HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-22, Page 7--.-, -I., :_>~-:4 ,-. -•.--•._,._ , -, .. � _-.w-�.,o,--,-.,,,,.�...-•.,, �-•.- , �- ,v P-.
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... 1.Jobbing Department is not s�rpas���. �� the County. .41 - ___ � I — __-,
I .
da con body; 6he's respectable
friends fbeside the car on
Fran $1,250,000.
A gorgeously decorated calen-
dar for 1889, brought in by a mes-
a credit to Ony Inither--turd the'i•0
senger, with the compliments of
I ram a farfner and have no othetn
a local life insurance company,
register births and deaths are so Beg•
led up to the Startling announce-
nae 1(s.. than married to the Dake
-Agyll's heir -(Cheers)
meat that Mr Wannamaker is in-
l"Amily. I file f6kining and ata'
sured in the phenomenal sum of
lag taken in several towns in Ontario
$1,250,000. I looked at him in
tTentlemen, yc']l maybe' 110 believe
amazement. Said I to myself:-
am not satisfied with the prosent
' Here is a man reputed to be
plied with. Clause 8 of the Act pro.•
vides that the father of Avery child,or
worth twenty millions of dollars,
at the head of a concern so pros-
perous that its profits aro ordi•
Government. It does not• protect
the farmer. We have to compete
Warily supposed to be a lmillion
the inability
the mother, or In Case person
of both parents, any person a-aadiag
dollars _q ear, in the very prime
of ^life, iry� all human probability,
wool such elolor, site]' hoists' In•
many year's of useful activity be -
fore him. What under beaven
thirty days after the birth of such
does be want of a million and a
1,%f 1tquarter
of insurance on his life ?
without '.:living to pay such a
And, as I said this to myself; I
unconsciously asked him how it
be youri ardonpbut Iwas talking
was that bo, the most substantial
All I ask is for thorn to put :ill,
merchant of his class, with everv.
last in attendance during the illness
thing' that mind could suggest,
the Queen, somebody pointed her
taste desire, or heart ask for -he,.
o -
with money galore, so much, in.
after having knowledge of the death
(teed, that it is scattered broadcast
there she was,smart and tiny like,
among the deserving charities of
this country as Cheaply ave any
the day -should insure his life to
i; r
an amount hundreds of thousands
Auld woman at hamc slips awa'ye
' of dollars more than that carried
by any other individual?'
fusel or neglect t0 comply with the
of the Act renders the of-
' Well,' said he, as he crossed
1. ' . .
s hi lens and intorlooked the fingers
invested than it farmer;' II seems
of his hands, ' I'll tell you : I re-
�1 nor more than r20 and coats, for,
gard a policy in any of 'our great
nicht is lan r the weather iii Wet
life assurance companies, with
the assets they have as against
duty of the division registrar to pro-
thein liabilities, and managed as
._..-__'- _..'.. •....
they u�a_ to- y, its' pound and
substantial an investment
i ,__� -....
-ihe-stock-ef-yotlr•-Cb'emicial Bank,
' .11. ...•,. , 1.._..
With-eta--asset8.a11d...manag ed'.as.it.
owls interes'fa a-1 they shnn1d,"
is' today. A very careful study
of the tables of life insurance con -
I .
vinced me long ago that in wbat
is known as the 'old line' compa-
nies prudently managed, saga-
efously conducted, there is no pos-
. existing sibility, IO g chance of.
failure. Therefore, -because I
COII it prudent, safe, deariable
as an investment, I have put my
money very largely into life in-
'Are'you. insured in any of the
,:las 'Ssment companies ?'
• t N o, nota dollar. Everything
1 have is in the 'old line' cumpa•
Hies, as they are called, the solid,
substantial, recognized insttu-
tions of the land,'
' 'Aro your policies life or en-
dowment ?' _
:able sum in each of thane plans,
tend perfect faith in both.'
Have you a large family, and
is your insurance for the benefit
I. of your family'?'.
' No, I bare not a largo fain ,
,Some of my earlier insurance was
taken out in the name of my wife,
but the great bulk of it is an asset
for my estate.'
. Among the companies which
1Vii 1�Vannamaker evidently be.
lieves to be an exceptionally
( strong and well managed organi-
1ration is the Canada Life, of
IIamilton,. as is shown by the fact
.that he has secured a policy in it
sol• $25,000 whieh is the largest
amount that the Canada Life risks
11 upon .one life. The policy, in ad -
t'. clition t0 Securing the protection
to his estate and family in the
amount stated, affords ,it better in-
vestment than government bonds.
IfiOn.,zAPUI,is, Ind., Feb. 11. --
,rhe babies are going to run the
next administration, sure enough,
if the nowe that is being whisper-.
