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The Clinton New Era, 1889-01-25, Page 8
- . I � 11 I I f , .1 7- , , -7 . a I - - - - � I I - ".. - � I . I . " . , , , � N. , I _ _RM"._.!.. -_ - " . , I , I . I 11 � " , J , . , . . ." - , .1 p. "I I I ,� .1, I . .. I " . . , !, I I I JA I jk,� "', ", . 1. 1, � , , . I 11 � I I � . � , -, 1. �.. I ,1.:,. I I - '' ' ' - � ppal W ' * . , , $ 1. P., � ., 9. 1 I#* 11 Alm - ,of' 't - 4- r6m.4401 "' , �! , 10, ; -1, ' " , 141'- Ulwa, . , "-'i , ", 01414 � , . �. 11 ' . . Th'Ai4willafk1low ".6 tb h -1w . - I , , , A Alw, ;1 " , . , . .),� Q , , or . �- N I ,:;_3jct�� �, �il)`r, W1014 'UtitlerA .11 ; kh4 54 � ,w.e ., 4 . �". 4 � , � '" �a.Atr;lkdjotory ITA:*,"j, W1924,j � I P _4 ii, q ,, , , . I I . I vo, dret%fftlilt�,, ho J ITIV ' 4 , ��� t.bpre ig, of Course, kidtim'141, ith, 110 neverlie t out,mi , I , . I -qirQums!apce#,, - - al,14 po g�o ito,tipsko . KII, MO. ,_ I I � I , : Is Vq 11'444.-Tw �but , . .00 - 4099W#3� that 1pgA I Or qlli,.#I1y_r ,of 14 1, f , . ), , A"O;� 0�4 11 w 0 3400d.in rx,ristiol §44"'Clice, . I, - 4i'v t, W ho done at All A Ine0j.00. W#I 0.1$.0,4 q- or the old gontlp,t4op a" 'if uigo ;1 �� , . � I a I �, - b4,,d I � M,itq . poe tho, , ,h44 i,- ljkve tb�kt is .. ,t 3, 400641"`,�b,), i c�,s te,ilnd , '. i � .I I . m . N)JI4qlI9,r,. iiis -very proba4ly ,. T] 4ps V 0. Co. 0 ?WPING OX14 4, C04 1 . 4 tr 1, Alld �'otl I.. #11 holifL and Ft half of ; ,6 quite ,MJ�08 Wit mat(Arft to biniskif until he I at 4 us 10 1. til.0 43:lt I 11, ta6lve Z ,,, ' I I I . lit. , . . I I _ �o.' t.,4.40 the tbling- � 0 � , ,Q � 1,51% '611 � 1-1 L40W 01s� 4.44 , , , , � . "rious habit -of keeping spich - , , I 11p, . . : t'a, � . A TU��_';: Qlp' 'Q`0 I. 40,04, pA';'At.i4 in very diff , colIg � , aid � i,00 rivs. , p) P I ,,,I,,. t fill V;!TAY I . " , ' ,ereut - r4. f4rru in giu.tj slid. t'ar.4 i4 Im 44 �J;o.q QV 0 ear eA _ . r ytielf. it infle04, , t. �t thy; r . le't tll!p place our #� ry r> pl.UG I p aots tl�o I.; son lihq� tke pufort,inaw otirge was abnoltlwly forced by Qircum- . 01.is e I that Q�,, J N WJ41pt - .a,hl!.J tri . . . . , I 1j, a d " ever) on .,�all .1, - leaving his owit ii-tiso, "The ©Airs," - .actur ,I iroin ma own wheat. ru;* BT 9, AIDAR HAGOARD. I I fall Out Of VIAMVAtii)Q�41[lrl 'that is, was 61141041A "'AN that tht're were mtaucett to iov'eat them. 840 also a can depend oii i,ettlng their amir h , orno V,t,l Woul. I 110 accounts to kne.w. that her father's affitfils were ►M I"LOUN n. r, FEED. --Flour and food kept , I as it was called, u,though the tree,, what would happen otherwise , and ul.;kIt lip; or. etdlle�, 81114.011dall). '1'01,34( CV ", � ; 60.11TIN17RD. froni which it had been so named if I were to lay it down in gr' ' that djoy were -All on Lbb wrung ' I . ass it I " ill a most critical condition. for that -vubts'"t]'v ou bkl' � . I Copyright and published by arrange. had long since ivanisliptl hom the side of the ledger). "I will hav' FINER THAr4 F.VE.R, IL D. 13, UeLEAN, Kippon Mills. io - Copyright with the Rose Publishing would cost a considerable sum and e she had extracted from Iiiiii ,.ij ifiv I I - -_ _ - --- —_ '' - L- -_ -,-- L I . . Company.) garden, Mr Quest was bowling be seven or eight years before i get that matter seen to at once. Of previous night, and if any remedy SE.B t ILINTOR MECHANIC'S INSTI : swiftly behind 'E' ward Coasey'a any return." I course, business people ar.0 quite was to be attempted it must be at . . %JLibrary and Reading Roquiti, TTU.T.11' .; . I right to consider their due, and I do . Hall, down I stairs. About 2,000 vslumet- I ___ - - - 11 Den the most wicked men have powerful bay horse towards the The squire paused and Mr Quest tempted at onee,sud on some heroic I In 'Ile Library and u" the Leading ' . p ... r. and P-ri-di.