HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-22, Page 1U
tYhple Number 1•?A9 S
The Hungarian Band appeared in
Cardao's Hall on the 18th. Tiley
had a good audience.
CANTATA. — The cantata "Under
the Palms” given by the Noting folk
of the town under ;the leadership of
Mr T. O. Kemp, in Carduo'4 Hall on
Friday evening, the 15th, was -it high•
ly successful affair,
PERSONAL,—Mr Simpson of this
place has purchased the Central 1 -lo,
tel in Pat khill,,and will remove there
in a few w hI
_�,. , , :, ,". ;.ur"—rw.m,*';�.:.s..m,:— ..>, rr.. r r-.-ar`.--„..;n--.r-'.-rrrrc:.s^-- —7-41%-
Colborne. � Hullett.
NOTES.—Mr T. Morrish, Job Ed. The pupils of No. 7 are prepar
wards, John Sterlin , Henry Hay- I for a concert to be given in the bell
den and Tbog. Mite, ell, with their house.
famillea left on Tuesday of last week Mr Walter Hines ti making r
to Geek'their f„rtunes in Manitoba. paratiuuh to erect x new barn un
Ed. Young 'intends to go to Kincar•
(liner in a few weeks to pre,niaea.
Spring crop for his ,sister. Put
siJames Mr Jahn Young, of the 14th co
Harnwell, Alrs Robt. Young, near has been very ill for some time, '
Smith's hill, has been very sick for hope soon to hear of his recovery.
Some time; she is troubled with a The youngest Fon of Air John Ill
tumor. colds (short John) received a pain
eeics. egsrd Wm and Geo kick on leg from a horse, cne da
S roat, sons of AIr Wm Sproat of this I Stanley. last week,
place, who have been viyitin here Air Thomas Baird visited Ashfield The family of Mr W. Staples,
for a month past, left, for Aluren,M'an., 1 this week. He attended the funeral the 10111 con., have till been dow
last week, taking with them a, car of his wife's grandfather, ,Air McKay, with diphtheria, but we learn tha
load Of slf,ck and settlers effects, Mr who died on the 16th inst., at the ad- they are getting better.
Thos Sharp i as leased Mr John Beat• vanced age of 87. Mr -lam. Reynold, Sold his splendi
ties store on Main St„ and will open COUNCIL. — Council met on the general
out a grocery and provision stock, 16th inst , all the members present. ' lest, to Geo. Cox, of of Detro t�u for
Mr Jae Ireland has passed his final It was -resolved that Thos Ward be al sum in tole neighborhood of $450.
examination at Toronto, and is now a lowed to do all his statute labor be-
full pledged L,D S. tween Varna and River, and that 6Ir Thos, Noble, of the 2nd con,
SADDER Bur WISER.—AlrJuhu A, Jas Cooper be allowed to do big work who has be
seriouely ill for the pas
Rock, of Logan township; seco•id son between lots 5 and 6, con. 7. The sex ,weeks' with an rffection of th
of the late George, Rock, left here for auditors abstract was laid before the spine, id now lowly recovering,
Mobile, Alabama; about three months council and accepted, and the•elerk A wonderful occurrence
ago, for the purpose of entering into instructed to get 50 copies printed, On Monday evening, a young roan o
partnership with two parties in that The treasurer's bond was laid before this viciaitY,ate a comparatively large
place, in the lumber and saw mill the council and accepted. The coun• tea, and actually ate twelve large rat
business. AIr -Rock, on his arrival, cil adjourned to meet again on Satur- potatoes on a wager of 10 cents, an
paid over to his intended partners. day, May 250, at 10 a.m,, as a court then attempted to drink a quart n
41000 in good hardicash, and to his of revision and for othergerreral busi• I buttermilk. Such an occurrence neve
astonishment he discovered that on ness. GEo STEWART, Clerk. happened in this vicinity or was eve
the following day they both left the SUC'CFSSFUL ---hlr James Butchart, heard of before.
place, forgetting to leave the money. son of Mr. John Butebart, of the 3rd 13TH CON, NOTES—Mr Robt. Scott
r Rock left Mobile in disgust a sad- con, of Stanley, has succeeded in
g is wearing a very pleasant smile these
der but wiser man, and we understand graduating as an Al. D. at Pulte Col• days; be is entertaining a very dis-
is now on his way home, This is logo, Cincinnati. The following is tinguished guest, it is a bouncing baby
only one of the many iastances of from the Cincinnati Commercial Ga-
Yankee rascality practiced on young zette :—” Prof. Walton,of the Faculty, );til, Mebayssra I Lawrence and James
spoke a few minutes in a bright man- lawloey have finished drawing their
Canadians who go there. B sawlogs. Messrs J and T Husking
ELECTRIC LIGHT.—Ata meettn ner, preparatory to announcing that sold their fat cattle,last week to Mr J
g owing to the Closeness of the contest TewsleY, of Colborne ; they delivered
of the town council last week, it was of the Faculty prize medal, two stu-
decided to submit a by-law to the ,dente having each received 1(J,9 per thead in Goderich last Friday. It is
ratepayers for the purpose of r4ising cent. two medals had been a ardprl reported that there is going to be an.