ed about among the special friends
Of, ribs McKee, the next Pr:oni-
• " dent's daughter is correct. lir
McKee is pqo of the partneri+ in a
thriving wholesale., boot find shoe
business here, and, *while lie has
lived with Gen..Iiarrison ever
since he married Miss Ilarrfbon,
ihe has novel, had•.anything to (10
with the political side of his fa-
\ ther-in-law's life. he remained
sedately at his business all
through the campaign, and it,has
given ll
�• been out that 'when
, g en the
family went to Washington liar
'McKee, with his wife anti babies
! would continue to live in the old
I house, and take care of it until'
t the old folks came h6me again•
liut as the time has drawn _ near
when the parting froin the little
grandchildren was to come, it is
id that Gen. llarrison has c(in-
eluded that he cannot get along
without them after all and .is h
vannot very well tako the children
without their fathor and 'mother,
ho has, it is said, ,Dir induced
.McKoe to give ill) btipiness for
ft *hile and go to Washington to
form part. of the ' Whlt
family. \Iic will, itis understood,
have 'soTTle sort of an official Iaace
about the executive offices to keep
him busy. Arrangements for the
transfer of the two families to
Washintnn are already begin-
lChildren"'Cry for
of Mrs Harrison and her daughter•. — ---- cw� �) it
On this account it has been an. The population of Japan is 88,- Harriett Beecher• Stowe has The man who conducts his busi. w;LL $UY THE HOUSE ANA
000 000. never earned more than X2,500 $1.350 Lot owned by the underslgBea r ,
nounced that after this week the + nese on the theory that it doesD t and occupied by Mr Lawrance, oq Huron ails, I
Indies of the thmily will receive Mr James G. Blaine does not any year of her life, and her pay, and be can't afford to adver•• Clinton.lTH r and soft
water and
110 more Callen+• favor the forcible annexation. of yearly income from her' books is tine, soil& alp. his judglrlOIIL ill Op. CALLANDER,24 stamp Bt.;-London.South. LEGE re-opened4anuary 3rd, 1880, with the
Ca➢ada, but thinks it will corms in now much leas than X2,000 coition to that tf all the best --- - --'- largest attendance in its history. This ht -
NE ACRE LOT FOR SALE -WELL SIT- stitution exoells all of "the bests." in atteta-
ODD TRANSATLANTIC uelness men of the world. With !� dance, thoroughness and equipment. Young
time. Strange as it may appeal', a UVATEt for binding lots a a very dosis• then wanting a THOROUGH TRAINING,
:VOTES. � able part of Clinton with about pears,
ball of a ton weight And another• a few years• experience ltl. COW- shoaldenteraaollegewhichattraatspatton-
-- John Powers, a ed 11, of Mid- b truittrees,eomebearinga p1eA,poare,plume i
rr p age by the superior t of its course, not b
of the same material of an OU➢Ce ducting a dR1All Ualne,sS On a few cherries, grape °ince, and bjaak and rad cur- low fees or the paYPlant of Cal1R'Av Pare.
of 26 000 criminals arrested in dleton N. Y., has%ecome a rav- thousand dollars of oa liar, he aa- rants. Forfurther particulars apply at the Catalogue free. Addrt•ss \VESTEBVLLT &
Paris 16,000 had not attained the ing maniac from the effects; of `°eight' falling from any height, P NEW ERA OFFICE, t_t. YORK, London, Ont. •
will reach the ground at the dame Slimes to know more than thous -
age of 20. cigarette smoking. ands of men whose hourly trans- VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- THAT
time.valuably farm prZeity composel of lot e_s �a
A Milan newspaper,the Secolo, actions aggregate more than his Number 28, in the 4th Concession of the ��y;c-;_aAa�+g-eS.a�a "dAq s
During the year 1888 there Township of Hullett. Well situated, excel- ° e`- B -a' •• 0� o °o-' `", y ae0. ea' .1
is ublishin the Bible in 210 Monster tarmsdo not seen to do in a year, and who have made lout land good barn. y to ed:9Ass� .a<�I�_I 8gse
p g were eleven elections for the re- 'o as s
half- env arts of ei ht a ea a in the Northwest any more their mllliona by pur•auing a M NI Naarra�O Ointon. Fps �'2d">' a met t!ft'r 9dei
P. Y P g pages peal of the Scott Act, and in ever P Y
eaeh and 900 wood cuts. P y than in Dakota- The great Bell course that he says doesn't pay. -- ----- - o.A a f ; li - r ad a 8 0 �W91,a1 a 39l
instance exce t one the act wad , OUSE & LOT FOR SALE.-aITUATF, o c.o 8 � d o; m . m
In Rome there are 30 cardinals, defeated. P farm at Indian Head is about to If advertising doesn't pay, why is H on Osborne St. The house contains six s,"H.14�-".E.S�9no�9 s , -
85 bishops, 1,469 priests, 2,215 be wound 1}p under an order from it that the most suecesyf'ul mer• thea pr and and and soft water, a number r :"--; 'aa s I s "F.0 � $ ss. a `g'
The famous case of them it an the Manitoba Courts. chants in every town, large and tof ains it trees eare, wibl be The
a dloct coil- n; 9 b' -°c -;-4h 111 e'J - A-0"'gig"�°-.
nuns and 3,000 monks, friars, Laflamme has at lad o }}of ang
candidates, etc, The Salvation. Army was born en1a11, are the heaviest advertisers? w: R()BERTsON, Pop Works, Clinton. �€e i� � f o 0.s , . it.7. a�� at v
end by the acceptance of the 6,- r If Advertising doesn't pay, who -____--__.. __._ _... oIo, a� q s Ea , N
b in an old tent in a Quakers bury OUSE FOR SALE -SUBSCRIBER m,. 9 . V r'a, e
The Bank ofEugland is the most 000 awarded y the Supreme does the most business . If it H
in - round. It increased last FERs for sale that new andconvenien ly
extensive banking institution in Court to the - plaintiff. g g doesn't pay to advertise, wby do situated house on Wellington at,,,- eon- _ ��
the world. Is employs over 1,000 Mrs. Tupper, wife of a Norfh• year by 825 carpe, 150 outposts, taming seven rooms. steno lotcol.
