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The Clinton New Era, 1889-02-01, Page 4
, ►; � �' . %. x . , r „ -. b t °• a r - •.r. w rr. r.,,. i C �. ,,. .• ., « G ' , y� 'l•SI • - s w k k rim ;%a ht3;9A eA!)1+-' ' 'r^ w� --r-, ^"!' ,,. r , : , . n Patter,? S S.IM� ould hue rte# :WglkQk`A# the 1F ; f. 1 t JAI?a . .. . ; is 0it :h4ve.:ar49 q . f6t@i QP to liar shAnllt, .. th@ c iii ..l , 4+? .. hneuto ahhur l<, .. i ir}exlt oLfls.gilcdT!;;iAflr ' P,ni?�t4,•ivee , } �F A }1 . T e Su u?, �.:A,n axw>1191. „ l �rG l! V 4 + n eicbren: tett} . ., b. L a. txuott..., aa>t l�! are, 'h :, +Ii�Q rS h tlOQ �� a �aept > ..I . n �r�t1� th, gvof r?ii?e4 Vis, that els . tnK .. .. Li n t . oft and whoa, his foo,, jtgmp,g,.X , wAthRmld A to& t ar d aya,shRAl. , tend .. o . .o , ,Svc ; !o#► 11. ' <0.44.4ron !fro very A. ,.fern, i� x , V P � - � „ bel@ tai ht �#0 0 M , @ ba 1#oul , s ak ,to. the w .. r4 it sat h tr them 9,000 dln 1y, lAightr, .lo 's should lc4 41 '. 11. de._ Y ?ith .. fii �, spat 8 9. wha att@udaaoe at the Sunday School sl. tykes I tV.en+ o. n D Y FP18. 1, 113 r TRX d , sohuol• Whpnhdg►vos orderll Jae elzottid aldatipn of; thglr „soulp se taxiginl►l7t attd_ :love:are three very necessary 4hl!►,s� b 1 iu W illiti Ghuroh, was ee that the are'f4:411lali. s ._ . _.__Y-_ ----------. --- - Conventi .n, heal s! es rs looked for, 'and that the t(aohes is .oteristios fos.a teacher tahpv!,t0::be (► r Abe. topio, was spolren to ;bY lg .: s - . @ act tl�eFn't0 be priooeas in his work. The spetlker -We are compelled to carry over to the largest, at each f4cssioa, that thQ D• R Wilson, T,1'• G. Piokard and dally praying a-nd .xp Fp ants s auld ova himself a cotta lets master of . . r Count council re rt association has ever had, and nOt is Recti. Craig, Irivfngeton@, Rowell, P ish b;ought to Christ, The par h R? d . p CLZN�QN, OR so noxi %c -ek on Y po visit the B.S•, thereby encouraging the his aabjeot, interspersing his address �TO� GQ�N�Jr ON �� and aeteral other msttere. taw e:pcessed the opinion bhat Clinton es and Stewart, the points made befog ,t was the only proper plaeetoboldaeoun• ordePin the home�ethushmak gdthe churchtShould supplyebrght, ch ery wiRev MMrtEdgeimadeaalferewell ad• DAYS, BUT ty colfvention in. We congratulate Mr. teacher only an assistant• T'he .teaoh- rooms, with decorations all around the dress to the de egates and friends, mak- {A)!, VIilli't Nv '!`RIIIIIIPH. A, g• MAntiing on lids elevationko the to aper be responsible for order, hay walls• The literature should be guarded. jugg rete once to the great success of the ' Presidency of the Aasociation, ; tie one ing complete control of hie class, and The discussion was carried on by Mrs Mr Sible San a solo, and Miss Walk- . Colter elyctad by 39 of a majority:- not 1@ave all'to the superintendent. White and Messrs I. Taylor, Lloyd, y g � Colte tnd has by 39 this time with of the best Sunday School worker, in Order fn the school dose not necessarily Mellis and, Day, and some good points er and Mr Harland a duet during the no uncertain voice Mr Colter orae the county, he is in every respect well mean Silence, but each doing their own were brought out with reference to en- evening. been elected triumphantly. Re was (justified for the position to which he has work in their proper sphere, but respect coaraging the scholars to come to Bab Fraternal greetings were received ' i_. opposed by all the influences the Gov- Association, through its President, Mr , ernmeut could bring to bear. The been elected. Tho retiring Prea., Me w llt be girl d ve ry much tby parents bath ��hWEDNEBDAi AFTEaxoox. Ho sie.h@The Secretary was instructed . -promise of a large bribe in the shape W, J. Clarke, after a long reside insisting on authority in the home Topic 6, „ Mistakes of S. S. work, to forward the warmest greetings of a ref another ap,,ropriation to the York in Exeter, is leavin that place to .gnott elute," question by RevW. I and how to avoid them," was introduced Leads the RSC£.' by 3 L@n�,ths, an(1 don't y011 forget lt. g y p this Aseooiation in return. lllj bridge was tiiale to the constituency. take u hi residence in Lond`n, where Craid. What is the beat method Di by, Mr D. D.Wilson, Seaforth, who said Singing by the choir, and the bene - pr 11lontagce's alienee itttempted, as be- p remotion in the S. School? A very in• I that the teacher cannot expect to be a diction by Rev A. Stewart closed one �s lure, to bully H >me of the Iadiau voters tie has purchased the retail stationery terosting and profitable discussion was success,, IAPIOSs lie makes thorough pre- of the most successful conventions ever COTTONS,' 3, 5t V and 8 cents, See them. nn,l cajole otliurs. There were but two business of Rico, & Chapple ; his re- carried on, the general opinion being partition, It is a mistake to think we held in the county. - M Q points run fa%ur of the Liberals. They -moval will be•• a loss to the Sabbath that as much as possible the teacher , can do nothing. If we are willing to GINGHANS, 5, 8 and 10 cts., Big $argainS, lead a 1,00d candidate and a noble and and scholar should grow tip together. try, the battle is won. Never try to be Kippell. popular cause, School inter°ata of the county. Tho R W. McKenzie, Goderteh, intro- anything but simple and natural as No'rrs.