-I. of the day on the their redeeming points and their towering gateway ofHonham Castle. said nothing. not blame Messrs Oossey in the scale. Therefore she made up her table. Membership ticket 81 per a.... i . N.bteous instincts, nor are their When he was within three hundred matter, not in the least. Still I mind to O�tm from 0 2t. p in t . '. - I . I "Well," he went on, "that being ask her bete noir, M r Quest, Ili r - ' - and r. 7 to P. A t1l 'I. for - thought continually fixed upon yards be pulled the hors? up sharply, i must say that, considering the long what the truth might be. Tm &BE I h P 43s, u inciluberehipmeetUd _ so, the. next thing to do is to ob- I .yt . I ,.ria ' it"he room . I . mquity. Mr Quest, for instance, for he was a good whip and alone i tain the necessary cash to -pay Jan- and intimate relationship that has "Mr Quetit," she said, with some b n I I one of the evil geniuses of this hie- I in the dog -cart ,and paused to admire ; ter his valuation and stock the for nearly two centuries existed trepidation, as he at last triumph- i ___ __ - ------ - __ ___ I � tl�"-V, was, where his plots and pas- , the view. "What a beautiful place!"! place -about four thousand would between their house and my family, antly handed her the beef, "I hope EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE I 11EX31tLLE R, NURSERY : I - � , sions were not immediately con- , be reflected to liimsulf with enthu- 'do it; or, perhaps," he added, with they might -well -have shown 9, that on will forgive me for asking -- ,. 1% * y FRUIT AND ORNAM�ENTAL TREM . . corried,al, wan. 9f emilently generous ' siasm, and bow grandly those old , an access of generous confidence, little more consideration." ,, you a plain question, and that, if NORWAY' liPRUcE, SCOTCH . '11- 11, - strid refined teridendies. Many were towers stand out against the sky. "we 0, c4yes,$) said Ar Quest, I dare - EWCOMBE AND ASTRAURAIN PIN8. "i the good turns, contradictory as it The old squire has restored them had -better say five. There are say that the step strikes you as a you can, you will favor me with a I , . about fifty acres of those lowlaving plain answer. I know my father's 11 P�l S I Tot LArrEK ob WHICH WE MAKE A SPICCIALTY. , , I . , I may seem, that he bad done to his very well, too, there is no doubt meadows which want to be harsh one. To be perfectly frank affairs are very much involved, and I N PIANOFOR � a LARGE STOCK ON HAND, . . poorer neighbors ; he bad even been about it ; I could not have done it thoroughly bush drained -bushes with you, Mr De la Molle, it struck that he is now anxious to borrow Elegant ill Design. I I known to forego his bill of costs, better myself. I wonder if that are quite as good as pipes for that in, a, , very harsh one ; but, of some more money ; but I do riot The above ortiiinivnt4I trees and 8brubbery wi "1. which is about the highest and ' place will ever be mine. stiff land; if they put in the right course, I atil only a st�rvant, and know quite bow matters stand, and be oolU at very low pries,, and tilu.se wantm I . � Things 30111 h 08,3Struction. . rarest exhibition of earthly virture ; look black now, but they may come ' � bound to carry out my instructions. Excellent In Tone. anything in thig ctallleotiuu will save ruoild I sort of stuff it don't cost half so I want to bear the exact truth." purchu-sing here. I , . .. that can be expected from a lawyer. 1 round, and I think I am beginning 1 much-butstill it can't be done for I sympathize with you very much ; "I am very glad to hear you Pronounced by Artists to be the Finest made . , He was, moreover, eminently a' tooffee my way." And then he Start- is a now very much indeed." in Canada, and eitial to t>ie best United States Orders by Mail ivill be. promptly attend �. nothing, and then there speak like that, Miss Do ]a Molle," instruments, at (when duty and fraight is pald) M to. Addre-is, "', I cultured man,a reader of the ciassigs ,; ed.tho'horse on again slowly,reflect- waggon shed wanted, and some odds "Oh, don't do that," said the old answered the lawyer, "because ., in translations,if not in the originals, I ing on the unpleasant nature of and ends; yes, we had better say gentleman. "Of course, other ar- was trying to make up my mind to Per et. kss Expense JOHN STEWART, Ren.nillfer. I m the ,.'