to provide- for plant, etc., for one to two
s bad tee the other other dance on the 13th con. soon,
the lighting of the townbyelectricity: •to -Dc Ja'mes`Bti'tchart,'and"that ERef 1. Alld It �e,.o be hoped_,thai.. .the-illth_
It seems to be the opinion of a good° men were entitled et- honorable men- ' I"'Ys. getup a load, they -.will not utila
many that the by-law will not pass, tion,ha'ving received over 97 er cent." iz'� their vocal organa to so great an
and that the money would be better p extent as they did on the evening of
spent !n assisting some good reliable the ball,
man to take hold of the fax mill pro- _ Varna.
perty and pat in operation wich NOTES.--MiaS Mary Gibson and MR EDITOR—There has been a great
would give plenty of work to the la- .Mary Moffatt have opened out a dress amount of talk and wondering as to
boring Claes of the town. We also and mantle Shop, directly opposite who the correspondent is that wrote
require an agricultural im foment Air Proudfoot'stailorshop, Dq pVm, those briefs which appeared in your
P issue of March let, in the Hullett
works. A liberal bonus to a first- Dunaen has been laid up with a sore column. And to- judge from what
class establishment would be money throat for the, last few days, but we
better invested than b olein it in• hope to see him :around again soon. people Say there were three br four
Y putting implicated in the affair, Now it is a
to a system of electric light for town MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. — pu
g Friday burning shame a such io enlightened
purposes. y evening last one of the finest and well-educated section of country
FARMERS' INSTITUTE,—The South school entertainments that we ever as tile. 13th con. of Hullett; cannot
Huron Farmers' Institute opened at had the pleasure of attending boast of a person who is able to write
Seaforth; on Tuesday. Considerin took piace in the town ball, Varna, items for a local paper without the aid
the almost impassable state of the CODS!Sting Of Singing, dialogues, fn- of three or four others. Some of the
roads in this vicinity, there was .a strumental music, etc. The pro, persons who were hinted at in the
ggood attendance of farmers, Mr J. gramme was lengthy, but very inte- aforesaid items; were somewhat vexed
Hannah_lpresideni,occupied the Chair, resting throughout, The proceeds, .about it. Now it i
A'inost Interesting and profitable ad- amounting to over $13, will be de, s fooliah of them to
.dress was delivered by Prof. Robert- voted, to the purchase of pictures to allow their angry passions to rise over
decorate the school. The teachers such a mere trifid, and foolish as well
son on the.oubject of "Dairy,'arming , as unmannerly to speak of abusing an '
and the Care of Stock," in which he Mr McTaviab_and and Miss Blair, aged person, or a cripple, and we hope
also touched upon the benefits of en. took' ogramme, reat pains in preparing the •they will not Carry out their, threats
silage 14Ir Thomas E. I3sys; of Ale on our person, Yours, IvrCOL Fiss.
Killop also gave an interesting ad- •'—
G < Ev
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-dress _.__.... --- -- � � .. 1 I R rA I. —
on I i vitt
Th W _ ... C _ .. Fx .
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.very __ .ver
Fee success. ess-
„ to
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Stock h e Eert
k to Ii sin
Finish T. moot
o Gras I'le wig
'16 C res 'g min li 1� '
s, Mr Doi g has lnovad into the � . e d in 'the' '
of Tuckersmith, read a paper bra "Edi b°°se on the McDougall farm. ( school house of S. No• 5, on the even-
ucation as it affects the Farmer." Mr Calton, formerly of .Hullett ing of Thursday, 14th !Lat. Mr W.
These dere exhaustively discussed by 'has taken up his residence on the • S. Lawrence, teacher of No. I1, Gode-
those present. A very interesting place lately purchased by him from rie-h township, occupied the chair.
musical and, literary entertainment Mr Thos: Fleming, 15th con. The school room was tastily decorated t
was given in the evening; which was Mrs Dyke, sr., who has been euf er- With evergreens, etc. The proceed- r
well attended, there being present a ing for some time back, is rapidly Ings commenced about 8 o'clock, but
ggodlq number of the townspeople, improving. A previously health long before that hour almost every
---.f....�-._____ and vigorous constitution to ethos available seat was occupied. When
FOOT BALL.—On Friday of I
week the Clippers of No. 6 played
match with a team from No.1 Hull
which resulted in a draw, each to
scoring a goal. It will be rememb
I ed that the Mohawks of ,No. 4 w
the last match with the Clippers,
FARM SoLn,—The T:Ieoat Br
have sold their grass farm, at prose
occupied by Mr W. I,]coat, on t
2nd con. of Tu.ekeramith,°to Mr II
bert Crich, for x+5,700,. and they a
obliged to sell their stock cattlea
will sell either for cash or erred
•`rheyhave stock steers, heifers, farr
And new milch cows, Durham cart
eligible for herd book, etc.
