The Clinton New Era, 1889-02-01, Page 8.:� t ''R DAYi FRB; 1r'l$8Q, P.39,t L NQTIOI1 S WA.'ED--A Good SOCOAd- 14144 k X)enloeTat Warygon.-- Must "i<1e Cheap. NEW ERA Office. OW t)rie > raiotion thof znau�to allow you from ],tearing what God says, even if you do have to go tit hear jBrethren Sunday af- tOrniOn. Special to the Public. Having engaged Mr. H. Stevens for the season to take charge of -the Plan ing Mill,.antt as the undersigned will give his personal attention as usual to all outside work, parties wanting any - thin whatever in the Contracting and Hail ing line willlbe supplied able terms and in a satisfact ser. Orders promptly att S. S. C Vatratar AWItrotrs. ,*"-A War 04,0* Sb t i# omit `bec*u l yhe wt.* its. pd tq encioµe hie lAante. meot on IMVoOndRayee14icIt (1onoswili eft ieverai ;slattern; oln importance will' Come up, the meeting is Iikely to be An interesting one. Wrr,x. Dorm -- The Oakes Organ Company have receiycdthe order for a splendid church organ ,to be placed in the Methodist Church at Port Al- bert. Wben,the keennessofcompe- tition both other factories is taken into account,; the success of Clinton manufacturers is 'all the more note- worthy. SLEIgaINa — The long-wiehed-for Weighing has come at Met, end with it a perceptible improvement in Wei - nese. People ehduld make good use of the snow while it lasts. Those who have promised to bring us cord- wood will wood will confer a favor by doing so cry man• at once. ended to. cover. STATION NOTES—Messrs Doherty Co made a large shipment of organa to Liverpool and Bristol, Wednesday J Dennison shipped one car of homes to Toronto on Wednesday. Conduc- tor Stuns, of Stratford, takes Conduc- tor McKnigbt's run on this branch, MrR Irwin received between 20 and 25 cars of barley from the north, on Wednesday. Mr Bamford received a car of staves from Wallaceburg, and 5 care of coal from Toledo this week. John J Knight, of the G T R, spent Sunday at Exeter, with bis mother. Zawf apiic. tinier IJIMSELF.—A few days since Mr James Stevens, of the base line, slipped through the barn floor to the stable beneath, having one of his arms almost drawn out of its socket, and otherwise injuring him so that he has since been confined to the house. PxopsttTy SOLD.—Mr Peter Cole has sold his house and lot. near Mr Chidley,'s residence, to his father, and has moved into Mr J. S. Walker's house, on Huron St. Mr Enos. Hull has sold his house and lot in town to Mr Thos. McKenzie , Toos THE Ei4p OFF.—The other day MrJohnCampbell, foreman in the planing factory of Mr Thoe. Mc Kenzie, bad the end of bis thumb taken off.by one of the saws in the factory. This necessitated closing down for a few days, but the factory is running again as usual. SICINESs.—Mr Scott, manager of the electric light, was laid up last week, but is now able to be out. Mr Eadee was last week ill with inflam- mation of the lungs, and got Cadet Abbot, of the Salvation Army, to• take charge of his business in the meantime; Mr Eades is now tback in the shop. Mra Plumsteel still con- tinues very poorly. ACCIDENT.-- On Thursday after- noon -a child of Mr John Dayment met with a .painful- accident. In climbing over a fence she fell with ' her hands outstretched, in the snow, and one other hands'came in contact with the jagged edges of a broken bottle that was lying in the snow, cutting it across the palm so severely as to necessitate its being sewed up. DEATH. --Mrd Rosa, relict of the late Donald Ross, died in Clinton, on Tuesday last, at the age of 86 years. She has been in declining health for some time, and her death was not entirely unexpected. '-She was one of the pioneers of the section, and died on the 60th anniversary, of her mar- riage. Her children are Mrs T. Coop- er, Clinton, Mrs James Henderson, Kincardine, and .Messrs.. John and James Ross, of town. Moven.—Mr D. Calbick`moved to Winghare yesterday, where he takes ,possession of the furniture business formerly conducted by•Mr"Anderson. He is a practical workman, a firet- -class undertaker, and the people of Wingham will find him a thoroughly reliablebusiness man. He was one of the active . workers in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School, and will be much missed. A Bee FALL—Reeve lttc:tfarchie met with a bad fail on Sunday even- ing. Going into a dark room for a drink of water he opened a cellar door by mistake- fora pantry door, and fell down the cellar, bruising himself so severely that he has since been confined to the house,and break- ing one of his ribs close to the back bone. We hope his injuries may not prove in any way serious. SEE tug POINT.