-Tne quarterly nieeti¢R i¢ SHIRTINGS, 8, 10 and 12 cts., Extra Value Giving till the cre<litto MrColter that ] compliment paid Mr J-�C, Stevenson, duoed the temperance question. It was ; possible in teaching God's word. An eonnPeti`n with 1Jensall North Uir- T�' fir he has fairly won Uy plucky, ,persistent I for 1ua»serviceg as Secretary of the Aa-_ algo spoken to by Mr Clarke and Rev J. , other mistake is that sufficient accom• suit, will he held on Sunday morning, TWEEDS 25, 35 and 50c., YY ell YY orthSeeing. lightin; ,it must atilt a clearlyrecognis• I utodation is not provided for our S. S,, Feb• 3rd,, at Chiselhurst, co[nmenc- i J:i , od tUat U nrostriutac� ieciprooity earrted rr�ciation for aUout five years, was de- Livingstonei't LSDAC Ey ENING. also, the school room is not sufficiently int; at 10 o'clock, in consequence of (SEEIiISUCSERS, 5, 8 and 1O cents. the conslitaellcy• The majority of the I served, for he has done an iufiaite lot of The avenin session opened at 7.45 decorated to make it look cbeerful and which there will be no Services in farmers and townsmen Of Haldimand work in Ilia official capacity. Dir Israel Stith devotional exercises. The retiring pleasant. The teacher must live up to the Methodist church here in the af- are pot snob foolsae•toltalieve that they Taylor, as Minute Secretary, is the 'President made a few remarks, convey- his profession out in the world, it he do lint stand to gain greatly by selling in the ri ht place, the con- ing the unpleasant information that he intends being a success in the school. ternoon, but in the evening a special PRINTS, 5, 8, 10 and 12 cents. freely in the American market and right man g } „ freely freely thereinca The arket . cine summary which we pnblieh tie fol- intended leaving the county of Huron, reach only the lesson, do not spend the service will be conducted by Rev, A - tom life en, showing hh ability to reside in another parr of the 1'ro• time telling stories to the children; the 1V. i',uSens. A pleaaiog feature of BL.ANBETS, �2, e➢2.25 and 2. 0. lows, f p vince. Mr Clarke has been an indefati• lesson should be interesting enough if tee eerv'icy will ct the voluutho r. DRESS GOODS, 10 12 and 15 cents, the talk ?; Iiullett• to grasp the printf}tel pointe and put gable SAUbath School worker, and the is thoroughly etudiod. te¢dered b a selected uvenile choir. r I3ArK- 4Ir James Hitch, who sae The convention adjourned to the - of the town. l a ant ilii ,Rat two years t the ho 11 as them in a brieLspace:- Association will feel hie lose keenly. g West Wawauosh. p + ned to iiia The seventeenth annual meeting of Asn pendent oduceMr Hie inaugural cl ldren, wh ch ccasaone oof the largest Make a B line far RobOrtsolls, • get prices and be con - of Ridg(etuivu, hu. retur the Huron Sabbath School Association g CooxciL.-Met according to Statute home 0❑ the Sud con. commenced sitting in the Presbyterian address was very interesting in comet- and most enthusiastic in the history of on Jan. 21st, present, Jae. Johnston, vine©(1 that The. Poor Man s Friend leads the tion with S.S. work. the Aaeociatfop, the hall being literally Reeve, Ales. Stewart, Deputy reeve, ' . TIi.TTrB—I1rS 1i0r1gens, of the 3rd church, Clinton, on Tuesday morning, The address, ubjeet, "Light•bearers packed to the doors. The singing;of the Thos. Todd Councillors, John Bowers race by his Low Prices. con., and lure Cuuk, Of the 2nd, who Jan, 29, a greater number than usual and. Fruit.-Uoarers," was taken up Uy children, which was under the- able ud Jaa. Gibson. These having taken . each sustained serious falls latelY,ave, being present. Rev. Jas. Livingstone Rev Mr McMillan, Auburn, ani Mr leadership of Mr Thomas Jackson, jt•, the statuary declarations, proceeded to I the are glad to say, racovering, conducted a service of song from 10.30 Jas Scott, Clinton, the former speaking reflected great credit `n both leader and business. The minutes of former meet• l 1�);1 ivgi) --A matrimonial rumor to 11, after which the president, Mr W' fu were assed. R. K, Miller was re- ���� ���� ����®� hritl altuost clic+il, haB lately J• Clarke, opened the convention with illust atedbhiaoteachingaihUy worker of Diisa1°MagietiDh�nTueray an d s1V1 titer ®ppointed clerk at a salary of 01'20, NN Y which singing " Onward Christian Soldiers," nature. The Christian is like the lamp Fred Gilroy, duties to be the Same as last year. J. G� revived, but the young man tells tie prayer being offaredby Mr T. C. Pickard G, Ward was reappointed treasurer at ° there it uothiun in it, and .Frankly Rev. Mr Craig, Clinton, gave a very in the house. '° Ye are the lights of the ea r, ray, aid child was the first (�]JY. ���'N say6 he will iuntat our Bead if the world." How, may we become as true Speaker, and said clrildron should store a stile;? of $80, duties to be the same - ] hearty welcome to the delegates, hoping li Ute in the world ? God is the great up Bible truths in their mind, for use tie heretofore. The council appointed '�� ', J mention ;T, that all would enjoy themselves in rho g John Webster, auditor, the reeve ap• Sale Iieg'istet'. ' F11t1 -1 ire has again visited this homes of the Clifiton friends. house master. He d thenot oar hearts fa the oomfng days, when it is not ao tiv t�u,exti��nlell# . U race divine, aihd then tells ne that easy to memorize. Boys should watch ,ointin j RoUert Marra Tlie audit- icinit this time it unfortunately Verbal reports,of p .son l the county we are to shine as lights in the world. against bad company and Uad language. ors were requested