. a man with a fine taste in fiction i boniness before him, Personally five thousand." rangements must be made ; and, broach the subject, which is a very Before purchasing conimunicat ____ --- - .1 I , . I ."", ) and poetry, and a really sound and i he rather liked and respected the Still Mr Quest made no answer, much as it will pain me to terminate painful one to me. Frankly, then, � �, with the Manufacturers e McKillop Mold Insoraco Co. il, .. " ; ripe archaeological knowledge, es- old squire, and he certainly pitied so once more the squire went on. my connection with Messrs Cossey, forgive me for saying it, your father , , l,'11 pecially were sacred buildings were him, though he would no more have "Well, you see, under these , they shall be made." I OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE - a Co. ''. . sir is absolutely ruined. The interest 107-109 Church Street, r Toronto. . - :concerned. All his instincts, more., I dreamed 'o7i allowing his liking and cumstances, not being able to -la "But I think," went on the law- on the mortgages is a year in ar. - __ __ � . -_ . T,. NEILANS, HARL00K . o over, were towards respectability. I pity to interfere with the prosecu- hands upon the necessary capital yer, without any notice of his inter- rears; his largest farm is just thrown BIBLES & TEST ANI EN'rS AT COST GENERAL AGENT. I - 11 , � His most burning ambition was to, tion of his schemes than an ardent from liuv private resources, of course ruption, "that you misunderstand upon his hands; and, To complete The Clinton Branch Bible Society nave for I . I ; .. y! sportsman w DR WoRTH][NGTOWS Duu(i Isolated town and village property, as well I " . secure a high position in the count ' ould dream of u8t shoot- I have inade tip my mind to apply the matter a little. Cossey & Son the •-tale, the mortgagees are gin sale Albert street, atillf) 1.16.q(rtineut of LLBfitriiibuilditigsaii(istoel,-,iilkiured. frifflu- I I in which he lived, and to be classed ing pheasants because lie happened to Cossey & Son for the loan. In- are orily a trading corporation, to call inLAbeir money or foreclose." Bibles and Testaments, slices effected aglaius� stock that inav be" I I I among the resident gentry. He to take a friendly interest in their whose object is to make 'money by - TESTAMENTS FiLoAl este. UA�ARD8 hilled by liglituing, If yon want; itisuialice - . . deed, considering bow long and in � At this statement, ,which was al- BIBLES FRON MOO UPWARDH. drop -card a card to the aliovo address. I hated his Jawyer2s work, and longed nurture. He had a certain gentle. t1mate has been the connection, be' lending it, or otherwise,; at all ,,,),t brutal in its brief comprehen- .--- ___-_._ - ____ -.- ,�: , . COME ANDSHE. DR WORTHINGTON, De- - •to accumulate sufficient means to be manlike distaste to being the bearer tween their house and the ])e la hazards, to make money. The kind pository. : r I siveness,Ida turned as pale as death, PAINTING. PAINTING. . --- . , I I able to give, it the good by and to ! of crushing bad news, for Mr Quest Molle family, I think it right and of feeling that you -allude to, and as well she might, and dropped her J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, . DENTIST The undersigne(ldesires to intimate to the � "I 7 - indulge, himself in an existence. of 1 disliked scenel, possibly because be proper to do so; indeed, I should that might induce them, in consid- fbirk with a clatter upon her plate. -_ people f Clinton and vicinity that he tiss luxurious and learned leisure. Such bad such an intimate personal ac- Holds theexclumive right for the county for returned to town, and intends to romaiu �, consider it very wrong of me If I oration of Ion- intimacy and close "I did n.)t realize that things the Ifurd process of administering chelui- here po'matiently, and is better propaxed as he was he had made himself, for! clulintance with them. While be neglected