HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-03, Page 3. . 1: � .. . � I I I'l..... ..'; 1. I � * 1. �1. I I )' I � I I.. 1. -:""7"7"" -- � I . .
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Jobbing D1s no.F_ s. • is _ ►/v^�• a `���� in County.
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Professor Prxsall, of the Royal Society, IIad 1 a thousand souls with which to love thee, :
Manufactures a Human Voice. q FAMILY TAKE A TRAMP THROUGH I'd throw them all, delighted at thy Peet; - ' . _____
After alluding to the improved ,)hone- Had I uncounted gold wherewith to moor thee, A BOSTON REPORTER'S EXPERIENCE �13L�'0 WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND
graph, Professor Paxslrll goes on to say: "It ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Twould seem unworthy all, and incomplete: Lot ovvtted by the undersigned
immediate] struck me that the waxed c lin- I fain mould be an Argus but to view thee, WITH A TIMEKEEPER, nd occupied by bfr Lawrence, on Huron btu
y Y s;0 Clinton. Hard s•nd soft water and good sta
Awl a Briareus round city charms to cling-,
dor might solve my probleul, and here my Another Orpheus to la music to thee, I bis. Terms of P!�ayment easy. Applyto JP'')
e.perimeuts with photoggmphs from the Chat with the Heroine of the latest He- IP play CALLANDER,2A Stauly St., Loudon Sou.',
microscope, and -also markable Pedestrian Feat -Six Childreut A Homer thy perfections all to sing. Tricks of the Watch Repairer's Trade. -Big --_ _ -.. a __
(by an odd coincidence) I would be DIay to clothe thee with its splendor, __ i engraving,stood me in Prices Charred for Correcting Trivial De- 11NE ACRE LOT FOR SALE.. --WELL SIT• tt I
q good stead. 1 the Eldest Twelve Years Old -Baby's And Love itself adoring to caress thee; ! its¢ emonts-Pott lJ
t, pressed all my friends and acquaintances into Y' I'd call on fame, to speak my passion tender, g y Swindling• -Dien Who UATED for building lots In a very desir I
Enjoyn►eut-The Outfit I able part of Clinton w,th about 75 chole')
service, and in the coarse of a month from I'd fain be the world's king, to serve and blest Are Honest. fru It trees, some bearing apl,lus. pears, plun. n Cm.a,14
the time Edison sent me the machine I had Mrs. Adams Acton of Sunnyside, St. John's thee, cherries, grape vines, and black and red our
'talk' A sun to be thy light and thy defender, I The man I called upon was a slim, blue rents. Forfurther particulars apply at tl:
more than 500 cylinders covered with talk: wood, and Ormidale, Arrau, is the heroine of NEW EHA OFFICE. t, p, n
from all manner of men's and woWeu's the latest remarkable pedestrian feat -a And heaven itseif forever to possess thee. I eyed chap, who sold daily papers, candy, _ ys
-John Bowring from the Spauish. I clgata, stationery, toys and all sorts of kniek- I HOUSE & LOT FOR SALI,. SITUATi' I W-4
voices, not u speak o musical Instruments walk of 500 miles in England and Scotland, knacks, and run a watch and clock doctoring vuOsborue at. Thu buuse contalus ei% !
'' and other sources of sound. Then I spent two beginning at Loutiuu and ending in Glasgow, � t 1 °
months in carefully esamirling all the roc• and perPornacti, not alone, but in thr corn- Boston's Novel Entertainment. counter besides. We fell to talking abglit I roans and good stone cella••; the•,e a'a o„ wer:d kh --
In issuing invitations to an evening party the tricks of the trade; how charges were the prewises, hard and soft lvatn*, a numl,c' ' pn:x' L,•.•r,•--,1
orris with a microscope, and making magni- party of her whole family of six children, the of fruit trees 811(l good stable. The lot con tom' -,
fled photographs of many of them. By com- eldest of whom is 13 years anti the youngest a gentleman sent cards a ten young wasladies made for trivial derangements, and how tains} or an acre, and will bo sob! uhoa , I ,mac ' .
paring these I ascertained an important fact 12 months. The latter, it used hardly be and nine young gentlemen. Inclosed was a prices were charged, not in proportion to the I W. ROBERTSON, Pup Woric•l, Clinton. 1 I �-
handsomely engraved card bearing the word work performed, but according to how much y 1 -OUSE FOR SALE-St')it;Ulttl;l;it ul' • `�` „
i -that human voices, infinite tL�pugh they be said, did nut walk the whole distance, being "Causerie," followed by the line from "Par- the watchmaker thought he could collect, HOUSE
for sale that now ami couvouit nt; I `'t
in variety of timbre, differ frol5 one another wheeled in fact, together with his feed* mise Lost," "With thea conversing, I forget To make a ion star short that alien blue situatc3 house ort t lie a arld street, ec:, a
according to a fixed law or ratio, very simple bottle and appurtenances thereto belongin ' g' g g Y ,. ' ti tuau seven a oil stone veld street, con _•%
in itself. The sound elements o any g• all time." No little curiosity was aroused. eyed watch tinker and I entered into a com- (lard i td even water,.J tors lot. Within ol, "'
PQ y given fu a perambulator. When the nineteen as
voice can readily be analyzed or combined by "With pleasure," was Jiro. Acton's cheer- guests had assembled the pact to test the honesty of the watchsrnithe minutes walk of post office. �VUI be sulci or:
this law. ftil response to the request for particulars of host presented ten current topics for discus- of Boston, and I was to nuke my watch reasonable terms, AN6U'S COLE, Clintol,
"Now comes my little invention, Of course her remarkable walk. Sion, and instead of the gentlemen writing around town and see what ailed it, I paid ,{. Ai,.'fur sale a 13oudoir Doherty Organ, ne\r •
to the phonograph cylinder sounds and in. "To begin with, of whom did your party
their names on the ladies' dance cards, the him $1 for cleaning the interior of the watch Brilliant ! 1— -- ' - -- - 1 a
tonations are represented by linos of varying consist? a latter Bitted about and selected their part- and then started out. ROPERTY FOR SALE - -,13ao will bur;
do nera for a chat. As there was ono lady too My'flrst venture was in a little store on Durable! Pa valualaau lot on the south side of llurax � t k
depth, etc. I first studied and made tabu- Tilers were the xis children, the youngest • Street, Clinton. three doors below the Cot.,- I "` i "�'--.
