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The Clinton New Era, 1889-03-01, Page 3
__ , e . ... A, - . . a r . . � . * , ` -1. . _ . ,. ... .. , ! I I , - - _!!� - - . 6i',;A i.. A.:z'_^ r i..:.,:: Y .4 ,. .:. 4 , 't '. n .....er _ •.. , .: - .. r yam, // . I � . . 2 - , � . . I I . 2"A � -4 � , "'� " 31.11, TO � 0, 3M ___ . I ,� — , � � 11 4 7 � X___ . 1 7_=_ "I _0 1__ � I" " , ,�,�� V , . � , , X,7y " .0 'A' w IV- .Department�,. ____________°s.ourp�ssu�in the County.. .. . FRIDAY, MA$ 1889. It ap )ears by the reports that the A MYSTERIOUS LAUGHING THE JESUITS ESTATE+` BILL. . I people are becot)iing more Land MAT NEWS NOTES. - P-ROPE-RIZEEg FOR BALE 1' ; s u i more alienated from religion, ands A good man eo le re be rn• `-_ - ' . -.-- that unbelief is k y P P g� g CountYid Martinez Salle Stam s WILL BUY THE HOUGH ANT The Clinton Now ra glowing in an The Boston Transcript tells an ning to ask, why wast ei a so lit- P 1350 Lot owned by the undersigned alarming WAW at the post office window in Phlla• an4 occupies by Mr Lawrence, on Huron Bt. Is published every Friday Morning by g , notwithstanding amusing' stury ,about the artist tie said against the Jesuit Estate delphia. She was a Baltimore Clinton. Haryppana soft water and good sta the proprietor, RonT. Hot:MEs, at his the regular sermons of the olori- who accoarlpanied George german, Bill at the time it was passed. IL girl, and her husband is a real CALLANDER,Terms of p mnly Bt LOndOL sou Eon, Ont.establishment, Isaac St., Clin- cal army in the pulpit. Hence the traveller in Russia,when they was put through the Quebec Leg- German count, at present in re- --- -- this new effort in the interest of encountered a party of Tartars iBlature last June and received !� NE ACRE I,OT FOR BALE. -WELL SIT. TERus,—$1.50 per annum, paid in ad Christianity. It is hoped that who seemed very curious about the assent of the Lieutenant -Gov- del b circumstances ee and in Phila- VvATEt for binding lots a u very hoice varies . • del hia hospital. able part of Clinton with about rschoice revivals may be set up, and'spe- the artist'$ icture. As the Tat•- ernor on the 2tb of July. P cherries, hem s, g some ape vines. bearingapples, JOB PRINTING P Z So far rs Sproule, a Montreal, was rents. es, grape vines, ad bpiack and rudlcumre- Ciel revivalist preachers are to be tars were armed to the teeth the as we can remember, it was car- pronounced to be dead on Wed - rents, Forfurtherparticulars apply at the if possible. The success artist thought it best to be ami- vied by a unanimous vote, not one nesday night, when she was really NEW ERA OFFICE, t. I. In every style and of every description secure andexecuted with reasonable ratess and dispatch, of BrotherHarrison is held up as able, and smiled a broad and pro. Protestant member' Voting against Only In a trance, and later Bur- �TALUABLE FARM FOR SALE se THAT _an example of what may be done pitiatory smile upon the party. it. Comparatively little was said 1 valuable form property composed or roc r}sed her relatives by opening Number 28, in the 7th Concession of the NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. in this way. Hundreds of sinners Whereupon the entire party smil- about it in Ontario. Wh ? For h Township or Hunett. won situated, excel- NEWSPAPER tel- eyes. Recover'~ wA$ Only lent laud, good barn. A ply Lo 1. Any person or persons who take a have recently flocked to his Stan- ed broadly in return, and showed various reasons. Many people brief' however, and actual death MANNIN & SCOTT, IN paper regularly from a post office, dald, and itis argued thatlif every gl'eat inter est in him, I3e $mired have become so accustomed to th.e took place early next morning., _ Barristers, Clinton, Me directed In his name or an- minister• in the city adopted his again, more broadly still where. noise raised b those who shout other's, or whether he has subscribed y , y f OUSE & LOT FOR SALE. --SITUATE ways of work thele would soon be upon the Tartars came around in "Roman Aggression" for business Ml's Rachel Willis, who longed H. on Osborne St. The house contains six or not, is responsible for payment. 