HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-04-05, Page 741.
lw it • '; �lj t'1 ilii i;i • 0 1� � 1 , I i r r �;i4r
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ob 1"Ot.,. Z19-
Tis Clinton New Era
Ie pnhliebed gvgry Pfiidpy Adorning `by
the groprtetor, sx. HonatEs, at tics
printing establishment, Isaso St., Clln••
on, Ont.
,. .TBaus.—$1.50 per annum, paid in ad
In every style and of every description
executed with neatness and dispatch,
a and at reasonable rates.
1. Any person or persons who take a
paper regularly from a post office,
whether directed in his name or an-
- other's, or whether he has subscribed
or not, is responsible for payment.
2. If a person orders his paper dis•
^ontinued he must pay all arrears, or
thepriNliabor may continue to send it
until payment is made, and then ool.
pptount whether the pa-
ertithe whole
3. The Courts have deoided that re-
fusing to take newspapers or periodicals
st office or removing red
from the iii a
o pq g
+ •' leavingthem uncalled for is rima facie
' evidence of intdhtional'fraud.
F lu mn, 0 cents per head of local
column, 10 cents per line or portion
thereof, each insertion.
s Is ped
'�•, Articles lost or found, girls wanted,
e ins 26 cent
Ito., not exceeding three lines; , s
' each. inserton. Rive lines; b0 cents for
•- one nsertion, and 25 cents for each sub-
'.� Sequent inaertion.
Houses to let or for sale, farms to
rent or for sale, stray cattle and all
similar advertisements not exceeding
eight lines $1 for one month, and 50
?' cents for each subsequent month.
4 Advertisements without apecific in-
:. strtictions, inserted till forbid_ - -==
Iq ' Special contract arrangements with
business men.
General advertising rate for unclassi.
l ,fatal accident happened on
the farm of M1' Durr, north of
Parkhill, on Tuesday last, flis
little child, about twenty months
old, was playing in the yard when
it fell, its head titriking against a
worn -Gut tin pan whicth was lying
near by bottom upwards. The
,child rose to its feet and took a
few steps and then fell over dead,
the brain evidently pierced by a
sharp piece of projecting tin.
As a passenger train from Clare•
moat to Concord was nearing
Mount Sunapee, the engineer saw
a man near the track wildly wav-
ing his hands as if signalling the
b g g
train. The train was stopped
and when it had come t6'a stand-
still the elan deliberatelyplaced a
revolver, to his head and shot him-
self. He turned out to be Horas
Palmer, aged 30; a farm hand,
working for Mr Leer, at Sutton.
2 o cause assigned.
Ed. Mouston Octan Rosse, who
has just Ar°Yi vo+l fYOm a Ci'UieB On
the Thomas Seignitory, N. B.,
brings with him news of the ter-
1•ible suffering of.aFrench family
h h
residing Heal the cad of Lake
I g
Temiscouata. When he entered
the house he found that two child-
ren had died from starvation
and that the mother with
the. • two ' remaining children
were suffering terribly from
want of food and had lived on hay
tea for several days. He rendered
t�8iri wiiztt fflsaiattane-he could -and..
left them in comparatively Som-
fo •table circumstance . The fatb
er of the wretcY hed family was ab-
1 An intimate friend of the Hon.
J. I3. Pope says that the Minist.
er•'6 death is no�v only a matter of
a few days.
At a recent beggars' ball in Vi-
euna there were 5,000. arsons
Present, all in beggars custume.
Tbe more beggarly the costume
the greater the applause that
. greeted it, and at the close a prize
was awarded to the person who
was adjudged to have made the
most successful hit in costume
and manner. A person who Bari-
catured a well-known actress won
it, 4A.
Generally speaking, in West
ern Ontario the winter wheat area
has survived the rigors of the past
season very satisfactorily. The
fall Io I g Y:
g though not heavy,
was healthy and vigorous.
Through the severer part of the
winter the fields were well. coated
with protecting snow. This
quickly disappearing, the wheat
Tants emerged with safetyand
have already made considrable
growth;. A few fields are short
and brown but appearances s in
, pp
the ma of cases are favorable.
There is still danger from frost-
nights and raw,. dr winds but
g Y
farmers report little or no in ur
in that respect as et. A )few
weeks will probably, tell the tale.
Meanwhile the fields are dailyoffice.
showing a heavier coat of green.
London Advertiser.
