HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-01, Page 8,.e•=..,��,,..•...m..-,�,.....:-...�,e.............�_�,..,....�. ._....- .... --... _� .�.. ..._.. _ ,s,,,�,�,,�.,.Y.,.,,._ .-_.•.,��- � w.�.- T-"-�+.'-- .•^-�---^1...w.-�•.�--ane•---'--. r'---. .. - _. ro ^ 6 1 T+1NG TBVXS BY BLF4a. Thom its a g eat deal'•,o _lo-. t TRIO! T. mwe in rQ�i life,. 14IattTi a� Ito- MA egg t►y is , . a MAR A11,�a tt. _�:: !1� ljgh t 13- �.... .i' c� - I slit two ineh'es wits i q f �;endror a highly educated "Gel- a apt vQ, Det s I t .. h i longi r his portal+tit w rigged ail r I UAV ISB -ithet•to mapb%pe� fat' falling tnan, uli beerworking Lie a fits tin it;oqgrafti'pt; so tla:tt it wartld �hotrt j 0�,� H,j�d MESS a OR tress have been.driv n by steam baud near Norristown, Pa. A t1. k 11%�11PERY 1111 A thI oug) the slit u V L 1 V n Wer, but this feN tr p � o oils .fila R! �Q 1 is sometimes In- dais also :tri uncle ficin In g bein- touched, and then if] }tett convenient, especially in thick Allentown, 1?m, died and left Le. ° • , AliceBliss,n Luedium from Buston . woods, and electric power has sondes X100,000. It give a seance is his house.I I•ecQntly been adopted in the Wbt n he supposed the spirit of (alalioian forests.. Usually in It is It ndteworthy cireunistance the Little Dalby had crossed the such machines the truck is sawed, that while the female population J �-'- "lrut in this case it is drilled. lip lino, he touched the spring;. But > of Boston is much greater- than it turned out that the s it It was When the wood is of a, soft nature the Mille Population, the statistics p Stockat0o.91the drill haA a swee tart 1 only hulf-ttay cross and she re- Whole p motion of marriage blow that exactly as reived a eremertdoux thump. 1lisc and cuts into the trunks means many woman as ulcu-to wit of cutting edges on its sides. The 5,421 --were married in the Cita Blit -is is now nur�in� itw injuries. ° shill is actuated by an elocltic last year. A peculiar case of tvhol@Hale ^'-"-coo x)isoning;, which nearly proved Thcro hais been s0 much blowing and ad'vertisirr f .1 tnotpr mounted on a ca1.riag;e, 1 g great sales and bi which is brought up,,Close to the I Prof M. L. Bussey is nuw the fittal, is rel)urted fui•ni thv Morn• bargains, that we have decided to give the people a GENUINE COS tree and shackled to it. The wizard of Edison's old 110,10, antiII ings4le sr.buol,Sionx C }13-Thusday PRICE SALE. Our goods are all new and well bought from firs motor is capable of turning round I has been tinkering with old clocks i rn ,ening; :t pl ell i it, odor issued class wholesale houses. We have no gigantic lif its vertical axis, and the drill is 3 t frauds to offer, nc for eats until he bas simplitiod a from a closet where the seli(hlrs do we purpo§e to caech the people by giving them a little cheap co gealel to it in such a n:annor, I contrivR11ce whereby .t hotel of', kept their wraps, A flu• cup had ton and making; it up ort other ;roods, Lind we have no chew) tras that it Carl turn through an are aft 000 1.001116 Way havo the aecurate fallen into a buck(•t Viltitaining( `+ l 1 f'rorn the Toronto Anution Roomy to make a blow with, but out• good a circle and make it sweeping cut time ill 0t cry apartureut by a, liot ashc::, anti was se,u.in� ofl are All New Staple Goods, just what the people want, and we wi. iutothetrunk. 