HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-22, Page 1, �X - zvL;. i - - I . , , It amm , I r ! i , , 'N' I I 11 ma- I I , ,: _ _ 1-1 . .__ c ��n.-.. -:.0 -- _ - , ,U; TWENTY-FOURTFI VOL l (� /� �� Q (� RODERT HOLUE8Publisher Nnrnbvr 1203, f ,� CLIN J- OX,?"� ONT." FE13RU ARI 22. 1889 • � *�1.UJ yeax it, advaa co• . i; • .9-' ..: `.YTHQ�V�-1,,,' ����'�-� �r1 gBu,,,. DungaRnou. Londesboro• a long eripd_nf sEry w:ht-3he-last ■ tr i ■ a _._ p Scott "what time le is?' Dir J. Tanner, of Lietowel, was In FOR_ CLINTOz�I, so. --Please take .. TEU.—The an$ual tea •meeting of William Granger $aa gone on a locatity deceased retire i L. e8ttied in WANTED—Good Cherry and Snit Elm } I ... Yfote. Our town bell peals forth siz Eraklne church, " Dungannon, was visit to Toronto Brantford, where he 1 x'., for five years Logs, for which the. Highest Price will he Miss Elder is at resent on the sick town Iasi week held on Wednesda February 20th. Mrs Jeffre has returned from her and then removed •o `To"tonic: `The Laid. Pall or write for pprigesand lengths to F times on Sunday, viz., at 10.30 arld y, cut loge. SCOTT DROIi., Myth. list. Mr J. R. Vest, of Hamilton, was in Y y children who survive him are Rev James 11 a.m. and 2 2 30,6 30 and 7 m. A choice programme was rendered visit to Cleveland. DSI Tboa. Potter is at present in- t(i'wu this week, ' ' P• consisting o � G. Stuart, of Balderston; Dr. 'W. T. Mr A. Plummer was in Clinton, on A CHANGE.—Mr Wellwood, who g f music by the Lucknow rhe Grassers intend holding their disposed. Alt O. Jenner, of Toronto was $aro Stuart, of Toronto; Mrs Dr.) Stanbury, Saturda . F ' . was lately in the )lour an.0' feed busi- choir, and addresses by Revs Messrs annual supper here on the 27th, y this week on bueinees. of Bayfield, and Miss I lorella Stuart, t' ' Mr McDonnell is vision at the Dir F. Tanner was in Clinton ti}ie' Hess, bas see6red an A enc . for nor- Shaw, Lucknow; McDonald, Ashfield; Messrs Parson " and ramblyn are g week. Mr'Robt.Logan was visiting friends g Y McMillan of Toronto, The late Rev J. h. Stuart, Rev J. Taylor a. in Listowel, this week. very stock, from a Rochester firm. , Auburn; and Irvine, Nile. shipping a car of their fancy peas to formerly pastor of the Trenton Presby - k Miss Patterson of Brussels was in Miss N. Shane was visiting in Clin• '`Now is the time for beautifying our DEBATE. --A private debate will Port .Elope. terian Chuoh, was also a son of deeeas• ; ' ton this week. re G. Middleton, w Toronto, was gardens; and, enriching our orchards, take place here between the LO,G.T, Mrs Bennington, formerly Miss M ed. Several years ago he retired from 4: k town this week. R. Parker, of Woodstock, was in here on business this week. p g Grain er, left for her future home in active labor as a astor,but at his death - ENLARGEMENT.—Dir W. J. Cha lodges of Dungannon and St. Helena, g P r: ' ' Mr J. Smith, of Hamilton, was in town this weeLC, Mr Sam Barr, a former resident in, man is contemplating big improve- on Friday evening, March lat. The Biddulph on Monday afternoon. he held the office of elder •in St An - S town this week. this vicinity was in town this week. , drew's. s . • Miss S. Symons is going to Clinton menta this coming spring, by adding a1,bject to be debated will be Resoly- Our young and jovial medico was Captain J. Buie, Is at present visit to open a dress -maker shop, Mr W. A. Wigbton was in town On, another wing to his tannery, and ed that the pen has achieved greater the only representative of the male Varna. ing friends in town. business ebonected with the firm, this going in on a more extensive scale victories than the sword.' The at- sex from here, to the Citizen's Ball at Mies Perdue paid her brother, Dr week. than ever in the manufacture of his firmative will be et, MR LnlToa;=The Varna people Mr J. Johnston paid Goderich a J. Perdue a ahor visit last week. supported by Dun- Clinton I were highly entertained last Friday flying visit last week, ' Mr D. B. McKinnon chipped a lot celebrated loves and mils. gapnon lodge, and the negative b g y y 1 `` g g g y SINGING — The singing school is evening at our concert which was a Mrs Gregor McGowan returned of dried apples from this s6ation, last MATRIMONIAL,—A widower and St. Helena, Rev A. McMillan of i g ' Mr A. Lucas, of the firm of Lucas, home from Paisley,on Wednesday. week. + Lavinf great success and people may grand success. We had a beautiful Tanner & Co., is in town. y• widow this week tied a not with the Auburn, will occupy the cba,ir. look forward to a grand concert at night outside and an arra of muai- ;, Mr J. Murphy,a former resident of D1r J• Sparling, of Wing$am, was tongue that the teeth can never un- ENTERTAINllIENT.