HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-04-05, Page 6+� - .
<.Mr J ».
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N 1'. E I7 see ~nc fined to break Qf ctM e n r d keGiik_ ux on i►,
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• :.� a da I w U ive, '3411 � t. k p
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s 1 Look here, .) v I J a ,„ ..
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,At last he spoke.
"Did the squire rQ wed to * and. air ofd. hgt, and aali�ed out �qte. f�hq, wad tp, 0,,0E , and perhs� she
e la o11e9 those Tnortpge bonds , .. d S Z '
get wy letter, bliss s eCxa11 s - 4.�,i
resent; and you can' pot them u the wind and wet! It was blov+ ng wad {)ht �s rr p ,p ..... Y .. 'rho
caNTlrll;>rv. be asked. p F
, Rw,.ill. , ,
B . A B ,s g' TM18f Yi*A>i%'
"Yes," she answered, rather icily. the Sire; and I will Make a ood b>! utile and, as the Iain whirled triad lEo t am*
.ri ht and published by arrange- +, ettlewent on oil• down the drops stuck upon her face ,� ho sus ill' what's the matte';" ,
C r d��.'
kY g p e Publishing "Colonel t uaritch sent it u. o, y
UP." - �+ « N the cr�04
*+, a bird e," said ithe;ooledel; lighting a fusee um•- I
wont with the Ros I'u g „ c, tut I dg, 1A �Spaay, „ 1} g .
of Wel qer sore lle: added,non �harak your "the said,,T..,,-,: � .�
Com any.) 9 yrIt was onetrrf those .' ;
P c, not mire ala �ettleme t ori laay ygric� rp# t Ott, x t rk land be- der leer nQ�g,fuaedly, that I should, hav>B put Y; »iii, - , . Q '=
„ a rather uont3 suss 'made; yo A .,-he air-' N611 of dead 411TWOg Fli> eeea'and horn. wjlth a
• r
"It's a 11e! said Edward, exert- myse}f in such a false positron. I self, I h.
. em )at leaves, and the rasa rustled with blue •l ht, ,showing Ida's tall figure. . I .' P”
edit'. ,,, hope that you will give me credit for but I consent to the w1gag g g our AIM PLUG
"'Be careful what you sap, Sir having believed m� accusation when ,only on the express condition that them, for this was the first •wind anti barautlful face all stained np •�vnL.
" d wait to • +� the mttrt ogoaihall be oauQoJled.bw aul 8111e,fT0S the gre.4_1cilgba with giief antltears• her wet Mack- O n ..TVtUAL�Il111 � �
answered the colonel, an I made 1t. . $ r x g ,
til I have done." "Such a cusatio a shonld not be Euro marriage, pied as .the prRpQrfrY of the Oaks lfattled• _ and, g_ opngd ill�tush, slid thQ gate against Are takib the read in Gristlac ane Chop, ,
•, .
say 1 what was u o was her will ultimately' come to me, this is above her, and high overbead,jimong *blob alba had.been leaning-•�avery. pito$, whit will be done at all tlrues, on the
As soon as I realized h lightly made, Mr Cossey, ay a FINER THAN EVERa sh.orrtastnotice. CHOPPING anap 5cinta,e
the Matta', I left the roam again, answer, and, as though to turn the clot much to ask. end now ane the.suiten clouds, a flight of wind- thing. bag, Give osis is ana you wilt be son•
and going down to our ramdfath- vinoed that; this is the right place to et your
g a y g subject, she rose grid rang the bell Moe thing, Mr Cossey : I should tossecl'rooka were being blown this "Why, Ida," lie said; in amaze, SEE c{rtsting done .as everyone gets to ilot;r
in like to know when you wish this way and that. I°'what are -you doing, here, . pryipg in from his own wheat. Faxes•11
at s study, where he was engaged for tea, are can depend on getting their stuff home
writing a sermon,, I asked hint to It camp and the bustle connect- marriage to take place; not at once Ida bent her tall frame against. tool" with theta.
surae upstairs, us I was afraid that ' " the rain, and"gale;" and fought her "I'm riot crying,0. she said, with aTo & 00 FLOIIR exn FEED. -Flour and feed kept
p ed with it prevented any. further I presume. constantly on Wena..11
____ 1,
Lis daughter was not well. He conversatiott for a while.. At length, `'I should wish it to take place to.- way through it. At first she, had Bob; "it's the tarn bile wad's my face D. B. nIoLEAN, $ippon Mt11e.