Amongst the -Most, nu.tttk�le Acts
of the Maine State Legislature
whicb .bas joist adjourned are the
Remarkable f .obbety
Twenta•ose Tlaoweatod lnollara ta1[.
en from aBarris—Tbe Preeldegt
of tide 1gnLltallon I110vins ,
Berore tlbe In..a m. o1
a iltevolver.
• DENVER, COL., March 29. -Tho
boldest and most successful bank
robbery ever reported in the West
was perpetrated on the First Na
tional Bank. this afternoon. Yes
y morning
terda ing a well-dressed
man, with light moustache and
complexion,and ofhledium height,
walked into the bank and asked
where be could sec Moffatt, ptesi-
dent of the bank, Tic was told
he could see Mr Moffatt, who is
also president of the Denver &
Rio Grande railway, at the resi-
dent's °flies, i n the Chessman
block. This. morning the stranger
entered the iailwa office and
asked to see Mr Moffatt on im-
Portant business. He was admit-
ted to his private room and stated
that he had discovered a conspir-
ae whereb the bank was to be
� Y
ro bed ofa'large sum, Mr Mof-
fatt in
be ver bus asked th
k o
+ g Y - Yr s d
man to meet -him at, his private
office in the bank at One o'clock.
A' few minutes after the hour ap-
pointed, he called at the bank and
. was shown into the President's
Remaining standing, be
inquired if Cashier S. N. Wood
was in, and was told that he was
at Punch. He then asked for a
bank He
for the purpose 'of
showing how the robbery was to
be perpetrated. He laid the
urea, as It is c, rt •in In t l a ,'tti nn,: d.,c•s
not bifatct Itead proof below. "
fled advertisements and legal adver-
rising, 10 Dents per line for first inner-
sent when Rosse discovered them 1
Cruw Act, placing a bonus of ten
cents a head on these bird; the.
cbe ue upon the desk 'in front of
q P
tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub-
haying started out in a snowstorm
CiZarette Act, which forbids, ua•
Mr Moffatt and said; I will have
for assistance, and it is suppo3ed
der a heavy enalit the sale or
Y P Yr
to this myself," and pulling
Y P g
•' Changes for contracted advertise-
menta must be handed in as early in,
he has perished,
gift of a cigarette to a boy under
out a large revolver
the week as possible to insure a change
There is danger that the Lon•
16 years Of Age,and the tramp ACt.
sold on reasonable terms. Apply for full
particulars to THOS. EAST, Parkhill.
that week.
don Times maybe ruined financi-
Maine has been greatly troubled
and in an earnest, but unexcited
airy rt•commend it to all honernen.
Yours truly, A. H. G1LansT,
k.ger Troy Laundry Stables.
cession being lot 77 Goderich township,
situated li miles from Holmesville, and four
miles from. the Town of Clinton. The soil is
ally as , well as in reputation
through the failure, of its attempt
with hordes of tramps, who have
foraged pretty much at will to ter-
manner said : "I want $21,000 and
am going to have it. I have con-
wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which
is one of the beat sugar bushes in the coun-
-' •
to prove Mr. Parnell guilty of
1.01 of householders.. finder the
sidered this matter a ad the chances
ing about six acres in all; twagoodlog houses .
About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold
The Chinese -Minister is said to
complicity in crime. Theexpence
Act now in force, tramps may be
I am running and the consequences
s be the most liberal 'patron in
Which it had to bear in pl•Oeur)ng
arrested 'at sight, and given em-
if I fail and am arrested. I am
;ore. DO. 13. J. KENDAL CO.. Lnosburgh Falls, vt.
Washington of the, cable compare_
and paying witnesses to give
ployment for 60 days at 10 hours
penniless and a desperate man and
minion. Our material is pure and fine,
ies, He spends more money for
evidence before the commission
a day, in breaking stone for the
have been driven during the past
than the United
was enormous,a d diD
D aCC01 1 t0
public roads, b 1 r da and in case of r i -
+ •. c s e us
w eek to that point where I have
Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of
-States ovenment. Telegrams to
statements ublished in other
al to work c{tn be pat On a diet of
considered suicide as the only means
China cost $4 a word. I
don dailies an attempt is now, be-
bread and water. This scanty
of escape from the poverty and mis-
Mrs. Harrison is substituting
ing made to dispose of the paper
diet ongbt to have a ood effect
ery in which I' exist. You have
1 re erva 'at .
white for o0 o d s pts the
to a limited liability com an in
1' Y
even 'on the laziest Of the cls
� ss.
