HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-22, Page 6_ .. x___ . _ - , - - -.-__-___._.__._�_._ ,I FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1689. now a brute of a fellow oame ill with a 49wever, prose P all . �s a young A?an ,ally 1}ie >Qoasouline 6t4rd(ln$sgr' did Y M ' C emus their (;T,vl' af• ed u on wom NION,A , .MQN•F,(Y l Q1TF'll 1. ., ,.�:+, sumtnoA@ for rates, and I told Zxlln thq►L fair, for to the rest, those who think looks before he it4as had experigpq� h_er her up OdRAWAVIliblyl. Even, We canmgpke s.teW,g(pod'loanefropaiWrate' . ij� �jjI�'j� (� Our friend, that Moans you, $111 dear, I d rg hking't a lead in .!;iris 4pd: Ci4op- ': ((II((�� e . own handso a in a and have hear to feel, t4tld image- of the world, `'ba a bels . ;tp bp• rd. 0,•) the: strongest womeA, i£ Lhey have funds aG law rates a04 mederate elrpene9. Plug, whin# sill t)e don. st i11 tl e9, on tlae llUall,kli„L'J1I QUi RETCH, �� Lt. was going to gem a q4 Terme made to eu1l}�. rzQwers. abortest notice. CROPPINIO,=o413y i) ceRtr, p day or two. •1X9 would not believe zt— nation to, tr , lie and rwldtpetntrig rated and almost wotsbl pad, as any element that can be called feml- MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton 11 just as though be knew what 4 Mean r (t hitt;, Glve ae a trial, sad �,otl �vil1 be oou humans th 40 ,ha ,tol}pl4ed, the sotmpthing bottom, brighter, parer nine loft in them, want- somebody -- vWced that this is the right pleas to Bit our A' TA LE OF VOUNTRY LIFE. lot you wereg—so I told ltjtn to bundle y� 'y ' f Grleting done, as everyone gets tp,e our out double Ilnick, or I d heave the coal- mere. weight of the worltt s misery than himself, hardly to be won, and of the other sex to lean on, and tda Q1�IION SHAVING.PA RLOR. manufaaturea from hie own wheat. r�arm- 0089n round them like an atmos- when won to be worn like a ewe! was no ezce tion to the rule. Be• ere can depend on getting their atnir'. oma BY H. RIDER HAGGARD. shoot at hie h6'6'p� and be wenyou beg, pressing ,p HAVING, HAIR CUTTING eNn 6HAM- with them. 11; but bell be bank/ before long with the phare, the mere echoes of the groans prized `at once for value and for sides,if Ida s society had charms for pO0IN0 done very neat a¢d to suit FLOUR AND FEED. -Flour and feed kept j, • CONTENCED. summons. I say the coal -shoot, for of the dying and the cries of the beauty. - Colonel Quariteh his societyhad every person. constantly on hand. � OEiN EADES, 6mith's Block D. B. MoLEAN, Kippers Mills: Copp'right and published by arrange- there ain't no coals in it, and I can't children are sufficient, and more Now this is a dangerous state of almost if not quite as much charm tient igith the Rose Publishing afford any money to get a bit of fire to than sufficient to dull ay to destroy, mind for a man of three or four and for her, It may be remembered �i i f-ILINTOE MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, Company.) warm my bones with. Then there's + Ss WILSON Library and Reading Rooms, Town. "Come tt to town at once. Fat[]- the landlord says he'll distrain for the the promise of their joys. But,still, forty to fall into, because it is a soft that on the night that they first met ! Hall, down stairs. About 2,000 velumei- p rent, unless its paid up in double quick even to this finer sort there do come state, and this is a world in which she had spoken to herself of him as GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. in the Library and all the Leading on t e or has had a stroke of paralysis. time. And so the long and short of it papers and Periodicals a rile day on fire ;' Shall expect you by the seven is, that if I don't get about five hundred rate periods of almost complete fIa[r- the softest are apt to get the worst the kind of matt whom-asb0 would HURON STREET, CLINTON. table. Membership ticket t►1 .per annum • quid out of you In the course of neat pines -little summers is the tem- of it, and at four -and -forty a ma6,of like to marc The thought was a Open from 2 to s p m., and from z to s p. o'clock lock train. Y g Repalrng of all kinds promptly attended to m. Applioatione Yor membership rceeived 11 v week, I'll know the reason why. And pestuous climate of our years,green- course, should be bard enough to passing one, and it may be safely rcasonahle rates. A trial solicited. By the Librarian in the room. "What, is iti"said Mrs Quest, not- I'll just be plalu with you, Bill, my old fringed wells of water in our desert, get the better of other people, as said that she had not since enter- - - -_ _:_ — - __ ___ -- ------ ing the alarm on his face. boy. If I don't,. -Vee the color of that are northern lights breaking in indeed he generally is. taine3 any serions idea of