HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-22, Page 2I
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Da -Y 1,'E'$. 22, 181ia, Qtiti1GQG,. 11Q0 .Rt} it3 t•, -•r-- ,. "F. a», t•
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th �:,a-groat lb Y .a
h on I was cue of those ui fo"xtllxlatc� s scs,s , TI.Wt' as.9o>cM' T,,.
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0>l 111rIaQ, villi glue fan W. lit 1, u er thein Ili
Oh tell Ale where be given tostTQ O 4i.1,4k. " It uQdilced' TSL (ILA AUfl7GI01'1EE[ird)<Xlf9. _
'hoC� tot @W want,, ,. ''Th older to term this lob ver q,glckllt we vial car a itrfltrit,� '
hitt b Ilves that I inay go to hiliir for l me 1P dpiadst ou.. 1< pow�cl rind There Was .Isla anctiQi} ,fit oiue. o>t+ ]y low pricea.,'o, cr potjr�ld and 6Qo.1►er pot>#d.
Iii published .pvpry •Friday Mor t3 9 r
*il, rgpriptorf ROST. ROIAXEO, et lias
sin in danger of losino beth ;bed atrQv lop nnl?ard, i�it>✓ I seldom the dowp town houses }'ecQntly. > • ; '
rintiil establishment, Isaac St., Clin. and soul.' Rays p�sae , Itnd agn.. h ad vlcto over ligator, icing• I A alar gad faced v�romAP, lu a 0 the next THI'R'D'• #.+�?�S ��' �"� i �Q � ��� ���' .
ton, On the doctor saw the same than ,on hated drunkenness but still I I? 011. Gi Ye a all. a>a '#
craved. The loud voiced auction- acTt(4 �Y TtH ' ' ; a)�nct[on which wi 1 astonle y
TEstde.-81.50 er annum, paid to ad lain Cal1C0 �rOWD, stood In a ItiAM•t TIME ON
P the road, but not intoxicated this drank. When I left it off I felt a p Sample which will cost you u0fihilag.
Nance . - time, He came up, Caught the horrid want of something; I could THE lME1(ES,
Jp$ PRINTING dootor by the hands, and with neither
e t, work •y nor
and p sleep.
yed and somewhatawo n furnitu a Plain THE LiV'ER,
In every style and of every description tears rolling down his face, p THE ¢O W E LS, jS.P. p e L L I S E1 R & Q a •�
executed with neatness and dispatch, said. 'God bless you !' o That was for strength ; still I� must drink. Ana belonged
being so d tolasatiaf tnthe . andthe KIDNEYS l 1
and at reasonable rates. all, but the doctor understood that I lived so for over 20 years; it,
wort a e on it. One by one the This combined action gives it xsen- Family Grocers ne$t to Town Sail. ,
NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. the great physician had dealt with that time 1 never abstained for g g
him. and had of%sled a cure of over three months at a time. At articles were sold, the bureau to derfulpoeertocnreaAd'ucues.
hQ take a Why Are We Sick -
paper regularly from.a post office, both body and soul. For him no length I was sent to the house of and albedsteadl too ak third. Fiu- ' N�-W-
whether directed in his name or an- case is too desperate; he can save correction as a vagrant. If my Because we allow the naves to
other's, or whether he has subscribedy remain weakened and irritated, and r
or not, is respolteible for payment. unto the uttrmost'---Christian family
have preferred cod, (plain child's highauctchair. It was obi and these great ofgans to become clogged
rickety,, and as the auctioneer' held Dr tDrpid, and poisonous humors are FALL GOODS �-
2. If a person orders his paper die- Herald. thele out of the way of liquor and Y+ -ten
•;ontinued he must pay all arrears, or it u ever bad laurrhed-every therefore forced into the blood that tom•.
the publisher may continue to Bernd it temptation. Explaining my afiiic• P Y Y o should be shed naturally.
until payment is made, and then col- CLINTON CHURCH DIRECTORY bob except the ]ale faced wom- 'tp N
tion to a fellow prisoner -a Riau Y 1 ) CELERY A full assortment of
ar.. A tear trickled down her PA/NE'S fl
lett the whole amount whether the pa- ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) —Services on of much education and experience Cheek. The auctioneer saw it, I COMPOUND • - I
per is taken or not. Sanrlay at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sunday I —he advised me to make a vinegar '� '�
3. The Courts have decided that re- School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. W. Craig. of 1ground quassia, a half ounce l and somehow a lump seemed to WILL CURB SILIOUiIlIi NE PIL Z- rarli'llillCG S11
fusing to take newspapers or periodicals Rector. COmO u) liis thl OAt, and bier gl'nfl CONBTIrAT20N, SIDNEY 00][- Gilts
from the -post office or removing and steeped in vinegar, and put About 1 ��., `.
