HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-22, Page 3% — — _4�_ � i ­ , T —A 'VI", 3'''X-0-y'll T., 00"".11[ _ V""'.1,11 M W�'.'"", 3Z, -,-U 0 Jobbing p,rtrn.e,t not surpassed in the Count . I Minton New Era I CARGOES OF CRIMINALS,` ,The PROPERTIES FOR SALE AN OLD RUSSIAN TORT. NEWS NOTES. How Russian Convicts Are Transported to M Is published every Friday Morning by the RODT, 11061Ea, Siberia -Hot Nater Punishwent. The Nizhni-Novgorod is an iron steamship PECULIARITIES OF A MUSCOVITE FOR- Indians who arrived at Selkirk, proprietor, at his printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin• of about S,8W tons burden, and is specially TIFICATION IN ALASKA. fitted as a convict trsnspor't. With full ' 11an., on Friday,report that Taseott ton, Ont. TEnyts.-'SI.50 )er annum, )aid in ad 1 ) a � the ubiquitous Chicago murderer, complement of ctinv{cEs Z Ge vessel carries I r did Defenses of Fort Wtaugell-A nIIIi- I has been captured by Chicago de. Ga2. The officersand,crewnumbereighty,ex. I vanes . elusive of a marine convoy escort of Nisty. i tary Post in Name Only-Russlans and two Wren specially chosen for this duty. Tho ' Indians• -Carlos for tectives some two bundrod miles I clown Lake Winnipeg. JOB PRINTING lu every style and of every description Salo-illankets. iron barred compartments or cages in which the convicts are couflued run parallel; fore Alaska Scenery. The case of Mrs Bell v, Sir Charles execute(} with neatness and dispatch, p allot at reasonable and aft, on either side the upper and lower Tupper )er was concluded on Friday Names of places in this territory which I i 1 y rates. 'tween deeks. The iron bars, an inch thick, have military designations may inspire a, night, the jury ieturning a verdict - - _--„—_-_-_ - of these cages and the woodwork in which sense of secm'ity to outsiders unacquainted fcr the defendant. Judge AIacula- cherritp, grape vines, and black and red cur- they ora set, is heavily and solidly con- with the country, For instance, upon hear• hon said be -would consider' the ad - NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Ali)- person O1' persons who take strutted. The cages are of unequal capacity and length, but have a uniform beiglt of Ingot bort Wrangell one would naturally conclude that such a post would furnish visability of hating Air and MIS a paper regularly flroIn a post office, seven and a half feet. The more desp`atato ample security for a reasonable scope of Bell arrested for pen jtll j•. whether % t directed in his name or an- i,ther's, or whether he has subscribed Characters are manacled and chained to iron staples ' uh their bertha, from which they are country. Yet the nearest troops are at Port Townsend, nearly 1,000 miles distant by Mr P%obert Woods, a well known ,n• not, is responsible for payment, released when necessary, The greater num- water, if we except a small com an of ma P Y , farmer living near Copetown, when 2. If it person orders his paper dis- her, although retaining the waist and ankle rives at Sitka. Fort Wrangell is it military preparing to feed his live stock last --outinite 11 must d C Lle pay t a all arrears, i y a ears, ol• the publisher stay continue to send it shackles, of light construction, have the freedom tf traversing the length of the com• Post only in name. It is about 150 miles southeast Of Sltl{a by (110 waters ?f the inlets, Sunday,f'ell through a bay -snow and received in urics of so serious a na- J lllltll pay'111C11t is made, and thea col• partnlent, Wh1Cl1 IllAy vary tl•alll twenty-five to forty feet. Between the outer bars and but by the bi-muuthly steamers in a uorth- east course its distance is snore than 500 -tune that it is not likes be will re• y ect the whole amount whether tether the) - I a eris taken or not, the two plain plank shelves obunks running wiles. cover. et. Hiss]the was fractured and .i, The Courts have decided that re- from eud to end of the compartments which afford sleeping room for the occupants, there I It is one of the old Russian settlements, asci j was one of their most prosperous trading he is paralyzed in the lower limbs as a result of the accident, f using to take newspapers ars or period i a]s frons the post office or removing still is A f1LO space (o of about four tad it half or 11 v feet. posts. The main part of the village is on a taiuuug su%-(m rooms. stone c(llar, woodshed, bnrcl and soft water, } acre lot. \Vithit two n lrn%tn„ them uncalled for is primaafucie � VS;'elit during the distribution Af rations moderate slope, with a lofty chain of motet- t.ain8 close