HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-03, Page 2FRIDAY, MAY P. 1889. COIMIL QUAIIITCR V. C. A TALE OF COUNTRY LIE BY H. RIDER HAGGARD. CONTINUED. "WhO ad 17. WM. Wm], an an 17. "Oast, I supRoier "1 haVe it en 4 11.0404' 04.theriV• 0.140 answered. "1 hays it from Mi Pe la !��U° herself. Now lints B Edwsrd Costley. When I let yo go, I made a condition, and tha condition was that you should no marry Ida de la Molle. Do yo still intend to marry herr' "You had it from Ida?" he eaid disregarding:her. question; "then yo must have spoken to Ida—you mus have told her everything. I su pected re much . from her manne the other night. Year—" "Then it is true," she broke in coldly. "It is true, and additio to your other failings, Edward, yo are a coward and a liar." "What is it to you what I am o what I am not?" he answered, say agely. "What business is it o yours? You ,have no hold over me and no claim upon me. As it is, I r have suffered enough at your handle and the e of your accursed husband I have bed to pay him thirty thou • k 14? 471 1 F": , • t• W121010 0.1701;p Niue was engra in gold lettere. " "Oh, that's the safety bolt," Bs. said. "When see the word ,aa , the looks are barred and the u won't go. off. You have to p t the bolt forward before you can t fire." u "So," she said, carelessly, and suiting the action to the word. , "les, so, but please be careful; u the gun is loaded." t "Yes, I'll be earful," she answer- s- ed. "Well, it is a very pretty gun, ✓ and so light that I believe I could shoot with it myself." Meanwhile Edward Cossey and n Mr Quest, who were walking to - u wards them,had separated,Mr Quest going to tho right across the lawn ✓ to pick up a glove which had drop- ped upon the grass, while Edward. f Cossey slowly sauntered towards , them. When he was about nine paces off, he too halted, and, stoop- ing a little, looked abstractedly at a • white Japanese chrysanthemum which was still in bloom. Mrs Quest turned,as the colonel thought, to put the gun back aaainst the wall. He would have offered to take it from her, but at the mom a cry, from Mrs Quest. He drop- pedtime to see the eup,_2yhich hadlea followed by an exclarnation,or rather the anipe and looked up, just in was aware of was a loud explosion, beth his hands were occupied in er- trading one of the "painters" from a snipe. . The next thing that he naarora7T97SItrids with -the recoil, strike against the wall of the house and fall to the ground. Instantly, whether by instinct or by chance,he never knew, he glanced towards the place where Edward Cnssey was stand:rig, and saw that his face was u streaming with blood, and that his right arm' hung helpless by his side. s Even as he looked he saw him put his uninjured hand to his,bead, and, i without a world or a sound, sink d down on the gravel path. For a second there was silence, y and the blue smoke frora the gun D hung heavily, upon the damp autumn c air. in the midst of it stood Belle b Quest like one' transfixed, her lips apart,her blue eyes opened wide,and a the stamp of terror—or was it guilt " —upon her pallid face. •w All this he saw In a flash, and then ran to the bleeding heap upon w the gravel. ta lie reached it almost simultanern - ously with Mr Quest, and together rn they turned the body over. But ro still Belle stood there enveloped in the heavy smoke. se • Presently, •however, her trance m left her, and she ran up, flung her- Y� self upon her knees, and looked at se her former lover, whose face and er head Were now. mass of blood. at "He is dead," eh wailed; "he is dead,. and I have killed him. Oh, at Edward 1 aEd ward !" • Mr Quest turned on her savagely; an 83 savagely that one •might almost Pi have thought that heleared lest' in ch her .agony she should say something lio further. "7,dtop Abut," sizing her arm, "and go for the doctor, for if am he is not dead he will soon bleed.to ler death." ho • With einot she rose, put her hand o her forehead,. and then ran an like i.he wind down the garden and -sile th,-ough the little door." Copyright and published by arrange mont with the Rose Publishing Company.) Our rays is called upon to face many troubles—sickness