HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-22, Page 5FRIDL► X,
MAX 28, 113.68,
6 hfor,,. .
Usefiil jurorhe Sof1tQr Tillers
-1,t 1, rj"
Two' entlemen vyovet •ktllkitlg I
utlout u business enterplisea lair
involved s m
which, though it 0
pecuniary r6k, they were strong-
ly inclined to embark. Finally
one of thorn remarked: "1 tlnust
consult my wife before I decide."
('1'Pby I" exclaimed the other,
"'is she boss?" "No,," was the
calm reply, "neither am I. We
are a wellmatched team; and we
•I1lolte than it year .:
':► a tb.e ()ltR II Mr, Sal,\Qhite� of Windsor will 1 1iev..t�,Ai;Laala4 0-11,10), _0,1
_ F , • (tit 1 . has dei linnd'Go socia t 'rho. sail \a
el0i404,':700,l'll b4i -4 I m , bhcattl,� • frt,1 ,1;i� t,t().tir,rif the []�t,>~tgl1 p .
0411iowA .ipf,Trptn etiul ell coup- ,ytlit4re,. klutl `,ft clu,, ,, n.n �litiOl the Ia5»baton lwlothodl�t Chulch,
t ° , . OGttt
':�• but a
e u
i x it ... t t
tj7w-�'l�1eo)aa n, 51.1#,#t� i liftit)ti ill t11tI s r IIUA�,g► y} tc�;.
ttt l
K f s 1-u t
he. n
as I
'fir`Gwo a F• have in=
d e e• f'r .• ha
� u o ton
D 1V red dtumm t a' }on. A
from4 cancer on her breast. Beef I Bohn e, 'phe Sat tit
wits app as a remod�•, and fel' tt. gnn]lnis6'son lions in Charleston a�ugul'ated a si)Q{ter f+ s de6titat4' • I
s pp city, nista horribledeath theother women and children in the 1!fbtte
over a year the cancer ha6 ab. night. Ile left his home about nine chapel distri.qt of London,in Whipp
sorllcd daily seven pounds of beet= 0, clock, :end was not heard of till 1 2QQ women and 50 chil'dron will
steak. It absorbs every particle the next d:ty when his -body was berovided for nightly. •
of moisture, leaving t11Q bssI as found in the mud at Har ter'sdogk, p
amus As a s ease. Mrs Gaik.- -- '1
p P " on the .astern water front. The
way is no worr-e th:u' %vllt'u lite bod • war} buried in the mud up CLINTON CIIURCH DIRECTORY
don't drive tandem. My wife is
beef was first applied, e a• I)' 6-k to do tu'ma, which were extended. —
t B oc , 01011 to,
as much interested in the welfare
she is failing from ill,) agt'
I t ie 6uppi):ud that t,e loll from ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) —Services on
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday
Use Barkwell', sure Corn andR'artCnre
'rhe fuemor who wants a prac
of our family as I, and she has a
the wharf inti) the d6ck, and while
School at 2.30 p.m, Rev. W. Graig,
tical herd for practical work,slm
] 1
wants cows that will 00 the
right to have a votes in the in -
vestment of our• little property."
A h Old pgysicapn, retired from 1s y '
tiee, avis bad laced in his liaucis b
trying to extrielito himr•elf sank Reotor.
6u des } ill tho ulu••1 116 to be unable
i RATTENSSUaY STnEE'L' (Methodist). -
work he want13 11 to do; and of
Tharp is u0th}nom more thAn ustiCe
an East India missionary the forumla I
to got out. At thtit Ituttr, 10 p. m., Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 7 P.
,sufficiently good brooding to 1'e
in this view of matrimonial obli-
of a simple vegetable remedy for tltu I
the Li,lu twits low, and AC hitrlt title Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. has.
produc:o themselves, If he de
gation, especially in the ease of
seedy and permanentcure of consunir-
Bronchitis, Catarrh,Asthinaanil
I dare i. clot uvvi, thretlfeet ofwawr Livingstone' Pastor.
WILLIS (Presbyterian)--Snuday ser.
a rood )1'ilcticletivork-
sire6 to lot , g , l
1 well-tO-dO
poor or only moderato y
Lung Afhsctiwu3, arra ,t
ut•er lin' - 11)1 tvilele hu ,Crished.
1 i 11 7 nil 'Sunday
ing 11 d, he twalits to look out (ramifies—and
those (emprise flu
all throat and
positive and radical cure for Nervow;
lie stn>l I+:;ru b ell lowly tlluu u vices at a. m. and p.
