HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-02-01, Page 6knave, ylour.eyes properly tested at .W:13,. W. COATS' With• Ding's Optom,etor when you want a pair of Spectacles. We carry the largest stock in town and can fit, any sight. S. AmericanWatch$5.50 'Those 3 oz. S, American Watches which we are selling at $5.50,'are the greatest bargains in Canada. See thorn. ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER - and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. _-. • tor Infante and Children.s •'Castorlsiseowell adapted tochildren Mat Castorama alms sD rc, Constipation, tion ' Crecommend it as superior to any prescription Sour ��Stomaci,Dearsleep, and Nre,u,- d: - known to me." H. A. ARCHER, L D,, sgeestiav; 'vee sleep, , n. 111 So. Oxford 8t„ Brooklyn, N. Y. WltCtsg in jruf • THE CE. -.ACR Coi1LASV, iC Murray "i:', •, •'.r. • ANOTHER- urprasing ONSATURD Ctiii01TONIKOII TP.,: Wf't'tcteillfvere',Cti Y Ilifterae9A• i4Olaii,jaP 4, 1339. li3Fhea0lti.ti>a aua > Q 0 07 1 00. 1#eat pprll s - 0 97 s 1 00 Oats • - 0 3Q 030" Batley U. 45 a 0 55 Peas Q 66 .a 0 66 Piour, per cwt - 2 75 a 2 75 Ponces • 0 80 4 0 35 utter . 0 18 a .418 Eqg. . 0 15 a 01,5 Pork . 6 60 a 6 75 Hag • 1200a1400� Hides, - 5 00 e 5 50 Wool, - 0 20 a 0 20 Chickens per pair - - 0 30 a 0 0 35 35 Ducks per pair - geese 040 a 0 60 - - BLYT13 MARKETS. Reported specially for Naw EuL every Thursday Blyth, Jan. 31, 1889. Fall wheat, red, per bush.. • 0 95 1 00 0 95 1 00 Spring'` new 30 a 32 45 a 55 55 a 56 35 a 35 15 a 16 17 a 18 6 25 6 40 450a550 12 00 a 13 00 ...•,, , 1r -r Oats Barley Peas Potatoes, per bus Eggs per doz Butter,rolls . !logs, - Beef - - Hay - TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Jan. 31,1889. Wheat, fall • - • 1 03 a 1 04 Wheat, spring - - 1 04 a 1 04 Barley- - - - 0 53 i• a 0 60 Oats • . 0 36 a 0 37 Peas • - 0 63 a 0 64 Pork - - - 6 87 a 7 25 Butter, pound roes - 0 22 a 0 25 Butter,\large rolls - 0 17 a 0 20 ,Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 23 a 0 25 1l1ONTREAI. LIVE STOCK MARKET The horse trade is fairly active, both ler eRaortation and for working in lug - her 'ahentiesi A numbezof American buyers are in town Three loads of choice horses are coming from the west Tigteeipta of cattle were larger last week previous, but there was a good demand and prices were higher. There was a fait.' demand for export stock, but the supply was limited. About 425 head of butchers' cattle and 20 calves, but no cheep or hogs, offered at the East End abattoir on Monday. There was fair demand for leaner stock. The highest ,grioe ,paid did not exceed 4c to 4c Pretty good animals sold at from 3fc to • Afternoon and Evening next we will co•nmence our Great CLEARING -SALE OF DRY GOODS CLOTHI 4o, and common stock at about 3c. The calves were mostly of an inferior quality but .brought pretty good prices. Mutton was in demand and. would bring from 40 to 411 for sheep and 50 to 5to for lambs. Receipts were larger this week than week previous, but there was a ,good..dema.nd whiclt.m.adapxices.Iliglier.. There was a fair demand for export but the supply was limited. , BTOCTIC SALE. We Offer for the next 30 Days all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Stock throughout very complete. Millinery at Cost. Five per cent off for Cash. By Public Auction, and contig iue through . all this month . till the Whole stock is disposed of with- out reserve, selling private dur- ing the day at less than first cost. Auction at 7 •p :m every night next week JACKSONj S Cheapside, - Clinton: SUNDRIES `"C& 30148 AND RAZORS SHARPENED, IJ Umbrellas repaired. Articles to be left at S. Davis' Hardware Store, Clinton. E. FINCH. MONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- 04.0108, or personal .security, at the lowest current rates. M.stilCTAGGART. Clinton, Feb. 24, 1888. lrtitONEY TO LOAN.—INTER F1S'C 5h AND lig 6 per cont„ payable yearly. Alsomoney advanced on approved' notes. C. A. HAn'rr, Solicitor, Clinton. Ptl KEITH BROS_, THE Red Rocker Furniture Store JOHN WIS EMAN Manager. Estate J. 130CENB. CLEARING ASH SALE! WholeStockatCost (*AUTION--TH1•; UNDERSIGNED hereby .1 Cautions the public that he will not be responsible forauy debts contracted in his name, without his personal consent.. JAS. HOPKINSON, Hullett LOS WANTED—TIIE SUBSC1tf13EIt IS prepared to purchase any quantity of Hemlock, Bridswood, Itock and Soft Elm Logs, for whish he will give the . very High-. est market price. A stock of Lumber of all kinds on hand., EPHRA111 BUTT. :4.' 