HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-03-01, Page 5,•--� - T R—MM,_ - __
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T1lere a alondp IG trip f. a .: a rsttaraot to rlseedQn It A.
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.,fbo h. ; 1T It i I , e @rt, .>ti - ,q Yr . ,rsliine � s and G►nt'Uteti iAws t .
are brothers audsisterssodear, nsntlY . X1'1 a be; k reiidz Ytttenc , - arutjll� 4` I . ,. gt]ptYs
TherAof Sabbath Schooi word. For instance. as the stare #orever and'eKar• to, sed to The,1'resbyterlau's already
But there is none that we think of so you take special pains and care to hunt •--mss- • wiidti circulation and greatly eztendiits
dearly, up your scholars -to attract and irate- A NEW HOME TREATMENT volt! influence for good. "$noxonian'a" racy
Or long for, to give life some cheer- rest them in the class -so prepare your THE CURE OF CATARRH CAT. . and able article, published every seek,
Like mother. lesson ae to suceesefully impart it to ARRHAL DEAFNESS AND 11 ' is alone worth the yearly aubscription,'
There are hands that we clasp with the scholars, that they may receive HAY FEVER. which, notwithstanding the increase rn
some pleasure, moral and spiritual benefit from 'it, . The miscroscope hay proved that these size, remains at its Optics, 62.00 Per
There are, hearts that we cannot but you cannot but likewise become morally diseases are cuntagtous: And that they airs• annum. The offer of a "Iseerleae"Bible
love, and spiritually enlarged. The same due to the presence of jiving arasktes in as 9 rominm to the getters;up of a club,
of t e a Per air p
But home has been robbed of its trea. ' qualities
you willebe cine more cl ss, in seages the and eusst chlan tubes. The elui• should be the means of enlisting a host
sure ; Hent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea. of willing workers all over the country.
Its sunshine; its comfort•, its joy's intensifiepp in yourself. Would you de• le endorse this, and the authorities cannot Send to the Presbyterian Printing and
gone above-- sire to enlist the affeotionaof the child be disputed. The regular method of treat. Publishing Co., 5 Jordan St., Toronto,
.for his work, and should you succeed, in' these diseases has been to apply an ir. for free specimen copy and circular.
In mother. � the disposition manifested by you in ntant remedy weekly, and even daily,tlpls A poor family of Kalamazoo, Mich,
'lbere are prayers that are earnestly accomplishing this will be intensified keeping the delicate membrine in a con • has ust fallen heir to $40,000. The
Offered, `in yourself. Stant state of rration, allowing it no Chan- story reads a romance. In 1870 a girl
There are words that are lovingly said, ilove
have you warmed the child's heart to ce to heal, and as a natura1l consequence of Yleft at the home of Peter
But no help in life ie there proffered, I Ifio` (tyoeurchool and own h arthe class, warmedou alsotot has evesuch r been recorded. ent not o It is ane ab olute Gabide, aure baby s shoemaker, for adoptio by a
Or blessings invoked on our head-- Y fact that these diseases cannot be cured by beautiful. girl of sixteen and an old
of n class. In ro or- ons
the u s and res
Like mother's. ward P P application made oftener than once in man. They refa'sed to give any s
tion as you succeed in exciting the in- any app
There's a vacant chair round the hearth • l terest of the class, in that proportion twvo weeps for the membrane must get a fur deserting the child, and have not
stone our owvn interest is excited in the chance to heal before an application is re- I been heard frons since. The baby grew
That never on earth can be filled, ps�ated, It is now seven years since Mr. up there and worked in the city with
blessed work. Have you intensified the Nixop discovered the parasite n catarrh several respectable families as nurse.
