HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-04-05, Page 4VW - I , �. 4 r .° a . , w F , . d .. 4 �' r h • • ! w' i. _.. M" G'. - . t ` .9f_..I Lyl..y Y ,X M' • , • !, Af ��' 1 !4 „ " r _ rf i ., .,, - t '( 1 M.. N - , .,.. ..�, ," ', ,. a.4 , l't , Qa s ;. -.;Ne of a C- i�• • G ,Y t . C# f m _ . t@,n hear 1 $gwl , XO ...: 0 A R, $,1?E�i u- " 41 .. .1_ pets ; r iu_ -,': i tare A d' « ,•„-*,. ,-.,,,, ",:. *'w ,��;. .. , tail. naenro Mill s, h, Q n Qerina . s on t e. $Ind t; a g _9.. 11 tl. , 11 I ro'l ub: 4b'r o% 1. , " r � hili ;fine j b Pro ;for :. , aPe • , Q.ee� 154 I in . wo .: ' a d UIc. ^�i!>~r ?a,' ! . rty r 4a Gti ? r , f m P fM _. A. >Iflil:G.e,�'Rf th aS read o£ thfl .IuoQ-,, ' . M qd r! , M t , fi r , . algtliltta oleanda;-A, N4�• a . P l ase h I>t, �i~: the, ime, o la tl t4 . n ;4. 4 ,, . t?..:q, d>.dron p:,d t IGo.0 b. Por s t . , f F p_. n-.....pyc11 we n o R _ +� h e f, 4-0, h4*da '14 , .A1 +old 10 e , !9, ,. a._ta if+-.., �. ., 4 . _. tr ea...t .he oras i P h . R , el. buts .meho*the o or h r tlulrin rch 1,.e tq: t . tdQotat uu of ll. 8 g eta. to '$Qttis_ to q .., . 1 1`ToI'll' tier! ,Q, -x, F ,' 14 ,�lrt our,>tcr�t .ill: o r if 1►d fid. Elt�'> vttAaMol nttfla::awn4. oat;, ,* 10, F- A I TTt 0 +� era]! all' to mention e o J# uitoba and the. north*west, a #, t for v , a dew ]rave l0 -i ., „ 'a, Darn for sale -.ID. eerrin, jr #� ot► _ 1� l to yotlr,�oueQat na .000 be out o£ lace, ursi a4h9 , pR",par{ ►.ua'i`, *_40,_ M_ at , '1'0 g.a!►eed-Ps ac. >ra variolas o: dlt .. 7 n P the-preeanl tikoti' or. Glia, 4'f,0aa c>�io. � I �• g 0►uch has bee. -d(nne irl , neatest of chart ucttonn-.• the e s pulpits tlztop!gl? ptgn�lt . clop „ f t , e eaave^ in Qrd+» !?� b0. f ,I " shreast,; !n, --J, Mi filet Ontario on Sunday the t�ID.. h "Y�of *.VA out Brea]' bier] o o - oom opening, Robinsoe. tern of "Protection," high tar- on the Jesuitsstates bil 4><il1 remaIOe $ great rpany places of the tiln•tr, .bl4r+ dil octor *).lits the . ll.' band for sale-,-Trhia of$ce. i s t o d c' , � W0.4 wherlp: nore,fna be lanted gad 'largo A,merioaw 044", -Rae Nowffork, , � i S rmg good&-• t. Adams, $ I h e 11 a mastvrpreco In referred to as showing.; rdp... Asa, 0 .e � l' � �°' Boata>a14ad k!lillild0l ,h><a.*-elr0 to 1 h re is and Way ilk which our town p w S Bros. olitics, but it wouldn't do for the Bible adherence to art atthe es; months, for the; r 0,40 of gaining a, _ A A y m4y,, ,0 be'l%1ded so 4heApl* .w lay... pp p li HARDWARE.1lleiicai—Dr, Waehfn doll ense of tine] le knowledge of tit 1 Qest and very ',jT�j�jD 6HOU0 °'° Railway tickets—W.sokson pceaohers to mention this, as ao p A' P the,igdlcious use 0f trbes I truer the A a��� P�� tollowing eu cations ma commend best la#prgnrttfnt4 #n rho treatment , f3grifpg Zaats--�7sokeou Bros. many good Gbt iatians are stand• Mr. George Taylor, of :Kipped, thettt+plveai g man of our, o tI*Qnfl, of th, gat and lune di4easee, aqd aac>} - Baby CarriageB- W. Cooper: has refused the second tim@ and Ia h $ 1F as purataQd by the brBhest spectaliata Havin purchased the large apd extensive stook q! Ffardwere, dto„ of the setae o !, Dissolntlon—Detlor & Co. lig !n with his majesty On this , t 4 first place &ll (W1llgAe, R. M. ggIiacey, which was sold b auction on March 27th, 18.88 thio i co ea 'o # from different artier the Qum of Poplars and iGocusta should be cut to the United Staten and Burope. with our own large stook, we are now prepared to n un ,.tin . Great opportunities—Paliser & Co. line. P E Dr, Wa4h. too ie well known -Se a startle you. Don't tail to coma at orae env secure bar i ne,that will Paints --Johnson & Co. $1800 for pia imported Clydesdale down, sad if those parties who have Q liar o and the Eastern ]slier all