, , tl ;y8
,) the heaYieSt business fil'Ins in the heard and soft orator, t Acre lot. \Vithln two , �+tlo, v oV
PF 5�9 junloI soldier corps, and 1,428 minutes walls of post office. Will be sold on I A .
clerks, and its buildings cover west Indian agent, while on her officers. This year £60,000 is world spend millions of dollars in reasonable terms. ANGUS COLE, Clinton. d
more than eight acres. way to her old home in Ingersoll, demanded for the work. that way ? Is it because they Also for sale a Boudoir Doherty Organ, now a�?�;w
want to donate those .millions of ��"-
The French Minister of Educa. on Monday gave birth to a child ROPERTY FOR SALE- $1250 will buy _ i8�srt14
o➢ the C. E R. train and had to , dollars to the newspaper and mag- Pa valuable lot on the south side of Huron � E_;4
tion has offered a gold medal for :lir Charles Leo ' Lewes, who azine publishers, or because the Street' Clinton, three doors below the'Com-
tlie best French aChOlAI' t0 b0 be taken ofl At BiscotAsingt P t y meroial Hotel, on which is erected ave
has Lust boon elected t. the Lon don't know as much about business houses, tvtth hard and soft water, small sty
t'ound in English schools. His Dr D. D. Reynolds, of Rockford, don (Eng.) county Council, is a ' „ ble, and other conveniences. For partiani- I �P�➢�j (�T SAW �P�T ILL
tlf)ia '_i intended to encourage the Mich., has um ed into noto)•iot son -the one survlvin son -of as the six•for•a-dollar storekeep- e3_!� 1
rr ars apply to NALTON DODSWUR2 H; or at
y g the NEw ERA 011100 I
jumped Y el", ]n a country town, h'o SAVE _--—_-_------ - - U. 1). AlcLEAN wishes to inform the public
study of French. Aa a man who wears buttons masa George Henry Levee+, And the
of 2U Old ieces on his Clothes+. OSdefiaor of a gooffl fortune left Blaney spent in :1Cd\' il'tising la -WOR SALE -THAT ate on the SUBUR- that he has notr'got tate liipl+en Saw Alill in
A banker in Lille, prance, had g P p , y thrown away, lir donated to the BAR property, situate on the Baso Lina
the misfortune to wet eighteen life moat bo proprietor of a paten t him b George Eliot. He is said just outside the corporation of Clinton, con- his own hoods and is prepared to do
y g marl to •wholil it i3 )aid ? Such taining tete acres of land with fruit -bearing
bills of the Bank of France, and in medicine. to be much better looking 'than orchard, ane brick house, stable, hard and a rt p.
a g talk is s1i111)ly 1'idielr ops, rind it soft water. EvorYthins is in the bust)tossi- ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK.
order to drythem be laced them The Rev. Dr W. J. Holland, of his distinguiabed father.' . requires more than the avera rc ble condition, making it a most a"sirablo Flat its, first out. All Custota Logs aEtend-
P q home. Will be sold at a bargain. ---For fur -
could not Well be worse -looking
011 aboard at an OI)C➢ W111dOW Pittsburg, Penn„ who ]lea been I)a6letlCe •tO discuss ih0 pl'OpOal- star particulars app) to J. BUTT, Clinton. ad to first. Cutting done for y3. and.S8.50
than h'rd father was -and live.
where the Alin shone upon them. talked of al} the probable loader of tion oflahether advertising pays Hil
They dried more rapidly than was a scientific expedition to Africa, or. not wn
,with that kind of a ma. SCRIBER oers for sale the property
A Grey County correspondent, known as the Railway Poll, Clinton close
anticipated: A gust of wind Car• is said to possess one of the finest• c;i riling himself Aut'i-Annexation- His complacent self-conceit in ad- tdthe grain storehouse of MrIt.Irwiu,wbich - - --- - • - ----
ries them into the street, where, entomological collections in Ame- b sliming that be knows more than is alicensedbouseandcloing a goorl'business. )
13t 'writes -els follows to The Galt l bia is a good stand and will be sold on easy 1 i'18•a.
unfortunately, a goat picking Up riCa. It includes 100,000 speCl• the entire business world is laugh- terms of payment, A ()rocery,stof'e in eon- j
odds and ends at once capptured , inonl; of 20,000 species. Rofei mer :-You and your Wilmer- able and reminds lis of the man "action, can be bought with the hotel, or t ��. .� .� r People'
the banks bilis and awallowud ous readers will,be pleased to beol ' ` separately. Full pn ton. are on applicatio», aL➢ )e➢ .s Y ®ilii,,;
v Who proved that tl1C \VOl'Jll CiOPd Silts tf.hF.hLYClinton. AN ILLCSTItATED WEERI,Y.
Silrester Salisbury, jun., `of what.tlae. trend of public ;opinion
them. Tho goat was purchased *,iitchell was ractin shooting'on not rovo]v� by plucin a plln'pliin _-'OUSE AND LOT FOR, SALE -situated —
p g g id in thin northern. part of Our on the south Bide of Townsend Street.
and the bills secured in tt ver ;, i)n a stem) anti lvatchin * it al{ H -
t y 1110s lay, .\°hen the barrel Of the fair Province On the gl1CSt10118 Of r l t' The house,: which is new, contains parlor, n vita t 1'or s�; umber: lit Nov iia tenth vol-
di}a idoses•-oonditdon.. blit.. he n';rht.-t;tirlinr+ion lie llbll(:Itl ingtheyearit ratuumbor iveserialsto, s in.