many, zest was added to the choice. But fif- Washington street. A , broad shouldered
fated diagrams of the a115hak,et-if I may sn in our PYLlnous p-ratnbulawr, which has been, martial Hotul, of' which is oructod tie
term it -of talose lines. There are two con- oh, thousands of miles on the. continent and teen minutes were allowed for each converse- youth, with a dark face and a big nose, took Ec®u®iAi al houses, with hard al:d, soft water, sulall-st,. ! p" 'I
••--stftuents ht'z the-klro rc reset>Ekr 't&_Rlv_inml -ttnd Vie: f }, tion, when at the tinkle of a bell a new mac., off the ulster .of my et, lifted np its shirt __ bre; crud oT4.er conveuleucss. b` �. y eiat -
_. , >_�-:- l- n . T� iii �YYPb"lll JO..C.a :. /t • ore tp})ly t0--'T.T(J DOD W01t`I'H or ,, -
tlw , T
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yr P e * � vts+catlti' aj�e -TIT `r sift oiit-qh7(( 3F`r,ltTee s bk t`ad-fE •18'dyud'ili r!ljruiiriy �1as %n„ anti Y excel air ot�lers t , v Enc viilru
.- . woFd itself, as man; and the'othert the mql li- and myself and Lieu inuids-ten in till.'' ; the Nim 11Laving the best time of all.' .,loving from thorough. In St.%11 7th l'Ltri and Fastness,
$cations in that line affected by the timbre I n ..tour. oUTFrT.. 'couple to couple she ascertained "'iter hove "Your watch i3 ver " tt �' ' ty --- PROPERTY ' _ tr+. c
0f voice of the pat tleullLr person uttering it, "What was your outfit f"' „ y dirty, said he. I •EsOTPI, 1 Lffers for
sale SALEroper
Y popular Mrs. Cleveland is in the country, must clean it beforo I can repair ILL' This IVOnC o111e r ;re just as good. Be- Hsc,uuret offers for salu ills preps.,. I "1'"r, ��,
My alphabet, as it turns out,,is not nearly so "When we started from Sunnyside, our "how many cigars the average lnan smokes information was very consoling to me for tiro ware of imitations, because the known as the Itaklway Hotel, Clinton elo:, • ! mw . � .
intricate or long as you might suppose; the „ Y to the grain storehouse of Mr R, Irwin,whiw, 1 .
house in St. John's Wood, we each took a in the course of the day, and "the one and reason tLat I had just paid my money for the are made of cheap and inferior is alicuused hou;u anci(lohty a goodbusinus, sc�'ax,?
vovvols,.of course, etre easy; the utterance we small black bag Ill our hand., but we soon onlycorrect recipe for This is a good stand and will be sold on eas.
give to the consonants is more complicated; }lad to ivu thus(' u ,, Afterward we had ab• P Preparing Boston cleaning. Stip, I consented, and departed materials, and give poor, Weak, terms of l,aynleut, A Grocery Store in' cot,- ; Y ��
bS I beluts."-TaIAP Talk. with n check m my hand, I
and then, as I said, the Lunnnn equation is a snlutel nottliu but a nightgown and a = noction, call be bought with the hotet r , l
separate consideration. Y g ° In three days I called again. It was done. Crocky' Colors.. To be sure Of separately. Full partieulars on applicallo,. � as.
mackintosh each. There was one brush and - 31eauest altur in the World. The roller pin was broken. It was necessary success, use only the DIAMOND MRS M. KELLY Clhaon. I 1;Fxti4
`All being ready, I Imagined a certain tine comb for myself slid all the children. - ,The meanest man m the worbi fs the pro- to put in a neve one. That was $1.50. The DYLs for coloringDresses, StOCk- -OUSE AND LO'P 1,'OR SALT -Situated i '_"_."'
voice, arid then set to wort: to make it Us- We really couldil't carry more than the least praetor of a store in this city. i.le !taut just cleaning was $1, making the total $2.50. I S > $ .on the south side of Townsend Strew. � !x "•r
Ing the first sentence of Milton's "Paradise, possible quantity of luggage, you know. Tia osted u a notice tp all the Rnlvstvomen in aid the bill and wont back to blue eyed ing Yarns, 11x, at'petS }gathers !
Lost" as my corpus vilum, 1 constructed it m Lusbaud is so fend uP a good cu of P P P y 3 ' , The house which is novo, coats, lark„
Y B P his establishment e the effect that they must down easter. FIo looked at the watch. Ribbons, c°`C., $ C. We warrant darting room, stone c a number of bed , -, '
tntho first iutstarlce on. p't et•, on a large „ „ rooms, and n stone collar, the main par!