3' P for fame as a writer, shot and rooms and good stone calcar; there are on 2. If a person orders his paper die- a change of the most profound front of him, and began to go or political reasons that they pay + the premises, hard and soft water, a number -ontinued he must pay all arrears, or character in the religious condi- through the most extraordinary no attention to such cries. Man killed herself at St Louis on Tues- of fruit trees and good stable. The lot con- y dA Ml'B Wi111B left a letter, tains }} of an sere and will be sold choap. the publisher may continue to send it tion of the people. Wo shall see antics, laughing still. The artist had a dim idea about the demerits y' , W. ROBERT6oN,'Pop Werke, Clinton. until payment is made, and tifen col- what effects are wrought by the gathered somehow that be was of the Bill but did not examine stating that her early education OUSE FOR SALE-SUBBC1r1BEIt Uh'- leot the whole amount whether the pa- ' had been neglected and that she has for sale that new and;couvenientl. per is taker or not. now clerical campaign. expected to laugh too, and ro- its provisions closely. Quite g y �'�' a' had worked for car's t0 OVel'COme situated house on Wellington street con - 3. The Courts have decided that re. TEbIPERANCE NOTES. ceeded to gratify their evident likely some thought the Dominion y raining seven rooms, scone collar,wooJehod, fusing to take newspapers or periodicals wish. The more be laughed, the Government would disallow it. her defects and foiled. She bad hard and soft orator, 3 acro lot. Within two from the post office or removing and more thay laughed and several he fact,, however, is that the Bill written bad] $ olled poems and minutes walk or post NGU w,u be Boldon , T , , y' P P reasonable terms. ANt}U8 COLE, Clinton. +� leavingthem uncalled for is rima facie Lambton count council has bigTartars came round, in front passed the Legislature unanimous- Also for sale a Boudoir Doherty organ, new �Q evidene of intentional fraud added its name to -i`8 list of coup- ` g' stories, and always met "faith dis- _ of him and la down on the round 1 was assented to b the Lieu- appointment. PROPERTY FOR SALE - $12,0 will buy ADVERTISING RATES. ty councils petitioning for prohi- y 8 y' Death from minin e)t lesions a valuable lot on the south side of Huron rolling and tumbling. The artist tenant Govornoi, without any g P Street, Clinton. three doors below the Com- bition. It has, sa s an Ottawa laughed until his jaws almost protest, and was six months -in in England for 1888 were only mercial Hotel, on which is erected five LOCAL NOTICE6—At head of local y houses, with Lard and soft water, small eta column, 10 cents per line or portion correspondent, been a source of cracked. The thing finally 1.e existence before public opinion in 4 . This is thn lowest record bre, anis other conveniences. For pallsta thereof, each insertion, great weakness in the pant that y Y p since "18J1 �v area1tply to rvALTO^I DUDSWORTH, or at cams, a little alarming and call. Ontario waked a to the in ustice when the number was a r e, , Articles lost or found, girls wanted, counties which cat Tied the Scott y J the NEW EUA 0a1CC &c., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents Act were so careless of municipal i❑; his faetotitin and interpreter of the proceedings. That this I fil"A officially given. The lowest P fact is not one that brings much previous to 1888 was 65 deaths in {Olt BALE -THAT DESIRALE SUBUR- each insertou. Five linea, 50 cents for the Artist bade him find out of the matter's that they allowed the 3 g - � bAv property, situate on the Base Lino one insertion. and 25 cents for each sub- - head man of the Tartar partN- credit t0 the Protestants of On- 1884, The higbost record in the just outside the corporation of Clinton, con - election of anti -ton) )orance coup. P tario we candidly admit. There Past 38 years was in 1886 when ci'ti'ng torr acres of land , st fruit -bearing Sequent insertion. what these extraordinary Antic y t COnnCll$, thus rivl❑rr tactical y , orchard, tree brick hones, stable, hard and Houses to let or for sale, farms to y 11 were about. 'His Excellency,, is Plenty of tiro© yet, however. A 650 lives were lost b explosion soft orator. Evorythiugie in the bust posef- rent or for sale, stray cattle and all politicians the lmpl'Ca810n that 3', y P bleCondition, making it a most desirable ' said the Tartar, in explanation, bill may be disallowed any time -360 of these being covered by )ionic, Will be sold at a bargain. For fur - similar advertisements net exceeding their organization was not cone eight lines $1 for one r,ronth, and 50 „ I smiled upon 11s, and showed u9 within twelve months of the date one casualty at the Oaks Colliery, that particulars apply to J. BU'I"P, Clinton, siye enough to stand the strain of 1 e v. cents for each subseque.ut month. even a township council contest'. somethirg which we never saw of its passing. This one 'will not Lord Rothschild is popular in He PROPERTY bale SALE.