millions, I am determined to have
know of no other material which is
White Boase. She with take
order to give it a fresh start. Mon-
Special'contables are appointed
what I have asked for. If you make
more. interest . -in matters' below
OY is needed not only for the pay-
ment of debts incli'ired-in connec-
in every school section to arrest,
a naise or call a man o.r,ring a bell
Clinton and see designs and pric3s be-
stairs than either of her immed•;
tion with the commission but. t�
and rosecate all tramps.
p p ,,
I will --blow your brains out and
Chatham, Ontato
.• 'Tato predecessors were able to do.
meet the cost of actions for libel
The Herald speaks Of an enter-
then blowy up the building and my -
She tikes the details of Household
already begun against the Times.
prising tea peddler who last week
self with tbia bottle of glycerine
Some Of its advise;•s, admitting
called at Mr Wbite s, in Bract,
(Which be at that moment pulled
" Dlurder will out" we are con-
stantly told, yet it is said that
the extreme difficulty which
one day last week, and was iovitr
edaby the -hospitable lady of the
out of another pocket). Now take
your choice," Mr Moffat started to
there are somet.bing like a thou-
wouFd ue found in endeav°ring to
obtain a loan under present cin
house tostop for supper. llepos-
argue with the. man, but be wag
sand murderers at large in Great
cums;anees, have therefore sag
iting his samples on. a side -table
stopped with the information that
Britain, and we know,. tbero are
gested that the' paper should be
he accepted the invitation and he
it wag useless and that he bad but
many on this continent who have
never been discovered.
sold, the damages paid out of the
proceeded to enli rhtea the house•
P b
hold v'•
ho on the ntues of his: Hyson
two minutes in which to fill out'the
cheque befo a him fcYr $21,000
A New York burglar got;intd a
proceeds, and the remainder di.
vided among the different r0 ri-
b P P
and Japan. His eloquence filled
the air with aroma from the tea
genuine pickle the other day. Of
ficers discovered that some on
gardens r ns of China whilst the even-
Mr MoBatt, seeing no other al -
teruative, filled oot the cheque and
was feloniously at work in a
Kansas City; Ilan., has a popu-
lation of over 40,000,' and is' the
ing-meal was being prepared by
the family. ' ' But unfortunately
.was ordered to take it to the a
p y'
butchers shop, but after the
p y
had entered could not find the man
largest city of -the Sunflower State,
the young man's manners were
ing teller and get, it cashed. Mr
Moffatt left his office and, with the
until they looked in apol;k barrel,
The city spends a million dolla,•s
a year is public improvements,
not equal to his surprise, fol• -on
sitting down be condemned the
man behind him with the revolver
where the discovered him u to
his'neck in brine.
but has been at the mercy of the
tea they were using at the table.
partially concealed under his over-
coat, and with the.. muzzle almost
In the Ottawa Assize Court in
saloon -keepers for- three years
past. More than a hundred ss.-
vile stuff," he exclaimed with
a disgusted air; pushing it away
against Mr V; oBatts'back, marched
the case in which Miss Pauline
Smith saes to recover $5,000 dam-
loons have been running openly in
as far as he could reach. "Yea,"
behind the counter up to Paying
-I-eller Beeley, with the request that
ages from William C. Jamieson,
defiance otthe laws. A t a recen t
election public°pinion took aturn.
answered the lady of the house,
"it is very poor tea, but I was
the cheque be immediately ca3bed.
for breach of promise the jury
returned a verdict of $1,000 and
Joe Fife was -'elected prosecuting just
Joe is s
testing one of your own
They then re -marched into Moli'att's
office without attracting the atten-
$3 lie week for all the time she
attorney.` playing afuneral
dirge to the saloonists. He has
tion of the fifteen or twenty cleiks
)est S' cc giving up her situation •
caused 50 ori eats for vin1ation of
Mr J. C. Biggins, of Palmyra,111.,
who were at work within two feet
= ' order to get married.
the liquor laws. Saturday one of
was the victim of a daring highway
of where they passed. After they
When a Kansas editor makes
the -prisoners was adjudged guilty
nodi S� Thomas 1
y , ast eburs-
bad remained in the private office
• an affidavit that he saw a grass-
on 22 accounts, fined X290 and day
evening. Mr Eiggins has been
three or four minutes the robber in -
hopper light down on the back Of
pP g
sentenced confinement for 660
for the last, few , days in
forme I %I r Moffatt that they were
a )•chin and lift him two feet high,
days. To day 12 saloon -keepers
sheep for exportation from
y g p p
wasting time and that he had better
in an effort to carry him oit it is
voluntarily cunfessed guilt, creat- fat
mers In that vicinity. i
ty On Thurs-
to the door an 'motion his tel -
simply one solitary instance ofthe
ing a great sensation in the court day
evening, as be was returning
ler to come to him, which he did.
