HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-15, Page 7�.9 .pec, St— I! T14g ` WQ.440 AEI !►e life's lln04ing a nen pours • N'110 lxlarallalled hosts are seen,-- 'wo armies on the trafiipled shores That death flows black b tlreen. One marches to the drum -beat's roll, The wide-mouthed clarion's bray, ANI bears upon a crimson scroll, "Our glory, is to slay!" One moves in silence by the stream, With sad, yet watchful eyes, Calm as the patient planet's gleam That walka the clouded skies. Along its front no sabres shine, No blood -red pennoae, wyve; Its banners bear the single lino "Our duty is to save." For those no death -bed's lingering shade; At Honor's trumpet call With knitted brow and lifted blade In Glory's arms they fall. For these no clashing falchions bright, No stirring battle cry ; The blooless ptabber calls by night, - Each onswers, "Here a -m I !" For those the sculptor's laurelled bust, The builder's marble piles,-- •- _ The anthems pealing o'er their dust Through long cathedral aisles. For these tie blossom sprinkled turf That floods the lonely graves, When spring rolls in her 'sea -green surf In flowery, foaming waves. Two paths lead upward from below, And angels wait above, Who count each burninglife•drop'sflew Each falling tear of love, Here from the hero's bleeding breast Her pulse's freedom drew, Though the' white lilies in her crest Sprang from that scarlet dew, --- While Valor's haughty champions wait Til] all their scars are shown, Love walks unchallenged through ;the gate To sit beside the -Throne ! • 7.OV 1': LETTERS BY THE • BLUSHING MAIDS AND SIGH[ING WID- OWS WOOING MR. BABCOCK'S HALF -MILLION. ANN ARBOR, Mica., Feb. G.— James L. Babcock, whose uncle, the late Luther.James, left him a fortune of $500,000 conditional upon bis taking a wife within five years from the date of his uncle's death, continues to be an object of deep interest to marriageable wo- men all over the country. Let- ters are pouring in by the cord. Mr Babcock has a number of sec- retaries- at work reading, sorting and filing away these loving epis- tles, and the postmaster intends to ask for an increase in salary. Some of the letters are serious, but the majority are decidedly not. • -A-- loamy.Widow nLa _.of.Chiea go, no children, ivi11 give Mr Bab- cock a home without cost. A Buffalo (N.Y.) maiden,speaks her mind plainly. She says, 'Mo- ney and brains don't go togethor,' and adds she would not be the Wife of such a man, even if be were worth in money $500,000,- 000 instead of $500,000, 'and I'm not the only one to despise mouey either,' she says. • An enticing prospect is held out by a widow of Arlington, Md, .She says :— How old are you ? I am a wid- ow 32 years ©]d ; real brunette, black hair, dark hazel eyes, dark complexion ; 5 feet 54 inches tall, and weigh 140 pounds. I did love my husband, but I long for an- other husband's love. I have a lovely home; everything that can be wished for, but there is noth• ing that can take the,placo of a good, kind affectionate husband. Send me your picture, ,just to take a peep at, and, if you say so, I will.return by the next mail. But I bad a good deal rather send you my pizture. I don't pride myself on ray good looks,' but I am so awfully good. I am a Southern girl. Virginia is my native state, Richmond City my birthplace, but since my marriage I have been living in Baltimore. Here is the wail of a washer- woman of 45, who lives at Pair - burg, Livingston county, Ill.: It is with fear and trembling that I address you, for I have seen accounts in the papers of the fair, ones that address you, and 1 am such.an opposite character, for. I' am only a poor washerwoman and not at all fair to look upon. Am rather dark complexion, brown eyes, wear my hair in loose, long riiiglets,�ghich are slightly auburn in color. Am gnitentall and very slender, and, ,course, being only a poor washerwoman, and not able to dress so as.to hide Imper- fection of form or to enhance such slight charms as I might have, for you know dress adds so much to one's appearance, and, unlike your other correspondents, I am not in lovo with you at all, but would so like to help you spend your for- tune, and really I don't suppose Ikever should love you, but think 2 could treat you respectably if you would furnish me a nice house and give me plenty of' money to'•spend. Two of the correspondents drop into poetry, A Minneapolis songstress writes: Ah, there, Mr Babcock, of your like there are few, So I'm writing to tell yon that my heart is true: 0;t•prett > nR,A.vest And:404W and not t r`ou can't .f:end a beter, So. ' scncd me a. letter, Then T:11 .11te another w you. l+'t)xasOE. A gashing sil.tid of 19 writes from warm and sunny Florida: I will be to thee thy she low. I will watch