behind. There are not more than Mr I30auf0 ' the l'ladstvnlan y' ” evidenceof intentional fraud. uo Culinary vessels are left with the oonvicts, 500 inhabitable acres there, and upon them candidate, carried Kennington <:n . AD%'ERTISING RATES. Even the drinking water is Obtained only wits crowded all there ever was of Wrangell I Friday, by a majority of 630. A t when they are sick, t an Jrrots �h g India rubber mouth piece fixed in Inclosed In its most prosperous claps. On the north the previous electron U.Gent-llavis, Ln •al. No •I v -:h C. 7 CE. hhigher 1t sad of rtealg column, 10 cents psi line or portion an w r v ate ta k n and throe w titch' the drinker sucks ]lis draught. immediately s'd e of the will ! a e is a a knoll, $ g t and on this stand the old defenses of hort Wrangell. I , Conservative, wu lectcd by a ma - I . thereof, each insertion. outside the cages and attached to the under A high wooden palisade or stockade sur- Ori( / a y of 430. Goo(l. judges estimate Articles lost o r t found till w s nate 1 Il ( part of tho deck over head is a steam pipe rounded the area set apart for military pur- that 30 of the metropolitan consti- • not circ„ not exceeding three lines, 23 Cents es connected with 1 ship's t the 1 e holler s. In P to these ) acs o the site ! stockade is gone, but the buildings #,aencies now held by the C'onserva• ea8h Five litres, cents for int insertion, and a cents for each pipes are fitted screw nozzles at intervals of twelve feet. The object of the steam pipe is all ramain in afair state 'of preservation. The fort proper where were the officers' quarters tives will go the same way its ban- oneana sub_ insertion. to suppress any dangerous outbreak among and the barracks for the men stands on the nifigton. Iioupes to let or for sale, farms to the inmates of the cage. By means of a short hose, specially made to resist the steam beat, North side of the quadrangle, and is a solid log building boarded over and made impen- Mr Norman Phillips,of Belleville, I rent or for sale, stray outtle and all similar advertisements not exceeding quickly attached to one of the steam pipe nozzles, the turbulent convicts are readily ctrable to bullets. The government house stands on the (vest side of the square, and is one of the best known drummers of Ontario, was notified tecently of an eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 cents for each subsequent mouth. quieted or parboiled. Strong water jets have been found next to useless In allaying • built of the same material, This building on the seaside is adapted for increas3 in his family. It was twins, and, to reconcile the father to his Advertisements without specific in- structions, inserted till forbid. these occasional tumults. After the ship has passed the canal, but efensive purposes. On the east side of the uadrangle is a large log and boarded build- l lot, a baby was borrowed from a Special contract arrltngenlents with .. .not, before, batches of convicts aro fn turn 's ng which was used in the old Russian days nS neighbor, and when be arrived he business men, brought upon , $ p deck forshower bath ar..l Iwas a storehouse, unci its outer front was introduced t h O the little strang- - General advertising rate for unclassi. nhort exercise. A strongly construetgd irun adrpbM to protective and defensive purposes. en's, and heartily congratulated. His fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 Cents per line for first inser. railing, eight feet high, crosses, the 1Crs(1 amidships, in order that the convict, during • A PECULIAR STRUCTURE. A: the southeast corner of this square greeting to his wife was, "Wily, , Alary,what do you meso?' but after „: tion, and S pente,rer line for each anti- segaent insertion. hisbathandwbileunmatlacled,cannotbyca, sudden rush evade the guard ans! reach the ' thuds the most cc v structure of all, Pe all.l ono More suggest", atimeanexplanationwasmadea_nd "''--C-hnrtgea- for contrtrcted Advertise="'' quarter fleck. "some' of"the 'morn file's" fate 1� iOtivac s who bbOI'Itl ; of the necessities of defeiiso than all rho rest. 1't is the 'block the father,, witli a sigh. of relief re• _ z. ments must be handed in as early in U atU resist t > yes s,1► dlselpliu- try control, Lire confined to the cages during house or bastion, and iipoli itq safety and Be- (narked that there are times -in life the week as possible to insure n change that week. the whole voyage. Both the upper and lower curity depended the safety and security of the entire post. It is solidly built of to s $ when a pair is better than three Of