HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-22, Page 3THE POPULAR ;•1 DRY -�OODS HOUSE t_ON DESBORO Preparatory to stock -taking we are picking out all the Odds and Ends, also all lines of goods that have not sold as freely as we would like them to ; anything that has shown a tendency to stay with us, is being moved up to the front and cleared out at a price that means a bargain for the purchaser. This week we have gathered up all the odd lines of BOOTS & SHOES That have accumulated during the last six months, and f er them at -reduced prices. A line of Ladies Felt Fox ' Laced at $1.50 now going at $1. Of course wo have not a full range of sizes in this cheap lot, but if you are so fortunate as to find what you want, you get a bargain. OVERSHOES and FELT BOOTS at Panic Pries. Last week we had a grand sale of' Ready . Made SUITS and _. ..... OVERCOATS. And we expect to sell just as many this week. The quality of our goods is A 1, and if We can save our cus- tomers from $2 to $3 in a suit or overcoat, these goods are sure to be in demand. We claim .to (lo this. Conte in and see the goods and allow us to quote prices; V. L OUIM KTTE. LONDFR3ORO .* Frh Ears tbr Farrner& Useful Informationtffor Tiller's POINTERS ON AGRICUL- TURE WORTH KNOWING. In feeding corn to hens it is bettor to shell it by hand, and then scatter. a few grains at a time, than to throw a quantity down, and allow them to gorge thetnselves. It is still better to throw small grain among straw, and let them scratch for it. Color goes for a great deal in a horse, especially if it is desirable to make a match team. It is worth while to study this.•iu breed- ing. To mato a breeding mare to a horse whose only point is his. own excellence only Insures dis- appointment. If the male is pure bred it will probably mark the colt, both in action, size and color. rre.a ^weris)%4 aihe Greatent_NavelbY-EVER-OFF Y aOSFr - i erTgtAxlFiYwt6h cltt8"YBBb-; t+r6cefr`etj Iwd—h.ato endured toe rigor Clan` noitherrs w d leart;thoat proteouav wr,le ROSE FREE. Rewa.iergo.nd fra end re.ra how yes can have a plaat o[ greet • color ,of,, e.e Icy flowerpink.dishectly *tripod,. dgehcd nuine h white Price aitI.0 carmine; gee woomr,_novl r l not u old Rower Inn new neme,b,.t n goals. novelty, Prke $I.00, pre Id,.nd ..ch pun �4e'Ceblevf•VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE'°''Siadtb.rt p, g.oxpy oL • Cower aced Cala ('1 i!]torer of frontispiece, otisp, now ready; revised and ewes. new gape new t�typloao .eleg de xw.. cover ; • .0 every Tomads, pl plaCont, oredwer Plates. . and prices as f saene.ion sed de ,,offers" of do not advertise "twodollsm' and for Ell cents,"enlbbit wee,to give monoy ' worth, loth ie goallty and quantity: 'See our Novelties In blowers sad Vegetable.. Pao' of GUIDE, recant, each .opr.0at.iat t certificate good for that euaonnt In Seeds, .o that the book' b J. VICT,C i88DHt�talS. Rochester. R.practicalY. ms, BLACKSTONE'S ORGAN IMPROVEMENTS. PATENTED MAY 3RD, 1888. Professional Organist Testimonials claim for them the following :—Being Mouse Proof, Easier Motion, Greater Command in Crescendo's and Diminnedo's, More Graceful for Ladies, and within the reach of Children. There are two Pedals for Grand,Orgen rind Swell, similar to Loud and Soft Pedals on the Piano Forte, doing away with knee swell altogether. ' Communications and Orders Solicited for Patent Organ improveinents which can be adjusted to any organ and will not -get out of repair. • C. BLACKSTON E, Patentee &-,Manufacturer, Clinton. THE CLINTON NEW �RA R, HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - ONT.. Owing to adulteration of manu- factured lard by unscrupulous dealers, some city families now purchase it in the leaf, just as it is cut from the hog. As the usual price for !collard is the same as that for fried out, the farmer'sol- ling it gets full rates for what if ho fried it out himself would be loft as scraps fit only for soap grease or to.feed to the fowls. GLEAReI NG LE! WholeSt oek atCost 000 There has been so much blowing and advertising great sales and big bargains, that we have decided to give the people a GENUINE COST PRICE SALE. Our goods are all new and well bought from first- class wholesale houses. We have no gigantic gift frauds to offer, nor do we purpose to eaech the people by giving them a little cheap cot- ton and making it up on other goods, and wo have no cheap trash from the Toronto Auction Rooms to make a blow with, but our goods aro All Now Staple Goods, just what the people want, and we will givo.them the goods at cost without reserve. Full Lines in GEN. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING & TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS HATS, CAPS and FURS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, CARPETS, ALL AT COST. About 3,000, Pairs of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS & OVER- SHOES at prices never heard of in this town before. Tho testimony of old feeder's is, that for long time feeding whole corn fattens hogs faster than pure corn meal. The latter becomes compacked in their stomachs, causing indigestion, ' though for a little time hogs fatten rapidly on it. `'hole corn does not entirely digest. Some goes through with solittle change that it will even grow the -following year. Store Bogs turned in to follow after the fattening animals will prevent much of this waste. The squash. and pumpkin ,, blos- soming at nearly the i;itmi;•tinio, are very liable to mix if planted in the same field Bees may car• i�__the.pollen;,•pt quo plank, to_ th©, other, even beyond the probabili- ty of this being done by the winds. IIence cultivating squash- es.and pumpkins on different seed firms is the method adopted by some growers to secure reliable seeds. To grow either squash or pumpkin for home use.or fin,'mar- ket does not require this care. According to. Matthew. Craw. - ford, in the Ohio Farmer, an eX- tensive apple grower in Illinois is said to. plant only half as for apart as the trees should stand'perms= nently, and • then be brings three- fourths of them,' into bearing as soon as possible by girdling, lot- ting them produce alt they will until the permanent 21nes need the --gpir( -fo'e ;;;ry-vtirrmd=pridd Tetive ncss. A large: part of the expense of manure consists in the (ttow: of' ap- plying it. We see in this. the ad- vantage of nommercial fertilizers that can be drilled in with the seed, and cost little for applying. If we can get- the same manurial valve in halt' as many loads the expense of manuring a field can be greatly reduced. Coarse man - 'ores ought to be rotted clown. S10)1hcr good way is to feed more grain, bran and oil meal, • all of which increase the richness of the manure without making it more bulky. ' Possibly the fanner•. -s ',vho have all their cows calve in the spring, and do without milk three months of the year, know their own defi- ciencies as carers for winter milk. If the house is so poorly yentilat- cd that odors from cooking and from the cellar till the milkroom, it will be hard'to make good but- ter. Then, if' the cow has only the average feed and caro that most farmers are willing to give, winter dairying will prove unpro- fitable.. To begin it might re- quire an entire reconstruction of character, for which they are un- prepared. N4;w Ella is published every Friday ; it give's about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh' Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a. Large Circulation and i5 Unsurpassed as are Ad- . vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1,50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT. - We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Sale Bills, and any kind of printing that can bo desired; Prices the Lowes, Work' the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. Pullman Vestibuled Train Savo Money by corning to a Genuine Salo. We mean business. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS iMER LONDESBORO HARNESS nil GROCERY Depol FRESH HOLIDAY PRESENTS and other geode constantly arriving, whioh will be sold cheap during December. In order to give every person a chance for a holiday present, I will, during December, give to every person making a Fir - chase of goods at one time, for Dash or produce, to the amount of $2, and one for each additional $2, a draw ticket whioh will entitle them to one of the 100 pre- sents whioh I will give during Deo. The presents are all useful articles averaging over 10 per cent on goods purchased, and you are sure to draw one of them. A box containing envelopes will be handed you to take your choice, and whatever number the draw contains, the corresponding number on the presents will be yours. Also, for each $10 paid ou 1888 account, a draw will be given. I would also Mall special attention to a few lines which I have, such as ROBES1 HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, HAMMERS RULES, HINGES, SAWS, AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLRY —BROOCHES, CHAINS, PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS, &o GROCERIEiS—Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaches. Peas, Corn, Salmon, Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stock of TEAS is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price, OYSTERS and FRESH SAUSAGE in season. Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply GEO. NEWTON, - - LONDESBOKO FOSTER&R.ITER WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON. ,TO THE PUBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store One Door west of C. C. Rance- & Co's Tailoring Establishment We will keep in stock the produotions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irislr Distilleries. We will keep in stock the produotions of the best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon- don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goode delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. POSTER c3'4 MITER. While this is now the great question in the political arena 01 Canada the people of Londesboro and surrounding country are asking "Where can I get the best value for my money ?" ome to ADAMS' Emporium JCANDERBORO. Which is well supplied with LL AND WINTER GOODS -Some extraordinary valines in TWEEDS. "BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Or Greatvariety of FLANNELS, PRINTS & COTTONS.. GT BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and • Gir HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. SPECIAL -VALUES iN ALL KINDS .OF GROCERIES TAILORING in connection. Highest price for Butter and Eggs. Sept lith, 15S8. R. ADAMS. CROSS -CUT SAW We have the sole agency for the "President Cross Cut Saw" ' iini'versa-tly .dm-itted to -be .the— BEST the.