over e , rg I . Licensee- W. J. Paisley. stallion, Lord Erskine. such trees gree .wing in their gardens - p Card --Dr. Logie. flireand The ®ounly i and overhailging the streets would Provinces, ' Horse and buggy forleale- •Paliser & Cc -- Jerry Farnsworth died recently remove them, the street would be and in several titles of the United We are marking down the prices of the combined' St0C1iS s _ Mr. Thomas Devereaux has pur• near Buffalo in supposed poverty greatly improved in shade; all dead states, from which he has in his Poe- which C onl rise &OYES, BUILDERS, CARRIAffE and HEAVY j chased the farm of Mr. Peter gen- A hunt through his effects dis- trees should be removed and others session hundreds of lettere of grate• p i N ned being lot 7 con. 3 Tucker. closed $20 QQO is greenbacks, planted in their place and where 'ful acknowledgment -for the benefits HARDWARF,PAINTS OILS GhAs$ TINWARE 4kc all Of !; ' ' derived from his treatment. He has ' ' ' " gfilltjollPr � 3' Y y trees have been planted toAclose.eve smith for the sum of 6 140. which were dost and moat P � atients to Now York Rochester, which will be fairly slaughtered. This will be one of the other one should be removed. TreeQ • , Mr. Moses Hanna of the 8th A locomotiva on Monday made should not o planted so tides as to alifornia,-etc„ etc, He has secured greatest opportunities for Builders, Mechanics, Country " FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1889. • concessio*ofMcKillop has bought the ran' from Jersey city to Buffs- run up like telegraph poles and no I a medical gentleman of the highest Merchants, Farmers, dze., to purchase that has ever been - 11 _ Kyle farm in Tuckersrriith consis• lo, 432 miles, without change, tree should be planted so low es to standing in the profession, a member F of the Royal Cone a of surgeons of offered in this section so don t fail to call and et rices. Canada vs. the States _ ting of 150 acres for $7,100. The time taken was 12 hours and Prevent the sun and air from drying 8 g g p Messrs.. Cook and John Reith, 5 minutes. This was the greatest the sidewalks, better plant well root- England, 'who thoroughly under- • run ever made b one engine. ed flare poles, say twelve feet long; stands all the details of this special. COAL OIL wholesale and retail. A full stook of ALABASTINE add l3,ALSOMINE on 1'he Empire publishes a long of Hay township, have purchased 3' g they take a little longer to Qtow bat treatment to aeelst him. Dr, wash- hand. The Iron and Heavy Hardware business will be continued in the old stand r' interview with W. .tl, Brock, of the Hensall flour mill from Mr. Jame. !'. Manning, a prominent in time make handsome trees which ington has now opened a permanent of Mr Racey, immediately nest oar own. k' Rennie and will carry on the bus- citizen of Wolfville, N. S., sat at appear to stand the ice storms best of office at 82 MoCaul street, Toronto, 11 the wholesale firm of Brock & Co., iness here. his desk and arranged all his a l• No tree known as a crotched where either himself or his colleague -p •-�-�• Toronto, wherein thin gentleman world] affairs then lighted his tree should be planted unless it has a may be found daring gffiee hours, via., HA.Lti�_A.l.V L R C� S g John Common has sold the old Y g well balanced head. In the second 9 to 11 a.m., l to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. • 7 gives his views concerning Canada homestead consisting of acres , lantern and went to the stable, g g y where he careful] and success. place more attention should be paid Dr. Washington has been hand. and•the United States, he having on the 8th concession ofMeKillop Y to the manner in which trees should somely rewarded for his