a kind. ! tweet) decks are open and ale the system of P Y, Y , and is about twelve feet square at the ground. purity of the blood manifest (, hilt that "TIiE ventilation being excellent, and •tbe cages themselves areke tscru scrupulously clean. The P P I•t rises in these dimensions to about twelve A Brooklyn despatch says: -Mrs I iS1' PALLS T;1'ENTIllE, Y cages are repainted every voyage. Every feet, the height and story of wider dimensions, extending en- D wife of the well-known New e�y' Fast Fast falls the eventide ; 'tis so, convict, ill addition to having his hair tirely over the margin of the first. Its walls York wino merchant, George Dew - The words were uttered soft and low. short, has the left half of the head trout front to back closely shaved, are not arallel with those of the first P ,but it a died of consumption a weeks ago, y) The pallid cheek, the furrowed brow, The locks all white with winter's snow-- -London hews is laced diagonally P $ y across the first; so that its corners do not conform to the corners She was a believer. in Christian These t hese alas • they e testif Y Y e The evening of'my day is by ! The '1 ,•i'• 1 ► slenn r est id Her Cigarette. c est - Smoking, us is well known, is a habit which hick of t he first. 1u thus being sin wider t B than e r the first., story, and extending over it on all sides, rifle- science and refused medical treat - meat until within a few days of her , farm of`Ifitl. TI), on the Huron road, Hul]ett, being lotl;f. There arc 8(laeresclearcd,antl Is not confined to men in France unit men could defend it, not.ouly by Aiming out- death, when ;1Ir Dewey insisted on I did not think at dawning da h y continental countries, Many Pariiiennesflow ward, but downward oil the outside of the calling in Dr Fisk, `Cho physician a p. y So swift the morn would fly away, Nor did I dream at regal noon indulge in -cigarettes even in their boudoirs, and a recent writer, who is herself a palisades. Such defenses were common in Pennsylvania, Now York and Oblo 100 years found that Mrs Dewey's lungs were That eventide could come so see,,: I did not ever think to be smoker, has drawn up a set of rules for the benefit of fasliionable female votaries of the"weed." ago, but they are now only historic memo- riles, while the Russian block house at Fort lt almost gone and recovery was im- possible. Mr Dewey had been fav - So old nu helpless helpless as you sec. Some of these regulations are rattler pecu. Wrangel] still exists as a memento of their I Orallly inclined , to the Christian It seem4ftt noon so very far , ' liar. Never, says the guide, philosopher, and friend of Never,says theguideuses occupation, , and is rapidly going to ruin.' There are only a few Russians left at �cienttsts, but he is now disposed to At o should reach the evening. slur ; At 1)oau I still felt young slid strong, never smoke tit a restaurant or out of .doors, even when Ili Wrangell; trot more than a dozen of pare bloods. ]'here are a ►lunber the make trouble for tbem. The.matter is`cattsing cc,nsiderablo discussion, All full of hope, all full of song ; And age seemed very far awn company with your husbands. Neverlight a c•igarette after a G o'clock tea, .even it your quite of mixed race, Indian and Iiuseian, still (hare, but the bulls For the first tints in Pl.it ' 1(.0 Y Cantil I felt its withering sway, most intimate friends .only' are present. books after your meals at home, wither inn of the denizens of the place are natives. These relics of Artesian peasantry I - .lalward Count' the lash has been' S - - s. I find small space between room ad bot or in your ou _ _ . Y boudoir. Do not bold cigarette between your teeth the and the half breeds areas a mile moire worth- less than the native or Indian, The houses used upon stn Offender. Tile char- I aC(c" Of the 0 clic-0 is the Che morning with its shine and sheen The evening with its gloom and shnile, or at sadesuP yvur mouths. Such Iva tricks are unworthy of of the old Russian settlemgnt are rapidly disappearing from lack of care and through strong - „ eStl jilStilication for the )L Ilish- .. With all its load o£ hopes .glecaye(I. Ab, heart, the ttuth'I even of well bred men, and you must be mindful to carry thecigarette grace- the wet climate, which is destructive of rim- , meat. James hated leade milt p a 3 cannot hide: Around me falls the eventide ! Pully to your lips, and to blow gentle wreaths of et lie reaIized essence around you from your her. About 500 Indians have their winter home there, Duringthe season the g Y 10 the heinous Crime of attempted assault a )Ona 'outl(r (r I 3 , �,i ill 1 year's I've almost reached the river's brink- The cold, dark (stream from which mouths, yr if you like, down from your noses, Be(xtrgrnelycarefulnottoallowany h out a long distance up the the and take ]mon and Other fish for the canneries, tiVben Of • ,age, and Judge ,lel lett, before whom the prisoner \vas brought Ave shrink! hiolSe promised much, but little ashes to fall ()it Your dresses or your carpets, and be sure that your cigarette holders and that season .is, over they return to Wrangell, spending the wlnter months in prescribed the lash ay Well, as a gave: My forward look is death -the (Leh' C•a9 �, You match boxes, your ash trays, hunting the mule deer, sometimes attacking term Of till )risonniebt. A )01 - l., ] grave But there's a promise I have heard and your general appliances for the enjoy- the eat brown bear• of the adjoining moun- but giving over most ofjtheirgleisure tion of the t)unishment way ad - That in m need doth aid afford- Y ment of tobacco, be as delicate and artistic as A11 objects used try ladies should be. 'attentlo There are twelve or flf- time Am teen Ami3ricans , . minister e(1 last week, find i t is hoped that the example will have J. I.. 11'1;11, A richer promise I can' say Y Chan an of m earl da Y Y Y day; B Y n tothesoi•ules, concludes their Compiler, a fumeuse may frequently make p • - -• • Y q Y ricagambnsi In the village, some in public employment, some in mission work teaching A powerful CletCl'rant ef}eCt in the p It soothes my heart like healing huhu ; herself additiollolly interesting and pigs . 'y the Indians, some in saloon keeping, and the in traders's district. It says much for Prince ten• being lot 77 (loderieh townsbip, It fills m soul; it makes me calm: Y It strengthens all�my failing sight; Blowin clouds of imo.! a Prom .the nb&g - � - r even tie eTup in o a iriust fascinatin o g para- rest res. . . . -d,t•=. CURIOS -POI) SALE. $ ' Edward's )Asn adherence t0 moil I als and Older that Only flow re- OI►pOvitc the 1 (►ct lllll(•c, ­At eventide it shall be light"- tion, provided the smoker have a pretty pro- A remnant of the old Russian town stands course has to be had t0 the cat -o'- " . Not like the radiant light of morn, boscis, and that the profile of it only be ileen iy the admiring cavalier or suitor as the below the fort along what was once perhaps a street. A relic of a rough wooden sidewalk nitre tails. The tvisd0ln Of the ] There is bon N w(1 6. ( n 7 n, res of bush, whfcll When day and Lope are gaily bora, blue Ill vapor O O5CelldS gray 1 delicately from the and so b m0 boarded up old Peshiomed, narrow c Sent it CaCC will hardly l d bC Ll ,'tl j' . 4 e� of - w•ould intimate to th ('in that he hnsrenloved ty; That fades so quickly from the skies. nostrils. -The Argo)laut. I windows suggest traffic. Onthisbroken and ed, under the circumstances af- .We weep in sorrow and surprise: -- dilapidated walk a score or two of old squaws tending it, Aboitt 45 seers se(Avd down. Will be sold But this will light my pathway through Larcer Than All New England. I and decrepit men s'q'uat on their haunches I I nt d l rt 1 grad au s} h udid style. Till I begin life's day anew. The words "Great West" have a signify- and -e§pose for sale the curios with which While �Br�U4U 111011mUHt r�l;. f11� j1P 1j7�1 Mount tH UU ➢1 DO ST. TIi011AS, ONTARIO. 'lot fully realized by many people. they tante n Asa whole the west is thought of as an im- hope to tempt the tourist, Thesenatives I are adepts at construction, and ofTer for We - TII1; WHITE I5 IiING. _ i m}Wien. (hlr m:iteriitl is pure and fine, A POPULAR INSTRL'DltiN'1'. mense spread (If country, but to get any idea nicely formed bracelets and rings'manufac- I 1 have been appointed agent toil the sato ; ::la-.<� not . ;$t - -. • •-• WA A new scale Upright Pianoforte re- c Gently completed by Messrs. Newcombe of the size, to have, any comprehension of Lured what the great west really means in miles or ncries from coin silver obtained at the "can- for fish. They also have wooden of the celebrated White Sewing Machine, the outy Bowing machine that was awarded first -prize at the Cincinatti Centennial Expo - �+ I'.1... Co„ Toronto, is affording great satin- faction. It fills the requirements for a• q acres, one must take a single state and coin- spoons pate its area with others. A short £imo ago g and bowls for sale, made from the Beautiful yellow cedar of this coast, orna- sitionvn 18%, for simplicity of construction, durability of partrs, adaptability for light and heavy work, light and . reliable instrument by a first class mak. this topic of conversation was brought u P g P In nlented.withearvedgriffinsof curiobsolosign, trading with the Athabascau Indians quiet running. With 6M,(100R'hite Sewing Machines in use, "storm is fully nssnred by its high er within the reach of all. R rite them for particulars. and one gentleman who evidently was posted made a statement that California had a the of its interior, in the British dominions, they intrisle merits are ides known yr y , Manufactured upon principles of durability; and Jar ----�.