—Mr R, $allows, the close, which will be announced in cal talent inside, The Jamieson t . .Miss Minnie Luxton, of Lucknow, this place is the guest of Etre J. among the many visitors to Blyth loose; infect, air, the people of of Goderich, will give his popular time for all to know is the guest of Mrs W. Lev h this week. g P F family, from Brucefield, the Metho- ",; � g y• Lmig � Wingham will get married. The dissolving view entertainment in the It Is rumored that Mr J. Scott in- g The lecture which was postponed diet and English church choirs, assist. Meseta Currie and Dorrance, of Mies A. Walker, who has been week before last we had two wed- Orange Hall, here, this (Friday) even- from the 12th to the 19th on account ed. Mies Maggie Diehl organist of Se Messrs are Currie town this week.ends taking a trip to the old country, dings, last week one and in the ver gg g , visiting friends in Clinton,Clinthas return , g ing. an will give scenes of the Holy of bad weather met with no better the Methodist church sang The ", A party will be given next week,at ed to town, this yammer, near future a ,fashionable wedding Land and life of Christ, also views of We .regret to learn that Mr J. will take place. the Highlander's dream of home etc, were fully the latter date, as the roads cows among the corn,' and electrified the residence of Mr Jas. Mains. We notice that Mise Cranston ie i Anderson, of the firm of Anderson + were frilly as bad as before, so that the. all present; our talented teacher, Mr : We learn that John Harrison will town again visiting her sister, Mrs A G073TRA6T.—Clinton jgtreets are Mucic will be furnished during the attendance was rather small. McTavish ave readings and recita- " 4 g g &Elder is on the sick list. light with street lamps, and its read- evening, done that astonished gthe natives; • .r `` " shortly leave for the great Northwest. Thomas. ' FORESTERS — The Foresters from , A very pretty home wedding will ing room free (as far as papers' NOTES.—Last Saturday was court here intend visiting Kioburn on the young Mt McConnell gave a mouth Mr H.' Fulltartoo, of Brantford, was Mr W. Button, of Listowel, ►vas in take place in this vicinity next' week and iiicagazinetf `are concerned), Wing da in the village. rhe last lecture organ solo accompanied b big sister ' amongst'the arrivals in town this town this week,for the purpose of boy- Part:Culara in next issue. ' ' ham streets are beautifull illumi- y g last night of this month, and have an g , P Y J', week, in lumber, Y of the course, under the auspices of oyster supper; there will likely be a also Messrs Robertson and Rifts, ae- g aBIr Will Parrott, who was visiting nated from shop windows and mid• the Y.P,S. will be delivered by Rev good tuFoout, for anything in the cotnpanied by Miss Wanless; Mr A ball was held at the residence of \Ir J. hirkpatrick, of Goderich,ac. friends here duringthe last three night, skys, and to peruse its journals S. Sellar B A MD, of I4ncan, in Jamieson sang 'The laird o' Cock en,' Y, shape of as Oyster takes well here g F �: Mr D. Cunnigham, on "Thursday i comprinied by his daughter, was it, weeks, hay left for Toronto, in the library one has to 1'aY oc• per- the Methodist church, on .March 5th encored thea came our much ea. - I" night. GOING; AWAY— Pickard's auction ' b - g , town this week, We learn that Mr D.Erwin, bavin day, or 50c. per year. subject, ' The Bible and National teemed Mr McKenzie with his violin, sale is expected soon to leave; Bob We are pleaa�•-d to learn that Ate J. 'Mrs J. Gosman, who has been at. disposed o€his property here, will rt- NOTES of THE Wzlsx.—Monday, Prusperity.' assisted by Miss Proudfgot, who were has made man friends since comity 1. -� IVlarsbA}1 is reCodering from hip recent tending her motber,who is ill it, Galt, move to Clinton it, a few weeks- tea meeting in Presbyterian church ; --'-'^� --' here and will be read missed; all encored; Dor Tomlinson gave some illness, has returned home. Tuesday social in above church, and Hallett. ' greatly ' good pieces, accompanied by Miss We bad an American in town this I- the same it was hardly a square deal Wanless. Rev !At McConnell filled ''I'- Mr Will Hubkirk, wl:o has been Reader,tbls week we give you more week, trying to purchase apples from dissolvfng views of the world, in the AlksAEtta Farquhar is visiting rel• to the' merchants here th'ift"the sale d Rev Methodist church; Wednedday, grand atives in the vicinity the chair very acceptably, an e1. Out of town for some tie,a,hag return pews than has ever been Bent to a c our apple king, Bir John Denholm. y of F,xeter, should be patronized as it has been ; Mr Hart made a few appro riate re ?; ed'laome. paper from