HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-22, Page 7• A'SELF=RBLIAXOE TO Ta • • E ertation at the Present time.' he farmers' condemn the est- tina taken, but tbeyjpg along, elated wilbont. They take Such a matter in a dif- ferent spirit from other classes. corn put on their free list I What What dal the distillers do to have WORXS only this week, did the *rollers and the ironworkers do ? They sent delegations to Ottawa; they presented their claim; they ex- hibited a desire. Xot so the farmers; they give the, cloak, and the coat is taken away. They el ect representatives who know or care little for their interests, and from, the little interest talc( n at Buggies,Carts, Phaetons Ix Ottawa, It would scarcely bo ttat all the dairy sections in Cadaea, iinluding the Reston Townshiss, want free trade. vapp• HINTS AS TO ADVERTISING If you have goods to sell, adver- tise the fact...If an advertising canvasser wants to advertise your business in a fandy frame at a de- pot, pay him about 200 percent more than it is worth, and let him put it there. When a man has three-quarters of a second in which to catch a train, he invari NYLON ns 6M BB 4 IMPERIAL SUBJECT. Several day.tgo we published lottor from "Experience," upon a subject which is attracting con- siderable attention, and we. have Since received a similar communi- eation from aaother, which we publish th-full, To the Editor :—A short time ago, I noticed in your columns a letter signed "Experience." At first I was inclined to regard the letter referred to as a clever ad- vertising scheme of Messrs IL H. Warner & Co:, to attract notice to their well•knowia Warner's Safo Cure, which is, Ye must be admitt- od, of the greatest:value and mer- it, but upon more mature consid- eration I am inclined to believe that the lottor is a genuine ex- pression from a well informed in- dividual, who is not afraid to grapple with a question which should receive greater attention. It is daily becoming more ap- parent that there is something radically wrong inthe manner in which disease is being treated by those whose profession it is to heal the sick. A man is takon ill and a physician is called in, "On- ly. a slight nervous disorder," remarks the • physician. The slight .nervousdisorder, however, refuses -be controlled, and in a short time tho physician .omin- ously remarks that the patient is suffering from Consumption. It ' goes on -for a while .until the pa- tient is .afflicted with what the physician calls "a series of corn plicated d isorders" Treated for first ono thing and then another— dosed with all sorts of vile con- coctions—the patient finally sue- eumbs, and then-for'the first time it is learned that the real,causo of suffering and, death was disease of the kidneys, which manifested it-. self in various. other disorders— all of which could have been promptly tured had a timely We of Warner's Safe cure, which is the most important discovory made..in..connection with•scientiKe progress in recent years. The reference made by "Experience" to tbo Robinson poisoning cases, where no less than seven mem- bers of one family died within five years from tho effects of ar- senical poisoning without attract- ing the attention of skilled phy- sicians, who werein-. attendance, to the real cause, but who issued death certificates for pneumonia, typhoid fever,bowel disease, ,ete.,,.. is a startling disclosure of tho ig- norance which prevails among thosewhose duty it is to . definite= ly detect and treat the- true cause, of disease. I quite agree w ith'• Ex perience" in tho ()Onion that, after all, tho:e who take matters of health in their own bands and place their reliance upon awell-known irn- )dy.wbih. is timo-tested _BE& know n to he of benefit are better off.tha'n those who trust them - Selves in experimental and ignor- ant hands. Sdlf-Roliance. FREE CORN THE .01sTILLER 8 WHISKY AND BEEP Vs. THE FARMERS' GILT -EDGE, BUTTER AND ENRICHED ,. FA RMS. (Letter in Montreal Witness) Seldom has such a •good oppor• • tunity been offered the Govern- ment of acting fairly by the farm- ers as the ono so ungraciously thrust aside. It is difficult to see why the farmer cannot have free corn to make beef, while tho dis- tiller has it to make all the whisky he can out of it, and the residue into beef. It is for reve- nue ? Then why not the: distiller support the revenue as well as the farmer ? Or, is it, for tho benefit of those farmers who produce ' more coarse graius than they seem to require ? I use the word seem advisedly, for I have lived long enough in Canada to know hund- reds of farmers who formerly ir • raised grain, and who are now gladly puachasing Corn to recruit. ° the soil formerly ploughed and 10 - ploughed to raise oats for the Un- ited States market, and who were quick to avail themselves of the opportunity of purchasing. And farmers may hardly be satisfied with tho demands of some of their few