HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-04-05, Page 5]IL.. COATS And h.ave your eyes properly tested with King's Optometer, the best eye -tester in the world.arl.gfittl frinSAS %%I N r.iwii• ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. •.. ....y\•��v.\,�a�G\:. ;��>`v'�l �Q,"a lb`: `hr''�i�e:S��a\1��7 y�:,��'..:X', for 1 fonts and Children. a • "Castorlaissowell adapted tochildren that Castorls euros Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. own to me " H li Al;csscr, M. D., SillsSillsWWotiorms, gives sleep, and promotm d - k 111So. Oztord Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y. Witlwut injurious medicattom. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77Murray-Stre't.::, Y ANOTHER ur;p.ris.iiig..... SALE QNSATURD Afternoon and Evening next we will commence our Great CLEARING SALE OF RY GOODS & CLOTHI. By Public Auction, and continue through all this month till the whole stock is disposed of with- out reserve, selling private dur- ing the day at less than first cost. Auction at 7 p:m every night next week T. JACKSON, SIS Cheapside, Clinton HUB GROCERY Is still giving bargains in TEA, a very fine Japan for 30 cents per pound. Black and Young Hyson, extra quality. Oar GERMAN COFFEE, fresh roasted, cannot bo excelled in town for flavor and strength. Fresh Flower and Garden SEEDS of all. kinds. OAT- MEAL, CORNMEAL and FLOUR always on band. Granite TEA SETS very cheap. TWO BROOMS for 25ots. (31-'E4. SSV ILAC) INT TON GREATOPPORTUNITIES ! NOW IB mrO'Q'R OMAN= For the next 30 days we will give 20 per cent off for cash in our Crockery and Glass Departments. Do you want a Chamber Set, a Breakfast Sot, a Dinner Set, a Tea Set, or Glassware of any kind, 20 per cent off for cash. All goods narked in plain figures. S.P. PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall, A. W;fin I�?18ii1 —THE PRA— Tailor and Cleaning Emporium. Victoria St., Clinton , Gentlemen's suits and overcoats clean. ed, dyed, repaired, faltered or turned.— Ladies Dresses or Mantles cleaned or dyed without taking apart. Gent's Snits pressed by tailors only. All gar - talents dyed warranted not to stain,— Farmer's cloth cut and made up cheap. Please give us a call. CHARGES MODERATE. oticc It being utterly impossible to conduct business without money, I hereby noti- fy all those indebted to me, and whose accounts have been rendered, that if the same are not settled by negotiable note or cash before the 1st of May, that they will bo placed in court for collection.— This notice is imperative. S. DA VIES Mammoth Hardware and Stove House, Clinton. CLTh1TQN,. # ; 001I1044 ttY447 T4,44.7 WinterSe �'d tlilldl►�, 4pril p4�pp 1898. .. ' 111 03 Oi1#e,,.•s .,..,..,. 0 :98 s 0 26 Pam r:,....., ....,..•,a. 0 54 ,a A 54 Floor Pe "010.,..,..,..A 2 75 a 9 75 Bath • .. 0'19 •.0 19, En/- 0' 9 • '0 -10 Pork 5 75 a 6 :00 • 19:00 x14 00 • 6001550 'Wool, • - • 0 20 s 0 20 Chickens per pair• • 0 80 a 0 35 Ducks per pair • - 0 50.a 0 60 Geese • 0 40 a 0 50 BLYTH MARKETS Blyth, April 4, 1889 Wheat, fall,white and red 1 00 a 1 03 Wheat spring, . e 1 00 is 1 03 Oats . 0 28 a 0 28 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 .,058.054 EBatter 0 16 a 0 17 Hogs Beef Hay ......0 0a 010' 550 a 600 550 a 600 10 00 112 00 TORONTO MARKET§ Toronto, April 4, 1889. Wheat, fall ...1 08 a 1 09 Wheat, spring 1 09 a 1 12 Barley .......0 44 a 0 53 Oats 0 38 a 0 84 Peas . 0 57 a 0 70 Butter, rolla 0 22 a 0 25 Batter, large rolls 0.18 a 0 21 Eggs per dozen :....0 12 a 0 18 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK • MARKET A. large number of butchers attended the market,bnt seemed to hold back for a reduction, and suod'eeded, especially for common stook. Best sold from 4iio tb 4Qo per lb ; pretty good steers and large, fat cows about 4c : common stook 3}o;leanish beasts 2fn to 31-c. A number of rnilkmen'e strippers, some of them in good condition, sold at from 624 to 640. Good calves are in demand at pretty high prices. Sheep are ad- vancing, and sell from 43o to 630 per lb. Prices of spring lambs from 62.50 to 84.25, but good would bring $5. Fat hogs about Gc. There -ie an active de- mand for good heavy horses for the United States, and such maintain prices. Common horses will not bring as mush as last season. The receipts of cattle at these yards were somewhat larger than previous week, and trade was considerably better throughout, drovers having managed to clear off all they had here, with better results than the previous week. Hoge were small but choice. Plenty of calves of medium quality. SEED PEAS.. . Parties requiring Seed Peas can be eup- pnlied with the Celebrated MUMMY PEA by FtHAN% DOWDING, in Logan, or at FITZ- SIMONS' Seed Store, Clinton. This cele- brated Mummy Pea is the largest and best Garden or Field Pea ever introduced into this country. These peas have yielded 52 bushels to the acre, and have been sold at 50 cents a pound. In large quantities they can be had at greatly reduced prices b a applying to the undersigned or R. FITZSIMONS, Clin- ton. FRANK DOWDING, Bornholm P.O 6UNDRIES ROLLER MILLS FOR SALE The almost new Loudeeboro Roller Mills ; in good running order, water and, steam power. Peet office, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount dpwn,the rest to suit the purchaser if secured This is aware chance. Apply to J. HUBER, Bos 168,. Berlin, or H.S. HUBER, on the premises Londesboro, Ont. AUCTION SALE —O House and Lots in Clinton. That desirable property, comprising the_ dwelling house and premises on Albert St, lately occupied by Mrs Jessie Smith, deceas- ed, which will be sold by public auction, on Saturday, April 6th, 1889, At 2 o'clock p.m., on the Market Square. The dwelling contains six rooms, with good stone cellar. There is a good frame stable and largo garden with fruit trees, etc. The lots comprise in all about 1 acres. For terms • and particulars apply to D. DICKINSON, JOHN RIDOUT, Auctioneer. Executor A splendid stock of Handsome BIA? MIMS Just received. Trio largest, cheapest and best , variety in town. J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. MEDICATED Diamond TEA The great surprise of modern times as a BLOOD PURIFIER and LIVER and KIDNEY INVIGORATOR. Diseases whish have been surely and quickly cured by its use:— Rheumatism, dropsy, scrofnla,.dyspep- sia, constipation, sick headache, salt rheum, dizziness, eruptions of the skin and many others, for which I am pre- pared to furnish testimonials of respon- sible persona in Ontario. Pushing Lady Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements will be offered. Writs for terms at once to DIAMOND TEA CO., 67 Dundas St., LONDON, ONT. 25 AND 50 CENTS For sale by Druggists and authoriaodagents WALL PAPERS,. DECORA TIONS,&c HOW TO SAYE MONEY. Parties wishing to buy new PAPER & PAPER DECORATIONS should see tbo magnificent assortment of Copp & Logan's. It will pay you well to sec our goods as they aro all special designs and cannot bo had elsewhere outside of the cities, and can bo bought from us for half the money paid thorn. We have goods from the beet factories In Canada and the United Status. Tho quality and cheap- ness of them will astonish you. It has boon rumored that wo had such a good quality of paper that our prices must bo high, but such is not the case; wo admit our goods are of a lino quality, but our prices can down them all. Our goods aro something entirely new, and people wishing something artistic for little money should eoe them. Wo have pa- per from 5c. a roll np. Soo our goods and got our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have fitted up our shop in a very tasty manner for the accommodation of ladies coming to inspect our stock. COPP & LOGAN, ISAAC STREET, CLINTON The .Estate Late John Hodgens Are showing a very complete stock in this department, including Black and Colored Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Ilenriettas, Black and Colored Bordered Goods, Beiges, Nun's Cloth, &c. Buttons and Trimmings to match. MAIN' TLE D="PARTl\LLENT In charge of Miss Rutherford. Perfect. satisfaction guaranteed 5 per cent off for ea • JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HOD CErTS. SPECIALTIES: JOHNSON'S ,.tar Colors ,l llsoNS Pure Colers In On JOHNS 'S Evergreen Jojinson's French Permanent Green =is= Magna Creon Paints JO FUN'S: liquid .Paints . Ellt SON'S kalsomine JOHISOIES gators' Pure White lead The/ant Caanob be too forcibly impressed upon the minds of, a13i=nsert•of paint, that geptiits can be.pcaduoed only by the use of good materials.. The main e, lenaein,.painting is not in the coat of the paint, but imthe poet or upon and on., and it rognirea more labor and moceoil.to appl3a inferior anoint than to apply the besfftbat can be obtained: The above Brands are the acknowledged, .stand. "ard by which all other paints in the market may be judged. Dissolution of Pal3nership.1 J.C. DETLOR & CO Having decided to dissolve partnership have begun a - GREAT CLEARING Sale .40 Nearly $20,000 worth of Goods. to he Sold Without Reserve Now is your opportunity to buy New Spring Stylish Goods at sale prices. Bargains in every lineb�as the stock must be sold. Also, for sale cheap, Shop Furniture, including Lamps, Mirrors, etc. J C DetlorkCo,Clinton Our Hats U'll Like Wo aro showing THE FINEST LINE of Spring and Summer Hats over brought to this town All new styles, best quality and prices low. IN THE GENT'S FURNISHING Department Wo have a fine assortment to select from. Our Spring Stock is handsome and stylis'1. Immense assortment, now features. Reli- able, trusty, serviceable goods marked at Rock Bottom Prices G�O- GAG LSO V V REMEMBER THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. its+�.'�S,Stt f ir.,[,I� a✓ gdWidY 13�tr�y 17. aiP�lx�atiYiY(rr�,,I�i,i{14ye911.Y,�k 1t,,;',:. iG1ttlldlh11:" Mue_!pµ'11100 *474 111101 _ lciXl!nhllF�dVMIXI,tUVJa,tw spy,,ipp.:07.1:744„.404;i:Tr4„,--41 :0,4::Aviiierfm---=414-1/4y New Line of Baby Carriages ALL NEW STOCK NEW WALL PAPER, CANES, WAGONS, EASTER CARDS. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. BOOTS & SHOES FOR 1689 SPRING & SUMMER,f88 9 Our stock for this season is very complete. The quality and style of our goods are very superior, and our 'prices are low. AN ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES CHEAP Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per relit ofl for cash. TAYL ons • CLINTON A LVT •'F 6 4