1' arm for Stale or to Rent and Butcher Business for Sale: The undersigned offers for sale or to rout that conveniently situated form on the Hur- on road, about one mule from the town of Clinton. There are 114 acres, about 8 acres of good hardwood bush. All seeded down but about 19 acres. (food large frame barn and house, plenty of water and 6 acres of or- chard. The farm is well uuderdraincd and in a first-class state of cultivation, and all the buildings are in good repair. Possession utch- erin g biven usinose in ClApril, idton, with omgood pleteonit- fit; in a good stand and doing a first-class business. Will be sold on reasonable terms as the prepriotor intends going west. A. RAY, Clinton Having bought the stock of D. B Calbick, of the late firm of Calbick & Reith, at as greatly reduced figure, we are now prepared to give our customers the full benefit of the reduction. We will run off our entire stock of Bedroolil and Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension and Centre Tables; Book Cases Perfer- acted; Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAINS for the next 30 days. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such bargains can- not last. Call and be convinced. NOTICE—Our stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in every particular, and we aro determined td give satisfaction. KEITH $ROS. The leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers, Red Rocker Furniture Store, Brick Block,' Clinton .1111.2 J„UST RE/lEIVED , A CONSIGNMENT OI' 000 Discount Sale DETLOR- & - CO. There has boon so much blowing and advertising great sales and big. O bargains, that we have decided to, give the people a GENUINE COST ' PRICE SALE. Our goods aro all new and well bought from first iscoollt 0 - per c class wholesale houses. We have no -gigantic gift frauds to offer, nor do we purpose to caeeh the people by giving them a little cheap cot- ton and making it up on other goods, and we have no cheap trash ' from the Toronto Auction Rooms to make a. blow with, but our goods On all Cash Purchases over one dollar. They offer this are All New Staple Goods, • ust what the.people le want, and we will .....--• - - .. I l • ,P.. i ie —* - ciiscouiit'--ili"a'ddition 'fo the great reduction of "rices ' f;1del:Iiem'lhe goods fit' cos£^without reser.�c. � • already made on several lines of goods. WILL GIVE DURING THIS MONTH A 1 NOTICE TO CRREDITORS— NOTICE 1S hereby given that all parties having claims against .ilio estate of the late John Itattoobury, are required to furnish full liar- ticulars of the sante, to the undersigned, net later than the 8th of February, 1888, after which date they will bit settled, notice being taken only of such accounts received up to that time, And all parties indebted to the said estate either by note or book account, are required to settle the same before that date, er the accounts will be placed iu.court. W. SI MILLAN, 1 Executors ,. 1'. SIcGREGOR, ) TEAS in CONGOU, Y. ptY50N and JAPAN. • .ter Full Lines in GEN.;DRY, GOODS,`CLOTHING TWEEDS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS and FURS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, CARPETS, ALL AT COST. About E3,000 Pairs of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS & OVER- SHOES at prices never heard of in. this town before: Save biomes' by coining to a Genuine Sale. We mean business. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between ns, the Un- dertakers, under Undersigned, and as Furniture Dealers, name, style and firm of CALBICK & KEITH, in the Town of Clinton, has been this day dissolved by mu- tual cous4nt. A11 debts owing to the said partnership are to ho paid to James Reith, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented 10 the said Joules Keith, by whom the seine will be settled. Dated at Clinton this 5th day of January, A.D., 1889. Witness: D. CALBICK, T.1, F. HILLIARD, JAMES 1tE1'17I Notice of Partnership. The foregoing business will continue to be carried on by the undersigned, who kindly solicit a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, being determined to give each de - ha tnient of their business the same prompt and careful consideration, Upholstering of all kinds will retristn tinder the personal supervision of Eduard Reith. RNITH BROS. In order to turn this lot over quickly, wo will offer them at extreme- ly low prices, 25c, per pound and.00a. per pound. For the next THIRTY DAYS for FIVE POUNDS and over, a Reduction which will astonish you. Give us a call, . Get >a Sample which will cost you