.TOTES.—Mr Will Elcoat inten
this year to build a brick house
Iris farm ; be has not yet let the co
tract. Mr Herbert Crich is • one
the most industrious farmers of th
township, and if 'he keeps addin
sere to ;acts, as he is doing, will goo
be one of the wealthiest. The trice
ingsatTurner'schurch have practice
ly closed; much good bas been done b
them. Will Elcoat wears &smile a
big as a barn door; reason given els
Where. Some of on.- enterprisin
farmers have already commence
making sugar. bliss Rebecca Town
send has returned from her visit t
relatives in London. Some of on
teachers say if "pay day" don't son
come they' will have to follow th
example of others, and make An as
signment, We understand that a by
law is to be submitted for the sup
pression' of the school board at n
late date, The piece of'road in front
of Mr Broadfoot's is nobly`"standing
the Spring freshet. DIr Wm, Robb,o
Parkriver, Dakota, who has been re,
siding in this vicinity for Some time
past, is about to turn his face west-
ward again.
R, II. is again running the old mill
at full blast, and is doing up the logs
in good shape.
Probably it would not be out of
place to advise some of the Morris
boys, who attend the Harloek debat-
ing society, to drive easy going homr,
and save expenses,
A Very Interesting debate was held
in Harlock schoolhouse, on Wednes-
day night last week. The subject
was, "Resolved that single life is
more conducive to haPPineas than
married life." The a})eakingon both
sides was very good, but the negative
had rather the best of it. :text de-
bate took place on Wednesday night,
When each Spoke on A subject of his
Ovn choice. '
with a strong will, have an t, the in the hour arrived for the commence-
fiighting off'the monster disease. menti of the proceedings, order was i
est The trustees Of,S.S. No. 11 purpose Palled, and during the time the per. fi
p.PRESENTATION — Alt W. Fleury
was presented with a gold ring, by
his Sunday school bcbolars, before
a• his departure for British Columbia.
is FAREWELL — Good-bye skating,
rood -bye sleigh riding, gond-bye to.
•' bog(;auing; please pay us another
e visit in about eight months' time.
INDUSTRY.—A cid(r mill and ap.
1. ple butler irtduetry i, now being built
it in town. As 'here is no other in the
Y neighborhood, they will doubtless do
a rushing trade.
1300DIING,—Most of the employees
Of at the Union Factory have been put-
n ting Ili a quarter of day over time,
t for the past few weeks. It looks tta
though trade was flush, does it not 7
d AUCTION.—The auction sale at
Y McCormick's boot store was largely
A attended on Saturday evening, tie the
hoods sold at a remarkablyilow figure.
, The proceeds amounted to a good
t sum.
e EXEAIPT'ION, — The town fathers
"happened have granted AIr W. J. Chapman ten
ye,irs' exemption from taxation, as
f he Is about to greatly improve his
e tiaunery, and will employ a larger
v staff of hands.
d ENJOYMENT.—Oue of the Sunday
f school teachers of the English church,
y last week hired Black's large band
sleigh, and took her Scholars fair a
r sleigh ride, which was duly appreci-
ated by the young fraternity.
GOOD. r•OR THE DR,—If all our
citizens were as enterprising as is Dr,
Chisholm, Wingham indeed would
soon be a city, as be contemplates, in
fact he has already given the contract
for the erection of fifteen houses, dur-
ing the coming summer,
A SUOOESTION,—The' new by-law,
regarding building within the fire
limits, is good, and we would also
suggest the appointment of a sanitary
Inspector, as we think quite a num-
ber of places in Wingham need to be
inspected by such- an official;
WHAT -THEY SAY.—The people of
Wingham believe in an Advance,
therefore it is they encourage the .
Times, The same may be said of the
Hamiltonians, they striving always
to keep up with the Tinted, heeding
not theidleSpectator•. The people of
Toronto are enterprising, believing
there to be more scope in a Globe
than merely an Empire, and the Citi-
zens of Clinton rejoice in a NEW ERA,
rather than a past Recor(i.
our. -town a certain double tenement
house; one end is occupied by Mr
McIntyre, of the firm 'of Gordon &
McIntyre, and the 'other end by i
French Joe (I do not know big other
name). On- Friday night last the h
wife of Mr McIntyre gave birth to a k
young Son,. the same night, and ill. a
most the game hour the wife of p
French ,Toe gave birth to a daughter, a
ltather.a strange coincidence, is it
not? However, we wish him much F
J OY ti
... •
A , -_.
:1 s b-
ad thing oc ar-
red here last week, the circumstance to
being the arrest of J. Marshall, who to
had become deranged in his mind, all
He appeared to have the impression lie
hat a certain womv, with a loaded gr
evolver, followed him wherever he th
went, in order to take his life. Un• as
der this delusion he left big bed, and pr
fqr a greater part 'of the night was OP
wandering the streets, with no cloth.. du
ng on whatever.' He is about thirty-
ve years of age, and for a long time
ItO , T,' HU1.J11'.S, P;1l-li:;Iw,
1 j�l.�iU u your ir, 11,1 <m,u,
W ingballi Holruesville. ---
A MIRACLE,—A certain lady of Dir James Ford ie erecting a pew �LYTLA •
town tells the following for a fact. stable on his premises, I i'r:A(+i►EIt. __.