A loved one is missed round the altar love and zeal of the class; you will find and formulated his new treatti :at, and Irl 1887 she married Fred Moore,a farm
of prayer, for the Voice has been I that it is but the natural or necessary since then his remedy has become a house- hand, and they now live in Texas town-
^ stilled. j m
outcome of your own self becoming hold word in every country wvherc the Bug
Tomas mother's. ii ore deeply interested in the heart lisp language is spoken. CL'REe EFFECTED ship ou 915 a malth. On Wednosdaya
hweetcouneels; Uhl how we miss them, clastculture and IIavo spiritual
soughtlftoewln the THERE IJAv11Gf the By Hlhl SEVEN lBEEN No EARB RE'rt,RN OF THE Iill- ARE CUREE ' in search of the girl, Pinkerton detective rand on rived i Thursdan this y
Kind sympathy, deep as the Snut. I class to Christy the cat end of the sense. So highly aro these remedies val- found her. His story is that her erring
Smiles that fell like the sunshine, g ued, that ignorant imitators have started father died recently in Kansas, leaving
And love that has never been told- I Sabbath school work. You have only ue everywhere, retending to destroy a $40,000 to her, which she will soon re-
Liko mother's, been successful as you yourself have Parasite, of which they know nothing, by ceive. The will set forth the clews to
come to Him, or have been drawn nearer remedies, the results of the application of be followed in finding the girl, Icer
'!'here's a little spot in the graveyard, to Him. If you have succeeded in the which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- mother is also still living and is report -
'Tis sacred to our heart, I great end of Sabbath School work --the on's remedy is applied only once ni two ed to be worth 9100,0007
For we laid her there, dear mother, I conversion of the class to God, and at- Iweeks•and-frow-4 ''^ +t'ree aonhcations -
- ° When Jesus bade us part- nothing less should a teacher aim -the effect a permanent cure in tli'e most aggro 1111. H. 25. 'S�i i s, a evangelist; on
. Dear mother. refldk influence upon your own heart vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph• Friday whipped one Will. Dalton, on a
and life is beyond etpression. For all let describing his new treatment on the re- Detroit- street car. Dalton, ever since.
She has gone to a Koine that is brighter, true revival and salvation work outside ceipt of stamp to pray postage., The ad Willis abandoned his evil ways a few
Where loved ones shall never more dress of A. H. Dixon I Son in 30:3 King ears ago, has tormented him. Wills,
. of the church is but the outcome, legiti• Y g +
Part, mate and direct, of the deyelo in life Street West, 'Toronto, Canada-ticienti6o though a powerful man physically,
And we know that tier cares now are P g AmerOan has borne the outrage patiently, o i as
and spirituality of the individual or
'lighter, he puts it " I remember my Saviour
Yes, with Jesus; this comforts our church membership. ti to the' indi-
vidgal, the speaker mentioned the case THAT SO-CALLED DESTITU'I'IUN was subjected to the same sort of treat -
hearts. of a gentleman whom he knew inti- IN DAKOTA, ment, and I prayed for grace to bear it."
Dear mother. mately, a person of good, moral eharac. - On ]friday the two men met in a Fort
So we'll earnestly strive for to meet her, ter, but not converted, who was a EniNBURCH WALSH Co,, DAR., . street car. Dalton resumed his taunts,
We'll press toward the mark for the pointed the teacher of the Bible Class, Feb. 11, 1889. and, Bro. Wills, after turning a deaf ear
size in a certain school, Very anon he be- for a long time and asking the man to
P', TO the Editor of the Clinton Xf,w -Era, desist, turned around and trounced him
Of the bigh calling ill Jesus. came convinced that he was endeavor. DEAR Sin, Will„you be kind enough until he said "enough" and promised
May God het us now to arise. in to lead hie class to Christ, when be
Y P himself had' not conte to Him. This a allow in to correct an error, which not to do Beatty more. Wills thea sank
Tile grace that was her's 'mid life's led him to see and feet keenly the nes appeared fu your paper and others some into his seat and sobbed over his giving
tempest ' cessity ' of an inward preparation for weeks ago. When. I was in Clinton I way to anger. Later he went to Justice
'And conflict with Satan is ours, his important work. Inside of six saw an item tri several of the Canadian Miner and explained the circumstances.
For Jesus is faithful to save ug weeks from the time he assumed the papers, setting forth the great destitu- It is more than probable Dalton will
From the snare of that fiend who duties of Bible Class teacher, he was tion that prevailed in the west part of not molest Mr. Wills again.
devours• converted to God, and to -day is not lot forget
get Dakota. Several people did
Ilolmeaville, Feb. 18119. not forget to -remind me of that, so not A Chicago paper •says the proposed
only a very influential member of the being in a position to give any informa,• excursion through the :Biddle, Southern
.e.-- church of God, but a very acceptable tion on the matter, I did not gainsay it, and Eastern States for the purpose of
. local preacher.. As to 4he church', see but resolved to look the matter Up,. and enlightening Canadian members of Par-
Reflex lliflile.•nce ,of Sabbatb the result of missionary work. This is send .a. correct. report. .. liament as -to Aleactual"condition-and emphatically w m•issionar ll e;•"- What'
-.- 4Cltool Work. �•• --- -• P Y Y g There is no real destitution here-, resources of that country is to be a fact '
_ v
is the result? . Tn proportion to the there is financial depression and bard and not a fancy. Sir John Macdonald
rAra;u REAP BEFORE THE LATE, S. s. u,N- awakening of the church to the interest times. I saw more destitution around was interrogated regarding"it en Parlia-
N%NTIOa Ry REV, J. E, HOWELL, of missions, so, in like manner, has the Clinton, the few weeps I avas there, ment last week, but said he had heard .