( modifying ) q d P o I.o London; and �we l,ad as kettle too way
erof "ear buttrnled'shoes hereafter. 1: Len asked t What slid you pay for this jobs he asked. then! to cc,lcr more goods, pack- being heated with a furnace. Marti andsols•
scale, modif to the re ntrud fines according , has reason for this order hosaid be lust money 'Two fifty. , water in abundance, The lot contains ou,:
to my alphabet. I nest made a fine etched those flat ones to boil over a spirit lam and " " , age fel' p:t<'r(i{;e than an other ter of an acro and the pr ,ort will o,'
P P, Ia the girls about
were laced slues. I have Howl What Pori" ' Y n t # y t
cooper, b b g rho -spirit lamp itself. And, id course, the ill my stortf stout lOfJ girls," said he "and "It w,As dirty; that cost $1. The roller pin dyes Cvel';nla1 te, and t0 ive more sold ort R, Clinton,urins. :1pp y tv 11x6.(` I ` V.4
copy of this on co ' r, nein • a largo Magill- , • � g CARTER, Clinfin Sass. As title v'aS still too coarse I I 3f
y g g , baby, being a young baby and foci on the they all wear laced shoes. These shoes be. was gond. A now ono cost $1.50 more." br►]]lant an(1 durable colors. Ask - (ve l` '
photograpLed the etching to the proper bottle, obliged us to carry a tin can of milk.)' tomo untied about Livo times every day, and The roan was mad. If I told you just what PROPERTY r vii SALI9 - SUBfiCRIIIIElt
.. scale on a sheet of wax, and then carefully How did you manage? And, by the way, it takes two minutes to tie thom a ain. At be said there would'be joy in sheol over the for the P, icr,,:vlta'altd take n0 other. olfore for sale cbat excollent property Lt !;t\.
rolled the wax on air. ordinary phonograph what was your fare?" that rate each girl loses 10 minutes a day, fact that a soul was lost. He took out the a Dress Dyed FOR of Prinoesa rand Raglan �Hereela a the carne I
cylinder. Upon fitting the cylinder to'the e had very light faro. As ' rut \: u and 100 girls lose 1,000 minutes fu the same roller pill and showed it to me. It was. an c acre of land all set out witb choice fruit 1
• instrument and applying r - ,
the recorder, I had gut into the north of England vvo a,wny.; thus. That makes about lU Lours per day, or ordinary brass pia � .as you can bap for A L'O�f Colored � �. trees and grape tinea, },runty of bard au,i
the pleasure of listening to tits words "OP htArl UoxriiIgii for breakfast. QVC never :.;.d two days' work. I )a my tris 1,50 soft water. Mhe,liouse oentains three roon)s j
man's first disobedience,"etc. renounced b y.. pay g' $ per five cents a paper store oP Boston. Garn7 en is enewed down stairs, and four above, wing geed a!: • ' !> ,
. P y much meat. On the only two occa>io clad•, and the loss consequently means $3 per The head Lad been Sl ufY. Also the point. D CENTS. lar, closets, &c. This pros crtyie very cel;' L ,
a voice vis which I' s myself the menu- when we h a really good dinner we found day,. or about $1,000 per year. That much But the pin was there and ithad post me $1.50. A Child Lean L18e the i vonient to sebooln, and is lit one of the bes:. , � '
Yaeturer! Its correspondence with the voice we could not 'walk afterwards. We had e s mone • will keg m bo and g locations in town. vVkll be sold entire c':
I had oonceived w almost exact. After- eggs y P y Y girl at school I thought it wits a pretty good profit op the At Druggists and. Merchants. Dye Hook free, the Pots divided, Tertns roanollable. JOHN I -
and nt. and tread and Cutter to any very nicely, or will pay my gas bills, and I investment. W LLS R/CHADDSON dt CIAo I STEEP, Clinton. �- _ -- - I l � � • ,
ward, I produced musical compositions by amount. The meat we had was almost en- propose to Savo it." -Philadelphia !record. "Can you r1,>Tord to try them again?" asked .
the same means; and it ia, perhaps, in this tirely tinned meat, which we bought, with tT,UA13LE PROPERTY FOR SALE.-. ! V p
direction that the idea will be chiefly .seta- my jeweler. Montreal, P. Q. !Rt most desirable ' ' ll,C
y P bread, in the town or -viilage in a morning, , Startling Improvemeuts in Gunnery."Yes o ahead,^ - property ty just ort." i
cal. Instead of the ordinary notation, the and carried with us till we came to a suit. ' ' g slut, ;le corporation ct Clinton, on the oh, i • M
composer may now actually write his music 'Th, on -'s a Ord coed company, sl ihLord IIs lifted up the told a to hitched at over Goal ,toad, ]hely oceu ,led by Ito°. Joo,l
Po Y Y able place for dinner. We Lad dinner an the ,,, •Gray,'aud consisting ot111 tures, with ger+ ;
direct."-Juifun'TIawthotmo an Armstrong's' Las perfected a 1i1 inch breech- the movement and told me to go. I went. I frame House, t3arn auG Stables, s ,louGi•1
Once a Week. open air always. Theca for tea we had just }orale. front,whieh ten .anode °:'cru fired' an went blundering into a storo on Tremont 1 == ^.�
to call at a cottage and get a kettle of water Orobard, and l,lenty of water, is offered fo,
l-, seconds. A six foot targ(t 1,OJU Ards. street. sale. Being an Stanley township, the taxc, I �, .-
Tho ApIrio to Lova DLltters. and the use of tea things, which they were away was stamck five timgs runnin in 3 "Whitt ails it?" asked I. are low. Very desirable property for ., ,� eark t J
In Scotland and in England the apple is a always glad to supply us with for a shilling." g .. faruler who wishes to live refired. Wi1I I,,; `• " el") .