-SUB- scniuxn offers for sale the property stru Advertisements ted till forbid. id ecific in- l+`tom the Philadelphia Tithes before -teeth made partly of gold. e the law of Quebec until next London among the poor. ,,He is known as the Railway Hotel, Clinton close r to tiro grain storehouse of Mr R. Irwin, which And As trio men or m tribe saw August.—Canada Pre$byteriftn• a good -'un, ho.i$,'. said an omni. isalteensedhouseanddoinga.goodbuaiueell, Special contract arrangements with we learn that in all the lithograph y 1/ This is a good stand and will be sold easy that his golden teeth were only to -.-�, .M - bus driver, passing his place. If business men. - iC eStabllShlnCIltS Of Lh0 COUntI;V, , , terms of payment. A Grocery Store in coil - r, when lie laughed they lV'1 �vS NOTES. all the bloorAin' swells was like necdon, can he bei General advertising rate for uncfassi wllero the Wolk ie3 inirinly f,on(' bought with the Hotel, or fied advertisements and legal adver. t't„lc rill possible ways to make --- him they should . have m wote separately. Full particulars on apl,licntion, by Grorman workingmen; a stipu- y NIRS M. KELLY Clinton; tieing, 1-0 cents per fine for first inner- lation requires the proprietors to him langh, and when they rolled James C. Flood, the California and interest.” "How's that ?" - -- -- - _.- 1/ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -Situated tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- q P • P Ott the round before him it was bonanza icing, died at Heidelb n g why Query Christmas he gives H on tine south side of Townsend Street. Sequent insertion. lurnlsh'beer as a part of the out- On Thursday. m mate and mea brace of heal-. Tile houso, which is now,•containe.parlor, Changes for contracted advertise- ployecs' wage$. In the mammoth only the better to see into his y y . ..... _ _ _ - dining •room, kitchen;' m nnriibc of lio-ci C li f , �, .-, -.. .cr_. mouth'... an'd--be'h'old --tf c)- „Olden 71-1' 1}. �. li11s8 wb a ants and 8011e d0 all of us wot rootua, and a stone cellar, the main art "„�ehtsniiisflieli'arided iii'a's early•- ']'it15t5;rlip}iicdepartmentofJud o, , , o ttended teeth. passes his door. Good old.Baron." be,ng,heated with a furnace. Hard and soft the week as possible to insure a change in New York city, where 600 men President Garfield, died in Nash- water iu abundance. The lot contains one at week. - aro employed each one receives ington on Thursda3 , An accident, resulting in the quarter of an acr,-, as 1 the property will no sold on reasonab:" i,v ns. Apply to AIRS,C. -•---&- , tinder the terms Of contract with HUORSIOUS, death of �Vm. Haines, a laborer, CARTER, Clinton. his employer three rots of beer a __ 'The handsome brick residenco, Occurred on Wednesday on ,the " �lP the property of Peter l�ICOk, West 3'' ALUABLE•IFAItM FOR $ALE. -SUB OI' �tltldaReaeiinm. clay, more than seven barrels be- IIs-°IiI your will very strong?' farm of ZVm Somers, township of VacnrnEaotrere for sale his farm of 76 `� ing consumed in the. de Artment )e-' Not ]f I'm 1ciFsed against Oxford, about a mile south-east Of acres, being lotaS,Ilth Con. of Hunett, ad- --- n P 51 In Ingersoll, was destroyed by fire Blan$hard, not far from St. Marys. joining the village of Londesboro. All clear - 3 It appears that Haines was on. oil. (food frame house and,outbuildings, . In the li,ev Mr Spur eon's li- dally. it., \ 'Thursday morning. Tho fire ra(redP cleaning Out a a Will be sold on roasonable terri0e. Plenty of I dread the white mAn s drink Easterner (in fat western store) f' h sand pit, water. Excellent one for pasturing. It WELL, b.raly is the precious copy of one ) caught in the upper part of the when .snddenl the )it caved lt1 sold will be rented. Apply to JOHN BARK- moro than all the Arrows of the '(Tot an neck ties?' Pro rioter building from a defective flue. Aburying> WELL, on the place or RICHARD BARK- uf his sermons which was found y P the unfortunate man 'in WELL, Clinton, Ont. in Dr l,ivingstone's box in Africa. Matabele,' is the sentiment of a (lnyatified)-'Um-er-what Bort ood deal of furniture w, saved South African Chief, And the -silk, calico or hem ?', g the debris, He leaves a wife and "-� -- --=-- -- - -- r � P in a damage condition. Loss ARM TO RENT -BEING PART OF LOT The details of the murder Of Emil•, of Bokhara, in his treaty g several children to mourn his un- F21 and 23, East Wawanosh, each lot being the Zanzibar missionaries prove with the Ru$sian$, has set us a An English judge has recently about $6,000; insurance, $2,000. timely end. - 100 acres. buildings on Good form' bank nbarn lari out- with that an attack on them was led b dofined