Schoolat 2.30 p. m, lieu. A. Stewart,
1br parctical charactol•ietics in the
overfvholmin large proportion of
Debility and Nervous Complaints, after
r;l by t I,t• I iii iig tido. Thero are
p rl,
WLd dr dN"do &,e,e. Yrl
t9 w oars a on uln dV
( =rorW,lothtago t .n gnan ,y soar orate Floerenw hew o
• ngao•nlac�Gc for tDd� (n aeedp Deo t�.l the boot ,
animal that ho purchaac:• F'lltl
of milli
the filmile6 in this country —
increase 01• diad 11.
having tested its wondt'rful- curatke
powers in thousands of casts, I its ft -It
rl'•itleu,•,•, ,withit, 1UU 3•ard:. l,Y' rho
ri ho- o he was fund, but his
I Os'rAttlt) 5•ras1:'e (_,.letlto°list) --Sunday
York Land Agent—'Certainly, sir;
a cow that "seer plenty
and that comes hunt " ulilkinc
wilwo a slight
lion Of file annual cat'nln�6 would
it itis duty to make it knotvu to his :uf-
fellows. actuated by thi.i lout•
I ,
t't'it'` ten a' uultcc,lCt,. lit, malt
ervices at 10.30 4.111. and 7 p.m. Sun-
;lay School at 3.ti0 p.m. Mev. Joseph
family, Got it mull that• (•011106
be felt alike b ' over mem) er.
3 Y
feria g
ive and n desire to relieve )genual sof•
bat c li,. r,t for Slur lu,al•6 hefi,ro'
I L•'dge, Pastor. -
from 1 nlilkin � fanlil •,
6 J
The wife who lifts labored it, the
fering 1 will send frac of cliarge, to all ;
desire in Gcrluaa.
Chr i it!, 'O'lir,l hi- Ili,t..i11 au'l I .
1 , R:U„tins-. ittntlay �tr�I�es at 11 n.m,
There i6 a xt talar uotivu that
1 1
hones to earn orlo :ave, while the
who it, this receipt,
French or English, with full tli:cctic:n
lit,„tri, •,..,r,l, 1,'t.' I;t i., t ,,: ,ltrtI
attd 7 p.m. Sunday Segalll at•L.30 p.ui
soft maples i;rotw ntucit tu0ro rap
husband has labored in the field,
for preparing and using. S nt :,y rl,til
r iu.inl t': b. 1;::- I r;6ilt'1 11” i c ,
I 1 Iter•. •J. Hocith, pa-i,)r.
idly than those of the N,Iv,a • beat'-
the shop the counting -1,00111, is
by addressing with stamp, nitl,i;l '„ t1lis I
,ho :-:-it. ' 't' I; •.
10Mig hind called h:u d or rn(i( aril)
justly a part ill bis eftrnin;;S
paper, �V. A. NoYiss, llill'ower's
mouthful. I've oaten Eo mpol]
all'OQd3* that I Call hlll'dly tipCitli.
and a
Warner; three "Norwegian Studies; by Bjorn-
stjerne 13jornson, ilhustrnted; ^Commodes;' n
• le. The soft nrlple naturally
and their stiving,und should share
Rochester, N. Y. 1301'3-y.e.o,w.
... . i
"l'oft's oil 10r\', 1'1('11, ttltlt'SI13'
111 all 1li5 plalll6 of dlSpO51I7Lr Of
i11tillmall ver;tililtted Tr•aill i WbonB'abywasflick.Nragavoheg..Castoria,
of attending ALI'1Ctly t0 1115 bUsl
"t'Ound, w11ich1uay('aIlseits great-
or luxuriance in Such conditions.
their small acCulnul;ltioll6, EO as
to make them mol'o 1)roduetive lf'
Common Sense Clothes Dryer,
-- . When she was. Child• she cried forCastoria,
It is nniwg the concocted that, not-
Y When she bocamo Aries, she clung to Ca6toria,
old sect new
Kii-by--'Lend me a,tiver, twill
Ou old boy? I'm clean broke.'