y, P I r g seconds, With this startling„ improvement The old mnn 41, the desk puton his eyeglass, I so]d on reasounb}e turret , Apply for fl'':
vet o tlar divinin medium .ail love mat- PUENMITING SORE FTFT. ill .gunnery comes a new
tors Part oP this popularity LR )robahl tt „ Y I,cllvder from the took out a pair of tweezem, and in a second 1 l articutars to TiIOg. EAST, Parkhill. f I,c"_d'� l
P P .l 1 y Of course the. trouble was boots, Mrs., Chilworth company, which,•with a charge the hatch was going, I ____ _- , -
due to the common notibn that the tree of Acton coptinued. "We Were recommended weighing a third less, a velocity of nearly "Nothing," r•.Ud he. � V al:M FOR SALE. -THAT SPLENDII, t
knowledge of good and evil was an apple all sorts of 'hygienic soles' and everything, :,,100 feet per second is obtained, as compared " What's the hill?" I i farul of .110 soros, on the llaitian4 rut, i +t°
. tree. Horace mentions the use of apple PIPE and we tried everything, and we had to give with 2,WO feet with other powders. There, "Not a cent." ePsslon, being lot 77 (,ndcrich townahn• ! , , .�
in love affairs. A lover woulfl take a Pip bethem all u We t, I situated 1:i miles from 1lohnesville,arid,foc • I
p gave up boots altogether has also been launched lately, for Italy by Please put the spring back- where it was , miles from the 'L'O11'!( or Clinton. T1109011'
tween the finger and thumb and shoot it up and took to'sand shots' -Canvas shoes with the Elswtck company, the Piemonte, a 21 before," said I, -He refused, and,I had to go I a good clav loam, with a'neverfa!ling sprint; 1
to the ceiling, and if it struck it, Iiia or Iter India rubber soles. Those allow the feet to knot cruiser of 2,500 tons, which, in const+- back to my, old friond, who hitched up the .. crank rnnnutg thmuf;h Lbu 1?ltuc; also goo,! i "
wish would ,be accomplished. Nowadays a o anyhow the like there is no res5ure, I eve la There is tiliout H acres of bush, wtii„I:
maiden tests the fidelity of Ler beloved. h g y y P geenco of being fitted with this new type nY Bair spring. Then I ,:eat to a store near ti,,".f,M' r6 one of the best sugar bustles fu the cou:- I t�"��)
�� Y and we found tLem admirable. ' Wo never guns, can discharge against.an adat:rsaryjn Park square and passers out the watch again. r gg��4rs:� ; tN;'also two frame barns, onwa haul[ bat•¢ ,,\ '
putting a pip 1n -the fire; at rho 'stluie time got blisters or sore feet or. anything. ' We a given tante twice the ,weight of eget and He laughed at at. X ' p\ :,; ' �-ry one flame gorse rc fl,lc, w'it h room for t' ,, i ? ' _
pronouncin Lia name. If the i sets •- ` i iwrses, also two god hear:ug orchards, i,. i• pati
g P P used to soap our tiles and heels and the in- shell• that' can be firer! by the largest war vex "You have got a baud roller nfn," snail Le. ,...E 1 ns lag about sax acres in nil, two yootilog house;. ,
with'a report, it is a sign that he loves Ler, sides of our titockiugs ixfore we started; set stow afloat. -Now': ork sun, ! ' "I know it, but a brass pin is good enough .^r' 1' .�,), 4 i v T9 I; At out g5 aeras s+•ude,i clo su. 15'711. be Sol'! ! iN°�"�
but should it :burn Silently, she is convinced' that is a ver good thiel Then as to °cash- - n a ' , .""'" � ; ort retsnntthle tcrMS. Al.r:\ IiAD'OUit. I
of his R'amt of truo affection for Ler. This Y S g• i for me. ' I, think my pair sprang is broken. t l 9 • ,a p i wr ti+.l Flolnlesl ills P. 0. I
Po . PIPs• this washed at the inns and )lac. so the The facility with which a bootblacl. mai.es I lie peeped again. -! �' ` ) tai t'' ( 1
in we could not ussibl sto to have ere. SIwe3 Covered with Diamonds. , t 1 t ns :.o- i ��y
is of Een performed °ring nests instead of g places, "Itis. You must leave the watch with me --1 -”' �rai:u
Gay mentions the common amusement of +•"" " ' "' -' II _
(ti l
way wv managed' aur washing was to have a shoe 'sLiuoy like diamonds has bean ro- until Saturday, when I wall have a neve one." 4,, . "l,'�I b ! mw
poring an apple without breaking the peel one thing washed each night, We found we marked by overt' one, but it is doubtful if "What will the bill be I 11, A. YV , `JdaLdk i�.. ' �^ ~
and then throwing the strap over the left could always s get one thing washed and any uuo has thought out the proposition that "About $:',50," ,} . s Ili ' I ' ; Y' .aa,
shoulder, hl order to see the initial letter of 1, y , - -' �'1� —THR, i'LtA('TICAL—
quickly gut ro andso we had clean things leave the knight of the Crush is through . I :'About
right. I got around the corner, saw { ? _
the lover's nano formed by the shape the without the trouble of carrying any with us. leaves your footgear bristling with dinmouds, Lim take has tweezers and lift up the sprang, ;moi;:.;';,':'• -':1 r'.- '` ' • ( i,ilt2 al "; i
acing takes upon the ground. This is often Saw him I "° �'_. ..,_ ' Tailor Od l ilk 9:. por@Uiln• i ,.tc
paring i gI' "Wo carrier! ria umbrellas, sl city man, a .Diamonds are, nothing but crystallized car- grin t a ewes smile, and then I went t I •