(Methodist). a small teaspoonful it, water and voice grew soft. Ho remembered PZZALsw3AKNEe9BHSUXA-
leaving them uncalled for is prima facts Sunday E sery services at 11BURY Ta.m. andd7stp.m, a little h1 h Chair at hOmO, And Tlsit, NYURALOIA, AND ALL
evidence of intentional fraud. SundaSchool at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Jas. drink it down every time rite g For Fall West-, just opened up
liquor thirst camp upon me vie- how it had once &lied his life � ith� i NEILvOUf DI60RD1;R8,
ADVERTISING RATES. Livingstone, Pastor. q sunshine. It was empty now. nerves,
quieting and strengthening the
lend I found it satisfied the nerves and cousin free action of the
The baby laugh, the two little g i
LOCAL NOTICES—At head of local WILLIE (Presbyterian)—Sunday ser- Y liver, bowels, and kidneys, and rester- A Fine Assortment of
School at 2.30 p. m. Rev. A. Stewart, stimulation and strength. 'sVhen hands that wore once hold out to Ing their power to throw off disease.
column, 10 cent per line or portion vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday cravings and suffused a feeling Of Y 6
thereof, each insertion. aster. Leet " A a" from the high chair Why suffer Bilious Pains and irls wanted, P I was discharged I continued this $' P P �� = ■ - GOODS , _
Articles lost or found, g were one forever. IIS saw the WhytormenteddwerDis r,eoa,Kidneysi _ �_
dc., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents ONTARIO STREET (Methodist) Cure, and persevered tell the thirst g Wh frightened ervousrokkh. Yidn•yd
ale faced woman's piteous looks y- I
each inserton. Five lines, 50 cents for services.,,at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun- .was conquered. 1''O[ two SearA p Whysadur•a•rvonsorsiokh•adaahnt ■ ~
day School at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Joseph I have not tasted liquor, and have and know what -it meant ; knew yypyhave sleepless nights t
one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub- that in liar eye the little ricket Not t0 be excelled in the county • .
Sequent insertion, Edge, Pastor. no desire for it. Lately to tr Y Y U.• Petit.'• Caaav Corroona and ,�,,._-
farms to y D.01. In health, It din a ecase]�Y•pta• -r- �
Houses to let or for sale, n Chair ~VAS more tOCioua than if it �.�Q O,.=,A,GO"�7CT
rent or for Bale, stray cattle and to BA sT—Sunday services at 11 aim, my strencrlh I have handled and P hk c•m•ddu nro,"isn.a price
allP smelt whiskey, had been made of gold and stud• �tday all n„K�;reJ. P.ta r w.0 ,
and 7.m. Sunday School at2,30 m, + {ntt I have no
Similar advertisements not exceeding Rev. J. Smith, pastor. temptation to take it. I give this With diamonds. In imagina- sr: j•, ly oo. -ty 11 E11I1l:DTBEIt TAE STAND - Olte door north of tits Dr
•eight lines 111 for one. month, and 50 for the consideration of rho un- ti” be could Seo the little dime- WELLS. RICHARDSON 4CO,,Propdotarq Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. I
cents for each subsequent month. led cherub Which it once held ;. MONTaNAL, P. a �.
Advertisements without specific in. AYN_RW HOME TREATMENT FOlt fortunate, several of whom I know --- -- — -_
struotions, inserted till forbid. could see the Chubby little fiat �� _
THE CURE OF CATARRH, CAT- recovered by the sumo means 1 as in the tin rattle box and
Special contract arrangements with A1IRHAL DEAFNESS AND which I n° longer• require to u, , g' p g New : Furniture , stock
busineep men. HAY FEVER.pounding the chair full of ch had
; I •t i s Absurd
'ilia miacroscope has proved "that these —Connecticut Hanle.
General advertising rate for unclassi• could see rile little feet which had
ficd advertisements and legal adver- diseases are contagious, and that they are
due to the presence of living parasites Jn TIIE OLDEST TMET3. rubbed the paitlt Off Lhe legs; Could For people to expect a cure for Indiges- Opened Oufi in �'iZZ=O�"1'� �ZO��r
rising, 10 cents per li for first fuser- the interlining membrane of the upper air �— hear the crowing iL11C1 lAllhhjng iii tion, unless they refrain from eating
tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- passages and eustachian tubes. The ami• , Ll1C little hlmh what is unwholesome • but if anything
sequent insertion. Bent scientists; Tyndall; Huxley and Bea- Probably the oldest timber in glee—and now, c yt g NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON.