poverty • and death—but it is doubtful if •Evil hold another arrow as sharp as . that which pierced him now. He was no longer young, it is true,and therefore, did not feel that intense agony of disappointed passion, that sickening sense of utter loss, whirl in • such circumstances sometimes settle on the young. But if in youth we feel mote sharply and with a keener sympathy of the imagination we have at least more strength to bear, and hope does not altogether die. For we know that we shall live it down, or if we do not know it then, we do live it down. Very • likely, indeed, there cornea a time when wa look back upon our sor- , • rove and he or she who caused it with wearier, yea even with scorn and bitter laught 3r. But it is not so. when the. blow falls in later life. It may not hurt so much at the time, it may seem to have been struck with the bludgeon of Fate , p to death, 4.7 the t4aCtbill done, the other doeto an OldiJi Ina be I put in an appearance, and: tagetbi* fe,' they wade a rapid esaminatian Of gousbn theinjuries. BelIe stood by holding a basin of water. She did not speak, and on her face was the same fixed look of horror which Harold had observed ofter the discharge of the gun. When the examination was fin- iched, the two doctors whispered to- gether for a few seconds. "Will he live?" asked Mr Quest. "We cannot say," answered the older doctor. "We do not think it probable that he will. It will de- pend upon the extent of his injuries, and whether or no they have ex- tended to the spine. If he does live he will probably be paralyzed to some extent, and he will certainly lose the bearing of the right ear." When she heard this, Belle sank down upon a chair overwhelmed,and then the two doctors, assisted by Harold,tet to work to carry Edward Cossey into another room, which had been rapidly prepared, leaving Mr Quest alone with his wife. He came and stood in. front of' her and looked her in the face, and then laughed. "Upon my word," he said, "we men are bad enough, but you wo- men .beat us in wickedness.' "What do you mean?" she said, faintly. . "I mean that you are a murder- BelleZbe said,aelemnly..,. "And ion are a bungler, too.- YOU could not hold the gun straight." "I deny it," she said, "the, gun went cif—" "Yes," he said, "you are wise make no admissions; they might sed in evidence against you. me counsel you to make no adn ions. But now look here. I s pose that this wan will have to n this house until lie recovers les, and that you will help to nu ite. Well, I will have none our murderous work going on he o you hear me? You are not omplete at leisura what you h egun in haste." "What do you take nie for?" a sked, with some return of api do•you think I would injure minded man?" "I do not know," lie answer ith a shtug, "and as for what ke you for, I take you for a w an 'whose passion has made h ad," and he turned and left t om. When they bad got Edward C y, dead or alive—and he look ore like death than life—up to t om prepared for him, the colon eing that he could be of no furt use,left him with a view of goi once to the castle. On his wity out .he._ looked in e draming-roorn, and there w rs Quest, still sitting on the cha d • gazing blankly before • he tying her, lie entered. "Corn 9er up,Mrs Quest," lie said, "the pe that he will • - Shemaderio answ.er. "It wasan awful accident, hat almost as culpable as you, for t the carrridges in the gun. u w, Cod'a will be done." q.,4od's will," she said,lunking ui (I then once .more relapsed int nee. le turned to go, when sudden! rose and caught him by th 1. 'Will he die?" she :sai,", alines eely "Yell me what you think ut what tho doctors say ---you seen lots of wounded men and w better than they du, Tell me truth." 1 cannot say,' lie answered, king his head. parently She interpreted his. wer as yes. t any rate she cred her face with her hands. What would you do, Colonel if you had killed the only g you loved in the whole world?" asked, presently. "011, what saying? 