*. or number of square milOs than Procure all the regular eastern states n)ountaiu to• a white, coarse wool from a sort of oat or sheep, $ p, and th6s le woven last constructed of the boat known maternal, Its wearm9 dutlIties cannot be questioned, will a lifetline; automatic bobin ), Prevention Of disease iN both put gether. Ile was loudly laughed at by into his companions, who were so inerodu- and blankets variously colored; mostly gray white, simple And figured over with gritlits and winder; vi- brator; stitch regulator, self -setting needle, shuttle ; perf oct tension; belt shiftiup devise capable of combining elegance rational and nciontifi(,. It' One -lous knows'tho causes r QSt diseases, yCaSCs l that a bet of an elegant supper was noudesc:ript Pll made the w e holo art bettin P ninst Y the one g figures of alike nature. Alaska ,perfection, A thousand I miles and 1 m re is o only a stili Y P and adjustable parts are elements of All machines warranted for five e0. I m ' re, n ]n position a oe ren 13 I Y Go offer these ma- I • -' n , ( fold Ca'n' i•Ci,iOve' LhC Ca11RC, Lho disease must ditiappear. Prof. n[ man. ]t did not take lriml ion to win the bet; he showed that Maine has 35,W0 square coast•ataut 30 m' chines ties wide on the mainland, The Indians of the interior are never per- cheap, Ica B n n he ebea,P. P .9L Be etre and examine the Impravedl\Vhite before buying, They Le Wm. H. Thompson, of the Un" miles; New Hampshire, 9,280; Vermont, 10,- nutted by the roast natives to come to tide- Bence, may examined at n)yresi- Rattenbury lit. JOHN WOIt.ELL, Tinsmith, fore placing your order, versity Of the city of New York, 1,30G; 212; 212; lYIassarhusetta, 7,8W;; Rhode Island, Connecticut, 4,700; New York, 47,000; The coast natives have time out of mind constituted themselves the middlemen, Clinton. --- r says : "Mone adults are Carried New Jersey, 8,320; Delaware, 2,120, and and have done all the trading with the fn' Pring on toga both and s,nhul - - I off in this country by chrbnie kid- Penusyleatufa 4G,W0. This makes n total of dtana at' the British dominions. ,your great For we can quickly cut them all only Rey disease than by any other one of 171,788 square miles, whereas the area California is 188,981 sgttaro miles, leaving After leaving Fort Wrangell one sees no white settlements again for man r g y hours nt the malady CXCC t ConsUm LiOn," y p p 17,199 The, majority percent. of all (lis- miles still in favor of the -one western steaming lip the inlet, At TongassNarrows, golmes�ilie Saw & Sbio�te lYr l state, wher'esuch large singlestatesare tobe where aliWeglacisrriver comes with aroar eases aro Caused sty unsuspected found there is no wonder the whole body in out of the deep notch in the surrounding -- I ' kidney poisoned• blood, The la, conjunction should be' denominated as tilt) 'mountains, one comes upon the few isolated The above mil] is nn first-class running or 1i t; . Dr. Dio Lcwisi in Speaking of P g "Great Wmt,", buildings of the hoeing fish cannery. Four der and tinder the management of Witlmm Dodds, d . Warner' s Safe Cure, Said Over his : _- -•• or Origin of a Popular Air. tives, five whites aro bet's among a host of ns,- the latter furnishing the fish to the of Clinton. ,n signaturo : "If I founts myself I Lave received the following: works. Nothing can be more lonely than the I am prepare$l to furnish all kinds of the victim of a geriOU8 kidney "What Is the origin of the song'Johnny, altuation of that meager settlement, many Li1fliber, Lath an(I Shingles I'•• 1COUbIC, I w011l(t t13A Wal't1Cr'S (lot Safe Cure." Yqur Gun?'" miles Tlro sang was written in the winter in a neighbme .by land and watkr from any white On or succor of any kind. From pets Cu(i short notice, 73x11 I,unber n specialty, nom sawing done to order, Highest price ('` lir city. The reason was that in the cold weather a long steaming brings us to Berry's cannery. paid for Bass and Hemlock. :('. -'--�'os'�-- - - theta were always certain men who, in board- It bas as few white people add is in as lonely W. 