'The first out made system Of electric wires couuec- 'c'loulls of smoke. The teacher l;ivethemtheg;uodsat cost without the drill is advanced a few inches ted with a dynamo indicator ill s acted to remove the bucket, but reserve. and another section, of the wood the office from which these wires wits overl)owered by the smt,ko. Full Lines in GEN DRY GOODS CLOTHING removed in the same way until will run to caocks in the rooms Of- Twenty of the pupils were made & , the trunk is. half severed, It ie the guests. The Professor- has deathlsick =trill linable to :11'i.e TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS HATS then clamped to keep the cut from made his elec.ti•ic clock so simpto alone.' The door teas opene 1 :inti � :� closing and the operation contipu• that it can be 1.1111, he says, for a the fresh air revived the pupii: so CAPS and FURS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS tad until it would be unsafe to c•o small sunt. far that they could get out doors CARPETS ALL AT COST. About 3,00( on. 'The remainder is finished b • " where they lay on tho �g;roun.d in rya d lady missionary of tiro fres agony. The children were made Pairs of B OTS,' SHOES, RUBBERS & OVER• a hand saw or an axe. be cur- b terian Church in India has to drink freely of fresh milk, and SHOES at prices never heard Of 1 '� rant is conveyed to the motor b y . Y n thl,. insulated loads brought through written an entertaining book at the end of t lrrce hours; all had the forest from a generator placed about the habits ru,d. customs of recovered sufficiently to be taken town betore. '15ti some convenient site, the people. She is responsible home but were weak. It is sup- S:Ive Money by c0min(r to a Genuine Sale, 14'c moa for the statement that when a posed that poison was emitained-in n business. native wants to take a railway the Coloring matter of theses) and Searle'6 L'lot k, rr �'m �r t GRAVE AND GAY, Y 1 Clinton _ PLU�I�T.EFL � GiIBBING� train ho neves thinks of consult- that it was Not free by the barn• ®- •'{Y fag a tinio-table but goes to the in-." a Its all right to have cra.lrl( I station and traits patiently until + notions,if a man can turn thorn to gk good advanta-c. the next trifid Coutes along;, which A casoot'Intorest b)scbrwl teach- I , s; may not be until next day. The ehers, pupilH.parents, an(hfi'nstces ' ' was trtetl befbrc Poli(•(+ llagi.,t rate `rho intimate fl•iends of the ; natives clearly d0 nut know any. „w family are not always the ones who come immediately t0 relietc; thing; Of' the; Atncriellit habil of Beacon at Brooke lle,on Thursdat• ' going ill a hurry. It appears that on mi Adliv, I�eb. them when they aro in distress, Ilth, Leslie Iiowill:m, a })ttl)il of It is all right the talk abot t' A warrant }s wit for tbo arrest Nrn•t1I Aut,'usia sehool, during a I short. llbserrco of tltc tenellor. Mr champion sprinters, but if yrou I (>f rt man earned l:dtv:trd Wilt•reu,' ` wish to see the record broken start I on a horrible charge. - lie is (7ondel, from I he cla-i,• roonr,kissed (r t1. 111,,,•f;.rle 11orre51, line (,t' the -nod- "hl.l, Ihls is nwx fire great ( llcstl(1 111 1110,pO1111CA1 al'C'Ita Ul (iarl.AdLi a running account with the g;r0cer I Clla1'`ed tt ith carnally knutving i 1 11 or provis,rgp dealer, fur-year•ol,I duug;hter of ,lIr ( looking; pupils, alteluptod to kiss tho people of Londesburo'und surrounding Country are asking Itti`ncel'e Clarke, tailor, VallSittart aventw, t 'tvthor.ntiiluctl.lnnie llcAnin)nntl (;111 i fret the best talar+ for my money'?'r There is 1t man, ill rho wurl't , bated "John Iiuldtcin f'rnul his ii who may dic too soot,. Ilia nanie livoodstock. Warren, who is also 1 y [ Ic tt and pmu•hed hila, kil'icked a Q �- 1! ie.Bjsm;trcli. Ile ma • die before ! Li tailor, eonit) to \Voodstoc'k, stud ^)o3- Ltamud ('htlrcLail.l•.c:. t},)•.fl, ii'. ;-_ porium. ho-has•been rrlazle to'rerth cthat'knotvint; l tall.