gentleman as a term which The house was one of the finest Says tl,e oth Plenty f 1 y notable example,. for wh-ilat he y a writer in the Advance, �•• y, ofwater, good' orchards, ,someof their first and most zeal. includes anybody who has nothing farm residences in that part of the of Chicago: "The ministers of etc. Jaai one mile from post once and accords free introduction Of all school, and 4 churches close by.. Fall plow - Gus converts to Christianity, to do and is outside of the work-. country. New York seem to be, on the ' all done, andW acres in fedi wheat. The Otl1C1' Russian commerce, he Strict. house. , above farms are in splendid condition, and It is said that Mrs John L. Sul- ly prohibits intoxicating liquors, At its meeting; oil Thursday the whole, obscure. I have on many will be rented separately or together, on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to livan, the legal wife of th'e ,prize- Some painful- figures have just Ardent lover -Will ,you marry Jailers' Association resolved to occasion-, aslced,welI informed peo- MRs B. McCABE, St Augustine 41f tighter, after listening to the per= been published about the ravages me,, Helen? Young widow -No, ask the Provincial Government to ple, Gan you give me the ----- - -•------- --'-- Geon e I think not. And why tirLENDID FARM FOR SALE, - THE r. suasive eloquence. of Capt. How- of id -rink in Belgium, and these g + y • assume complete control of ,all names of a dozen New lock cler subscrilter offers for sale that excellent ---._ ''d -. -6.f t` i0--Sttiv-fl#;ic,ri 1_'rm - I - - -are = ry-n"Wff-t-r ccr txl�' s ttr `kL•eR,-. _0_U_&ee,,- T.;sl�,m =:yQaV_&nrL4 4a -ids; --a )Q,itr-L--�'ill== jaliel=s-=aT, l-18ir-_-gy�meir?'=T=haves Pi�tft'etiffwwt� tri --facer-of_1W eras-r>on thanur0wM%rt rrtrltett = being lot la. There are 90 acres cleared, and tali0n,of Aretie, Rhode island, has Bence of ^proper licensirg laws, want td continue to love you. .. Ordinates, SO its t0 9ecure•.bCttCr . num ber at ten, but never that I nearly all fit' for cultibation, balance good e control and discipline amen 'the now recall have 1 been able t0 hardwood bush; the place is in good shape. become a convert and • the little and to the facility with which Pawnbroker -This is a very P b' stone House, 24x38, with frame woodshed: town talks of nothing else. ublic bopses can in that king- fine alarm clock, sir, :Ind I am prisoners. The present System find a person in Chicago ar else. 2 good Bank Barns and outbuildings, 3 acres Of dual COHtt'O1 file 81101'$ }lord ofUoarmgOrchard. Plenty orsprigggwater, om be kept open until 2 o'clock Sorry to say I cannot advance you j , where who could name meat once Only three miles from Clinton. $2,500down, C. T. Studd, the famous athlete, in the morning, or, for the matter a tenth of its value. Citizen= Is a serious drawback to any suc- ten New York clergymen. And and any reasonable time for balance at 6-A n Who attracted attention as one of eessful ran for dealing with pri- et in this cit of Now York I interest.. EDWARD SIBBEN, oil the place, 1 of that, all the night through. Never mind; it will be of no fur- P p'•- y y or Clinton P. O. 1 the foremost leaders in the mix• The condition of affairs is such ther use to me. There are twins soners. A classification of pri- know not how many churches." P ROPERTY FOR SALE _ SUBSCRIBER Sion movement in English univer• that' neither political party dare in the house. sorters is also strongly supported It may seem unkind to quote the �' offers for sale that excellent property at cities ha$ allied himself with Gen. b the association. remark °°A'ot to have known i.h©m Present occupied by himself, on the corner Booth, of the Salvation Arm touch it -it would lose them an A brief courtship-mr Backlot y or Princess and Raglan Ssreeta, Army, election. The remedy will have (widower -I s1pose you know A woman near Ventura, Cal., argues thyself unknown," but it aces of ]arid [ill 'set out with choice fruit and will lead an aggressive mOVe• P y grape vines, plenty of hard unit,' to be sought in a patriotic union tbat our farmB j'in, Mis' Landback? recently made $100,000 in land is apprl)pc late. sort roster, The hour above, with throe rooms meet in China. y �% (town stairs, and four above, with good cel - of all parties. -The Rock. b Mrs Landback (widow) -I dew, speculation. This fired her, with lar, close+s. &o. This property is very con- Cai dinal Gibbons, ill preaching 'The Economic Argument! f01' vl nit•nt to schools, anti is ut one of the best a sermon before, the convicts of fi Simon Backlot. Mr Backlot- the ambition to get up a special locations in town.