ricbness of the soil of the State.
room. They were assessed fines from
town, about eight o'clock, and
Mr Mo atfi .instructed the teller to
d Next year they are going to tame
amounting to $6,000 and given had
reached what is called Pine
bring the'money into the office, and
the grasshopper and use him t9
from till, oe tb six months' im i_
Grove,about one mile from the city,
as the teller turned to go away the
hunt rats.
s°o.ment, The punishment Nvas a
man stepped ed to the side of his
robber told him be wanted twenty
D. W. Beadle, of St, Catharines
made light, with the understand-
that thedefendents would
buggy gnu asked for a ride. Mr
Biggins pulled up to accommodate
$,1000 bilis and a thou'ani dollars
;,i old. The mono was brought
g Y g
L „ writes: 1 have examiningin
the blossom buds of the peach
the wbiskey buisness. Kansas the
stranger, who under pretence of
g' ' +
in and'banded to the robber, who
trees at my residence, and find
prohibitory laws are pronounced getting
P' Y P'
in, held h revolver to Mr
Bi -inti' head and threatened
waiting until the teller had reached
that near] all of them are killed.
infer that in this
the best in the world when pros'
er] enfi,rced. Temperance eo• blow
ga to
out his brains if he made any
bis desk backed out to the front
door, making Mr blo9att' remain
I, therefore,
vicinity the crop will be afailure.
le'are wild with o noise.
P y
He then tore Nfr Biggins'
standing in bis door until he 'had
However,I am told that along the
Lake Onttario and abort
At last Thursday night's meet- amounting
open and secured a roll of bills
to $500 from an inside
reached the curbstone. He then
raised his band 'walked aroun•1 the
shore of
Niagara the buds are not as lareg-
ing of the Business Men's Repub- pocket,
lican Club, o f Now orlt, a carnia- in
after which he disappeared
the woods and Mr Biggins drove
corner and has not yet been heard
of. 11r Moffatt i9 completely
ly killed as about this City,though
westward to Grimsby
tion was introduced'and laid over to
the city with 911 possible haste
trated with the sho,k. Detectives
as we go
and towards Hamilton, • it is said
for further discussion, treating of to
f lie labor which was stat- ties,
report the affair, to the authori-•
are out after the man, but no trace
the buds are all. killed. ,
ed to be one of the most important twined.
yet no cine has been oh-
The robbery was no doubt
of him has been found.
The Canadian Pacific Railway
topics of the city. It set forth committed
by some one who was
It is quite wo'bdol•I'ul to roe a
has done asplendid thing in pro-
tha, by gene, al report'Viere are acquaintgd
with lblr Biggins move-
cat jump from a height. It never
bibiting the sale of intoxicating
at least three millions of i"aon out menta.
seems to hurt iteelf, or,to get gid -
liquors in all stations along the
of employment in the nation, and
dy with a fail. It always landson a
line. So far has tbo management -that
a study of the reports of theA
charitable organizations of this READER,
i itx
Does This Hit You.,
feet, and these are so beautiful -
gond in this direction that a,
padded that they seldom or
who put up .a hotel recently was
city hhows that the number of
never get broken. TVby door not
told, when he asked access to toeir
tracks, that not.only would it be'
people dependent on them doubler
every five years. At present not a
A few weeks ago we sent out
lot ofaccounts for back sub- its
the animal. got a headache after
jump ? 0by does it not re•
refused but that if be procured a
less than 20,000 families are re- ser
�anii paid up lilze Inen, caber
troll. Quite a irllmen
lve a concussion of the brain,
licence to sold liquor the Company
coiving assistance yearly. Dur- but
. �larrge amount is due by as
a man or a dog would if he pe;• -
would build aten foot fence bay
ing the winter it was stated that peop
ro seem to think we formol
a similar acrobatic feat?
tween his house and the tracks.