])lock-' P (lining room, kitchen, a number of bed
F ' L d 1 ly- ur-
gUII'- F1Fat, - A--p.'roee..o ._i a ._COnlnlel tCA1.Un10r. O_.1'.t1tllleK3t1011 _ _ xoou,s,. ago. g, scone cellar tho main part .fug the scarfs will coutnin Hyo aerial stories, in.
BAnI Qf _ lnnCe.Iecagm a is 4 struck him 'in the forehead tear " _.-- _ c.-. ._ uludi)eg Dairc»iwtea'1.liv.K.irkNuurwt,...-Tho._.
r to the States, and imperial Fedor- being het4ti d �vttIi a fdinaoy. Agra Ariil'9oft- ,, „
legations and redeemed them'. in - - , --'••• — lied Mustin by U W StndJard; and A Day
oil a. oril;i)n!Of 1118 'b4Al #inti r " water in Abnndrn o, The ]et contains anis fr
. . ,..._......_-- P le ation.-- rholnettlent-\\:hich 1 stn. .... ;- . ..� r.uarterofan•acn• r:.lth� trovert will no ioWaxland,'by&l�Arunklcrtck.¢"NelsThas--Y..
—'"-' blinding both a es. The 1'ealllt 1 1 Y lnw'sTrlAl," by J, T. Trotrbndre; "ThoTltrx
y About to relate has more than or # , sold on reasonal•'# .As. . pply to Mxs,b.
Hh`Rp°'S AN IDEA r+ lile,nealiCSt Alan ill Canllda Al_' C]' Wishes" byF�ssteyandEran eyMatthew•s•a
may prove fatal. dinary significance front the fact says the Galt Reformer, has been - Howard series fPyl`if; 11Hnmo- tales tstrdiatoa s in aturtalHis
Every One has noticed that a The Minister of Education has that part of this County Of they 1,)cated tit 1'i101'11. Whilst the Sor'- VAI,UABroffers or FOR is farm
7 fury," f Dr Felix LUlerric "Little Glimpses
for sola his tarty of 78 manta' by Sophia If IIorricc; "Glimpses of
i8 represented by Mr. Creighton, vices wb'I.0 ill - progress In th.. !teres; being lot 26,11th Con. of Hallett, ad- Child•lffo from Dickens," by Jlargaret E. Sang -
dray horse is often obliged to .use presented his annual report of the 1 joiuingtbovinngeofLoudtsboro, Allelear-
i;u.the double cnpaelty Of member' Metliddlst churell, Osie Sunda oil. Good frame house and outbuildings. stet • articles nu various ry orfs and pastimes;
all his weight and strength t0 Schools of thea .Province. The Y short stories by the hest writes, and humuroat
of the Provincial Legislature and cr Will be sold on reasonable terms, Plenty of
start a vehicle which moves. along school population in 1887 was 611,- ' , � b evening revels tly, he entered the water. Excellent one for pasturing. If not =and poems, with nary hundreds of illus
start ret' of Tile Em )ire neWs- trationa of excellent quality. Ever line in the
easily enough when once set in 21�, as against 494,804 in 1877. I, , vestry, which i, 'situated in the solldlwilobere ted.plaopplyto.JOill BA1K- p'rPer is subjected to tt:c moat rigid editorial
motion, and it is quite conceivable Hamilton, city is credited with P?Per. If any part of this Pro rear part of the basement, and WELL, Clinton, ant: acruttny, in order that nrthing harmful,may
that springs in-ihe harness might having the largest average atten- vinee of Ontario more than •an• stole a seart'avid pair of kid gloves --'--- ---- . - _ enter its column,.
Ot1]Ol' should be loyal l t a110ll1d IARM TO RENT.-BEING•PAUT OF LOT An epitome of everything that is attracttve
make'the work easier by distrib- dance,#his being 07 per cent.of the y belonging to the minister ; also a �� and al, r^.yet \vawAnosln, each bcrng and desirable lit juvoidle literature. -Boston
uting-the movement of starting total school population:'• certainly be the County of Grey, cashmere scarf' .belonging to liar 100 acres. Good halos, bank barn and out• Conner,
and especially 1118, ('iOnaerCatlVCc} buildings on one farm and no builitings on A weekly feast of nod thing; to the buy. pad
over n I(5nger period of tinge. P Y (Tibbs, director of the choir. Tile the other. Plenty of water, good orchards, films in every family which it vialts-Brooklyn
A lead named Joli.n ')McLeod, therein. Not vel' IOW r ago a' � eta. Julia ouy mils from post otriGe 'an#1 (Jniun. ,.
