HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-22, Page 6ON-- WATCFIES, SILVER WARE, J',l WELERY & FANCY GOODS 4at ROB. W. COATS'. Now is the time to get a Good Watch Cheap. See our great 3 oz. S. American Watch at $5.50, ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. NEW SPRING GOODS Our stock is now complate in every department. Full lines in . DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS COT- TONS, CORSETS, GLOVES°1HOSIER�Y and small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great " variety. Ready Made .Clothing and Clothing made to order. Remember wo make up SUITS from $2 to $8 less than any other house in town, and dont forget to hen us when ordering new suits. • e. 000 :"BOOTS & SHOES We wish to call Special attention to our Boot and Shoo department. We have one of the largest stooks in town and can have you from 10 to 20 per cent. We buy direct from one of the lalgest_.E0etoriesln_. the Province, and aro in' tleo itioii to -give u i iro yoargains. Come and see us and out. prices. Wo are determined to takc•tho lead. in this town for good goods at the lowest prices. Searle's $lout-, • T -Glinted •...___.._ALU• TEEL & GIBBINGS NEW SPRING'r ERESS .G-OODS A large quantity of New Spring Dress • • - shades .tat DETLOR - OTJINTON Mtl ET3.. carmates every Tknts4o; attarnoa4. Thursday, ll ar., 22 1859. neat, fa#i , in 1 08 Wheat, spring .......,1 00 a 1 03 Oats. Peaaey Flour per owt Butter Eggs Pork • Hide's, • Wool, - Chickena per pair - Duoks per pair • • Geese - • . • 080 a 0 80 040 a 045 055 a 055 275 a 275 018 a 018 011 a 018 575 a 600 12 00 a14 00 600 a 550 020 a 020 0 .30 a 0 85 050 a 060 040 a 050 • BLYTH MARKETS Blyth, March 22, 1880 Wheat, fall,white and red 1 00 a 1 03 Wheat spring, 1 00 a 1 0; Data 080a080, Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 55 a 0 55 Eggs 0 11 a 0. 13 Butter 0 1(i a 0 17 Baefs 5 50 a 6 00 350a 600 Hay ' 10 00 a12 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, March, 22 1869. Wheat, fall 1 OM a 1 09 Wheat, spring OJ a 1 12 Barley 0 45 a Oats 0 38 a Peas 0 58 a Butter, rolls 0 20 a 0 22 Butter, large rolls 0 17 a .0 20 Eggs per dozen • , . , , 0 18 a U 20 SEED PEAS. Parties requiring Seed Pcne can be sup. with the Celebrated MUMMY PEA by FatANK DOWDIN(1, in Logan, or at b'ITZ SIMONS' Seed Store, Clinton. This cel brated Mummy Pea is the, largest and be,t 4 Our Stook of Spring Goods is now Complete in every Department. We are showing Special Value in COTT•ONADES, SHIRTINGS,. • PRINTS and Grey and White COTTONS. Five per cent of for Cash. 0 e,4 IJOHN U3r3 0 67 Garden or F1t1d pea over introduced into 3 ,Having pul :Ja ed itir, JtIS, Moore's stock of Groceries, Crockery 11 g and Glassware for, Cash, ASTONISHING - BARGAINS SUTGAR-12 lbs, Best (. PAH ulatod for 81. 16 1L. Light Coffee fin' $1 this country. These peas have. yielded 5 bushels to the acre, and have been sold at 5 cents a pound, lu large quantities they en bo had at greatly reduced prices by aJppIXiti to tato undersigned or lt..FITZSIMO\b, Clin- ton. I•'itANK DOWDING, Bornholm P,O ROLLER MILLS FO1t SALT WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. NOD GENS. 1 _. T. Cooper & Son's OId Stand.. r The almost new Loudesboro Roller Mills in good running order, arator and stern power. Post ottice, telegraph and railrotu convenient. Only a small amount down,th rest to suit the purchaser if secured. Thi is a rare chance, Apply? to J. HUBER, h.. 16S, Berlin, or 11,5, 11UBBli, on the pretntse Loudesboro, Ont. • ,Fariu for Sale or. to lteirt Tho undersigned oilers for sale or to rent that conveniently situated farm on the Bur. on road, about ono utile from the town of Clinton. There are 114 acres, about hi acres of good hardwood bush. • Alt seeded down but about 10 acres, Good largo frame 1.81•u and house, plenty of water and 6 acres of or- eha?:(I Ti4rt sLts"Itante:wu11-utsl.,r4lral1-$ - 150)1- - iu a iirst•elase state of oultnatum, and all the buildings aro in good repair. Possession given by the 1st of April. Will by s,,h1 on reasonable terms as the proprietor intends going west. A. MAY,•Clinton 1 TEAS—Fresh, Now Season's Uncolored Japan at.20c. per Ib. Chin. 1 • ese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs. for 81 .' COFFEE—Fresh Ground, Best Brands at Lowest prices. X CANNED GOODS—.Newest ttnd Best Brands, 3 Cans Tomatoes, Corn or Peas for 25 cents. Canned Salmon, new, 16c. 41bs. Fresh Now Prunes, 25o, Crockeryy/41nd Glassware at a small advance on cost. Call an(l examine goods and got pricos. I am confident you will be •satisfied. llighost price tin. $nasi' and Eggs, J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's' Old Stand, Dor. Searle's .B1ook;,Cl.;1NrTQ T._:,. .._r.,.. Goods iri ' the most desirable • OGS WANTED—THE SU4SSCH113E1c I5 J prepared *to iftti•ehase any quantity of Remind:, Basswood, Hoek.. and Soft t,lm Logs, for which ho will give the very high- est market price. A stock of Lumber of all kinds on hand, EI'IIRAIM BUTT, k .