—Why" is a news- paper like a pretty girl ? To be per- fect it must be the embodiment of many types, its form is made up, it is chased, though inclined to be giddy, it enjoys a good press, the more rapid the better, has a weakness for gossip, talks a great deal, can stand 'some praise, and is awful proud of a new dress. It cannot be kept in good humor without cash. Please pay up. HOTaL CHANCRe.— Mr J. Spooner (son of Mr Charles Spooner,) has rented Lasham's hotel, Saltford, near Goderich, and will shortly take pos- session. "Jack" will take a highly esteemed young lady into partnership with him before he goes, and with their united experience they will electra-fy the people of Slabtown.— he Commercial Hotel,. here, has been disposed of to Mr. Schaffer, of l{ippen, who takes possession next month, and intends to put his son -in law in charge. A POINTER FOR 131,18Q:118S The agricultural shcw managers in the Niagara Peninsula at theirrecent convention passed one very sensible resolution. It was to this effect:— "rWe believe that liberal advertising in a judicious manner tends to the success of a show and that alt attrac- tions should be well advertised in order to draw non -exhibitors and thus iperease the gate receipts," Here undoubtedly are cause and effect. Does the same rule not hold good in regard to merchants and others who have something to sell, and who wish to let the purchasing public know about it? Successful merchants, the world over, can an• ower the question in the affirmative, FURTHER WaHT,—Mr Jas. Baker, late of Bathgate, Dakota, and form- erly of Goderich township, has moved into Oregon, concerning which be says :—T have moved out to Oregon and am going into the saw mill busi- ness. 1 am living in the forest,ust like forty years ago around the Mait- land con., only the winters are very mild, scarcely any frost and no snow as yet. People here say that the winter will be over in a couple of weeks, There le some very fine tim- ber here, principally fir, and will turn out one hundred thousand feet dr the and rsixty acres I have Land theken n ohun- ne le good. I done well in Dakota but the winters were a little too severe so 1 Sold out. EUCHRE—A very interesting game of euchre was played the other even- ing. Two gentlemen who claim to be the champion players of this town were challenged to a game by two aspirants to fame, with the following result:— Champions esult—Champions Aspirants' Games Pointe j Games Points 1 .11 ,• ••5 1... 10 -- 8 1 19 i ........, .....: 0 — — ......... . 4 111 1.. 11 — .... 5 4 60 3 59 The aspirants are now practising hard and intend to try again before long. Two other players, of lesser calibre, pluckily tackled the champions a few nights ago, but were -rather severely handled, the result being 10 games (140 points) against 6 games (108 pts). The players of lesser calibre, we be- lieve intend trying at .Imaller_game before again pluming their wings to fly so high. Goon JOIE—A certain gentleman not living 50 miles from town, has lately become greatly interested in cards, and with a good partner has met with a fair degree of success ag- ainst sense good players. We might mention that be was only sent to Chicago once. He has felt ao elated that he hasdubbed his team as Cham- pions, and offers to hold good his title against alt comers. The losers against him have had to put up with a great deal of chatting from this so- called champion. team, but the joke has been turned. At the supper table the other evening, this champion, flushed with a recent victory, offered to wager $5 that they could held their title, and while discussing the game, the $5 bill, which had been placed on the table, disappeared, and up to date has not been found. No chaffing is now heard,.but the champion is -anx- iously looking for the lost bill, and will resign his title if it can be found, C. C. I. L. S.—The Society met in the Assembly Hall on Thursday afternoon at 4 p. m , the 24th alt., President Budge made a short ad- dress on the necessity ot closer anion of tti Society with the Institute and made a vigorous appeal` for a more general and hearty co-operation of the members with the officers in working up a better exprit de coppe. and the consequent extension of the usefulness of the organization. Miss Simpson and Mr Montgomery w9re added to the Board of Editors of the College Journal. The programme, which it is but fair to say, had been prepared on very short notice, was composed of, Instrumental Solo by Miss McLean, Duet and Chorus, Messrs. McCallum, Agnew and the Glee club ; Reading, Mr Hartley ; Solo, Mr Budge ; Instrumental Duet; Messrs. Agnew and Whittmore; Read- ing, Mr Burchell ; Chorus, Glee club. Little Local ltenis. Mrs Jas. Erwin, of Bayfield, is visiting friends in town. Mr E. Downing, of Goderich; is