to give them the 'oppor- connection in the past, to forego the were quite so bad," she murmured cally pure Nitroamn Monoxide. which is the than ever to do anything whaliever ill tbla , P1� .. . safeetarldbeet system yet discovered or Painting or pati 7r hanging line, .Ili oidera 1, he was the son of a poor and in- � was ,still wondering how he might tunic y of the investment" -dere a opportunity of so doing, and even "Then I suppose that the place will less extraction of teeth. Char.les entrusted to heti will eLcoive prompt and , . ferior country dentist, and had be-* best deal with the matter, he passed faint smile flickered for an instant to run a -risk of loss, is a thing be Oken from its, and e shall- � the a,ue,, satisfaction guaran teed. . . .1 I I w ..,form Office, careful attentiou. I V . gun, life with a good education, ELLIOTT S BLOCK, over Rance's Tuilor GEORGE VOTTS. mric St., Clinton. . �.. it i!5, over the moat, and through the on Mr Quest's. face, and then went which belongs to former generations, shall have to go away." shop, Huron street, iiiinton. . . , . true, which be chiefly owed, how- ancient gateway which be admired out -"of course they will, as a mat which, whatever their failing$, were — , ____ -_ - - I . ever, to his own exertions,but with I so fervently, -and found himself in ter of Vusiness, require, security, very often generous in their dealings, . EXHAUSTED . - VITALITY. - -'- — _ - . �� nothing else. Had his nature been fr3rit of the ball door. Here ". and very properly so, but as this and allowed their. business to be TO 114 CONTINUED. ' HE SCIENCE of Life �il ' 16 temperate nature, with a balance T the great Medical I I -1 - - ---'------ -pulled tip, looking about for some estate is unentailed,. tbeW will for- conducted upon personal rather 11 I . Work of the age on Man- I ` of good to its cred-lit _i�d ff rM-vFiqFori-,- -boji y -td- _t k - . - --v-he" V-bw --littite-- diffmf�y�out� AhAn But I - a Or his tvtmr, , ud , --egmatercial, princiyles. hood Nervous and Phyoi- --w-t, ce i , of evil, be was d6rily the s( uire himself emerged" tn,,& the presoi�—tis i�s;Aaly - -c ------.---.-.-----�.---.-.-.�--,----.- I 0 bebilit,E, Premature ,.- J 4.. li instead of a balance - I �f rJAV WN'L I aminer '--'-Ve-eliu-o,-Zr-iori--ol-nti-tui � - _ .. _____ __ _-11 �01 37' upon him with a rush, his pen in that. You can draw tip the neces- , ane tb. ..told miseries ".... . . I . I ,,ry leeds, and I think that, under inafooioltal and othrr (Tardo c . a man who might -have gone ver ' cial age, anti we are the most com- V onsequent thereon, 300 -- - fat --indeed; for. in addition to his 1,bis-band- (for--be--bad- -been,riti, -mercial----of---trading--�t-radin- nations--'- ._ .,...".-.",--,�..,..-,�---..-"-''.,,Pagos,8.vol,.-125�pr000r,ip., � I I— _., .., . �, . lig--"i'hii-eir�l-iiiiitHii'&*i, w6�figlft tKing- n , -11--__ ____ , ----T--He,E- --I-A-A-4-)-HNG� 1. . tions for all diseases, , . natural abilipy he hada great power I lecters) and his. white hair waving � 1") do would be to charge the cossey & Son move with the times, MANNING & MOOTT Cloth, full gilt, only #1, by man, sehled'. Il- I , of word. But unfortunately this'' in the breeze. ' that is all ; and they would rather I I - lustrated free to all mid I .-W 0��d � . I .�ioaL Farm' specifically with the . . I dl"god- .11a.Viiend now ld.'&na_ - .I.... I was not the case, his instincts o � -a -.-UN.nE AX _.. -_ I --..— I ' n I 11fullo, Quest, is that you?" lie dinount. Tbin,,s are bad enough, sell up a dozen families wbieff-bad Jewelled Medal awarded to theautbor by , the whole were evil iristincts, and I ,shouted, as though his visitor had �. 