marriage THIS YEAR'S BENNI�,LER NURSERY "Wry, my father is very ill. He ntouey by this day week, why,I tell you P has had it stroke of paralysis, and I what I am going to do. I"m going to upon our gloom. And strange as it W11E>u Hatold'Quaritcb, after all in connection with Colonel Quariteh. must +,u to town b the next train, take a little country air; my complexion play seem, these breadths of happy that long interval of years, first set The only person whom there seemed /{ � ��N FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE? wants it,and I think Boisiltdhamwould, days, when the old questions cease eyes again upon Ida's face, he felt a the slightest probability of her uu�t . ,6 _1, �f NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH ' "Shall you Lo long away?"' suit firet•rate. In fact, I shall Dome to torment and a man can trust in curious chane come over him. All marrying was Edward Cossey, and AND ASTRACHAN PINE, '' "I do not knot Hold can I toll? down and pay you a visit, old boy, so ' Toa LATTaR or waloa WE MAKE a srficiAMT, Uuud-fly, Belle. I i1u sorry that perhaps you'll ask the lovely Mrs Quest Providence and without one quali- thQ vague ideas and more or less the mere thought of this was enough CUT AND PLUG to get a room ready for me; and when fying thought bless the day that he poetical aspirations which for five to make the whole idea of matri• D �1 L111GE STOCK ON NAND, we S!Iuul,l have had this scene just I et down there, if I don't tell all the y q ly g y g y repugnant s Smol �t�„ .TOII�C'VO g was horn are ver fre eat. connect• lou ears had gathered themselves mon re u Want to her. ti' as 1 aur wing, lint I eun't help it." old respectables a thing or two about ed with the passion that is known round about that 1pemory took shape But this notwithstanding, day by The above ornamental trees and shrubbery wl "Oh. R war(!," she said, catching their beloved lawyer, and generally be sold at very low prices, and those wantin biro L the ttrlu and turning her make them sit up and see stars, why, I as love; that mysterious ymbol of and form, and though as yet he day she found Harold Quariteh s FINER ' THAN EVER, anything in this connection will save incite Y g ain't I. And now there's the straight our double wituve, that strange tree would not quite confess it, in his society more congenial. Herself . purchasing here• tear•sta;nus fare ill, tuward9 his Own, tip for you from your affectionate of life which, With its roots sticking heart he knew that 1]e loved her. by nature, and also to a certain der*- SLr Orders by Blair will be promptly tiltcntt "you r1rH not angry with me, aro -Tiger.' But remember she'd always' theit strength from the dust heap I And as the days went on, tend he gree by education, a. cultured wo• e(L to. Address,vull"i l)u nut let us hurt in auger. rather purr than growl. It'sonly when o Vie cash don't cone down tl]at herback of humanity, y et springs aloft above came to know bet better, he grew man, she rejoiced to find in him an JOHN STEWART How can I help being jealous .when p 9 y, y ptii ,riffs est levsl,andjbears its blooms to love her more and more, till, at entirely kindred spirit. For be. , enmil!®r. goes u Alla question of moue m $c I love you sol Tell we that you (lo boy, like everything else in this wicked in the very face of heaven. last, his whole heart went out to- neath •his somewhat rugged and un-TBN NEW jM�jnI}}��ggjpn.ppp not hate me, or I ,Hall be wrotched wovid. Your beloved Ent'ru." ",ly it is and what it means we wards Ilia late -found treasure, and promising appearance Hai -old Quar• McKillop AlIFIUUI IllSUlal1CU• Cu. :i all tLo •tiwtl that you err: away.” i;y the time that 111r (;1'.lest lead shall never know for certain, but it ane grew to him to be more than itch hid a nature of considerable 1N a1:oNZE urs ft "?10, no, of Durso not ; but I finished reAdinn this I.rtaciop, afro• does suggest itself,that,as the great- life, more than alight had been, or � 'richness. Few of those who assn- [ innst say that I wish ),oil would not sip», the cold sweat wits standing in EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE, T• NEILANs HARLocK eat tapper of our -being lies in the could be. Blue •and happy were cited with hint would have believed 3111 such fihoekinr`g seenex--};nod {peed% 01 his foelleali utter loneliness, [lie unspeakable those 'clays which they spent in that the man bad a side to his na• BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST ,' 'GENERAL AGENT. "Great-heavent+!' he said, - "this identity,and unchanging self-com- painting and talk'vg as the wan- tune which was almost poetic or "Good -i y," ,Jin answored a9 she What a ro g painting e„ Y poetic, The _Clinton Branch Bible Society nave