Of course, if your faith is weak you An ngAi,ranl teacher is
hlra J. S. Fisher, who }las teen; advcrueed fnr, (,n ti,r•,CI,„nl r+,wnaou
need not believe it. A friend of illi, ailing for some time is somewhat ly koonu a, U,,,n,;tn'• ,(•hoot house,
Said lady's had four children ; when better,
they would vex her she would say, fThis is a yr -r} i; :"d Ci,wrtry school,
Mr J. R. Holmes left un Tuesday I and will be a 1' l cl,a:..�;: for it female
" You little frog, you," etc., lout al. last for the North Went pith a car teacher.
ways began and, wound up with load of horsed,
"kuu little frog, you." By and by i Clit:R('H -No" ---),, s 11, .l Thu -
9, Bessie %Vade a blind lady ' maspreach(d in the I.r,i-;•ul,tt! Church
she was blessed walla fifth child, from Port Granby, is visiting her last Wedne,d:ty ,+ver.i; ,;, ,which he
and on the back of the little one was lnei(�e, Mrs E. C:. Cuurtice, of our I intend i to ,)„ ,1
written, (believe me, reader,) "Call village, uric i• Lt;nt. Dlr J,
not thy children fro r ," i-labldrlc hu- I, ,4(n. :t r'!asa in the
6a It was a Our new shoemaker has u+,t yrt, ar• 1 rvsbyteriar, r';i: •�,.;i,,o,
lesson she never forgot, oleo, a miracle
rived, N'e regret this its some of our l,r:A,rlr_ 11, .;s''�. 11. t.rni AI.
in modern days. - So ends the story. shoes need repairing iu or(lar toex- Youn; ,seri or.tt, •l ;,.
(From another correspondent) elude the water which is unusually ` till ev b tl , ,t .. I's,k' ' t, on
A BIG SUM.—W. F. bulmage plentiful. y - . •l L ,l'thr father
Lieut, C'o►, Wm, Poor,•!, "h•i ha,t
Co. have pgrchased a stallion from a l+'ruin another correspoutlu"t• attained the ri;r.• nGe „f' 0 y�a,� Ile
firm in New York, for which the ( ADDRESS, — Prof, Robertson, of was a man hell ir: ti,a ,r;rr ue
paid the handsome sum of $7,000. Y Guelph, gave us an address, in Swarts' respect, . ` ]ro,l
NOT SOLD.—The British Hotel was Hall, on Wednesday evening of this BASE BALI, - k trl0&ti1lg u,is held
not sold on Thursday last. The bids Week, on farming, how to make it in hlilne's hutel,r,ik 11'adnesday even.
were few and small, coussquently the pay' etc., speaking and answering ing, for the purpo-e of organizing a
property will be again ofared for Sale questions for one and a half hours. base ball club, when tl,,• following
at no distant date. The few that were present were de• officers were elected l'rpi,,? 11 }Cells;
TIME BY THE FoaEl,ocg. —The• lighted; those that were absent hissed Sec, W Davis ; T'rea C klodginK ;
fire compangiatend having games in Field C.aptainJOrn,in':,;C,'uuu,rinee—
Wingham on the 24th of allay, ails CRaAatF.RY.—A meeting for the S H Gidley, Joe C':trtr+, J Etilig1l F
among the sports will be a base ball coneideration of forming a joint stook Tanner, J Ross. • It 11h dvcided to
tournament; for -first prize, $100 • for company, to operate the A]ount Plea- call the club 016 llun,:I ; ;!ars and to
second, $50, We think the Clinton sant Creamery, was held in Swarth' make the adnki=situ f', c, 23 Cont,, the
club 11q&�1 better practice up, and tgake Hall, on Wednesday last, A rrisjori;y same as other years•
an effort to secure one of these pri s of those present were in favor of SoclAl.,—Tho 5•, ,1ndrew'd church
FutE.—A bout 2 o'clock, on Tine- forming a company, and a committee Hopeful Gleaners social cattle off last
day afternoon, the planing mill,• was appointed to see what could be Thursday, and was (cell -patronized.