1 am off my head. vo me and go tell Ida; it will be 1 news for Ida." ccordingly, having picked up gun from tho Spot where it had n from the hands of Mt s Quest, eparted for the. Castle. ud then it was that,for the first , there flashed upon his mind rartiordinary impot tattoo of this dful acci lent in its hearing up - is own affairs, ff Cossey (Had mild not marry Ida, that .was r... That was whatMrs Quest L. Lave meant when she said it would be good news for Ida. how did she know anything t Ida's engagement to Edward cy? And, by Jove! what did woman wean when she asked t he would do if ho had "killed only thing he loved in the (I"? Cossey must bo the "only g she loved," and now he.thought , when she believed that he was 1.,s,110 called him "Edward, Ed - ow Harold Quaritch was as le and unsuspicious a mart as it d be easy to find,hut ho was mi • He had moved about the d,and on various occasions come ntact with casrs of the sort, as other men have done. lie (v that when a wotnan, in a lent of distress, calls a man by Ihristian nante,it is because She the habit of thinking of' him speaking to him by that name. that there was much in that tself, but in public she .ealled r ( hey." " Il ward," clear - len, war,: the "only thing she I," and I.i.lward was th)cretly en - 1 to Ida, cull Mrs (»EtAt knew hen a !Will has he fortune, tiler the misfortune, to be the thing untried woman eve, Ober thata_witb er kce.n =1Word- -btit-the-effeeriT More List- ing, 'and for the rest of our days we are numb and cold, and Time has no sabre to heal us. Iltese things Harold realized most clearly in the heavy days that fol- ' lowed that churchyard separation. He took bia punishment like a brave man indeed, and went about ;' bis daily occupations with a stead- ', fast,face, but this bold behavior did tot ; lessen its weight. He- had t& posed not to go away till Ida was wearied, and be would keep the promise, but in his heart he won- dered how he would be able to bear.. Abe sight of her. What would it be to see her, to touch her hand, to the tastle of her dress and the music' of her beloved voice, and to ; realize again and yet again that all these things were not for him, that they had passed from hina into the ownership of another man? ... en.the day following that upon which Edward Cossey had been ter- ifictd.jnto'transferring the Honh am rrrortgages to Mr Quest the colonel went out ithoo,tog. • Ile bad on the ,previous day became the piassessor of a, new ham rnerlesa gun by a well- known London waker, of which bert stood in considerable need. He had treated himself to thls gun when be eitine intohis aunt's little fcirtune, tit it was only just completed: The eapon 'was a beautiful one, and at -ny'rother time it -would have filled is sportsman's heart withjoy. Even d 'Sit was, when • he put it together /pqbEdariced it sod took imaginary bets blackbirds in the garden, he w or a little while foNot, his sorrows, t r the SerrOW must indeed be heavy hicii a new hammerless gun by A ch a maker carrot do something b wards lightening. So on the next e oroing he took Ii gun tiod pro- t eded to the marshes by the river, here, be was eiedibly infortned, • eral. wisps of sn;re htel been seen, (!' attempt to silo...-. some of them lig d put the xa-,v weart] to the test. • It was on th,I stunt, iiioruing that so sand pounds, do you know that But of course you know it. No doubt the whole thiog is a plot, and you will share the spoil." "Ah!" she said, drawing a long breath. "And now look here,'.' he went on. "Once and for all, I will not be interfered. with by you. I am engaged to n.arry Ida de Molle, and whether you wish it or no I shall marry -her. And onute..1141g. you eo-ossoctate with Ida. Do you understand me? I will not alio* it." She had been holding the fan be fore .her face while he spoke. Now she lowered it and looked at him. er face was. paler. rhan ever, paler than death, if that be possible, but in her eyes there shone a light like the light of a llama. "Why not?" she said, quietly. "Why not?" he antivrercd, savage- ly. ftl wonder that you think it necessa y co ask such a question; but as you do, I will tell you why. Because Ida is the lady whom em going to marry, and I do not cheese that , she should associate with a woman who has been my mistrers." "Ab!" she said aga'n, "I under- stand now." At that moment a dliersion oc- curred. The drawing-rooixt looked on to the garden, and at the end of the garden was a door which opened on to • another.street.' Through this door bad tome Col- onel Quaritch, accotnpanied by Mr Quest, the former .with his gun un- der his.arm. They had walked up the garden, and were almost at the French window when Edward Cos- sey saw them. "Control yourself," he said,in a low voice, "here is yore husband." 