indomitable Iron and Hardware 'Merchants Stoves and Tinware, Clinton .14 to his neighbor, John McIntosh, frilly hanged himself. be planted and in this we might and indefatigable perseverance, as � just returned from a trip down for $3,300. Early Saturday morning the Profitably copy loans Americso the following extracts from letters = ' south. i1Mr Brock claims that r - j Mr. John Reith has leased his Methodist parsonage, at Syden• towns no larger than our own ; all received from patients in Irew York Canada is a- much superior agri farm being lot 23, con. 2; Hap, to, ham occupied by Rev. R Stillwell, trees should be planted nine feet and Roobester, eleorly indicate: Mr. • • .,a was ,batter eel b d namite which from the fence and at regular distant- G. H. Cannon, 23.2'' West One Hun - cultural country to any part of Air. Robt, Carlisle, for it term of Y. Y ' ' es from each other, this distance will dred and fourth street, New York, three ears for the sum of it is suppnosed, was placed on the vary alightly according to the kind who was not only cured by Dr, Wash �Ala,6kx�-�- ts6s American Union, fi statement years $350 Boor of rile verandah. no one who has over crossed the per annum. of tree used. Bard maples which ington's new method, but writes the . Asa Kellogg, en succeed beat on high and dr I. Mrs. William Case of Exeter gb+ general agent of g y afros• doctor as follows ; "I would have tm lines will dispute. There are sec_ while engaged in household duties the Southern Paefic Railroad at tions should never be planted less written you sooner but was .waiting brans of Ontario which arobotter in tiro other da accidental] felt Cincinnati committed suicide Sun- than 18 feet apart, and soft maples for a decided answer from my friend Y+ Y ' which succeed in low and damp Mr. Dawson in reference to trying r1 U, N some respects than the Huron down cellar, injuring beiself se- day with laudanum. Helefta note placet'should be at least 20 feet your treatment for his daughter for 11K 19 F_ - Q j: tract, but we question if. ,there is verely, saying: "The world ie a losing game from each other, This regularity her catarrh troubles. I finally got his The death is announced of Mra, and I've -had enough ofit. A fool could best be secured if all parties consent by telling him I would be, I 1,any better• all round country to be is as well off dead as alive.'' wishing to plant trees would order come responsible for his money if ' McEwen widow of the late Dun- Sound. l't•e want this fact to be can McEtwen,of Exeter• a ed 87. The people of Oaawa celebrated them from the same person and have she was not cured. I now enclose M IOMTMEISB OR O them planted by the town autboritiee you a cheque for the full amount, borne in mind particularly, It She bad been a resident oMensall .the 25th anniversary of the on. in this way it could be very cheaply etc. Mies Dawson, after one month's too of Sir H ec being the case that we have a and Ex io1•I�an vin Exeter for 1 l thirty-two into g ! t ytwo years. � done and some regular system tel- treatment, is heard from. Mr. Daw- I the Privy Council on Saturda lowed. I would also su eat the use son (of Sawdust & Mason, builders better country than our neighbors Mr. William Holland of 'Dun- Y g>; ' FINE SPRINS1000S 1.. I Bannon has boa ht the ro err preventing him,with an a�lpro- of more Horse Cheanuts, these make 236 East Thirty-litth street, New I why is it that there iy so much f b g property Y priate address and a $3,000 dinner handsome shade trees and if ordered York) -writes, after one month's. on Trufalger Alt. lately owned by from the nurseries in large quantities treatment as follows : "I would say '„�_ �neaeinesa and diasatiafaction. service. �' Mr. Jas. Robineon