O no of rho many divittations duly practiced neighbor of ours in London, tusked me before bon. Blacking, which is bone black, is little away. When I came !Saturday he was roady '('ht' `Tc .s :•'acre'. v f •t f Ticlnlat, e7^- dt,ro �'ictori.t `;t. (;!intau
on Halloween or All Saints ove. 'Anotherfor me. After I had er.:.,.t•. 1.:; e,•ru: ,. m .t..:•:.,"•ts and dues _ .e '
w0 eturtvcl: 'IIow.many umbrellas ore you more when Moistened than carbon este, and paid the Lill he said: L+•e:: I•!.',: I.el :r - ! , "" - v+
way at the same season is for the curious goitlg to taker and when I replied, `Not the friction of a hair brush being one of the "Your watch was very ditty. I have ' Celltlenleu'N ;nit + ,furl-ov,':ca:lts clue,
maiden to stand before a looking glass comb-. one.,' Le was perfeetly horrified; it made him most eflicfent methods of generating elec- cleaned it up for you,, but will not charge U' ' :.r•,ad. � I � � i �A � � : ,f� � � era, d ' cd, rcdlairc'rl, u]tPrc',1 or turncti. ! -<'��- (�
Ing her hair with ono Land and eating nu quite ill. But, tbuuuh the weather was very tricity,has the effect of crystnilizirlg the car- Sou anything." When I told Lam that I Lacl "'E'L'I" �'"""' t'' ` �* o f "� Ll ,Ladies l.h c s�'S or 1[;tlltluti alectnerl or I 1
Orf! %i ,^? C ,TTA:2 CFS A. SsTnun, , 1 ,1� -r, .d
apple held in the other; the Ecco CP the had in England, we did very sell without. Lon of the blocking. As soon as this is dorso seen Lam 11Yt up the spring and put the catch :rcevl•s os c1y'ect without ta,cnl },art. Cleat s, F
tutnro'husband will thou be seen in the,lnss In the first party of the time we walked in our the boot is covered with millions of'inflnitely on the radi he got mad and said I was apoli- , ,, r, :: l , .L:n. s s .:•clan EnED Har I Sults pressed by tailors tinly. -All ga I f1 ,g
looking over her lett shoulder, inackintosLes and hats that the rain would small diamonds, and of coarse begins to shine titian and called mo other names which I clad :.rs..ot•, Nor. a1, i menta dyed warranted ant to stain, • `" `
Mrs. Latham, in her "Susses Su rsti- hr.; 1•°.;. r..nr..,1.LCa, Fat•Iner's eloth cut and made up then, . I P� t0 `�
„ PC riot Curt. Of course, it was very muddy; as amass of dlalponds would. This is not n not like. I nslterl ham to come out and fight, I 1-ve alwnys purc!uiS a r "» , ,
tions, (,Ives smother apple charm. Every and, lgliat with the mud and the rain and perfect explanation of tb9 henornPnun, bits IIo would not accept. As he had the mone '„u'; ,',i,:o'l!, un h th,• half do
on resent fastens an apple "on.a string , g I �' I P y' wnt.1 , luk ort, -e,; In lar(;.'• quantity. ti,::-! I 11eat>e Rive dis 1i gall. I 4m ..1
P P PP g tho.sl n our dress of into such a state we it is good as far as it 4;oes.-Shoo Dual.r in I could sec, nothing for me to do but submit. r *I„' ,•,',t n'a:n.P Ida n:p earth. I Luc,::. I C lIAI1G}' i �i()1) Z' IiA'I'}1. i)r '`�
htmg and twirled round beforo a Lot fire. were quite ashamed of ourselves; and on Globe -Democrat, I submitted Of cours0. : n - p, st:,i ,,- for G red years.
The owner of the apple that filet falls off is t3aturliny nights we hrAti to stop somewhere I tiVLen I talked it over with m friend he Y°t,rt. truly, Cass' A.. Es:: I .' �'�, {�} 11
declared to Ifo upon the point of marriage, and buy flowers or some little frilling or "Nouse of Seven Gables.” ! said ho woulLl try a now dodge and see how �;; w • ' * �a I W r I a,,,,�,,,, . ,�,•,,,,,,,,,,,�,d,,,,,e��,,, ,, tea
and as they fall successively, the order in somethin to bra hten u our hats to I it worked. It was rather expensive, but the Furl"�'`Y ALV ID ISI PAI N C!"'• '
which the rest of the y g g P go to correspondent of The Boole Buyer writes ' Pe ,
part will attain t0 church in next morning. Bat we never had that the "houaoof seven gables" is still in the ! cause of science was at stako and the sacrifice P•tnnXt,YN, N. Y., November 1, t'PS. WHO jp R �'!ppq%pp 1�gp'�}p t 't1 .�� �
matrimonial honors la clearly indicated, cold,, in epitc3 of having no umbrellas, and postossiun of the Bryant family, "being new was worthy of the object. He took out the pia, i'1•'f. 1' iri, ori C io gt\-e ynu testtmtntlal of my 1' HO •BrUI.IGU Mum co ;1 \.
single ble Redness 1>oang the lot of tl:o ono thou h wo hail a great deal of ra cold i,cAU red b Mr. Harold Godwin a son oP whole internal arrangements, so I could seo g 1 "•anion of your xendall,•sl3 ,tvin Cure. l have
whose apple is the last to drop."-Chambers's weather that peoploomplained of, g1v a found 31r. Parke Godwin, Mr. Bryant':.. son-in-law. the backbone and kidneys of my watch. This si2llevia,t+ind I ii vis Pohlad Stiff Joints cure`, I co ai i
Journal. -_ it splendid vfeatber for walking." Many of the poLt'S eireets arc still in the done, he carefully removed one of the jewels nll% r, •,•nmhlend ft to allhorsemen. We have the only factory Irl the D"-
I'And th,e bag p+ Yours truly �. H. GILRE11T, minion. Our niater'ial is pure and fin,', ,� ,y,
The Egg In Parts. y house. In the library his ties!, art,l chair re from the under side of the movement and )tanager Troy Laundry Stables. and is ends t•" ,1 1.': ?e ulin;{ sci,•ntists ,La CT -7 -