Whore both have becu transplant-
all 90e6 troll•
twithstlurdin rthe advent of i When she had Children, she gave themCastoria
lilies into the fiuld'of competition for .
ed On high ground thele 1: little
ri'hC hfltcl
Just what everybo,ly tcallls. 1',11 i',.l•t "t Blip
in orales apace, (act b0 sass, CA. 'pier
iilHHenger traffic between Chicago, Mil- ; '
E ,
, St. 1 aul sect Minneapolis, the
difTel'CDcO it1 "t'Otvih.
maple is fl fbw days lAtet' ])atria”
lowered. Canuot fan „-.hell rltlaed.
handiest clothes dryer in use. "'ridurnud by
it, d to give
Chicago, .11ihvaulsee & St. Paul railway
forth leaves iii spl•ing, but Other'-
fvls0 19 (Vel" ft'fl3' its desirable as
The has proved that these
all who have triad and warruuu
entire satisfaction. Cao be used Ly a ohild
of 10 yearsold as easily ashy sal41111tpers"ii
J. CORER & SON, wnggou and C'arriut e
maintains its preeminent position
She leading line, and carries the greater • °„ ya°„In°Ss°cS•e ,: .ra
uortion of the business between these , ��m o '; o a_ �g ; o �A_ -<w 81'Sa
the pigs,, And ler Nllyal' nl(11(il'g
diseases are contagious, and that they are
i Alniters,Ethel,aoleAgoutsfurEturou,}trn0e,
points. It is not hard to account for a-tlg;�8b�4"toBb,fi:<�
is much more -0,
due to the presence of living Arasites In
1 and waterloo, and `Vattnce Itud blitua 7'oty tt'
ships. fV. E. \YALDRt)N, 1'u
this, when we consider that it was the a o ,•-,e9 t � n•° a
first in the field, and aired its popular- 14A-'- .. .e S6.0a..41)'. too
g P P da ° Md°o Bpi
Tho production of oats in the
.membrane �Pp
passages and eustachlan tubes. Re emi-
Huxley Bea-
____ --.
I -- r
KIPPEN SA IV .�i11,1
i v��•°i:eS su°0
itv 1)), long years of first-class service. °. _ , ee" s-" • n
times by adoptingq=,."..Fm22L`°g�16-S .5s°.
United State» 6hows. a l;rctit in-
nent scientists, Tyndall, and
le endorse this, and ripe nu thor sties ca snot
� It bs kept till to tlte ,I `Dj �A�g B
d .moi f. .fi
°O G
n a fi fi .7 °no° C
c i me t ,
is in e u ' x11
all modern imiu'oveulen j p 1.14
Crease. In rile last eight }'oar6
be disputed. The regular method of treat-
D.B• UcLE?,Nwislicstoinforcnthe public
a12 ods,the latest being complete ' ``r�°„otleo¢��o.6 x�F`,#o30�°pa
the avcl ago Crop has boon 546,000,
000 bushels a'rainst an average of
ing these diseases has been to apply an ir•
ntant remedy weekly, and even tie ly,thus
that he has now got the Kiplicir saw Mill ill
,ends and is we pared to do.
y J fid
PullinanVestibuledtrains running daily i 040 4 ti,; e i „;-.. • K� j;�'�„ ey, e
between Chicago t B�° .. 'u �- 1, . 4�ilgal fits
ro 'Iffivaukee, St. Paul � �,_ aD s ° ° ° ° ' e gm
9a 1.—M � R, � : a
� . I> 1 ”
, t
I 1.1 ,
., 5
V ole l o aKsot
.. _. ._poo------ _-_._
re has been so mueh'blowing and advertising great sales and big
gains, that we have decided to give the people a GENUINE -COST
ICE SALE. Our goods are all now and well bought fvcm first-
s wholesale houses. We have no gigantic gift frauds to offer, nor
ve purpose to caech the people by giving them a little cheap cot•
and making it up oft other goods, and we have no cheap trash
h] the Toronto Auction Rooms t0 matte a blow with, but our goods
All New Staple Goods, just what the people want, and we will
"iso theta the goods at cost without reserve.
ARPETS, ALL- AT COST. About 3,000
HOES at prices never ,heard of in. this
town before.'
Save Money by eon Sig to a Gcuoino Sale. We mean bu6inc N.
r� -
J), 01K it. 1K. r
�tti) ,
e t, ills own Inn e t 1 l •--
314,000,000 fol• the ten years p1'0 keeping the delicate membrane to a con- g
stant state of rration, allowing it no Chan• sect 'Minneapolis, sect its routd being i u o e p� �3 _ s s e ° M
coding, This increa6o is owing to st to heat, and a i natural consequence of ALL KINDS OF CJSiOI�I WGgK 0,` �Fg'O Whi!u this i6 now the great question in the political are1,tt of Canada
g . along the batiks of the :Mississippi, I . Y
the requirements Of the increased such treatment. not one permanent cure through the finest farming country, the ; mi 11 -U�0 the people 0f Londosboro' and'snrrounding Country are asking "1Vhe1-e
has ever been recorded. It is an absolute Pirst
in, first out, All Custotu Logs attract -
number of horses, and to the sub I most 1)optileus and prosperous townso can I get the best value, for, my money ?"