over thee while thou art sleeping. I will refresh thee when weary. As the sea reflects the heavens, as the brook the bright blue flowers that blow up- on its banks, so will my soul mir- ror each thought of thine, as two stems with. love entwine, two souls with but asingle thought, two hearts that beat' as one. Ever thine, FLORA, Jacksonville. Proposals have even come from over the sea: Mr. Babcock will settle the_ matter through a com- mittee. A NEW HOME TREATMENT FOR CURE OF CATARRH, CAT- ARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HAY FEVER. The miscroscope has proved that these diseases are contagious, and that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the interlining membrane of the upper air passages and eustachlan tubes. The emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea - de endorse this, and the authnritie& .aunt be disputed. The regular method of treat- ing these .diseases has been to apply an ir• -r'1•. tantremedy weekly, and even daily,thus keeping the delicate membrane in a con- stant state of rration, allowing it no chan- ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not -one permanent cure has ever been recorded.. His an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than once in two weekB for the membrane must get a shaneb to ,heal before an application is re- .peated. It is now seven years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite •,r catarrh and formulated his new treats snt, and since then his remedy has become a house- hold word in every country where the Eng lish language, is spoken. CURES EFFECTED BY HIM SEVEN YEARS AGO ABE PUBES STILL, THERE HAVING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE DI- SEASE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and froth one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vated cases, Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage, The atl- diress of" A. H`: Dixon & San -is 303• King Street West, Toronto, Canada. -Scientific :Amerces)• MADE RICH IN 30 MINUTES Two BROTHERS STRIKE A $100,- 000 MINE BY DIGGING TWO FEET S. R. Roger and his brother left their homes near Hastings, Mich., about four years ago and went to Breckinridge, Col., where they worked in a stamp mill. They got possession of two claims, the "Iron Mask" and the "Kewanee," and worked them during Spare hours, putting considerable time and nioney into them. The claims had been worked previously by an old miner, who failed to find paying -ore. Roger' recently put a reran in the lower one and went to work • himself. In Less than.half an hour, after digging about two feet, ,he struck gold and silver bearing carbonate of Silver, { said- to -:be- the most: valsiableY-.and-. easily worked, in the State. Tho- vein was followed to the surface, when, it was found that' all the previous year's work had been within eighteen inches of the vein. The Roger Brothers have, been of. fered $100,000 for two mines, but want $200,000.. Within a week after this find 5,000 men were on the spot, establishing claims, but the Rogers have secured many of the most desirable. The mine is on the east side .of the mountain, and the snow necessitates keeping i t roofed over.—Chicago' Tribune. Use Barkwell'e sure Corn andWartCure $AI ' Tne lT5 Sten Wacbri,ebtoll 04040„ dem; klgrgeplunli, al4erxnun nezvu'm; papt3.e , pttj ltrohecl . in Pi lcetjhO,,', sillies thttt.the esit$*of,Ierusuf'eiit is growing in sine and>;)pttlatien ata remarkable tate. Its growth isall the moi -u surprising beeaase neither its situatiou nor its trade is favorable to a rapid increase. It lies among a not very fertile group of mountains; it has next to no commerce ; and it has no manufactures. Nevertheless new buildings are rising daily; church- es, gardens and institutes of va- rious kinds are filling up the for- merly desolate neighborhood to the distance of half an hour's walk beyond the old limits of the city.' The Jews are to the front as build- ers. Their houses spring out of the ground like mushrooms, uni- form, ugly, one -storied, plentifully supplied with windows, but with no manner of adornment. The Rothschilds have completed a new hospital. Close beside it there is ar new Abyssinian church. The Russians are also great builders. They have erected a new church, consulate, lodging houses for pil- grims of'-tho Orthpiioii "natio»stl churches, and a hospital. Near TO the iussian group stands the 'German House' for German Ro- man Catholics, from whose top the German and the Papal flag float side by side. The Russians have also built a high tower upon the Mount of Olives, from whose summit the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea can both be seen. The Greeks and Armenians are also busy builders, but they provide for the bodily rather than the re ligious demands of the pilgrims. The former build cafes and ba- zaa,•s, and the latter set up shops. AN INCORDIGIBLE FOOL. The foo!