* will be sold entire, or robibition is forcibly presented S'pose we, do the same? Mrs "boom," and make $1,000,000, it wi,en nal ;r., sick, we the lots divided, Terme reasonable. JOHN the blar3>l lid penitentiary, I e- j v y gave barCastmla, STEEP, Clinton, marked that he could. sympathize ,re- •y the Rev,J. C..Nernald,in Voice. Landback-I m agreeable. ossible. ,Sosho ebartered•a train- whenehewaeaChild, ehecried for Csetor;a, �T -"'-----'----•'—.-- p ALUA13LE PROPERTY FOR HALE — We make the following quotation; Rosalie -Did from •San Francis' 600 miles When ane became Miss, she clung to Caetoria V That most desirable property just out- with their lot, As ha too had been < Threo-fourthl? of the 8 000 sa- you have a nice awe rA 1 ' time at Mrs Ferguson's the other y' Ye a free ride, A tree When ahehad children, she ave them cast silo the corporatiou.of Clinton, on the Lon- with prison for six years. They loons in New York cit are kept lug g 01� don Road, lately occupied by Rev. John b , + ,' y P evening? Mabel -Oh, delightful ! lunch, and free music to all who , Gray, and consisting o1 14 acres, with good Call It a college, 'tis Linc said the b foreigners. The saloons Of t would come and heli} a big sale. frame House, Barn and Stables, splendid yy But Such awfully homely girls as g Orchard, and plenty of water, is offered for Cardinal, 'but�tht3 discipline was ZUnitedStatesaver.ageayearly there were there. Rosario -So But though the train was crowded sale. Being in Stanley township, the taxes as rigid as that which governs income Of $4 500 each. At this - are low. Ver desirable property for a ' Mr Summerl was telling me • he with people frons San :Francisco, On now. Qnd whatever 1 have y , e farmer who wishes to live retired. Will be y rate the foreigners three fourths no one would buy ; and Instead of sold on reneo„chic terms. Apply for ran learned of theology, history and of Now York's saloons take in said there wasn't a decent looking makings fortune she lost X20,000. o Save L�f a n'uciculnts to THos. EAST, rtttlthin. other matters, I attribute to the one in the room. -_- -_ --...._-_-- $27,000,000 every year. It ought All of which proves that land Frequently requires prompt action, -An L1ARNI FOR SALE. -THAT SPLENDID work of those six.years•' not to be a very hard matter to Fogg (arguing with Brown)- booms are ver uncertain things. hour's dela waiting for the doctor may ,1� fano of lie acros, on tho Maitland Cori - Let no minister of the Gospel convince the level headed mer- I tell you -prohibition will never y g y g Cession, hehng lot 77 Goderich township, P be attended with serious COttse uencPs, situated 1i tnilev froin I[olmosvillr, and four be 'disheartened in good work • 'chants of the metropolis that it Prohibit., If they pass the con- A druggist recently received a q milesrron( die Towv„ of CLintmi. Thesoil is n , p rvpecially in Cases of Croup, Pneumonia; a f ood t>lay lows, with a neverfailing spring and 'let him not judge his labors does not pay to let 6,000 foreign- stitutional amendment we shall visit.frorn it lantern-jawed, 1101' `and other throat and lens tr lWeg, or, theplace: also good have free rum, Mrs F. (suddenly, man, who ask6d in cad- hence. no tamil should be wit t. a wClhi, Tl ere is about S acres of bush, whieb fruitless. because at the very time ers levy°an annual tribute of $27, ( Y y r is one of the best sugar buslu;s ;n the coyn- interested —Q, tbat Il be a great averous tones if be could give him 1)ottle of Ayer's Cherry Pe oral, ty; also two frame bn.rns, ono a hank barn, of performing them 'ho may be 000,000 upon the city. They will ) an remedy that would drivoawAy which has proved itself, lit thOUsandH of O1C frame horse stable, with ronin for con unconscious of the good he does. see it quickly enough if they can saving to ,you, won't it, David? Y y t ' ant nightmare, ]life ale th horses, alsotwn f,ornl hearing orchards, bo - At Newark, N. J., a ;Vlethdc}iHt be got to think about it. AS yet You'll be able to buy mo that seal• g + e AL was cases, the best Emergency Medicine ing about six acres ill till; two good log l1011aen, preacher, some weeks ago; learn vol little bas Veep done to lead skin $acquo next winter. preying upon his health. The ever discovered. Itgives prom t relief About 45 acreH seeded door '"• Will hu soh] y p on reasonable terms. ALE,,X BADOUR, ed after his evening discourse, them to consider the temperance Mrs Do Boots, with the laudable man of drugs nodded, and Com- and' prepares the, way for ai thorough Ito ell . O. ected that he had converted a burglar question upon the commercial