to make the detailed Mortgage Sale of Farm, in Tucker• _ y y, in Sabbath School w tack° Mrs Are we willing to become lights in the Prepare in youth t grow up to be use statement in duplicate, and to make smith, at the Rattenbury House, Clin- -f h[PORTART TO FEEDERS OF STOCK• Occurred at the farm of Mr Andrew were received from W. J. C ? Ta for on tee 13th con. of Iiullett, Gri Exeter; Revs. W. world? If so, there is plenty of work. ful in missionary and other spheres of their report show the apecial"`x[tto-ac'- Yon, io ser. day, nin 9,+D. Dickinson 1 CORN AT60o.Pa,aBDssaL-Ihavealarge y t five aud•a-half miles froniBfyth Murray, IV gg, to do. Characteristics • of the light labor, count, as distinguished from the genor• Auctioneer. Manning &Scott, Veu- amount of Good torn for sale at 5octs. per ° abou b at Craig and J. Livingstone, Mrs Thos: bearers -the light must shine openly I . Rev. B. Clement Exeter, the next al accounts of ill:, township, so as' to dors Solicitors. bushel. Small rote of less• then three bags, It seems that MrTaylor had een White, D, Tiplady, R. Irwin, Clinton, _ - . , alittlehi{;herpdce, W, G.PERRIN,Clinton tendin aoutn of hie stock, which were ��r Lo an, D. D.Wtlsou, Seaforth; Rev acid steadily. Wo should let the light speaker, said wo go to school o learn show the standing of such special rate - •Phos. S ser, M. ll:, aur sou &c C.M. shine as o fent and steadily in the to be good. Wo should always do right, accounts as required by section 3T3 of p g to sick, rgt so intended returning to the H, Simpson, Brucefield ; R, H. M`Ken 1 y of the municipal Act, The clerk was P• S• G. S• and L. T, C. D. Bead office, Chttreit. Property for Sale. .q lieu he heard a noise amongst zie, Goderich; P:, T.ownsend,' Hallett; 'house and in the world as in the church. as God'a eye is continually %vatching St. Thomas: The Great East Indian house W Phe li ht should shine all the brighter over us. Hia address wns full of in• instructed to examine the affairs of TJ• The property and lot at present 'occupied the horses ; Setting the lamp down ho Rev. C. Staebler, S. S. Nash, Crediton. g the children S, S• No. 14, and report at the next as A Baptist Church, Huron Street, (, lintou, r al thou ht in. rho addresses hr the darkness. The dish igtion tnuet recasting points for the children, Physician and Snrgeon,for the treatment turned to sae what way the matter, The princip g be so marked that the world will Dave DIr Day next addressed meetin the Treasurer's ro ort for of ell chronic diseaeoe and diseases pecnt is offered for sale, or will be exchanged for re _-. d when he Uoin that parents Should see that the know us as Christians. foe a short time, expressing his great oeeemher., show,ing.thelbalatace-.and..re .liar to, worpeq, fgr,.�ligb..ho,, is eo ..well.. property more eentratly located: A saimller I t seemed duly a Secon , g. n oto church mJre than they no trouble to qualthed„ will be at the Commercial lot would be seceppted. • Apply to any of the - ]a houldei and. wap hot- chfldre , g„_t,,,,., ., - , .mor ... TI,e teacher ma' experience^the'3ark delight at eeein'g ao large• a cro ��etauce -eipts of $7431.77, and a. penditn,•ea Trustees. ,1. BIDDLECOMBE, J. C. COLE, , looke:d Hier .b s. Hotel, Cli¢ton oa Tuesday, Feb. ,5th, .man to the children, as Hess of disappointment, in not Basing ing rt was worth coming a long 165538.99, leaving a balance en hand of a PETER COTE, Trustees. rifled to Hee the Stable !n flames, Hie do and that pastors should evote some from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. One day only. -___ --•- - - the horses ptkrt of their se r�uha ;» ilio S,;a,-. Let the lighi shine to see. X1892.78, wag presented and filed. . Orsi flJ t hT Was uirtie heat Patienta- lease call early. Pereoasenffer TENDERS WANTED: iahicb he did, but owing to the the S. b. f§ a pari"of thlt"chinch: �`i'he 1 the Uri liter throe suc�ki',disap VyHUNissDAx tift-,,ING. : the I. -O. G..T.; Duag&1indh;'"tsde' p. service must be made interesting, and al g m from diseases that have bafli8d the and smoke, only three of them es- t1Yen tiie children will like to go to pointment. We shoal shine al! the Tho Counnittee on Rosolutiong sub granted the nae of the Hall, by arrang skill• of the local physicia:.s should not Seal ad tenders for the purchase of the Fees ata . ed. It was a hard eight to see hurch. The addresses were very in- brighter as time moves on. Do not be mitted the following report : ing with the caretaker. The clerk w#e ornitthis favorable opportunity of seeing iron, ,the Wei b Scales in the Town of Chit . put forty head of Stock completely a iii and iustractive, discouraged or disheartened if your 1, That this Association hears with ordered to prepare a school section map him;i3ahari been educated is nearly all the ton, from 1st Feb, 1880 to 15th Feb, J190, too tercet g li ht is small. God places us in the re ret of the earl removal from this of the township as provided by Section will to received by the undersigned up t _ ; coked. 