Changes for contracted advertise- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot the world which has been subject. chair was ompty. Ile khew therQ will sharpen the appetite and give tone
be die uted. The regular method of treat- to the digestive organs, it is Ayers Sar- BEDROOM SETS PARLOR SETS LOUNGES '
menta must be handed in, as early in in these diseases has been to apply an ire ed to the use of man is that found Was An aching Void .in there
pale +
the week as possible to insure a change g t faced woman's beal't : there wag saparilla. Thousands all over the land ! 1 Qom,,
ntant remedy weekly, and even daily,thus in the ancient temple Of Egyp y testify to the merits of this medicine. SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS Q4G.
bat week• keeping the delicate membrane in a con- in Connection with stonework in his own. Somehow the da a
_� - . , - • -- scant state of rration, allowing it no than- tVhlCh is known to be at least four may Colne and o, but you never' • 'Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth 1 1' 1
• ce to heal, and as a naturalconsequence of r afar OVCl' It. '1'hCrO is 110 U11C t0 street, South Boston, writes : "My bus- ANN A (ii'sNF.RAL ABsoRTMENT OF THE VE,pRY BEST MADF. FURNI
For �'unday Readlnb, such treatment not one permanent cure thousand ,years Old. This, the , TORE AT REASONABLE i LIG:Fa,
has ever been recorded. It is An absolute only wood used in the construction dress in the morning, no one � to band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for ;
--- fact that these diseatxea•cannot be cured by of the temple, "i" -iw the forth of put t° bed at night. "Don't Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has I
r1rUE Tta1hIS of COMa1.UN10iV. any application made oftener khan once in P , been great] benefited,',' I
lamented two weeks for the membrane must gar`s Lies, holding ilia end of one stone laugh !' said the Auctioneer, soft y 1.�� ���, (� HjDLi EYR
How much It is to be chance to heal before an application is re- to another. '%V hdh two blocks ly, as somebody faoatiou h offered A ` Confirmed D,$peptic.
that the C111'jstian world s'bonld peated. It is now seven years since Mr. were laid in lace, an excavation ten cents; ,,many of you have lit- C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st.,
agitated by dis Nixon discovered the parasite - catarrh P
be so violently g andformulated his new treata':nt, and about an inch dee]i was made in tie empty Ligh Chairs at home /„p /d �ll,1 -
would,..nO.t,.Le.m L Euston, ltiass., .writes, that, smattering Cl •O ' Ubte' Tea' Sia strltcad '^
m y" each block; -in-,bichr'a tie"-sbaped Y y "'r
;_, ° )ttteA;•and-divided •1•rl-t0•fa�LlArls Or1:., 'nceahen-hrs.remad has becowa-a kwuse.... tvhjclr moue o
hold word in every country where the ERF for ears from Indigestion, he was at �—
)ointa which, it.is is a11oWe(1; in like An hour lass was driven. It ou to art with• Then hC y y p Having bought the'Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and being in .a position
lish language is s spoken- CURES EFFECTED g a p
_ T ...._.__.._..._..._ . ..I
j' P last induced to try A er' Sarsaparilla
1 atevel wA they' are •'dee'idedr: iiy7lrar SEVEN'YEARs-A-GO ARE -CU -11F STILL, is, therefore, very difficult t0 f01'Ce h rllded the Clel'1{ a bill out of his and, by its use, was entirely cured. buy my goods for cash, I am bound not to be undersold by an none in the tt' A
\V) :, .
do not enrol Into
the essentials Of THERE W,VING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE DI- an Stolle from its position. The own'pOclret a-nd remarked, !'Bald_ :firs:' Joseph- Aubin,--bf High-.atreef., -1, have jnst_.remived._A mag_nilicent- stock of GROCERIES, CRQC (l7TY�
Christianity ! 1VLen Will the sensE. So highly are these remedies Nal- Y P y � Ilolyoke, Dfass., suffered for over a year GLASSWARE, HANGING LAMP, dl�d�iill the'no"v'eltf6s--of the-s't�Oh': '
ued that ignorant imitators have started ties appear to have been of the t° the lad ' t'jrrLt there, and as
t,jme .arrive when the disciples of up everywhere, pretending to destroy a ti,marisk or Shittim wood of which the pale Laced woman walked out frorn Dyspepsia, so that sbe could not I ItIn otreriu. Stone Teta Sets, 44 pieces, for f$9.50 Printed
Christ shall Cordially join nand parasite, of which they know nothing, by the ark was constructed. M h the little high ehaii clasped cat substantial food, beeame very weak, Seta, $3.75, worttl $54.50. Decorated Stone China, 4. � ,
:lad heart with all who hold the remedies, the results of the application of jpel' arms, and teary streaming and was unable to care for her family. wortlt 1$5.60. Colltbivation Dinner audTelt Sets,'f35 pieeeA,
which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- 1 y $10. Dinner Set '97 pieces, $11- Conibination Set, 1$00 ,
Ilead., and 110 other tel of'Con)- on's remedy is applied only once in two SITE HAD DONT; IIER BEST Clown hot- checks, the crowd stood Neither the medicines prescribed b
back respectfully, and thorn was physicians, nor any of rho remedies ;)515, worth $='p-. Chinas Teti sets from :�5 tip. _ Decor:,
munion be insisted upon in ADY weeks and from one to three applications Chamber Sets front ;�y:75 up. China Cetpti and Saucers, l fx.