6 dealt with them fortwocenturies Ba-w6sters," Solic-it ... ors, the Nationals Medical Association. Address --A,NP- 0 I : 0 no doubt, but I can hardly suppose P.O. Box 1895, Boston Mass, or Dr. W. if. , Ilia passions-wbether of hate or been fifty yards'611' instead of five. it possible, under any conceivable than lose five hundred pounds,,pro- c. PARKER, graduate of Warvard Medical Col- I lege, So years rra,eticelin-Boston, who may be F1_ `b. . love or desire or creed --when they I have been looking out for you. circumstances, that farm would- _*ided, of course, that they could do EMBALMER � Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba ea consulted cont1dentially. Specialty, Di A . . seized him did so with e Here, William ! William!" (c�es' nut be good for five thousand' 80 without scandal and loss of gen- OF9198 NEXT DOOR TO NEW ERA, CLINTON' -Be of Man. -Office, No. 4 Biilflncb St. � "I . nary violence, I endering him for rhe ceirdo), "William!". (fortissimo); poll ,18, oral respect, which, where a bank- -- ---I--------- --- � , pounds. However, they might, 0 T- I. F. HILLIARD. . I . AFI LINE OF . 11 � time being utterly callous to the whereon eir'th is that boy? I ex. . s concerned, also means The 31olsons Bank., I � li�asibly prefer to have a general innhousei i rights or feelings of others, provided pect that idle fellow, George, has ?�. �. I Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 185b. . I o clause as well and if that is go, al- a loss of custom. I am a great lover BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c. - -9 � . . that he attained his end. In short, been sending him Oil stinle Of his though I consider it quite unues- of the past myself, and believe that PRIVATR FUNDS. to loan at lowest rLt,,: Of CAPITAL, - - .$2,000,000. GOODS KEPI ill STOCK . , I had he been born to a good position errands instead of attinding to them, sat, , I shall raise no objection to our ancestors' ways of doing busi- interest. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 and large fortune it is quite possible, himself. WhelAver be is wanted that y ness were, oiv the whole, better and 01,,, looper's N ' ew Block, Ground:floor, � - --- providing _ . . . at course." T ) ; ]A STREET, CLINTON, 6NT. I - � providing always that his strong .to take a horse he is nowhere to be Then, at last, -i%lr Quest broke more -charitable than ours, but I - 11EAD OFFICE,' I MONTREAL. The bestErabalming Fluid used . passions bad not at some period of found, and then it is 'Please air, 3/f r ilia somewhat ominous silence. have to make mv living, and take ONEY To JLOAN, MORTGAGES I I . , M THOMAS WORKMAN ......... President. his life led him irremediably astray, George' -that's what he calls him, id to say, Mr De the world as I find it, Mr De la O,N,Bougl"' Private Funds. C RIDOUT, . o e over i Jackson's Store, Clinton. J. H. R. MOLSON ..Vice -Pres. � - I am very sorry � ...... ____ F. WOLFERSTAN TH6ii,"',.'Ge%era1 Manager " that he would hire lived' virtuous 'Please, sit, Mr George sent me up la, Molle," he said, gently, 'that I MOIle-" � I - . I 14% and resp . of Cossey . "Quite so, Quest ; quite so," an- M ARRIAGE LICENSES, -APPLY To Notes d4couneed,0ollectlione made,,Draft; . k- plendid Hearse. __"� respected, and died in good -.to thli Moat Farm, or somewhere, can hold out no prospect . I the undersigned at the Library Rooms, American ex- . . . I I order, leaving behind him a happy to see bow many,eggs the hens laid ' accred the sqcire, quietly. ,11 had JAMES SCOTT, Clinton. i4sued, Sierli" and . . I memory. But fate had placed Ili . A Son being induced, under any sir- I .. - —_ __ -- ----- _. . c4mnge bought and sold at lolvellf . I . . .1 � - in last, week,' or so�iething of that cumstances, to, advance another, no idea that you looked at theme MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY THE current rates. I ALBERT ST., CLINTON, . in antagonism with the world, and sort. That's a 'very nice horse Poun matters in such a Ii lit. Certainly undersigned, avresidence or drug store, lotlirest at 3 per, cent allowed on deposits. I I . yet had endowed. him with a gnaw- I yOu. have got there, by the way, d upon the security of the ,9 MRS A. WORTHINGTON. I . . . I Honhani Cattle . e estates. Their the world 'has changed a good deal - — - . Residenc-q over store. . I ing desire to be of the world, w; it, ' ,.,,., iiice'indeed." . opinion . . 