for Isolated town and village property, as wall wonhui will destroy too. p►eteness of ever liven soul so the dered about the Honham Castle that bei was a ri s and finished as farm buildings and stock, insured, Inslr- gavt: him l;er Shaking 11;111119, devil ! And she'd be as good as hot, 1 y g g ' • P STORE Albert St eel afineTassortmetit of autos effected agai�t stook that may be Y word 1tn109$ T found hHt' llle mUllE) iaCeatetit hope and the intensesb na- ground9. by degrees .Ida o slight scholar, and, what is more, not df'` Bibles and Testaments. killed by lightning, If you want insurance "Good -by, n] ' dear. If you ki]ow y, , drop a card to the above address. what, I feel here," sho pointed to rural yearning .of cur hearts go out but perceptible hardne.s of manner I void of a certain dry humor. Chen TESTAMENTS r FROM bats. WARDS. _ .__._ ___ 1 I must co up to town at once. I BBSE P D 2seta WORTHINGTON, )' wonder how Shu of that idea into towards that passion which in its wore away, and she stood out what he had travelled far, and seen much coMEexnsEE. DR 4voItTHlNcroN, De• hot- live:Ist, "You would maks+ e.x g PAINTING. PAINTING. case.; for cull.". .\intu,t before she fire -heats has the strength, if only she was, one of the sweetest and I of men and manners, gathered up Poaitory' ^T- _ _ her head. .It tnakes too shudder to for a little while, to melt clown the most natural women in . Eeglaud, i all sorts of quant odds and ends of - The undersigned desires to intimate to the . hall finished Ler i:enteuee he was think of such it thin;," and he drop barriers of our individuality, sad Cud, with it all, a woman llal:ng information. J. T. WILLIE, SURGEON, DENTIST` people of Clinton and vicinity that he has gone. She stucd near the door, po(I his face upon his bands and g --- returned to town, and intends to remain lis -bel to bin retreating iootste s bitterness of his give co the soul something of the brains and force of character. To BE CONT1Nt'FD. Holds the exclusive right for the county for here pe-manently, and is better prepared h a P , gl'O:llied in the power for which it yearns of losing Soon ho discovered that Ler life the Hurtl process of administering cheenf- than ever to do anything whatever in the till f Ley' llru.l crofts <llt'd away, and lieart. calls pure Nitrogen M,onoxido, which is the Painting or paper banging,line. All orders its sense of solitude in converse with had been anything but ark easy one. — career And best System yet discovered for entrusted to him will receive prompt and theft 11unp; lit-rsulf ill the chair and "It is hard," be•thOUght to hiui• � � the painless extraction of teeth. Charges careful attention, rested Lc'r be:, i upon Ler hand~. "I it3 k•;nd, 1 Oralone we are trot- in- The constgnt anxiety about rncney the Provincial Tro"urer of Quo• moderate, satistactionguaranteed. Office, GEORGE I'OTTB, Kirk St., Clinton. 1 self ; "here I have for• years and l—Ve ELTAOTT'S BLOCK, over stance's Tailor shall .luso pini " she said to herself fancy to death , for the most lend her fathers affairs had worn bee made his annual statement to shop, Huron street,"aluton. 1 years been arriving end toil! ig and pair grow not more near together her clown and hardened her till, as the Legislature on Friday. IIs ----- - --' - #.a rn flio bttterne'a s of hear heart. I laboring to become a respectable and ' p , g g anno4lnced a surplus of X373,000. knUw T shall. \, hilt c hanec+h(tve. I IUsl,ected member of society, and but rather v .der apart with the she said she began to feel as though -EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. I:guiusc her? f [� ulreildv cares for widening years, Where go the she had no heart left. Then, too; r 1HE SCIENCE of Lire STEVENSON • always this old folly haunts my sympatbios between the parent and he hoard all her trouble about her A young wrttot ill Bostot: _tells 1 thegreatMecat ...... •. r.. t' -al-rut's+ than ho doss• -steps -and dram tne-'dowri; and; by work of age on Man C-f I la a great•,lr where is the close old dead and cit btotller James, horn how he wrote a stop end sant it J� ' the Cblld Arid Y Y t hood, Nervous and Physi- 'I • for ul•t1- 1l,-the'..eud. hit .will.. break HeavpIl I'believo that it will due [eve of -brother for bis broths., dearly to several periodicals, all of which cal nobility, Pro Premature arl' she had loved him and what Decline. Errors r Doti, ....., ._.._ ..•-w.---f toares01,';..:LtL1_.nls.ri'.::.lit:r.-seni e.. tame.. _d0C," 10d it:-'-Tffeil._`IiF'-: w t6-�-lr aua-rEi--unttatd--misoriea.-•_ y f - _, :- } stroy tree 'atGel all> • -filth- a••et;lr The invisible fates are conttnua[[y A sore trouble ho had -'been wtlli ]ria _ Oh I had ratlwr sac hill, dead and is head .and, taking, a ....go'seq.nAat.:-tllereenr-A00 ...