OF sEAFORTH. reflex influence come back to the home than I have seen in Dakota in four nothing of it officially. 'Nevertheless
_ churches in revival and salvation.- years. Below I send you an official re- the excursiofS has been planned 'and all
It is said that ;Jed is never in debt to Hence, there never was s time wvhen part of the Commissioners of Walsh the members of thes Canadian Parlia-
his creatures. So we ma say that greater and more extensive revivals
Y Y county, in the matter alluded to above, ment will be invited. About May 1st
work for Christ in an department of were taking place in the churches than
y P at the )resent time. hoping it will be sufficient to relieve the the excursion will start. Three Pull -
the great field of Christian toil is fully t minds of all it may concern of a dela• man trains will leave Suspension Bridge
. compensated by the reflex benefits that 2. The gain, or reflex influence, by Sion. ' Yours, etc., JOHN SHEPPAnn. for Buffalo, where the tour of inspec-
accrue to the laborer. The eompensa- way Of knowledge. The lesson well tion of American cities will begin. The
tion of nature is one of the most pleas• prepared" in all its phases yields a Cor BEEN
By ixur.TION IN `irAL6H st COUNTY, As route will be via Buffalo, Cleveland,
inn of studies -a subject that opens to responding benefit to the one preparing SEEM Ev LIED'r. ROIIDIFL.-Last Monday
ft. The reflex influence de en John Nicholson and K. Levang, county Pittsburg, Chicago, Kansas City, St.
the mind large and delightful views of P da upon Louie, Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville,
' the wisdom and love of Gro`$, Its par• the degree of perfection with which the com'Inissionera, in company witK Leon
lesson is prepared. Knowledge S. Roudiez, Lieut. 15th Infantry, sent Atlanta, Birmingham. Decatur, Rich -
suit leads the delighted student to ex P P g cannot. out b the government to investigate
mond,lWashington, Baltimore, Phila-
claim, "Great and marvellous are thy be imparted until it has been acquired. Y g L del pia Scranton, Flarrisbur New
Develo ement of mind, enlargement the alleged destitution in this county, P + g'
avorka, Lord God Almighty, In Wis. P gement of commenced their investigation, and York, Boston, Montreal and Ottawa.
dam hast thou made them all." underptanding, quickening of intellect, At the larger cities, such as Chicago,
Reflex literally signifies bending back, , and the acquisition of useful and im• I after three days travel returned to Park g
portant knowlod�e River on Wednesday night. To get a Philadelphia, Boston and New York,
hlecto," I bend, and Re, back or back. P o must be the direct fair report of the case we called on two days will be allowed, but the stay '
Ar -
ward. While it is susceptible of differ• result upon those who would to others P in other places will be limited. Ar-
wa applications as well as different be the successful instrument`s' of pro- Lieut. Roudiez, at the Arlington House,
pp P and he kindly furnished us with the rangements were made with the Pull•
shades of meaning, in the subject before .dicing or procuring like results. R'e following letter, which, in substance,, man company on Thursday last: Lat-
k . its we conceive it signifies the influence are so constituted that in blessing a in the season it is proposed. to have
coming back by way 'of direct benefit others we must bless ourselves. What• will be his report to head -quarters, It the Inter -State Commerce Commission-
or reward to the individual or in$ividn• sOever ww e. sow in this, regarcj we shall is unnecessary for ns to dwell on the ers visit Canada, Catlin at ever point
also res " The ligeral soul shall be subject, as the letter explains the situs- g
ass heartily and prayerfully engaged in P. - - _ - - _ ---- ilex-TrFa 1lnt sherd = ..-- .y%,h -aik --fl-squi-Frinnieatvn--k,et�w,.een-
_ffmde••tsst :wfird" �l�iilis£mw� i' w aTia`1 the two countries exists. The expenses
-`" 0"U.—til o�SOOI' wasfit' Tla'i>rinelp be watered also himself." PARx RivER' Jan 17 188:1.
of reflex influence is general-ig ural• y' will be borne entirely by a few gentle-
' vernal in all things.where its laws and Reflex influone as to`devotional bene. Referring to reports of destitution, men unless Congress sees fit to make an
operations can be applied. As the •fits. While your hearts are drawn out great distress and starvation said to appropriation. for the purpose.