'The bsrn waS a fiDe one, on t 1II> Snax AI'TEax00�. g g treat colleges in Europe, Uas been i¢ the 4 o'clock p,m., on 6aturday, Feb. 9tti, 18x+, '!lie b on with stabling un- position we are called upon to fill ; county of our pope ar ex President and 11 of the Public 6cho`1 Act, and have arm of the United States and the British For full particulars as to form of tender, a Stone fo bout Tu tUe afternoon the topic, 801f• leave results to Him. What should be former Secretary, Mr W. J. Clark. We the same completed by the time the as- Y• duties of weigh master, &c., apply to the derneath. The lose is put at a trAu th of S. S. teachore;' was intro• our ob'ect in sliiiiin It should ba to arm and has circumnavigated the globe: undersigned, to whom all tenders are to 1) x8000. Iiad the fire occurred a short ] g desire to place on record our apprecia• seasor erecta work. TIle clerk's and Consultation free. Remember the date. addressed and marked tender for weigh .r s would have been ,,need by Rev. C. Staebler, Crediton. glorify our Father who art iu heaven, tion of his conslant,•earnest and pains• Treasurer's bonds were accepted AS gat- scales- Wbi. COATS, Town Clerk, Ciintou. time Soo the los We all need'training to be fitted for the and not to ask trite praise of men.- inking labors iii the county S. S. Ass`• isfactory. Tlie members of council are ` The Carnival Number of the Montreal still Qreater, as Mr Taylor' has of late occupation we intend to follow, also, we When the work' is done, we shall have ciatron work, We heartily recommend to act as Road Commissioners, at a Star is out and we hear it is a perfectly T ,teen haul]ng'out his grain, The fol need training so that we can train our- the eulogy passed' upon us as upon One liitn to rho confidence and fell`cvahip of sa{ary of $3 per day while employed magnificent number,, far eclipsing ail. �R�a �ashinra��on�� lowing is a correct list of the stock selves. The teacher needs a threefold of old, " Ile was a burning and sliinut� all S.S.workers wherever he mayreside• with•:,tobs. Ceas.Durnin, jr., paid $2'')0 carnival pictorials of either the old or N--E-g T VISI T and eriicleiJ burned: Thirty•tUree training, spiritual, mental and 'practi- light." 2, 'That tUo hearty thanks of this= on the late teasurer'ct bond, The new world, a paper that will asteniah f tittle eiX horses two buggies, cal. H he tine teacher will not Ua saris• Afbor singing by tbe.choir,'tha9second Association are duo, and tiro�jaereUq treasurer was -instructed to notify the people in all lands, As a record of On, 'i'lrroaf affil Litllg Stir sou, head o c , one cutter six hundred bushels of tied until lie has won the pupil to Christ. part of the subject, " fruit -bear -eta,' ' tendered to our excellent Cor. -Secy• and other bondsman'to make a further pay- ti the greatest Carnivals of modern OF TOea tvTO •i&t bttaliela of wheat, and He must lead a life of trust and obedi• %vas taken up by Mr Scott, The home Tress„ Mr J. C, Stevenson, for his deli- went at ;once. The following °checks timeatheStarihumber h simply incom• Will beat the V� i barley, t e y aUnut oua hundred fbtvls, Numerous encs to Christ, and practice what, be should not fail in its duty is instruct• genco and attention, which we consider were issued: Home for incurables kept' parable. The price is thirty•&ve conte RatiCllblll'}CSC __ ing the young; instruction should not invaluable. - by Mrs Welch, $20; B Farrier, 02.2; Jo, a copy. ° repprtH'are afloat as to the amount of teaches. 'rhe teacher must be an active 3, That this Aaa@,eiation desire to Gravel $1.52; A. Anderson, culvert, $2- . ivaurancc on the stable and stock,but thinker, the mind will develop•through be left alone to the teacher. The care IIORN: td sto that meditation and study of the word. We of tile. young should be in the care of conte to the astor and trustees of the draining, $4; John Higgingbottom, se• Tj�(jjiSllllY we have it trorn good ,sun y Y P Yt. must Uo in living sympathy with the the church, Who are the fruit .bearers? ' Presbyterian Church their warmest letting inr-ora, $2; Clerk, election ex- MCCOLLrMAN• -1n Blyth, on the 14b �, the insurance h io the netohbor. .truth, and then we shall remember it. The'Christian cannot bear fruit unless thanks, for the use of the church during: pensee, 832,'25; R. Ht Anderson, salary, Jan. the wife of Duncan McColeman, ?"' r'• 1 Of 82,400, • Grasp the truth clearly, and review it •he abides in the vine ; it is only tlirougU the sessions of the Convention. $65; F. Jury, 11 yards gravel, 74c.. The of a son. h.hli. . ^,E9II over and over again. General study of .CUrist iabiding,in us, that we can bring 4 Moved by .Mr R. W, Mchenzie, Clerk was instructed to meet with the' 'Hiss. --At 161 Jameson ave., Park• ALT, DAY art the Bible, rather than the lesson. The forth fruit. Love is the great attrac• seconded by Mt' T. Mellis, that -the Treasurer and have the drain accounts . dale, on Jan. 16th, tUe wife of M. E• f✓on,de. )orci teacher must Ue aj,t to teach. 110 tive power of the Christian. IVo should d,•hgat . to this Convention desire to pnt into proper shape. 'Council then' G. Hess, of a son. f l,.' ii r to".it)^ ° chin•. lmi• fruits nF the S,irit-.leve, it eratitnde to the friends in "ufljourncd to meet on Saturclay. 1'cb. JvNxTvs.-Tn East Wawanoeh, on the GIiroiiie Brone hitis Ctireel. I,ittl•:Fti 'TI,r. ,- igUing c shonlel learn tnteach by tcu h `xhibit thu K In 1esy celrrass the ` Thti footbftll u+atch I eat teachers. and try t extol 'o este, long,'-sullc+n.,,, gentler ' (Sinton, for'their hOspit,Ality, and to loth. ii. K. Nlmi.a:R, Clerk. ;Jan. 22nd the wife 1Tr (]ilea .Tank: An en fish Charon Clerg nr, n apcahs. I 'things 1;>, I v. tate the U I y I ,c :,b (xeitiuer on,• The I them if ,ossiUle. We must hnvo a follo%vim C%hriat, in his forbe,LrnuYe the c'.enir, f`r their osculleut sur\'ices. „ I uts,Ofadttuohter. Rcocory,Curnwall,enc," g+ruiniae. 