nothing.. S.! PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers,' next to Town Hall. Clinton, Jan,, 15th , 1989. - MORTGAGE SALE ---oF— O'ltivai�le farm Lands in the Township of Tnekersmitil Under and by virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage to The Canadian Savings and Loan Company of London, Canada, and by the said Company assigned to the Vendor (which said mortgage and the assignment thereof will be produced on tbo day and at place of sale) there will he of- fered for sale at public auction by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, At the hour of 2 o'clock p. m„ on Saturday, Feb. 9, 11889, UMSTEEL' & GIEBIN TH N: POPULAR OODS lam® J C Detlor& Co,Glinton CENTRAL GROCER •F'. ]EtOI3E'S Old Stand. • The subscriber has bought out the Stock of, P. Robb, consisting a GROCERIES ;CROO KERY,GLASSWARE •Which, being boub t at low rates, he is enabled to 'offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. - H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. HUB'- GROCERY STILL TAKES THE LEAD FOR OUSE i�EA®If you want Isfy you. asoripms LON DESBORO Preparatory to stock -taking we are picking out all the Odds and Ends, also all lines of goods tat have not sold as freely as we would like them to ; anything that has shown a tendency to stay with us, is being moved up to the front and cleared out at a price that means a bargain for the purchaser. This week we have gathered up all the odd lines of BOOTS & SHOES Tho following lands and promises, viz:—Lot num'bor thirtyolght in the first concession of the Township of Tnekersmith, in the County„of Huron, London Road Survey, con- taining one hundred acres, ho theago vet or less, The lands are ll fenced and drained and in an excellent sotto of cultiva- tion, with a hearing orchard of choice fruit. There is on the premises a bank barn with atabies &C• in good state of reliair, and,a frame dwelling 801160. The pi-oporty its con- veniently situated within a few miles of the Town of Clinton, on the`London Road, TERMS—Ton per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without interest, The property will ho sold subject to a reserved pricft to be axed by the vendors The purchaser will bo refluired to sign' a con- tract on the flay of sale for the completion of the pnrcheso..Further terms and particu- .lore will bo given on the day of sale or upon application to the undersigned. • D. DICKINSON, MANNINO & SCOTT, Auctioneer. Vendor's Seliolbor's; Clinton, ,ian. 9, 1889. That have accumulated during the last six months, and offer them at reduced prices.- A line of Ladies Felt Fox Laced at $1.50 now going at $1,. Of course wo have not a full range of sizes in this cheap lot, but if you are s� fortunate as to find what you want, you geta bargain. OVERSHOES and FELT BOOTS at Panic Prices. Last week we had a grand sale of b- Ready Made SUITS and OVERCOATS. And we expect to sell ,just as many this week. The quality of our goods is A 1, and if we can save our cus- tomers from $2 to $3 in a suit of overcoat, these goods are sure to bo in demand. We claim to do this. Come in and see the goods and allow us to quote prices. • W. L. OU I M E T T E: LONDESBORO an: ery fine I31acl: can sat- A w lot of JAI'�1N lit � 2:�c. ger pound, and OO1'FEE• cannot be excelled i•n town: All other GROCERIES very low. I have �>i._few more BROOMS, two for 25c. Goods. delivered. G-F.IO, SW .A.a.41 W. CLINP0N SCHOOL BOOKS, - SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are selling our WOOLS for 10c. an ounce, until 1st February. Now is your chance. Don't hesitate and then be sorry. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. OVERSHOES & RUBBERS TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from us, and get them Plated with the Celebrated Doney HEEL -PLATE MACHINE, which is a sure protection from slipping on the ice, be- sides making them wear very much longer. We have a machine in each of our stores, at Clinton and Blyth: W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND LLYTH BLACKSTONE'S ORGAN IMPROVEMENTS. PATENTED MAY San, 1888. Professional Organist Testimonials claim for them the following:—Being Mouse Proof, Basle; Motion, Greater Command in Crescendo's awl Diminundo's, Moro Graeefnl for L&dies, and within the reaoh of Children. There aro two Pedals for Grand Organ and Swell, similar to Lend and Soft Pedals ou the Piano Forte. "doing knee te Ordors Solicited for Patent which canbo adjusted to any organ and not got Dat of repair. C. BLACKSTONE, Patentee & Manttfncfuror, Clinton.