HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-04-12, Page 3Jobbitig reams is not s • METHODIST TRANSFERS• signed the bill creating South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Waehing- 1�e�P . Ery Tice Right Wog about It. _-- ton states of the Union, The, Clinton Ever and anon ' there is some MINISTERIAL CHANGES OF REM- BOATS hi the Vni he great Prairie llENCE RATIFIER BY A COM-State,twhich the St.Paul,Mtnneapolis Is published every Friday Morning by discussion going on in the press MITTEE OF THE CHURCH. & Manitoba Railway has three main lines, reaching Ellendas Aberdeen, the proprietor, establishment,• EMIRS, , his about the st called Papal aggros- lWatertown, and Sioux Falls. printing Isaac St., Clin- The Transfer Committee of the Ont. Go to South Dakota via the St. Paul. on, uses, -51.50 per annum, paid in ad cion, and in some quarters fears General Conference of the Metho• Minneapolis &Manitoba -Railway and vance . are express- d that before long dist Church met at Toronto'lilac pass through St. Paul and Minneapolis S dist hu in the Metropolitan and en route. - d0� pRI every description protectants will have no rights y with au oDAKOTA.—Where is grown the In executed withs and of dedisiptionNo. 1 Scotch Fifa a is grt ; whose andat r neatness and dispatch, that have not been mouopolized Fo continued inor lunch, until after No.healthfulHard climate Fife the whose and at reasonable rates. by their 4eligious opponents. For 6 o'clock, The members pre( ent vigorous and brainy civilization on earth; were the superintendents, Drs. where single counties raise more wheat, ost our own part we have not the and barley than entireestates; the NEWSPAPER DECISIONS.pereonswb slightest fear of this, and as we Carman and Williams, Bev Dr oatssoil whose fertile prairies isat richer Stafford, Toronto; Rev M. L. than the valley of the Nile ; where the 1. Any person or fromsons who take a Turtle Mountain, Minot and Devils, paper regularly a post office, have seen nothing that more Pearson, Bay of Quiute; Rev J.W. whether directed in his name or 'an- expresses our sentiments Sperling, Montreal; Rev C• I3. seeker"tic secake land ure a districts invite the homeg other's, isr whether he has subscribed properly p• g' New Brunswick and cent daily train service to home. Mag than the speech of Hon. David Paisley, or not, responsible for payment., Forks, Grafton, Devils Lake, Botttneau, nd 2. 11 a person orders his paper die• Milli, in the goose, during the Prince Edward Island• Rev J. S. the ued publisher must pay all arrears, or it Coffin, Nova Scotia; Rev J. Rich- and all other important points• the may continue to send it. Jesuit discussion, w© reproducl a ardson, Guelph; Rev H. W. Max- herMminNA, THE precious meta BreRSUFeEl in ese wealth in until payment is made, and then col- well, Niagara; Rev J. Graham . in her nes of000 head of live stock ;profit act the whole amount whether the pa- portion of it .hero :--Slid Mr London; Rev T. Argue, Manitoba oflive stock a largero er is taken or not. bailie :— g in her fertile fields, producing or andthan any other re state with a Rev Dr Williams presided yield of erose 3. The taken have decided that re- ti T am not afraid that, from to take office era a moving �ns Rey Dr Stafford, acted as secre- habitant thearth; richest countrygepiieryin- leaving learn the post of&e oo rsmoving and feat' field and wish fair th it', Prn- tart' hniveanal; whirh has the best tybos them i uncalled for is prima facie tryfro ism e e suffer in this Conn- .The list of a IicatiQns for' winter paid labor is try from the eneroltchmonts of tho pp ate, the wt' warm ; a balmy evidence of intentional fraud. transfer into the various confer- caused by winds from the Pacific. ADVERTISING RATES. Doman Catholic Church. I have ences was read by the chairman. The Si. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba no doubt, indeed, that Protestant It was resolved that all trans- through ' is t e oneapolilrotinuoue aad passing Local NOTICES—At ins—At head of local will hold its Own, and that it fere take effect at the close of the country St Paul and Minneapolis colunen, 10 cents per line or portionas thereof, each insertion. iwills succeed, ed, just ie spirit proportion tole- session of the conference from tothe untrY 'from St It runs through it is ensued in the spirit of 000,000 acres Articles lost or found, girls wanted, p which the transfer took place in• the Great Reservation 18, to Toronto. of free to settlers, in the Milk etc., not exceeding three0, 25n s for ratio': and fair play. • That the Rival land, flel and coal each section, Five lines, 50 cents for more clearly the andine ist drawn be -s The following were transferred inB abundance; no id, water, required; one insertion, and 25 cents foreaeh• sub- tweet Church State in. this into- the Toronto Conference the only lineabundance; is ng irrigation re uireds sequent inaertet or country the better, I believe, But Revs W.L,Scott,of Bay of Quiute with its ne;00 passing power cataractsFall Howes to let for sale, farms to I am unable to assist in drawingand surrounding rentimor for r is stray cattle and allJ.H, Holmes,P. Sparling,Guelph ; eseco alt veins, of free land;sthroughndig E. Crummy, Montreal: J. F. farming similar advertisements not exceeding. that line in any Province exceptof uinte ; J. gelena,the capital city and commercial eight lines $L for one month, and 50 that to which I belong. I have 91 Ockley, from BayQ centre of Montana, and Butte, the Dents for each subsequent month., right to exercise my privileges as Y. Smith, S. T.Bartlett, from richest mining on earth, San Advertisements without specific in- an elector, but T have no light London. Franciscby o camp on earth, toVSan structions, inserted till forbid. from ];ley pence in this House to Into London—Revs 3.Learoyd, lley Portland and Shasta Route, Riveror Ogden, Specialincontract arrangements with undertake to do for the people Of Utah, to California points. Remember Bay of Quince ; A. S. Galton,TOr- this is the only line Dints. running.dining cars • business men. another Province what I canpnnl"• onto; A. C. COurtioe, Toronto; S. sleeping cars free colonist sleepers Generpl advertising rate for nnclassi- do legitimately for my ov, a Ptu gond, Montreal ; J. P. Rice, Tor- Of its own from St Patel and Minne- fi Using, advertisements per and legal inser-er• g Onto ; J. W. Andrews, Bay Of., Of its •to Great and free Helenea and Butte. tieing, 10 cents p lineline for firsta Vince as Thean electoroecof that Pro- It is also the shortest line to'Butte. tion, and 3 cents per for each sub- vin Ce, more clearly we hove. Qu`:nte: WASHINGTON.—The country of tall impressed upon our minds the • segnent insertion.Into Niagara- -Keys Jf' 1•Awde, timber, indented Puget Sound, the Changes for handed in advertise- i fact that each Province must take Montreal; John; Wood,, London; Mediterranean of the Pacific. Do not the week i s as a chs in Cilie of itself; must' sever the conforget that- the St. Paul, Minneapolis thea week as possible to insure a change nectiOn between Church and State Jackson, Manitoba. Ma itoba Railway is the that week. Into: Guelph—Dr. Henderson Manitoba offers a Railway is three only line to for itself; the better it will be for Montreal. the Pacific Coast. The •Manitoba- CLINTON CHURCH DIRECTORY all Concerned. Tho early foun- Into Bay of Quiute—Revs T.H. whPacific route is the only line by which, dere of the Christian religion were Griffith, Ph.D., from Toronto ; passengers en route for Tacoma, Port:- -7— Manitoba - Sr. PAUS's (Episcopal) —Services oil men of poor circumstances and Gr Hodson, London; R. John• land and en Francisco or Tacan omss through Sundayhooat 1 2.30 a.m. and 7 e Rev. W. C aayPortndS TownsendFand Seattle. Free through Ththroughwithout n.wit ,110 5t O humble socialn son Guelph. utast sleepers run School at p.m. Craig• influence at the beginning was ' p Rector. Into Montreal=— Revs S. P. change or Distance to the 'RATTBryervi