the guest of Mr Israel Taylor. Mr D Cantelon expected to leave for the old country yesterday. MrWill Shaw, formerly of Clinteo, is now located at Vancouver, 13.0. A small leather pocket book has been left at this office for an owner Miss Lizzie Hartt, of Clinton is visiting friends in Colborne this week. Dr Gunn has been appointed a medical Officer for the Grand Trunk Railway. Miss McLaughlin, (daughter of 1)r McLaughlin, of Fingal,) is the guest of Miss.4'arran. John Davis, (son of Mr S. Davis,) left this week for a three months' course at a Toronto Commercial College. lilt John Sheppard, of Lambton, Dal;., formerly of Cloderict► town- ship, returns to the west with his family on Monday next. Dr Horsey, of Dakota, formerly of Clinton, has taken charge of Dr Mc- Donald's practice at Wingham, dur- ing the latter's absence at Parliament. Mrs S. T. Holmes, . of ,Seaforth, (daughter of Mr C. Carline, Clinton,) has a few verses of very creditable or girial poetry in the. last issue of the Mr Wm. Cooper bas been awarded the contract of building a house for Mr John Catbick, who purposes re- moving to town, A good job is thus assured him. Mrs Robt. Mcilvain, wife of .the ppostmaster at the Nile, find sister of 1tIra P. Cole, Huron street, Clinton, has been seriously fly of brain fever for several days. Mr 5, S, Cooper has been awarded the contract for a new brick house for Mr H. •Plumeteel to be built on Huron Street, It will be a fine house, and Mr Cooper is well qualified to do a good job. / ;ow* ,C1uis'ob' (think* Rev, .Jebn Ow, of ioardi.ae ,re, newed roquaintancia wiikbL1µ Clinton met* on,Wediend eserti, orleley and Canfield, re, vivaliste, are jurat o?oe,i ►g a,four-wµ re,m ival at Nswarket, whish butbeekead very successful. Ike seating accombdatiou of On- tario Street Methodist thatch has been improved by raising a number of the rear pews. The Baptists are offering their church property for sale, as it ik found inconvenient and too email for pre- sent requirements. Mr Horace Poster has pre Y P 0W Association of R Street Church, with seventy lee of the latest edition ot Salvation. Anniversary eervices of church, Clinton, on Sund when Rev. G. M. Milligan, o to, will preach ; tea meeting day evening following. Quarterly meeting service held in Rattenbury street M church, on Sabbath mornin Service to commence at 10.8 Similiar services will be hel tario street, at the same time the evening Mr W. J. Trelea preach. The Salvation Army bas Clays -go, on February 9-10.1 Major Morris and his popu Trumpeters, accompanied b bets of outside corps, will be On the evening of the nth, suet is to be held in the Tow Rev. Austin Potter, of.G will lecture on "Through the ican War," under the auspice Y. P. C. E. Society of the Street Methodist Church on T evening next. Mr Potter was the Union soldiers and his lec exceedingly interesting and i ive. The choir will give a of old war gongs. A silver col will be taken at the door. sented the attenbury -five cop- Songe of Willis ay next, t Toron- on Mon- s will be ethodist g next. 0 a.m.— d in On- , and in ven will a three - 1, when lar Boy y mem- present. a Ban- n Hall. oderich, Awed - ofweri- of the Ontario uetday one of ture is netruct- number lection Home CIRCLE—A splendid enter- tainment in connection with the Rat- tenbury Street Home Circle, was giv- en on Friday last. Two instrumental trios were renderecby Messrs Agnew andWhitmore, violinists, and MrMe, Callum, organist. A reading by Mr Watson, and the rest of the program by the Bugwoks. Their part consist- ed of glees, conundrums, tricks, &c., which -were well done, considering that this was their first appearance.— Another good programme has been prepared for this (Friday) evening. 'rhe last -issue, of the War Cry ha. the fallowing from Clinton division : Since our last report we have been steadily firing away on the enemy, and not without results,. for ire are having constant vietory over the devil, and we are determined that God shall lead us all the way, it is no re- treat with us every time. This past week we were made to rejoicewith the angels in heaven over seeing four more fall at the feet of Jesus to be healed from sins,and testified of being accepted by God. Our prayer is that God may keep them true, Se Ban ront Satu Ther racks to ge flret a from ago,. were is att ject o was, Scoti sent w Toron gave. acme sin in happy saved The c hearty lection up for home i Mess two Go to get s before diamine Mr ago re a heav who ha ever sin MrT Paisley tities n and Mes finding a fine o LVATION ARMY._Staff•Captain kr, from the training home, To- o, conducted the services here on rday night and all day Sunday. e was a large meeting, the bar - being