Blyth, carnival at rink; Thucryday, St,Valen Mr Geo. PO t It is announced that Me,3srs Gray, tines da also two danciq pe has the contract for the local men are the ones who have p k'__1 y, g,parties in deliverin tv > marks, and we hope that these gen- Lawyer Young, who, bas been ou a DIr Stewart, Principal of Blyth Young & Sparling intend dispogingtown, andE.Floody, of the 'Flub,' g ood to school No 2. the beet claim for support. ttemen may be present at any future visit to his uncle, Alt 1S1, Young, has Public School, spent &inday at his of the salt works here,to an American was Leta on business; Friday,weather Loss,—Mr Geo. Crossman last a RArsrD THE MONEY —The Presby social gathering, to guide us in what left town. home in Bluevalic firm. y� flying good mare, on Tuesday .morning l g is right, that we may all dwell to- t soft ; Saturday, A fl in visit to town g y (, last, terian° at a meeting held to decide w;, Air Geo. Elirons; who has secured a Messrs McKinnon & Powell ships- The wife and family of Editor Com- of R, Holmes, of the NEw ERA, also Mr W. -T, Farquhar delivered a how to raise funds to pay for the or- gether in unity. We had a meeting situation in Millbank, left for there ed a coo le of carload." of rain frc,ur m-,' arrived in town, on Saturday, an, concluded to take u a ,III, I this week. P !; I a horse getting tired, laid down on splendid young horse to J McMann g p gubscrf p- of the Bible Society, in. the Methodist --. this station, this week, a. i ic�ll take up their residence in y g y tion and with ver church, addressed by Rev Mr Manly, Messrs H. and T. Hamilton, of We learn that DSr Add Halli�la g front street, and b eo dein broke iq Seafortb on Alonda for which be , y littletrouble rail- t I1n erson's terrace. the ole of a sleigh. So much for received $155.. ,Air Bet] Churchill ed more than sufficient for the_emer- On Tue3da eveninga lar a art Stafia, who were visiting here, have has secured a situation as clerk. in a 11',� regret to learn that Mr IYarran the week ending February 11th, Bold one for $180 last week. gency ; though there was some oppo- surprised Air Wi;n Mills, who is party returned home, large store at Lakelet. Greig contemplates leaving town sitiou to the organ coming into the ing for Dakota, and presented him I", "' g A FEw FACTS.—Wingham posses- To CONTRACTORS.—Attention is ' shortly, He will be miaaed,as be is a church, we do not think that eQough with A writing desk and album. Take 44. Mrs Hastings, wlto'has "been Lara Rev A. W. Tonga rose assisting at universal favorite. sea an Orr more precious than gold, directed to the advertisement calling arsons u1d UMA to.:carr -.t J g t tii- 11�4for some time has left for her home i .. d._' ..... - - - . also• a -Fisher-. of re u.ted--skill. ---rhe- f r--tenders-.for:the•.erectlon: of wbrid e. P:-.- . PQ -•,�-be y_ 'care,., .V.1.13tam, that'ydri do .no s __.__ _ m t bel in Turner.°-- bn ch -- o - . ""'"-`.,-- in'Pilin rs'ton - Tuckeramith, thio wee c r ' 3here is a young main in tow❑ vvlio, p . g it out, rise some father b taking his dao $ ' °people find mai ch pleasure in -tfie in.the township of Hallett, tegders to _- _ P Y g g - • ,~ has our best .wishes' but he slaouldu t Thursday evening ter for a helpmeet for yourself, but '-• - We learn that AI'r` Jatriea Arrilour Rev H. A. Tbomae has left for take suis Long walks, for be might Pleasant Roe and refreshing Knapp, be sent to the clerk by the 25th inst. PRtssExr — 0`. " intends leaving for Manitoba shortly, Gorrie,where he will assist at mission•„ get sei(h) upon and not be able to and lovers are they of the Saint About twenty couple of young neo. last a surprise party consisting of a you deserve a good wife. �"i I' Success old boy, ary meetings now being held there, return. 1bicleola. It has A useful Bell, also a ple assembled at the house of Jas. large number of the members of the —... ' Several of our townsmen are laying A number of the nun people met great Field for butchers and Saddlers, Reynolds jr.,, on Friday evening last Londesboro Methodist Church, met at .Brucefield. ps,,' Y g The members of the I. O, G, T. are young P P . • ' in a snpply of ice. The crop is re- $avis a cosiest; An e E. G. Yoaq at the residence of C. Tanner, Esq., and Taylors are appreciated in Wing- and danced till broad daylight, and tGe parsonage, and after spending a LECTURE,—On Thursday evening o K g ham. so are friendly Holmes, Had all went home saying Jim is a oll most enjoyable evening with music, of last week the Rev Joseph Edge, of a, ported first cissa. and Miss Edna Curtis are the en last Friday evening, where a most Y g j Y P g P we a flag floating from the town hall, good fellow. refreshments, &c., presented Rev. ll, Clinton, delivered a lecture entitled "'. Mr J. Munford of Woodstock who tains. pleasant and entertaining evening g Bring back what you borrow in the ' was en v ed. iia colors would be Greece, Black and PASSED AWAY.