'Mr Quest advanced and knocked ocke at the window, which his wife open- ed. When be saw Edward .Cossey he -hesitated a little, and then nod - ed to hin]'while the colonel came 'orward, arld,plabing his gdn by the wall, inter ed theroom, shook bend% ith Mrs Quest, and bowed coldly o Edward Cossey. "I met the colanel, Belle," said 1r Quest, "coming bete wth the enevolent intention of giving you owe snipe, so I brought elm up by bo short way:: '..Tnat is very hind of you,Celcnel oaritch," said .sbe, with a mi le or she bad the sweetest smile ;m- inable). Ile looked ht her. There w,is mething about her face which at zne trotted his attention, tothing lista, I. • 4e "What ale ),011 1-oking at' sh asked, BP "You," he said, blently;for they ea were out of hearing of the other 01 two. "If 1 were poetically minded cl T should say that you lcokral like do the Tragic Muse." it "1)o I?" she answered, bursting b! out laughing. "Well, that is cur- OV ions, ,beeanse I. feel like Comedy tit herself:). "There is something wrong with that woman,'" thought the colonel to Pe himself as be extracted two couple so of snipefrom his capacious coat ou tails. "1 wonder what it is." cei Just then Mr Quest and Edward t1 Cossey pass ad out into the garden Id' talking sli 4,1 fete to the snipe, Mrs Quest," so Inc Said. "1 have Lad rather good ba hick. 1 killed Torr couple and miss•tit q.,(1 two couple more; hut then I had Poi a. new gar, and no one e'm shoot ho htg well with a new gun." • alo "Oh, thatilt you," she said. "Do pa pell out the (paintrirs' fur me. 'I like to put them iu my riding -hat, itli and 1 never cnn find them myself." "Very well," answerc 1, "but est 1 must go int-, the garden to do it; Pr° there is not light' enough he,..). It con gets dark so soon nOW." vis Accordingly lio stt,pped out through the window, and began to Qu hunt for the pretty little feathers tin which are found at the angle of a snipe's wing. the '18 that the new gun, Colonel ion QQuaritch?'said Mrs Quest, present- tha ly; "what a .beautiful one!" fru "Be careful," he said, "I haven't ha taken the cartridges out." th If he had been looking at her, all which at the moment ho was not, car Harord would have seen her stageer and catch at the wall for support. wa Then lie would hare Ken an awful go and malevolent light of midden de- termination'pass across her face. "All right," she said, "1 know all about galls. My father used to &Ito-, and 1 always cleaned his gitn," and she took tho weapon tip and began to examine the ongmvi on the locks. "What this?" she said, pointing to a little slide above the lochs on Pitcher's Castoria. ward m -toy ,t a letter which turbri yot a lit tle. it was na Bell; Qn•••«, ran thus :- mil you come ✓ and bee me Cuis I' ‘ornoon about ee o'clock ? I -.hall g eeet you, tin 1 Sere /...1 me. 1.3. Q." or along whi' ,.• le: hesitated what o. Belle Que:it wars at tho pre- junet it re the sews last person in he w to son. Ills nerves e shaken tint). ho te.ired a Scene, • on (he oilier Lana ho did not W what Jonger !night threaten if he did not go. Quest had s prict, end he h new that he 'ott4ng DIC,10 to fear from him; jealous woman has no price, ho did 'not humor her it he felt, 110•,,t. a risk which tild not e,' jun? A Iso Ito WAS -esly i t.,iva no furth- s or gesslp. sudden out- .-v(sible (o‘sation of his ay with th (.2,)(StS in a little town like )1 :isitigham,vvheie ihovonifr.s .vore known, 1)0 thnog!it, give Ike to sur- nd So,albeit with beiwt, letoi mined to go. rding!y, throb o'clock pre - was rliry.,-n into the draw - at ti' 0.11; I. Mrs Quest ere7 mtleed, he waited for routes Jo( slit) cause t s in black. She eryaP3, to pale that the bine er foreliefid showed dirt- y ,through het ivory akin, and Jtitarr curi011:, intensity about Abner which frightened him. da 'very .totiet, unnaturally so, bit lior quiet was of the is turo of tl.e silence before % , and hen she spoke her ro kurn and ipiiek not sle!lte hands with fiee ',limn and looked at 3!