1 n t t I t . „for the cvork,`to Make a , u intdcucsa to us, in clic conduct to I I Stmnu,�;,.--1,t "Viug , 111, m, Sunday, uR "'Asm�urnr — t,ran gr^rs I -a• c. +,(.tided on holdii,g i l,a3sionato love at 1 g A rnr i+al irl\'it,itit,u Was uxtcuded hy' i�""R r"llll(Iri• I)aAft51A,-[ am la,l t„b: sore to inform ou l Tho address Was %'e ry the ch",I " . Also biasing; the fruit of �Ir;=rs 1`, ilson and Grav, to 1)(1111 the lltci t:v,.-31 i.,s Ca'rtmell, it returned the den. '20th the wife of i,ir Archie that my daughter S ryutto well again. As thio their :,ur,uu! rul,l•er here 0,e latter success or it. Sunruung, of a eon, tctiyc ane ,eluted. roodl,ess, nlcekcdss :tnei" toml,eralleB. next mectinti `f this Association in Sea- ink4iorlury iron Jnpnn, Will deliver is the second time she has been cured of Brava ,>art cif thin u..iouth. T'heGoo(l Tetl,p• I iustrt 1 " h' •'t %ve Hiner sten CAR,11,y. Ln 11i'aaeelg, nn lVI611day, brollai'al troubles under youItreatmhnt, whet r n eu to by Iiev,;. If we lite in tlir+ S1 i� i forth, ivhicl \1'tLa Unnn]InOp,',l y' ecce )kcal. r' are int casein in ounlberH :Che subject was sp.lt nd Vilann ex. R Iec Dire in the i lrthnlli.+t. e;l,un;lh, ou I •Jan. '21st the wife of Mt•' Mark ('ar• ilii. Heusi ramed;ea ,cited. l write to express lar htr g t: ti.,,irit.. Loth of these 'ernuo,l i,lr 1). D.I li iH to `rt.t>d t]1aL ,la . I,ieing{Ston, Iti'. Craig, A ,teWart, .walk iu th •_] I Tn the at« bVeelneHd;t ereninC!, lith in,st. under I dil'I', of axon. my;ratitutle. Please accept rnyeincore Ehatrks; " "� �.v(try 1(•clr,(,I.iltl,t p '" Yours truly, C. R, PETTIT. Howell W.IIowiP. J. P. Simpson, dresses t✓r•rc [till of instrmaion, and' l,laineri the r�Ujeriw 1,f thu 1 tovineial the auspiccy•of ths,1V.F.DI.S, Alr y. l,ne, of t1+Y' ILCrt••t ,e ui1Rf OUII ladleH .I. P bi.A1Z'IZ,IT'`1) °mat, CaTnaarueafCatarrh ofic l3ro Band f 1 y t' ud t�Ir'P. C.'1'icknrd: were uuiuh uhp:rcuitrd by ,110 alldi0lt0e• �9GOClat1011, curl 1110 WOI'IC�IltLt is Doing; er• 'a %r'' * t OCCII i >at't Dlr 1). DAVilgOti a 1 nrpnatiutlal I el , fr`ri, tltiH COItC 1LOach fl17d i1116H 1711iek, Uf Teegwater, ,,11,l�TUalt—Sat1'rn.----At ilii mattdi, Throat, Catarrh, Lenfness, Chronic Bronchitis, . f the %illrc_ I, l ,ink o lY t uld iia , 11,01.0 for the gift of Address. " t,,y:temntie co t,n g du'Iv, pluading for he l w i k huuae on the ]8th, N'e she ) > Iu>v DIr Bowie, of it to carr' ou its work, paid their friends and ucrluaintanccb , 21et Jan. U the sore t1i and Consumptions Alan loss of voice, t'f rife nt Ili tv, to insole Y 1 lyi,li, ;011 DLUuday; Y sora throat, enlarged tone+ls. 1'oivpets of th• s. rutnI teaching. Tire teacher should. learn to I Bible study'," by dv of rho Liblo is , Oen, r , > : neat . I . la also v •an n „ret iI llrussals. Phe Stu " file 1. resident' non)inated Messrs Gray, ;a Hhort visit Chia we°k, 11Qr lijtson. 118\, A, DlcLeaah, DIr AIexDlcTntosh, of Huse removed. Come early, - Dr 1VEttt,on fie.. he'r r,,,n. lesj of the village think quickly, Ho that k e o } } p A few of the many cured b Ur tVashtngtoa,s ;bat .u, e, Y t we hear to ouraolv°ti, and Uu very nmch neglected in the hntno, and C!limera, D1cTien'rie, Stevilison, Mellis, of St. 'Phomas, ens licit vi fling old Laud`n,I)akola, to Diiss DTs tie Sniidh, n,,,/,1 ha )p • itarnediatel atter ate .wha friends in nuc! Itrnuiul UungRiuion. new metnod.' \ r, I be s i , y Y able t° transfer it to others. We must therefore in Coo churn,, hu speaker ' as ,t conunittee t prepare a report on of Morris. l[ H Storey, of Storey & $on, -manufacturers, c , 'n June rest. Our d inn the ar•e tt very interestiu,r n idre:is uu Val- the sitb,ject, which reported, till I Mr Anthony Illuck, t%ho has i+een B r•roN-Cocr"Lai,lay.--(h, the 14th P.ctnn, Ont, else Pntc'd red f Catarrh, b., of the Uniferett e 1 think fur Ourselves, in stn y t, �. c t •n f•OX- + r•nd `n est'in0 1,is native Ltwl :+1+`Wim, 'the *' 9 laid U for seine time, est with a g;ue, at ilia cosi• Canada. oil, p onou cured a Catarrh, by ed viliage mirror!:. )neve secured c troth for the class, mud nut dcp. Rev Mr Livillg$tolle tit ilii: accuila < p p Tan, by Rev. Dfr Ton, tyaahiugton, prunouncod inmvablo by noted tlt • doubtless have a thou +hts we take t) fullilment. of prophecy ih bnth tlr, nld evenin„ ausdiou as folln\vs: brp),e❑ leg is'ab]e W be nut again by deuce of the bride's father, 13tyth, Mr spocialiats iwthis country and Europe, Write - �os thio winter; (y lesson helps for th S at huu'r,d iD the count ylr.'1'. ,'aUUath.. School. The lesson helps tvad 11- Testan,ent9. Your committe , &ppointed to conaider the rise °f its Cruiches, We sae pleas- l.toUort Tivtton, nf, Iiullett, to 1Vlisa }„m for particulars. t}1e bB y 5 Mrs John Mclieliy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh ]FcLean vv :.H herr. tuts week buying Should not be, seen iu the school. We Cho musical part pf ilii pr,, rnnulto the matter of thO coli {alien resting upon ed to Bee Mr Will Ilegley able to be, Annie Cockerlirle' and Conaumptim,. sear to )ut it an make ourselves do anything. We wits %sail performed Uy a ul,ioll choir, this Association to repay the nmonnts out again after a severe attack of •1llnLry-AI,r,AN.