H@lana On hlOnday, May 13th, for Inst wpelc did inlleh good, Tn {{lp the wife of Mr Richard Bell, of aeon,. pp dlon flies 1111x1 tit''' 1 n!' ed +States. I1' other dAy a mall hired 11 rig at 1�AU- file AY(llnati4tl and induction Of fisc norttl to East'Boorner, then west 10 th'o Mase fl'tLll (IiaLrict$ 1110 I)1.08P0Ct8 111'0 RITER.—In Clinton, on the lot inst., that, tothe south ntral Hotel (latesp;onor sj tor' i had :�Un11rIC11'il,l U1110I), I)L' lin's livery, �Croxeter, promisjn to Anderson, Rev, Messrs Cameron, Nlc• excellent: blll ,p('11ch0s havo 8Uf ort g Kay, Murray, Mci,ennan And ,lilac- fared SOmett hat f'1 to frost. Pas• the wife cf Jae. Riter, of a son, the attoraoon, then home for the III ht, ane PTI )'url Only his CanndjAn therettlrn it in a resentnohtraeelOfi@jhth@rep to Tn rsatt,-InBtanley,on28thApril, leaves big ownet¢bletotho2nhuradnynnon, [l dOna]d were appoint°c; to conduct the eel Tickets issued to afI stations ort Xtg, an<l �uppl3 l,in phtronq in ave tllro for the stock has been plenti- Bn wt a of Alexander Thompson, of the r©Y, by Granton, thou north t Hnytleld Qon , buy tGioktit It, aYstpm. Travellers con beth on ewhit It was a brown bore@, the trial examination. nPv. T. i1Av• fillr., and with favnrablU weather Yflold Road, of a eon. chop weer to Wiggingtonseornor,thonsouEh y enY before starting on jour- ,t�tlitr s at Lb0 san)b time. with one white hind�o0t, lard@ nos, Ideon is Lo pr@aph, lieu, ,rylr DlcfRev. to Henry nley,tiror night. Friaay, Wtu o no Ba gage chocked throe ilii )'"pr trik. rte to adrlre,a the mfuiater and Rev, th0 pl oAet)t tvjll be a good year GAan°w'-In Cadorich, on the 14th south to the bridge Ghon homo b- 'the 2nd in#OYmati°n apply to r' N Mr McLellan the p le, for crus April, the of J. T. Garrow, Q. C., of a con, or Stanley, anti remain until tto follow. '`� G+°P r' • son. Ing blonday morning, ALBERT NOTT W. JACKSON i s MADAger, AVERY & NOTT, proprietors. G T R UPTOWN AGENT. . a a r ; M i 1 i +�.,