20,000tramps so-called wcro shalt• only
didlit for fun. We Ito not
To answer this we must examine
That is the true spirit with which
eyed In the police stations. Idle- believein
constantly"dunning a
tine paper," but When. we
cat's skull, when. we shall see
y t0 moot over enCPCslOym@ret Of
the tray
nese it i9 asserted, Car1H'eS this
of affairs, though there
over our attbseritltion that'it
has a regular partition wail
liquor upon the safety of
condition books
and See the large
projecting from its sides, a good
elling public, for it is unquestion•
able that every temptation of the
is a desire on the part of these de- amount
pendent people to secure work. d'ividual
due ---crud no one in-
account is more than so
way inward, toward the centre,
as to 'prevent the brain from
liquor -sopor to the rtlilway em-
Speeches on the subject followed thorn
small tltlnl of $3 (nioyt Of
mucic legs -we feel like suffering
from concussion. This
ployoo menus danger without tho
and it was suggested that n com- trying
almost any sel►eme to is
indeed a boantift 1 contrivance,
red fight indicator. The public
mitteo be appointed to discovor or #;ftther
these small sums into and
shows an admirable internal
is always the sufferer. The G,
invent some business method by oire
heap into a pocket-boolc structure,
made in wonderful con -
T. It. should 6110 v tho example
which tho existingclistross among that
fleeds this n'toney yo bad- � f
lrmity with its oxternal form and
of its rival.
workingmenmay be provonted•
it. llOh;►tl �l, (;lintou, 1 nocturnal
W1350//�•� WILL, 8UY T$E ROUSE AND
11ot owped by flip unde"Jued
8., red oQcupled b AIr Lawlfenee, 9e, $uron St.
olinton. ' nerd e d a water qnd good stn
bee. Terme of aytnent easy.' Applyto Jno
OALI D;M t3tanly fit., Iiondon south
v Q I+kI•^WELL SIT- • ,:, h
UATBD for building1 is In a very desir. >.
able part of Clinton with about 74 choice ; /r
fruit trees, some bearing a ples,pears,plums I fi
cherries; grape vines, auhiapk and. rqd our. p
rents. Foe ether)r pparticulars apply at the
NEW ERA O t, f,
onOaborue St. The house contains six
rooms and good stone cellar; there are on Brilliant the premiew hard and soft water, a number
of fruit trees• and'good stable. The lbt sou -
W. R of an acre, and will be sold cheap. Durable I
W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Olinton.
HOUSE FOR SALE—sUBSCRn13EROF-®�,$®fili',C�,�
Iced for Bale that new and sir a t, co y
• situated house on Wellington street, con. I
tain.ng seven rooms. stone oellnr woodshed, -Diamond byes excel all others
hard and spft water, }acre lot. l be sin two in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
miogtea.wal$ 4Y post office. Will be sola qn g
reasonable terms. ANGUS COLE, Clinton,' None other are just as good. Be-
Also for sale a ,Boudoir Doherty Organ, new '
wale of imitations, because they
PPROPERTY FOR SALE— $1250 will buy are made of cheap and inferior
a valuable lot on the South siQe of Huron materials and .give poor, weak i
Street, Clinton, three doors below the Com- ,
Com -
=1 1 Hotel, on, which is erected five croaky COlom. To be sure of
houses, with hard and soft water, small ata
ble, and other conveniences. For partioul- SUCCeSS, Use only the DLADIOND'
ars apply to &ALTON DODSW ORTH, or at DYE?s for coloring the Mw ERA office b Dresses,athers
. ets, Fe;?
FOR SALE—THAT DDSIRALE SUBrrx,• I ings ' Yarns, Carpets,
BAN property, situate on the Base Line ;Ribbons, &c., &c�Ve Warrant
just outside the corporation of Clinton, con- I
twining ten acres of land with fruit -bearing ' them t0 C01or Mbre goodS, pack 4
rch d
o a fine brink house, case stable, hard and
age for �
� ,r.•
soft water. Everythinti fill in the hest}iossi• g 1 � ,than any other
ble condition, making it a most dd
'desirable t
home, Will e, sold at. a bargain. For fur -
yes e\'Cr Ix C, and to give more
thexparticularsapplytoJ. BUTT, Clinton. brilliant and durable colors.' Askl
JR(L)TEL PROPERTY VOR SALE.—SUB- for the Dt(Imondand take no other
SORIBRR offers for sale the property DICSS Dyed FOR
known as the Railway Hotel, Clinton close
to the grafinq storehouse of Mr R. Irwin, which e�
is a licensed house and doing a good busiuess A Coat Colored 6p
This is'a good stand and will be sold on easy Garments flanei4�ed
terms of payment, A Grocery Store in con- CENTS.