owned by Watt & Little, was discov- done in that line. The lunch, which was -served in the
ered to ,be on fire. in a very few NOTES—Our blacksmiths Ippear to basement, was very nieo, Tie enter•
minutes the fire company was on the have a full Supply of work on hand. tainment was held up stair's is the
scene, but the fire, which had only Mr Wm, Pickard, who bas been laid church, the President occupying the
burned a few ebingles on the roof, up for a few days, in around again.— chair. The Itevs Alessra Tonge„
was extinguished before the company We learn that Dir Geo Lavis is on Thomas, McLean and Simpson were
arrived. the sick list, Although Mr James present. After the programme had
NEARLY A BLAZE.—On Thuraday Graham has moved to Clinton, there been partly rendered, Pev Mr Simp-
evening ]Bat J. McDonald, of the appears to be as mucli�ur,aLalliag son addressed the mooting on, Trifles,
Royal, was entertaining a few invited around as ever, espaeiully on Sunday. showing how little things had lead to
guests, and while the company were Mr -Coo, Youn6blut left for Simcoe great discoveries. On the whole the
satisfying the inner man, smoke was O° Wednesday; we Sympathize with lecture was proauunepd by those pre -
seen issuing from an, adjoining room. the fair one lie has left behind. Mrs ,hent as excellent. The Rev Mr
Upon closer examination it was found Holdeeworth, has gone on a visit to Thomas then said a few words of en -
that the 'paper upon the wall had Leeburn,. with-bersister, Mrs Cook, couragmetit -to *3 Gleaners, �i fler '
caught fire from a defective stove who has
been visiting here lately,— which theremainder of the programme
pipe• The blaze was extinguished We learn that Mr Potter is about to was given, A vote of thanks was then
after a few pails of water bad been quit the beef peddling; what will we given to the participants. Tile re•
Bpplied, The damage done was slight, do for beef then ? Don't stop, Tom. ceipts of the evening were $36,
$RIEFS.-Sam Curry, foreman of Mr A. Halstead has tapped about 200 l'VIISONAL.—Miss Anne Moffatt i -z
the paint shop in Ki, foxes chair maple trees this al,ring, and will like• visiting in Baden this week, Miss
factory, in seriously indisposed, but ly have a good supply of syrup for Maggie McLean talcinig her school
we hoe soon to bear of his recovery.Salo soon ; make a taffy pull some still she comes back. bliss Snell of
On Thursday evening last a lare night' Ab, and ask everybody. The Wingham, is visiting at the residence
number of our young people Spent a sermon preached by Mr T Mureb, on of R, Brownlee. Illra John Gosmaii
few pleasant hours at the residence Sunday evening, A as based on 2Kings is at present in ralt, at the funeral
of Findlay Anderson, in East Wa- , vi, 5 ; the text was rather a singular of her mother, Mrs Shepard, We waaosh. DI•r F. MCLaughlin now 0ne, yet a good many lessons were are pleased to' see that Mr and Mrs
holdsahe position of foreman on the, drawn from it, and the sermon was Emigh are both 'able to be around
Advance, in the place of Will plenty; a good one. . �T again. I y John Mof ltt has returned
Frank is an energetic and'.reliable from Chicago, where he has been in
oung man, and will have no trouble Ailbil.rn' this interests of the Tablet Aird Tick-
s filling the. vacancy in that office. SURI'RISF,—The Rev J. R. Isaac t Company, of that place. We are
The base bail fever has struck Wing• and wife being absent from home, the pleased to see the s>rtiling face of Dir
am, and efforts are being made to other day,on returning were surprised RObt. Drummond again in. our midst,
eep the old players in town. While 'o find that representatives of Dony- MT George Stewart left for Manitoba
Josephine street barber was b' - brook appointment' had brought a this week. DIr'1T, Dwyer, of Detroit,
Q large quantity of oafs for the horse is in town this week
on Saturday evening free shaves and other supplies for.bousohold use. father; . \Ire Curti visiting big
rad hair cuts were a prominent Rea- Such kindness is no doubt fully ap- this week, visitinr;.l is
ore. On Sunday evening last Rev: Lpreciated by our esteemed pastor., ,_ _ L; races, Captain ,J..Iiuiu left
ether Healy deliaered a lecture, en- s
t1' lrorF — this
ed s.