7- ____11_1 I F%knMnnf4. I - Op1rilon or the value of landed pro- since *1 was a young marl, and I do ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Money advanded to farmers on their own notia OPPOSITE TOWN HALL ' . . ,. , -1 -11 I IM Small numsongood mortgaxesemirity, with one or more ,endorsers. No morf4qge.re- 1. . I . . - appeared most desirable to hint ;and . -se, - De la party as security hits received so -se- 0 moderate lintereat. H 14ALE,Clinton quired as sectirity. . , . . i� ruin ,feta lind: It is not, mv hot , ri . not think it has, changed much for . . ... - , ) - 14,e bettei% lint You will wane vO'ur �- 11. (I. BREWER, 'Manager . I . then' to complete It �)1,11,,7, said] the 'lawyer, with a verp. a Shock th?it the are not ut all Jiinuttry 1887. . Clinton, I . . thrown him ,into teniptatiohs' trout faint smile, "it is NIr Edward. C08- y " R APPLETON-OFFICE-AT REST- . . . I . . , comfortable as to the safety of the Ili luncheon ;it is lilingry work.tafking DDENCE, On Oil tario i�rreet Clinton, op- - 1. ____ - - - i . 1- ' : which inexperience and the liea,i- ,.,y,,.,, ainotint alreadv invested." about foreclo4kires."'. A1r Quest had posits English (�horcll, Entrance iiy sit[ �#. . 1 long strength of his passions gave "Oh! it's ,11r. Edward Cossev's ie i. 'N . gate. e Clinton Post Office Tim Table I FA RRA N &IJ "' DALL . M t. De, ]a Molle started wli(-n be not tis -ed this unpleasant-woTd, but - , . k_y . him no opportunity to escapn. , It' it?" ,an,iwered the, old gentleman, 'Ilear,, this most .'een his drift. "Come B. PPQtlDF00T, civil, ryciNEFn Mails Are due for delivery anti oo�e fr.w,de4l)atvb i 1. . I , Inav et fit -tit appear stianae that a with I - tinexpected bit .of . th&Rqtiit:e had s HProv 1) and6iirvey. , a . t.- the e clii,,ton Po�t�vtflce_ w, faiiov%-N:- ; 13 A N H E R 53 , . I ' ,e 0 X . . cl,"t,49 , f .,,. I . a news, fur which he was totally un- into the lie 't room," and be led the, or, Architevt ami Draughtsinan, PhRRIN . . , sudden- chang of, voice. . clal slid Dotuinionl_ man so calculating and whose desires "Ali, Mr Edward Cossey s! well it's He had always found it way into the drawing-roor, where BLOcK. Clinton. Hall-iltoin, To,ronto, Strait- t - - i I . � 2 prepared.n . -- - - - - . I- f"(1, Ssafort,h, Grand . i (,'LIXTO'X� 0 N, -T ! seemed to be fixed upon sucli'a. , very good horse anyhow, 'I qt Ida was kiitting teadin- the Times. i I z5 .yhow, and I ible to borrow money, an J.1VAr,m?it, virvERiNARY hiJUGEON Trunk east and irittrine- I I 1 � possible 1 0 . . Suppose that Mr Cossey can afford said, with an affecta- I ,p.m I . material end as the acquirement of' "Ida," he J Girfi,duftte Of the Ontario Veterinary Col- die uffices ......... .. 6,2) a "I. I.."o , : fi ; had never occurred to him that a lege. Telegraphic Luessagerd i,rorni)uy at Toronto, Stratford, Sen -1 iI wealth which he coveted, by arti Oe � to buy g0od horses." . I tion of be,Artiness vhic�h did not, lende(Itu. 'Office-Loudosborough, Out, forth. T. and S. e;tst.. .. l 1.64 p. ni i I a i.m i or even fraud, should also nourish 1 ,Just then a'filillt�cry of "Cowlli(f time might 'p�,,rhaps come I, this however, deceive his daughter,, who ---- _- . - ___ ______ - Goderich, Hohna�ville mid - I 1� Advances made to farincrr on tb6ir own . -vil and I ni country when the la,id, wit 145 WHY11'r- TFACHE�lt Oil lWUSIC - Grand Trunk west ..... I p,tn, 8,,,. I notes, at low rates of interest. in his heart so bitter a hatted which he .. , . sir, coming," wits heard, and it long held in almost superstitious venera• knew bo, to read every change of, M Member of the Canadian S(iciety in Goderich . .............. 