church but what ar'e IleceB6aTy t0 effect a permanent cure in the most aggra•
vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- A woman in the w'aitinb•t'o0m a suspicious moisture in the CfeS hel a (l he for the cure o[ nced .a' worth 25C.
of the Third street depot the other of tha man who had bid ton ('aura 11ec d her, until she commenced the
' e0nstjtute a true Christian a The let describing his new treatment on the re- .use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. • ''Th'ree I'E'L'LS, ;
The ad- da had a Z,Ie F1L)•:SII i. ].LLS, 1'•IGS,. ])AYES, NUTS, CANDIES, CANNED GOO>V
departnrc froth a principle do di ceipt.of stamp to pay Postage. rr • at deal of trouble Detroit Free Press. bottles of this medicine," she writes, and everything to be fognd in a first-class Grocery.
recti resulting Ori the genius dis dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303 King Y r...--- ° j
y b Street West, Turohto, Canada—ficientific with one of her two Chjldlen—a , cured me."
of Christianity, and ho evidently, Atnercan , buy of seven or eight -and Aman AN 1�YPENSIVE T.UY�IZY. er'S Sorsannarilla, S -AS �l/lOC�RF-•
inculcated and implied in the sae who Bat near her stood it as long Y r „_ (Successor to T. Cooper & Son)
l;l'ed ,5(ll•j])tnl'en, l)aH jIl rny,aTa.pl'C- TCT I; I)fiI;AD OF llEA'1'lf. as possible, and then ObBet'ved: WHAT 1)"005Tn 'r0 RAISE. AN oltnl- PREPARED BY ,
pension beer, s,has ill M o£ Pre- ' • °•Madam, ' that boy Of yout'A NARY ROY TO :1IAN's .ESTATE Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. CORNER , STOR3; in Searles - 331061,
Hilo mischief; nor is there r0orn ) needs the strongbandofafather•" ccMT Hither never did anything l'rie•$r;.l:bottle•,$5. worths5ahotNe _ - _---
to anticipate *o periotl"of the Sir Lyon I layfair, in a letter to „Yes, I know it, sho. replioti, Y . _
Junius Henri Browne, anthor of a' ,.but he Can't have it. His father fol` 111x:", recently rernurked ' u Nmf -�%�%' 3.ARN�� F=R'1�/.L
itnjversal diffusion and.. tt ium;ph. er in the Now York Forum for young man who hada few weeks
of the Christian reljgioli, brit 111 p' P •died when he was six yeaLA of age finisho,i his school life and is s
cons.get an -ago -.__-- _-- f._... _-P_, _.__. i� ,._._._ , ' __. .., its e__._ ?'-_-_-,. - not neol.ln,�_a good business _ol)= ...__.______- _. 1 -_- _ _ _ _ -
_._ - - ikt�i rr t Q taRbQt3ts�(I 1 - V'" ;>w +lisri���%
_T- renoulted, 11111 , tRm(lnrrer#,- - al is°teat Lucnc. the Unjver. ° malr:tncl Yl�l d: Iia can tl:ening. Ju(lf;rri; --TV) -,-,I"*,-- tClC �t~rn(is' ar"" ` - t���'�"
} medic y ( rets'-Det.rolt
Robert Idyll, D.D. , have what I can't f, and complaining tone. in which AA
city of Ldinburgh) fol_ seventeen I"•l,ee Press• - PRACTICAL
rr�x 'ro uun.. years as a member of Parliament., _ I they were uttered, the member e �lF ,e �
Love is the sacred wand thtlt I naturally come in contact with THE .BETTER LAND. the firm who heard them is prone HARN��s and COLLAR . MAKERS,
transform,; the moral nature of most eminent medical men in — to the belief that the young man's ,•, _
man into beauty, haimon anal Published by request.) idea of " loinr* something" i3 .a❑ 'x
y Y 1'ngland. 1 have put the qucntion ( b �' - having bought the business and stock of CEO. A. ,SHARMAN, we are prey�'ax�ed
love, l:vt ry Nprins; oi' fcclinc, t° most of them, 'lltd you,tn yotn There's a deal of sin outside, ' said outright gift of : 1,000 in a lump, - a to fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We are both pra%kaMal i
and alhthe tircana Of' thought are extensive practice, ever Know a Uriah Heep, " There's nothing but sin '°r the purebase of a partnership ' �` workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guaravti e a
and shit by its ma ;jc touch.- stent who was afraid to diel' everywhere -but here." in an establjAhedr_eoncern. Tho The above isa out of the Goodwin washer the superior classof work at moderate rates. The material well always be found of
p the beat, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be'�
1 rinci )les and .passions are 110 with tt o axes )tions, they answer• Herbie Gladstone.- young man, to the knowledge of wanted to'yelithe�nnchine o Co, n , Right eco r
nerl'arrin<r with each oilier ] favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line off
loner ) + cd, 'No ' One of these exceptions "I .hear thee speak of a better land, the writer, has never done One lin dune without any inennrentenrc, tirnd fur SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be
for all have beep, ±moulded by the Aa;d y,ir Benjamin Brodie, who Its member's thoucall'stanobleband; month's actual -work for others in circular., ,
I)add ,Ohlcometothatradiantshore, 1. t„ ttt-stk, surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to.