•thisg..horsolf with a ik,ory fa n which , She look M the table gent fur n.e, Belle. and here 'lie Said, 1 r.),1king the silenov. ii Site "Volt told rue hhi said, "that you dP kenglsked to Ill) mart to la 'Mol1.. ft was not 1 rua. ro engarr,od to be Mai pied to I Jrcri Cry for 0 to be Let lis- up - lie or rse of re. to ave he rit; a ed, o- er he 08 ed be el, h. ng to 85 11'r. e, 1 Y0 y- PTE It XXX. trAnoro TAKES TEE r Quest and Harold 101 dm ceding man-- whether lie was she ; hen fiel• 1,1 —n 138eleSS O1 dead they k IP:kV 1101— 1181% lo the house, and laid ;Jim on the kno fa. Then, having despatched a the 1)....Ant to heck a second doctor in ‘, se the one already gone for was sha it, they set to work to cut the tithes from his neck ane arn, and 1" what they could, and that was ('.:018- tle enough, towards stanching the It soon, however,becatne Qua Went that Cosse,y had .only got thin e outside portion of the charge of she o. 7, that is to. say, that he had am en truck by about a hundred 1,ea nets' out of the three hundred or pot which would go to the ordinary A nee and an eighth. Had he re- his vod the whole charge he must, at Palle at distance, Lave been, instantly he d led. As it Was, the point of the • A milder was riddled-, and (10, t9 thi10 mewhat smaller extent, was the the e ek of his neck and the region of dreg o right ear. ()no or two outside on It lets had also 'struck the head he c her up, and the skin m and 'uscles clea ng the back were tort, by the EDDA sage 'of the shot. Jove," said Mt (,)1,,,st, nk he is done for." abou l'ito colonel nodded. 110 had some Cuss lerieneo of shot wounds, and the the sent was not of a nature to en- wi.). n rgo hope of the patient's sur- the al. worl 'How did it happen?" asked Mr thin est, presently, as he mopped up of it ) streaming iJlood with a sponge. dead "It was on accident," groaned war( colonel. "Your wife was look- N at my new gun. I told her «imp t it was loaded, and that she woul ist be carefu17and, I thought she fol. d put it down. Tne next thing worl at I heard was the report. It is in co my cursed halt for leaving the most tridges in." kne Ali," said 31I r Quest. "She al- no ys thought that she understood his 18. It is a shocking accident." is in Jost then one o(the (loans came and n runnina up the lawn carrying a box Not of insttinents, and followed by by i Belle Quest; and in another minute him was at work. Ho Wag a rjulk and ly nurgosn,a11.1 hat. ing annoline (..d that the patient was not ilenkLitt p.:•11.1,, One.' to work to le 0110 Of the Sturdier ill terieS in the throat, had boon piere.e(I,and through which I or la Edward I 'ossey was rapidly bleeding only chlicirfAn Orfor Pitcppr's frO?ra;. • 19Ye4i and Wben that Hiaril WQ- 414‘44P?:of tup.(149tOf vQtjQfo-ad 0110011-1€114t. to Pt*: btidrabtii" is obv*iii144 reiteeted,' that it 0414) Ras0 pt if tea, the ge st re ed n. Id ic as 8- knowledge will excitetiitrditg feelia in hen breast, feelings indeed.whio in some natures would amount a most to madness. ' When he had first seen Mrs Que that afternoon she and Cossey we alone together, and he had notic sonuething unusual aout her, sour thing unnatural and intense. I deed, he had, he remembered, to her that she looked like the Trag Muse. Could it be that the loo was the look of a woinan maddene by inault and jealousy, who iv meditating some fearful or imeli Ho did that gunge off? He did not se it, and he thanked God that he di not, for somehow we are not alway as anxious to bring our fellow-cre tures to justice as we might be, e pecially when they happen to b young and lovely women. Ho did -it go off? She understood guns; he could see that. from the way sh handled it. Was it likely that i exploded of itself, or owing to a accidental touch of the trigger! I was possible, but not likely. Still such things had been known to hap pen, and it would be impossible t prove that it had not happened i this case. Ifit were Olin atternpte