intention of rousing her pounded a mixture of quinine, titre, which is certain to be eff Adolphe$ wormwood, rhubarb and epsom itsrontinued use. by - hf } by his sermon. The law -breaker . side. They have looked upon"it from his normal, idolence, has salts, with a dash of castor oil S, 11. Latimer, U. D., art. v(•1•11m), �llll� Bronze Moaame�t co,y, designed 'to commit a burglary as.ii moral issue, which practical made him a present of a lawn flu., says: 11I have found Ayor's l h(v n ), that night, but was drawn by men were too bus • to attend to mower And a and offered it to the dCspakI'llig Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in ill) ST, THOMAS, ONTARIO. S vardon roller. patient, who apathetically gulped rases• I have known the worst casein some unknown influence into the * ' The temperance battle of Adolphns7,-Awfully nice of you, t down, iii t relieved in a very short time b its cwt•; We l'at'e the only factory in the Do- 1ace of worship he was passing. the near future must be fought oil dean •bot H Qty avers that rot. 1 and I advise all families to use It in null• minion. Uur materia) is )ire and tine, P • P • you have P' b• g , y 0 FUP�Otten X months he Could not think: Of den emergencies, for coughs, crow &c.^ and is endorsed b leadin L sciontists as Mr Spurgeon, the well-known the commercial and economic something, Mrs De B. -Forgot- g g et i 1; r an thin except new HChelllCB for A. J. Eidson, M. , being practicallyimperishable. Itcan. preacher, has a beautiful ground. ton ? W,hat ? Adolphus -The , g P Tenn., says: "I have Middletown, Avers not asorb moitureand consequently --+•--- getting the taste Out of his mouth. residence at Beulah, Upper Not -' Free trade in fruit worked well gardenah I - Cherry Pectoral with fl,e best effect in is not affected Iry the frost. .7. Baker t The American Order Of Work_ my practice. This wonderful prepata- Edwards, Ph. D:, I). Q. J,., F. U. S., of :wood, with extensive grounds and last y ear. After the' Order -in- Farmer (to Dakota emigration men is disturbed b the conun- cion once saved my life. I had a e -W Montreal, P. Q., SayR ,tS great d• ra. handspme conservatories. A sil- Coun(:}t was passed putting fruit commissioner) -I'd think you'd y stant cough, ni lit sweats, was greatly bility under all exposure to wefither ver casket from .the Queen is one passed, P g be ashamed to ask eo le to o to drum, T' moderato drinkingism reduced in Res ,anti given al by trey -and storm is fall • assured b, its hi h on the free list, filo lTn Ol'tB P P �' physician. One bottle and a half of (lie S v g P harmful ? The question i$ from Pectoral cured me.,, quality. It is more durable than stone of his most precious household amounted 1 to $83.1,399 worth Dakota, when so mar.~ have been /what Standpoint to view the s b. (, and will not loose its handsome a ear- gods. His correspondence ave against $498,183 worth in the col � froze❑ to death there lately. Com. P „I cannot way enough in prrfl-w of pp rages 500 letters A day, and he responding period of the previous misyion,er-Oh, my dear°sit•, you Ject. In Montroal modot•atedrink- 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral," writes P:, ante frotrt,gencration to generation, I 3' Ilragdon, of Palestine„ Texas, 11 brlil•v know of no other mnterial which is employs three Ijecrotarte$ tolin. p g' P P don't understand. It is true )eo- ing i$ that which men do who take in av Ldo that, but for its use, I should equally capable -of combining elegance year. Canadians �verl3 able to I g q y P g g rawer the communications, vghich tl eke free] of caches and pro })ave been frozen to death in hot Scotches till they cant count long since have died.14 of form. beauty ofisurface and indefinite come to hila from all Atte of the P; 4 y P bal�ota, but then the colt! is so how' many they have ha(j. In durability., P pineapples, the, can•Iing factories A world. The enormous revenues cot dr and bracing that the Kentucky, where the n9e of RiCO• rf1 ers Cher Pectoral, Please call on or write to our agent at worked steadily with plenty of ] Y g y hol is laced, as the Republican i Clinton and see designs and prices be. the Metropolitan Tabernacle never mind a little thin like that. P fore placing law material, And housekeepers g ” PREPARED B4 P g ,your order. are entirely devoted to the war}- were pleased., In the same peri- hasn't a man ,a right to do as national �latform puts it, In the a fine arts, the rule is to take all Dr. J. C. Qyer At• Co,, Lowell, Mass. W. M. GIFrIN, AGENT CLINTON. ou$ philanthropic movements in the drinks that are offered in the Bold b of