nection, can be bought with the hotet or
separatelyy Full pparticulars on applicallon, A Child can use .them S
MRS M. IIELLY Olinton. At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.-.
on the South aide of Townsend Street. WELL RICHARDSON dl: Cov, 1
The house, which is new, contains parlor, ontreal, p
dining room, kitchen, a number of bed
rooms, and a stone cellar,•the main part
beanheated i
g at with a furnace. Hard and soft
water in abundance. The lot contains one
an acre, and the property will be
sold on reasonable terms. Apply to MRS.C.
CARTER, Clinton.
scoffers for sale his farm of 76 fY1�4{{
acres, being lot 25, 11th �.on.'of Hullett, ad-
d- fill
joining the vintage of L,mdesboro. All clear- S R 1��1 R � }
ed. Good frame hou,d and outbuildings.
Will be sold on reasonable terms. Plenty of
water, Excellent one for pasturing. If'not
sold will be rented. Apply to JOII•N BARB-
WELL, on the place or RICHARD BARB -
WELL,, Clinton, Ont. j
offers sale that excellent property at
resent occupied himse
o b ]f on the corner
p P . Y
of Princess an d tan sr t
The r
be '1I net Successful •v,
satul ,tr s ,
mi ail c tr dl CO
g ee s.
acre of land all'set out with choice fruit
urea, as It is c, rt •in In t l a ,'tti nn,: d.,c•s
not bifatct Itead proof below. "
trees -and grape vines, plenty of hard and
soft water, The house contains three rooms
down stairs, and four above, with good eel-
venient to schools, and is In one of the best
locations In town. Will be sold entire, Or
the'lots divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN
STEEP, Clinton.rr
7 e•
.Dear airs: I have always purchased your Ken,
dall's'B avin Cure by ttia half dozen. bottles; I
would oke in itirger
prtcee quantity I drink Itis
one of the best lfnfmrnrN on earth. I have uised ll
don Road, lately occupied by Rev. John
Grafi and consisting of 14 acres, with good
Yu1us truly, Caes. A. ftnvnsR.
frryme House, Barn and'Stables, sple"did
Orchard, and plenty of water, ie offered for
are low. Very • desirable property for a
far r ho • h s to it
f me w wig a live retired, W 1 be
Dn. B. J. I{CNDALI. COYN, X. Y„ Noveinber 3, 1669;
sold on reasonable terms. Apply for full
particulars to THOS. EAST, Parkhill.
Pear Biro: I desire tngive rou test' montr.i of my
gond opinionofyourgendaftbfipaviuC;u'e.I!rave
used it for L Imonr,Na, ?Atrfr Jo9nlM
low 0
airy rt•commend it to all honernen.
Yours truly, A. H. G1LansT,
k.ger Troy Laundry Stables.
cession being lot 77 Goderich township,
situated li miles from Holmesville, and four
miles from. the Town of Clinton. The soil is
W1350//�•� WILL, 8UY T$E ROUSE AND
11ot owped by flip unde"Jued
8., red oQcupled b AIr Lawlfenee, 9e, $uron St.
olinton. ' nerd e d a water qnd good stn
bee. Terme of aytnent easy.' Applyto Jno
OALI D;M t3tanly fit., Iiondon south
v Q I+kI•^WELL SIT- • ,:, h
UATBD for building1 is In a very desir. >.
able part of Clinton with about 74 choice ; /r
fruit trees, some bearing a ples,pears,plums I fi
cherries; grape vines, auhiapk and. rqd our. p
rents. Foe ether)r pparticulars apply at the
NEW ERA O t, f,
onOaborue St. The house contains six
rooms and good stone cellar; there are on Brilliant the premiew hard and soft water, a number
of fruit trees• and'good stable. The lbt sou -
W. R of an acre, and will be sold cheap. Durable I
W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Olinton.