fact that these diseases cannot be cured by ed to first. Cutting Bono Por ,$3. and �) 50 and villages, it offers to its patrons .the -11 111_° ° °
AtitutiOTt Of Oath f01' COi's In th0 any application made oftener than once in 'v, I{Il'.PE� I very best service their mcney can buy. a of
South for feeding horses, And t0 two weeks for the membrane moat get a D. I3�11ICL1'A�_ - - Its•diniugcarsarecelebratedthro�gh- 1�$,y ole
chance to heal before An apPlicatien is re- _ 188.) - I out the length and breadth of the liitid l iirt�•e F�: V
the more general use Of oatmeal as pealed. It ie now seven years since Air. t , g°[y
food for man, The area of the oat Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh as being the finest in the world. Its . ;
fLrper'� YOl1Il" lyt'O 1Ie sleeping care are the beat belonging to
fields has also increased propro and formulated his new treats rat, And `7 P the Pullman company, being marvels of .
h b house• 0, a i m t. w
to ADAMS' Emporium
11 '"WDEIS9SOR.O. •
since thed his remedy as ecome a A 0.0=10
tionatel r more than that of who AN ILLUS'rttATED n'FF.KLY• elegance, comfort and luxury; ,its day i ,. q qL lea 0 P ° g m Which is well t;u1)plied �vitTi '
3 . ,hold word ill every country where the Eng
and COl U ^nd the ,price 6bows•�,a .fish lan�ut► ,a „i s. spoken,.=_CURE&RFFECTED. - -•--�.._
I coaches.ttre�t11C.1iest,.psia(1r., and -•its- em-. t 113,P10 � q m� •�
,, ;,_.r . ttri - m-.. _ )lo ees, h long -continued service in d 0 m m m�0a art
'loss proportionate declmc. BY HIDE SEVEN TEARS AGO ARE Ct1AEi3 BT1L1 , HAaraa'a Yoexa rY.oPLN. but bis it+tenth rel- ' 1 5 Y as a 0 c" w m
THERE HAVING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE•DI• their reapCCtlye OapaCltles, aro experts, .= m mS °�'�0m ••• �-:.. 0 ig w ,0. t -,5
GOODS time with the first number in Novembm•, Dur- I qC
m I701'6cA 19 nflt sEnsE, Sao highly.are these remedies vel• ing the year if wilt contain rico aerial stories, in- COnrteOUa and accommodating t0 all. uHi , aa�o ap m ee m I. Ed
The nlanul0.f10. ntimitators have started .,....,FL,L_ AN._D1..TE
tied, that ignore eluding " Dorymatev;' by Kirk Dlunroe i `• The It is not at all strap a tberefore, that K .G �O, � m gvgA;j • ��,-..
__'a1] ' dr' sect when the animals (rise a. ' ...., g N M 0;;0 ° = 4p'
. • til _,_.y-_ .y, _. _.. . up-,ev.erywherv, pretenfi;V&u tQ.,(1. Y .. _Red.Alnstung,..,-by.O,.1 sLuddard-f auti...a Uuj Rn intielIi)etif an l'11ilbirunnatink'trA a, aro p.,N-����a P
111'0 �rrAlll fed i6 1'lUh Cnotlpll t0 'parasite, .of which they know nothing, by is tYaxland, by R h Munkitriek , '*Tela Thur- y e � ab 4 m o n?'Some extraordinary values in TWEEDS.
remedies, the results of the application of low's Trial;" l;V J. T. Trowbrldac ; " 7`he Three veiling publiu should almost exclusive) E m m r� A 0 herd eery rapidly, It .keeps which ahoy are equally ignorant. Air. D'tx- Wishes;' by F Anstey and rtaw0ey Matthews; a patronize this great railway, with its Q s ago., p,:.Q ""e c ° d -BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS.
much bettor if mixed with tl]C en's reiuedy is applied only once in two sorter of fairy bales written sect lllustratcd by separate through lines running between. a q�A a� m� o dy a� iIWGreat variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS 3t COTTONS.