murder it was very cleverly man aged, because nobody could prov thata-it - was but .anciderrrat— conld it be possible that that soft, beautiful, baby -faced woman could have, on the spur of the motnent, taken advantage of his loaded gun to wreak her paasion and her wrongs upon her faithless lover? Well, the face is no mirror of the quality of the soul within, and it was possible. Further than that it did not seem to him to he his business to inquire. By this tirne he was at the Castle. The squire was out,but Ida was in, and be was shown into the drawing- rootn while the servant went to seek her. Presently be heard her dress rustle upon the stairs,and the sound of it sent the blood to his heart, for where is the music that is more sweet than the rustling of the dress of th d wcman 'whom we love. She camein and shook bands with him. "Why, what is the matter?" she said, noticing the disturbed expres- sion on his face. "Well," he said, "there has been an accident—a very bad accident." "Who?" she said. "Not my fathet?"h . no; Mr Cossey." "Oh," she said, with a sigh of te- lief. "Why did you frighten me so? • The colonel smiled grimly at this unconscious exhibition of the rola- tive state of her affection: . "What bas"happeneci to- bind?" asked Ida, this tttne with a suitable expression of concern. • •.• "Ile has been iccidentally shot." "Who by?" "Mrs Quest." "Then she 11d it -on put pose—I mean—s lie deadr TO BM CONTINUED. • — • rfe0i onal anti oprr,,trx1-0 MANNINO At 8COTT, Barristers, Solicitors,. CONVEYANCERS, • Colinnissioners for Ontario ond Manitoba Os aie'E Nexr Dom: To NEw ERA wroN TONE Y TO LOAN. MORTG GES .01 nought. Private Fuds. 0 RIDOUT, Odle° over .1. Jackson's Store, Clinton. ,TARRIACIE LICENSES. .- APPLY.; TO .1.1 1114 undersigned itt the Lil wary Remis, JAMES SCOTT, Clinton . . . AIiUN.,-4. t)1riIRMnatO201 lir1eiT MRS A. WO1:THINGTN • ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR -al Small stuns on good mortgage security, moderate rate of Interet. II IIALE,Clinton 1;,• ws LICENSED AL'OT JO - I. EP • . Conn; of IL, sm. It• 1 , 10,1, o tl,k it• posite English °laurel. Eutrance by, side ig taisqa on On tario street. Clinton, op - A PPLETON-0171ICE- AT RESI- . J WA1N. Elt, PERINAAY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lgo. Telegraphic measages promptly at fended to. Office -Londehorough Out, . _ FtL; WHITT TEACHER Olo MUS' — Ill hlember of Gm Canadian Soeloty of Aluiitu: P14110 awl Organ for 110 use of melte. linsideet, Mr 8 1111(1. opt k. 41 r ‘Vtiltchuad's. S' oet, Cc wee, - - nIt REEVE, -OFFICE. RA TTENBIIRY st, Murray Block, two (1001-5 east of !rdone' entrance. Residence opposite 8, Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton. Office hours, +11111to (p11). AME- 110WHON, LICENSED ALTE- e) Tiossstt for the Comity of Horan. Sales attend...I anywhere 111 the county, at re:I- som' bet ro ' es. Residence Albert Street STAN131.11-1Y, GRADUATE OF 'THE 1.-r Medical Dopartnient of Vietorigt Uni- verity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dieponsartee, New York, Coroner for the County of Huro, Baytleld, On. 1.) W. WILLIAMS, B. A; M. D, 0 RADII .a.lb ATE Of Toronto UtilvorSity ; member of the College of Physieians and Surgeona, Ont. OPPICIE & RESIDENCE the house for- merly occupied by Dr Reeve, A ihert street Clinton. 4 TAR, WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Accouchor,. Licentiate of the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Lower Canada. and Provincial Licentiate and Coroner for the County Of Huron. ot. Hee and rdsidene,-Tlre building formerly ecru pi ed by Mr Th wet tea, Huron Stret. Clinton , Jan 10, 1871. DR 1. ELLIOT 8z GUNN. D. H. Elliot, M. D.,1 W. Omn, M.D., Ti. R. Lit CP., Edinburgh, C.P„ Edinbrgh, LR. Mem:Gate °Ma Mid- nentiato of tho Mid b.RC.S.. Edinburgh, C. H, Edinburgh, Li- wiferr, Edinburgh. wifory, Ed I n. OM ennn Oftleo nt Brucflld• corner of Ontario and NVil I lam Sta, Cl in ton G. H. 00014. Ii', -,,,t, f Dental Surgory110um. Grad ti ate of the 'ffinon ()Mon Hsi r vald( ss tra vt Ion of (4•011, NItrons On Gag adinlnisi eyed fat the onion over Jr,e1on's Clothing F.tore ri xt to Pot, °Mee. CHM on. ar -iiia