Actin o the sum estion of Mr y 5 IIamilton �pe< iotas is iucllned to school, and 4 churches erose by. ball plow- 4 suggestion living Ol] WA611ingt0l] avenue, meeting of Conservatives wa8 p, ]tis .wonderful e, its wealth of pictures, in -
Collor, chief engineer, the direct Toronto, way crossin the fields thiIIl( iritis the n1C.ITICdt Bial] ld the ab all timne,a r 23 acres to tall wheat, The icrmation and interest -Christian A °crass, N.Y
t°'' held iT) a Cel'taltl Village 111 tl)ia r above farms are in splendid condition, and'
ors of the Eastern 'Railwayof + g fellow who brok(• int.0 St. Alm V d will be rented separately or together, Oil TERMS: POSTAGE PREPAID, 52 PEUYEAR
near hid parents'.. hoose, . when he County, at which 41 persons w'erC cathedral tries'(' :slid 1'Obbetl tile roasonable terms. For partienlars apply to
France bean, cis yeaie ago, to was horrified to see a iron .tearing t.e3ent. The meeting was call- r ' , MRs'13. McCADE, St Augustine Ott VQI. X. begins November ti, 1888.
harness all the horses employed 1Il flesh from a human head and de- P r, Poor box, ire meanest of all •--• - . ••---.-- ----- •-' • -
sbiftin fre] )cit car's at their Paris , ed to di'scuss' in a quiet and friend metol men though re,sides ill Shat- LEINDTD FARM .FOR SALII. THE Specimen copy. sent on receipt of a two -cent
g g vourinir it. The dog drove 1118 `"' ►�.siibserfber otrera'for sato Wtatexcelient stampb
station with traces made of chains g ly wily the political, situation• fo'l'd. ..lie drinks al.) Ili.; eal'ninga farm of 100 acres, on the Huron road,Hnnett, l SingleNumbarsFiveCentseach.
boy awaj , Llut lie returned to find After' ral.iouS propositions. Wep. being iot Ll. There are W acres cleared, and
having a stroll spiral spring in- P P and mal�e'a his orifi NIII)pl)1't hill. nearly all fit for cultivation, balance good Itenuttances should be, made by Post Office
g g P P g the skull picked clean. It is sup- node 011e leading Conservative Money Order or•Draft to avoid chance of loss.
sorted in them„ A ]urge numbe> _ f He has a 1t1rg0 f;l iii l ly Ut htnill l Lardgrood bush ; the place is in good shape. Y
- Died ii118G 1110 -head wa3... k0 est ... ;Sion ._1.1.. s.. 29 ;)0 ith--f amss ooaehea . :_• ors o-_ t.: , hi ted m ti
- P l) P y declared trlaeif7Yr fat�4r of Com- v gel. e, . x _.. �f _t - w .._ .- F .N� TiaureR t f� a�lkt..t s yortisa a t.
of horses is employed do this saes- ch'rlclt Irl`tirtd fii;la �autl to Scarfs at' oaf Bank Barns and oatbitta�uga, a acres wiyhout the expross order •f ItAAPER 9 $itOTnxRs
of medical students. mercial Union bat ho-cou•Id not
VICe at the -station, and the effect g t Grits t to 0ot a hotel, :lits is letting hii9 wife. find o bearing Orchard, Plenty n. e$2il00aotve�. ,
Only throe mflae from Clinton, ' Address ; YIAItl ER & BRUTIIEtiS, \eve Yank
Of the change has been very satis- The winter in the Northwest, think of,joining th l II s children take va ro of themselves. and any reasonable time for balance attl'7. -.• ,_
factorv. A considerable gain has according to recent advices,, has tain it. Others expressed them- The woman h,ls a lied f'or relief; lntcrost. EDWARD SIBBEN, on the place, ,
pP or Clinton P. 0.
been made in the durabieity. of been a most extraordinary one. selves as opposed to Commercial and Alt]. W. Gibson Will give the -----• __
' - - --- . 1SSf1-•
the harness and the regularit of 'Cotters were received at the In- Union, and at last it' was agreed )olive a )muter to icor: after him. ROPERrors leR�SALE-Spin SCRs ...t �
y 1 P HARPER SagaZine
the work, through the diminution terior Department ill Ottawa on that a secret ballot be taken t0 �f he retiises to sal)}slit his ftati'il� , present occupied byatimself, on the corner ILLtiSTAATED.
test the meeting On the c uesti011 of Princess and Raglan Ssreeta.
of the number o chains broken in Monday, from Calgary, dated five g 1 there i:• ;t law to rem,11 hint. acre of land an set out with choice fruit - • °
the service, whale the horses have days ago, which convey the in. of annexation to the UnitedStates, trees'ana grape vines, plenty of hard' and ilAltt'xR'a 11AGAZINi is the most useful, enter -
when t0 tl)C surprise Of many,-- ' soft water. The house contafne three roorne twining and beautful periodical in the world.