Howard Pr•le ; " Home Sit dt• s in Naturnt Hi - Chicago, ,Ni iltvaukee, St. Paul and'Mill- W 0.0- n,,d,Q m w o� e w BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS and
mal]lll'e 11'Oln cows, as the 1fttLCr' weeks and from one to. three applications tory, by Lr Felix L eswold ; Little Expori ( t .
i ter Arid Cheel(6,viOlent ler- effectapermanentcure in the mostaggra• stents," by Sophia 13 Henic't; "Glimpses of iieapolia; Chicagrro, Council Bluffs and w-•29m2Iut-, ioaa mem $EAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use.
is moa oared cases: Air. Dixon sends a pamph- Child•1lfe from Dlckais," by' Margaret E. San,• Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and St. oaa., o� •-► dN
mentation. Where horse manure let describing his new treatment on the re- ste, ; articles on various a1 orts and losstsiues' Joseph, 1I0. t1, V. II. CARPENTER, pt m p p m 0 m p �L,e9The ad• short stories by the best w'ritors, 'and hwn"ruuy •• a o "'C e, ,. SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES
is thrown i n large piles it will ceipt of stamp to pay postage, papers and poems, with •nauuy hundreds of !Ito.- (r. P. it 'l'. •�•• uilttTi akee, Wis. A. s e N I Q.- & 9 T �� m� � � � �W
b oi' `ifirefat] r" even in the dress of A. H_ Dixon & Son is 303 King trations of excellent quality. Every flue ht the i 'TAYLOR, T.P.A.. \o. 1, I almFr House �� m �' M - our _.I m e�
t C 1 -Scientific ), poet rl•id editolia! ' 1' .1, T I'+- wq 0"c0QA,.,°'e � TAILORING in connection. highest price for Butter Eggs.
U. n "
c0ldestweather,while if mixed as
Street west, 7 orou o, an=t a
paper ,s sublectod to t e u
scrutiny, in order that nctF,ing harnful nta>
enter its columns.
t B oc , 01011 to,
m me- °'0 C p•
�c '�o.0.'dm�d dp
e) oq 0 n 0- • m
I O o p —gw
above and turned once or twice,
- -•+•,&•r-- __ "
An epitgme of everything that is attractive
Use Barkwell', sure Corn andR'artCnre
ae O
�a3F'aer o =m�0
' the value,will be increased as the. �
Uy maSl, post-paid.
Inde"[ to HAnPEa'a MAGA/.IxR, Alphabotienl •
and desirable it, juceeile litor:durc.-Boston
-_-� ~___- -_-_ --
bulk decreases. Turning makes i
heap '
courier. ._
'A weekly feast of t(o0d thiilggGe the boys and
it skits-I11"al,J'u
_ _. _ . . _- -_ __ - -. . __ __ _-
it possible to ge.t tho entire
"Nie Winocratic party stimd6
girls to every faintly which
at one time or another the cell
mo6t•any one cause. Implements
Ioxultingly)—'Oh, yon can't fool
1' ive And five mal((
tre, where weed seeds will be dc-
r,i(II its face to the mornlnf. .
It is wonderful in - wealth of pictures, ,y
formation and interest -Christian Adroc.ite, N. Y
IIrtIARDY Rt)8!4
Atroyed by the Pleat. A4 the man-
wrote the editor of A• Democratic
But ed coal•
TERMS: POSTAGE I'nin,i ), 52 Pratyr,w
2�'—w stsd3p I semote.*The GreatestNovelt► sora OFFERED
- "'�I 6d6IWA wiiltm In 1al16 t1eentWy nerd Uvf .adored ill T%w of our Lorthcri
.wrtuaa-tot � R0� (1�� )Iowm log. end fn
are after fe)'mentation is spade
tine, it -can be spread more evetil3,
newspaper. a wic);
])ostler seC it tip `mourning,' and
,Vol. X. begins November G, 1859,
t winters without protecill
• - :� - flood leantrod ye: pan Daresppl"ille 111111WWW��� a eraol``oolor wtt,at
,� . 10 ptok, dlettneny eMp.a, end dsrlDed with whW and oeemina t fro( btoomer o 1.1011 -.1
'"" $Ic�et.00'3 'orfBs Pf
�.Bnd is C,j]OUgh'n101'C CflCCt1VC 1Q
the proof-readerthoughtitwas so
S QClmqu co a@ut•Oirecd t ofa two -cent
P copy r
oo the
`j f ebee0}C"D'�° VICK'S FLORAL GUI I stood
:30 ov cr as much ground as. :lie •
Ial' ltalltlt.y will if unfern]ont• I
appt;Opriate that lie let it go,
Single I;umbO, s F,i'e Cuts cauls.
7nade b)• Post ONieo I
(' • togoe of Amerles. now rudyi rocbed aoa .nlee�ed; uew.lr.po; n•'r'l, 0=1 "T -d.
corerinhonue w.tod C aowerawd,eget ble and «a of "Me. No ."T-d.
4pito ttbI
t f weNMD for 6d .is," we do moneyt
• C1' _. a
�;. ('l - -. _.