and intends to. can be secured at very reasonable there is little or no smell from the , During the present spring a great take up his residence in Goderich. A Young daughter of Milton rates. Now as to the coat, if maple head. This leads me to think that HANDSOME .PRINTS, NICE 'DRESS GOODS, roan eo le have emi rated from, Blake,of Keen e,N.H.,became seri- trees are used and if parties would the diseased, bones are healing up. -STYLISH PARASOLS FINE MILLINERY - .. Y P P g Matthew Murray has sold his ouslyand mysteiiouslyill. Fin -all give their orders early, sufficient to Friend Cannon has confidence that J rho county Of Huron. Many, it is farm on the 11th concession, M - Y last the front of a carter acre lot you will cure her, and 'I now think NOBBY TWEEDS, BOOT & SHgES; _ - ” 1t was suggested that the illness P q , k true, have gone to Manitoba, but gillopp,to his brother John, now might be due t0 the new _ green can be secured for one dollar, and in you will make a complete cure." FINE SLIPPERS, &C in Ca for $'5,000 -and' this g m estimation there is no way in Mrs, ,Tames geillvin, of 63' Market itis also true�that many have gone f flannel dress she had been wear- y • year's clop. It is a good farm but which a dollar can more profitably be, 'street, Rochester, New York, writes to -the neighboring Republic. no buildings. ins. A .piece of the goods was dna• invested, and I trust that every own- as follows: "I do not cough any GLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, FODDER CORN ISzed by a chomist, and found to er of a lot will this year make an es- more and the dropping has almost HUNGARIAN SEED., FINE GROUND r From the vicinity of Bluevale The partnership heretofore ox- be heavily loaded with arsenic. tra effort to beautify our town remem- ceased. I am very much pleased OIL CAKE c4LC, &C. alone, about one hundred persons rating between Messrs Koening & The girl had been poisoned, bering always the old motto, "One with your treatment and hopefully > , Goebel, proprietors of the Ameri- and all to succeed." Yours, look for a speedy cure." The above have gone to the State of Louiai- Charles A. ,Wilkes druggist, �►iet �� ' Can Hotel, russets, has been die-, gnW. C. SEABEE. patient has taken treatment six ' anq, and we could name scores .of from Beaverton, was in Toronto, �__ weeks. Then to support Aril 5th 1889. ld— �. - solved and the house will now be on 'Tuesday, ostensibly making GOOD POSITION,— r Ale:. McD. cases in the centres of sc ntifib p ' Ilersona who have left here and managed by Mr.goenig. pntchases for leis' business. In the Allan, of Goderic a President of advancement is the case of Mr. W.J. gone t0 different parts of the James Lyne` of Morris, is home evening he went to the house of the Fruit Grows " ssociatidn, has Storey, glovemanufacturer; of Acton, American Union, Those who, Ona visit from California. He some of his friends on .Steward St. connected him .with the ]Pmpire. Out, and itlso president of the Manu- UtIRL WANTED—GENERAL SERVANT have' done so are not shiftless says there is a great rush of em- where his wife was staying, and Produce Com ' '9, recently formed factoring Association of the Domin- . ,JfW LAdliertioeMents• Apply to MRS. J. FAIR,Clin.Eon igrants to the Golden State but making some pretext to get rid of at Toronto,.`+;manage the fruit de• ion, cured of catarrh after visiting _ ATTLE FOR, SALE. - SUBSCRIBERS i neer de -wells, but the induatr:ious, that some. of them will wish they them, committed suicide b talon Partmnt,�,' 'ecially sales in Britain, Europe withoutany beneficial results. `TEED OATS AND BARLEY FOR SALE having sold their grtes farm, offer'I •for - Y g with a c office for Graaf Britain Will be at the Rattenbury House, iJ-sabaanber has for sale a quantity, of sale the torlowing cattle.