- At tho residence of . John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh. « ;n t e, lint it ie r evt` y i c advanced to to Provincial -Association , > i 1tr for ever � cue for miles moat Ue aelf•sacrificing, and work and which was tu,dor the al'lu h�a�lr�inetl)b f for and in ilio qulney There will he a uGion con- the• bride's father, Tuckeramith, by bIre A lioppp,g, Iihigston, Ont, Broncho Cen- n the i t] Y Y 3 y, p by Mr D. D. Wilson, around um ' lten.r him when he does study, although it ma boa ainStein� D1 ssea Rumball�anlnithe quartette by name of this Association and of the re- vCntion of the ]1lethotl]9t And 1 reebyv flay. Joseph Killop DL, A., Mr dung s s urDSc ft Kingston, out, Catarrh, head and come. Mr John Cartwright is Spend- feelings. The Qrincipal points U throat, in ham and that teachers must study more and Yiss Walker, Messrs Ka,y, Ilarlanr, and lation generally between •this body and ter]an Rbbath Sahoo]s, -on Tuesday d u lrterfof MrtlIVil�li mT Alla;ounges Mrs John Bertram, Iiarruwsmith, OLt, Ca• ing a few days around W g the larovincial Association, beg leave next. _ tarrh, head and throat. i1'hitee w day airs Jeffrey, ^tom work harder, in the preparation of the ]roster. WLu�L9DAv ttgnN4Nrt• , SirITJI-McDo,?1,D.-At the residence Mitis Mary A Bombourg, eutreville, Ont, lesson. to report as follows : « Catarrh, head and throat. panied by DIrH Ilenderson, of Wing- The President introduced Mr Day On Wednesday morning{ a. very pro- 1. The pledges made by Dir•Wilson 1VIcKillop, of the Uride's mother, on too .th Jan. ham, left for CJlevelaud, Ohio, Mon- ecretar of the PcovincialAasociation fitaUlo consecration service. was Wu- were made in good faith, and without The School;t%eetion No.- l,itiyfary Uy Itcv.IV. T, Uluff, Mr Jno. G. 5m[or- A EXish, Genas FufrnishinAstBelleville Ont da mornin r„ to Hee her eiater, Mrs ducted by Rev. J. H, Simpson, tom• knoWlege of the resolutions passed by Society met in the school, on Friday -to Miss i[nnnah McDonald, all of MOT• _urea of Catarrh, throat. . q ' I Y h o the Convention, who made an in' , 13eudersou, (. ho is very ill. ltiir Je- atrnctive address on the topic °under mencing at 9 o'clock, after %ahicll the , the (,onvention, when Dir Wilson was eveni¢g last week, and an eXcellaat tis• Joao f Catarr head t ro P O, Ont, (near Na- , I roma, nor .popular tailor, spent Sun- structive President opened rho convention. absent. t programme of readings, recitations, CnA,NTH +,Re—\VBIOHr. -- At tl}� real• r suer) of Catarrh head throat and lunge day under the parental roof in Win g- The Treasurer aubinitted his annual Topic 4, "Fa it an advantage to 2, That the amount so pledged ''by and music' was rendered, with' AIr dent° of tenfeide's father, th inTl' Copse ultati* O69L5Yeage Street, Toro*ta: Cir. ham. Considerable wood and timber report ASfollowa : Eapenditnres, $15.17; momorwe and rehearse scripture texts Mr Wilson, and paid.Uybin,, be assum• (toot. Besttie in the chair, harm, xJ. 15oo y, the' 5th fust., by mnvi❑ to the station sicca cAah balance on hand, 1132.82. in the school?” was introduced by Rev ed by this Association, and that an tip• Te@ family of )Lir Arch AlcGregor; the Rev. J. ISooley, Mr T. Chambers, 1�TEw BOAR INl., HOUSE.=suBSCRis• a re now g •nein slats had its she lance n pan mm2teo euUmitted n he Ramsay, Londesboro. He said peal be made at this evening meeting formerly of Clinton, Ont., to Mise •Tose• 1� flit has first-class accommodation ior saOwfall. (T�r BI g P for suUscri}fttons from individuals and 5th ccn., awoke on Sunday mrrrning phine Wright, only daughter of Mr 7.'. six or eight boarders, in the most conveni• first wI;tteu rxanlinatlon last I''riday, the following report: President, A. H. the scholar should memorize Scri tura ),Wright; former, of Villa -Novo, O,i4, rut and amiable RGE of rho town. Raton from a literary point of view, but es, Y roasoneble. GEORGE CORDON, Victoria and our teRcher expresses, himself as ManningH, I ge�an88 Goderioh Rev. C. Thatltlheso pam utntslt be ipAidtt nth a Before tthe teawoke thew flames had ,street, near P`ST OFFICA. pleated wit}. the progress made by the Blyth . g peJfally from a rah lope sense. Faith, } Y DIE) 1 Staebler, Crediton ; W H. Kerr, Brus• hope and love is strengthened by having Treasurer, and au account of the same made. great headway, and it wits with Hu,LtttAN.-Tn Blyth, `n .the 22nd tTRAY HEIFER. - CAhiE INTO THid class, The following were the de e- sols, W Fothoringliam, Brucefiold; W. the truths of the Bible stored in to submitted'to the next convention• difficulty that some of them escaped. area from rho McChodist S.S. to the „ err• General $eorefield; , J. mind uths oterence in times of Hoed. ;, That if a>fy amount be un rovided Jan, I , Hallinan, of East Watvauosh, R sutsabout t premises, lot a 8th con. tiz p Th@ hoose was burned to' the ground, a ed 32 ears, Hullrtt, stout too middle or Deaombor, a Convention held i¢ Clinton Tuesday CrlSuiiEh and W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; The teacher sbonld be careful to under• for, rho Executive bo instructedto issue and very little of the conte¢te were g Y sinal yomrling Red acifer, Tbo owner is and entionsheld -B4Clin B. Wilco¢ JnHNarot+.-In'Tmnhorry,onSnnda. hereby notified to prove prot,ert , pay } 1. 'Taylor, Clinton, Minute Beoretar9 ; StancF the truth, so as to giv6"right ideas a printed appeal to the schools not Bob• Saved, The loss t0 'Mr McGregor ,20th Jal. John Johnston aged n0 charges and cake it away, HENRY AVDAMt1 Ii. Hiles, N1 A Les, and Messrs Geo. 