• 1 L' L1+.. U :.1U _ - - - -- - he trtted b , k.__c. x g y c+ver trrniTr `p g r tri'se;lf tno.'; •w'r'al+[ting~tts�'ronnd'-attd rolrnd with° extravagant vva s-and-3lts cont'iTTUEld �, ,'mTs=.. •clltn 'the tvord8 l;agesevol., 125prascrip- " sheet of paper, wrote on it, "I have so as to mako it n dialect story, Mall for all diseases.- m l Iult nn !lour l:+ter 11r hues? corns received your letter, and will come tit(- winding- sheets of our solitude, demands for money, which had to Cloth, full gilt, only $1, by mail, sealed. ti- UNDER 4 A ER , . ' and the paper which first refused and none may know all our heart be met somehow or other. At last P P 1,•scratedsamplefreotoall youngand mid - ill• I and see you to•morrow or tho next sado•lie who made it. We are carne thecrusbiu- blow of his death it PVOmptly accepted it. dlaa�ed men. Band now. The Gold and —ANP— • Where is Ccs,evi" he asked. clay." This letter he placed in an g ' Jewo led Modal awarded to the author by • set upon the world as. the stars are and with it the certsinity of the ex- the seg al Medical Associatio nnr d�'t. i,� M "Mr :losses s father has had a envelo pe which ho directed to tllo EMBALMER [ set upon the sky, and though in fol• tinction of the male line of the De ld$P5"tori!!! aild Othtt CT rd$ 1 �KER,graduateof Harvard Medical Cory ;ft'oku of paralysis, and be has gone high-sounding- ❑+tine of gips D Au• go, 25 years practice in Boston, who ma up to :London to look after him." gigue Stanley St. Pimlico -Cud lowing our fated orbits .we pass and la Moller, and sho said that for a be consulted confidentially. Specialty, vis - "Oh?" said :11r Quest. "Well, if put e, in his pocket repass, and each aline out on each, while slap had believed ]ler father _. _. _ - Base of -tan. Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St. the old 6ntleulan dies, your friend Then with another sigh be t::ok Yet are we the same lonely lights, would t:ever bold up his lead again. MANNING & ISCOT'C A FULL LINE OL' will be one of rhe wealthiest mon ill g rolling- along obodiene to tbo laws But bis vitality was equal to the The Afolsons Bank• u the s nites letter, and glanced g g , Barristers,,Solicitors :GOODS KEPI ill STOCK England." througll it. Ita length was consid_ we cannot underatand,tllougl dose shock and after a while the debts r Incorporated h Actor Parliameflt, tb5s. iVell �.D r,111^h the b�ttci for great spaces of which Bone may began to come ill, which although arable, but in substance it announe- le was not leralT bound to do so CONVEYANCERS,- &C. CAPITAL, - $2 000,000. _ -- . hint. I ala, sure wonry is a• great ed 'Ilia acceptance of the arrange• niark the limit, g Y , REST MND, $i;000,600 . blrsim�. Tt. plroterti: one from so went aro posed b Mr Edea r Cps. Ol'iy,as says the pnia in a orris of her father would ins? t Up011 liteet- Conitpussieners for Ontario and Manitoba, The bestF.mbahning Fluid used "' 1 1 Y truth a11d b09Uty :-- Ing t0 the last fal•tlnncr, for the ben- OFVICE NEXT DOOR To NEw Faii, CLINTON' HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. ,.�,,; -� . mut'l: " sey, and requested th-at lie would or of the family an'1 put of respect - I - "y(';;," =;o,l !,Ir tine r, with cru- T- I. F. H`ILLIA.RD• THOMAS WORKStA;v......... President. , r— prepare tie neaossary .decile to be -Only a16elo ed li&Ila is lard 11] ours, 1 for his soil's lUen]Ol'y, and there was J. If. R.' MULSON. ..........Vico-Fro,. I q , ,. , 1'lia!;'11 "el n'toh tlpu l,t•ttet' for hlflp. submitted t0 his lawyers. Mr Quest F. WOLFN;1tS1AN TH011A5, GepuralManag,r SplC liolid ,IZ[,r11°S' . \t" ti I:nv v'U'1 ln'r n ar 'i 1 ? l:r,Cauae R,' , When, jaded with the rush And grate J more trouble about money, that had HARRIST)JP, SOLICI10It, (�(i. . . _ I l! > - 6 read the letter absontly eirough, and Of the interminable hours, gone on Grid on, always getting, PitnwL;1 Frsus to loan at lowest ratcs,or Notes(1,ia('ortlitetl,Collertiort,A7rtadr,Drafls ! - -- . u,;.., u t'� tv -or lave YOU threw it, down with a little laugh. ) Oure'escanfrianother'seyestendclear; 1 g, interest. t } ) worse as the•agricultural de pression � - . � i.enaed, .Yir'rliNq and Amerir aii ,'x- ,r1 l.8,l,lli'I' ti'L'. C'LI.Li'I'(.)N - 1,,,; ;;,. 1 ,: 1 ;.r,'" Whit a I nF`er world it is ." •ho When our world -deafened oar ( 1 Otlic•n, (Dopers Now Bio( k, C.rouud Hnni. c4Zur r hvu, lit arrrl snkl, at ln+ r-vt. '. ' l fe b the tones of alovodvoicecaressed, deeppurxl, till things hrtrl reached VICTORIA sTREET, ClA TON, ()NJ,. J 9 "'I'lOw .it. t , 1 k1 t that 1 11 t5e ,:lid tO hit,l�Hlf, `ran(l what a ludic- Y �__-- . ( vur rrnl.r1l1,W6 . .�__ _- .. .._-.,..._.. _-. ._.-_. _.. -..__ .. .__ _. ...... :-_----.-__. _.