muscle is strengthened as the result of .in prayer for the success of the school, exist in Walsh county, D.T., I beg leave
its being I exerci=sed, as the mind and more especially your efforts in be. to inform you that, together with Conn. +-•
becomes more active, -thoughtful and half of your own class, or school; as tY Commissioners J. Nicholson and K. Puliulnn Vestibuled Train
powerful as the result 01 mental acti- superintendent, other officer, or teacher, Levang, I visited the townships of Ves-
vity, so the various elements called bow the enlarged capacity of your own ta, Silvesta, 158 in Range 59, 157, 156, It is universally conceded that, not -
forth, and brought into lively exercise heagt, your devotional spirit or nature Latona, Adams and Norton, Range 58, withstanding the advent of old and new
on the part of the Sabbath School will be wonderfully quickened. • The and that with the exception o£ a' few lines into. the field of competition for
worker, will be immensely developed, stalk of faith strengthened, the blossom individual cases, I found no general
destitution or distress. The majority Passenger traffic between Chicago, Mil -
and that developement ww•ill be in pro- fof hope will be expanded, the practical waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the
portion to the devotion, fidelity and, ruits of love will be perfected, yea, of farmers are hard up, and should be Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul railway
ainstakin oil the art of the Sabbath the entire being,r will be rands liar- assisted in prccuring seed wheat.
. p g P d grandly maintains its pre-eminent position as
School toiler. monized wvith God's• will. It is not The houses 'we visited, some fifty or the leading line, and carries the'greater
As we cannot easily conceive that only one of till best ways to bring the more in number, were found to be warm portion of the business between these
calamitous or serious result should be class to God, but it is one of the most' and as comfortable as could be expect points. It is not hard to account for
the outcome of honest work in the S.S.. successfn l ways of building up ones ed in a country where the settlers are this, when we consider that it was the
let us note some few of the many bene- soli in the truly devotional and spiri• newcomers, and generally start farming first in, -the field, and gained its popular -
ficial effects that might ulent'ioned. tual. Here the speaker mentioned without money or means of making a ity by long years of first-class• service.
1. Enlargement of sympathy for Christ the ossa of a lady teacher, of Toronto, living, except their good health and It has kept up to the times by adopting
and his work. To seek and to save who had become very much tired and strength. all modern improvements in equipment
tbatwhich was lost'wassaidtobethese diseoura ed with her class of girls. The people we met were warmly clad
I P g g] and methods, the latest being complete
cial work of Jesus of Naziruth. To this I They seemed entirely indifi'erenrto the and lived'as comfortably in their small PullmanVestibuled trains 'running daily
end his heart was moved ; to this orad 1Cssou, or even order in the class. She houses as their nationality generally between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
his life was consecrated ; to this end he I acquairitod the superintendent of her did, and certainly much better than Arid Minneapolis, and, its route being
,y went about doing good ; to this and he trouble and discouragement with her these same people live in their own along the banks of the .Mississippi,
. gave his life a ransom for the world. class, and gliggeted�thut he appoint country. We found several. farmers • through the finest farming country, the
Through God as well as man he became another teacher for tile• class. He asked whose stock of provisions was reduced most populous and prosperous towns
"a man of sorrows and acquainted with her if she proved for the class, for her to one sack of flour -these were not in slid villages, it offers to its patrons the
.;{rief ;" a man of self-denial, Self-saeri- class individually. She roplied, not immediate want -one man was, out of Very best service their mcney can buy.
Hee and of broadest sympatby; "though individually. Ife said, "try it a while, wood (he had no tenrn to go to the tin,- Its dining cars arecele'brated through.
rich, for bili' sakes lie became poor, that and continue the class." S I *did Ho bar), he was est once relieved by the out the length and breadth of the land
we through his poverty aright be made She prayed for melt cite several .times county commissioners. fie being the finest in the world. Its
rich." a day, and in less than six mouths all • I will cite .one case among' others;-- i
iHolman, n ull caare the best belonging to
The S. S. wvorkor, to, he a s:icceas, the members Of hvies H. liar class were convert- , se f' sec. 10, 156 58, the
he 1 Hllman company, being marvels of
. inust bear or possess the Samo eharac• ed, and liar clas9 becanne all she could reported by Mr Riches as destitute, etc. elegance, comfort and luxury; its day
teristica nuc] commcndsLle, traits as the desire. Site herself was wonderfully We called on this rdan, went into his coaches are the best made, and rte em -
dear Lord• Ali(] if licarty in his work, blessed of (sod, and a town impetus was house, and found everything snfour Ployees, by long -continued service in
apontaneoasly a.nd nooessaealy will there given to her zeul and work ill the Sab- mgly neat and clean, the wife and four their respective capacities, are, experts;
be. planted within all(] evolved without bath School, The heart kept near to children cheerful and happy. TIr.LIoI- cou•rteouaand accommodating to all.