9.4.1, p.m. � so keen a thirst for revenge upon a. 1.iyn Mon, Toronto, .....I 4.15 p,1n. 1'011'01.,,l,'� Agc,uet,RlBarkin -BuiiiiesstransitetL,d . o hobble -de kind of youth, whose lior father's f too, "here is N1 r Quest. Musicians, Piano and Orgah for the use ,,t . tion, would be so valueless a form Li�pils. Residonce. ur s Hartt's, oi.)vmite "'ond,a), i- 14. & H. @outh'u m. p.rn, it.m. pjn I I � woman who had been unfaithful to I business- it -;is to look after lie I of property that lenders *0111d re- Take him ill to hincliemn, my dear, r Wbit6bead' Albert Street, Clinton and in.lernv.;diate officcm 7.3r) 4,15A0.10 7-00 I interest aflowed on deposits. I I bint as Mr Quest undoubted 1 1 � s' Blvth, %'ingimm, Hincar-' Sale Xotcs'bobght . ly did ;not extensive, Q We,, .11- I . I' - ., . � -Mables, , will come pre.iently. I want to ------ ______ _ - -.-- I towards his beautiful Wife. It would � I . . .a - . flise'it as security. . . 1_)R REEVE, -OFFICE. RATTENBIJRY ;hne, Luoknow, L,.H.&B.1 � 11 � I L- rat heat round the cor- finish a liote."rth "d itAterinediutt a.111, p in. ,a.m. 1) ni 1 : m ' .'Why," he said, recovering him. . . St, MurrayMUrra Biui.-k, twu doers east of offices .........! 900,1S, It., 8,)r, jlr, , J. P. TISDALL, Mana.ger. i have Seemed more probable that It(- , 11 ger of the house. � self', Irthe total iricumbrances'On the Then lie returned to the vestibule, flodlrens'entryall('P. R0SldeTlec44)POsiteS- Stirninerbill, Ttic.May awl'i I I would have left heroics alone and 1 Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton. Office- Friday .. ............. .,� " '. .. 6. 30 P. To I - -------- -,-- --- - - — - and sat down in Ili,; favorite old ohk hours, 8 11 al to C p ill, . I.` "Now, where on gal have you , I , I Rewarded are those who read . 11, attempted to turn his wife's passion I been?" began the s(pilre, in a sten- I property do riot, amount to More I - - - � British mails, Horiday,W4 I I , this a ' n tnaii twenty-five thousand pounds c1lair. . nesday, Thursday ...... o.30 a.m. RICHLY and then act; they will And into a means of wealth and self -ad � P ANES HOWSON, LICENSED AUC- Money Orders issued and Dermsits received ft -on] honorable employmcia. that will not take ; tori .an tone. I and when I succeeded to my father, "Ruined!" be said to himself. 1-1 J TIONER11 for the,dounty (if Huron, sai9v one dollar upwards. them from their bomes andlfawilieA. The i , vancement; and this would no doubt i "If you please, Sir, 'Mr Geor-e-', er get the money as things attended aiqwbere in the conuty, at rea- Office hourq from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. I profits are largo and sure for every industri- 1. I forty years ago, it was valued at can nev . ennoble -re ea. Residence Albert Street Savings Bank and Money Order Office erose one person,many have made and are now I have been so had his wife's estimate I "There, what (lid I tell 'you'?" are, and there will be a foreclosure. Clinton. Int 6.30 p. in. making several hundred dollars a month, It � of his motives in marrying her been fifty, and the castle and promises . THOMAS FAIRi Postmq�tcr.i ., a I broke in the sqnire. "Have Inot We,!, I am an old inan, and I hope --- -- - --------:- -_ -_ - is easy for any person to make Sisi; v�r (by an entirely correct one. She had have been tboroughly repaired since Y'%R STANuORY, GRADUATE OF THE I Clinton,Aug. 1887. andupwards,vi, o iswillingto work. Either .. Amo, � . told you time after time that that I shall not live to see it. 11,Ut JLJ Nodical Department of Victoria Uni- ------- - aox,young or old; capital not needed,westurt it will be retrietriberedi . t you then, at a cost of five thousand, and versity, Toronto, formerly of the Ho6pitalti you. Everything new, No spo ial Ability told herlover, ate to mind your own business, and there is Ida' Poor Ida! I cannot and Dispensaries. New. York, Coroner for required; you, reader,can (to it ascwell as 07 I , most of the farm buildings also. ROBERT DOWNS, I u a L, . that her busband bad married ber leave '13H,George' to mind his ? llve��y possibly, Mr De la Molle, bear to think of it, ; and tke old file county of Huron, 8ayflold, Oxt. one. Write to at for full Ve� t c � for her money -the ten thousand 11 I .. - ... ___ .