STREET (Methodist)• — with the humblest k classes, But Rose from Niagara; J. Davies, Pacific Coast is same as by other linea, Bay, Quiute; Wm. Harris, Ni- but prices ofdelay.tickets are five and ten, the Sunday services at . S.M. and 7 p.m. gradually inalsocietythuntil a t1E+empe O ears less.cs Seattle ndt e ol- Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. des. p. :wry: George Reynolds, Bay of Forsfather Take the atattl maps, rates Livingstone, Pastor, himself became a convert to the uante •, Dr'Ryckman, from Lon and publications in regard to the re • �ilILLIs (Presbyterian)—Sunday ser- tChristianiand system. If they,'by don: J. Treadrey, N. B. and P. E. sources of the four new states, write ore - vices at 11 n. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday their industry, zeal, self denial, Island. apply to F. L 'WHITNEY, Pass. School .at 2.30 p. m. Rev. A. Stewart, end devotion to what offer bg iou Into Manitoba -Revs Albert C. and Tkt. Agt., St. P., M. & M. Ry., St. pastor. ed to be the cause religious Paul, Minn. . ONTARIO STREET (Methodist)—Sunday truth, overcame each obstacles, is Crews,1C.A.n Stewater, f o se i-.. When Hon. Dir Drury, Minister services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. septi . there any reason to believe that g day School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Joseph Protest' ltism in this country, if J.W. Sperling, J. W. Runions, S. of Agriculture, slued that there Edge, Pastor.K. Brown, Montreal; J. J. Leach, was a slackeriir, off in the demand its ministe, s are teas to the pro-. John, Tozeland, from Bay of 'FDI, Canadian b& ° in the United BAPTIST—(o"unday. services at 11 a.m, fession of their faith, if they know Quinte; F. J. Oten, W. Jamieson, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at2.30 p.m Rev. J. Smith, pastor. nothing else but Christ and HimStates, he at once t k steps Co as- Too.lto. States, if there was any possibility crucified, d of pt' preach the Gob- Into British Columbia—Rev W certain of a inmif enwastanyspos for our pal instead of politics, will not be D. Wisner, Niagara. , two -rowed barley in the British able to hold hold its ground •? Into Nova Scotia—Ilcv J. P. market. Experiments have been in Heald, Newfoundland progress in England for some time, and on . Friday Mr Drury received the very unsatisfactory intelligence by cab:e that. Canadian barley will not meet the requirements of the British maltsters. The reasons why- will be sent by mail. Meanwhile, it is to be fea: cd that those farmers who have been holding back their barley in hopes that the experiments would be successful, and that the British brewers' would compete for its purchase with those of the Unit- ed States, will be disappointed. ANEW HOME TREATMENT FOR THE CWRE OF CATARRH CAT- ARIt AL DEAFER SS CATARRH, D HAY The miscroscope has proved that these diseases are contagious, , and that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the interlining membrane of the upper air passages and eustacblan tubes. The emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot ' be disputed. The regular method of trea 1 an ii- ingg these diseases has been to apply rtttltint remedy weekly, and even daily,thos keeping the delicate membr 'le in a con- stant state of rration, alto" :ng it no chan- ce to hal, and as a natural consequence I Such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been recorded. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than once'in two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal before an•applicati0n is re- peated. It is now seven, years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite a catarrh and formulated his new treatlL ?nt, and since then his remedy has become ah house- hold hold word in every country where lish language is spoken. CURES EFFECTED BY HIBI SEVEN YEARS AGO. ARE (ARES STILL, THERE HAVINQ BEEN NO RETURN OF THE 1)I• ERASE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, ignoranthave started up everywhere,. pretending to destroy parasite, of which they know nothing, f o remedies, the results of the application which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three appiicationii effect a permanent cure in the moat aggr a- vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a p Pa- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp, to pay postage. The ad- dress of A. R. Dixon & Son303 Kin Street We t,'TorrontO, CanadaiA Sc entific Amercan Many citizens of France prefer horseflesh to butcher meat. Per- haps the appetite was created in the days when the leading cities wore laid under .seige by the Germans. It seems to oebesed noth- inghwhen one €, The people of Italy have been eat- ing it for a generation, and are glad enough to get it. The sale of horseflesh in England is to be regulated by Act of Par•liamorit, likewise the flesh of the benignant and evangelical mule and warbler the jackass. Every customer, howexer, is to be supplied with a label naming the kind of' animal he is to have for dinner. There is t0 be no cheating, and if you bnya For Sunday Reading. We can get life and • happiness --Hs"--, only in Christ. Nobody cfin. live longer in 'THE CHIEFOF BURGLARS., The Washington Post gave an — peace than his neighbor pleases. The death of 'Clutch amusing Donohue �account of a difficulty Great wealth -and content Bel - at Kingston the other day brought into which the requirements of • dom live together.to a termination the career of etiquette plunged the families of He's a foot that's w'-er abroad one of the most successful and Judge Fuller and Mr. Everts. He bath riches sufficient who • than at home.•clever thieves in America. Some They appear to have regarded it of Clutch Donohue's adventures as Fettled that when calls are hath enough to be charitable. read as if taken from a page of made, cards must be left for overy We cannot worship 'the Un- romance. On the 2nd of Febru- member offamily. t rt Whegirn, knol,.i God' ; at least such a wor- a] 1871, just' before the office therefore, the seven s ship lacks, eyes and light, and is closed, a man, now supposed to called upon the eight Fuller girls fitter for owls and bats than for be Donohue, entered pthe South the cards of the seven Everts girls man. Kensington National Bank, Phil and their parents—nine in all— Let us know what to love, and adelphia, and informed the cash- were left for each of the Fullers we shall know what to reject ; ier that he had received a hint and their parents' ten in all. what to affirm, and we shall also that the institution was to be That made 9 by 10 or 90 cards at know what to deny. • robbed and had been sent to give each visit. The girls were inti - As the principle of love is the the information. The manager mate, and the number of calls per main principle in the heart of at once detailed two watchmen to day averaged eight. That made the rel Christian, so the lel guard the While thesel)lmens©were int rght. he month. s a When J'udgeFuer came in a of love is the main busine� 1 of �y of the christian life. building the same night, two oto, dexo that hease he d could note full a Wit loses its respect with the policemen in uniform rapped ata good, when seen in company with eexplanation olanand t bn that t the eLtted super n- I- n a without time he received a f bit. l. malice ; and a sane at it jest onp which plants ae ome in another's tondmat of ebensvelthato had become the bank was a o neatly arranged in p 60,000 cards rinting of ten lin the 1s to be p be robbed that night, and that he The Judge and the Secretary put in the micchiaf• had sent them toholp keep watch. their heads together and doeick d "11Y TIMES ARE IN THY HAND' thege office,n and thenlaabout 1e of o shouldurs in that there o'clock of cards which should last for all 1 need not care one of the constables expressed time; o ©; and ditwo drayy s brought n ebacla If days be dark or fair, the o inion that it was dry work, If the sweet anterial brings air.p gestin that This is so good