_:_ •• Cd, .... I
, .a - -. c". ,
1111 )C( nll101t$ SOuthel`riCr! a3
1 '
Remittances should•be
Mmlo' Order or Uraft, to atvid yhance of loss,
WLd dr dN"do &,e,e. Yrl
t9 w oars a on uln dV
( =rorW,lothtago t .n gnan ,y soar orate Floerenw hew o
• ngao•nlac�Gc for tDd� (n aeedp Deo t�.l the boot ,
It is eolli]iaratively fore feral-
Ittl:i%er, you)• sign says that you
advance money on titles.' Now
are co I thlsadreBAOTHent
p 1 I
News the
without the express order of IlAai Eut tBRo7'uEns
v o! 6IIID8 tseaontyewhw'Ir, DSM
e+e. - - ptapt! y lra..rti..� JAB. e�4 sgt¢p6�A1�.>wweLesteayA.Y
ers who can aceom1)litill all that
York Land Agent—'Certainly, sir;
Address: HARPER & BROTllERS, N... Perk 1
� they expect. They lay out plans
.wherd is your lance situated?'
1885). � I
_..- . - .-_ _ .
� . " that require more men and team
they Can Command. Of late
'Land be blowed I My title is
General Buford St Cilail'. IIOw
HARPERS Magazine
it is increasingly
much..&,yoll Joan (til that sort. of
PATENTED \IAV stu>, tsrtl.
to hire 'reliable fituo, hell) + 1
orses are alwa3 A t0 be had f01'
a title T
I}ONtC•iSr'—`1)O LAi{C SOtale more
IIARI'Ea's 3l Aa AItti P. is the mast U�efiil, enter- '
periodical in the world,
1 (satins a
t Among ti d b P
Among rho attractions fur 1830 will be a new
them the follott•in,':-13wn ,)louse
1'rofesswual Ot•.giun5t Testimonials claim or �
o` More
aiid I3imare
the money if the firmer wants to
the xuldint*, Mi, Snibbins.'
of ] b
novel -an American story, entitled "Jnliitcr
Lights" -by Constance F. Woolson ; illustrations
Proof, Rasic \Motiop, Greater Command in Crescendo's.
t Pedals
Graceful for Ladies, and within the reach of Children. There are two Pedals
purchase them. It is in this wayA.
Sn'bbmN—"�Iy dear hZI'a BOtI[1-
Shakespeare's Comedies 1)),E.teAbbey; a
On Russia, illustrated by T. de
for Grand Organ and_ Swell, similar to Loud and Soft Pedals on the Piano Forte,
and Orders Solicited
r overstock themselves
that many
horseN. The evil 15 the
derb • I c•otildn't cat another
series of articles
se iesof
rhulstrup ; papers on the Dombtion bf Canada
characteristic serial by Charleq Dudley
do.ng away with knee swell altogether. Communications
for Patent Organ Improvements which can be adjusted to any organ and will'
worse for the fact that an idle
mouthful. I've oaten Eo mpol]
all'OQd3* that I Call hlll'dly tipCitli.
and a
Warner; three "Norwegian Studies; by Bjorn-
stjerne 13jornson, ilhustrnted; ^Commodes;' n
not et out of repair.
g Clillt"ll.
C. BLACKSTONE, Patentee .ev �IlLutffticttu Cr,
horse in the stable is a temptation'
his family to
hIOStCSA-- DO tl'y :t little 1110rC
historical play by the author of -H r,"
illustratedbyJ.R.WegueSin, eta TheEditorial `
- _. - -
t0 the Own01' Ol' t0
drive around the country, instea
just a little mora, if 01,13• i0 please
Departm^nits are co11
nducted by George
C.trrtas, Witham Doan llow'ells, and Charles
of attending ALI'1Ctly t0 1115 bUsl
il)C DIP' SnibbinE.'
Dudley Warner.
- _ .______ T . _
,less. We believe that farmers
Kii-by--'Lend me a,tiver, twill
Ou old boy? I'm clean broke.'
PE13 YFAn : .
Sept •Gth, 1888. 1 1 . `° ADAMS -
' , --1- N.A. HALL*
To make room fI .
or New Importations, we will, until Delp. 1st, GIVE 'PEN PER
CENT DISCOUNT. FOR CASH on our large. stock of_CROCKERY, CHINA •
t&,,, , AND GLASSWARE. .
Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se-
curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce'our stock.
We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 oents, worth 60.
We offer NEW SEASON BLA08 TEA at 25 cents, worth 40.
We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA -at 25 cents, worth 35.
NBW CURRANTS and.. RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 250
Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town.. Give us a call. .