13. FORSTER, Holmesville Ing While a wedding was takln(ar they a *•treat Car, wouldn't come inside, and a wouldn't stand on the platform. Butthey %oring's. notch in the mountains by the seaside as Indians int�ntsarid huts near the • '• })lace last Thursday evening, at would shove back the, door and stand tg the works and a few whites aro all we see, It • the rosidence of John Paul,second apacel, thus not only discommoding passen• takes all night; fast steaming, before we _. - lisle of Plympton,Mrs Af cLirAock, era, but allowing the coil wind to sweep reach signs of civilization again at Juneau of Mandaumin Presbyterian nto.the car, creating neuralgia, toothache, City and Douglass Island, tae seat of the ' pneumonia, church, wont into one Of tho be<l- the lay interest to great and -other diseases tried undertaker, The company tried in vain From gold mining industries c Alaska. these points the steamer picks its way j I he � � rooms to aside her wraps. A ..to few later' Ile Finally persuade theso�gentlemen to quit this, up the rocks the I�,arroyt �al els, fe rj of hWen and Efdocul'S en more'[71ja% ' moments was found president said to one of Lis con- rapid s, for , (, r dnctdrs, . lr lying, on the ' flo dead- The whose name is Johnny: twelve hours, and then reaches; the salmon ('.AUSC of her death wail apoplexy, ,'Johnny, got your gun," cannery The order is to bo the of Pyramid harbor, in what is called Chilcat country, in Chileat inlet. Bore,Job Room(, - She leaves four iaonQ and five winter, going enforced this and the sonfi will be more popular are half a dozeh whitesshanaging the fishery sur e,t1n (laugh tors, ' than ever. °Chicago Mail, and owning establishment, and not one T white Evening Up. highest At the Circus woman to be seen there. This is the point to the inlets where stCmers go ,passes all others Int P Children Cry for I childron's --"Ono ticket for me and two for tickets 'for my two little sons."• York commercial pnrpoaos.-Sitlu►, (,or, New Timm.. j nc L "Excuse I older me, but your older son is certainly than 12," "Oh, yes, but the little one Who finds all the umbrellas that I • r, r . Pitcherlis Castolria. Is older, as much younger than 12 as the big one is fro it's ever - �y loses? Every man we meet loses tie • in the county. De Y Blaetter, all the same." -Fl egendo umbrellas he buys, but we have never got acquaintod with the Irian that finds there, % e::.:'< PROPERTIES FOR SALE T�� *. • ,11111)P $1350 wILL BUY THE HOUSE AND M Lot owned by the undersigned and occupied by Al Lawrence, on Hurou St, = �; Clinton. Hard and soft water and good stn , - �-� I . i lilt, Terme of payment easy. Apply to JNO `_ 6/ CALLANDER, 44 Stanly St., Landon South . �O 11NEACRE LOT FOR SALLA -WELL 1817% V S..,.04 GATED for building lots ill a very (lesir. `_ ' ,-r �,L able part of Clinton with about 75 Choice -•1 fruit trees, sorra boaring apples, pears, pl u u 1, ` cherritp, grape vines, and black and red cur- v rants, Forfurtherparticulars apply tit tilt. S ;.. NENV ERA OFFICE. t. I. C IM _. - 0LL'AISLE FARM FOR SAIA,'.- 'rl-fA•r VVt011able I .1111 \' • �\ I J 1 farts probity cu'uposcd of lot ' 'Number 28, in t I 7th ('unce„s)u) ,it. tLr , / 1 rs, To„Ilship! of Hunett. Wen sitnato,l. ,'sc,•1- 1, y I - lent alnd, go"d baro. Apply to MANNI:NO a SCG'1"f. a / liarri,lei•N, 0111” ,. fl't:sj.,, tl• L.O•r b,mt SALT', nl'rt•.vrE It RS DARTS TRIPLETS.' i un Osbotve St. Tho bouso c,wtnius civ I•Uoms and good Stolle c0lar; tilt -re iti't' ,111 President Cleveland's Prize for Ills hilae beat tables at the Aurora County Fair, 1887, the prouises, hard and soft water, a unn)ber of fruit trees and gL)od stable. The lot eau- tains # of all acre, and will bo Sul,( elleap. i watt Ven to these triplets, Mollie Ido and Ray, W. itom., rSuN, Pop \Vnrks, Cliuwu. Wren OT AIrs. A. K. Dart, Ilamburgh, N. Y. he writes; •' Last August the little ones becam0 - j OUSE FOR SAL];-SL'IISCIdllh;lt t)F- H t I;us for sale that I ew aud,conveil ivildV Very sick, and as 1 could et no other food that tlould qq��tr•SO with them, Ig commenced the use situated house on \t'elnngton street, con- ofI,aetated Food. U helped the immediately, and they were soon as well as ever, and I con- taiuuug su%-(m rooms. stone c(llar, woodshed, bnrcl and soft water, } acre lot. \Vithit two Elder it very lar8ely due to the Food that they lilinutes walk of pont othco. Will be sold o❑ reasonable terms, AN(; COi,L, are note so well.'! -"%Nei photo• of these fill7)lefs sent frre to rhe mofhq ('laurel. , Also fur sale a Boudoir 1)uherty Organ, new _.