Qame and saw, and th9 fight thew however, it saisided, and once more morrow," he said, with an attempt no oleabuteaaduall wheerha s from she was WeJust then the'li ht burned out LINTOE MBOHANIC'8 INSTITUTE,
him off his balance, for he broke out Edward found himself alone with at a laugh; "but I suppose that, be- eO1ua, g' 9� P P u' IN DRONZE Ok CLibrarn fairs. Abo Rooms, Town
p Ida, He looked at her and felt tween one thing and another, it can't custom, she took the path that ran and be dropped it. In th Lawn stairs. l theL o0o veNeWP
into u torrent of explanations and ,is„ in the Library and all the Lt - ad ay on t e
excuses, front a hicb in time I ex afraid, The woman was of a differ- come off at once. Shall we say this across the•fields to Bonham Church. "What is 1t, dear, what .itl hs- EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE Papers and Periodicals of tit day on the
Lable, Membership ticket 61 per annum
tracted the following facts:- -It :-It aP- ent clay to himself, and he knew it time six months -that will be in It was a k)eautiful old church, aad said, in great distress, fir the sight Open from a to a p m., and from 7 to 0 P.
l.; geared that suer since she Waa a —he loved her, but he) dil not un. Mav'1” « bad originally been built by the of her alone in the wet and dark, in m. the
l�ioa xtauIlona ar membership received
MONEY I MONEY I MONEY 1 Hy the Liba arian in the coon,
child, Miss Heston had been ad "Ver good," said Ida, this day, Boissey family, and enlarged';(rAr. =tears, Moved him -beyond himself, weohnmake afew good loans frgmprivate
derstand her in the least. However, Y g
iieted to drinking -fits,. and that it if the thing wag to be done at all. it six months, I Shall be prepared to .final rely as regards the tower,t hich and indeed he would, hilus k. no• funds erumsmaeetosaitborrowacspenae. HENNILLER' NURSERY -
must be done now, so, with a des y was one of the finest in the eountir man if it had not. M NI _
was on account of this constitution become our wife Air Cossey. I y) AN. trG�se�TT, Ctinton
al weakness, which was of course perate effort, he screwed himself believe it is," she added,with aflash by the widow of one of the De Is She tried to answer, -but, poor
t concealed from me, that she had ftp to the point. of bitter sarcasm, ,,the time usually Molles, whose husband had fallen at thing, she could not, and in _another EI , KE1:FE R,' NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH
i been 'allowed co engage her self to a ,"BTisa De Iii Molle," hs ea'd; and -allowed for- the r redemption of a Agincourt, as a memorial forever. roittnte, to tell lye honest truth,ehe AND ASTRACHAN PINE,
penniless subaltern. It appeared, p There, upon the orub, were carved had exchanged the gate -post for DENTIST,
Ida, knowing full eure{y' what was mortgage, P P THIS cartes or wurou wa mesa A sracreLry.
too, that the habit was hereditar "You Say ver hard thin s" he the "hawks" of the De la• Molles Harold's broad shoulder, and Was
Y, coming, felt her heart jurllp within y; Y g ' wreathed, round with • alms of via- finishing her "cry" there. NORFOLK VULA, 137 COLLEGE STREET LARGE STOCK ON BAND
for her mother had died from the her bvaow, and then ':hind still., answered, wincing. •_a„». P TORONTO.
effects of driuk,irad one of her aunts «bliss De la Molle," hr3 went on, : `�Oa I2 ,Tdar's saY• I am hard by toffy; ,.and there, too, within the Now, to sea a young and pretty `
�. .) naUrre. 1 wonder that you. ban ehau�el; hung the warrior's � helmet woman weeping (more especially if T , The above ogramow ices, and shrubbery tui
had become mad from it. l,erhaps you will remember a con• PP P g y UNION SHAVING PARLOR. be acid a7vQty tow prtoes,ana those aantin
I� "I went away and thought the wish'to marc me. and,�tis dinted shield. she happens to be wee in in Our , anything in this connpection will save none
veraation that we lead sone weeks Y g 13AVINO, SAIR CUTTING exu SHAM- purohasrng here.
matter over, and came to the con• ver qt the oansery;tory?" • ' ,of wish beyond everything in Norz�as be alone, for all around arms) is'a very trying thing. I4 is POOING done very neat and to suit .
clusion that under these circum- ++yes;' she said '"I :eniemher— the world, he answered, earnestly. lay 'the duet of the illustrious dead, trying even if you don't happen to every person. Urdera by Mail will be promptly attend
ORN FADES. Smith's stork ed to. Addretre,
I " stances it would be impossible • fol• about the money." "You' can never know how much: � come after the toil and struggle of hello love with her at all. But if you —
r rile, much as I was amadhed to her, +About the money and other j39'the way, I -know I was foolish their stormy lives to rest within the are in love with her, however little, WIC "ON JDi1M STEWART, Benmiller.
to ma+ r iter because wen if I were + b , , walls Of the old church. Some of it is dreadful; whereas, if, as in the S. � f I� _
y , ,' things, ' he said, gathering courage. >b .ogt Colonel Quaritch but Ida I {� Mutual
willingto do au, 1' had no right to "j hinted to you then that I h ea cannot bear to sea that loan near them had monuments of alabaster, present case, , youphappen to worship GEIAiERAL DEALER IN TiNWARE. Iculop Mutual insurance Co.