—Miss Huckne Rogers, their pastor, with er nce address, + K y borrow,' in has been here for some time buying We regret to learn that AIr J. enjoyed. Gray. The people enjoy 47cort ser- y+ in which appreciative reference was Methodist church. The audience lumber, has left for home. Emi h has been called awa to a Mr W. E. Wheadon, representing who for a number of years resided made to bis seri y - g Y P y the Wilkinson Plough Company, of mops. Our lllason enjoys a thriving with Mr W. Mason, on the base line, alt plural discourses to was not as large as the lecture de- Miss E, Watson who. baa been the last sad ritea.to the remains of his trade the year round: We have also y to the laws and usages of the served as in our estimation it was • ' spendin.g a few. days with friends in aged mother. Aurora,, was in town the latter part of a Hill in the centre of the town, and but has of late years made her hems 'Church, and success in.the church's Ona of the (neat lectures we have had last week. Air 1Vm. Campbell is at the house of Mr H. Snell, ,being a work, Also to Mrs Rogers' s �Cranbrook, has returned to town. Mrs Rogerson sold some property P some MiN, where you can get from s germ labors in the pleasure of hearing. M•uB!c was r , g P P agent for this district, sister of Mrs Snell} died last week, P g '*' to Mr F. Metcalf last week. We. r+ col of. cotton to the finest silks various departments of cbristianwork, provided b the Clinton Quartette ,it h Miss Tanner intends leaving next WOMAN'S s SUFFRAGE,—The'women p She has been an invalid for yeara,and P y ". week for purpose of visiting her understand the price paid was three The people are no slow -pokes, but and re -assuring them both of the con" Club and this cannot be too highly ,g; understand r t dollars. of this country have no occasion to always fond of a good Rush. Now, her death was not, therefore, unex- fidence and esteem in which they are spoken oi. g y alater,Mra T$ompaon,of Danville, Ill. demand their rights. It 'has always sir, all these interesting features can Petted. Her remains were interred held, with the prayer that all through P !lir Jack Clegg, of Wingham, was Rev Mr McLean preached last Sun been theirs to say what we shall have be found on one street, were ,we to on Sunday last.• life they may enjoy the pleasing as- CHEcxERs. —Another gams+ o in town ' this week in consultation day morning from II Corinthians, 12, to eat three times a day, and, that's stroll around its suburbs ver mA^ FARM SOLD,—Mr Geo, Flintoffbas surance that the Lord of Hosts is checkers was played in the Odd Fel- with his buyer, Mr John McMillian. 10. In the evening on backsliding more power than the men ever.had or more curiosities and interesting fes sold his farm south- halt of lot 16 with them and the God of Jacob is lows $all, $ere, on Monday evenigg, ur' and repentance, ever will have. • tures might easil be found`•bu galas con. 3 containing 50 acres, to Mathias their refu e " A feelin and suitable between the Granton and. Brucefield l., Mr John Young, a former resident b y g g' g �',� " .. ' of Blyth, now engaged in the liver . , STILL THEY GO UP.—We learn that One of the Brussels papers has the one thing has not been told, while it Glew, of Stapleton, for $2450. 'The reply was made by Mr Rogers and af- th h resulting in another vs. Aftry er ' business, London, was in town this Mr John McMillian contemplates following to say about Reeve Kelly .has a Grit representative et parlia- farm is'a fairly good one with a small ter prayer, and at a seasonable hour the home club by two games. Ater f1,. erecting a brick building upon his The Inimitable and esteemed Pat ment, it has at the game time a Tor bank barn, a neat frame _house_ and ...the frie.nda separated _Jae_`„BxA.1yu the game: was_.o�ex,,_all_ —f -a to,Dig -.