• joker never- learns. Year after year he goes on aiming guns which go off with fatal re- i- 1lc'to'innudont by Stand&,play ing ghost to terrorize women and ,'• il,lrell, .or performing nets of evoir-gre.rater. -folly to-- gra tify' `lick" sense -of humor, usually with tragic consequences. In St.Louis last week a sorry fool namodPrice thought it would be very funny to feign sudden illness in the pres- ence of the lady to whom he was- engaged asengaged to be married. He did so, allowing himself to fall sud- denly on the floor while the young lady wrung her hands and cried until she beoaiine a maniac. Phy- sicians came, but they could do nothing for her. • One violent at- tack followed another, and instead of leading her to the altar, as he expected, the humorous young man accompanied her to the door of an asylum, where he bade her farewell. The story carries its • own moral' to everyone but the" joker himself. • _ 1-SUMP-TION-ULR] D: -:• An old physican, retired from prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy'and permanent cure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat. and Lang Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot. ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 18012-y.e.o.w. 11 E- LINTON NEW ERA. R. HOLMES, -, - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. X X THE NEW ERA- is published •every 'Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Hatter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will 1)e sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type f'r Circulars, Sale Bills, and any kind of printing that can bo desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. kis WholeStoekatCost --- ---coo ---- There has been so much blowing and advertising great sales and big bargains, that we have decided to give the people a GENUINE COST PRICE SALE. Our goods are all new and well bought from first- class wholesale houses. We have no gigantic gift frauds to offer, nor do we purpose to eaecb the people by giving them a little cheap cot- ton and making it up on other goods, and we have no cheap trash from the Toronto Auction Rooms to make a blow with, but our goods aro All New Staple Goode, just what the people want, and we will give them the goods at cost without reserve. Full Lines in GEN; DRY GOODS, CLOTHING & TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS and FURS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, CARPETS, ALL AT COST. About 3,000 Pairs of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS & OVER, -SHOES"-at prices, never heard of in this - town before - Save Money by earning to a Genuine Salo. We mean business. Searle's Block, — , Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS el Whi!e this is now the great question in the political arena of. Canada the people of Londesboro and surrounding. Country aro asking "Where can I get the best value for my money-?'' • Come to ADAMS' Emporium 1...401\1 13],130n co. '•Melt tin FALL AND WINTER GOODS 'Some extraordinary values in TWAEDS. QXBEAUTIFUL AND CHEA'DRESS GOODS. ll 'Great variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS & COTTONS. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and tom' HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES TAILORING in connection. Sept 6th, 1888. Highest price for Butter and Eggs: R. ADAMS. ERI'1SII HOLIDAY B1ils8JII$ Sand other .goods constantly arriving, which' will be sold cheap during December. In order to give every person a chance for a holiday present, 1 will;ilprirtg December, give to every% person making a Or - chase of goods at one tizne, for cash or produce, to the amount of $2, and' one for each additional 52, a draw ticket which will entitle them to one of the 100 pre- sents which I will give during Dec. The presents age all useful articles averaging over 10 per cent en goods purchased, and you are sure to draw one of them. A box containing envelopes will behanded you to take your choice, and whatever number the draw contains, the corresponding number on the presents will be yours. Also, for each 010 paid on 1888 acoount-a draw will be given. I would also call special attention to a few lines which 1 have, such as ROBES HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, FILES, HAMMERS; RULES, HINGES, SAWS, AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLRY -BROOCHES, CHAINS, PINS, CUP F BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS, &c GROCERIES -Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaches, Peas, Corn, Salmon, Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stook of TEAS is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price. 