6 g in certain contingencies to be al{ow- . P Y p wee la in efiig their heads il- her, more perhaps, than it is good • HURON STREET, CLINTON.z. run the risk of brie gin children You: I hope you will drop his ac• y ay, P .
into the world who might inherit to wake my address,§ tb' "you; quaintance as much as possible lowed upon that of a conquered to worship any -fallible human area- Repairng of all kinds prompt! • attended to
` the curse. Having come to this and T think that you ,understood now. I Saracen; Borne had monuments, of tare, then the sight is posaitivelp reasonable rates. A trlai,oiinttea, �•; lilEILl1C11S, HAR1LCiCK
doterrnination, which it cost 'no me," Once more Ida's face set We a oak and brass, and gums had no overpowering- And ao, indeed, it BIBLES & TESTAMENTS COST
;ouch to do, I wrote and common;- �'I understood you l,erfeetly," an- $int. ��I rim not your wife yet, Mr monuments at ,t}l, for the Puritans proved in the present instance• The GENERAL AGENT.
sated it to one grandfather, and s A eyed Ida her ale face set like Cossey, she said, whet: I a"m you 'had ruthlessly destroyed them. But colonel eculd nest bear it, but lifting The Clinton Branch Bible society Have for Isolated town and vilTdge property, a, well
the marriage was broken off." <, p' will hive a ri ht to dictate to me as they were nearly all there, some, her head from his shoulder, he kiss Sale at' lb wt7RTHIfine am S DRUG as farm buildings and in st sto insured, may
g ice,. and I gave you to understand g STORE, Albert street,.a tine assortment of souse effected against croak that may be
"I do not ktelieve it, I do not be- that in the event 'f your •l®ndint; to whom I shall associate with. At twenty generations of the bearers of ed het sweat face again and again. TESTAMEbles and NTS FRO Iestaments Setat UPWARDS lrilledhylightndt If you want insurance
1. generally BIRLEB FR03t 26ot IjPw ARI)a, drop a card to the above address. X
lieve a word of it," said• Edward, my father the,monoy,.I should hold present you hate. no right, and if it an ancient name, for, even those of Now nature has costal! a reined
'. jumping a "You `ilted her and leasee me to also fate with Colonel them who had perished on the scat for most ills, if only the ph.ysiciatt- COME AxDSEE•- •D& CVO 'PHtNaTON; DO-
J p g p. J ,myself bound, to—to' listen to what P P posltory, PAINTING.
drove her clad, and now von. are you had to say " Quaritch I'shall do so. If you dis- ( fold had been borne here for burial. knows where to look for it, and
trying to shelter yourself behind a "Oh, curse the moneyl"•broke in approve of my conduct, the remedy The whsle place was eloquent of the there is no doubt that this sort of The of ClIntim and
vi is intthat to the
tissue of falsehood." �+ is simple—you can break off the on•' dead and of the mournful lesson of treatment has before now proved J. T. IVILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST eturnedf totit wn,aa avint ndsthtt emacs
Edward. It is not a -question of -„mo.talit From century to century efficacious in man si uiliar cases. — here pe manently, and is better prepared
"Are you acquainted with your money with me,lda,it is not,indeed- gagement. y y Y Y Holdstneesolueiveri>thtfortheeounty for than over to do anything whatever in the
randfatber's handwriting?” asked I love you � with all my heart,: I ' He rose, absolutely crushed, for the boaters of that Warne hail walked At any rate it answered here, for aa�ly pu a rd Nitrogen of administering which i the entrusted to him wilf ace ee prompt and
the colonel, quietly, have loved you ever sinerr3 saw you„ Ida was by far the stronger of the in these fields, and lived in yon- presently Ida grew quieter. safest and beet system yet discovered for careful attention.
1.`'Yes." It was because I was jc9aloua of him two, and; besides; his passion gave I dor Castle, and looked upon the fa- TQ BE CO.rTTNL'Eb, moderate, eat; extraction
Ruarant ed.00tHce, es GEORGE POTTS, Birk St., Clinton.