-CO -F.:� New Spring Prints - New Spring Prints at Ea Detlor & Co's New Corsets - . New Corsets at k Detlor & Co's New Spring Gloves, - New Spring Hosiery at Pi Detlor & Co's MILLINERY—Their stock of new Millinery is now complete. Miss McPherson is now prepared to execute all ,orders - J C :Detlor& CO,Clinton mt •m J CD co -- • (o p, n U c C r. C: O -8- 7.1 - 11.1 111 50, tL 0 ..2 +45 W LIQUOR L• ICENSES. Notice is hereby given -to all parties in the West Riding of Huron, desiring either Hotel or Shop Licenses fo; the sale of liquor, that application for the same, 01n4t ho made to the undersigned not later than the 1st of April next, W. J, PAISLEY, Inspector, Clinton. ;lin NOTICE. Having disposed of my butchering busi- ness to Mr George Haacko, I desire to thank my many patrons for past patronage and hope they will continue the same to mysuc- cessor. As I am about to leave town about the first of.April, ft will be a great conveni- ence if all indebted will call and settle their accounts before that date. I have instructed Mr Reecho to receive anymoneyon accounts ALBERT MAT' _ FOR SALE. , ...w_ That desirable property lately occupied by David welsh, deceased, and being lot Ne, 4, corner Isaac and Dunlop streets, Clinton, On the premises there are first-class accom- modations—well,cistern shod, fruit trees, and a garden wel plantoct out, The cottage Is now, open for inspection at any time upon application to the undersigned. - Tho (premises must be disptposed of in order to:wind up the estate of the late DavldWelsh Terms made known on application, ALEX. WELSH,)) Executors of JtOBT, WELSH, S will of .x.17. MANNING, j) David Wale') rri • 1 EIISHOES & RUBBERS �•AYr,oaa & sons ca..owrom AND 3LYTH CI I Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from us, ' and get them Plated with the Celebrated Doney HEEL -PLATE MACHINE, which is a d sure protection from slipping.on the ice, be IHARD f D!Y0000S. HOUSE LONDESBORO THE NEW SPRING TWEEDS Are •y.ery attractive.- • . Be sure and see them before pin- illg your :orderfor your spring suit. We are showing full lines of • Ready Ma.de Suits In TWEED 'and WORSTED. . We show very Robby - things in CIiildsSujts from $2 Just received a• large shipment of . sides making them wear very much longer o We leave a machine in each of -our stores, at Clinton and Blyth. .W. TAYLOR St" SONS • CLINTON ANI) - BLYT:I..I PA DEBT AND CASH. Debt is second cousin to Dishonesty. Cash is first cousin to Happiness and .lt•cat Bargains. So if you want to be happy and get the most goods for yob f"1-+ money, eggs, ete., you must call at the r NEW GROCERY STORE, HOLMESVILLE. Give ir., at_:•„li i.11.•fh,ot. you bur or not, (.00ds sold only for Cash or Trade - 0 No booking. dons for anybody. W. J. LO B, - HOLMESVILLE. and SOFT HATS \rE`'Y SHAPES and STYLES. Our Prints: &.' Dress .Good Are CJt,oice Patti3rus-and Colorings. We, show • (oo(1 value in Cottonades, Sheetings, Tickings,lTowelings, Hollands, Grey and White Cottons. W. L. OUIMETTF, L it L; RBORO NATURE'S THREE CREITREM Pri o of tIto Volley �1odI,clDo TUE GREAT BLOOD, PLTRIFIER, HAS NO EQUAL A TONIC Mr. (1. A. Huffman, Druggist, Nopanee; Oni. Sass:—"Pride of the Valley sells *well, and In every case gives the best of satisfaction," To be taken three times a day, Just before meals. Pull directions 01:1 boxes and ciredlars around the same, Overseventeen million boxes Bold In Canada in the past eleven years. all giving the best of satisfaction. SOLD RV ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. 25 Cents a Package, or Five for $1.00. • Pride of the Palley Catarrh and Rhoumatic Cure. This illustration shows an every -day scene of how the'people flock to welcome the Professor, Sure Remedy for the thousand and one ills that flesh is heir to. Catarrh—the mit prevalent of all diseases—like the majority of diseases is both constitutional and local. The usual symptoms are: Obstructed breathing, partial closing of one orro both nostrils—a " stopping -n ," "stuffy" • feeing, and pain in the head—constant blowing of the nose, discharge from the noE'e of a watery, or think, yellow- ish or greenish mucous. , Sometimes the matter bowmen hardened and Is removed with difficulty. In the morning, on rising, the symptoms are usually the most