0 I STERS and FRESH SAUSAGE in season, Call and inspect goods and presents befoi% buying your Christmas supply GEO. NEWTON, LONDESBORO FOSTER & JUT WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLIiTOi, TO TELE PUBLIC. We announce that we haute bought -out the liquor Rusinua_rggently started l J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store One Door west of C. C. Ranee & Co's Tailoriob Establishment We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries. We will keep in stock the Productions of the .best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the beat FRENCII, SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon • - don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goads delivered .to all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT„A.S 01111 TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. • FOSTER a RIVER, auweimmenems 'CROSS -CUT SAfi a We have the sole agency for .. t.he_"Presiclent_Ci�oss,-CII-t ,Saw” universally -admitted to be the • -. BEST IN TIIE WORLD. Fo-ms1re-rooKrfoi Nuw- I npurta-tionss we.willi anal°-lase:1st;--E"r3:Yd7.-TEN=pEIt CENT DISCOUNT FOR CAS on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER ANI) TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity• of se- curing Cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 60. We offer NEW SEASON BLAOE TEA at 25- cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, -worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRESH FINAN IIADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, tto Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give as a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. The Peope's GROCERY CORNER HURON ANI) ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS • GOODS. \Ve• are receiving a line new stock• - RAISINS --New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencias. CURRANTS -New Barrel Currants, new Box Currants. PEELS -Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels fit NUTS-Soft•Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts. Peacaus, 1'eanutf;, English Wal- nuts, best qualities. • CONFECTIONERY -Our assortment cannot be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES -Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges. California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPES -White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes CROCKERY and GLASSSWARE - We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, 86e. --;We also constantly keels in stock- Oysters. Meddle, Bloaters, Ciscoes, &o SUNDRIES --Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TEAS -Special •valnes in Teas. We have them as loW as five pounds for 5. and • as high as 70e. per Ib., and we can guarantee the quality to be.tbe best Our assortment is too large to enumerate, and we only mention a few leading articles. Come and see far yourself.. We will give yon good value and a libera discount for cash. Cuninghame & McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON FANCY GOOD, DRUGS, BOOKS & STATIONERY, BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS of -every description. PLUSHES, SILKS, and all lines to finish fancy work. STAMPING of every description. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, TICKETS AND LIBRARY BOOKS A. WORTHESTG'TON, Clinton We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and the best in 'the • market. Full stock of Coal and , \Vood STOVES, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS, PAINTS, r&c, S. D AV I S Mammoth Stove House, CLINTON. J. C.STEVEN ON MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads Bureaus. Cane and Wood feat Chairs, Lounges, &c. Special lot of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt frainesz, hand painted, cheap: • General assortment of louSehold Furniture soled cheap for cash. Tho Diseonnt Sale has run off most of my old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOULD1NG. Frames made to order. 0.STflV E3 SO N RRESIDENCE OVER STORE. FUIRNITURE STORE. ---- — - OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. tFOR THE HEATED TERM J UST RE(.'EIVED Pure rest IndiaLime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. Eno's FRUIT SLATi EFFERVESCENT:CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JAMES H. 40011113)E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, -CLINTON, ONT. TAILORING; NEW GOObS That are all right in quality and style and away down in price. ARTY 1:M1R:801\T wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock as it is new an the latest styles. A. J. HOLLOWAY, BEAVER BLOCK OPPOSITE TAYLOR'S, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 9