1 "Is that it?" be went on, produc- I that I made a fool .of .myself last her an unfair advantage over him, I milia' swell of yonder ground and --•�- -- I Shop,ELLIHT'S BLoct ,I .over Ranoe's Tailor
Eng s allow-lookin letter, and Without 'attempting any reply, he the silver fla b of yonder river, and Shop, Huron street,!liinton. ' ��Ili��
„ y g night, with Colonel Quaritch. Z I'REDRICK T. BOBERTS, BZ,' D.,.
i. showing it to him. i should have asked you to pnarI . me held out his hand and said good.' now their deist waa,gatbered hero Prufossor of Clinical Bledicine at EXHAUSTED - VITALfTY Sf
"I believe so --at least it loo,(;, ' long ago only there were -obstacles night, for be was afraid to attempt;and all the turmoil of their Tires was University College Hospital, Lon- like it." in the way. I lo'v_e oil Ida • there 'any demonstration of affection' add•' lost iu the silence of their narrow don, England says. "Brig•ht's rl1HE SCIENCEof Life J O E'"Then read the letter." Y ' ' in that be would come to see her tomb. thn great on man I .
never was a woman like.' oil— g 'disease }ana no symptoms of .lis Work of the age on Man•
Y .Ida loved the spot, hallowed t0 .r hood Nervous and Physi.
F:dwarrl obeyed. It was vile never," father in the morning. l , own and may Ton„ exist without cal bebility, Premature - ,
written in 'auswbr to that of Harold Abe listener) with ,the same 'set She touched bis outstretched hand bet not .only by, the altar of leer the knowledge of the patient or Decline, Errors of Youth -THE E I.ISADING I
r and the uloid miseries
(tl,naritcb,to his betrothed's father, face, 01)vionsly he was in earnest, with her fingers and then, fearing .with, but the human ussOciations, praetioner and no pain will be felt consequent thereon, sec •��
and s4Jtt,ittc'1 in the clearest terms I but his earnest,res'did' not move lest he Should` his mind, that clung around and clothed it as in the kidneys or their vicinity." page8vol., 125Rrecrip UNDERTAKER
the iv clothed its walls. Here she tions for all disoases.-
Yi the jal,tire of the! dtep that lie had her ; it scarcely even flattered. her promptly rang the bell j Y Ordinary common kidney diseas Cloth, full amplonly,eto all yo , sealed. AWMn-
taken, .''umber it be;ged hien; fat ;pride. Slee. 'disliked the man in-' In.another minute the door had had been christeued,and here among es man times unrecognized its lueta•atednien. Send to young and Mia- -AND-
S' le aged men, bend now. The Gold and n
the sake of Julia and the family ut ;tensely', and nothing that he could closed behind him, and she was loft her ancostorsoshe hoped to be buried eucli, will become chronic and for Jawoltea Medal awarded to the author by EMBALMER. g ininate in Bt'ig tbeNational Medical Association, Address J.1 R
• • also. Here as a irl she used to ht s (o, ganie) dis• P. o. Bos 1895, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H.
lame, n1n r:r to mellti0n'the canes of say or do would lessen tliat dislike Slane, �' PARSER, graduate of Harvard Medical col -
bili defc+oti<,n t•,,,, ony one outside the I by ana jot -=-.probably, 'indeed, it CHAPTER X IV creep in awed silence with her ease of the kidneys, unless taken __..__
brother ,Idtlteq And look through • " lege, 25 yes;s practieo in Boston, who may - j
a in hand. Warner's Safe Care is be consulted Confidentially. Specialty, Die•
falr,ily, would only irftensify •1t• " "GOOD'BY htY DEAR GOOD -BY." ease of Man: Office, No. 4 Rulflnch St. A FULL LINE OF
i "Are yon sist:i:fied, Mr Cossey? I . , , the window when the full moon was the,only reuotign•ized specific that
1 Presently he stopped and stood When Edward Cossey had gone, . u at the white figures stretched in has ever been discovered for• this r
have otlier letteni if •O'1 wish Cosee p' GOODS MIT ill STOCK
y beside her, his breast heaving, and Ida rose and put her hands to her their marble silence within. Here' disease. The late Ur. Dio Lgtvis r ,
them." ' �`�1Pi Mol�olls "Bank. .