the intrinsic features mentioned abovc. God is %,cry essential to'successful S,S, man told .rte in fairly good L'ngligh that It f@ not at all strange, therefore, that
This will follow as "naturally as fruit work, and there is no better way of ac- lie was all fight, and would pull through. an intelligent and discriminating tra-
from the flower cu the swarthy stalk comldishing this than by taking deep l3eiilg Pressed with questions, lie said veiling public should almost exclusively
from the seedlin�l. interest in, acid praying nil for those tbo.t he had 3 oxen, 4 cows, rr head of patronize this great railway, with its
That Sabbath School worker who in behalf of u'hem you are laboring. A cattle, 1130 bushels of wheat, 50 bushels separate through lines running between
. simply gives the hour or more and deoiily devotional spirit is not only of oats, 12 bushels of potatoes, one cote Chicago Milwaukee, St, Paul and Min-
,. nothing else to the Sabbath School, or worthy of the highest admiration, but giving milk, and one Coming in very neapoli4; Chicago, Council Bluffs and
to his class, will not only be a failure- one that in all possible wayi should be soon, ,i pigs six 111011ths old, and 8 Sheep. Omaha; Chicago, Kangas City, find St.
n sad failure-- issuing in deplorably rilogt heartily Sought after. Mr Holman told its he was wintering Joseph, Aso. A. V. II. CARPIENTER,
coming short of interest iu his work, d. Another reflex influence trill be i horses for Iver Strand, for which he G. P. & T. A., Milwaukee, Wis. A. J.
and short of infusing interest in hist the acf-Idisitlon of those tr•neft and, best received �7 a month; the Panel and cat- TAYLOR, T.Y.A., No. 1, Falmer House
class, but also trill fail in receiving f elualif]cations for edification in church tlewere mortgaged, the grain and sheep B1ock,Toronto. ..
beneficial inlluenrn thorefromi TO be ' waork genbtally. ] do not undervnlile were free from incumbrance. In con- ���,_,
elusion, Mr ,IIolman said lie didn't
benofittod hiin�ulf tic roust corrospond;I the class leader and his position, the I
ingly prepare himself for and interest' Bible Pander and his work, the tract, thank anyone, for- meddling wvith his - CLINTON CHURCH DIRECTORY
himself in the w'orlc. djf4ributor and his timely messages of business, Hud that when lie "need'ed help I
L_ 'As in day school, so in SAbbM Y love, the .prayer leader with his faith tic would let people know about it. I ST. PAoi: s (Episcopal) --Services on
In conclusion I may say that there is Sunda at I1 a,m. and 7 m. Sunda
School, tints muvt be given, prepare• a,eid tl[fZetrtl adaptation for his wm•Itr Y P• Y
tion ranter be made, aympaihy for his over the minister in his sacred calling, no excuse for making the reports which14chool at 2.:30°p,m. llev. W. Craig.
work knust be exercised. And we be. choaolr and annointod of God for the I read in the papersconcernilig the con. ►lector,
lieve ill1 r0 ortion as the importance special work of the ministry. Those dition of the farmers in the Western
P 1? P art of Walsh count or at least such RATTF.NRURY STREET (Methodist). —
• of the w•orli is felt, in that proportion all have their work. Tliesb all perform P Y' Sunda services at 11 a.m. and 7 m.
will the requisites to sueoess be gladly important duties, and administer sa. portion of it that I personally visited. Y p'
and cheerfully embodied; and further, creel trusts. Their work is divine, it is 'Lr:oN S. Rouninz, I Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Jar.
� Livingstone, Pastor.
in the sante measure as one values the far ro&Ching. Yet I look upon the god, Lieut 16th Infantry.
important trust, in that measure will ly, devoted, baptized and fully conse- -- -- i W1I1,18 (Presbyterian)- Sunday ear•
he be blessed in his work. " For, with orated S.S. worker as touching strings CONSUMPTION CUR[,,D. , vices at 11 a: m, and 7 p. in. Sunday
what measureye meet it shallbe moted of usefulness, lines of work, grades of An old physican, retired from prayI School at 2.30 p, m, Rev. A. Stew1.
to you again." ,,Whatsoever a man ages and conditions in the multiform Lice, having lead placed in his hands by . pastor, .