'J, C, Stevenson, Clinton, Treasurer. to the children, Recitation itself im: Scribing, asking that the sum be made lies been considerable and he lies the 'ei° years. Garrett, 'F; Townsend and C Meyers I F;xeeutiveCommittee, Rev O,H. Bridgo- presses the word more deeply on 'the u sympathy of the whole community, Momimpit.- In Winghan,, on M`n• �IOCra[. AND 2j ACRES OF'L;1ND FOiL �..— man,+ Iiensall ; Rev J. H• Simpson, mind of the scholars. 4. That the matter of this year's _ *_ - day Jail2lst„at the residence of his son• l SALE —Subscriber offers for sale ou Brucefield ; R.W• McKenzie, Godericb; Rev Mr Fisher, liolmesvilln, also subscription t the Prov, Association 1liarnoCh- in, law, Mr Ja9.1)nffield,Cieo. Dlortimet', very reasonable terms, the property at pros- 13rucrfictl' Itev. J. SmitU, Ciu�ton ; T. Mellis, Hip spoke on ilio same subject. We should be left in the hands of the Exocntivo . aged 81 earn. e¢t occupied tv himself on tlo London 'Ii•,c font ha;,l from from No..9did not I y not take the time needed for teaching Committee, with power, if the, state of I3R[EF8.-Mrs Archie I.obert8an Y Road, }ora mita below canton. Tho lonso an. The ropOrt wha unanimous, nt fn an sl•pesrnigae last .Friday. A P n ted. � to roliearsinglong passagea of scriptdre; the f,Inotepermit it, tocontriUuto asum conttnues in a Very low condition: ve23rd Jail. hn seta, nn •Vic need loteonalsts of 2�racreswit tchoicefruittreev r„itch, hu.c• Wr „ ne played between ad„ ftettex intlum,ce of S.S. work,” wha Have n"smaller numUer of verses resit- trot exceeding f5o. Mrs James Stewart iH also very poor- day; '?:lid Jan. Jnhn S. Mra,lnaa, aged thereon, atAbl©, water, R:c. t3plendidchmnc•c ti^ tcarn,, of 2 and Nro. a, on the introduced by Pev ;7. L. tIowell, who od, brit recited thoroughly. Endeavor That the lion,I . thanks of this Cnn• ] Alias Poterfield has returned 51 ,yearn and I months. for auy ono wanting to ruttre. .tOSLPtt 4' ,;rounds uI th.1 incur, No. 3 scored ono Y' 18Tl:PFi[•:..... Clinton. . „ ... - u1 durpn earth half time, while No. 2 said that God is never i¢ deUt to his to get the scholar to un Ierataud the %•°noon Uo 4 igen i Mr nay, for his from London where Hee ling been on �ytt,t, BP: AT 'PIU: " - - - -- i K creatures;tbey.derivethebenefitthrough verses they recife. Advantages of pregenro andconnsol c,aringthe present Im portant business. A number `f ' OLO COUNTRY . TICI4CTS. ,vas unabl.• to t+c•ore Any goals, Accor- work for God of enlargement of sym• memorizing Scripture in youth -it is meeting• and wo rejoice to hear from the otic eo le con re ated at YIr 1 {p1 jn r(�itjpp}} nn , .lin„'ly ^h„ n,utr:h (r,'a declarer] in favor 8th for CUrist and pia work, TUe tench easier, rho word stored •in the ]rim of the progress of the S. h. work i'n ,lrlRm ltrgibertson'H house on 1'rijlay Icommccial : Hotol, ill Ulintull I d No. ,,, 1 . e senre of 2 to 0. :,'his is worker, to be sudceasful, must bo will• heart and mind of rho young will bon this L'rovinoe. }Ie will boa welcorno the (`arth unit h whinh No, s has plaq• in to Ue as pig Lord, who went about source of strength nll through life. visitor at any future convention, n't .ht last and had a very ett,joy12th f: r'' f Tho topic was further cliacusged by Address U,y Flev. •T. G. Scott, Wilig. 1:tne. Mr S. I,eggat, of rho 12th 0.: y, 0a - I. ori i hie ; Im-1m tnlrl they came not vic• i '” to -ions i,, r+ll�of them. doing good, and sacrificing himself for TUGSda . �' eb. 5fl a. I r,'r,"� _ others' good. Sympathy begets sym• Revs NJtaoUler, Livingstone, Craig and ],stn, nn "'Tho relation `f rho S.S. t cu¢,, sold hits farm property cC auc- Lsc''rl i.,; hI:• Ilitssell, of Goderich, athy, love Vegeta love. Who Succeeds Simpson, the one thought being that the prosperity of the State,” ligi6n. tion last Tuesday- Bir to ds se lin trout u,. tnl p. n,. " n +entlell an vain r ]aims t' leave been best in the schdol? The,plodder, the the teacher should require exactness is one of the hmtdinaide Of religion. stile of the 12th con., intends Halling Oind,+f ,utlp' rationts please eau rahtr. Vye rrproaont ail rho leading atommsbtp t t oft b auction bn Tuesday, heb. 5th, ter unfairl • treated b Dr. tire's ainstakin and erseverin teacher, Women sUo¢id not p debarred from tines aroasmg too Atlantic and wremu Riva y y y p g p g and thoroughness in the recitation of y i f T1�■3 full intnrutatioU cocci travel to any part church, dvlivered a lecture"in Dixon's He hunts up the scholars, and shows verses. Mrs Murray made some very being interested in pofiticP. Lt is a The late snow has enlivened the Com• T OS. SPE R, M.D. 11IM, on )Toinday icenin - Tho aifen- them that he has an intereat in them. praotieal remarks with reference to matter of great importanco that honest munity. On hfiinday last the con- I dance eas ama11; and, judging from the (,rhe above papar will be published studying the lesson helps, making; the mon ehould'be in• the ollical positions ,gregation of ti'hita church and Cal• strR(;EON, sc„ M.C.P.9,t;.w and L,T.( .n. '�Y'. JACKSON amount of £nn, indulged in by those ' fall.) Bible the book to study, and not the of the State, Tile subject has a perfect vin church least Wawanosh rendered present cvhili the ndulgesin wa6 ato se The epic wag spoken to by Revs, lesgdn helps. right to criticize the actions of the a unanimous call to the Rev. Mr � TFti, (i1ILAT EAST INllIA AGENT we may fsu£ely conclude that the I@etnrer Bridgeman, Simpson Fisher, and Liv• Topic 5, " The clinic t'e calms upott Stat°� `r s veroign of the State, 1'ho To{une. I P , A CLI NTON has very £r;w sympathizers here. ingetone, Mr Grigg and lir Irwi¢, who and obligations to its S. .department, true teat of rho Qrogperity of the State &Aw- CnF.Cgt:ftH.