his face broken with emotion, and head. .So the blow had fallen and I too, she had sat for Sunday after said, over. his otvn signature
- Ed�vu)•ri ruadr� nn reply, and the tried to take her hand. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 195x,. __--
CO1ODel watit ou :--"I gave the the deed was done, and she was en- I Sunday for more than twenty years, ,,,If 1 found mywdt the victim of a •
She withdrew it sharply, for his to be married to Edward COs- and stared at the quaint Latin in serious kidney trouble, I would CAPITAL, $2,000,000. The bestEmbalmin Fluid used
proa,ise tb;ttyonr';;tanrffather asked touch was unpleasant to he:. gaged t 1 + + II EST FUND $Z 000000
1`01' dr3d• In :3 .ir,o: of the remarks that „ Boy. And Harold-Quaritch Noll, scriptions cut on marble slaba,which ttae Warner s Safe Cur•e,' + + +
E I I do not think that there is' any
were freely made upon my behavior, .thee must be an end to that. It recorded the almost superhuman _____ --------
need for all this, she said coldly. )MEAT) OFFICE, MONTREAL.
I kept it; as tt was err dot to do, „ L,. - was hard, too -Duly a woman could virtues of the departed De la Molles 'rit'ir SlOIY � itild a�111C� C :trtl "-,PN d1!d ��P,ill`se
1 Y Y I gave a conditional promise. You knout how hard. Ida was not a (of the seventeenth and eighteenth - THOMAs WORKMAN,........ President.
Ir .,ir Uussey, aro the first per have fulfilled your share of the bar. g - "- -- - J. H. R, MOLSON. ••,.,...,. Vice -Pros,
son to + h1+sn r,Le story has been told, Y person with a lona record of levo centuries, her own immediate an- MANNING �I SCOT;, F. WOLFERSTAN THO,IIAS, General Manager ,.
gain, and I am prepaf°od to fulfil affairs. Once,when she. was twenty, I castors. The place was familiar to
And nwx dvt' "'or, lave thought fit mine in due course." � T Notes discouuted,Collectiona made,Drajfa ALBERT ST., CLINTON,
to 'tool<,• ; . cuati.Oris against the she had hada proposal which she her whole life; she had scarcely a re- �al'l'15ifrY'S, �JO�1Clt(�l'S, iasurd, Sterling and American ex- Residence over store.
SO far as her•. words went,Edward had refused and that was all, So collection with whist it was not in
a'biel) ur r' without foundation 1 + I C4xnge bought and Bold at !sweat
' could find no fault with their mean- it happened that when she became Some way connected; it w s not. CONVEYAN(,EP,,S, B.C.• Current rates. OPPOSITE TO}VN HALL
Uin.iL a•,b: r,)u to wtract them as 1 PP I ' -.-
1n,g�, anti ,yet he felt more like a mar) attached to Colonel Quaritch she wonderful therefore that she loved lntcrosc at 3 per cent allowed'o+, deposits. ,
sully ori yrm nur.le there, I have I + , Con,nareaiooere eor.Untarin ana Mauitoba
who had been abriitl and final! OFPIrE NEXT DOOR To New ERA, CLINTON
yrs l lir'• .l ,r !1;i;,t r K Lich yet will be refused than one .declared chosen. had found her heart for3the first . it, and that in the trouble of her _--� k'AF�IIib:Re-> .
time and, for a woman somewhat I mind her feet shaped their course hfoneyadvanced to farmers on their own notes
so goo(l •ts +1, si'm " and he banded , ' with one or inore endorsers. No mortgage re-
a , ' Ile stood atilt and looked at her. , oNug TO LOAN. F MORTGAGES
Itiur 1 Loh• )li}•:rC•t:rt••1 to the Squire. r, , Tete fn life. Gonaequently her feel- totvards�it,' M Bought, Private Funds. C RID017T, quired assecurityH. C. BREWER,=r, pp T )F tt
1 I think i. right to tell you,bow- ing was all ,the morb profound, and Presently she was there in the Otlice over J Jackson's Store, Clinton, t, Fri ��� A 1�7D ALL
It.'i'au, ' n a January 1887. Clinton
ever, she went on, in the same so indeed was her grief at nein fore i churchyard, acrd taking her stand
"Th',�tt Rita ;'hi 1.. lI •r,LE,-I be 1n the l measured tones "that if I marc g g Y ° ° NIA LICENSES. - APPLY TO ---- - ---- --- ------ - " B A N li E R S ,
g + y ed not only to put it away, but to under the shelter of a line of ScotchJAMEs sco_cTigcei Cat linton,
Library Rooms, Clinton Post dttiee Time Table e
11 fullest irnd nm:+t rrinp,e manner possible you it will be from motives of 'duty, give herself to another man who firs through which the ale sobbed c r
to retract the charges which I made' I �' I ' a g l\A ARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUL7D BY THE Arails are due for dolivery and close for despatch ��g����' j�
veaterday m'cning against Colonel Qnar• and not from motives of a$ection, was.not agreeable to her. She was i and sang, leaned against a aide gate Hyl unsure;gnes at'residence or drug store, at rho Clinton Post Office a, follows: -
itch, in the pltbsence of yourself and I have no love to give you,and I do I not a violent or ill -regulated woman' and looked. The scene was desolate .MRSA. WORTHINGTON. -
Miss De la Molle. I find that 'those not wish for yours. I do not know I like Mrs Quest. She looked facts enough; the rain dropped from the ONET Tu LEND` iN LARec oR T, t �Losa � nt'a
. Q a , PP M small sums on good mor, Hamilton, Toronto Btrat- Advances made to farmers on their own
charges were unfounded, and i hereby if you will be satisfied with this: in the face recognized their, mean- roof on to the sodden rapes beneath, moderate rate of interest. H HAtR,Clinton ford, Soaforth, ' Grand nates, at low rates of interest.