+�; �eciu(1 li tCOW M.-. ....._,__ tad jour ,tktl oft' him, :ani ill 1tl_e,l ���-��� $�11 he doesn't own the cart'), I ment front him. , It wlts nutiee(I I : l 1 that hu took a g 1-viit dioni of notice.' ut other disorderly coudu t For Health journals insist upon re- Of' i111r Ularkc's little girl, but al.• all this scrics of infrillgoil crit of 1?PsinKOn the right stele On1Z', ul�c! thour~h soma suspjcioua citct>ii): sehool discipliee, the lenchol. "live 1Vhich is well supplied with claim t.h:it it is injurrons to lie nn -" "' hon a tehi gin'*onr"tiw h'o-tr+els tail}) ze ctanccs transpired, not}ting was Pp �- - . -. _ .. , . . FALL NR DODs both sides, but ate don't lieo n scan •it r the matter until the the regular rubber strap. His Iwhere they will fiat, a llealthiet•� chilli showed sympfums ofa dig -handy were Hligrhth- swollen, uric] ,,k lool(irig set of men than l:itejors• case not eurnn) )n to children. A his parents had lho te:ichcr sum• moned for ill--llslnt; the fur}• The 'Sextlaordin r3- values ill TWEEDS, 'r You all remember the words Of•j doctor was called iu,a n»1.l it tear' 'f3F�AU'1'IN [;I", .AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Webster, shouted thOOtator.. Noj,la�t at this time Nval-rell skipped �,ifinnces 0n an ltttthe(11;t��i,Ilratrtl�ell�l 1 we don't, interrupted ,t man its I the tuft n. Sn feu• till attela)pts it Great variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS &; COTTONS, the gallery. TIe 118s SO many; his. elrptnre hate been iluitless. ( that the t"101f.l. ++•as jll,litiod al, t BOOTS, SHOES; RUBB ERS, and t" ifwreu i.,: acct al)ont :, li,Ct tlisrnis,�i,l the•(•ns,'. llitrh: n)n,c- It4l'- HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter nsr: words I can't remember n,wo inert fain: cnnsctl ht' lht• .,t;ii il��'' i11 . than half of'out, inehcs in hei_ht, heavik, built, SPECIAL VALUES IM' ALL. KINDS OF GROCERIES ct'i(leist•c if'1ttrP n;hc':•,l,uoi.- that Have 3-011 had .I let ler fr•utn sun shout •40 nears (fall* aild tt•e:u•s , gran, lately 1 tbC,y thrnj,,!lithe},linishrnr.ri^IittC,l 'i.�14.OFtING in connection. a sunt t tuuu�lacht• hal uo tvhi,y_ IIi hest ln^ice for Ii.utter,and liths. y? 1"es had t lcltor the crime, allot that Il,r•t woll!(l j 1'da 110 seems to be dolrf r 1:(Is. I,t'll( 1111 r 1•. tact "I(ql for a y a lcontrdre'I o4,Ill;s kind. take ws much without lnoaiin _ ADAMS � g4h well ut uolleb■e this year. He has it allow(,d fo kiss the -;rids. Sept (itlt, 18,is [-� ,[� � s. Licl(ed three goals oil h'is ellivs �. Y c)leven, and 9tand:s it chance to f, et a place on 'tho• Varsity tear,). - - -- '. 'm proud of him; ()I(I i u 1.r 'NGm Sbsig�c>t 3oe e. eGreatestNovelty INtrARDY R04M Forr)terc}'s sal,c,;)nhn, ttbti isEvsxolvRReD, C, 1 Te t i fe • ortg(neted wlet ne to r8B5 7 1. enttnlyt1h�1,Ie�MM7y(i Levinpg endaned Wrigor of oar aorlbcn It yUll stOl) 1 !1• C'IU( It (tk(.'. 1.'y t1h;ht % l -, waters without protretfen S<M4 w rrrlt) ROUE FREFj i7ower. urge .aa th �' • .nd•'ksrn bast yo■ can ham a plot of . BCealr C I've. g;Ut, !In Irlc l 1'c0 .w SoYpfok d,,7".7l and ; Rraotl no or.gojl, est.. I.G H. " "ALL*. t' olLda fsbrlbmaLa•a. 4 t g wh'W end' nermine i tree hbamer 1 nal c, ' --GatI�C...i,r)•tl, f. C`Uil{;'1-113t(flt'-tltatt "I�'1- y iSl ., nq o Wer ln. mw nam hots enutne novelty, r•r,ce !♦1 00 pnepeld, and etch par y ,'ror.sea�a.