-138tock 8teersrle- pushing citizens who aro bound to were home .befogs many months. poison. home-grown and Manitoba Oats and Barley, ins 2,2 Heifers, 3 Furrow Cows, Durham -Cat ' ` succeed. Now why do the leave In Lon . `rip England, No better se- Clinton, all day, on the 10th of this ignitable for sees betasg of good varieties , tie, either registered or eligible for registra- Y Y SIx.. Jas.• Robinson, of .Ashfield I letti'� �6uld hays been made for the month. and clean. GEO$GE MIDDLETON, ode- .tion ip the dominion Herd Book., 2 Cows a. cod . foi an inferior county township, nes The will of John .SCOtt, rest- rioh township g. with Calf at teat; 2 Durham Heifers nein 2; g 1 Dungannon who P ojfbibn than Mr Allen whoa w' Y P p e ids g J f + r . yearling Durham Heifers, an dent of the Allegheny Valls Rail• / a Y rap a a rad H�ml: went to the North-west last fall g y Y alzcjtfaintance with Canadian fruit of Sale Register. CAUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 13 months old, Will be sold for cash or They may be mislead, but uhf I . ' road .Company, disposes 'of $350, ll:"kinds is very general] conceded. " ' lJ that the undersigned will not be respon- I credit. ELCOAT BROS., Tuckersmitb. *im has 1 eturned home, having been' Bible for any sabre whatsoever that are con•.. tunately, if they are very few of telegraphed for on account ofsick- 000 amoung ton children, thY ser, the Company will be in full working Farm stock, &c. of Mr A. Grainger, treated in his name without nis'wrttten or RE$a AND MANTLE MAKING,—THE them show it b • comm r back. sons receiving one cent each 1`0 order by July at latest.` at Swart's Hotel, Bayfield, at i p. m., portional authority. SOLOMOIi M[LLEn,' D undersigned desire to.inttmate to the'..., S �, neve' in his.famlly, and the suddeD AFTER A' POaTMA6ERSHiP.—"Ob• on Saturday, April 6th. John Fergu Lot 29, concession 13, Hunett. people of Clinton that they. have opened ' . What is `vrong then ? Is it in death of two of his'c'bildren who will states that as the wid0 Ali- , Hallett, April 4, 1889 res. Making rooms in Smith's Block, up. via R. Scott has been amplf pro server in Wednesdays Globe, tells ,on, Auctioneer. stairs, where they will be prepared to fill all were attacked with diphtheria. the following It may not apply td House and lot, property of the late TO RENT - THE BRICK HOUSE NOW orders in this line.. Having had experience. our form of government, or our 1 vided for, she is not to pailticl at Jessie Smith, Clinton, on the Market 1 occupied by Mr Holloway, Princess 8t., in Kingston, Detroit and other cities, we feel r,�• P Goderich, but it. is more than like] Snare, on Saturday, �omppstent to give satisfaction. Orders re- There is Some talk of a re=ar- ill the final division. 'rlfM1'. and y 9' y, April 6th. D. Also store and creta in Perrin Block, Markey apmg.tlly solicited. Misses .BYMONDS c& syetem Of tABAtiOII, Ol' what? that it does :—Not a bad story comes S dare, suitable for any kind of business rangement Of the appointments Dickinson, Auctioneer. or sale, the homestead of the late Mrs PP Mrs; Scott separate .ltveral years fro n a western town in which There / TAYLOR. The blame ]scats somowbere, acs ori a few of rho adjacent fields of a o. The had f sen children is a a west Farm Stock and implements, on Lots Finkle, nicely situated off VictoriaTorrace, g Y poetmastership, There Heron road, on Saturday, Aril 13th Clinton, and on, Bayfield River, close to I•LRIVING MARE FOR SALE. A FIRST1. - �Ml Bl'OCl{, who is one of directors labor in eonneetpon with the Mot- and a majority si .:' are two