- „_--- 1 • week. farm, near here this s tin K_ 11 -. Ee. a _is.a . ar tiv..ae much alt __ _ y, ;_ --- -- - - - -- , ” , wAaP Record%n Steward. an s bail, and partook of an ouster + A_,nu,pt.b-er of the folk held: a-sl.ei h,• p - -e y'. q'- - pp :en mRjurlty. Let ua $one that the day good oYotiard, and a cold be good , B , supper which had beeir re sten for g I Rev'71ic lassie of Auburn will home in Ottawa as in Blyth. Hes a may Sony, come when the Wingham value for the money ; we understand - p 4 ing party, on Friday night, a very en- preach in the Methodist, church next y back where the ites to ifinan will walk in the true Mr Glew will move big family onto it Bayfield. them. Below is a list of the games: i•,. joyable time being spent by .all hustler from away ±�, Sunday morning. Rev J. Scott will creek forks for the last time. light of Gritism. and will still retain bis situation at Mies T. Berk of Goderich township BRocErIELD. GRANTON. DRAWS ;•,; present. _ F :� occupy the pulpit in the evening. We learn: that a process has lately - Stapleton. We have not heard' what is payigg MTge Huston a visit. J Snider 2 L Wilteie 2 2 c; A meeting in connection with the We regret to learn that Mr -'R. D. been invented whereby milk may be . Stanley. Mr Flintoff intends doing. A Thompson 2 J Hunter 1 3 x Women's Foreign Missionary Society gy There is to be a fancy dress carnival J McDermid 2 F Grant 3 1 was held in the Presbyterian church Dunbar intends leaving town. Bob kept from souring for's month, grape )EARLY LAMBS,—Mr Duncan Me- DEATH.—Father Allan, as he was in the rink this (Friday) evening. g on Tuesda is a general favorite and Blyth can ill and apple juice for six months, and Ewen has a ewe which last week .familiarly known,and who has residedlike) g' J McDougall 3 W A Grant 0 3 Tuesday. afford to lose such an enterprising ,sweet wine for a year. Wonder if dropped two fine lambs. in this township, near Harlock, We would So whisper a word J Murdoch 1 E Wass 4 1 I ., ► Several of our townsmen have de young man. the inventor could et u an a ara- RETURNED.—Dir Huh Gilmour „ ce the Literary- .. efro people: Be W O'Neil 4 J Avery 2 0 Y g g P FF g for a great many years, passed over careful to exclude from your pro - F - tided to sell their horses at the joint An old entlemaa who partook of "tug that would keep subscribers from and wife left last Monday for Moose• the great divide" last week. He has gramme anything that,, 4vonld have ' 14 1`L stock auction male to be held in Au- g ' F souringon the editor, jaw, N. W. T., after a six weeks stay been in failing health for ears, One too much o raised caiu here on g y even the appearonce of vulgarity. BRIEFS.—Mr W. Rattenbury has burn, neat week. pop, in Stanle . Mr Jobn Gilmour son Saturdayevening We were surprised DILATORY.—A rather unusual in- Y , of the early settlers, he was a roan of The Methodist tea meeting last sold his gray horse making a gain of . g F n Mr John Gilmour, of Stanley, left g g Y , Amongst the lawyers in town this to bear such a well read man nein eldest occurred at the funeral of the f y+ wide experience. and knowledge, and g feat Monday, for Manitoba he is Thursday evening, roved very gut- about 260 per cent; Mr R Pepper was ;'.,, week we noticed Messrs E. E. Wade, the blasphemy that be did. late Mr .Tis. Magill last week. The y' + enjoyed the confidence ani respect of ' F y bound for Nee awa and Dlinnedoe eesefal, as over 9 4b have been realized the purchaser. The bora from No 3, of Brussels; Campion, of Goderich ; rave -di er althou h iven sufficient rs all who knew rme n los arflu - The Rev J. Hill, of Chatham, will g gg ' g g where he bac a rother and two sisters p after paving all ezpenseg. The choir Tuckeremith, played ai game of fact . F. Hilliard, of Clinton. notice, was late in performin lila larl well informed and fon a et,p Clinton,lecture in the temperance ball here, g residing.Mr WesleyNeelans and Y g H' of the Rattenbury St. -church Cball, on Friday last, with the pupils It is rumored that Captain Mallory on. Tuesday evening, 26th inst. A work and kept the funeral waiting family,of Portae lPrairie left porter of the Methodist church. is together Willa tbe' "Bugwoks" filleof 9io 10, Stanley; each team scored � i•• will again take charge of the Salva- treat ma be expected, for Mr Hill Ta at the cemetery for half an hour,which g + remains were interred in the Hill the musical art of the programme two cafe. No 3 took art in a foot - ii tion Arm here. Some one wbo is y F g he storm that was thea re- Stanley this week to visit friends in, cemetery, those of his wife Lav• P P g g P Army an excellent speaker and chalk talker. dWria t p y+ ver acceptably, while a number of ball tournament held at No 9 on P thevicinity of Toronto before return • Y P Y, "competent is badly needed. vailing,wall anything but comfortable. y ' ing been buried there, Rev, gentlemen from a distance to- Saturday,and was defeated b No 10 ,A convention in the interest of the ing to the prairie province. At a meeting of the Morris Abri- Reformers of West Huron will be HOW TO DO IT,—To make a friend, DEATH OF MR RITCU iR.