{h.-1.j" r fled, t(s.hed en wicked waste of money to ICl.th tt ��r hj�Y;1,N A �ye;�,rI�SORAT,GUIDk, OMer Flood �a Yirm.i )•-no-1rt for tieii Iinportat,¢ny, trewl7} an 1.} , �! [i' r rgeaC-Lat-epe;nes.type 1• .a CI;1 l' �>1tiC'gU�T FOIi ('ASII �on til-7�eo. ls�f. CaI�rI:, PEEN PER C1oCl( run all ni rht tvhon itC n'., F'COvwoncfeveryre,`ria ntofi eanae Coni+to.entuteta,tbe.nITae our lar e stock of CFtOUIiI,RY,('FIINA f+t+1!$frrpfQ r, - .e iptioa cf every popolnr plant, 6ower,and vegetabl�.nd price. of items. No bog AND GLASSWARE. •,.�}_y egen; we do nal utverU.e 11 two doll.,.• Werth !Lir coot.,,, bal ws do gh. moned do an jlal't1('IC (.,frli(1C1. Tho �t9 7- worW,Lothtognalltyy.ri4goanaty. See amNo"Uhg1.nowereendV,ylp,- wear and tear oil the works •,`!- .. ;r Gum 'gB�,Iroeanb�e.ohWily oontaim.vomit..mr¢ooddfmthe/onoantinBeed.,tgWetth.laokK .-%I1.L1� 1.11Ny�LIr �� rf� � A `r, .7 m tlSt pr.otlalltr8.oe. _ _ d;19. ViCh[ RBBDYH,N.Hooreerlse. H.>r Iv ' AL. 1•� ILA 9 ETt8. amount y a coll,'iderablo in tile'' 10 PILCE "TOILE'].' SETS. tars of a yc:u . --� •~e--- Partiv-; in uue(1 Uf anythiljg in tllk line should not nhiss the tlopportunity of so. Poultry Notes, rnrin; cheap bnrlitine, Lie \ce are bound -to reduce our stock. BLACRSTONEIS ORGAN IMPROVE XENTS. we offer NEW S�ASOiv trAPAN 'MA at 40 cents, worth M. SREEDIMI 'IrLF,HT; Ro[( i•1.t'1'IiEts, t'a•rrc�Tr••n ,+y , ,,�, We cffer NE��' SEASOl� RAGi� 1T'4A at 25 cents, worth0. It is nut g;cnorally known thrtt Professional Orgam it Testimonial:, claim for tix:nl the fulit,H"iu� ; Y; ink Jluuae Te c4'er NEW SEASON GRE!2V TEA at 25 cents, r thlH is an ilnpr)rtat)t busir,e»s ill Proof,.Easier notion, Greater Comiliand in Crescendo's and Diniill U11do's, lints + tS, wo.th 35, Nest Pirg;inia, hitt this is the flirt. Graceful for Ladies and will .t tl 11L'w CURRANTS Cl e~ 711 le reach of C.htictren. theta arc two I.'eJals 1 . l."P, 2 BROOMS for 25e t.- In that State, cspec'ially' in the for (J)•and.Oroan and Swell, similar to Lond and Cioft Pc(tol 0ll t}le Piano Forte, Y + loin;; as ay �t'ith [vice swell alto�ather. ColiiniunieationB rtn l ()rderg tiUliciteci bRESH FTNAN HAEL'�_, SISCOS, HERRING. BLOATERS, &c .western Dart., lhv water (cm)'se+ I f„1. i',ttent Otgall lniprovtmei , whi:•h esti, lie, (,,,ijua+ti•,.1 t, ;.':r; u1. :,n 1 will r p • y delivered t t ; r r ,art of tha tint n. Gite t are numerous but nut r,at i ;lble, Cools Prom t1 1 is a call. n art t out of fe Lir. BII'i" ER ARND EGGS TA1l i'.` AS ('.,SIL and railroads :uo ❑ndetcloped.j 4111.11LACK.STONT:,?I':ItenteehiqjUllf.tetrtr•er,Clirrtorl. .Lion and in sur} ]r I' ' �� y Y -- -- -- - - - ten fifty or sixty miles anis bt: , __ .___ _-- _ _-- .. _ � WIN a traversed, to reach a rlities b st.j. I Hf HALL t )ca thea b d to � ing geese for fi;atbers in found to be very profitable, Several pie!(• ings are made in h season, and the crop of fathers i6 duly baled :tad C A�aenI' . TOp►c,� E'e-��ER t;to market by warg;on,which ! N. „�,o �f The (� `��]�'1. is usually at sonle station, where ..�e(� J V 1�1 GROCERY Vilagents aro ready to. receive of 1 CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, 'R'e a'llude toltho feather crop of •*�•�S^ ��• � •i,�1 r West V}rginia in older to stato R. 11VL��S, '- - �U�JIIS11P,1, Is the place to get Cheap CIIRISTMAta GOODS, 11'e are receiving ,w tine that geese may be made to prave new stack S j,bvqually. As profitable in other to- CLINTON, O �,1.I', � ItAI�,INS--Now Valeucias, E;nitanae, Black liagket, layer, Layer Dalenciae' G 'localities as welt, especially at pointe' CURRANTS -New Barrel Currants, now Bd Currants. possessing; limited railway.facill. 