- .. . �_ of any 4ty Gera this }tail FOR sAIA: -- .his:,o will buy Pa �y Lactated Food', oo a valuable lot on the south side of llnrut . Street, Clinton. thrL- ,hors below tris C(nl)- . 'the Lest Food for bottle-fed babies. It keeps mereaal H t el (Wd ti•• OLL'l. O w'll iC'h IN ' Y' t( houses with b hard and sof %' t t' � i t p a (r, .lnn3l gra them %veil, and is better than medicille . lite, and uther cotveu vlwt,,. For par ileus - when they are sick, ars apply to NALTON-Lf01IS\VOIt'rH, or at -- - the w PIuA otlice E `irM MOST IOfi 3 PAL T A ABLE, ----- - -THAT 'NUTRITIOUS, and It1OR SALE DE..SIRALE SUlil'lt- I 1. SAN ln•opert•y, situate on the Itago Line DIGESTIBLE FOOD. ,last outside the corporation of Clinton, cull. EASILY PREPARED. twining ten acres of land with fruitrbeariug orchard, fine brick honeP, stable, hard and At Druggists; •26C., f300., 5 L00, soft water. Everything is in the host possi- ,• THE BEST AND MOST ECONONICA 1, I''OOD. ble condition, making it a nn,pst desirable home. Will be sold at a bargain. For f1lr- 100 Meals for an Infant for $1.00. • the'• particulars apply to .1. IiUrI^r, cliuton. Ili — 819,A valuable pamphlet on 11The Nutrition OfInfants andlnvalids," freeokapplLeagon. C, -- HOTEL PROPERTY IOil SAl,E.--SU71- 1113 $01 81 CO.. 111011TREAL, p.a aCNInNR offel•s for sale the property known as the Railway Hotel, (:lintoll ('lose to the grain storehouse of Mr It. Irwin, which 'giant of Sleep asalieetegohouseanddwil q,sodon asy Thus us a good entad will be ore i n easy' norms of payment. A Grocery Store in cou- O 1 Is sending thousands annually to flit uoction, call be bought with tho hotel, e• I Separately. Full particulars o' application, I " insane asylum ; and the doctors say t1, is AIR$ M. RE''LLY Clinton, I trouble is alarmingly on the aucrease. The -` -- - i HGUS7: AND LOT FOII SAIx&--Sitnnted " usual remedies, wliile they n1av on the south lido of 'rowuselid Street. give tern orar relief, re 1 temporary e a likely to du 9'he house, which is new, coltaius parlor, dinin ''roe 6 m, kitchen, a number of lied mare hart n th- g _.... . -. _. i, .�.fi..17 _...1.., . cellar, th ` ' 'r , ' C ingill l it t T is an Alterative and 131ood-partite,, bsiri i .1.. i eatedhi•tU1 a ' g 1v*Tbetr •i4'titdandsoft Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably wttOl' in 0.blltldan Ce, ' Ills ]Ot COt)taine OI1C 1 quarter of an acre, stud Ula property will ue I the best. It corrects those disturballci,s sold e1 n,wnuable terms. Apply to MRS.C. I CARTl•at. clinton. , in the circulation which cause sleep).,s- - . ; ness, gives increased vitality, and ro- ZTALU,WLP•.!FARAI FOR BALs.. -Still • r mores tilenel'vous system toa healthful ae'escb(tY n�gIOL25,lltth lion, his Hullett tad- . condition, joining the village of Lmldtshoro. All Blear- Ilev. T. G. A. Cot(', ag cut of the 1I:L.+v, ed. Good frame house and outbuildings. will be sold on reasonable terms. Plenty of House lfissionary $ociet-v, writes that w'at'er. Excellent one for pasturing. If not , his stomach wasu o ot f order, Lie iec ) a s, 1 sold will be ranted. Apply to JQ71N I11AR7{- v \ ft'L n 1 L o tile )lace , t or .1CICHAlt1 ! very often disturbed, and some iul_ WELL, Clinton, out. purity of the blood manifest (, hilt that a perfect care was obtained by the use �AttM TURENT-IiNING PART Ob• LO'r ' M 21 and 213, East Wawtnosh, each lot being of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 100 acres. Good •L.o iBe, bank b.,rn and out• ' buildings ole one farm and no Iinlldatgs o❑ Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washingtolt theother, Plenty of water, good orchards, ; street BOst.on, writes: ".\ty dallghf Pr etc, Just Ole ,Wile from poet Office an(i was prostrated with nervous llehllily, school, ullu 4 churches close bv. Pp,ll plow - itis an (IOItP,slid 23 acres ill fail WllMlt.. The ; Acer's Sarsajtarilla rest.Ored Let to above 1'arnleare inehlendi(1 condition, nnd' ImAth•" wilt be rented separately or together,. ou reasonable terms, k'or particulars apply' to Williarlt F. BO%vI(P.r,"Eric, Pa,, was AIRS 13, MoCAM-1. St Augustine Oil , tired of nervousness and sleeplessues.v QP1,b1NDIn PARM FO'R SAl,r.g-- THE I r % t, l 1(111 A er'a', •a . Y 5a1. aparilla for abort 1 . suLv •'b .CII (1 offers t 1. for snit h •. �e tat oif nen, own 1nnt7tLs, dutririg n'Lii'h tinlO ,Isis' , farm of`Ifitl. TI), on the Huron road, Hul]ett, being lotl;f. There arc 8(laeresclearcd,antl %ycigllt iarrroase(l Over twenty pounds. IlcnrlY all flt for cultivation. balance good .! hardwdod bush; the plaee is in goon snap<•. c . Ayer's $arSa Sarsaparilla, stone house, 24x135, with 'fralne woodsh(Sd, 2 good Ilank limns anti outbuildingg,;3-acres p "Onlytllrcelliilos•fror)rCnnter, o1' "earring Orchard. I'lenty of spring water. ' rnErtneu l:v $2,5t10down, and any rw,sonnhle tin)o for balance lit G';, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. '"tere)tt. F,D\VA1(D SI1313Ex,'hu the place', Qr',1 ,,,•+,' Tr,teohr. .:..