apologize to Colonel Qnaritcli for having If you are not you had better give g g Trunk east and inter.. -
Y , Y g inc, and bowed before their inexor- and ran in thin sheets down the rrr�HODTAS BROWN, 'LICENSED AUCTION- that ,offices ............ 8.50 a.m. 1.50 p.m „
made them " u the idea," and she for the first ° 1 EER for the County of Huron. Sales at- Toronto Stratford, sea- A general Banking Business trap$acted
P ) g able logic. It seemed to almost flint facing of the tower; the dead tended to at reasonable rates, seaforth P,O, forth, �. and 1, cost„ a. 1.55 P.M. 8 n,m 6 g
"And supposing that. I refuse to time, looked up at him with more impossible that she could hope to leaves whirled an$ rattled in and --_ Godertch Hoimssville and Interest allowed On deposits.
P Grand gunk west, ..... 1 pm. 8 a.m Sale Notes bought
sign," said Edvva.rd, sulkily. anxiety in her face than she would avoid this marriage, and, if chat about the empty porch, and over all DR APPLETON-OFFICE- AT REST• Godertch. ................ 8.45 p.m. 2.40 p.m
"I do .not think," answered the have cared to show. HENCE on Churcon h.
,treat, Clinton, op -
proved to be so, she might be relied shot one red and angry arrow from gate, English Chnrch. " Entrance by side Hamilton Toronto 4.16 p.m. 10.10 a,m J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
ate, London fJ., H. &)§. south a.m. P.M. a.m. to
colonel "that you will refuse." L'ut if she hoped that her cold• upon to make the best of it. Scan• the sinking sun. Sho stood in the g and intermediate oflibe,.7,35 4.151o.1ofr:oo
Edward looked rtt Colonel Quar- Hess woeld repel }rim, 8110 was des- t g T J. W I,tiER, VETERINARY BUROE- Blyth, Wingham, Kinear-
itch, and the colonel looked at lir- tined to be disappointed. , sh as the I dal would,under any circumstances wind and rain and azed at the old el Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col aine, Lucknow, V,H.&B. tl �+ �j Rewaraea are those who read
PP never find a word to say against church that had seen the end of so lege. Telegraphic messages promptity at- norm Hua Intermediate am. p M. a.m. p m RICHLY this and then act; they will find
";ward. contrary, water thrown on burn• genaed to, Office Lonaes orough, Ont. officos ... • ........... 0.20 6,15 8.25 5.06 .honorable employment that will not take
Ida, for she was ttot a pera�n who many sorrows mare bitter than leer Summerhill, Tuesday. and them from their homes and familia,. The
"Well," -,aid sha) colonel, "please, ing Oil, it only inflamad him - the would attempt to console herself fgr own and the wreck of so man R8 WHITT-TEACHER OF MUSIC- Friday, ,..o ...... ...... 6.30 p.m. 5.30pcm profits are large and sure tor' every are industri-
tlndersrsracl thrat I fitean you should Wore,• an unhappy 1narrlage. But it waa summers till the darkness began tyo M Member of the 'canadtan soeiots of British ay,Thbrsday .Wed• makingseveralbundieadoilaream nth'toI
sign that letter and indeed seeing , ° Musicians. Fianoandorgan toy theu,o of nosaay, Thursday .,. , 8.80 a.m. iscias eor an erson to make 8$ per da
a "The love will conte, Iia be bitter, bitter as gall,to be thus fore' close round her like P pall,while the pupils. Residence, Mr s Haftt's, opposite Mouoy, Orders Issued and Deposit, rocolvcd from y y ' p y
IDir Whiteheads, Albert Street, Clinton one dollar upwards, and upwards, w o is willing to work. Sithe
Low absolut•uly Son are in the wrong, said, and once more be tried to take ed to turn aside from her happiness wind sang the eor uie'm of her ho yes, orae. Hours from 9 a.m, to 7 .,n. Box Young Everything
new. loot special e star
I do not think that you can lassie her band. I l " a 1 oil. Ever thin new. No s octal abut
-for she well knew that with $lir- She was not of a desponding or pes- Dx REEVE, -OFFICE, o doors BURY savings Sank and Money Order O fl.o clvae r Y g p y
tate ba rlo, so." " "No, Mr Cossev," she Said, in a St, Murray Block, two doors east of nt 8.30 P.M. required i you, usa tone n or u lie well u any
old Quaritch her life would be very sinAitic character but in that bitter Hodgens' entrance. Residenee opposite 8, THOMAS FAIR, Postmaster, one. Write i u, atoned for full particulars