done their work better and with formation That tip to that time no P 3 , down stairs, and four above, with good, cel- Among the attractions far 1859 will be a now
lees fatigue, The blow' of the snow had fallen, and that Cattle 86 out of the •11 ballots were for tar, closets. &-a. This property is very con- novel --an American stony, entitled "Jupiter
vonio,it to at•bnols, and is in one of the best Lights" -by Constance F. *(solson; illustrations
collar on the shoulders at Startinghad been razing in the open all Annexation. - I wonld Commend When i)aby tray sink, we gave her Cast6li locations in town. Will be sold entire, or of Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. Abbey ; a
the lute divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN series of articles on Russia illustrated b ''r. do
Winter. This year is expected t0 this state of matters t0 the man- When ,be was a Child, she cried for Castor* STEEP, Clinton. Thulstrup ; papers on tho'Dominion of Canada
fa far less violent and less er,th y P t -- and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley
be a great year on the ranches: ager of The 1.mpia•o (or as he is When she became Mi", she ulnng to Clwtot•ia,' _
ons to the animal than Under the g y sometimes called, the'Em I)eror.'1 When ,he had CLUdreu,she gavethe mCaetoli,! VT wt host cl,ROl, lRTFt 'tSiec'out Warta ;three
rwegian. tu` les"bby Bjsorv-
old system, and the horses, finding Richard Benedict 20 ears of ] property 1
y If this is the result of the eading aide the co oration of Clinton, on the Lou- historical pplay hr the author of '"Ben•Ifur,"
that a strong' continued pressure age, living with his mother in g , lately p y illustratedb
cr don Rona atel occupied b Rev. John )'.Y.,R.\Ve uelin, etc. ThoEdltorial
editorials in theEm )ire fins months
i will affect A6 much Aa 1110 jerk I Gray, and consisting of 19 aeras, with good Departments ora conducted by George William
Crow land township, about two g e ' frame, Ho se, Darn and Stables, splendid Curtis, William Dean Howells, acid Charles
past in denonncin the vile (?sits s n
which was foz•merly necessary,Welland,+ n - a ' . Orchard, and plasty of orator, Is offered for Dudley Warner•
miles from lost his sea- as Annexationists, is not a change, sale, Being in Stanleytownship, the taxes
seem to gain courage, and pull son and about 3 o'clock 11Zonda t.,;, o T.e-: W-1 V , , .. � riARPF.R S PERIODICALS.
instead y of base worthy of Ott ., aro low. Vary desirable property for a
y, p C- p= - C C t: O p fort er who wishes to live retired, Will be PER
waalny the r Ite directly, in] Cif morning got out of his bed strip -1 1 • . p p a o e. o° •° 00 v1 sold on reasonable trruts. Apply for full 11ARCER'S MAGAZINE YEAR:
the )art Of The f m No oral it,
g g ed himself naked entered. his plana t t ao ed ..22 � °� jUI ., e{ particulars to THOS. EABT, Parkhill. , 89
nal plunges. Dn1'ln the alY P , ' manager? ,v apse. p o,w o, psis C, -- . . . . . _._-_--- HARP ER'S AZAR ...........
.................... 4
P g, g mother's. bed -room and hammered caZ I 9 p p ; .' ,. ai. �ARAt FOR SALE: - TIIAT SPLENDID HARPER' WEAR L .......... I . , ...... 4
years of trial the directors of the and choked her nearly to death. j � o ° � o mw a V4- C0.2 ", A sarin of Ila A#•ica, on me Maitland con- HARPEII'a YOU G PEOPLE....... ... 2
company have become so convine- He then left the house and ran t w � G O a _ C P ; a m � � ; a" cession, ate';tlg lot 44 (loderich township, States,Canadaire or all soh cribers in the United
a, r^n-. m v,,, 00 situated 1.a ntilea Ircnl Hohnesville, and four
ed of the superiority of the new three-quarters •of a mile without A 'i'f ):1.5'1' To Tll I ( t t' I-" I-" N, o m o j� 8- °ate -�� Hti utiles frost-, the'rown of Clinton, 'rhe soil iggs . The volumes of the JIAoiAZtNrt begin with the
mode ofharnessing that it has been a stitch of clothing on him to. a t L) x b q= p P � s oma" a A �' crA it eokrrnnail ti{oathr`with on1 h %hc jil fi^11n loo Ruod When not rs forcOtiv slneetltied,msulh.crer ipt anis) Wil
adopted in all portions of the vast neighbor's uamodplenl'y I3uchner 1'ho ii,llowiu#r is a vcrbatiin re. �'� 5a��a'��:a �dR',A� wells' There leaboutsavresoftinsh,whieh beFn with the Number eurtcnt tet time of re.
+ t, , o- a w o N one of the Bost sugar bush# -s in the coun- celpt of order.
network of lines under their con- H d+e o8 Wa-68A..,4 Q
a blacksmith, woke him out of his Ort of a ti ecell ill rivin#r a toatit ,� S d at Q m,,.n I� w m o a ty; also frame barns, one a bank barn, 'Bound volumes of IIAnrxtt'A 3lACAztxR, for
trot. + P , g pt y -a 5 m Q ".5 v o, Cr� Fv one frdrnc horse ntahle, with roots for ton, three sears back, in neat cloth binding will ht,
• j _ sleep and made a deadly attack On of (The Queen' at : cent a ricin- ao o'a. Q a„ ..> v° 60 z horses, also tato gnuil bearing orebards, be-
.r, fi �e .,.O -,d m .0 m . ,-,e sent by mail, pasyy-psis, r receipt of encs per
him beating htnl so bade that he DO da wcs°I� ;sC ,p 2 About 5ftem 8(-(,tlall;two tet011.Og110UBen. VUlnnle. C1nthL'6Se- torbindiu 50 cents each
'T'he Mexicans,' says a traveler, €+ y tl1tA1 ahOtV dlnlet 111 Scotland. latlll. � � Z E4,0`9,61
gip wrj,d $ m � About 45 acrua a#•ear4 Buten, Will he sold by mai), pot -paid.'