The Purim, egg is the "Oh, baby got quite like a,ypsy; he quite Aurin prncaicully as ho Icft thrid, a;v.l in the Pttt the works buck a,;ain. bay watch was g 9 �1g� ) u' ' 1 1 n v'� h e O
egg greatest, of all onyx' Pnjoyed at. First tiling in the morning he name rcwm are the )ufittins dead. I wont to smith on Harrisonvenua bean It .t tui I 1 ,� 1 ala 1., it cat
teties, not so much for its sacred qualities its l f t•vcn Iliru by 611�1&�� 5 a��lil��i1�C4�e 'not Usrnb nl„i-t11:„ n,„1 cot;':c"hent:,n^1
used to say, Tito gently; tiro ready to gull the American artists. The hou„' ,s kc•: it in I Ile told me just what ailed my watch anti `r+�
among the ancients, or for the strange germ r S.vNr,VClNTON COtiNrY, vale, Dec.19,, sa. I i9 not affeo}e,i I,,; ti,- :rt,.;!. J. Bak
of life that exists w^ithiti it which has cou- AVEIIAM, PEit DAY. gooil repair, and the ground; n1•,• 1'1 ,•:,:,• �!Iollt , said it would cost S:. for cure. All right. He Dn. B.,7. KENDALL CO. I �• 1 t I ts�d to 1
siderably worried modern eeientisf;. It is ” What distance diff you cover in a day Qu order, Tice old oaf., lz fctroritc is n:l t'Ir' rn,ot i coulti go ahead, When I took my watch GOIAS: I fuel it my duty M say What I have duns Ldward;, 1 h. T... { f F. (. 5., , �{
a9th your Sondall's Spavlu Cure. Ihave cored :]rontreAI, 1'. t`., ;av' ;t,+ grant d r', I f; ,;i
still sacred, but to nils dr;tder only, attd thu the average?' was blown down -.pr foil ---last yo;t:, TCU, I back to my partner in the secret I was fu- tw:lmtyfive horse¢ that had S;paviue, tea o1 i I t ,�,., 1
d formed that the mair had i lana ITone, nine am)etedw tth fl3ig Ileprd nu(. bllit, nnrler. a.l ,,, ='=''L" to wrath ?:
life principle which it contains sonnutlmes "We walked sixteen and eighteen, and ono lo' S ars n,)1v bri!!g e,:naulfaQ so Lt,:u t.:c y caul I p iiia a nice jnwel, ;e)'i•11of )Ili Javv. Sauer I haTrn tlucctondOf yam '. I
da twenty miles blit the average 1,0. mvdu into 'furniture aro! s„ l e,•:,il•s for as nKiil a5 the old rine, grid that I hal paid bon!t; nnri hollowed the directions, I have never I au8 storm it fit l}' :r,.•,:, ,I by"its }xi; l lr.a.( x,
indccsl disturbs, inanon-ac,uaiIIU way, the Y Y , go was 'oat aav+eofanykiwi. IgnLlhty. It i.non'r,l,rn;,h thanstp, , �,,,,; Y
digestion of tho purchaser. To the Amer!- twelve. Wu made it a rule to go twelve "i„iilhOt•90Y t.hlrfaillily LU111!1L.1n'lto LI'ie:lda,a' n fair j)]'ICP for the job. Yours truly, AxDnEw TL aNErt, arid will 11,p[ f it, iL, l,'1•uinC a IPIi' I ,Z
can an c1g; is either fresh or it is nothing; +Hiles a day. !Sundays eve rested. Wo always -Tllu LT,och,• i I was •,ut satisfled. ,�;loaia Ifo remov'ed,the , Horse Doetolt .I of
that is it is nothing Init an nbelllfnatiolL As felt very airectionawly disposed toward the - ------ -- • jewel, and again I event out, this tf !le, t•, �9 $�1. BB g sone froul •;, I:rnit i,,n t , ,"•m rat!un.
milestones. `Here's anotherdelig delightful mile• i:xcreise. in Opt•;i .^.,r, ' annthV'r ntnn 'ol Washington street, hero 4lENDIRALlr S SPAVIN CUREe i bill"° of no oflo r 'n,,!,',d °emelt
an edible it i:: of each an no l0 delicacy that 04 I L_,616'(l tha, a , I c'ynally 0111,•111 ' 'Ir „of ,-•,nl',R, vlrRrtm'
It dues llllt Itnnw, arirl f`axl not kngly, degrees stone, tho children would say, Auld that was tiC'tlOnl lU)n l•s, 51.1' of I:!t;.;, ;t:' • , n,..•...gl ,11 jt'wCl•q,"L9 gent, and that it Prtc-1$1 per bottle, or aux bottles for$5. All Drug 1 ,r ..,, .'., .e
I .IslepaveItsrcaugetltforyou,orltwiUbesenl Inff)!1)1,b,;IIIT, ,, nr 1. !oelindelini',o� �-
of excellence. 41 hen itis not• the very vir- ono matter Ln which wa saw tt abet rdluark_ to ronflnu r. grua ia•, .11•.. it L . ,1,11,1 , wnu.d cost nl:, i'„r rt new oae. I[c Il,,elced •o any addressmp revelpt of jsleepy the pro rte ! ,In,'•1'rii' ,,
gin purity of freshness it is Rt for nothin); able' ditPerenco' between Scotland afid there shou:d he n,• If) l:,!:_; : • 1, , le. ' gunny, and so ht: ,ut the job. Two clay's :ora. Dat B. J. RICNUALLCO., '110AburghFalls,pvt 1,11,1;t- •• , ' ' '
but to by t!noun at a!1 unpopular orator ul Englau,l. DLectly wo got over the border Actn,' o:n,roisr in o;n n; ir.;L,,:: ; ,[,life, later I returlped to Illy friend with the watch. SOLD 33Y ALL DitUGG'ISTS, (,Ii hoar*•1 :i :' . it i ml ,l 1's i,• (_D :
to 1m assf;;ned to the tender care of that sync• they® wern neither niileAurles nor direction with idont_ of !,lain i,,' al ,v; . ::: \ heti, I Ile dissected the job. Thi Iaac<! Lttcly vertu• 1 1 ! F'Sa�Aq
posts. Wo did (Ind some flcar Ayr, but all Again l lint my vole,' ii f n, 11 , i,' o. )fed b a owe! leas 1`1]1011 b a hit of tin with fore ),..+ iJ.; rIr „r, i, r.
bol nP maternal patience, t to setting lien, I 'anis 1 y j Y ,-; '
Itis not no fn Paris. There the theory is broken, not the slightest uso; whilo in e-.1tn Vxor&i:,,' for "ir.:1. :),., . 'I I aholo- in it. The Watch wnS going, but an n �ir'si - W. M. (+iFi';::. (.',X'i' ('1,1 �'1'U:. ”
:1.n:urr g gl
Ifo ;.:',
quite di[Ferent. Tho Paris egg Idsea its fresh_ EugiauQ they were all so well kept you just olds„ I [hove' s„ ' I t ,•,.:., . ,,, t „s. few wucksIt would stopp, and I Should have ,. ,, . .