soweth that shall be also reap," Sym- field of toil that cannot be ao fully ac• an Last Indict missionary the forumla, pNTARIo STIi}tRT (Methodist) -Sunday
patby begets Sym thy, eolt•donial ))a- compltshed. or so completely workoir of a simple vegetable remedy for the , services at'10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sun-
• • gets solf-denial, love begets love. To out by any cthat Artless it be by the speedy and prrrnanentenre of consnmpp, I day School at 2.80 p.m. Rev, Joseph
awaken these elements in the class it is parent or guardian, .and the parent or tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma afYa Edge, Pastor, ' •
necessary to exhibit them by the teach- guardian should always be among the all throat and Lung Affections, also a
er. We"love him because'he first loved foremost to confirm and mature the'S. positive and radical cure for Nervous I BAPMT—SSUllday services at 11 a.m,
ng-. The more the teacher succeeds in S. worker's work, In Viet, who are Debility find Nervous Complaints, after and 7 pm. Sunday School st2,30 p.m,
drawingtout the noble and pure in the to -day in the ministry, or any of tbow leaving tested its wonderful curative Ileo. J. Smith, pastor. ,
clasp, tho move lie himself will,beeome other fields of toil mentioned, the mo•d powers in thousands of cases, hits felt
pure acid noble. Who succeeds beat in eminent and successful ? The question it his duty to make It known to his suf. -601--
the school? The negligent, the care- is easily answered. It is those who feringfnllows. Actuated by this mot- A matter of interest to Organists,
less, the unstudious, those who take -no have been'trained up in connection with ive and a desire to relieve human sof- Organ Students and Teachers is it new
particular interest in their work? No. £3A.. work, Bence we affirm that the fering, ] will sehd free of charge, to all patent organ pedal attachment for
No. It is the plodder, the painstaking, work'of the S.S. is the krery best prcpa• who desire it, this receipt, til (Jerman, pianos mannfa.tured by Messrs New-
those deeply interested in their work, ration, other things being equal, one French A - English, with fill] directions combo & Co., 107 Church St'., Toronto.
so much the to give hours to patient can make to fulfil t,1,P Various dutie in for pre. ,g and using+. I) -rat by mail Particulars on application,
preparation outside the class room, the general work of the church. 4lich by a r'+ ing with stamp, naming this
Labor omnia vincit. Not only will being -the rase, and with such know- na r, W. A, Novr.a, 149Powor'sllo-!r, - -_ -._ -..
such sneieeed.. before and wish their lcdcn oprrad Abroad and 'infuser] amrtng R Chester. N, Y. 13012••y.e.o.w, I;Qe Ilarkwr'11'a s•.nrn.CoriinnlWnitGme
II_ _...
,Vi107A #*,; THE'•1N,AtAE TIME QN
t#ndtheKlaP'! •Y8
This combined action gives it wt,n-
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Why Are We Sick ?
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street, South Boston, writes : "My hos-
band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for
Dyspepsia, --and torpid liver, and has
been greatly benefited."
.A• Confirmed Dyspeptic.
C. Ca11.4erbury,.,.ot.._I41....Fmnklit .-st.,
Boston,Mass., writes, that, suffering
for year from Indigestion, he was at
last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and, by its use, was entirely cured.
Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of High street,
Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year
from Dyspepsia, so that she could not
eat substantial food, became very weak,
and was unable to care for her family.
Neither the medicines prescribed by
physicians, nor any of the remedies
advertised for the cure of Dyspensia,
helped her, until site colilmepced the
use of 'flyer's Sarsaparilla. "Three
bottles of this medicine," she writes,
" cured me:"
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. 'Ayer & Co., Lowell,, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
M 6 --- cl 1 .:,1. a
140- ;, I co alff. '11
=401 4%44 W4, ,-"ls "
, ,
, WO-7Xm".7 41,51'.A."_ ,.__ Op
li�w, "
I> or let' t3Cr filr l t�l1$ lob,:q� 11i.� - ate wl>i o$�I^�k11�1¢� ' 1G . �pf,'elEn�=
�: l lowrle�s, cl geld poand:spd �fic pox gonad, °
For the next THIRTY DAYSfor FIVE k0UNDS alld OW,
it Redue#ion which will astonish -you. Give ns a call. 04 Ii -
salpple which will cost you nothing, "
Family Grocers, next to Town Hall .
FALL GOODS `- ?;,-"*,
A full assortutcnt of
For FallWear, just opened u'p
A Fine Assortment of —
FUR11111I- RooaS . - .
Not to be excelled in the county _ r -
c�--�o c-z.A.c-�-ow f
REAtUAI 3ER THE STAND - One door north of tike Dili
Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton.
New Furniture''
stock '. ",
Opened out in. ELLIOTTB SLOG,
.1400. C1YIDILtV,'Y
'._ ._ ....
_. _ — . ....-."
- . T
The. .
Tea Y till- leads. .. old reliable ea Store s
0 0
Raving bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and being,in a position
buy Ygoods goods €or cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anvone in .he tresie
I have just received a magnificent stock of GROCERIES, CRQG$ERfY
GLASSWARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the ibivelties of the soh.