same hand, and fashioned after wa(; lie had seen one case. i'ho y his entire life. His life has been cliatham, Ontario.
the same pattern. All the font• other was, Sir Robert CbristisOn, And fret in minority's shade no more. P assed in the pleasant pastimes of _ - _ -_•-_ JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINT0�1
IS it the land where the roses wave,
tions of tbo'corporeal, and all the who also had seer) one case -that And. women are lovely and men are the home circle, it, reading, hunt-
Valeka1 ;�k�j3
-' faculties of the mental frame are ofa yutulr giirl ofbad character brave?' inb, fishing, ball -playing, Yacht - ^�
. alike influenced by this .heavenly who }Jud a sudden accident. I ing and other employpienta not O ELEGANT N C.W STOCK O�
W. E. G., savagely.- pl►<15itC the Post Office.
grace. The wandering eye, the I llavc known three friends who r )articular), beneficial to others. '
Not there', not there, my chile] I"
listening ear, the busy hands, were partially devoured by wild io is a type of that class of boys ple of Clinton for rtheir very liberal tpatroon-
the loquacious tongue, the willing beasts under apparently hopeless Herbie.— Whsoe parents aro sufficiently age in the past, aha at the sumo time ed GentsFurnot'shing
feet, are all actuated bV the rttlinrr "Dadd , Oh,w.here is that better land,. well-to-do to keep NCl'vallt8 LO at would intimate to enieut at lin hasromoved
n circumstances 0(' escape. The first Y) to rho more couvohiont scans in smith'8
Where all the inhabitants call thee telid • t0 the household drudgery, 11 k, directly opposite the Post Office
principle of love tri i;od. :I he teas Livingstone, the Petit Afri- Wilma• he will be pleased- to supply them
llndel'Nt,andll)^ becomes an a hum) g grand ? aro whose fttthcrA follow vocations ],ith Rread, Cakcs, eta., of first class quality, a'
o • ] can' heave er, who was knocked ]s it the land where the thistle grows,
of light, 'the memory in a store• oil his bark by a ]ion, which be- And tieklestbe grazing donkey's nose; in Which no use can he made of wFnd iY i aCAKES
dxn s and style-
' house of Celestial wisdom, the ,an to munch his form. He as. Where men are canny, and bawbees the boy's spare time- •Lille most J. A. KING, liaker. Having ,just l•tlacod in stock a elloice Selection U1 th
few, bo •i3 of his class lie looks upon
c onscicueu in the keen and tender cured nJc that he full no fear or Y J
touchstone of insinfiatinh sin, the �',%.jll, and that his tial r feelin r
And women are bonny tndsonaietOo,'' his board and clothes fila twenty liis 11iJ0�'0 g0U(lS, and 118 my expenses ;Ll'C 1011' 1 '11111 1
3 g
will is the rltainspring of, holy wan one of'rr,tenso cnl'iOBjty an to \V. E, G•, deprecatingly.- ,years, to�rethcr with his pony,Na l)OSIt1011 to give ,011 g0001S ht a Slight aspect u l oc
ewoller ,`Ve clo, etc., as matters V. c cOat. It Ivill be to our advantage to inspect lily :sloe
feeling anti holy pulposc. The which p;u•t o1' his hotly the lion Not there, not there, my child." .I Y Y y ,
pusslonh, ton, are all uudev the would take next. ' The neat way of Course. The writer, tvrin the in trot -h -Ok TAj'LOPING and JF T?IINISIiIT (t I)ep t
eontrbl of thin great futd ,,lu,'ions ) p y.— r p w remail j
10".. - 14 _
f, 7 Iluntem I ashy, note Turkish Am. W. E. G., roudl com lain, .still ringing
principle. �[cel(nenn and geniis 1)asrador in .London. A ,,car at- No, n]y Herbie, 'tis none of these; in his oar, had the curiosity to F. ,r.7��."a•,�$�a•R� glbOrt St., Ci1itOn
iicss have superseded t licir n) n_ "'is the land of the shnnn'ock across make a. conservative compilation
' ) p tacked him a,ul tore off' part of his the seas, - `NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE.