full, and many not able t a seat. This was Miss Banks' tation on her arrival in Canada London, Eng., some five years and many in the audience well acquainted with her, so she ached to this place. The sub• f her address on Monday night her work at the stations in Nova a and other places, and the pre- ork at the training home in to, for women officers. She many illustrations of men and n being raised from the mire of to living new lives, homes made by drinking parents being through the blood of Jesus, aptain will always receive a welcome to this town. «A col - and subscription . was taken the benefit of the training n Toronto. re S Barr and Kepple Dien dericb township' farmers, tr ome satisfaction by appear the Mayor, but the matter was ed. leyed, ing Geo. Lyons, who nine we ceived a very severe sprain y iron rail striking him, a s been confined to the lion ce,is now able to be out age ufts was charged by Inapec , with selling liquor in qua ot provided for by his licen srs. MCGarya and Whitehe the charge sustained, impos $,20. and costs. Mr Todd lectured to the Orange- men of Bayfield on Wednesday night. One who was present said that poor order was maintained, and the sing- ers and speakers were not as atten- tively listened to as they might have been. It is reported that a' number of young men, some of whom belonged to town, made a raid on the premises of several Goderich township farmers one night last week, carrying off; whatever they could lay hands on, and are likely to get into trouble over the matter, The many friends of Miss Lizzie 13ees;ty will be sorry.. to learn that she has been dead for a couple ot weeks at least she has been stopping in Goderich for that length of time, which is equivalent. She will be fully restored to life when she returns to Clinton. There are three fellowships vacant in the English literature section of the Royal -Society, and to fill these vacancies Messrs Horatio Hale, of Clinton, Ont.; Geo.Patterson, of New Glasgow, N. S., and Charles Mair, of Prince Albert, have been nominated. Ae the time for receiving nominations has closed they will, without doubt, be elected. The literary society, room No. 1, met on Friday afternoon, Jan, 25th, with Vice•President, Mary Paialey,in the chair. The programme was as follows:—Song by the school ; min- utes of last meeting read and adopted; reading, George Steep ; duet, Winnie Shepard and Amy Cantelou ; recita- tion, Hattie Giffin; solo on mouth organ, Fred Joyner ;' reading, Carrie Walker; song by et:hool , reading, Annie Struthers ; duet, Hattie and Linnie Irwin ; recitatlon,Ida Holmes; song by choir ; reading, Mr Lough ; God save the Queen. Meeting ad. journcd to meet Friday, Feb. 1st, at usual hour. eks nd se in. L r We are so busy figurin sed g up' :our position in the way of - assets . and liabilities that we have no :time -to talk about our great bar- gains, ,,but don't ' forget that we are giving 25per sent D'Discount s our fffl�[ SUPP[IES1 THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN, SUBSCRII'1'IONS RECEIVED FOR ALL KINDS Oh' ANI) Periodicals. X—X--X WALL .PAPER and WINDOW SHADES Sleighs away down. ,_Viabazs,__CoAceriiizas....agd A ccbrdeans.. WOOD wanted in trade for Goods. Chris.`Diekson,Clinton C V OCK KIN Elurns. Jaekson Brothers, THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS, CLINTON -area WE ARE DETERMINED TO REDUCE HEAVY STOOK OF DRY GOODS. WA Look out for .big' .Bar g ,ins for t next Thirty Days before stocktaking. taking. Bargains in Cottons. Bargains in Dress Goods Bargains in Blankets Bargains in Underclothin' Come and see for yourselves.— We are determined to sla,ughter for the next thirty days„The stock will be reduced if Low Prices will do it. None shall un- dersell us. THE -DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINT9N)- .„, lectrie ight )41 You don't need to go on a long railway journey to see. the Mighty cataract. just come to the store of .• CO And see the GREAT NIAG'ARA 'FALL in the current prices of our choice warei. In fact the Niagara affair is a trifling matter compared with • The Marvellous Drop in Om. Prices, We are offering these Great Bargains not because we are commencing to "take stock" but because we want you to take the siock. We have too much of it, and we think it will pay us better and suit you -better for us to sell now at cost and under, rather than carry it over to another season. IT WILL PLEASE YOU AND PLEASE US for you to call and see our MILLINERY, WOOLLEN & DRESS GOODS, and immense stock of HOSIERY, and it will pay you and pay us if you will buy sotne at the prices we have marked them down to this week Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium. Favoriie Estahlisimm(