a story that it is to Or bitter winter chills the air. at the same time suggesting g - a little whiskey would not go bad. be hoped no skeptical poison will No thought of mine i rl The watchmen fell in with the institute inquiries about its truth. Can penetrat the deep des P idea, and as th© mon in uniform That forms afor, through buds and could not openly enter a saloon Headache,fickle appetite,failing bloom, to btj a bottle of whiskey, one of eye -sight, tube casts in urine, The purple clusters of the vine. of the watchmen went for it.frequent desire to utinato, asst c I do not 1e eo While he was away the two uni• Tally at night, :ramps in oaif of The subtle Secret of the snow, formed moo suddenly fell upon logs, gradual lose of flush and That hides away the violets g dropsical swelling --any ono or Till April teaches them to know. the remaining watehmau, • and after binding and 'gagging hint, more of the above disorders are locked him up in a smalli room. disorders or symptoms of' ad= When the second -Watchman re- vanced kidney disease or Bright's turned he was treated in a similar Disease, and Warner's Safe Cure manner, and then the bogus pc), should bo freely used according 'icemen opened the door for their to directions. Dr. Wm. pals who, with muffled ' sledge• Thompson, of the City of New hammer. wedges.,and jimmies York, says --`More adults are forced open the Vault and Mole carried off, in this country by $100,000, over $60,000 lacing in ' chronic kidney disease than by cash and the balance in securities. any other one malady except con - The latter were afterwards re- sumption. The late Dr. Dio turned to the bank, but none of Lewis says, over his own signa- the thieves wore ever convicted. ture, in speaking of Warner's Safe Cure --`If I found myself the victim of a serious kidney troy 'ble I should use your preparation. Enough for me Their tender loveliness to see, Assured Fulfil God's purpseleraaa s ls that little y large How is this planned, dnderstand ; Or that, J, may n I am content, my God, to know That all my times are in thy band. Whatever share Of loss, or loveliness, or care, Falls to my lot, it can not be More than Thy will for me to bear. And none the less, Whatever sweet things come to blocs nd gladden me; thou art its source— And sender of my pp AM this to me, With other gifts so free— Thlac at y evil hour from Tn hee Nor on the sand of shifting faith and feeling stand; . But wake and sleep with equal trust, Knowing my times are in Thy hand. Fires and •sto tni havo caused some loss of life and sorious de- struction of property in Southern o a and Minnesota. . Thursday's voting resulted in the repoal of the Scott Act in every county and city where an election was held, thirteen coun- ties and two c•itic-t in all. FOUR NEW STATES. Sot ru DAKOTA, Noarn DAKOTA, MONTAN \, WASHINGTON. On February 22, 1859. the President mule's tenderloin i t must he that CID CD P N. PE"' oat -41 e t41 CD �t- ¢:*m. PROPERTIES FOR SALE $1Q AWILLBUYTBE1301781]AND J 11 Lot costed by the nnderslgnad n Clinton. Hard and soft water and good etad occupied by mr Lawrence, on Huron let. ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO CALLANDER, 24 Btanly St., London South UNE ACRE LOT FOR SALE.—WELL SIT- DATED for building lots in a very desir- ! able part of Clinton with about 75 choice fruit trees, some bearing apples, pears, plums cherries, grape vines, and black and red as the cur- rents. For further particulars apply t.f NEW ERA OFFICE. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE: S1TUATE ouOsborne St. The housethere conaretains sixox rooms and good stone cellar; the premises, hard and soft water, a number of fruit trees anti good stable. The lot con- tainsi of an acre, and will be sold cheap. W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Clinton. L7 OUSE FOR SALE—SUBSCRIBER OF- tJ 'Ens for sale that newland;oonveniently situated house on Wellington street, con- taining seven rooms. stone cellar, woodshed, o i Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical t; Diamond Dyes excel all others d soft water 3 ease lot. in Strength Purity and Fastness.. None other are just -as good. Be hard and reasones able twalkerms. of postA' otlGUicea COLE °Clinton Also for sale a Boudoir Doherty Orgetn, new ware of imitations, because they ROPare made of cheap and inferior FERTY FOR SALE — aisso will buy materials, and give 'poor, weak! a valuable lot on the south aide of Huron Com- mercial Clinton, three doors below the Corr- al Hotel on which is erected five °rocky colors. To be sure/of4 houses, with hard and soft water, small std ble, and other conveniences. For particul- ars apply to ,VALTUN DODSWOItTH, or_at DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock the NEW ERA office( rot's, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers l HOTEL PROPLRTY FOR SALE.—SUB- , Ribbons, �c., &c. Wel'�ti'arrant SCRIBER offers for sale the property the Railway Rotel, Clinton close i them to color more goods, pack, -",t age for package, than any others dyes ever made, and to give more, brilliant and durable colors: Ask for the Diamo,id and take no other. ,1 Dress Dyed ) FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed J CENis: A Child can use them!, known as to the grain storehouse of Mr R. Irwin, which is a licensed house and doing a good business This is a good stand and will be sold on easy terms of payment. A Grocery Store in con- nection, can be bought with the hotet, or separately. Full particulars on applicalion, MILS M. KELLY Clinton. _ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—Situated on the south side of Townsend Street. The house, which is new, contains parlor, dining room, kitchen, a number of ,bed rooms, and a stone cellar, the main part being heated with a furnace. Hard and soft water in abundance. The lot contains one quarter of an acre, and the propel yoMwiilll6oe. sold on reasonable terms. Apply CARTER, Clinton. PROPERTY •FOR SALE — SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that excellent property at present occupied by himself, on the corner of Princess and Raglan Ssreets. acre df land all set out with choice fruit trees and grape vines, plenty of hard and soft water. The house contains three rooms down stairs, and four above, with good col- lar, closets, &c. This property is very con- venient to schools, and is in one of the best locations in town. Will be sold entire, or the lots divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN STEEP, Clinton. ALUABLF PROPERTY FOR' tra ut nSAI.E.— VTh � Cfleat- P•iJ That d arable property just a out- side the corporation of Clinton, on, Lon- don Road, latelyoccupied by Rev. John Gray, and consisting of 14 acres, with good frame House, Barn and Stables,splendid Orchard,and plenty of water, is offered for sale. Being in Stanley township, the for are low. 'Very desirable property'Will be farmer who wishes to live retired. for full sold on reasonable terms. Apply particulate to THOS. EAST, Parkhill. VIARM FOR SALE.—THAT SPLENDID L' farm of 110 acres, on the Maitland con- cession, being lot 77 Goderich township, situated 11j miles from Holmesville, and four miles from the Town of Clinton.The soil is a good clay loam, with a,neverfailing spring creek running, through the place; alsoood wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the coun- ty; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, hg with orchfor ards, for, n horses, also two good. be- ing about six acres in all; two good log houses. About 95 acres seeded down. Will bo sold on' reasonable terms. ALEX. BADOUR, Holmesville P. 0. to Ar W. CARSLAKE, —THE PRACTICAL— Tailor and .Cleaning Emporium. Victoria St., Clinton • At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book fne:� . WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO Montreal, P. Q. �t.1i:•_ . ' Itf 1:4'�:5,. 