cess, the line of demarkation l)etwee;i the ` couldn't go wrong, champ, pale eh1:QI;N n, I. ib' . till) , to contra..,' nnother Lfll. I tool. the wittcL ,,' Tn�r: S r. 'i ,r I .,'. ' i; , •I Mom yam,
)• , "What was our plan of walkin +' " bra' I back to the man who h: d load,- t,n tin jt•\vel, ' t '1:-%l C, W I 'i'. -'I , ,, 0�1 . ')saw+"d f. 1.,
yol.. httd the °°hate becomes ennfttsedI t.) 11 Y P g.' Wo bright tints and ulusI te;, t.: I: 1 to and Farad: - d
is an active generation of sulphureted Lydro. ¢lade it n rule to start by 7:30, after break- her years, and utterly fu -o 1'..,L;1;11 lu:lg I "1 fours t , rtentinn it, 1,, I thiel; nay
gen if it is kept in a warm place, or the gal fast. Wo walked a few hours and tben rested synr,::,nns that Ila: i in'r:i:l I., u well ! watch is dirty. 4'ill yew cicn., atel " • j 1''`4,)1
of Fife slowly but surely morgosinto the flesh, during tho haat oP the day, and walled again gro:rt.dud apprdic%sioil.'^ :3:u' lu-, ,,'.lr;w,I to I ” Ye'3, it fs dirtyy," sail{ he, with it happy ,,, ='-•e x ; � v ;« a ; � a g a � u gd,o
bones and clown of the incipient fowl. Still
Ili the afternoon. Having so many childreu ,like fennis,and for the !:t,t 1:e,,a!l of her l look ill Ills face, "t,utIdidnotfeellike(Join;• ''`v� ��t>�`'��:m-t✓��;
it docs not loan its financial value. The best' with us, tho anxiety was to got into some vacation grin averaged fk: L y I,n;:n.5 n ,lay - I a joo which I leas not astral to purfrn nt." ti r,. ; ',,;i Zia d o m d 4• A g s a
eggs, tend the • aro usual! glace for stepping - °' "ISN's;
y Y goad, arc sulci for I PI gat before dark -by 6, if William F. Ilutchiusun, .,1, U., ,.t Anwrican I the ease' took out the movement ntid Lpolcecl M • :j. � W 4 a Fa � a 01 ^-s-r.,; �
boiling at three or four sous apiece. This is Possible, but novel, Inter than 7.. Somotims', DIagazine. ' t ` ,; f,j 4 , d N„ n g - -f 14"1 I
the stare dared. Tben comes the second unlit we bar! great difficulty fn otiting I in. 'Il hen he saw that my fi end had ro• , . \ , 1; ,• , • } •, c p,; •,! ;rq tl s ; y v a ° u " ��� � � � o p � c
q y g g acu/mma , pincedthe jevvel,-lielookedWallc. "i' 33 -res„ �Sa a'Ps, .
In width decumposltion }ins just commenced, dated --rat Belper, for instance. sometimes Accounted F'ar• "What du you think of itf" I uslcerl. 1' I 't ,,.,1 k he • a ao,;N ;Qe • $1111:
but is imperceptible except to fastidious per- we had the roughest lodgings, and sometimes "Emily," Said 31r•. Btirmoks, steruly, I t•Think? '1b•hy', I tliinlc it is (linty,,' '1 . ':!""t I ' ''. ; .• I I 1 , , rI �( e e a �� �q ° e,y �a Q" 9 � y Ir a0
sons, wbo object on principle to ehoinical we wore at the most splendid hotels, too when I entered the parlor last: evening it '4But hoc° r.buut Out jewel you put ins" ' c""'' " ' ' " ' " ` p; I.- a j to � "- o gee 2 � d� o o aei ��' "M
changes ill their food. As to other gradcs just took what we could find, to fact. We seems to mo that you and Mr. Tar}lcy, if not I "Here it iv," salt! Ice puintin,, to the joavl " `(; '" , , 'M) . ;4$'� � ° e a� S so" N ti a
and qualities which the customer Secs dis- found wo had to keep to tho bi b roads for ''xactly occupying one chair wcrU never- my friend d!na plLLca� there ulsteatl oY t:hc ''`' ?f'Ii"' ' . •,::ct•luiriit•.n r16)� «la/t sZ
g ' I tin `and it k n flao one', too." I lot out at '.x!!it ;r;.>n L ... ' 1:, with the I4 a"a:q )sv I
tributed in various places about the shop their two reasons -first, that we must have a good thelesa so near to one another that t,) n Lard's I ' ux ,r„n „ ton,1 r �' ,,,, • , n'; ! (or MIA es a v' ho
him, If ho I, -,i been possessed of any spark i { I tr, t•. 1 4 .e S V; j1►Fr�k
price is not flxo!l.-Albert Sutliffc in t,an road for Ibeperambulator,andtLesideroads ey,'yonmight just as well have been,' of oourano lw lvuutd have pump out and flu (j„t'!',, 1'•iih ;L :',1 ear'on:1,e Gran.. *o6-. y a
Francisco Chronicle. were so frightfully heavy and lumpy: and ” Well, pa, what cah I rlo3 (3vorgs Ponos whipper! mo tl:, n ilm there. But ho was a ek r(eG, b'; rt h;:r 'Su'I!, -In. Foi y' �' t� e I f
- I for another thing we had to go to the towns to Roo me, aril hos awfully scar si„ nted. I coward, and would not Light. 1Vhd, as Ihr' .,',t:'t i't' ''.:'r •' . , ".ud 1er111s, x � h,� I F.a
Studying Orcultism in England. W put ulr-ton peoklo arriving all at once ninth be polito.”-New Yot k'Si v.'ninq Sun, still worse by woujd not giv0 up th.i ilSnncy�, to"...,,, . , t tI. � g • ^ a� I �+ � �
Chu increuacs oY mystic orders which aro or, and wanting beds is something alarming in a - - - ---� - - IViy friend broke them fu Spring ; LLi9 1 imv, '';3$X0.1$ tdQ�fi,ltlt+Q!! +Fb irtl.l M d sq fl e