bell I I y 4 I Irma pao7 Imo '(Ott we gum kolUiterO!.. Vybotrollto rid Ai 9141, oho cried for 080:016t, W404:11lio*Oig. oho doily to Coojoritto WNWslz.bdditlidroal oho gm them Cook* THIS YEAR'S CUT AND PLUG Smoking TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER. SEE r4: BRONZE oN EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! We ean maim a few good loane from private funds at low rates and moderate expense. Terms made to salt borrowers. MANNING St SCOTT, • Clinton E. KEEFEk, DENTIST, . No X- A:117Eilt 7.95errEtTE -STREET TORONTO. UNION SHAVING P'ARLOR. ROVING, HAIR CUTTING AND SHAM- POOING done very neat and to suit rEv. EADES.ever-yPere".stulth'a Block S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. "'RON STREET, CLINTON. Repairng of all kinds.promptly attended -to reasonable rates ,A trial solicited. BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST The Clinton Branch Bible Society nave for sale at DR WORTHINGTO'S DRUG STORE, Albert Street.,a fine assortment of Bibles and Testament, TESTAMENTS PROM fiCtS. UPWARDS B1I31,ES PRoM 25cts UPwARDs. • COME AND SEE. DR WORTHINGTON, De- pository.. J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST --- Holds the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd process Of adnsinistering chemi- cally pure Nitrogen Mouoxide, which is the eafest and beat system yet discovered for the painless extraction of teeth. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Office, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance' s Tailor Shop, Huron Streeft,Clinton. EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. TIW' SCIENCE of Life 1. the great Medical Work of the age on Mao - hood, Ne: Nue and Phys'. cal Debility, Pxemature Decline, Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries consequ-nt thereon, 800 pages 8 vol., 125 prescrip- tions •for all disease,,— Cloth, full git, only 61,by mil, elution, 11. lusthated sainple free to all young and mid - die aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by he National Medicai Association. Address . o. Box 1805, Boston, Maim.; or Dr.. W. II. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col- lege, 25 years practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Dik ease of Mau. Office, No. 4 Bulemeb St. The lioisons Bank. f oeorpurated by Act of parliamnt, 1855. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, THOMAS WORKMAN President. J. If. Ft. 3101,80N Vice -Pres, P. WULPERSTAN THOM AB, GA:Aural Manager Notos discounted,Collections made,Drafts issued, Sterling and American eet- Aenge bought and sold at lowest current rates. • inti•ret at 3 per cent Allowed en depoit. A.R1VI JCRS . itmley wiranced to fanners on ther own notes Wit gsge er more endnr,ers. No mortgage re• (I wired am security. If. f, IlnEWEIL, Manager, January 1857. Clinton Clinton Post Office Time Table Mails are due for ciellYery and close for despatch at the Clinton Post Office as falows ..._ . ..„ 1 cf.sis I twit. Hamiltn, Toronto, Strat- ford, Seaforth, Grand Trunk mit and interme- diat (o)1)ces I 0.30 am. 1.50 p.m Toron to , Stratford, Sen- forth, and S. east1.55 p.m., 8.11.in Godericb, Ilidniesville and Grand Trunk west Ooderich. 1 p.m. San 8,46 p.m. 2,40 pan lIamilton, Tronto, 4.15.p.m. 10.10 non London, & 13.minth an. pm. a.m. 1),m and internindiato offices 7.35'4.15 10.107.00 Myth, Winglaun,..K blear- • • Ole, Lucknow' north and int ncrincillate p in. IL.m, pm offices .. .. . . 0,20 8.15. 8.26 5.5 Summerhill, Tuesday and 5,10 pm. 8.301,11 Thiirsdliv ..... 0.30 Ln,' Money Orders issued and Deposits recei%ed from one dollar of war,N. (1)4. ht,- s from 8 am. to 7 eon, 8,i1 pets Bank and Money Order Office eliii,e T IaltO(M;*3/111SL0 E1,1:1 , cr. Clintn, Av. 14e7. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Jnvestinent Co'y 7' 'lig CO pT771.1 LOaninn 11,rem,y Farm ,Seeneity at Low, st Rotes nf Interest. MORTGAGES - : Pu ItGIIASEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed int Deposits,aecording 10amount and time lrft. OFFICE—Crner of Market Spin re and North S HORACE HORTON. • MANAORR. GOderich, August 50. 