•-Our checker club vi,lited made the fojlowing pointe: The teach• w introduced by Rov r �Vifaon, E:e is to Uo found in the grasp, t e p of Granton nn rhe (oven[ng of Jan. 24th, er must be consecrated. We cannot ter . The Sabbath Sob of is a part of manhood found tlierein, also, rho pros• AI�URd Th1E COUn1y and Dlnoaeoatpoculi tf to llv-St. Th •sole tits Grand - Panoramic . and played a Iriendly game with the give. to the scliolara, unless -we hero the tiro The e.hur h has a claim parity of the nation can be measured g practice. Head Office-st, 'rLou,rs. riub of that place: Tho match took fiat been to tee fountain for sapplies. upon all tha he S,S. do. Tho 8., by the portional succosg of iia people• been Adjtdgodf tolipayt tcoete nIIful is t tat° The Doctor las boon educated iu uoarty mu tubo at lin Grant's roaidence, and our T e question was asked, "Should an 8. can familia 'ze those ho attend it Give a Stato true, loyal, hnnost mon, of the leadingMgdioalCollegeaandHospitals Ia.lIIBiTION h`ye at M very highly of the treat- unconverted teacher be employed in the with Scripture. Take he Bible to and nothing • can hinder its success. libel edit, telFArmy inthe Gast [i diesSSurploll ill the , ---Bv THD:-- ment flirty received at the hands of Mr BabUath School?" The answer wife sebool always, am save the lesson The S. S, Iiae become a mighty eoaial N M •RicUardeou, Of (Tray tnwnaUip' American Army during tl,r late war, from n }p p . p m p (,rant an l the. Granton Qlayera. lie• undnfmoualy in the affirmative, Mr helps at home. Make those attending force or agency fn developing Chnatian lies leased hie farm fora term of rive leaf to close of rho ammo; hqa treated ail na- Canada Stereoptieaa Compally, low ]a a rernrd ni the gamea played. Day giving pereoaal testimon to the the school familiar with the catechism. righteousness, No £state can be truly years to Yvill Bros: ttoualibtea And oircumnnvilatoe Fin vb ied Mie Wm. 1lnrfny, of Fergus, mother His ^thorough education, argo au vmriod TtslTnaVIp1,n, %Snv. nBANTON. WON. DRAWN fact that he owed his conversion to the Tho •S: should Coach tUe children rho progporoua, cvhinh legalizes .rho ltquor to Mra H Bmellie,of Alin ham, died on as ASeeand oxpecond t Il it oou t to rank qy T, Mnrdnck ? W. Grant 2 2 in9aonee of the 5.6. doctrine as taught in the church. 'Tile tratho, 'The State cannot bo truly g; at a Spoctali@r aecald to none on ilia eon• Embracing Views from the Atlautin T MODOII +all 2 T,. IViltsio 1 3 'To is 3. "Under, dud how to keep it," teacher should oncourngo rho children prosperous, when .elections Are carried Sunday last, 'rhe event was stitldon, thwut-for the tromtmont of haver rlanRarnhe t' 1 1 pic.3. ,Od b Mr (:tri g, );xeter; to attend public woraUip. rho obliga- through bribery. rhe S.S. is perform• leo cause -•tieing+ heart dieeaeo. Sho Find diffic lecndplyMeiana,hate hAtllad rho t` rho Itnci[io, in rho y 1. Hnidnr 4 1. Avery was Y g had Uoon a raeidont `f )Ear us 3,i �oara, 1'. Gundry I I;. Ronin 3 1 Without order, there cap be no success tions of the cUurah for `rthe 8choolhin inx i► °sitic ns sof hon`reBout trusto n t le g enc ewitally iWooled:-Aethnia,iltronchttia, Tl)�V ti iiAl.l✓, (,'1.iN'1'ON. P. le'isher a F'. Grant a 1 in the Ss. Bo prompt yourself, and rho church ahnvh3 eq p fo p nor husband having+ died in May last. • S.Tlnmpao,; t s [. W Sao 4 t request year eaholarel" tri bo the same. everything needed in the work, and the ;trate. The address was f ill of thovglht, Airs M Anderson, of Last Wawa= niseaaoe of the ryofttnA F r. FleaUyDiaomao . OH-. W, O'Ns it ;s .1. LInnter 2 1 Bring no lesson helps into the school. ahildran s collections be devoted to some and wag well received. nosh, mother of Messrs. Finlay, ,Tamos, 1rpitopay,Pmralya,s, Nervosa Dsbluty, Goitre j - - Tho lesson should not Ue disturbed by oilier part of Christlau worn. Parents Addrdm Uy NIr Day, nn '•A little John and Duncan Anderson, is I in in A'ovor and Agee, Mnlmr1il Aftvietne, Rhos - 'Total 16 16 10 the secretary os librarian. Parents should sec that their ohil<ircn attend ol,ild, its claims and itg cl,arttctoria• .M1 low condition of health at the home "'At'sn'�cin�U eoaa°a, (]sift, &elect eel oxlip Ttr1�Sf�'LS' il'sLIT' iitlt, 18S1i. As will he seen from the above the should question the children as t6 what the S.S., thereby oneouarg ing the t°ach- ties." To be a evccega 111 teaoltor WO of the latter. ,ilio is in nor 84th year, ,Beed wliell rert ulra(1 Admissioit » - 2G Cento, ms,t°h requited in a tiO. A roturll ey have learned fn the school. Chil• ore in their work of fait((it and labor of must understated the differor,t otlarac- and has resided here continuOnsly for , oattrttttettion froaFtead eirnnla.r hurl Retuom (hiltlreu � 1 C tlflltJl. " match wilt ho lrlayed mt l�rncofiold at dren aUonld not ort allowed to onto. the love. Speak well Of the school, teriaticg of the child. Tho child ig A 3.2 years. hnr tladate. an early date. school during prayer norvico. The • Th° subject was lurthor'disouag°d Uy lfnndlD `f nerves, Goch lies plao`cl rho N, tt �9 d e v 1.e " ,'Y .1. r'. ... r' .. ,. W: ,. '' )