(, 4l; tis i,(atlea. C5. or Clutton 1', 0. . -�...--- •- .- -. ..-..-_ . 17ltoTPivey FOR SALE - SIMSCRIISEI( / y e .. offers for rale Lbat excellwlt, prnlwrty nt . . present occupied by himself, on tilt. curter /, of Princess and 1tnglan,Ssrwts. acre of land all set out with ('Iloiec fruit ` e trees and grape vines, plenty of hard and ' 11 I - - Soft watet, 'rhe. 1101160 Col0ains three rooms 1 down stairs, and four above, with eel- ."i „ kt good Int., closets, tt(. 'I'hls property is very con- k �" "/ variant fo schools, and ie m otin of the beet W.. � : ii IOcntuons in town. %Vill be sold entire, nr xt � the. tote divided, Terms reasonable. JObIN i L STEEP, Clanton. I ".A ALL'AkLI PROPERTY Poll, SALT..- - �r • ''1'h,tt',lost do,it.'thle property ,lust out- I 'LI .: Bide the colpoation of Clinton, on the Lon- Beat], lately, occupied by Rev. John ol Gray, and consisting of 14 acres, with good Theabo%ci•:,c11 n) !bc Goc•,htin'1;\vaalre,• the frame House. Barn and Stables, s,lendf(I 1 a best % c, N'ushln„• Machine .1.1( i s ct•cr nude. n il ” t A Its 6 , Orchard, and plenty O r et t of wntrr, ' le osiers f t. 1 Y d o wanted to ac e n • 11 th. m thi a ur t%' i,: �h n County Ii „ht can l''u' in 7 Bale. 1 et St(t Ile township, 1, Y the taxes bednne%ciUiont :usv inc.,n)emenre. `+anal far are low. very desirable property for t Circular. farmer who wishes to live retired, Will be J. I.. 11'1;11, sold on ren.souable'terins. .Apply for full Chatham, Or,tariu, particulars to THOS. EAST, Parkhill, ( ► Eiii-elks. �{iiltil farm FOR ;CALF:oilTHAW-sPLENUIll i Ftnrnl of 110 acres. el the Maitland 1'j' . c•essiol, ten• being lot 77 (loderieh townsbip, situated 1A luilea froin llollncsville, and foto; OI►pOvitc the 1 (►ct lllll(•c, miles from the Town of Clinton, The soil is 71 'vol cls loan, with a n , • , i i , !, ,y c %t ria 1 nt, spring The subscriber Ilvsire' to plunk the •loan• ct•cek running tln•olrgl' the ))]ace; also good ple of Clinton for• t licit• %wry laheral-patron• ] There is bon N w(1 6. ( n 7 n, res of bush, whfcll age in the past, nn d at the sable time lie is one of tilt) hest sugar bushes in the couu- w•ould intimate to th ('in that he hnsrenloved ty; also two h'nme Larns, one a bank barn, to the more eunvenient stand in Smith's TlOck, directly Opposite lite post Oflice Rtwframe 4orse.%Mble, with roon, for tel, Horses, also two gond bearing orebarris, be- wnlern be will be ]lensed to tmpp]y thein n' b Nix act's 177 Rn Oltf P all: fw0g00(1]Ogh011ees. with Iiread, Cakes, ete., of first slaw quality. Aboitt 45 seers se(Avd down. Will be sold \VI:DDING ('AICFB A SPECIALTY on llolm(syille reasotimble t4-nw-,. ALEX IIAUQUI1, 1'. t1. • I I nt d l rt 1 grad au s} h udid style. A. KING, ]lance,'. `_,I. '�yjy� I While �Br�U4U 111011mUHt r�l;. f11� j1P 1j7�1 Mount tH UU ➢1 DO ST. TIi011AS, ONTARIO. 1�'c• ,t , hat he only factory CIOr in Lhc Lo Y - i m}Wien. (hlr m:iteriitl is pure and fine, • i(i r;- and is endorser} by leading scientists ns I A'.. k. ,e , being - , ..4. . I u ^'xc�,: )rat i;tl 1g 1 t (1 ly imperishable. It can. I ; ::la-.<� not . ;$t - -. • •-• WA absorb inoigture and rousegtlently '. is ii �' lw r not affect.((I h}' Lhe frost., J. Baker, �+ I'.1... Edwards, Ph. D., D. U. 1 F. ., C, H., of t 1 -,4t? r` J -(i r , - ..shin - Montreal, I', Q., says its (�'reil-t„d ra• I. . . bility under all exposure to weather O. ;.' ' •• ” ,1• ),N-, and "storm is fully nssnred by its high "- ' ' quality. ht it is more durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appear- . ". `� ante from generation to generation, I ; know of no other material which is I ;. , ,, ,. _ equally capable of combining elegance . of form, beauty ofPnrfacc awlindelinite • -' n , ( (Inrability. ' Please ! call on or writeto onr agent at • L .. Clinton and nee designs and prices be. fore placing your order, , •• N. 114, GIFFIN, AGRN`I' CLINTON. np, Si% ^ Tnoru.ls Wni•rnt Baoxzi, MuNU- - - (;OINPANV, ST. THOMAS, ONi. i , -_- MARVELOUS 'MF;N7 �q��ea�t9'9�'��l° "EMORY DISVERY. 9 e+- -..�.. T�� *. • ,11111)P M = . = � 5 .;: , - �-� I . Tn t.+. `_ 6/ . . L S..,.04 ., `_ ' *ado 0 Q v 5 %� , , S ert_ C IM � . I .1111 S .�r e, i a 6,111111111911111111 ob TP I� P V P �� ^41111� CD6 R O" • } ent- Palled o O �". it