unpleasant. ° There is often a severe fit of hawking and ap(tting, until a little lump of muoous is dislodged from the hack of the throat. There is always more or less expectoration, and fluid dropsdown the throat. In severe cases the odor is most offensive—causing a horrible, bad breath, and the sense of smell and taste becomes impaired, often the eyes and oars are affected, resulting in the 1083 of eight , or hearing, or, the disease extending to the larynx, the lungs become involved, tormit ,ting in consumption. The disease starts with, or is developed by olds, which 04080 Inflammation of the inner skin or muoous membrane, lining and covering all the internal cavities and organs of the body, me does the external skin in the outer portion, Actual Nasal Catarrh, o or cold in the head, is nothing more than an inflammation of the mucous mem- brane lining the nasal passage, the fauces, etc. At first there, is a copions discharge of thin watery or glalry mncoas,whioh is the perspiration or sweat of the muoous membrane, this being nature's mode of ridding the system of the effect of ,the cold, which is often attended with the happiest results. lint if the liver and kidneys are torpid, or the blood Is Impure from aorofnla, or thorn le a syphilitic taint, the munous membrane will become ulcerated, resulting in chronic constitutional catarrh. Ant now it does not follow that ynn most haus digeharge PRIDE OF THE VALLEY LINIMENT' Greatest Known Remedy in the Land'. For the cure of pale, no matter whereahit pain is located. Apply in s uffleientquantities to cause a burning sensation on the parts affected, From two to four applications will stop all pains.. 16 very severe, wet a cloth With the Liniment, place on the parts affectede lettlegit remain as long alt the patient San stand It without, blistering. For cow In the herd or catarrh, take a few drops tte the bands, rub them together, keep the hands as doge together as you can and admit of the nese, getting between them, then snuff the vapor erpr the nose till it starts the tears and sets you coughing. The patient will end relief at once: The above Liniment is on sale by all wholesale andlotail druggists in Canada. Price, 50 eentw a bottle. Manufactured by Professor A. IL bIIMIEVER. til Goyeau-st, Windsor, Ont. whose medicines are a from the' nostrils; they may be plugged by dry mucous 'or thickened membrane, and the discharge bo down the throat:, or you may have "dry catarrh." with very little, If any, external or internal ehow of discharge. The breath is not neoeesarily bad—though that symptom is frequent—indicating decomposition and poisonous humors of the blood, marking ata aggravated case. Headache Is not always present, though more or lees is usual. Ring- ing or roaring in the head, deaf Dara and weak eyes are common; enlarged tonsil' and soreness of the throat, or dry, husky feeling, hawking of muoous and dry, hacking cough, are all among the numerous symptoms. There are, however, very few cases whore all theite indications will he found. But, on the other hand, there aro very many cases where but one will be marked. headache dyyspepsia, chroniTe catarrhal virus c diarrhoea, bronchitis, ls the mucous edeafness, a orrhoea and catarrhala inflammation of the kidneyetarrhal inflammation of theoand bladder, That smokes, donohes, inhalation,• insoluble snuff, and the thousand and one catarrh aures daily adver• tilted, cannot possibly remove the infectious poison from the organs named, or repair the njuw done. That a remedy for Catarrh must be used constitutionally; that it must possess a direct affinity for the muoous membrane% and of being absorbed by- the purulent mucons wherever located; that it must bo homogeneous; that each ndi. vidual ease requires treatment adapted to the condition. Our treatment is based upon these plain theoyiee,, and haft proved to be infallible. It not only relieves, bnt it euros catarrh, at any stage, speedily and tinreiy. Price -411,00 per bottle. ser The above three remedies go hand in hand to cure the tufo diseases, Rheumatism and Catarrh. For sufferers from those caused'' Prof A. 89. Shrieues glues above, his uerg carefully refull y prepared d be cure themes . All /ethe ers nature uo re addressed thesewo tdiseases. Reader, peruse this with care! if you find that you have any oT the symptoms, ask your druggist for these remP F2,([)F'. A. M. �!� Writ. i1 'rte-+..',*, 25) (,'r-nye/nil fart,.. 'i,Ld�_4or, Ont. PLEASE READ LOCAL NOTICES IN CONNF.(. L ION WITH THIS ADVERTISEMENT. I ISEMI'.NT . i{OOMS. AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL. CLINTON, UNTIL MONDAY,. MIA(t('Jj olith,