__ ____
r (i0 Well to vtSit •ea<:h other an 3 ,
learn different And improved Moxey—`'I hat's a pretty good IIAItPER': AlAanz[NF............. e4 i
methods of farming; .but the seas- vin(;. \Vhy don't you hock It?' HARPER'S BA%Atli Y.....• ......:..... 4 �T�INTON 1 ` �/V t"RAThe" `✓� �'� GROCERY
Iiirb `Couldn t, you know. Il N HARPER's YOU•va rEorLE ... .
on for this is inAlnly ill winter, 3'— __
whorl fftl'nl \VOl'k IS not 60 111'CBS. a 60Uvel"Ir Of a dQecftscd brother. Postage free to all subscribers., in the Violte
States, Canada or Mexico.
➢luxe `\Nell m ' mone3' i» a CORNER HURUN AND ONTARIO STREETS,
ing It is hardly possible for a y_ + 3 The volumes of tile begin with the t�
farmer to leave work for anything 60t1vChit Of a dCCCaSCd father. When no time Junea specified,
Subscrecember iptionswillR,• HOLMES, 4- Publisher, 1N the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a fine
Da -d`1 old fel (And he walks b I with the Number current at time "t re neW stock
in the growing Aeas011 Wlth0ut
3 3 ,
Off.)` b
eg n ` .
Bound volumes of IlAarra'a ;11AGAnxE; for CLINTQN, , 0N'11.
That it. i.3 better l0 fwCAi O1iL
AL the Public Schoo).- TCaChCr
mail, post-paid, on recoil), of A:t 00 per
Lhalt t0 ]'UAt 011t is true not Only
—'Now, Bobby, }low much do Hix
volume. ClothUaaea, forbiudliig,50centseach •
Of mon and Women brit of it)ani=
ry' i
And four mak°. Bobby (oaf,eily)
Uy maSl, post-paid.
Inde"[ to HAnPEa'a MAGA/.IxR, Alphabotienl •
mAtethins, CareleANne6s tri ICA V-
—'IaCVCn, Nil•.' Teacher—'Now
Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes I to 70 '
ing t001R Otit Of doors exposed to
guess again. 'Bobby(doubtfully)=
inclusive, from June, Iaso, t. Jhne, 1183, Gn
vet, avo, clotp, 14.00.
Ntol'ms 1A the cause Of greatot' loA
'TwClre—nine—thirteen. Tea-
, -
Remittances should be made by Port•Ottlre r . t � � ` ; 1 t
] tit, N F.W LIIA iq Published eve ry' 1' 0day
ACs in modern farming t11.'tn al-
Cher—'How about ten? Bobby
Money Order or Draft, to avmd chance Gf 10ss.
mo6t•any one cause. Implements
Ioxultingly)—'Oh, yon can't fool
1' ive And five mal((
Newspapers nrenot-to copythia,advertisement
without the express order of IlAarxut & BRovnErla
`ill'eS abOtlt rl }lll't. tINO C011llll11 �i ()1 I'L'911 ll i'tl( ing
• Cost heavily, and though they Aare
me that vt sty.
Address: : IIARPEIt & BItOT1tERS, Ncw• York
labal-, they are often a very ex-
1lattet• l-�,�'ery Week; Correct 1'Iarket ltcl)orts
pensive luxnl;y. SomQ arc un-
avoidably broken, through hard,
1Veswt'n Lady—'And so your
daughter it' going to marry a
f't'oin 1 Oronto sial ill this nei,�hh()rLood ; )las a
-Aerviec•on t1)e, farm. This ;a bad
' enough, b'Ut not so pitiable as the
V(TOstOril ma I IA }1C a farmer,
manufacturer, or—' Eastern
WEAKLY has a well •establisiled place X Large Circulation an(I is Unsurpassed as an .'1l -
loss of others through negligence.
The (trill is almost always
Lady(haugbtily)—'I'ie is a gentle-
„s the leading illustrated newspaper in America. „
ritlth comments-
. grain
used up before its time by expos-
mien of leisure.' Western Lady
—.,Do you mean that he mat(oi
pGileca has earned for toand conn
donee of all impartial reactors, and the variety t'ertisin; ;1Zediunl. Will be sent to any ad(1reSs
rive t0 rains. There is less WegaP
on a drill by using than on any
1nOtLC wltll0llt Lr01'1(inf{ ?' 'Car
y 1
and excellence of its ifterary contents, which
include serial and short stories by the best and•.
fit It for the of Or a year, in advance.
other farm tool. ''There is great
tainly.' 'Ah 1 I Flee. Ile Nft rcbl
most popular writers, perusal ,.1 •.)fl
people of thowidest range of tastesand pursuits.
er losg'by misting out and by get-
estate ='rent.,
Suppletnenst are frequently provided, And no
expense in spared to bring the ht host order of -•
bear upon the illustration of
ting dirt amopg the wheels that
"" run tile distributors. Fertilizer
A meeting to express confidence
artistic ability to
the changeful phasee of home and foreign his-
tory. A new work of fiction, from the pen of
drills ftV0 more likely to bo inlur
in Mr. Parnell, wa6 hold in Phil
William Dean Howells and one byCapt:Charles . I
xh,g, will be among file leading features of the
ed in this Wily, .as the commercial
manures contain sulphuric acid,
adelphift, on Tuesday night, when
8,000 was Subscribed for the
witRRnr for I13s0.