friends in Parliament • who ask that we have free cord to make export beef. The distiller is not bound to feed the free corn to"export cattle. Why the farm• or? Indeed, it seems to bo lost sight of that the distiller uses the corn fortwo purposes, and, con- sequehtly, has a trouble advantage And farmers want free corn not only to make beef, but we require corn to make the best butter, and We need some to enrich our4farms. Every bushel of corn imported represents, not only n certain quantity of food, but also of the best -manure transferred from the United States to Canada. Many farmers would gladly buy oats at the prices they formerly sold fol.,. to the United States, Litt such cannot be had. The Governtnent - objects to our having corn at first cost, and not only the farmer, but the consumer, and the country are losers thereby. The fact is corn is generally at prices that forbid it being uqed independent of the duty. And as it does not often happen that it can be got as cheaply as at present it might have been wiser to have given every en.conragement to its im- I 41 In the Q1c1 Presbyterian Church Stirlsoribershes to intimate thatthe business of the above Fiteatory is still being confirm. ed in all its branches at the old stand. We have in stook some fine ably stops to road depot adver- tisements, and your card might, take his eye. Patronize every canvasser that shows you.an ad- vertising tablet, card, directory, dictionary, or even an advertising Bible, if one is offered. But don't think of advertising in a well-es- tablished, legitimate newspaper. Your advertisement would find its way into all the thrifty households of the region where the farmer, the mechanic, the tradesmen and others live, and into the homes of the wealthy and refined—all of w orn need articles and have the money with which to buy them ; afidin tho quiet of the . evening, after the. news•of the day had been digested, it would bo read and pondered upon, and the next day people would come down to your Steve and patron* you, and keep Corning in increasing numbers and you might have to., hire an extra clerk or two, move into a larger -block- and -Mere favorable and do a bigger business; but, of ccurse, it would bo more expen- sive.,—New Haven Register. A very 'sad accident happened at Agincourt, on Thursday, by which one'of the oldest residents Iot his life. Mr Jas Patterson was movirtg 8 building ao field and had four teams drawing it: Mr Jas Kennedy, a neighbor, was driving one of the •teams, and after the building had commenc- ed to moVe,and had attained col siderable speed, Mr Kennedy,it is supposed, stumbled on tho rough ground and ico and. fell.' Owing to the, speed at which the horses Were. ‘valking, he was unable to regain his feet, and the building catching him ' he was crushed _anderthe. was . picked up life, was found to be nearly or quite extinct. Deceased was a man about 72 years of age and was .highly resreeted wher- • CS • k et no wn. • S And will be pleased to see all °Ur old customers and all the new ones who will favor us with their patronage Everything and but Cheap E E HAYWARD CLINTON A FROG FARM. BASE INGRATITUDE SHOWN BY TIIE CROAKERS BY DESERTING THEIR . BENEFACTOR JUST AS rHEY - WERE READY FOR MARKET. A New York restaurateur talks of going to Manchester, NM., to raise frogs for the Boston market. Let him, learn. the experience of others.—Some years ago a rich man at Bangor, Maine, was struck by the same idea. Ile had a charming bit of lawnadjoining his residence, and this. he decided to make. the hatching ground. He had a big, round,' shallow pit dug and tho bottom of it stoned. and cdmented, so„ it wouldn't leak. Tho dirt take% out was made into a circular embankment around the pool, andabout the edges he set out rushes and other. fresh water plants, to give the frogs , nice hiding place. Re had water, turned in through' a special lino of. pipes at a groat cost, and the "pond" thus formed was to alt appearance just the place that a frog with luxurious tastes would delight to inhabit Then bo enlisted the services of all the small boys in the neighbor. hood to catch tadpoles and little frogs, paying them liberally, and in a short time his "pond" was •populous with the squirmers and jumpers. To be sure they would have plenty to eat, he supplied his pots with .frequent and gener- ous repasts of minced liver, white bread.crumbs and other delicacies he thonght they might like. , All went well. .Tho colony throve wonderfully; the tadpoles develop- ed into little frogs, and the little frogs fast grew to fat "bull pad- docks." Tho air .was musical with their grunts, and the people carnc .from far and near to see the sight. But ono night every kiek, et of them migrated,and the frog thrm has been frogless ever since. 