Candidates in hot pursuit of + y' p the London Road bridge; 21} acres of land, I erase well broken Driving Mare for sale. with the fath- P at 1. o clock,p. m. A. May, Proprietor, fine orchard and all kinds of fruit and lawn, Bred from a Black Hawk, dam by Enterprise hodist church at the next Confer- the tip ointment. One is ,an active Jas. Howson, Auct. Shrubbery, of the Empire, should give a solu er. The other:`�`lbree *he did not pp y, carriage house, stable and wood- sire. Is rising three, dark bay has nowhit... once. E4hel Circuit will come in- local Conaervative,� worker and has Household Fnrniturc of A. J. Holla- apes, suitable for retired gentleman or any Has splendid notion dna good Speed. sola iiop of rho problem. wars cut of%yvrth a penny. person who wants A good home at a reason- on reaeonabo terms to suit urchaser. A t0 the arrangement in all likeli- the support of the member for the way, Clinton, on Saturday, April 6: J. n Howson, Auct. P Payment gClintonpor from `"' -' Late O ;'Friday night a drunken constituency. The other is a defeated time given for balance at 6 peroaont n Apply MARSHALL HRAITHWAITE, Blyth 4i• Hon. J. H. Pope, 'Minister of hood, candidate for a seat in the Lei ------- to GORDON or W. A. PERRIN. P , tram I found.byJamev'Palmor a warder. BORN. ------ - OUSE AND 2} ACRES OF LAND FOR Mr. Frank Cresawellor, for s.v- and most ansinus . to be rewarded. Railways and Canals, • died on of I. 012 west, in his driviD ^. T." . �o H SALE. -Subscriber offers for sale on oral years principal of the Zurich d g The defeated candidate felt that his LEONARD—In Clinton, on the 37th �A very reasonable terms, the property at pres- 7Monday, aged 6'J years. I3s has puply school, and also president s and was ordered to move. rival was leading the race, and in March; the wife of -jR. A. Leonard, of eat occupied by himself on the London ' I9'd wandered over to the 1 emises order to im rove his position he had Victoria, B. C., of a son. Roma, ! of a mile below alinton, The house been in political life since 1857 Of the South Huron Teachers' Aff� t'" P P P WUODe.-In. West Wawanosh, 13th no - is a good comfortable frame one, and the of A. J. B. McDonald, Wharncliffs a meeting of prominent local Comer lot consists of 2J acres with choice fruit trees and way a member of Sir John's soeiatlon, has succeeded in passi:' .R road, and deliberately set firs to a vatives called, at which it was intend- con., on Saturday 23rd March, the _ thereon, stable, water, &c. Splendidehance his examination and has beg ' o d; stable in the rear of the house. P wife of Mr A. Woods, of a eon. - for any one wanting to retire, JOSEPH 11. Cabinet at the time of the Pacific ed a resolution should be • assed re. TICKETS TO STEPHENSON, Clinton. 1., mitted to the bar of Minn and commendin his a ointmenf. But PROCDroOT.—In Goderich, on Friday, - 9 , Tho building was soon in flames, • g PP the 22nd March, the wife of Nm. TIME! LIME —SUBSCRIBER IS PRE. Scandal defeat, and has been a is now consequently fil ",. F hipped The barn and conservator wars the worker had not been a worker Prondfoot, Barrister, of a eon. Wllllllp8 = Bra�dQD - Gal�al� JL/ rAnED to furnish any quantity of first - member ever Bines 1,878. to deal out Yankee I ,,, ; 'o all who Y for nothing. He got ,wind of the GORDOx.-In Auburn March 21st. + ) close limo. erica 14c. per bushel At the kiln, totally consumed, together with movement or 17c. delivered anywhere within a radius of nlay need his adv' ' Mr. Cress• , rallied his supporters to the wife of Dr. D. M. Gordon,of a And all British Columbia pointe; con• six milds. This Lime has been used and is 1.their Contents, inClndln • a• valu- " salt the undersigned for tickets and in. recommended by first-class masons, H. we1101' intends lei❑ pia r0- the meeting, and when .h. resolution daughter. formation. recommended by first-class Hmasons Lime So far as the House of Commons g P able cow. The loss amounted to was submitted the vote was found to CARLYNO.