--...BEST IN THE WORLD. XES We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and the best in the market. It is nniversally conceded that, not• withstanding the advent of old and new lines into the field of competition for' passenger traffic between Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the' Ohicago,.Milwankee & St. Paul railway maintains its pre=eminent position as the leading line, and carries the greater portion of the business between these points, It is not hard to account for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popular• ity by long years of first-class service. It has kept up to the tftnea by adopting all modern improvements in equipment qq}}nnd methods, the latest being complete PallmanVestibuledtrains running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being along the banks of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most populous and prosperous towns and villages, it offers to its patrons the very best service their mcney oan buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through. out the length and breadth of the land as being the finest in the world. Its sleeping care are the boat belonging to the Pullman' company, being marvels of elegance, coinfort and luxury; its day coaches are the best made, and its em- ployees, by long -continued service in their respective capacities, are experts, courteous and accommodating to all. It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra. veiling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with its separate through lines running between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Min. neapolia; Chicago, Council Bluth and Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Joseph, Mo. A. V. II. CAIIPENTER, G. P. &'t. A., Milwankee, wig. A. J. TAYLOR, T.P.A., No. 4, Falmer House Block, Toronto. Take room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, CIIINA ANI) GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Partios iii need of anything in this line shoed not miss the opportuni-ty of se• curing cheap bargains, as we,are bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40. cents, worth 60. We offer NEW SEASON BLA08 TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer 'NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING. FLOATERS, &c Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. (live us a call. 13U'1"I'ER AND EGGS '1'.\ KEN AS ('ASif. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, The Peope's GROOERY CORNER HURON AND 0N'1'A1t10 STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS.\\'e are r'eceiviug a fine o new stock RAISINS—New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer. Valencias' CURRANTS—New Barrel Currants, new Box Currants. PEELS -Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peaeans, Peanuts, English Wal - ants, best qualities. CONFECTIONERY—Our assortment cannot be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES-- Ercall Sweet Russell ()ranges, l'alifornia Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPES—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes CROCKERY and GLASSWARE - We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. &e.—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Iladtlin, Bloaters, Ciscoes, &e .UNDRIES—Cranberries;, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TEAS—Special values in Teas. We have there'as low as five pounds for $,'and as high as 700. per lb., and we can guarantee the duality to be the beet' Use Barkwoll's euro Corn an 1WartCnro Our assortment is too Targe to enumerate, and we only mention a few leading articles. Come and see far yourself. We will give you .;,loon value and a liberal discount for cash. Cuninghame '& McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON FANCY GOOD, DRUGS, BOOKS & STATIONERY, BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS of every description. PLUSHES, SILKS, and all lines to finish fancy work. STAMPING of every description. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, TICKETS AND LIBRARY • BOOKS A..WORT'HINGTON,C�linton q Full stock of Coal -a IIARDWARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS, • PAINTS, &c. S. DAVIS, Mammoth Stove douse, CLINTON. J. C.STEVENSON MANUFACTURER Ok' ANI)' DEALER 1N HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, Lounges, &c. Special lot of .PICTURES, in oil, Gilt frames, hand painted, cheap. General assortment of Household Furniture sold cheap for cash. The Discount Salo has run off most of my old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULDING.. 'Frames made to order. tT. O. STBV]llTSON RESIDENCE OVER STORE. • FURNITURE STORE. ---- — OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. to -FOR THE HEATED TERM .1 HST RYA! El V Pure West Indialime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER.DRINK. Eno's FRUIT §LAT! EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JAMES H. 4003113E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. TAILORING; NEW GOODS That are all right in quality and style and away down ill price. ARTY IDM1 ,SON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock ars it is new anr' the latest styles. • A. J. • HOLLOWAY, BEAVER, BLOCK OPPOSITE TAYLOR'S. A 1,11 ERT STREET, cm NTON. ..