HOUSE FOR SALE—sUBSCRn13EROF-®�,$®fili',C�,�
Iced for Bale that new and sir a t, co y
• situated house on Wellington street, con. I
tain.ng seven rooms. stone oellnr woodshed, -Diamond byes excel all others
hard and spft water, }acre lot. l be sin two in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
miogtea.wal$ 4Y post office. Will be sola qn g
reasonable terms. ANGUS COLE, Clinton,' None other are just as good. Be-
Also for sale a ,Boudoir Doherty Organ, new '
wale of imitations, because they
PPROPERTY FOR SALE— $1250 will buy are made of cheap and inferior
a valuable lot on the South siQe of Huron materials and .give poor, weak i
Street, Clinton, three doors below the Com- ,
Com -
=1 1 Hotel, on, which is erected five croaky COlom. To be sure of
houses, with hard and soft water, small ata
ble, and other conveniences. For partioul- SUCCeSS, Use only the DLADIOND'
ars apply to &ALTON DODSW ORTH, or at DYE?s for coloring the Mw ERA office b Dresses,athers
. ets, Fe;?
FOR SALE—THAT DDSIRALE SUBrrx,• I ings ' Yarns, Carpets,
BAN property, situate on the Base Line ;Ribbons, &c., &c�Ve Warrant
just outside the corporation of Clinton, con- I
twining ten acres of land with fruit -bearing ' them t0 C01or Mbre goodS, pack 4
rch d
o a fine brink house, case stable, hard and
age for �
� ,r.•
soft water. Everythinti fill in the hest}iossi• g 1 � ,than any other
ble condition, making it a most dd
'desirable t
home, Will e, sold at. a bargain. For fur -
yes e\'Cr Ix C, and to give more
thexparticularsapplytoJ. BUTT, Clinton. brilliant and durable colors.' Askl
JR(L)TEL PROPERTY VOR SALE.—SUB- for the Dt(Imondand take no other
SORIBRR offers for sale the property DICSS Dyed FOR
known as the Railway Hotel, Clinton close
to the grafinq storehouse of Mr R. Irwin, which e�
is a licensed house and doing a good busiuess A Coat Colored 6p
This is'a good stand and will be sold on easy Garments flanei4�ed
terms of payment, A Grocery Store in con- CENTS.
nection, can be bought with the hotet or
separatelyy Full pparticulars on applicallon, A Child can use .them S
MRS M. IIELLY Olinton. At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.-.
on the South aide of Townsend Street. WELL RICHARDSON dl: Cov, 1
The house, which is new, contains parlor, ontreal, p
dining room, kitchen, a number of bed
rooms, and a stone cellar,•the main part
beanheated i
g at with a furnace. Hard and soft
water in abundance. The lot contains one
an acre, and the property will be
sold on reasonable terms. Apply to MRS.C.
CARTER, Clinton.
scoffers for sale his farm of 76 fY1�4{{
acres, being lot 25, 11th �.on.'of Hullett, ad-
d- fill
joining the vintage of L,mdesboro. All clear- S R 1��1 R � }
ed. Good frame hou,d and outbuildings.
Will be sold on reasonable terms. Plenty of
water, Excellent one for pasturing. If'not
sold will be rented. Apply to JOII•N BARB-
WELL, on the place or RICHARD BARB -
WELL,, Clinton, Ont. j
offers sale that excellent property at
resent occupied himse
o b ]f on the corner
p P . Y
of Princess an d tan sr t
The r
be '1I net Successful •v,
satul ,tr s ,
mi ail c tr dl CO
g ee s.
acre of land all'set out with choice fruit
urea, as It is c, rt •in In t l a ,'tti nn,: d.,c•s
not bifatct Itead proof below. "
trees -and grape vines, plenty of hard and
soft water, The house contains three rooms
down stairs, and four above, with good eel-
,p, pr F-•
y jiyy GUREs
lar, closets, &c. This propertyis very con-
venient to schools, and is In one of the best
locations In town. Will be sold entire, Or
the'lots divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN
STEEP, Clinton.rr
XWOOD, I1J., P:o v. �1, IML
Da.'B. J. $ENDALt. Co.
.Dear airs: I have always purchased your Ken,
dall's'B avin Cure by ttia half dozen. bottles; I
would oke in itirger
That• most property just out•
side the corporation of Clinton; on the Lon-
prtcee quantity I drink Itis
one of the best lfnfmrnrN on earth. I have uised ll
don Road, lately occupied by Rev. John
Grafi and consisting of 14 acres, with good
Yu1us truly, Caes. A. ftnvnsR.
frryme House, Barn and'Stables, sple"did
Orchard, and plenty of water, ie offered for
K��7®/1 L, ygn ga��6 t`I
BS N 6G m S ay ;° "
ale. B •n in Stanle to
s of g y wnehip, the tease
are low. Very • desirable property for a
far r ho • h s to it
f me w wig a live retired, W 1 be
Dn. B. J. I{CNDALI. COYN, X. Y„ Noveinber 3, 1669;
sold on reasonable terms. Apply for full
particulars to THOS. EAST, Parkhill.