- .... .. aLksotltt:.a'lle',•v _ ill tit_!;- _-..In'OS t_L051-t L,l,,I 'I xt :3 cur cent ulloty ti�I "u .1c ai,it t. h _ his sle -- ' — — I IIOs dance over slot _T. .r. __a _ _. _ _. .. __.. ... ... A-bEilt.iS IL1�__-.__. _ _ �._ ._.. __ _ ,-i the! _... ell 101, _.. 1L 11 t,...__..._._._ _. - _ _ _ _ ......._.._ .. ..___ -___ .1-__..._ _____._.. .. ..__..._.t.._......_.__.. :_. _-_-_.__ .... -.._.._:.... -.___ :_....._. _._. ......: ­­ ------- T.,, n e�,,.. }"f T Il r1 e, pts my t,ms sure ]t Las I,p It all F Tltre is breast, told liim bit Ip Fit -keg 11ig�liack` O1wEs .Tit T,Z).4TT: yfOltlY#Ac:FS �., — - - _. _ ___ . p o Bought. Pi Funds. C.' RiDOU'l, C+"AIi.Di3�IZ!• . LT T (� �T;S NiLur r1 t. . ';, r,;'r, ::p. IF:tf3, :1 N! (,'UtiBe tid5'anClnri Ip101'te• LU ,Ht �R `; a -froin hint only the last development Office over) Uaehson'sStore, clinton. hloneyadranned to farmers on Ocir own nous y 9 t, And A lost pulse of feclill '-rtlrs aW, nt-- n.;p ,,t ,.' hold over Ida I)o lit DIolle, whorl What we mean we, ,a� ,nut what we of rho drama ant[ the rut t1ta� 1'd- --- t ,� with gnu ur more endoi ru , No "nn'tgage r•: - y lin means to 1liarry if he can and would ti,e know. I 1l,TAll AC;E LW NSFS.,- AYPLi' T'O quired as scc•urity• �.•".::iLI,' 'in't' ail ;.dU [1Jt w'151k t�r1i . , ward Cossey had played in it, rind, theunrleref„ nedntthe 1,ni try Roonis, IL 1', BREWER, 11311RL;el', n• i:;;' t:. i ,,-Jill r". ^ryiva ; -Cry who i9 probably pltiylIIg hOr Owll g JAMES SCOTT, Clinton. J.anuar5, 1887. Clinton' lull then ho thinks rte kurus sad enough it mauo him to think of —__ _...._. _. I p 77i� ,t li; n y : , .... , : t •,'•''t he lucky hand. Here is Pelle madly in love 'lite hills wherd his life ruse �i ARR Xl� �' TIS I•IAL that ancient I]OUfie of Do la 1N011'C A1iRLACrE i,IC;EAISP:S [HflIJkID I;i THI: � � int .t' ,; s"1 it' I• it, J'1 1'ath(lr of his will, Cossey, who will' break _ her And the sea whereunto it gees." �'T unctrrsienrd eresia,•nr., or drug store, Clinton ilo8t Office Tlmo Table Vanishing, into the night of rain. AIRS A, 1VOLtTH'i.\GTO`. ,lie: .,t t,:�''. u,.�;;a,n" IIC wants 11Ua1't, I30ie aC11 I In IUYe with - 11ajlA are due for delivery and close fur despatch 1; A N K E l; 1i , . ",, Sorne such l ndian sunnier of de• A ]so, she told hila something of I _. . _ _ j. • +-,;r'rCr•l' .. - I elle., who hates rue, and playing ; at the Clinton Po..t Ottice as £nlluws: light and forgetfulness of trouble, her own life, ]row cotupanionless it j��TrO EY TO LEND TN LARGE Olt' • r t� li+,t .:'' !: 'a._,i,t ,uo,iuy for!" evervLod a ams In order t0 ad- g g lel Smnllsutnsongood mortgageaecllrjty. ,•War, j ora L']L��i ��. Llr4j I Y s g and the tl'anic conditionsofouedays, had been since ]ter brother went inciderateratoofinteroat. TI if ,E,Clinton Ifamiltnn' Tolo,to, strnt-, :: ' • lio ,•Idortakem to vaned my own, and become a vener- turd, eaa,r,h Greed; ---- 1 ;!, c',.(,.: ; ,n the C'astle was now-o{pei';incto IlaroldQuaritch into ire army, for she had no coal I I • ,- ' rued mem'ucr of a society I Rai and Ida ]pe la 111o11c. l+:very Jay frierlda about Ilonharo, and not ►t\IiOMAS BROWN, T ICENSFD AUCTION- djat.o ntficcA ......... ;. r,sn A.In.I I,:,n p.m Trunk east and iuGrme-I '' ' SttperlOr to. HHre 13 the squue I - r,ER for the County (li Hnrnn. Sa!% at, Toronto. Stratford, Sna-, Advnnecs !nude to fartnersoa their own '''"I even an acquaintance Of her .owls waded to at rep %�n'tble rates. Ser'orth WO., e or Almost every .day they tact and a','I,, ', : •1•, ant 't; An in• blundering about like a walrus in a ^ ) a.m untea, at IOC rates of interest. forth, T, and 5, east....' ],uA ,.m. H g ' .put. upon thei'• pluuting enedi tastes, which, without being gush• - andoricb, flolluesville ;.ml horse -pond, and fancyingevetything APPLETON—OFFiC11— AT Rl,,Sl- Grand Trunk gent ..::: 1 p.m. n tions and Argued Litetpoint of the ;ugly sq were decidedly artistic and D 'nENCM oil Ontario Street, c'ilnton, np- Oriderieh, .. ... . 8.4:, p.m. • 9.411 p.11, •� eneral Banking Business transacted • ,, ,". ',' t ,. i.lvest '­-nt. I is being condtictod for his sole ad- cella Lu •II 111 Churr.h. I:utt'anre h lido F{amilton, Tnrnntn, 4.t:; , n,. lo.hp a,m lntcrest allowed on deposits. validity or otherwise of the iInpres- intellectual. "I should have liked," P y • ••� 1 • t '",•i: 't10 It fet`ttUNC Vantag0, Rljll that all th(7 w011d r(' ,r Kat )• London, L., Il, 5. 11..neth 1.l,,. 11.11., n n,. p.n, Sale Notes bought . sinni5t dpcU ins of .ire. NOt that of she %aid, to IIRVU ti iEt(f to do sem. anal intermediatd on;cus' 7.^-. I:. ul.m ,.nu I t ' I. . '::.5 Do la Molle, volV('s round Ilonhanl Castle. And all this painting ca,uo Anything Very- thing in tho worl•l. I dare say that R. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL I:N•GTNEER Blyth. Winghafn, Kincar-) I. f'. '1'iSDAT,L, Manager. ' 0, , -, i.' .,y tD illgrittiAt(i painting o H dine, Lucknow, r,.,11 A;R.. then here At the -end of t1;O chain is wonderful although in the ovening I should have failed fat• l know that Provjnciatand DotuininnT,and survey- north and interivediatc a n,. 11111. .1 tit. .;n �,, rl't vin know this funiabl harpy, I.ditb .Junes,other- I " g nr, Architect 'and Draughtsman. Pt.nRIN I nnlceR . ..... I o.""O fi.l8 s. �;.":, the colonel in the silence of his very few women sleet with a SUC- BLOCI{,cilinton. I Summerhill; Tues(hv and , p P.ccv' i.A are tbone who read t! ,it ut},s titAt, wits vvisu 1)'slnbi�ne, alias tLo 'Tiger, RICHLY OCS.; that •s Worth flavin But Friday. ...� ..•SJ l .m., r:.::n 11.m thisnatd then act: thuyrvill find chamber would take ant his <'an- g• J. NVALKEtc, VETFRINARY SURGEON l•:,` ' r)lU,l Ai,('1Ut1", naWltly abrn'T Vitali all(I ilul'llalg [ still l Sh011ld 11aVH 111{ed to tr for I Rricishmaiis,Monday,t4'ed• huuprnl,l rutj+invu,rnl tltnG will not take Vafges and contemplate their t.g:(f y, J Graduate of the Ontario Votorinar col. 0 a.m.' y I1C4dRl', 'fhnrsdav ... G. ,bum Yt'Dw Lhoir hemrs Curl families. The .. - :I1!�1Y i'1'(•tl,ll• _ , le.,'•D. Telegraphic Ilieesagne Promptly ett I Honty brdcrs issued find DC 1:.:itg r(:,'l,•i%,,1 rr',ml mV fort!"1p4 in tier lan(l. 3 ) profitsrso largenod have forevery induBow I proportions will s}apolar nide and nut not afraid Of work. I,ut tris .. LI�•c ' .' �� t till. _ I °`l;aL! it is a queer world and full I nouded to. Oil'ice—Loatlosborongh, Out. I ono dullnr np5rurd,• oil.- person, uin,ay have made aad are sow• n, ' , satisfaction.' It was it little wURk clu'tcnt of my life is agair;t it, and _ _ _ I Office hours from b a.m. to 7 n.m, ill akingseverat hnndreddollarsit month. It :+r , t,'� ,;'ir, , , gently. '1 (uf combinations, but the worst of it the only thing that is O})Sri t0 m0 i8 MRS \YITrTT—TLACIIF.R OF MUSIC— Savings )lank and Money Order Odieu cl„se i3oasy-for ,(uy person to mako per 11V 1 , i 1 i HESS Of 1115 t0 think that le CDL11J g Member of the Canadian Society of at 6.x0 P.m. and upwards,who iswilling towork. Either t 1111”, , - I :' . ,fit thu 11, is that i,lot a9 ,wo will the solution to try find ]hake both ends meet ep- ' paint Arid OOH Of Wlleh he tVa9 eivaici.tns. Pivnp and Organ for rho ase of . THOMAS FAiR, Pnstmavler, sax young or old; capitalnot noeded,westart t)fill - ill ^, t ", , isi. i, a19Cd to be of then] d009 t10r rest with els l,0•— ' +' pup"s. •Resides to, Mr S Hartt's opposite Clinton, Aug, 1887. yon. i,werything now, No spacial ability - ,., fl''v n ilOweVer, Of somewhat tenac,or•v, He was, .lice on an income that is always growing Mr R nitohead;s, Albert Strept, Clmlo° - • ---• .. - - -- - - required:. you, roader.can do it as wel1as a°y not. w Ith 1t9, ' , one. wnto to us atotee for fall partiailars many another, a than who could do smaller, and to save my father, poor - ii i7ri T[f which we matt fres. ndarosa Stinsoas co ' GuurZ-F•, it ,I,: :, ),'It tit;ltter to you, ,,, J g R REEVE,—OFFiCL, RATTENBURY I . ROBER L DOWNS, NSA 01AI 11'11 k a number of things exceedingly well old dear, from as much worry as I D. Murray stock, two doors seat of Portland, Maine•. It wl}I, in ni: ny ,+a)*s be a moat I 4r't:ihl,• rpt n'u'll , •:ayq 1 stn. sure' rna: HArry any,. and one thing very badly, and. yet can." Hodgens'entrance. Residence opposite S, CLINTON`, Army Barracka, Huron st, Gunton. Office had more faith in that one bad thing "Dont think that I am Ceril• hours, a a m to 6 p m. Mant,facturer and Prnpriotnr for the brit Naw hey v';!! vi:,k,' n 5t:ry li:m4omn '116i5 is a troublesome world --_..----_-->°_.__. __ -- ._ 0 than in all the pod. panning she wen, on hurriedly, - null Dog in neo. Agent for the Yale and olly' 4-.!( - enough, but thanks to that mitigat' ill strange CO sa althon h 1 g, I AMES HOWSON, LICEN89D AUC• application of the gwirtsumit PATENT A,'TOVAT,C0 MWE U.1 And st h say,although "or that I want to rash i•ito plea- TIONEER for tile Comity ofHuron. sales Bo11,e1tCLaANRa, STEAM FITTINGS'furnishod — 'Jhe iltade [:il :u. wrr, and turned ing fat© which now and again inter• y aura -seeking, because I don't =a attended anywhere in th9 connty, a,t rea- and applied on shirt notice, . q g he affected to believe so firm! in g,CZ her 1:4L -k tri hi',,o the working% of fares to bur advantage,theredocome , Clinton. [B'ea. Residence Albert Street , . her 1 u (. i� or a few moments her to most of us times and periods of his own style of art and fold Ida's little of flat goes a long wap with Cuato_� - RoUer.. Lngines. nna all kinds of hor find stood looking at her will in such -cheap regard, it was a little me. Besides, I