Kites. 1'hr lot.c Of' the -World is ban'] Ariel )art o£ fids arm and of what it costs to raise A t ordi•
1 Miere they tear the hair fron) the nary, boy forithe first twenty years
strietly Subordinate to the love of Shoulder. Ile also Assured` me - young girl's heal, AWARDED FIRST SLYER MEDAL . ----- -•- -
Ihod. 19urmnrin,r and soul ,lain hat lie has] neithet, a Sense offcar And give her a coating of pitch in- of hjs life, aril here it is : e„�100 � ,t, Positive Cure. + A Painless Cure'
in'r :u'e of nil elld : and r'ontent- OI• ),tin, but that he felt excessive- stead ; per year for the fit -St five ye.11'n' J.S.A., 18&I-5, in •competition with the ,rorc,,1„„ ,Y.„„ ` oro.„; N %,„„
1 ' 1 bete they murder old Riau in the W; ' 150 of Vear for the Seo- lianofortes of Euro )e and America. The m:;, _ _ v „••__,.
Inept in every state is sweetly ly ;ingry because the bear grunted - dead of night, ' '” P r only U.S. International Medal ever award -
experienced. Iu short, ihe,c'arnal An(1 refuaethen, herbs fila and brtri, end five -Car-
. w"i<,0 ; ,x;200 par Y '�
p with So much satisfiae'iion in d to a Canadian pianoforte; also Medal ;
mind is exchanged for the mind munchinrr him. The 1.hird case al rite. year fur the third dive yeat,�,.�+1, ,nd Diploma at the Colonial and Indian
which was in C( lint Jesus.-T?ev is that of Sir Edward Bradford, (rnthnaiastically')-- 000 ;x+300 per }e:u for the next shfbition, Loudon, I:ng„ 1880, w ajeSty
Tia there, 'tis there, uty child . three years, ' ,6300 per year upretne honor of supplying Her 1\iajesty
i1. J. Booth. an Indian oflicer now occupying' y he Queen with a ewSulliv Grandd
A stmris�rl-1, t'uFar'illr'rlun. a high position in the Indian Of- (1, 0. M., sweetly,-- for the next. two' years, 11,000, elected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. For L• 1
r, P r rices and terms, I,
Catalogue, • moderate rate d Cata o _
�\ Christian tvorkcr relates: ',\ fisc. ]lo was seised in a sulilary '•Ah, 'tis the land of tl,rr breve and Total, ,�,', ft,lu0. lrlJisln.t n) a Ilustrate 13u , P
doctor in it eniultt;}' diNLrict was place by a tiger, which held him the free, [ship me, estimate of the ht+ancia.l balance Iddmss OdaviuS iieWCOulbe & Ca., �aCTs ' R y ° `' ' A�� ��'� ,I'
firinly behind his shoulders with ti} here they mutilate cattle ane] wor- against the boy ivho complains MANUFACTURER• LYfJl«A TEN c]:. 1v:ai�r.
Oil(,, very .Sternly night (luicLly And summon the neighbors with bell that his father h Ls never done T "may-3"''q:C:E`'1C' NO. ''S),
1 One paw and then deliberately de- and horn '10 , WAREROOMS. TORY, 89 TO 97 EL, TORONTO ' -,� \%. �' v$O •K-"y� -l...r
Ittin'r by his. room fire, and 110))• ' anything for him.-,-lNellange, FACTORY, 89 TO nELLWOODS AVENUE rBE QRE.IT 11E.,1lJG2"il`,I lRE.r1,,,1^XRf
�' voured the tvllole Of his at'rrt, be- Teo boycott the babies as yet•,ull ; y' - __-- -- - -
w ing its he listened io the whid and -. — Marvel of Heanng, and Rohinoorof tlltnlicmes, T
1':lllt WIthOUt, that. lIC r30tlld Ilbt 'L!bnnln,� a1, LLC 0tld Antl Ct7tllttg at Where they the horses and the terrible eous,equenieu ol'4ndlseretiop,
clock their tails, '�'1 '' e'X'1 ' Czaze� Ex soars 1!1141 elverwork.