Memories of the day•se cele• Mr It,It..Sallowe,of Gode week for 1luffslD io prepare his beat
rate --r" tneleeiure was eery enter'- rich, will give his popular dissolving -
.for -etre co- -- ;en on , bliss Elder
ning and instructive, a5d was lis. view entertainment in the Presbyter- who has been r•i , aS(1tjijg her br:i El e r
sed to by a large and •intelligent fan church, this (Friday) evening. A, Elder, for the path month, left un,
dience. The St. Patrick's concert, Messrs I:obt. Sprung and Jag. Clark Thursday for ]ter hurne near'I'orouto,
Id on.Tuesday evening last, was a left on the morning of the 19th for Miss Ida Stewart i rl-itlr;7
very respect, and Manitoba friends in
and success in with a car load of horses. Luckuow thi; week. AIr Henry
e audience expressed themselves Samuel Marshall ]eft last week for whoa er left this n•eelc t'or Michigan,
being highly delighted with the West Toronto Junction, where he In. where he has becti engarpd to worl-
ogramme. A,W,Websterhasagthe tends working for the summer, Robt. Tiri, SICx.—Dir I'. IIotvar<f, who
ened out his tailoring establish• Gott of St, Helens, but formerly of has bean cor.Fin••d to the hotise for the
est, which will hereafter be con- .this place, bas again removed hig last few days, is able to be around
(tied by Webster & Co; familY here, where he intend•, to re- again We re i
a , erecting a bell tower on their school ormance was in progress the beat of has been keeping batch, in a house Jitnburn,
ett, house, and placing a bell therein, order prevailed. An excellent pro- near WlDgbam Junction, earning a SOCIAL,—The members of Kinb
am They have ordered A very fine bell gramme of dialogues, recitations, and livelihood chiefly by chopping, He appointment of Londesboro Metho
er- weighing 340 lbs., and let the job of musical selections, rth vocal and was taken to Goderich on Wednesday church held a social Iast Friday ev
on building the tower, so that after a instrumental was gone through with, last, ing,in the Kinburn Temperance H
while the will each member taking part. performing and bad a profitable as well As pl
y 1 have the beat school , ' '� GTE,,—F s ]
os bell in the township, 1.}9"at, her part in a very creditable gg•, ]( per doz, The ant time. Ileo James Livingston
nt SCHooL E' NTERTAIN,1rsNT.—One of °1a#lneh It. is needless to particu city restaurant has received its first Clinton, delivered ashort and instr
be the very best and most enjoyable larize, as"A11')4aI well, The teacher, 'hfpment of bananas. The Salvation jive address, and also favored
He school entertainments given to this Mr J. H. Loweiiicertainly deserves Army officers have moved, into the audience with two vocal solos. T
section was the repeated one given credit for the ma$ner in which he Beaver Block ;never mind, Jim, bet- gentleman .seems to .a favorite, a
d in S S. No, 17, on Friday night last, succeeded in getting up such a good ter luck next time. Quite A number we would say rightly so, .Rev
an The building was more than full, programme, and carrying it to a sac- Of Salvationists took in the banquet Torrance, of Walton
cessfnl issue. and ,jubilee in Teeswater, last week. terestin address to thgave
noun very
ow every available space being utilized, There were more left Wingham.laet which we hope they will remora
]e and many being unable to gain ad. I3ayficltl. week, for the west, than any onb week and live up to. The pastor,
mission.. The school room had peon NOTES.—Mlee Phillips has gone to Zoite a number of Rogers, was present and made f
tastily decorated wish evergreens, and for months.
ds at 7.30 sharp the London,.to attend Helmuth College. Young people tripped the light fan- pleasant remarks. The choir of t
ori P programme Com. Revival meetings are still continued tactic at Mac's, last week ; also at Itlr church rendered some good sic
mended, h took just two. hours to in the Methodist church, Sugar Herdman's; ata ball in Wawanosh, the chair was occupied b Air
n- get through the first part of the ro
of P making is all the go in this vicinity and lastly in Zetland. But three Stevenson. The S.S. Y
gramme, and the second part took now. We are sorry to hear that Mr children recti
is equally as• long. We cannot begin barbers in town now, as Air Knapp ed free entrance, and were there
gJohn McLeod is ill. The Literary has closed up his Shop, Dir ;Nates is trill force, ,and •deserve special me
n to enumerate all the pieces on the Society meeting, last Friday evening, moving ftom the rooms abfive bis tion for their good order
programme, but will say that from g , sad attentto
t- was well attended, We understand store, into A house opposite the Con. ---
1- first to last it MIS in an ad- there will be a concert held in the gyegationa] church. Our banqueting biingannor+,
mirable manner, and too much credit town ball soon, house (the cooler) was full on more The remains of the late Mr.
cannot be given those, particularly CARNIVAL. — The carnival last than one occasion during the past Ston s Joh
°. the young ladies, wbo assisted in get' P (nee Cousins) `Ile P. O,, we
ting up the entertainment. �mong Thursday, wound up the skating, so week. The Union Factory has made interred in Dungannon cerhetery, la
g the latter were Miaset Izzard, Wight far as thio season is concerned. There heavy shipments of furniture of late, Sabbath:
d man, Churchill And Lindsay, who Was (suite a large number over from Some of Wingham's talent will take - DIr Peter ('ante
contributed very much indeed to its I Clinton, The ice was in splendid part in a Forrester's concert held in ton, of Ashfield
° condition, and everything passed oft' Whitechurch, to=night (Friday).— passed through the village with h
success. The violin selections of I ( Y1•— furniture, family etc., on Monda
r Messrs McCulloch Aarinksen and I pleasantly. The prizes were awarded Several families are prevented from last, Ott hr's way to 7.ucknow statin
n as follows :—Lady's fancq, costume moving into town, owing to the scar- where be boarded the train on Tues
Dyke wore much appreciated.' 1VIr I Miss Lillie Elliott entleman's Fane' city.of bouges, The staff of life can day, for Manitoba.