1121141/1644:111111",1-6--4_3/141426 Treasurer .10ae4. is expected to retire from the Manitoba Cabinet' in J tine and Cul. McMillan, is ex- pected to succeed biro. As we are going west we offer .at cost 1)1COS our entire stock of • ..zzatan Groceneserockery& c Get Bargains while they are going A. ANGUS 99 BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON. • • IRJEIrrla 131R•06- . THE Red- Rocker Furniture Store Having bought the stock of D. 13. Calbick, of the late firm of Calbick & Reith, at a greatly reduced figure, we are now prepared to give our. customers the full. benefit of the reduction. • We will run off our entire stock of Bedroom and Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension and Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perfor- ated, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAINS for the next 30 days. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such bargains can• not last: Call and be convinced. 0, • NOT —Our etock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every particular, and we aro determined to give satisfaction. mriii JIECTIA3S. Tho loading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers, Red Rocker Furniture Store, Brick Block, Clinton C. SirtVENSON MANUFACTURER OF ANI) DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD FORNITURE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture,OParlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, 8gc. Special' lot of. PICTURES, in oil, Gilt frames, hand painted, cheep. General assortment of Llousehold Furniture sold cheap.for cash. The Discount Salo has run off most' of my old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Framed made to order. J. C. Srl'2111V-32EMTS0/NT RESIDENCE OVER STORE. FeitINITLTHE SToliE. — OPPOSITE TOWN HAL. • LONDESBORO HA RISS an! GROCERY Dtipol FRESH HOLIDAY PRESENTS and other goods constantly arriving, which will be sold cheap during December. In order to give .every person a chance for a holiday present, I will, during December, give to every person making a pur- chase of goods at one time, for cash or produce, to the amount of $2, and one for each additional 52, a draw ticket whish will entitle them to one of the 100 pre- sents which I will give during Dec. The presents are all useful articles averaging over 10 per cent on goods purchased, and you are stir° to draw one of tt-an.. A box containing envelopes will. be handed you to take voile choice, and whatever number the draw contains, the corresponding numb( r on the presents will be yours. Also, for each $10 paid on 1888 account, a draw will be given. T would also call special attention to a few lines which 1 have, such as ROBES, HARNESS, BELLS,13LANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, HAMMERS. RULES, HINGES, SAWS, AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLRY- -BROOCHES, CFIAINS, PINS, CU I F BUTTONci, DANGLES, STUDS, &c GROCERIES—Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaohes, Peas, Corn, Salmon, Sardine, Earring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stock of TEAS is unsurpassed ill the county for quality andiffice. OYSTERS and FRESH SAUSAGE in season. • Call and inspect goods and.presents before buying your Christmas supply qv\ NEWTON, - - LONDESS0130 STER WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, TO P11 PUBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by. J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store ,One Door west of C. C. Ram & CO's Tallow Establishment . . We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries. We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian and English ]3reweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH- and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. • OUR ' PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as .Montreal, Lon- don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTER dc MITER. NVe have the sole agency for the "President Cross Cut Saw" llllis'crsaIIy admitted to be the BEST IN VIE WORLD. We are also Sole Agents. for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of wdoclsmen and the best in the market. Full stock of Coal and Woad STOVES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS, PAINTS, Szc. S.. :DAVIS, Mammoth Stove House, CLINTON. . orFOR THE HEATED TERM z JUST RECEIVED Pu" Westindia,Limeguice THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. Eno's FRUIT SLAT! EFFERVESCENT CITRATE ofilMiGNESIA. orAativis o•o1ioi3]E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT rilAMO/IJOIRal\TOIMi mo••••.••••• NEW GOODS . That are all right in quality and style and away down in price. .A.1\TY P.E1R,SON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock al> it is now an the latest styles. , A. J. HOLLOWAY, BEAVER BLOCK,. OPPOSITE TAYLOR'S, ALBERT STREEP, CLINTON, • .f . ss-s—OgrT A.Z.,MEVP 4 0:4113giNggn TEAS in. C0110017 T tryisoll and •14150. In order to turn this lot over quickly, we will offer them at extrepoe- y IPW OlOqs, 25g. per pound and 50e. per pound. For the next TIMMY DAYS for FIVE FOUNDS and over, a ,Reduction which wilt astonish yon. Give us a call. Get a Sample which will cost you no+hing. S. PAL LISER & CO,, Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. 