6 PEELS -Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels tires, as feathers are not heavy X NUTS--soft.Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Pcacang, Peanuts, English Wal. enough to interfere with. rtasy _ nets, beet qualities. }` haulingj, even when there are full 4 CONI'•I�CTIONI; loads on tbe.waggons.. GeeHe al'e +III; '1�, Ir 11' (,IiA I� 111.1IrI15he(I l'�'(�I' I' 1'(CitL ; It jty-- Onr aysnrtment cannot, be snrpas,tcd. partially self- ell pporting,and worts Y Y LEMONS and OHA:WGE ;-Drresh Swt:et Rusirell Oranges, ('ldi£urnia • r+ tt. Oil n pasture or, on a On(1. The ,• Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. P y X gives about 1'hirty-two Co1n1I1n5 of F1'esh heading GRAPESI W.hiteMalagaantiRodgeral;lackGrili m comb u 1•e IlIMAv •� P g, at night, oto• CROCKEILY and GLASSWAIZ.i+ -'We are „ tee their younger vigor0u9ly, -and , ` + ,, , . iving bargains, in this i�I'1ttCl lAti'( I'3- iA�CCIi (�01'1'CCt 1 111"4 - liteports line, and n liberal discount for cash, r,�`0idtzhp(i3`t` isttvhero otlrcr fbwis tt ould 11wo, having; no cornpetitovs ex- r +FIS11, a� C. -We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, liaddie, 1;Ioatol°e, ducks, whirl, they exceedfr•ortl d pronto stnd ill this neighborhood ; has t Ciscoes, ac`, The careass of a g;ooys ,fe ,�y ,, SUNDRI1'S-Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Oniono. n t•, also r+llt&ble, the; only objection to Large Circulation and i8 Unsurpassed as iItl Ad. TEAS -Special values in,Ten. 'We have them as low as five pounds for $,;and r it beiog tiro dart: color of t he flcsb, as high as 70c. per lb., and the can gtlaran"tee the quality to be the best but a goose is juicy and nit dry X vertisinl median). Will be sent to any address like a turkey. Our assortraont is.too large to enumerate, and we only mention a few lending v.+-: articles., C'ome and see far ourself. We will give ou "- for $1.50 a year, in 1 dvanCC', Y g Y gond vr}ne and a liberal NEWS NOTES - �+ discount for cash. The some peopt1,1 pavement downs Cuninghame & ii/IciVfurra , some people quicker than an ----- -. v E THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, -CLINTON ✓ I;09tOh Npent a,ometl ing like $42,000 for fllo vent4ation of r Some houjies last year. , JOB � E PAR T M E N1 Te ` are vCry hard on FANCY' GOOD '. clothes. • They wear thein oafs rho c� r � , y vary day they got them. _ BKUGS9 BOOKS S7l All Jl,lI11 J•%RYe �• It is asserted that nearly nil the ' r, idols jnocv worshipped ill India `� e have all tho latest Styles of type fol Circulars, S<'tl(a are of English manufacture, Hills, and atty kind of printinn that pqn be desired. $EAUTIFtJL X1'IAS GOODS of every description, �y Gould Mogan }Iia business Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- PLIJSIIES, SILKS, and all lines to finish fancy worlc. 1.h 0 Career by sweeping~ out a brol(er's STA MPINCI of ever (IPF;cri troll, ; of�eo. Snbse uen'1 he clew. faction ;;narantee(l. One trial is certain t n out the broke . y nod to brim; another. Y John 141. Rcynol(h was released _ LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SHAY SCHOOL CARDS, wa i from the Kan'Hae per,itentiay last TICKETS AND L!Df�ARY ROOKS i week., and tho nest day announced " himself a� candidate for Ma}e+)t 0f R. HOLMES, IIOX '74, CLINTON. ,k.WO]RT-E3_-E3_�1. Atchison. Nlk�.:li7r�1-�i< r FRIP�SH HOLIDAY PRESENTS and other goods constantly