whiell In•etend to hn engager! in tLe utudy of sou:?I Puce." -Pall Maall Gazette. A Now high Wire ,let. I It was not much of a job, and by chid not take, M,.N .I c ,i art• l a ' ' � ,e E p cl0 t tri i
occultism is ono of the Chnraetel istics of rho --- There is spew. high °vire net. Two mon 1 oLf over an inch, which stop ed the watoll, WAREROLMS IM•'�'1 'HJ^`•, t'-. TonoalTO E °ae I
and that was onou h. An o] 1 follow at the =Ac•rc.ny, tq ill ", ,,,'-„w•)e)s AVENur. �`a I' ben (1Z i
time fu England. The country is full of A 81snll for an Inkstand• Starting from different ends of a slanlc wire I West End was rhy next victim. IIe know
"osoterie” circles, of which the latest fon¢ Sarah Bernhardt coffin, satin lined, and meot and pass ench other; going by on a I lvhnt ailed the -watch n.taglanco. The•main- I
rejoices fn the name of the "Esotorle Triad of standing in one corner of her bedroom as a waltz step. ,A woman actually Glances on the sprang was broken, A novo ono would cost Rt •s p � • I
the Iced Wafer brotherhood." This order reminder of the inevitable end of Mortality, wire, and a roan trots across it with a com- hint fifty penis. It was wvrtil fifty cents to twNklR�19 EL0U5 i +�,!�
anion upright tin his oulders.-row York put /it in, or $1 ill all, ! p,
clainla an T gvptflr:i origin, nnri its memhgrw has its counterpart in an inkstand belonging P110. 1C.,') sait,� 1•EMORY r I t N Q i r' v !
allege that it was jests of t t r rPirh of to Howard Seely, which is rnado of to skull Sun. I Two days al't,'T` &. my friend timl I were A i� ��r 1 %� I l
Thutmes 1i, The objects of the brotherhood of awoman-whether of a vPohlan he once - looking veru. m watch. Prom two Or three !i A �
i. oysters in elle Village. I g Y I
aro thn invrstigation of occult mysteries, loved history does not sayy. Within the or- peculiar filemulcs on the sprang Ivo know at
thb Study of esoteric truth burl thn ultimal'e bits wbonco once flashed glances of love and Customer -Clive me a down raw Itow once that till he lead rhino was to shortoll tip
fraternisation of humanity."• --Cor, flame laughter are placed two crystal ink wells, the long will ft take you to open them? thoulil s1wing nnri nlrtko it servo fort► newM 'T
Journal. Yro lrictor- )nt bo
tops covered by lids of silver, which drop I C ya nva opens sir. stone to. T vt the work ;p not over n DI,SCOVERy ej ob L 6,c ''s ��A ' i-
- ._�._ . _�._ - - - • ' P ' 't Dill, ' anLiutu. That tVest I:ud sh.. > a•na f,l in. a "s"g'' '"`)-i j
I down upon'and conceal the openings, 13y where in thunder's that can opener? -Boston I 1 Only Genuine System afMetnary Tvniniac-
" 01101 1i
6ioad Faintly Planagcmont. Couching n little spring the top of the Shull Transcript, - - ( I);� this time my nclvontnrra tm:ou} t!le hour Rooke Learned In one reading. I
Men talk in raptures of oatn rind beauty, - -- lcat•h r)c•1'v"'To pretty U-01 k!,omn, I tried 611nd vvanderina cured.
P 5 turns upon, salver hinges, revealing n bas for Mine. Goetrrin once slid that there w. -I,& , my old dwlg w and Po: oral nine c acs on Ilcr- livery r tied and adult greatly benefitted. I ry t 'j g I � '
veli and as},rigbtliness, but, aft,. scorn yearn ! pens in the cavity where once rested the three thin a that women throw awa •-tdcn 1 1 pe' C�,1,i '� 1�' ''
of union, lot one of them Is to lie comparecl g' y I Int la half n dozen has the taco told mo the Groat t Gucomonte to Cottaepondnnon Clnsso 'passes s e s }" v � � i
cerebrum and cerebellum bP it lm in„ girl, t ono, their money anti their health. , real troubio anti eMi-t,,^vel oto a fair price, So I Pros oetus, with opfnioqs of i/)r. AV�ti . A. M}ntm I - ,
to gond family management, which is sum at I Te roflectiona of
Hamlet noun rho x'.,1111 of ---__ hart no reaRcyulfor tl !ding fault.. i ?lad sup- mens , tho world -famed Hpeoialist in Dlin•l nlsgiLQnA,
Pverp meal nnri every family gntherin • n.nd n nit reonlP .fTharnpporl, VIA gr,•nt N
f', I Yorick would be, tame ennil are,r a it -it the iklttc r a dunks w ca;dccl In rdemdnstrating that there aro many ngint, �.% , n ek ('y, D. ►• oaitornf 6hn �ht j ,
felt every hour in the husbands parse. --•Cur• nightmarish suggestions of Stell nn nl•n ,nu'ttt Y hath lots you ride thanQa tricks played 'nova the uninitiated in the Aduneafr 1 , it�eban IfrcrCtnr, the r.l
rent Literature. f ;:o hors¢ which throws you off.-Trigane , watch burdnoss, and I believe that an expos- !Togo. tV.� Rtor,.Tndpe /ilbton, Jud t Yy +� 1 +avtAts#
upon one's writing tnhlc.--Now o1V i'tn 1; \'r nr1tL v 0: 1>. m'o will do good. -Gil Furd in Loxton Globo, 1 ji>i.
rJof A IL!)I�+LTs1l�, 2Fiitlf iltliylve., �� � L i �� 1LA 1: %•
. L,� / @ "
I . . k � A �
A"._„,y,,. } 6