1•1-33:11AT FALL GOODS A full assortment of God: rurildig good: For Fall Wear, just opened up A Fine Assortment of FUR -:-GOODS Not to be excelled in the county CI -MCD Gla.J.A.SGONV.7— RVMEMBER THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. New : Furniture : stock - Opened. out iZt ELLIOTTS ELOCE, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDIWOM SETS,,PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., AN A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF TIM vEtry BEST MADE FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. .1'4(3)S. CIIIID114E-V-. The old -reliable Tea Store still leads Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and being in a position buy my goods for cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anyone in the trade I have just received a magnificent stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY .4 GLASSWARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the novelties of the season. I ant offering Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for *2.50 Printe Sets, *3.75, worth $4:50. Decorated Stone China, $4.7P worth $5.50. Combination Dinner andTea Sets, 85 pieces $10..•Dituter Set 97 pieces, 811. CombinationiSet, 100 pcs, *18, worth $20. China Tea sets from $5 up. Decorated Chamber Sets, from $2.75 up. China Cups and Saucers, 10e. worth 25c. • FRESII PEELS, FIGS, DATES, NUTS, CANDIES, CANNED GOOD and everything to be found in a first-class Grocery. • LT.A.M.EIS MOOR333 (Successor to" T. Cooper cfeS'on) , . 4 CORNER S'X'ORE in Searles Block. NEW I--1.1LIZ1Vass. Z1114 Johnson &Armour PRACTICAL . HARNE:86' and COLLAR MAKERS Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN,, we are prepared " to fill all orders in our Line at the loWest living prices. We are both practical workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate,rates. The material will always be found of the best, and by striet attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be favored with as liberal pactronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be :surpassed. Full stock in all lines REPAIRING promptly attended to.' JOHNSON & A,RMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON.- •••••••• ELEGANT NEW STOOK OF GentsFurnishings Havinr, just placed in stock a choice selection of the the above goods, and as my expenses are low, I am in a position to give you goods at a slight advance on first cost. It will be to your advantage to inspect my stock in both the TAILORING and FURNISHING Dep't. sliamizztp, • A.lbert St , Clinton. NEXT DOOR 'TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. Positive Cure. 014 A Painless Cure. <4? FACTS FOR DIEN OF ALL AGES DISEASES Or VIAN. M. IN7". Mat71130.W'S SP=CI121I0 1\TO. E THE PHEAT HEALTH ItE,11rE WEE, Marvel of Healing, and Minor of Medicines, a inlets She terr11t2e consermences et rndiscretfon, vxpe,upo Overwork. Zatr&TC:i•I ,Vho are broken down from the effects of abuse will 8 nd in No, 8 a radical sure for nerve, debility, organics weakness, intro! tin tary vital losses, eto. 4yratorOtaillIal WHIOR No. 8 Snotrr.n es UsED.—Want of energy, vertigoovant Of purpcs dimness of eight, aversion to Society, want of confidence, oVoidauCe 'of eonvereatio, desire for solitude, listlessness and ffiehillty to fix the attention on a portion's' eubjeg . cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, lose of ruomory, excitability of temper, eirs matorrhces, or lose of the tiominai tinkl—the result of Kelf.abUtre or marital excess—imp tenoy, intrutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hyeterio feelings' sY tension, every function wanes In eon:mew:me°, seientiao wrfters and tho habit, oftentindee innocently acquired. In short, the spying of vital force having lost ti Menlo, trembling, melancholy, disturbine dreams, rte., are all mntemsopet trhiniat:enkrdainbikl of insane asylums unite in aacribing to the effects of sod.e,/,ase the great majority o. waded livevetich come under their 0084-1,, it you are Incompetent for the arclnont duties of business, iecapacitated for the uu ylaunt, ut life, No. 8offersn °soaps from the effects of early vice. If you p.m Pavan...A in years, No, Swill give you full vigor an strength. It you are broken down, physically and morally,'froui early indiscretion, th. result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 emits in stamps for M. V. Loewe,- Troatiee in Book Form on Diseases of Mao. Sealed hod secure from obeervm,.. Address all communications to fff. W. LIMON, 47 Wrilinizton St. E. 21..roimeo- A Man without wisdom fives In a fool's paradise. CHESS QUARANTEEO. HEAL THE SICK. , 4t 4 t llI p :m gro::4\44/ r.1.,0144in crf-, 5