the shoulder. lie Was positive CONSUMPTION 01;1111 �f ;[ tr �. 1
be called uitt. .\ tninute or two . And'Card'the women w•ithrttstynai'a, An old h sican, retired fro ]race t it `” °'t, r
that IJ"o had no Hensation of fear, P Y l �?�� t < }a Y'OVZ�SC3' MIa3�S.t=-AC_7rET.� .E�.N= Ort=? 1��
later a s rt:nit entered with a (Ecstatically) tice,havingbadplacedinhishands by ,��-jitl°+1 J S Who are broken lownfrom the effnetsofabuse will fip,tinNo.earBAioalc=fOCtlOmoli
note. Looking at it the doctor x11'1 thinks that he felt a little
° l ' the flulrrAtVenttlu'011 h `Tis there,'tis there, nl child.” an Eeat India missionary the forumla debility, organicwealmess, iuvolnutaxyvital losses. eta.
)sin who's „ $ y to the nitre•' :," ' n;• I"+p1+int aClentlAC SBA I D nc UsP.D.—Want of onergy, vertigo, Want 0t parposj
NAId 'nCv 011 m11Cs' 1'1110; l 6111)- 1 �,o,�._ of a simple vegetable ramedy for the moehnnlvn1 I�•"" I''•,',,; h„i and ha`•,he largest IYKPTdM@ FOR Will NO.6AHOG.,. • Uii
' hjs han(1, but iA ,Certain chat he speedy and permanentcure of eonsamp- cirrutatlw „r „• , „i it+ w,s in the world. dimatir@a of slight, aversion to socto-cy, want of couttdenco, avofdauoe of woversa tYI
ONO I must r0, 511Ct111 hC I'Od0 Irl St o'rave al'(1 in G111Tin, Cra., Bronchitis Catarrh.Aethmaand t''0tly t11b1°''" "' ' ''" "' w"ua ICngrav- desirefOraolltude,ltstlossneas and inability to fix rho attm]cfouonapartionl6renb3er•
P g y felt none dnrinh the munching of ;, y tion. IRK+'• : f'„hh. "', ”„' •"'. +"'Int aur specimen cowardice, depression Of spirits, giddiness, loss or meuicry, excitabnityO2temPor sP'
fol' 111C first ail\• Mlles without rn,c. 1'In,rR:1,rvnr, Finnnl,n„ha'trial.EE1. L9
his arm. are ton' graves in ono plot, COn all throatand•Lu4g Affectmns, also a ht,e;1 bt,1n 1,1 111..-•II.r�.,i;11,n,udway,N.Y, tonernc�ns,otiono efthnseif), b ,.Gid osm, rMOtn f seiof til o earth lelrofeel mph
meeting an One then he noticed _ tonCy, ittnntr}tfon, emaoiution, brrl'ehl)oNs, }}mlpitntlnn of the bylb t mooftbla lila :i
y . taining the boli" of rho five wives positive and radical cure for Nervous ' females! trembling, melancholy, dist,)rbiui( Areatus i tc„ sire all syrupptombotthtoterr t
n CArt drawn by a half Ntarved and five children of a citizen O£ Debility and Nervous Complaints, after �C+(r�I'i'FI TS & BUILDER babit,ol'tetatdmesiW10eently naluired, In short, tim wriuo.afvitalforeohaVinglost;i!
1 a A. 1'. �Veb'titet, <t Northern r having tested its wonderful curative .•. GeBafon,overytnnetion wn•ncs L., rouaoclnet•er. Ncieutiftc wr,Wrise and thethe gir menden,
looking horse. Ile looked fo the town. Tile slul)s are so ar. Ctllti ih (f �'c;en,lfic American. � �
( stock "1'Uwe1” Mist in • powers )n thousands of cases, has felt of in,tano 1»y lum9 unite ni ,:•4rit,tuA to Lt•r, c,uIt ,v or stiff -n com the �
driver, but found none. On he Manitoba st c • ,1 an od that the fil'nL,iti that over it his dnt to make it known to Ja sof• .x +'1' •''' ,r11 i -+„c enntains colored wasted livtierwli(ah cane nndor 'ue,_• riot ,•r. It yon wro ir,cumpetent or thea* I
ranges, says the t h lith„V,.,l•'„�• 1.. j: -1.1,11,y sed euyreWden• . dutiesof bunineas, incapewilW.-ad r,u. iht ,.n,layu,culaof llfn, Nd, eOtfere6tt0eggCCdapp0e 1
went for another mile, when he from the cattle g , Y he first redia' +hen comes that feringfolloa§. Atttuatxl by this ,mot- ,�,'s ,•, I„t' ''' Nomernna enaravtng6 tbeeffectsofearlyvico, .If you.Y„ nA%„a:,•I in ye:ra,\u, Nwillgiveyottfalltrlgorsul