11 ain oBring- Stone Tea .Sets, 44 pieces, fof`"$2.50 P
Sets, $3.75, worth $34.50. Decorated Stone China, 1$4.75,
wortli $15.50. Conibinatioli Dinner andTea Sets, 85 ieees,
$,'10. Dinner Set 97 pieces, $311. Combination Set, 100 )mss,
$315, worth $2O. China Tea sets front $5 • up. , Deeora�d
Clialnber Sets from $32.75 up. China Cups and Sancers,1101e.
worth 25c. ..
. and everything to be found kit a first-class Grocery.
(Successor to T. Cooper & Son) I " '
CORNER STORE in See.rle'e i31003c.
NEW HJ RN'MaSs _',0— ___.
.eta -W , IA AL - - q -
I� z, Pf"
Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A., _SHARMAN, we are preggared
I .;• H fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We are both practical
' workmen, well known tc,the people of Clinton'and vicinity, and can guaranteb e
I%e above 6a cut of the Goodwin Rasher the superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always be found at'
beet washing Naohino, ever made. Agents the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing, we hope �o be
liewanted to sell the unchine er county Rh,hte enn favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid Brie of
"Ci done edtbunt any iuc.Inw'•cutencu. send for SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cann8t be
J. L. went, surpassed. Full stock in all linos.., REPAIRING promptly attended to.
Eureka Bakery ! . -- - ---
01►posite tele Post ofilee. ELEGANT . NEW STOCK OF
The subscriber desires to tha»lc the peo-
ple of Clinton for their very liberal patron -4
wouage in ld inthe past, and at the saltie time lie timate to them that be ills removed r�i mh
to the more convenient stand in t3ltlith's Ge'nst ..g
filock, directly opposite the Post Office
wbere be will be pleased to supply thew—,
witli Broad, Cakes, etc., of first class quality.
and Iropared in splendid style.•
J. A. KING, falter• I,Taviu; just placed in stock a choice selection ,tit the
f 1w Above goods, and as my expenses tiro low, I ani ill:
a position to give you goods at a Slight advance illi first
Cu;;t. It Will be to }roue• advantage to inspect my Stock.
in Limp the TAILORING and FUIR-NISIiING llep't-
7� SREPIYERD, Albert St ; Clinton.
lirhoc0 FIRS T. MEDAL —_
fid' Positive Ohre. * A IP�inles°s Cure.
iroi ITU'f•i rw�I'rJcT7 i0N, Izwctl.l'n.,>ns
T.S. •1., 1 •`i, in 'O'w' c'lil'.iat w. illi the art.. of M , L !� il._.,.", m,
a;'rtn, ,111 iVnnO"!cit, "lie ;ri' w4 Nt
!.m', .,,' ,, I .
U.f . i.,,,,• u, iu,, ,' .,k:r,.,l . tet av, ;trcf Iff . It(lf--'ti nA t
(Slur.) 't t•::,',7.' ,,.1 .,-,I "OfUrl.e : ai:40 Nierd,al i
',! , ;,!+1a,. r,, fasts (':•!,)lii,e� nnti-1,1fdr-11
i,c]"Imi, I-,;1;. lrni•';i, 8'111 th
(' • ,,,,I�jr01p, lit•. Ma.ic;Gy c
I; �+ t•'!t �, itiwt'Uttlhi• i.; r1'rltf A ,,,
pl ,`'ir .I 't^ Sullitr Vol
il'l:, ., '_. it;.1 _ al , p: t^eh :Nlf: �Ur1G't> ,
•;: I, , •-,,,,.;.t. Fpr C/ FACTSR MEN F ALL AGES
-Irliaje :w.tit.•d.H,lJ V.I wt r.,
11.1:erA0'1J-I'99 .�..}. �T.•�jDxsF.A'S '•s or V,Ald'S - . 0 ..t 1TO
v;A,,: ir)W1 :.,C;, r •':'':r It r;T., TORaN to .i,.z. V . � L i3O�'1..-7. - Si: .�.1OMiw:31 .��t �..i.
rA.T:, .t V. :-`� :l:•:,; ni•LLNCC?�3 AV ENUG TRE GR%S.f'r JT1E.41.,r1A JR,�i,%'ivr• 1�iWERj
- - -- Marvel of Healing. and KohinOor Of Medicines,
o,:�11& .T -q •+,;,,^ J _ the terrible coliserluoneev of indiscretion,
i 1 t. ,.. , a C -93A >0 r.XPO,ure genet avt+work.
k ,1if i .&, �j i
r 'Si!'�iZTNd• Mm�7rF�'-•Air.(=-= 7 .L-�.1 OT •T1
1 ",f . I4.+.. a ,
'' i•� w:.•r., , - Who are broken JOwri from ileo effects of abuse will find in No, 8 a radical care for nerve
In the older', aid T. I P+,1gflI1r sefentfilaa��and debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, eta.