e Lawrence is to be congratulated on I g y
basin such a sceool section and the costume, Air T. Bing; comiccostume, be obtained in Wingham at :ic. per A friendly debate between the i3O
section is to be congratulated on have I
A. Stalkerfast skating, ,.Dugs P. can Clinton beat that? The U.
ing such a good and efficient teacher, Hattie Forden '(Clinton) and Mr Cl, • R has the windowi of an [empty Cr, T. Lodges of this place and St
° The •total proceeds of the entertain. i Eaw.in. . store, in the cefftre of the town com- Helens took place, on Tbursda , 1•1t
menta were over'$40, which• will go I I:XPOSURE,—In this week's Record pletely. filled up with their. advertise- l inst., subject, "Resolved that the per.
ments• Mr Hazelwood, of Wroxeter, has achieved greater victories the
f towards the purebaseof a school bell, there is a paragraph that shows up who supplies most of Wingham with the sword." The affirmative, whit
--�•— the correspondent of that p per in flour, .has bought a mill in Clifford Was supported by St, Helens Lodge,
11i ll's Green. his true colors of sneak and s cow , gained the victory, Chairman of the
BETTER, — The man friends of { , because he uses his [nosing thereto next moritlo The de t Mr T. H. Alton 'Belfast.
aid. A sneak gap made in the Advance Office b on,
"Belfast, 1;mroa K. Troyer will be pleased I Privilege as correspondent to stake W, Y fie congregation 1
to learn that she is rapidly recovering an untruthful and slanderous attack I', is n s departure for l'.load a g gation of the Episcopal
from her recent serious illness, on one whom he dislikes, A coward B. C., is now filled up, A load of , burob, Dungannon, assembled at
MARRIAGE.,—Mr John Wilds, of wood got completely stuck 'on the the Parsonage, on Friday evening
because while big name is not genb- front street, on Friday last, Clinton last, as a surprise party. An address
Bayfield, was married to one of Hill's rally known, yet he knows full well
Green's fairest maidens, Miss Mary that if it were, his abominable trash has but two restaurants, Wingham was read, and they presented their
J. Higgins, eldest daughter of our would be assigned to the position that has four, and Wingbam comes one Pastor, DIr Carey, with a quantity of
be himself occu p ahead in the bakeries, ileo; Clinton oats and det;etables, and Mrs Carey
ppopular°townsman, Mr, Jas Iliggins: pies in the eyes of his has but one photograph with a beautiful has in I im They
The happy couple left for their tf tlure fellow citizens. He pleads ignorance Wingliam has two, each doin ak,e1, pyl "' t everting
home in Milton, Dak., on the 12th, I of the English language ; we A ree g than had tea and A g
The beet wishea of the entire com- with Lim on that g Wingbam need's another Methodist wai spent before returning home,
munit point, but we church, or one of larger dimensions An entertainment was held in etre
Y hm with them, strongly object to him classing the than the, present one, As it is not Methodist church, on Friday evening,
DOUBLY PRosPr•,ROt ,5,—The nu'm- rust of the hayfield ptoPIe with him• large enough to seat all who attend. ]r;th Inst., under the auspice ofth
erous customers of our enterprising; self. He speaks of "Prominent, citi- p e
blacksmith will receive an agreeable zeas containing little sense a Jess Iiev H. Mceluarrie will take for bis W. ill, S, The audience was enter -
surprise, for he is about to reopen Lia evening subject, on Sunday next, twined with music by the church
togic." No doubt lie refers to him- "Miracles." Wingham's two papors choir, recitations, speeches by ladies
shop which has been closed recently self And one or two of his boon com- are printed by hand power : wilt they of the Society, bearin on missionar
to enable Mr G, N. Hill to properly panions, as those citizens who ate g y
celebrate the arrival of a bouncing ueuallq considered "prominent" oa• ever come up with the hub, and have work, and music by Miss Berry and
sees o P steam ? The toboggan slide, whicl, Ji iss Afallen, of Lucknow. The en•
pair of twin blackemiths'Rt his house god souse in the higbest .degree.{
which htrs Hill presented him with We are sorry we had to use this vale- I �agrq'Iuilt on,85 shares,, tR'0 or three tertainment wag quite a success, Rnd
on fhb 5th Inst. At last ace able gPRco, bot when ado shows his 1 Y g°, ha beet, closed during the there k no doubt but the Society, al•
both mother and boys were doing s teeth
th�ct] �hlt pr°v°cation he must 1 butcher dWhoie id not make hi4qOn, Our espp n ante sSaottgei tR diAtles eeegnnivzed ervNnlueh °ir�te•
I on Saturday last ; how is that, friend:' rested in'fhe work,
side in tile future. L ire, to eatu that miss
_ Annie Kelly is or; the ,ick list, but
1elii lot►. hope to soon see t:c; an;and again.
urn We regret to tomo that irr Joh"
dist DFA'l if. ---Another respected resi- Magee is very sick, arid ifs; hp is an
en- dent of this township has passed old man, there i:1 not much hope of
all, away, iii' the person of Mr James his recovery, 'tilr 1),cvid 1)orranc-
Sas- Dorrance, of the 5th con. Ile was a returned t , to::•ri n•,('-, ; -) ,.,.,
native of Ireland, and one ofthe early mence cutting up tllc, pork,for A7es,ra
uc• settlers of this township. He had, Mckinnon & 1',rvell r loin , i+� had
the fcr a number of years, a,lump on his to return home, howovcr c.ri accoan.
his check, which lately developed into a of the illness Df his brutlicr, but ex --
Mrtumorous cancer. The remains were poets to be able to return this week,
conveyed to their last resting place We are glad to gee MrGeo. King, Sr.