—Few will PRESENTATION, —On the evening gether with the local clergy gave short Tuckerstnith, by a score of 2 o 0. Mr cultural Society held at the Queen's held in Goderich on -Monday, the take half a pound of sympathy, a be sur rised et man will be pained of the 18th Feb, the many friends of addresses. The following evening a Wm Cooper is now at work assessing :,,` Hotel, amongst other business it was 25th Inst. Dr Sloan and MryM les Pound of flattery, two pounds of bene- at the announcement that Mr D. H, Miss Kate V. Reynolds, organist of social was held, at which the Liter• the township of Tuckersmith. R. �' decided to hold the next fair here on Young are the delegates chosen from ficial services ; mix well and ae'rve Ritchie one of the oldest residents St. Josephs church, Hullett,• assem• ary Society, with their new President, Walker, son of D. Walker, is home i • Oct, 8th and 9th, this district. hot. To make an enemy, take an of the count died at his residence bled at her fathers residence and Mr Robt, Dewar, in the chair, kindly visiting friends, The annual meet - Mr P. Heffran, who served his a Mr James Pollock took .auddenl ounce of truth, put it on ice for a in Stanley,on Sunda last. He has made her the recipient of a well-filled furnished the programme. ing of the Upper Canada Bible So - P y mimde and let them have it cold. To y purse and a complimentary address. ilei will be held in the Methodist been Bilin for some time. We did "Our entleman aid the old y a, prenticeahip to Mr J. Huckstep, and sick mobile driving -home from Mr make love take a , not learn hop long be has been liv- y country a visit last summer, It is re- church, on Friday evening, March then went to Kincardine, is now run- Walter McGowan's, last Friday even hundred love,, ht of osentimentfftwo Hogan ,the r u purse presented by g P i Ding a shop -for himself and doing ing, with congestion of the brain, but g i❑ here but it is a good man ears. g P y 1st ; Rep J,G Manly will deliver a F' hundred pounds of deception, and e g y Y Miss Annie M. Reynolds. The 'fol- Ported that ha only went as far as lecture on Babylon and Israel; a if' well in Tiverton. we are,glad to hear that he is again squeeze. p hP: He was a❑ active politican, and -in lowing is the address:— the ould sod, but we Are of the opin- able to o around. q 1867 contested the South Riding in g ion he aid German a visit too collection will be taken up in aid of f' Dir A. Carelton was detained here g A RARE CHANCE.—Alt C. Iiamil- �o ATIss ICA'ri V. RFYNOLn6, Olt- P y 'Bpd the Soviet this week on a capias issued b some The funeral sermon of the late Mr ton on behalf of Mr R. Adams opposition to Air M. C. Cameron, but GANrST of ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH — having' seen the German princes go y• P Y + , was unsuccessful. He was highly re each morning to their daily occupa- SURPRISE AND hRESE?PPATION.— men who went security for him, Aa J. Magill was preached .by the Rev Londesboro, will offer for sale "in s acted it is said he was promised a We, the congregation of St, a small tion as „The home of Mr Wm, O'Neil was P P ( you know every German. " we write -a satisfactory settlement has D•i-r Thomas in the English ebureb,on Blyth, on the 7th of March, some Senatorship by Sir John, but never' church, beg leave to offer you a small prince has to learn a trade he thought taken possession of, last Tuesday ev- Za been arrived at. Sunday, last. The reverend gentle- valuable properties, embracing a fine received it.. He leaves a wife to token of gratitude for the manner in P would not be too, late in life for him �ping lit' a number of the ladies, of YI' -At the young people's meetings , on man chose for hiatezttbe 14tbchapter farm in Morris,eome eligible property mourn his loss. His remaiae were whit$ you have conducted our choir to emulate that hale ofprincely life. tliie Auxiliary of the W. F. M. S. Sunday evenings in tb:e Presbyterian Arid first verse of the•book of Job. in Blyth, and some household furni- interred at Bayfleld on Wednesday, for the past two years. Not desiring Consequently,u on his he Shortly after their arrival Mrs J. H. church, Mr J. A. bicQowan is givin At the ro reeeive euchre arty at tune. buggies, cutters, etc. He 'also (�olrxClL.—`rhe council met on the to simply convey to you in words P Simpson wag called to the chair when A g progressive P offers for sale r tc exchan a 160 alone, the appreciation of your many. immediately went into the drug bugi• Mrs Geo. Baird rex Tainan the ob- i ;:` A series of explanations on tht world, A?rs Tanner's, last Friday, evening, + Q g + 16t1r, all the members being present, nes° and might be seen ever morn- 1 p acres in Manitoba. • This chance qualities, we beg of you in the name g y ject of their visit by'reading the fol- th'e flesh and the devil. Miss Ruth Jones and Mr John Mc- should not be missed b those who with the reeve in the chair. The of our roan friends here, to accept ing wending hie way towards the oil - Messrs Carleton & Anderson lost a Kinnon succeeded in winning first Y tenders of Wm. Milne for cedar, and Y y ' p lase drug store. But ver soon as lowing addrege When Mrs P. McGreg• prize. Mica Kell want to make good investments. this small tangible token of the gra- a g y or and Mrs Wm.. Kaiser came for• valuable stallion this week. He was P y and Mr T. W. g F. G. Neelins, for printing, were ne• titude esteem and respect in which knowing ones inform us, the business imported this season and never got Scott succeeded in getting the booby BAER v. THE MORRIS AGRICUL• cepted, they being the lowest. The ' P raw tired of him, eo he turned big ward and presented the good lady of prize. you are held. Signed on behalf of g the house with a handsome silver cake over the voyage. He weighed 2190 P TUBAL SOCIETY —This cisehas taus- following accounts were ordered to the congregation, JOHN CARBERT, attention to the neighboring. basket and pickle cruet, P and was valued at $1300. Art predicted in last wozk'a issue ed conaidernble diecusgion in thio vi• be paid :—McLean Bros., printing, Now as the finger of the clock points Mr V, Y. Halliday h cinit To o i Taos, HOGAx DOYIINIC I'LYNN JAS, g P °� Mr S. V. Carter, of Montreal, was y as 'decided to y• g into the'particulars of $1 • Andrew Stinson wood for hall ' to nine if you chance to look down Dr nn blas O'NFtL.—In behalf of the f _ leave town, Circulars are out an -repairing ! TIGHE, DANirr. S>IANAaAN JAS, Ladies of eur auxiliary we now resent in town this week, and succeeded in the case it seem's that at last fail held and windows $5.33 Thos. FLYNN. Main St., you may see coming along, Y P obtaining an order for a number of nouncing the sale of everything by here. Mr John Barr was awarded Wiley, salary, $70; Mrs Picket, dog a little, wit man his hands in, his You with these tokens of our esteem. ' auction prizes for bis efrhibite but afterwards "tsa refunded $1 Ed Westlake, ravel Mise Reynolds made an Appropriate y ' We value you highly as n doer friend 11 new boxes for the post office. We , on Saturday, the 23rd Inst, P , g reply, stating that words could not Pockets, his coat-tails half turned up, and regret your removal from amongst " learn that some are lock boxee,wbich Mrs Halliday, accompanied by her the judges would not allow him any. $12,48 ; Geo. Stewart, making out express her gratitude, not mere] for a little cape under his arm and a dog ns. We will mica tr; . we have no doubt will greatly add to son, has left for Wroxeter, and' Mr thing. Thep -maintained that he mix- deeds, writing notices and posting up F g y at hie $eels. This ie our rince. He your voice in eons -a yy iia worth but the spirit in which it . , P and your earnest prayers when we meet the appearance of our poet office. Halliday will follow as Boon As the ed some rain, hence the action in financial etatments, $4. 'A by-law was given. Rev Father West being isi learning the tinamithing. Men- and your willing co-operation in the `` PROBABLY FATAL ACCIfiENT,—A sale is over. the Division Court here on Monday. fixing the, license of hotels in this resent made a few pleasing remarks tion this sketch to him and be will work of our society. We hp,ve always +` LEevINa,—We re r Judgment was reserved, but whoever township at $100 was read a third P likel es ' very cad accident occurred here, on g et••to learn that F after which each returned to their re• Y y, Oid ring the rascal a neck enjoyed the greatest felicity in the sis several of our loses will be out a considerable sum time and passed. The collector was if of knew wbo it was, terhood of our society, and regret very Saturday last:, ' While Mr Sam Hod- young men have decid• apeetive homes. I gine was driving along Dinmley St., ed to give up situations here for afore of money. cradited with $5, dog tax, and $2, J DEATH.—The wife of Dr Stanbury much that ons so valued should leave little Jimmy Hammon,eldest eon Of IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. — We comutation for statute labor, which • our midst; but rejoice that you are not IMPORTANT ones on the other side, 6lodericb. received a telegram on Tuesday even - Mr M. H. Hammond, station agent, There moat be a screw loose some- lear'ff that Messrs Sparling & Powell, could not be collected, The council ing, informing her of the death of going so far away that you shall be un - ;,k thought he would get on and have A where. Perhaps we have the wrong of Wingham, have disolved partner- then adjourned to meet again, on WEST EurtoN Rr onmEas.