Pear Biro: I desire tngive rou test' montr.i of my
gond opinionofyourgendaftbfipaviuC;u'e.I!rave
used it for L Imonr,Na, ?Atrfr Jo9nlM
f3 avino, and I have fouaitit a sure cut e, I earth,
Yarm of 110 acres, on the Maitland con-
airy rt•commend it to all honernen.
Yours truly, A. H. G1LansT,
k.ger Troy Laundry Stables.
cession being lot 77 Goderich township,
situated li miles from Holmesville, and four
miles from. the Town of Clinton. The soil is
l� y l� }�, �9
a good clay loam, with a neverfailin spring
creek running through the place;. also good
; DR, B. J. SANT, wI cWI w COUNTY, Oalo, Dec. 19, 1x98
wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which
is one of the beat sugar bushes in the coun-
Gents: I feel It my duty to Say whst I tine done
with your Heudall's Spavin Cure. I have
t5; also two frame barns, one a bank barn,
one frame horse stable' with room for ten .
twenty-five horses that bnd spavins, ten 61
RIf g Bone, nine, atlntcW- with 311r Ilead, ani
horses, also to o good hearing orcbards, be-
seven of Dip Jaw. since I have had one or youf
books and followed the dlrections,
ing about six acres in all; twagoodlog houses .
About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold
I have novel
Costa case of any kind.
fortis tCuly, ANDRRw TG@NP.R,
on r6asonnhle terms. ALEX BADOUR,
Holmesville P. 0.
shite Bronze l�oll�lll�l1t cots
mice ll pt or ea l ;et ittfor yo , or i gwiU All be rug
ricin have It or can get It for you, or !t wiD be aeni
co any address on receipt of price by the
;ore. DO. 13. J. KENDAL CO.. Lnosburgh Falls, vt.
We have the only factory in the Do-
minion. Our material is pure and fine,
and is endorsed by leading scientists as
being practically imperishable. I.t can-
not absorb moisture and consequently
is not affected by the frost, J. Baker
„ �,�� ;; .
Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of
Montreal, P. Q., says its gree.: d ra-
bility under all exposure to weather
and storm is fully assured by its high
quality. Itis more durable than stone
and will not loose its handsome appear-
ante from generation to generation. I
know of no other material which is
rW ti'i
equally. capable of combining elegance
�• �• ��
of form, beauty of Surface and indefinite
The above isp cut of the Goodwin Washer the
Please,call on or write to our agent at
Washing' biachino ever made. Agouti
wanted to self the machine or County Rights 0.111
Clinton and see designs and pric3s be-
be done without any Inccmvenlenca• fiend for
fore placing your order.
Chatham, Ontato
ph �P�,
•' pd �' A
—a -.a -a
r •�
"a e,9 cryo`, 9p
r® -2o ..,toom siar-'
jasses x,11 others I
tv the c c� �c.x,.b�r.
WARD, 0 FiA°tio Sr 1f.ri
;rn>?,1,•^1'Sh:}�P7:•i:TTP'. `' ,,. ,tr-q,
'I''+i t'' ,.^tt ok=!5; re,) t• „11C
?i' :• -,�'� is.• i.h,.
i.t' �r.::,•: aft e
e1.rCe .9'. A*.t;;.Y1' L•'i Fai
�'•j'�'' � rti�i'liltS t':iYrC�t''t `.,
M I M U"Mh R sy"o
Only nennin0 System of rilemory 2°ralninA.
four Ilooics Lcatmed in ano reading.
Blind wanderings cured.
Rverb Mind and Adult al'antly i,cpMltted•
Groat inducements to Corrnspnnd;nnn Olassnl.
Prnsetua, with opinions of Dr. 19otr.ott.Pftl5nohmn-
nAIut,.L11((.iTglcdmn Mimi DhhWttIMat1i0rtan�nttrho vnrfrt
Ilan Green ippn.fTltotnlpsmyto
007,1 rntnrnffhn
dti'mat4Nthe a ote,
1{{I0n+• V , W.&I 'FV tilhse,.IndnM P.
1pn jAutln, dnda nthnty n -. I next tcnn hs
A. GOIHET'1" ., .bi7 hath ,]vr., fI. �'•