, which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co
Then very slowly and unwillingly voice that checked him, "I am sorry hat and fit her shoulders to this hour she found it in her, heart to Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton. Office _ Clinton, Aug, 1887. -_ — — Portland, Maine. ^-`
happy Hours, 8 a m to 8 p m. -- -- -. _-----__- _-___ _ . _
Edward Gv„iey took up a lien,afhxed to have to speak so plainly, but till . -- --
heavy yoke. Well, she had saved wish, as most people have done at - nME9 OdwsON, LLCENAED Auc- HURON AND BRUCE _ ca.I7�'r0W a
Lis aignarturc to the letter, blotted I marry I am my own mistress, the place to hur father by it, atd one time or another in their lives, J Ttoxmit for the County of Huron. Sales
it, atld pnghed it frvm hirci. +Pray uunerstand me." also to her descendants, if she had that the tragedy were over and the attended anywhere in the county, at rea- LOiiD �'i IQlV09hY11Ci1� (i0e . '
Tho colonel folded it. up, placed As you like," he said, drawing any, and that was all that could be curtain had fallen anti that she la sonable rn ea. Residence Atbart street y Planing Neill
" • it in lir' envt;Iope which Ile had I back from icer, sulkily. "Lam so said for it. beneath lyase dripping sods without 'Ctiu.on• This Company is Loaning Money Or
ready, and 1•ut it in his pocket, fond of you that I will marry you ' She thou ht and thou ht wishit)g sight ht or Bearing without ho a or R BTANiIURY, GRADUATE' ri THE Farm Security at Lowest Rates of
"Now, Mr Cossey," be ssiid, "I on any terms,and Lbat is the truth. g g ' a g P D Medical Department oP VreHos Uni- Interest. —nlvn—
in the bitterness of her heart" that dread. It seemed to her that the veiaity, Toronto, formerly oP the Hospitals
. will wish yell good morning. An.'I have,one thing to ask of you,Ida, she had never been born to come to hereafter must indeed be terrible if and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for
the County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. _ MORTGAGES - -^PLiRC1iASEI D R �• KILN-
other time I should recommend you and that it that you will keep our such a heavy day, till at last she it outweighs the sorrows of the _
to be more careful both in the facts engagement secret for the present, could think no more. The air of here. W wILLtAMs, B. A., M. D., Gin DU- SAYINGS BANK BRANCH.
and the manner of your accusations," and get your father(Iauppose I inttst. / ATE of Toronto Univet8lty ; surg.I of
the room seemed to stifle her,thoagh And there, poor wOmao Bhe the Uoliege of Physicians and Surgeons, J, 4 and 6 per (lent. Interest Allowed ruarso and furnished his new Piquing Mil.
and with •a slight bow he left the speak to him) to do the same: I it was b no means overheated. thou ht of the long ears between out. OFFrQE & REaiDEN- the
house for- err Depozite,accordinD to amount with machinery of the latest improved pattern's
a y in. ly occupied by Dr ReeV,, Albert StreaL • dnd time l t. is now prepared to attend to all order, in his
roam. have lessons" he went on b way y g _ line inthe•aos4promptand satisfactory Manner
+ y y She went to the window and looked h''er .and rest, acid, leaning her head Clinton. and at reaa msblo rates. He would also return
"Curse the fellow," thought Ed- of explanation, "for not wishing it cut. It was a'wild, wet evening, against the gate -post, she began to tt''R WORTHLNOTON, - PHYSICIAN, OFFioE-Corner of Market square and North thanks to all who patronizod thi old m before
ward tq himself as the front door to become known." .i.J Surgeon,Aot}oueher, Licebtiate,pfthe HORACE HORTON, they were burned out, and now being ins bet•
closed, "he had me there—I was "I do not see ." I Should keep and the wind was driving the rain cry bitterly in the gloom. College of Phya atans, and surgeons or MANAORR. ter posltfon to execute orders sxpoditiouaiy
y P before it in sheets. In the wgat the Prosentl she oto a ed cr in with Lower Canada. and Provincial Licentiate Goderich, August 6th 1886 - tools oonAdont he can give satisfaction to aii.