dl' ' weather lA not rood t , and 11111 rb,n. A."� • , ",rl,•,dnrns for pie use of If , p 3 i froth eaSlyinibearation,tt
cla'1C Ob'CC1 ., refills spring y ) fll'tit little CLIId'H crl'aVC. iVeandadesire'to relieve human suf- „•hsnr•"n,,.l,,t,, '.n•lulnr. 1'rlcetLfieyoar, BtrAngGiL you In•nitot, aowu Lt,'aie,tllylLnt wOYftilY,
Ir noticed a 1 j t, 5 Over ll 0 n �,l' N A (.,)•, PUBLISHERS- rest,11tof boranceand fully, sendyonr aaleireia and 10e,,t�rsd �tampS(Or M. LVOW
along in the middle of the road. for the cattle. The streams are Then the second wife and the He- fering, I will Bond free of charge, to all r+�rs•a�"'I,• -_. TreStlae n >�k Form oil Dlmasea of ,Tran. Swilled and secure from obloqvsJ'Id�r.ap"�,t�
frozen and thele i9 110, a ar,liclC r. who desire it, this receipt, in German, f+ , mayhbseenr• Address all oommunicatinns to U. V. R.Y1I4(IN. A7 WNltinf�so>A HELsTE $ICK'
A, the doctor pante up, the owner P eond child fbIlow. ilia whole French or En lish,'with full dirdbtion I, 't e`( by n nlr- A Man without lives in a fool's paradise. CURS CUARANTE. 0.
of the horse stammered out : ` I of snow on the ground. Many g bur to nPvho „
r,erieH, the] afore, reads AH folloWS: for preparing and using. sent by mail dd ,h oo., who
may, doctor, is that you ? I want cattle afe,almost dying for water. by addressing with stamp; naviing this havobaaover
" 1d wife Mary, aged twenty-five." to yr ire' axp,+ilio+"•,' and have mnde over
it is just cold enonrrh to keep the Y „Little Simeon,” paper, W. A. NovEs, I49 Power s Block, ya,ltf,) :,I,:!.•stll r,n• tmerlenn and Far -
you to give me a prescription. 1 b PtC„ ,,,.,:,,< �^nd I•, flnndb"ek. COMB-
, ice On the rivefs.. If as is antici• Rochester, N. Y. 13012•y.e.o:tt'. I
They Hay }'Oil aro Vary (food 10 + ” Aly wife Jane, aged thirty-one:' — :,•Inn :,'I %'' r' '•
the poor, perhaps you will give it ated, a storm sets in during the "Little Georgia.” .RADE PV].A,RKS. _ ' •
I T `t ca
,to me for nothlnn. Well, my latter part .of this month or in " illy wife Anna, aged twenty -sewn u. 1 li]atteP Of Ilitr'.reT to (S is a e r„ M1. „ ,, , ' ,• ,,, , ,„r 1,1,.,, I, the cure
c , Lhot"C Will he rrlCat Little Birdie." 'Orgdn Students and Teachers is a neer n„t audile,•. „vt'Iv ,,, ar1 ': v ,r r,,., „I„s procure —
friend wltat In 11 that ails yon Z Marelt be fears b ;mmo-u„ to p„ tt•I,,nn. •,,end her Un.ndbul,k. 'q•-..iV,-,
"Nly wife Maria, aged twenty-eight•” patent organ pedal attachment for c•ttrr' It la: wrN h,r h.,,,k-, ahm•is, ,naps, •- t, 1. '"w'” ''"' ""`'-._•G )'u,;;"""
said the doctor. ' 1 want. it , lolls of cattle on i•ho ranges In. `""' a' ~ "T ' �' .
p "Little hath." pianos manufactured by )Vieasra New• e;,, q,ur•kn• r.•„r::,p,i. A,Idrn,:+ '°niWN-:.^=1 W �� :” 1
Net-iptiorr for keeping my Ione stead of l,oinn fat and healthy-, the „ My wife Betsy, aged thirty." r'ombe & Co., 107 Church at., Toronto. lir%,N co., i'atrnt sol4eltnrR. M1•y if l,�o ,X, d� �tiex�r9a n'E' li'`-AA Ki'
£1'Om 11I1'111ng ji1lO 111( N:IInOn.' i (atilt' ir)Ol( Vefy bad, "hitt!( Plops." I'nr'tionlars m]application. t:,.,st,n.,'lerc,„ as nnu ,,,av, h* v. Q®1'R1R4f'!►li
w,4n.. , '--,,.
�,,,w.��.Y,. ...; ,....a� ....„.....:. ....._- x.. .. . . ... ...
�.1,. ... .: ,»:.• V.. _.. _ .,,.-,.... .n..�,4a rY,Gv,ar...�..x ..