arriving, whioh will be sold cheap during December. In order to give every person) a-olnauce for a holiday present, I will, during ]December, give to ever c4aae of goods at one time, for cash or produce, to the amours of rson $2, kand cu06 e for each additional Q2, a draw ticket whi,,h will entitle them to one of the 100 for seats which I will give during Dec. The presents are all useful articles averaging over 10 per pent on goods purchased, and you are sure to draw one of thorn. A b"ut containing envelopes will--behrnded you to take --your choice, and wlxstever nuDlyor the draw contains, the corresponding number on the presents will be yours. Also, for eso X10 paid on 1886 account, a draw will be given. 1 would also call special attention to a fete lines which I have, such as ROBES HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, HANNIERS; AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLRY -BROOCHES, CiiAINS, INGES PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS ito v G�Cr,SalmEon, Sardine, Her Herring, also CodfishandSalt Herring. My shock of TEAS is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price, O YSTERS an% FRESH SAUSAGE in season. Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply GEA?. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO F0 STER & RIETER' WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, -TO THE P- U]BEic, - We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store One Door icest of C. C. Rance & Co's `CailIoring Establishment We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries, We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian anti, English Breweries, We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and CA_+IAD•IAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR .PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon. don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices, Goods. delivered to ail"parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUlt TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTIER. & RIT]ER. clossncult 0 We have the sole aboncy for the "President Cross Cut Saw)l universally admi itted to be the Bp,s,' 1N THE WORLD. `Ve are also Sole Agents fol' THE REXFORD AXE, tho,' " choice of woodsmen 'and tho . best in tlge market. 1.t'ull stock of, 1 ' '031 W00 q l 'IIARDNVAIt.E, , 311P- ,,fir.., a Ctr1'L7�;E►3cr, LAMPS, OILS; ►`� D - A-V I S, AbliunloAl Stove 1l!'o-C, . CLINTO d. d Ulf ?HANG PACTUREtt OF AND DEALFP, IN HOUSEHOLD FURNOITURE, Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites) Bedroom Suites," Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c: pecial lot of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt fi'amcH, hand painted,' cheap. . eneral assortmQnt of'Housohold urniture sold cheap for ca4I1. The DiHconnt Sale has run off most of m, old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING. Frames made toorder. J. 0. ST�V:7_T80�` RESIDENCE OVER STORE'. UItNITUItE STORE. OIrPosri-E Tl)w l IAi,L. ze-FOR THE HEATED TERRJ • JUST RECEIVED 11roWe8t India Lime Juiec TTIIE FAVORITE SU:b11l1IER DTZIti K, • d no's FRUIT ''SLATI FFERVES'CENT CITRATE of XAGNESIA. J�1 MFS H. %D<>M�3E9 CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. NEW GOODS at are all right in quality and st•ykl and away /down in price. C*�N` nlingti; something; nice in this line shonrd call and tlx aline nip stock aii it is new ant' the lntcst styles. ° J. HO.LLOWAY, d Eit'VER, 11LOCk OPPOSITE TAYLOR'S, A I,RX RT STRIt T+;1', CLI XTOIrT. � I q t