,have a vary queer way of burying is now confined torus bed and may The Oillirn]an ,said : . a= qa m �_� 8 m lie esti reasonable 1'. i,•run. Al.1•:X SihnOUR' ' Inelex to IIARi'RR'.A- ]IAUAZINRt AI habotical
C m,°,� „10 1aa � f+ Hulihtesiille Y. u. P
1 g y ROt 1 CCOVP,I'. Tei hbot,a finally "\ O0, gentlemen, tlemerl, *\'l l l ye 1111 �- a + pM s �_ m _ Analytical, and CI t •ifltd, for volumes 1 to 40
the dead. The corpse is
tightly g 3 y b=:� _
secured hien, and tier.] him fast your 'rl1isses f01• i r1L abuU1 1t) 1 Qo"a w3°mac oa 3 incluaive, from •Inas, 15SU,'to Jime.1P8�, one
\°rapped in century plant matting Y o g o�B _ as o d �b p vel, 8vo, cloth, $4,00,
and placed in a coffin rented fol' with roles• br]R,g forward 'The t� ate en.' (al' IQ
° o q c o y , 0x r ricmittancc ahot:'d be n:adc hy0bat_ofNco
�c )1a11sC 1),01' 1 ,l1Cen, <rCfltleTl]eR, I� White NZO 100u�I��it ee'Y, Money Order or Drift, to wvutd chance of loss,
v cents. 'One or two natives, as An Annnpulis, Nova *otin, 1 ) t.
'' t'eAll' a \VORllel'fll' R'011lfll) If 1 KT. THOS AH, ONTA141tl, Newapapersar@nnttocnpythis advertsemo»t
the case may be, place the Coffin fartnit', \CI'Ititlg t0 the I''at'm01'ti ) , e I witheutthecxprrµ'ac•r4erufilnm'RR9t,BRoTll&g
On tlielI' heads gnu g0 in a trot t0 'Advocate to 1'enC'C hl,s Sgbsc'rllL_ n]a}' $a}' IL ; 8he R atl0 l)' 1110 g1llt.1 � �� Lois \�� govt the aply lhrtr)t;y in the Du- Addrvr s: Hill PEI: sYi BROTHERS, Now York
mutton. Our ntah'rial in forte and fine,
the grave. where the body is in- ion, males a few remarks whieh, auld tion, Wad whlgn'alceriees lir I „ _... .,.,,i ;., .....4.. Ad t,,. 1,,,,"44n c.'fnn.Sn#n o"
.. ., .......... -Class
turned. Tho wealthy class use
- --------, -- -
the fumer,s in all the Provinces,
da con body; 6he's respectable
the street cars as hearses and the
' It seems to me," he says, i1 tbaf,
boyond a loot. She has brocht up
friends fbeside the car on
if there as some way to lessen
lier grand family o' \d eolf:uu''d la(la
the tariff and taxes it would be a
and lassies -her auldest son being
greater benefit to us as farmers.
a credit to Ony Inither--turd the'i•0
BIRTHS. -Those whose duty it is to
I ram a farfner and have no othetn
a' \reel married. Ac daughter is.
register births and deaths are so Beg•
way of suppporting rn3•se{•f�••• and
nae 1(s.. than married to the Dake
-Agyll's heir -(Cheers)
ligent la the matter that steps are be-
l"Amily. I file f6kining and ata'
son- a>Td--
lag taken in several towns in Ontario
satisfied with tho country, - bili
tTentlemen, yc']l maybe' 110 believe
to have provisions of the law com•
am not satisfied with the prosent
it. but 'I "nee yaw the Qnoen:
plied with. Clause 8 of the Act pro.•
vides that the father of Avery child,or
protective policy Of ihe Dominion
(fienwition.) I d,id. It was when
in the cher of his absence or death,
Government. It does not• protect
the farmer. We have to compete
1. took any auld brown coo tao
Perth show• I remember hor
the inability
the mother, or In Case person
of both parents, any person a-aadiag
with the world in what we have t�
wool such elolor, site]' hoists' In•
in .the place of such, shall within
sell. If they would lot us buy
terruption and cried of '•Is it the
thirty days after the birth of such
where we can buy the ehefipeyt
coo Or the 1luecn yo are propos.
childgive notice tbereot to the divi-
without '.:living to pay such a
ing ") The Queen, gentlemon. I
cion registar. In the case of death,
heavy tariff' it would bo I)ett'r..
be youri ardonpbut Iwas talking
clause 15 enacts that t ryeY duty r dui uald-
fled medical practitioner who was
All I ask is for thorn to put :ill,
( ). I VIC � (1' f14 tilt,
a of the 10
last in attendance during the illness
cilasseson an equal footing. 1Vhy
the Queen, somebody pointed her
of any person, shall within ten days
is it that fat" machinery and fern-
oat too me at Perth station, ansa
after having knowledge of the death
iture cannot be manufactured in
there she was,smart and tiny like,
of such person, transmit to the divi-
this country as Cheaply ave any
and saS's I tae mI•golf: (lin my
sion registrar a certificate under his
other ; labor is elleaper here, and
Auld woman at hamc slips awa'ye
ai aatur f h- u t d th. R-
e i t ca ee o ea e
g u
what right has a manufacturer' t0
11 na remain a widow anither
CCd Ci 1 V
fusel or neglect t0 comply with the
of the Act renders the of-
expect Higher profit from money
hour Ian er.' ,Cheers.) Aoo
fenderi is
finder liable a fine f less than b e to deo note
invested than it farmer;' II seems
gontlemei>, the \husky's gnid,the
�1 nor more than r20 and coats, for,
to lne that this thin has been
nicht is lan r the weather iii Wet
each and every offence, it being the
running all one-sided long enough
and the roads is raft anti will harm
duty of the division registrar to pro-
and i hope that the time will soon
nne'uody that comes to grief'. tic)
come when farmers will lay aside
ail' wi y(i's; drink tilt the bottom.