Druggists, PrIce,$I; six bottles, 15. Trip ST. Tiro,tAH WHITR BRONZP, MONtl• od, Canada exported $1,486,022 he pleases howls a personal Iib• whio the reverend gentleman iH worth of fruit principally apples. or contemporary. He has he y interested, as the am le income A trade like this is -flet one of has; and we have ya right to has, nt nitihmt And never to refuse one ntEV, COMPANY, ST. Tllontns, ONT. p Iit t - - - dorivdd from big book$ and Ber- which Canadian fruit rowers him for it,too. Go ahead and do g S •Louis tic, larg• A�9:V-04 � i �a gy„�aa,'Ia 42. mons is more than sufficient fel Ought to complain. But sorao of as VOtI lase f0 d0 aB tp0 wAltt est brewer has declared that tip* Ippg N�s':; pa ��;as-„.t3^e3srg�«�� his utmostn"eeda, d P P , lin interferes with lab01' and .0"GR T?i5 0.`^U-4 ` bda��°eIaea°%•° A.4 them are willing to see the foreign you to. Its a very easy matter e g @p,; arm a ri y ea A8 sternly cut down the beer rE+�-- m--.p-.,i— "t•,vp 0. t. "e. !�I"�I %e��iQo� ° t market for Uatlndian a les Cnt to ad list Our confjictinr r'1 ht$ t+ t gi7�„7+Gmv acs m Ea° `~�� pY,d4C;;N„o„ 1C."Z �� Protestant 11 mlcler of ore orthodox off, in order to have a mono of And ilvile os, if eo )le will oil tickets of his workmen to twenty. w �,2;d0� mew@ V 4 .4-0 lgFn�•e st@ ,. • clergy New York of the Canadian market for each listen i relgles, and tomo to the five a day, whereas in Long Ililand I o, �. Quar4 rJ; = a w �: 8 m� � d t� 0 � $ s da 15 oa°b. ¢��� has Ol'gAD120 l an OXten$1V0 SyBLCm P ' the octogenarian formers who 'o a to o d Fa'o ea mq" 'm° o° ' i4 °c q;a "y,'$'.1 E'rar6 °a::B Sb : y e g P g es. CanAda totlucos A oto of fountain head for information. If Courtin fourth Or fiFtli wives rho- u= m �weNP,nV,,'�A_e �p ' X9:0 I t�°�G9��ea of evangelical operations among produces P tbo 00 le. The are to work me. apples every year, and a good people will only do thins our g P �, .sf �b °a O � p ° �a o °'0 8 . xa 08 AJ `� a A =� 6� pp pp y P P y g noun' ccwhiskyaprcv.,ntative. It .. 0�•A E-8ro0a ii I,� 5ml;w0 ��m thodicAilyonts}de of Choir church- crop of peaches only onto in five way there will be no clasllin>r. looks as though the American y t� o= �a� "��m��, �o�� p es in all the wards of the city for years. Applos °can be raised in We novel- fly out at a man for ol.(lor ofdrinkiiig will need more W Z o- .—=te-e.? �J'�r�a �; Y t 4,Z2,A ( the eonveraion of sinners. A plan Query part of old Canada, peaches tigroeing with us -unless he "docs `than' the American Order Of w y n tl A°�= �"� 1�b"> •"111 y `�a� ' of house•to•bouse visitation has only in a narrow strip adjacent to it too eagerly and under provok-• Workmen can do to straighten it N �' ° ��a8o�' c ""b�. i ,a.0 d P Lake F,rie. The general interest in circumstances.' out. O 8 v � "„" om •„&*w was�� been adopted, and invitations to g g �� ^g tf=a+d attend divine service are to be will Surely be ivivanced by flee -- - - ___-_-- _ . q m QMo m u 1A o pressed upon thewhole population, trade in fruit, y f Pitchers Castoriaa .a roAo°og31W°o”Vp 0.Am� Children Cr c1r. yIIJ t$°Pb 0.09 .s 11. A.eW•,?e,.. a-er• AIRS'St011t0 9 . A, 1 ;Pier D 9 LEGE re-oponed .Ianuary 3rd, 1$69, with & I attendance in its history. This ia- Bt,tutiou oxcells all of "the bests." In atten- dance, thoroughnoss and equipmout, Youn, men wanting a THOROUGH TRAINING, should enter a college which attracts patron• ago by the suliuriority of its course, not by I= fees or the payment of railwiry fare. Catalogue free. Address WESTERVELT & YORK, London, out. ,rte all [-��1' N ��,�11 W RIL L D. 13, MCLEAN wishes to inform the publie -that be has now got the Kiptten Saw Mill in his own hands and is prepared to do ALL KINDS. OF CUSTOM WORK. First -In, first out. :111 Ogston, Ltogs attend- ed to first. Cuttin; done for ;i. and.9:i.50 1). B. AleLl'7AN, KIPPEN•• h88c). . ... . AN ILLUSTRATED WFEKLY. -RA,tRea:s yw;x.r,P.Kltrtrr-be_i11s-ifs tenth vol'. ume with the first number in Nuvember. Dur - lug the year it will contain five serial stories, in. cluding "Dorynlutes," by Birk Munroe; '/ The Red Mustang," by 6'11' $t"ddard ; and 'A Day In Waxlaod,'( by it li Munkitrick; " Nels Thur - low's Trial," by J. T. Trowbridge ; f1 The Three Wl9hea," by F Anstey and EraZey Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Iyl "Homo Strdius in Natural HU. tory," by Dr Felix L Omuld ; 11 Little Experi- ments," by' Sophia L' Ifertic'<; "Glimpses of Child -life from Dickens," 1,•t• Margaret E. Sang miter stet ; articles on various sports and pastime~, short stories by the bust writers, and humorous papers and poems, with many bundreds of illas- trnttons of excellent quality. Every line in the paper is subjected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny, in order that rlcthing harmful may enter its columns. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. -Boston Couner. • A weekly feast of goocl things to the boys and girls in every family which it visits -Brooklyn Unim). . It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, in- formation and interest—Christian Advocate, MY TERMS: POSTAOE PREPAID, tt2 PER YEAP Vol. B. begins November fi, 1988, Specimen copy sent on receipt of a two-celit, .st_aaty _� :-=----= ------- _. Single Number, Fite Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post Otflee Money Uhler or Draft, to avoi(I chance of loss. Newspapers are not to cop)- thisadvertisement without the ekpressorderofllARPEP. & BROTIrRaR Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New Verk 1880. HARPER'S Magazine ILLUSTRATED. HATOW's MAGAZINE ]s the melt useful, ether- taining mrd benuLiful periodical in the world. Amoug the attractions for 18x0 will be a new novel -an Amerienn °tory, entitled "Jupiter Lights" -b,}• Constance P. Wtlols•)n ; illustrations of Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A, Abbey ; a ser;ea of articles on ttim4a, fliostrated by T. de Thulstrup ; papers on the Dominion of Canada and a oharnutorivtic serial I)}• Charles Dudley Warner'• three 11 Norwegian Studies," by Bjorn- stjorne Bjornson, ilia;trawl; "Comniodus," n historical play by the author of "13en-Hur," illustrated by J.R.q•el•uelin,etc. The Editorial Departments are con(Tucted b;• Gcuree William Curtip, William Dean Hotwells, nud Charles Dudley Warner, IIART)tR'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : IIARrrnm MAGAZINE .............. ...r.'4 HARPER'S WEEKLY ............... ... 4 HARPF:R'SBAZAR ............... . ...,.,t iLARPER'S YOUNG PFOPLE 2 Pos6a{;efree to all snbrerihvra"in Ulu [Tilted States', Canada or Momeo. The volumes of the 1tAnAzlxt:.begin tt ith the number. for .lune an,l I)cruthhcr Of ru:h year, When no time H speeitle,l, subyc.riptions will begin with the Numb(i- enrrcnt at time "f re- ceipt of order. . Round volnnies OC ILARPM0, M.WAz,NK, for three, years back, in neat cloth biudinq will ho vent by mail, Post -111H, nn ieoeipt of -?",00 per voltlme, Cloth Calc-, t"r bilidiutl, 50 scuts earl) by nlaH, pout -pail. Index to IiAa1•Ktt'r )i.tu•tzhR, 111,110 1"A Analytteal, and ('h,-ifivd, f„r t'olunu•-+ 1 tc,70 inclusive, it"m Juni, Lv:,o, t„ Jnnc, les.,, oIM vol, eve, cloth, ?4.uo. Retnittnncer . h" !!Id be 111,1,1, 1, ' 11-t-Ott+ro Moncy llyder or\I)r Yt, to avmd chance of lois. Nowspapers are tint. t” copy this advertkonlent without Upeexprasr"rder"f Ilmu,int& Murrnsits Addre- : BAR11EH & I;R0TllE1t8. Nrty Y"rk 1881•). HARPER'S WEEKLY iLLUSTRATFD, 11AnPPACH WRRKLY inn II trvll-P.tahlkli(d pinec IR the leading lllu,trated now+paper in America. ThefairnesH of Its e(litorinl comments on current politics has earned for it the revpect and confl- denee of all impartial readerr, and fire variety and excellence of its iftorary contents, w•hicit ineludc'scrlaland .port,toric+ by the hart and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of ppeople of the widest rnngre of ta.vtes Aml pursuits, Supplemenst are frogoently pro*led, and no expense is spared to brine; the highest order of artistic ability eo bear upon the Illustration of the changeAul phases of home and foreign Ms. torry, A new work of fiction, from the pen of William Dean Howells, and one by Cal.t. Charles King, will be among; the leading featoros of the WRRKLY for 1880. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAn: iIARPRR:4 WEEKLY ............... .,44 00 HARppER'S MAGAZiNE ....... . 4 00 ]IARi'F,R'S BAZAR ... ' ' 4 00 iiARINSR's YOUNG PEOPLE 2,00 Postage free to all suhscriberry in Oi,o United StateR, Canada or. Mexico. The volumes of the WKy,Kty begin the dist Number for Jhnuary of caeh year. When no time is mentivned,, iihseriptions will beg,o with the number enrrent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumev of IIAn PrrW WRRKLY, for tlirce years brick, to nent cloth binding, w•111 he sen y moil, pestCIO paid, or by oxpress, free of ex. penso (provided the frelylit tines not t\ceed one lollat por vohtmo)p for 17 per volume. Cloth Cn�as for each volume, suivd,IC f„r bind]ngg, w1d1 be sent by mail, pout-pa1(1, on re- oelpt of Iii each. Remittances Should betlmide by Post-of'ce . hfoney Order or Draft, to avoid choice of lois, New9papersn,rnnottr ,,Iythiomhertivemrnt withouttheexpresvonh r of HARPER & BROTIRR9 Address. 11ARPER A nROTLIF.RA,New,Y^ ,." , I S la