know that I have Machinery repaired expeditt""alyZ i'_ r g ' our existence which, if, they do not painting of the latter's that' was many things to be thankful for. R MedicaSTANl epa GRADUATEtoViOF TILL and In s nutlefaolory manner. Z1� a %ii a g(.l.,,lr: Anil(' 1'.,tying on his refined ,trite fulfill all the conditions of D Tttedloal Department of Victoria vni• ca 1 most dear to biro and cvhicb was Few women have such a kind fa-' varsity, Toronto, formeri,y Af the Hospitals Z • m f,at,:rt - Th(•n r('rnsivki^ ; that he ideal happiness, et o bear enough and Dispensaries, Now York, Coroner for Fa:m implements manufactured and repaired, pp , y g g Steam and Water Pipes furnished and ati in !oust, g n,im'i w the of}ice, but to that eT:d to permit in after -days most often put upon his easel for Cher as I hate, though we do guar- the Gouty of Kuroa, Bayfield, Ont. j,ne;tron. Dry Knits erred lip on p,phnacion. � rc 1 ,l t ,(1 t (, g nurpoaos of solitary admiration. It rel at times, and of course we can- u W. WrLLIAM, B. A„ M. D., GRADU• Charges moderate. , 3 til. , p.. c in n for tea, he of our imagining that they did so. a,aa One of those very impressionist not have everything our own way +u ATE of Toronto University: lnemherof :359 wrnt, le`lrclin„ with sat}sfoction T sa fo moat of its, but in doing so the College of Physicians and Surgeons, O - t Y roductions that faded away ,n •the in this world, and I' dAre say that I Ont. OFVICA dt RE91DVNCE tl1A house for- I H V RDH AND BRUCE < ® 42 Chat lin h,l'l gi t m !iia :rife something f allude chiefly to thoserclasaes,conl- distance and full of soft gray tints, do not make the best of things. rattly occupied by Dr Reeve, Albert Street v f.3 to think ahout ttllich wonid be ctintolL Loan & Itiveytlllent 00 rnonly known as rho upper, by such as his soul loathed, and hacf A Still, at times, it does 9eeII1 a little --- -. -_ __.___-_____._�.___ __ y W i ' sc:,rrt:ly to IIU1 t:istu, which is understood those who have tree with a blot of brbwn COlOr Ott ]pal'd t0 have to lead such a narrow DR WORTHINGTON, — PHYSICIAN, Thio Conepany is Loaning Bfonry or =els for I'.tTe ( 1'ir•at,: he waited till. Snrgeon, Accoacher, Licentiate of the I ­ '.t onougll bread to put alto the1C it, and altogether (trough as a mat-„ life, just N id l feel that T Could Co11ego of Physicians, and Surgeons of h¢rrn ar,:u,rity at Lowest Rates of _-MGM __ -. t.lic (lour lilt,, ( ,,,:;et},aud then turned ,mouths and clothes to warm them i ter of fact A clever thing onnuglp) work in a wide one." Lower Canada, and Provincial Licentiate lnterrvt. Cs T round tOV'Ar,i 1 Holl ypOr{e al0tld,as those,too, Nl0 art' not tl9 preSCtlt g g and Coroner for the County of Karon. Of- -- ,dr �Zte XzLouranee■. . from his point of view of art utterly Darold looked up in ler facU and fico and residence,—The buildin formerly , though slin %vero addressing Nor subjects of remorseless and hideous „anathema." Chis little fetors in ocenpiodb.VMtThwaitos,Huro Street. MOIi'I'IiAGES __ I U1:CIIASF.L er . vanisLetl husbnntl. ailments who are act daily agonized P saw that a tear was gatherieg in �Cnl,ton,-Jau.10.1871. . All kinds nt 11rnprit: insured at ici, taxi oils faintly shadowed. out himself her dark eyes, and }n his heart he - SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. rat°"' F,rAt•nlaAa cWrnpanieA,' "I hate yon'," She said,with bitter by. the sight of tbeir famished off ,sitting at his easel, working in t'ae registered a vow that if, by any I)R3. ELLIOT & GUNN. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Alloined ft�iCKF,TS ViA N. W. T. CO. LINE BOAV- emphasi "T hate you, 1'ou lave ,spring who are not doomed to bee g 1 TO WINNIPPO AND ALL LAKE POINTS ruined m life,And now oil torment 1 , aoft gray of the autumn evening, means, it ever lay within his power on Depoaita,accordin>7 toarnnr<nt ALSO by all rail lines over the GRAND TRUNi Y Y out their lives against the madhouse and Ida had Sinted it and icon it and time left, and CANADA PACIFIC to any point on that me as though i were it lost soul. I P g to improve her lot, he would civ- H. R. Elliot, M, D., l W, Gunn, M.D.• L. R. tine, Winnipeg, Brandon, die., Dakota, Kansas, g bartt or to see their hearts beloved L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, C.P„Edinburgh,L•R. Ob I wish 1 macre dead t '( wig! I to him, and that was Wliy he ad everything be had to d0 it. P1 L,R.C.B_ Edinburgh, C. B. Edinburgh Li• OFF'IOE—Corner of Market CE IJ and Nnrth 9 or any point ranched by rail, local or foreign. and their most cherished hope wither mired it so mueh..