In liani I . , I ,.+' '' rd rand Kae the 1iPaest eY11i$Ta»Ia Pon' No. 8 rtoum) Ito UBEn: ]Vent of enorgy, vertigo, wase Of ptlrf�9
IIItireuhttlnil o"'I ,r I ,w I •,r Its efaAs in theworld. dimness Of eight, aversion to 'eoeiety, want of conildence, avoidance off converses '
i••ttlly,llllAtn,r•',t, p: t nla•N of Wood Engr&Y- , deairotorsolitude,listlessness and inabiNty to fie rho attentionono,partfoularoubjet
Inl & i uin.•.I,•••t t, r•; kf, +Pod fur l2eetmen cowardice, depresaioll of apt its, giddiness, lo•ia M' tuemory, excitabfittuyttemp'er 6p,
rn v. IYIro aP -t ;•,n+r. I r lir niontha' tr al, R1• matorrho,a, or lass of the aemfttrol .fluid -rho resort rat self -a )iso ormart tal excess-1mp
fi�tav x t c:.. rr I,,.,.rcl I;-, au Hroadv6ny, N.Y, toney, innutrition, an Petition, barrenness, 3+atpit••,tlnn of the heart, hysteric feelings:
p ft
Q' 's fomaloe trembling, melancholy, dlsturbin '' dreams t to., are all syu,ptomb of this to Tib.
��i'Pi n �dil 4wi �Y���E� habtt,oftentimen innocently ocgnlred, 1,I shos:t, 1!t; apring,ofvitalforoehaviliglostli
j c8 tension, every function wanes in canseglu;ncr,. .'cla'it lite trritersand theenperin ndena,
�$ EGliti0l C, .SCtL'ntlflC Ainerlcatl. f insane as luma unite in nsm•fbinq to the erases of F,c.4G busa the oat majority .
A 1zt-,1+ A,P, ,, i ,^9 1-iie contains•coldred
lives which cattle under Aver noilra, if l,on era iucompoten�for.theardaott
IIU, u,•raphu ;•. . • ••.untrp and ettq roBlden• duties Of business, incapacitated to tae Mifnyninnt, of info, NO. 80ffer9 ail eCe6 $On. •
t4•A Ur pabl,o refs.,...., NumerouR ernaravinga the offeetsotearly vice. If you are nrlvauced in ycr,rn, No• Swill giveyou fall Vt Taril
m1,nt ,.n i .1•i,,ia,vtttons for the use of b It au aro broken down, physically and mornliy, from early tndf9orotioil,th!
'.1's'.1,11 nn•tn pl•,�o l•I.;Idtr,F, IrIPe $2.60 a year, strOngth. y
w eta. a crap y. .d [ NN A CO.,- PCBLIEIIZRB, result of ignorance and folly, send your address Hud to owas in stamps for M. V, LtfeoN'e
tinayboaocal Treataiae n Book Form on Diseases o1 f+tan, iioalocl and secure from ObgervaViS
ed by aDply-
Address all communications to ltd. B. i.U4(alW. 47 `VPllinaton 8N 1E, TJMfoto,
Int: to ,iii " A Man without wisdom lives in a 1001'9 paradise: 011R:S GUARANTEED. , NEJ16 THE t51CK.
nNirs1 t Co„ who
have hod over
P,!'Pars, exporlenen nrid'have Made over .0,lfl10 nppllcnilnnA for ,American an" For -
,tn pn•,.,,,K, £-'rod f•Ir llandbook. Uorres- +uondenec,nr,•+19c,�nlldrn,'.Al. ••
TPADE MARKS.to rate rnnr I'rlrh I- n,t rrglo;.red in the Pat-
, ant timrr, nrl,'r t.r .N t'Nv k t`"" rand procure ilk ell�q�j Lk
Imnietlentepm,oc•tlnn. 'NS furllandbook. '- "(4)4,)V11lt:f r4 f,.r henits, charte, maps. •:;"" r tu,,.w,re:m6 uw, ` yRl ti i. ��1W o _ �•�eh'.,qutetw) imwiireid. AddrPAs yt u1i ^�I t"
tf1'�N.'�rsi Patent ±lolicttor.. A Perlrl nlne�lf t'�,turp + A PIPMRR t O'U'VO'
I c;W�aunL ht B,rt 1f111neAnwAv. N. i7.
a.. , �, n