—The her father, Rev. Mr Stuart a retired able to join ns occasionally and refresh e ride. The bottom of the sleigh being men in charge of our country's Affairs. ship. Mr Geo.Powell intends taking Saturday, March ]6th next, at one, annual convention oFthe Reformers y , at Toronto • he us with the news of the working of the , , Presbyterian minister, a moveable one he fell through, the It's deplorable to see so many yours up his residence in Blyth, and will be O'clock p.m. G2 o.STEwABT,Cierk. of the west riding 'o Huron will be had attained the age of 83 ears. ' blessing society in Clinton. May God's 11 bob passing over him. He received h y� g prepared to ay a higher rice for ---"---~ held .berg on Monday, Februa 25th. g y blosefng go with you and yours wherever men, t e cream of our'c�untr leav p February A Toronto paper this alludes to Mr ft'; internal iiijuries and the doctors have ing their naiRb land for a country good than inferior hotter, which will Colborne. Mutters of importance are to be diA• Stuart :—Tbe death in this city is you may go, and may you still p©tae• cogged and a full re resentation is y vete in f His good work. Signed o the �" that floats another $a because it be a boon to our usual busy little Mr E. McCabe is able to be around + P announced of the Rev,TAs. Stuart, the ladies of the BruceRold auxiliary of the little hope of his recovery, g+ , town in fact a- los felt want in this again. ' ' looked for from all parte of the riding, oldest Presbyterian ministerin Canada, 1 TnYNGS SYR MAY EaPECT.--COm- can offer them higher positions. r.a vicinity, for we understand that mer- g11Fr B. W. Forester's saw mill is now MR M. C. CAMERON'S ILLNESS.— He was born at Coothill, county Cavan, W.F.d Neil replied in a few well mhos- menial travellers. The Standard to The Aev Mr Simpson,ofBrucefield, ebants in small places where there is in full blast. Mr M. C. Cameron, ex -member of Ireland, in 1804, and won educated at en remarks, atter which the visitors improve. Tramps, The bell to ring has kindly consented to lecture here, no butter market have been paying as Mr D, Baer is erecting R wind mill Patllament for West Huron, was Belfast College under Dra Cook and spread a splendid table from the well in spite of the growlers. The valen• on the 4th of March. Tile lecture much for inferior ae for first thus above one of big imps. stricken down with internal hemor- Edgar. Deconsed was united inlmar. tine fiend to give ae a rest. An early and entertainment will be held in the butter. This we -learn could not be Mr John Snyder has moved his Ihage on Thuredsy last,and at present riage to 0 daughter of the Rev John $fled baiketa they brought with them. spring. I�Tew buildings. The Coun- Presbyterian church ander the au- avoided for ever one , thinks their chopping mill home again from lies Ina precarious condition. a Lawry, of Upper Clenanese.' In 1947 After doing ample justice to their ''4 y Pp g g p Mr Stuart came to Canada and located spread, Mr Fotheringbam brought ,; Cil to Bek their brother Councillor to spicae of the Hopeful .gleaners. The butter tie beet. Butter maders will Holmeaville, rallied somewhat on Saturday, but at Frampton,Que., whence he moved to the happy meeting to a close, by a take down that obnoxious verandah subject of the lecture will he a popular now see the necessity of making first Mrs Joyce, Sr., of Benmiller, is not his physicians, though hopeful of•hia Montreal pand subsequentlytoMarkham, abort prayer. on Front St.. A very fine new Metho• one, and will be announced on bills, class butter in order to obtain the top expected to recover from an attack of recovery, are not over -confident. Mr froth which place be was called to dodo- _ diet church.. The nick list to become No doubt a rich Intellectual treat Will ptiee. We are ante that'this will give inflamation of the lungs. Cameron is one of the - best known rich abnreb and the Wawanosh con re• '� smaller. Marriages. The band organ be enjoyed by all those who bear the every sAtiefactibn,for then the farmer We are this week compelled to publ)c men. in Canada, and his politi- gation, where he labored for several if3elgrave. 1. and monkey.' Anew merchant tailor, reverend gentleman. There will also can spend his money in town witb chronicle the death of Mr Rodges,Sr., cat friends and opponenta alike extend years. A unanimous call t4Q the charge The ERat Wawanosh apring show ;; The choir to be tickled over their be some excellent music furnished by the merchant who offere the best in- of Benmillir, who passed over the sit- Ito h!m theirsympathy in hie affliction. ei the Old t{irlr at Wooastook took will be held in Br'grace, WednFeiey,' photos. the chair, ducement. ent river on Tuesday last, i fly Cameron is now out of danger,] deceAeed away from Goderich, and after April']7tb, i 11, ':r, , 11 I I 1*0,11 ` x;�,, i 1., , p • . ' . v Y N 1.J, .. 1 1 ., i,,.. w: n