In. on Wednesday. who has been laid up v,iti, an airec-
le, ENTERTAIN3tE2N'r. — Tile Literary tion of rho head for the grist two)
her Society Of S. S. No, 4 held their en- weeks, is able t , l>u arnan,.l Again.
Ur tertainment. on friday evening last. h1r Stater is ua tho >,ie.k 1;-J. AIrs '
eW The attendance was large, consider• denktn,v la at pre -„r,+, ;; ,fl'_ril;g frons
he ing the bad state of. the roads, and sickness, •
rad con n ter .1 ttra ctions. The programme '
R was all that could be desired the BRIEF NOTI'�. A inn', way down
v pieces were all spicy, and rendered in street created , littlr+ cs(�t(+ Ont in
in good style, showing that.No, y pos. town this week. ilr '0_ ;'['Dore tu•
n- sesses considerable literary and mu• tends leaving l'nr l'Onnvylvanfa'short-
n sical talent, which the Literary So- lY to push his f,trtune. - My I;, %Lt-
ciety has done much in developing, son shipped Away •t fine car load of
The excelient order throughout the cattle last- week Chir;; 1)A�;s wit()
n- entire procoedings was rematked bol Was so. severely h,lrt last weelr,is able
re many, The proceeds amounted to to be around ag.(in ,without the use of
at 520, and the members of the Society crutches. (Zuilr' A number ]eft here,
are to be congrattilated on the success on Tuesday last, for Dianitoba and %
with which their Efrorts were crowned, other points, by the cheap excursion
d, ------------•.•.�. _ . -_ on the (3. T. It. .l tarty was held at
is Tne following story is told in the Mr R. Dlutch's r^sir once this week,
Y St, Catharines .News:—,%n Aged Ger- when the light frintastie was tripped
n, man woman riving the name of Mary .When
the wee mina' hours, Messrs
Brown, aged 68, And bailing from Stater & ,Sims are busy making pre.
Waterloo, who has been idPtUe cit partitions for their btrilding to be
for some time? called upon the writer erected this aumrner. lir Win. Mc
today. She SAYS that at the invita- Elroy, our town Cooper, has made
b tion of her sister-in-law, of Wi❑ ham over 20,000 apple barrels this season,
n Htiron ounty, she purchased tickets A Select party was held Rt the resi• "a
n for herhelf and daughter for that place dance Of Mr D, 11, McKinnon, on
h about three months ago. Upon their Tuesday evening last all present
arrival at Blyth the daughter, who is seemed to enjoy themselves immense -
a stout young woman of 20, was in- ly' lytirties seem to be .all the rage
duced by,an intoxicated man to leave now, one was held at the residence of
her mother and accompany him in a Mr James Mains, a couple of miles
waggon to some place in the country. from town; a number of vill;ape people
The old lady says she has not seen her attended, and they who walked t.ho
daughter Since, and would be glad of distance In twenty-five minutes gays
any informat]on respecting her,which it
,was A euceess.
might be addressed to this office. _...---
Tbe girl goes by the name of Mary Coming l,vent"4, . .
Brown. She wore a black hood, old. '
fashioned gray cloak, white and red Ilunbarian .ilan(1, ,l,own 11,111, Clitt.
spotted dress, white mitts, and had a ton, Marcia 2Ist. o
bundle of clothing etc, The old lady scotch Hocial, Willi,. ('1111r(h, March
says that her daughter "is not exactly 22n(l•
right in her head,” and sbefears that llenlgollgb. Trow» mill. A1,r•il ,ill.trouble has befallen her, I)arryintiid's Nocial,'f',+«r, 11,111, Ali.
—�--, •�.—. t•il 11ih.
Bennriller. _. •_ _
CHURCH REr.itRR,—At a meeting Spritr;;ewl,utirti " .
of the C6" regation of Benmiller Me _
thodist Church, held last Monday South Irurnn Aglq,lllt,u•.a1 tyr, ir
evening, it was resolved to put the ,lirucciicld, «'ednos la3•. ,�pri,ty, at
I 17,
building under thorough repairs:-• Stopholl and T%bm, • a1 1;%r1,p,
raising ceiling, plaster afresh, paint, Wednesday, April 11).M1replace stove by furnace, eta Fgti•
mated coat of about ; loft, ❑early $200 Colbornd At lir,, .11--t. r, \1)1,11 1rltll
of which was subscribed on thea ot, l;ast tvawan,n:h f it. 1 ;ra,,. 1Ce,l
Work to be commenced immediately, "c"'lay' April 17.