forced to sign. W ell,I will be even it a secret," she said, "but it does Y l P Y g' and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of- -- --- - FACTOR P Near the Grand Tran «.
with• him "about Ids, at any b rate. nut Matter tb me,,, lurid light of the sinking sun stain- a start, and looked up, for she felt floe and residence, -The buildingformerly
occupied by MrThwattes, Eturontret• Railway, Clinton.
ed the Goulds blood -red, and broke that she was no longer alone. Her Clinton, an__,i0.1s71. J. $IDDLECUMBE. crloMns esaxFtvzttti
I will propose to her this very day, "The fact is," he explained, "my in flying arrows of ominous light instincts had not deceived her, for v
Belle ov no Belle; 966d if she won't father is a ver curious man and I DRI. ELLIOT & GUNN. �' ' ROBERT DOWN►
Y + upon the driving storm. tberetinct more than two paces from ,e Watch 4 I�Q{ �1ak8r �
have me I will call the mouey.in, doubt }f be•would like my engage- But bad as the weather was it her, in the shadow of a fir -tree was •
„ 7 + ' H. R. Elliot, M. D., I W. Gunn, M.D„•L. $. CLINTON,
and smash the whole thing up,”— ment, because be thinks I ought to attracted Ida. When the heart is the figure of a roan. Just then be L.ttR.P., Edinburgh, C.P,Edinburgb,L.R. JEWET,LER, &a.,
and his handsome face bore a very marry a great deal of money," a L,R:C,s,. Edtnburqh, C, d Edinburgh Ll-
and tor❑ b conflicting lie took a rte to the }eft,whieh brought Liooattato oftho)iita• eentlat�e of the 'Mid- 6ianttaoturor and Proprietgrfor the beat Saw
evil look as he thought it. "Oh, indeed," answered Ida. She siona, it seems to an®war to the call. Bis fi nae a ainst the sky, and Ida's wifery, Edinburggh. wffery, ,din, OtTice,On OPPOSITE TTI), MARKET SQUARE, Clinton. N I I ill" in use. Agent for rho sale and
g g Office at Brucofleld, corner of Ontario and applicattnn of rho tt� FI,I{RR Pr)raNr AUTnMATia
['hat very afternoon he started, haA belipved,as was indeed the arae, ing of the storm, and to 'ong to lose heart stood atilt, for aha saw who it William Ste., Clinton Where he creeps aseleot assortment of DOILaRa,.A.... STEAM FITTINGS furnished
and applied on Wirt notice,
in accordance with this design, to that there were other reasons not its petty troubling is the turmoil of was now. It was Harold Quaritch
i z visit at the Castle. The Squire unconnected with Mrs heat on P Y d I Q. H. COOK, - Watches Clocks, Jewelleryt
pay q Quest, the rushing world. Xature has l the man over whose lora she had Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu Silverware. KnoBluerynrepaired b pe itfaoaly
was out, but .11 iris De la Molle was account of which be was anxious to man moods of which cur own are 1)een weep}ng. ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. and in a sattaiihetory manner.
at borne, tbo servant said, and ac- keel) the engagement secret. "By but the echo and reflection and she "It's deuced odd," she heard hien, Nitrous Oxide Gas aaministeroa for the which wa•wul Leu at roneonabierat9e.
cordingly lie was ushered into the the way"" she went on, "I am sorry can be companiable when all human 'say, for she was to leeward of him painleesoxtracd.
tiouoftenth. �� farm implements Pipesmanutetursd ana ropafroin
drawing room, where Ida was work. to Have t0 talk of business but this r Repairtn Oe overy deaorlption promptly steam and Water Pipes fnrnishcd and put in
Oflaoo over Jaoksou's Oiothiug Store, next I ► d k p
Sympathy must fail. I+orshe is our but I could have sworn that I toPo,tover Clinton. attente to, an all wor warranted. position, Dry Kilns etted tip on application.
...-,-...-•---•-,r-^. -._ - - .-•-----••-'-- —.---
- gr Night bell 19 r Crofton, Nov' 1892. J'BTDDLEU011BR. Obargos moderato.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ICastorla., Children Ory for Pitcher's 1Cnstoo'laa , — 1.
� 1 a
„ . ,
.0 YY�. r'.