Flitches F rrastoria.
-party politics and Joel( after their
erhe Queen""(Chcer:,)•-» Sheffield
owls interes'fa a-1 they shnn1d,"
(Fnv.) Telegraph. M ;
,„ .
i . -
V n
-p .
.. .. ...:
hoc's delay waiting for thr duetur only
h • »ttentled with seri(nts consequences,
ealte1•1u11y in rnscs of ('roup, Pneutllnuia.
and other throat and hang trouble,q.
llonce, nu family should be without a
hottle• of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which has pruved itself, in'thousands of
cu+os, the best Emergency Aledivine
i t r discorereli. It gives prompt relief
awl prepares the way for a Viorough
carr, which is certain to be effecWil by
its continued use,
S. -H. Latimer, M. D., ,it. Vernon,
Ga., says: "I have found Ayet's Cherry.
Pectoral a petfeet cure for Croup in all
# awes. I have knova•n the worst cases
relieved in a very short time by its use;
and I advise all•families to use it in sud-
den emergencies, for coughs, croup, &c."
A. if., Eidson, M. D., Middletown,
Tenn., says: "I have dived A,yer's
('harry Pectoral with'the beat effect in
my practice. This wonderful prepara.
Iton once saved my life. 1 had a con-
stant cough, night swr;ats, was groatay
reduend in fles and given tip by my
Physician. Une botile and a half•of rhe
Pectoral mired me."
"T cannot' ray onontth in praiso of
",r•er's •Cherry Pectoral," writes R.
Rragdon, of 1 alestlne. Texan. " I eliev-
ing a,r I do that, lilt fes• it? 11-v, i sb#nild
lung slnrc have,tlied."
Ayers Cherry Pectoral,
Or, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MBs%.
Acld 1.y all Pruggista, I'1lve ivI ; six bottles, 8b•
,,,; 1,1,.1 1,,.11.1•1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-...1 . ..
not absorb moisture and eonsequentl,y
I not afle(tal by the frost. J..11aker
Edwards, Ph. D., I). 0. 1,.. V. C. S., of
Montreal, N. (,1., PRys its great d ra.
bility tinder, nit exposure to woatber
and storm is fully aysurrd by its high
quality. it ill ninre durable than atone
't. 1 and om
and will not loose t y t s e ri oa-
nnce from geperatkni to generationr.' T
know of no other mnterial which is
eiluq)iv ca'palale, of combining Oog%noc
of furin, beauty of surface anti indefinite
, durability.
Please cath on,or write to our agent at
Clintcif and see designs and priucs be-
fore placing your order.
Tay. S,r, TnoiiAy Wurlr: RauN.mtMONII-
oe. v«aeA9
�• a
"o e
" � 9 _
e S
ae .,
�9s fag 0435 oe«5.5 ,
® t
� .All �oa�9030,sI.M.1;
�iM8'1 a1 sxg
0W1, Is .�9
0 Y 1%511 d
'.rt s n
0 jj dab
1880. •
11 ANVY.10i wRERLy hna a well•ctnbliahed pinco
As the leading illustrated newspaper in Annertea. •
The fairness of its oditnrial continents mt current .
polities has
1 for St t s t.and wuH-
P be ro ice
dance of all Impartial renders, and the varlet
and excellence of its Utdrery contents, whir
include serialand �hnrf gtorlos by the best an
most popular writers, Ht it for the perusal of
''ieople of the widest range of tastes and pursuits.
and no
expense pl Is spared to briny ilia 1 Lthc are frequently It order of,
artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of,
the changeful phases of home and foreign his.
WWA new work of fiction, from the pen of
William Dean Howells, and one by Capt. Charles
Klug, win be among the leading features of the
Wssaty for 1880.
)IARPER'S WEEKLY ................. . . 84 00
I1t E 00
AIP RS'MAGA.7.iNE...... ..... ... 4
llAftPER'S 13A7tAR ...4 00
Postage free to all snbaerihers in t1.e,T,nited
,glai ea, Call Wit or Mcxfco.
The volumeq of the tVRiom,v begin the first. ,
Number for Jannary nt oat. -It )ear. When no
time Is menti"uod, suhseril,ti.nts ",ill begin with
the numbereurront at time of receipt of order.
13e11ndV01111110OfHAnran8'Wsr,RLY,forthrec ,
yearn hack, to neat cloth hinding, will he sen
by mail. postage paid, or by oxprem, free of ox -
pent, (provided the fret ht does not rx,'ecd ono
dollar per volume), for .7 per volume.
Cloth (eases for vich, volnn e, tuitnhlr for
binding, will be sent by 1110 0, p al•pot)d, on re.
colpt lit el caeh.
Retnittancew should ho mn,le h)• Post•OHlce
Money Order or Uta(!, - + evold chance Of toss.
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Ad,iress: i191PF.R ,t BROTiT.ERR,.tew,Vor