'Imo* Car o�Ftif Tho Moot ,. ,c iY certain lei e Bred, u. •F it l t r.ue not blister. Ruud 1/leo: •,... . KENDALL'S SPAVEti 01'T1cE oW CHAELFP, .:OvYor:'. BItEEDitII CLEVELAND BAY AND Teorrurr. I- ELuwOOD, Trr , Nvv,: Dn., B. J. KENDALL CO. Dear Sirs :I Have always purchased y Ball's Spavin Cure by the half dozen I would like prices in larger quantity. I t one of the best llniments.0n earth. I bac en my Stables for three years. Yours truly, COAs. A. f KENDALL'S SPAVIN Cr BROOKLYN, N. Y:, Noven;i+,*r f.. ., Da. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs ; I desire to give you test •,n`•• t" M. my goer opinfbn of your Kendall sSpav • :have used it for Lameness. Ettifr .1 W:4, stud Spavins, awl I have found It a sun:.: t:.• , . cords ally recommend It to altl:Orsemen. Yours truly. A. H. 0t: :ELT. Manager Troy Lt.uad i t: ,.ahlea KENDALL'S SPANN UHL BAHT, WINTON COMM, Oslo, Dec. If, 11'11. Gentlemen's suits and overcoats clean- pa• B J KENDALL CO. ed, dyed, repaired, altered or turned.— Gents I fee duty t t any what I Ladies Dresses or Mantles cleaned or dyed without taking apart. Gent's Suits pressed by tailors only. All gar- ments dyed warranted not to stain,— Farmer's Pcloth cut and made lease give us a call.up cheap. CHARGES MODERATE, White Braze Mount co'y ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. We leave the only factory in the Do- minion. Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb moisture and consequently is not affected by' the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of Montreal, P. Q., says its -great d 'a- bility under all exposure to weather and storm is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone m® appear- ance er- 0 not loose its handsome PP 'll and we once from generation to Veneration. 1 know of no, other material which is equally capable -of combining elegance of form, beauty of surface and indefinite durability. Please call on or write to our agent at Clinton and see your ords and r. pricesbe- W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON. NIS - THE ET. THoSIAS NI COMPANY, Sr. THOMAS, FE OIIAR,1 Ox'r. J. - • ha ;,� dont with your Kendal1's Spavin Cure, 1 hat cured twenty-five horses that had Spavinv,, ten of RiEQ Bone, Ione afflicted with Rig Ilene'. anal seven of Big jaw. Since I have had one of yons books and followed the directions, I have neves lost a cermet any kind. Agoura' TtnNEx Yours truly, Horse Double KENDALL'S SPAVIN DUDE r Price e1 per bottle, or six bottles for 35 All Drug ;fists have It or can get it for you, or it will be sent :o any address on receipt of price by the propria ;ors. DR. B. J. KENDALL Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, P" Thetabove is a cut of the Goodwin wl'tt%r • best Washing 31achine ever tide. Agus' wanted to sell the machine or County Rizhts be done without 'any inconvenience, Sen 1 Circular. J L, WEIR, Chatham; Onta' 44 cf,.t A n'11 Y. s' a IA AWAPIDEO Flii51- sty -.1:`, !'.ii i', WORLD'S rx-pOS:TION. , t'i .'t.dAlk* J.S.A.,ltlt•:t-S, ill :u :;16; • ,t, the,', The, iianoortes of ri:rr.lte rm. .•�:, '• ,-a�d%� may U S Internat.ion ;eilal d to ft Canadian p nn7t `+ ',,. ,.ie,Cial;� ,nd Diplom!). at .the 4'c{nv,it'1 r,r ;xhibitiml, London. is'i, T +"i t the upreme liotior of F"•tl+j �,i.t,.; +: ;cast t• he Qtieen with ` :'.i ,c'tar, •.. . !:;.t;t elected by Sir Arthur Su:i :c. • :Fel. Ilustrated C;ita;ogn.e; pri^e "'- ......ole, ►donee Octantisla`d ov.).,1 :sl ie..1 'WASEROOM3. In7'tOr C4idn t :p tN"n ,„ r ACTvFeY. be r0 J'i , i,... 'N..?•1 •' AVENUE; The NEW ERA Job Room sur_ passep,ail others e to the county. MARVELOUS DESCOVERY... 'Only Genuine System of; tiet:inry'i`raigf, Cour 1300105 Learned in one renditiga ilrind wandering cured. Everl child and adult greatly benefit( Great indncemonls to Cnrrsspondr'neo'Olart9ife: Pensocti9, with opinlons of De. 'W'*. a' it p eialtnt in Mee mond, t3 world -famed NM' ex,eistDaniel (sreanirnt'T(tomsnot', tit? the 6 "A'lee ate",.S. fltrr`<llc ti frdIPrortoe, thn ,t$ ifans• t7. tl • ' •+,r,.sndge (ifbvon,,iu Ilia flon, ri801 .yo. sew1> t fro•. by Prof. * • 1,t)r ..1'Tt:, 237 FLITlt Ar,t.,, 1