1885 J. BIDDLECOMBE. •irt:tc..t, Watch & '11,1( Maker JEWHILLED, &., OPPOSITE THE MARKET Sit'ARE, Cintn, Where tie keeps aseleet assortment of Watches Clocks, Jewellery, gavel ware. who, w, will sell nt reasonable ratosi Thirenlati 08 ro ‘f;;;rdy anroWftisiCPis .1,114111,41,NcOM RE. Clinton Nov. lee). r d maJ KIPPEN MILLS Are taking the lead in Gristiniale Chop- ping, which will be done at all , on the shortest notice. CHOPPING o eats, a bag. Give usa trial, and you will be cou vinced that this is the right place to get your Gristing done, as everyone gets the dour manufactured from his own wheat, Farm - ere can depend on getting their stuff home with them. FLOUR AND FEED. -Flour and feed kept constantly on hand - D. B. IlIcLEN, Kippen OL INTOE MECHANIC'S INSTITUE, _Library and Reading Room, Town Hall, down stairs. About 2,000 volutnee in the Library and all the Leading Newe papers and Periodicals a the day on tbe table. Memberahip ticket 81 per annum Open from 2 to 6 p in., and from 7 to 9 p. ns. Applications for membership received oy the Librarian in the room. BENPRIALER NUICSERY FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREEt NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH. AND ASTRACHAN PINE. Tuttww %Igen Wroto it A seSCIWZRIF7-- "7.' LA.RGE STOCK ON HAND.. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery be sole at very low prices, and those wantin arlything iu this connection will save mons purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attend ed to. Address, JORN STEWART, Benmiller. losilrailco Co. T. NEILNS, HARLOCK • GENERAL AGENT. Isolated town and village property, as well as feral buildings and stock, insured. Insur- ances effected against stock that may be killed by lightning, If you want insurance drop a card to the above addes. PAINTING. PAINING. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has returned to town, and intends to remain here permanently, and is better prepared than ever to do anything whatever in the painting or paper hanging line. All orders entrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St., Clito. J4 C. SEVBSOI\ —THE LEADING:Th. UNDERTAKER —AD— ' EMBALMER. A FELL LINE GV GOODS KPI' ill STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST., C LINTON, • Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL l'elOWNUNIMP8381781C12/212141111120=2m2111;1 FA MINN & TISDALL 13 1NKE-11S, CLINTON. ONT AdVancea made to fanners on their own notes, at low retest of interest. A general Banking Business transuctod • . Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. T/SDALL Manager.. RICHLY11,17: I 71)1(1 houorablo employment that will not take them from their homes and fandlie, The profits aro largo and sure for every industri- oue person, many have made and are 1100' maid ng several hundred dollare a month, P le easy for any person to make .f.14 per da3, and upwards, wbo is willing to work. Iglithe eeft,young or old ; capital not needed,weetr you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader.can do it as well as ati3. one. Write to IN at once for full particula rs which we mail free. Address Stinson 84 Co Portia.rt. Maine, 01, I TIT '1".0 N Planing Mill —AND— DRY • 1110. SUBSCRIBER RAVING JUST COM, merge and furnished his now Planing "Mil witb machinery of the latest improved patterns -'8 now prepared to attend lo all orders in les Inc in the .nost prompt and satb factory Manner and at roes 'nail° rates. Ife W011Id retinit thanks td all who patronized the elk' tn before they wero burned ton, and now being Ina bet • tor position to execute orders expeditioush feeie &Holdout he can give satisfaction to all.' FACTOR Y—Atear the Grand Trun Railway, Clinton, t)l0)IA5 %tor F,Nziu it013EltT DOWNS, CL INTON, Mani,fael urer and Proploefor for the 1.04 Sas% MIDI nog In ine, A4 tit for the .'ti,- nig I IMItikat len of the irerFislien emitter A1'1'10184' 131,11,11(1.rAxr.14, STKAM FITTINGS filrloonn 011) applied on alt ,rt ntie. ilollers. Enines. and nil !Limb; of' Machinery repaired ir nett I t and In a satisfactory manner. • Farm implements man:Ifni ured and repaired. Stem and Water Pipes furnished and put In pmtion. Dry 101111 iltted up on application. Charges moderate.