-In Clinton, on the 29th Kon, 9th con, or Hallett. fession in D where be has about $700. �. : i be 19 td 16 against the aspirant in March, the wife of Mr T. M. Carlin iv concerned, the Jesuits gees- been I .., ;dor Some time. wbos interest the meeting had been of a daughter. g, W. JACK$®!4Z FOR SALE. tion bas been settled, but b a Detectives have been ab? work calld The other. man bad captured WILSON. -In Manchester, on ,the lat G T R UPTOWN AGENT, That desirable property lately occupies Y I A Grafi" d' Bond correspondent , p . vote that was a great surprise to says' %�li is our painful duty this in the neighborhood of SL. the caucus: Asa conseqquence fn that inst., the wife W. b. Wilson, of a son. by David Welsh, deceased, and being lot No. • all parties. Out of over two bun- well to chronicle the death of George ever since the diQastor 'w�eQter4n town the grand old party is Property for Sale O corner Isaaepromises and re arg irreeta, Clinton. `r there trying to recover mica ro- v ry; mlueh disturbed; and harmonious , ,Y t On the premises there arQ first-class accom- 7 tuber Love, who departed this ' Y ' P �tU �ltal t# ¢zaeat I will sell either one or both of m modations-well, cistern, abed, fruit trees, Bred members only thirteen .were priated property Evor thin relatiogs between the two hostile v new and a garden well planted out. The cottage hfe on Monday .mornin Iasi in Y g Brick houses on Ontario Street adjoiningthe is new, o�en for inspection at any time upon g factions have been ,quite suspended. ORSALE.—GREYMARE BYEARSOLD, Presbyterian mane.., acre of land to each found willing to veto for tliC,., people could lay their handN on q P F y I p rs>�- VICt01'la, British Columbia. It i8 e • a good driv..r, quiet in aingleor aoubi0 par- hones. The lore run through to. Townsend apThe aprem eoe meet be undersigned. of in order allowance of the Act, and c ` .6se just five weeks since he went there was carried off, with the exception Spring Shows Hasa, also dao fonr wheel dog cart new. S. street on which there is room for two more tq`wind np rho estate of the late Davidwolsh of the remainder of the bl id e p > PALLISER 6c Co. houses. The Dvroperty is situated in the Terme made known an application, five were Liberals. ItJg', -%%hardly for the good of his health being g most reeidentaipartofClinton. Bothhouses - ALEX. WEL!�H, Executors of °j'' sick] all winter. Ho was the which they fortunately over -look- South Huron J.LOGIE,H.A.,M.D.,C.ba.,MEMBER.renewandthoroughlywellflntehedthroa�h- ROBT.WELSH, will of necessary to inquii'<t.'''f e si nifl- Y Brucefield Wednesday,A ria 17. W. of the college of Physicions and Sur- There is no more desirable pro ort In Clin- g ed. AmOD Other things taken P p A.H.MANNING,�Davldwelah von of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love . g b'aeons, Ontario. Office and residence Dr. ton either as -an investment or or _,pme. canoe of the votp,; far tq discuss the ' w01'0 8om0 eight Or ten OIC] Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, on Dowsley's late -promises, Rattenbury Street I will,3011lots on the Bayfleld road or on I � of this place. Tho bereaved fam- b g Wed'nosday, April 10. Canton, King street at a reasonable Price, from a 3 questloa furtlidr. If the majority i}Y have the sympathy of the en- watches, $300, or $400 in money, Colborne—At Manchester,,April 16th &ore or up. This is a good chance for tarn . Dr. Washln;