RAISINS -New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer �Valencias:
CURRANTS -New Barrel Currants, new Box Currants.
PEELS -Lemon, Orange and„ Citron Peels
NUTS-Soft-Sbell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, PeAcans, Peanuts, English Wal-
nuts, best qualities.
CONFECTIONERY -Our assortment cannot be surpassed.
LL'MONS surf ORANGES-Fresb .Sweet Russell Oranges. California
Oranges, Valencia and Malaga(.
GRAPES -White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes
CROCKERY liberaliso or
dLA acash. RE ✓ We are giving bargainfi in this
FISH, &C. -We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Haddie, Bloaters,
Ciscoes, &c
SUNDRIES -Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Unions.
TEAS-F$pecial values in Teas. we have them as low as five pounds for tl,'aml
as high as 700. per ib., and we can guarantee the qualityto be the beet
'Our assortment is too large to ennmerate, And we only mention a few leading
articles. Come and see far yourself. We will give you good value and It liberal
discount for cash. •
Cuninghame & McMurr#' l
41111111111111111111111111111111111111 I
which rapidly rusts iron 1n eon. Parnell fund. PER YvAR; J
tact with if. They should always ,t HARPER% WEEKLY ............... •....1�4 00
4130 -
be cleaned Out thoroughly after Cbicago Free Methodist: I'Utt- HABPRI S BAZAR MAGAZINE ............ 4 00
bring used. LICIanS may bay tl]ftt the question HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .......... 2 00 - .
I Dl'. Wm. Robe. ts, I'1'ofCES01' ( f is settled; but such questions are Po'tegge free to all subscribers in Elie United WALL
Medicine in the Uwcrir College, novel-sottlod urilil they are settled statoa,Canada orMexled. _—
The volhmea et -the WitintLy begin the first
blanebo6tor, Tag„ ill W, "The
Of, 1'If;11L. And they are not settled N,nnher for January of each year. When no We )lave all the latest styles of typo for Circulars, Sale
" right while .axs f)'1.3 In force which time is mentioned, subscription t will begin with kind of printing that can be desired. /y A � �"� `�� '
Bright's disollse, sAya : T110 S the number current at time of recelpt of order. Bills, and any printing Ceiling
E COR /� O
blood becomes Speedily deterior. n]:rke the price which our farmers Bound volumes ofHAliraas' WEsgLT for three Priests the Lowes, Work the Finest enc} itis- V 1 �,J ,,,LL
bloc} (? the unnatural drain , got for their wheat depend upon yoara back, m neat cloth binding, will be acs IitC>�i0n guaranteed, One trial is certain
theprice In Liverpool; while for LhC by mail• postage paid, or by express, free of ex-
through the kidneys. It becomes p penso (provide dd the freight does not exceed one to bring another.
at which ho buys with it q pro• dollar 1,er votnmo), for 87 per volume. .Latest AmeriC.an PatternA, Cheaper than ever gofers, ('all enc
mor° watery and poorer in albu) inspect the stock. „
while arca, Uric acid and 1}1Q CCCds, hC 19 ObllgCd LO pay LwlCO hbnling, iv111 be Bent h y mail, postsMi��llmi re- _ Y—
mon, as much as they cost in Iaivorpool, ceipt of 161 each. '-
extractives are unduly fie
in it." Warrior's SAf,e Cur9 on f.000Unt of the duty on these kf neytorderorlDraft�,t oavodtchance oft10 4.
will restore the kidneys t0 f!a articlm and the OOnPpiraCiCs New�l'upersare riot tocopy-th,aadverilaement -
bnlon those who mantiflettlro w.i,h,.utt.heeifpremorder OfIIA14PRR&BnoruRap R. HOLMES, BOX `74, CLINTON.
healthy e..ondition and pitriiy the them ei•e" Address : II % RPF.R & BROTIiF.RS, Ntw'sv Cz,
blood, I I ,
A.WOR` *FT--T"P.qaTON,Clinton