__1!br to speak tba Licentiate ofthe Mid. centiate of the Edinburgh, HORACE [iURTON, p all he said was : erifor Edinburgh. wifery,Edin. Otfice,on eLNeoatt. Come and sec me before you buy tickets any - were dead.” tow lyda that cold apace from whence f1 Don't be downhearted glias office 'at brueeffe d. corner of Ontario and (7l, rc,achin r his office :lir nest , truer our 'Friend rho, colonel waa , GAderich, Angast bib lige _ � whore, 6 Q no mesaxge comes. For such ufr- going, going fast—sinking out of De la Molle. Things 'change in a William Bra., CHhton -- found two letters for lira, one of fottunates, and for their million sight of his, former self into ,the wonderful' way, and often they T r r Girl>bhnln'l� Hair RC1110vfBr r t r which h,lrl just arrived by Lite after numbered kin upon the globe—sho de tbs of the love that possessed mend when the look worst. lou MON E Y 1 O . ] jEND Is painless instantaneous and. the only do- J. 1 HOMPSOi\, Clillt0h - noon post. The first was addressed P Y nlotor� ill Frei eor2 per ch aoesn not injure _ P yiotima of war, famine, alAve trade, his gent. know," he went on, a little nervous. a ak n - in the squire's handwriting and ' AITRE, 258 Queen St. West, Toronto, Do- signed4r" over-population,minion Agent, with his big seal., and the and the curse of competion, the rays pure clan, Strange as it may all- vidnal a7d I believe in Provide ice IAItD, Barrister, _--"-___ other bore n su r'rscri tion rho si ht g ,Qacsince that first unha busi- 1'. L h. H[LII P0 Mill p- p g of li ht n►tt•%t b, few indeed ; few 1 � g+ Y � J. BIDDLECUMBE,1 of which inade him turn momentari- and far between, only just enough PPY and all that sort of tris oil gee rim Clinton. aning I faint, Takia a this last with Hess of his youth, of whirr he had. and that things generally c�►ne y g p to srvo them from atter rcpclesa• never been heard to speak, no living straight in the long run, if people E. I{L`1 ]h 11 �hR Watch &Gbek �alt�gr —AND— a visible effort, he opened it. It nes;. And event ).the favored ones, woman bad been anything to him. deserve it," � e ran as follows :— the well -warmed and well-fed, who Therefore instead of becoming Ida shook her head a little doul,t- DENTIST, JEWer1) EIi &a. — ' UEAn BiLr,,—No anfiwer this motning, are to a great extent lifted by for- DRY Y )� I L N hope you ain't up to any of yourtrioke tune orb their nt.tivo 9tren th and further vulgarized and liardened by fully And sighed. Y g association with all the odd% and "Perhaps," site said `°but I sup- N"lu'ota< Vn,L.i, 1:i7 Grn,t.u;na f3TArF;r OPPOSITE T[Tr b1ARKET 9Q[rARF,, Clinton, /THE 9U690RtRER EtAYtNO JUST COef, about the tin, because i won't stand it, wit above the de degradations of the I TORONTO. I 1 rtxrnn and furnished his now Planing ern and that's all. I told you that I had R ends of womankind that t► man pose that we d0 hot deserve it. �R _ .. w ._ Whero.h0 keope a relent asaoctmont of with machinery of the latest improved patterns dropped all m oof,not Uat I had much world, tl(is light of happiness is but 1 Y pp y travelling about the globe come% in how, our oed•fortune is A lou is now pprepared to attend to all orders in hie ol]t of you thin .year, only five hundred, as the gleam of stars, uncal t tin, fit contact with generally not roar) g , g G. H. COOK, WBtClIAS �,IOCk3, Jow©li9rj'( lino t reaAeost pr aces. d sa ouldtorpmsmwr and s beggarly twenty pound 0l, my £ill, and continually lost in olqu(ls, ' g Y greatly while coming,' and the conversation T,icnutiato of Dontal Surgery Hounr Grain ahtd at rasa mshlo paras. 110 would also return Y aro of the Toronto School 04 Dontiatry, ilrerware. thnnka to all whs patronixedthe old m before birthday, and what I made at rho t0 Ili.,; improvement, his faith had (Ir6pped, they s toburncd "tat, end now boinglna hoc Only the utterly selfish or the utter- witteh wo will sell at masotwabin ti runs. . to position b to execute A d no expedin fit b Blrlmingllam-four pound ton A Wook, had time to grow un stronger even Still, ler friend's strong belie£ in Nitrons Oxide Gas administered for the and hard work for that: I'm cleaned 1Y ignorant can be happy with the than before at d he once more look- pataless extraction of tooth. I •----' foals confident he can Ov RatiAfactfou to all. the efficacy of Providence,and gelier' rtopaleinst or evA7 doseription promptly FACTOR r-Nrnr the Orand Tow" out, and thbt'a all shoat it. Only jnnt happineas of savages or children, __ _.. ... .--.- .. _i ,___•_ ofnco Aver ,Tankson's (Nothing Htorn, next I atf�dtAd to, an all work warranted. C,lintun. to Post OtlicB, Clinton. .1. BiDDLrCOMBr, R(tilzna9l, ChildroM Cry for Pitchers Castoria�. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ,ttrNight bellanawnrnd, IV Clinton, Nov. 1882. (FfOSfAw !t u1CN1,iE�, '. h . ,I . d , ' . , , .,- , .. ,... .: ... �,. .... "I'll", .�.. .-., ... .. .,. .sit u ,,.-.u.. 1 l L