--- -------- -_ � which we mail froc. Address Stine n & Co . a I very much •.place, too,after till these generations! W. WI LLI AMS;* B. A., X, D., G RADU- I Portland, Maine. . � ow take that ' florae iound to the ,jut to be honest, RATE of Toronto University; member of CLINTON, . I � poynds of which lit) stood so badly stables; and see that it i -i properly. doubt if Bonham Castle and the after all these generations. t" the College of Physiciamq and Surileons, Ifinufaliturer and Proprietor for the best Saw - - ' - - ---'-' --------- - in need. Now, this was the truth ()tit. OFFICE & RESIDENCE tkO house for- Mitt Dog ill use. Agent for the sale and . fed " lands round it would now fetch I rly occupied by Dr Reeve, Albert Street application Of tilt AWLTIMER PATRXT AUTOMATIC I ,:Come in, .Quest, come in. We twenty-five thousand pounds od a , Clinton. BOILER OLHANUR. STEAM FITTINGS furnishes 0 1 to a certain extent, and to a certain i n 1 ,11APTE11, X. 11116 go L extent only. He had wanted the have a quarter of an hour before forced Palo. Competition and RadiL . 1NE TENNIS-PAItTy. .... .. .. ... I—— .... .. ..- . . sad applied pn short notice, Ida shook hands coldly enough 'nR WORTHINGTON, - PHTS`ICIAN, . - . ten thousand poundi, in fi.ct,at the luncheon, and can get our business I U W i Cal agitation have brought estates JL -F 1191irgeoD, Accoucher, Licentiate of the Boilers. Encinep, and &11� Iki and Surgeons of . Machinery repaired expedis 11k, 1Z I . she College of Physicians. a -,r I r moment money was necessary to over," and .he led the we through I with the lawyer, for whom mly I y down more than people realiie, and Lower Canada, find Provincial Licentiate and In a satisfactory manner. I" him. But, and this his wife had cherished a great dislike, 'hot tin- and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of- I I . . the passage into tapestried and pan- land in Australia and New Zealand . Ace.. , . . . � I r ' I . Z never known or realized, he had mixed with fear. Many residence, -The building formerly F I . I r 1�_ . . I elled vestibule, where lie took up is worth as much per acre As culti- . women occlipled byMrThwaJtes, HuronStreet. ,Rrm implements manufactured and repaired. I Z ,illl= 13 - been, and was, also in love ' with are by nature �vifted with an extra- . Clinton, Jan.10,187f. I team and WAter Pipes furnished and put in . U) . wi his stand before tlje empty fireplace.. vated lands. in England.. .Perhaps in . position. Dry Kilns flt,surn . her. Possibly the ten thousand. - � . plication. z v Z,;v, LLA . Mr Quest followed him, mlopping- as a residential property and on. ac- ordinary power of intuition, which - - Charges moderate. i W I . pounds would have proved a suffi- ostensibly to admire a particulgirIv count of its historical interest, it Tully makes tilt . for their'deficieney"ODRI. ELLIOT & GUNN. - . __ " _ - - - - I allift aps' Co-, cient inducement to him without beautiful suit of arnior which hung tll'lgbt fetch hicre, but I doubt it. in reasoning force. They do not BRUCE ° the passions, but the passion w H. It Elliot, M. D., I W. G M.D., L. R. Nd I . r as upon the wall, but really to gain In short, Mr De lit Molle, so an- conclude from the premises of their L.*R.61 Edinb h ICP HIldnInburgil,L.R. Loan & Investment Col C3 none the lass thele, .rheit, relations, another moment for reflection. xious are Co�iqey & Son in the ,,at. , observation ; they know that this L:' Ediliburr ii: C: W, Edinburgh, Li- y = I , . . . Licentiate of the ME centrale of the Mid- . . however, liptd never been happy ",1 beautiful suit Of the of"y ter, that ]regret to have to tell you is to be feared, tin(] that trust- wifery, Edinburgb: ,EdIn.Off1ce,ou This Company is Loaning Money or I � Q� OC2 Office a I corner of Ontario and an in e4 it William Sts., Clinton® & G/' i ones. She had detested' lifin float W�J, fact, woman 811ar with, ravine Security al Lomel�l ,Ratf- ' I Swart period, Mr De lik Alelle,".bo that, so Nr front being willing f6 I e � � Q , the first; ind bad not sp'arlid to say . I - * creation that I .___ _ . . ._ _ __ -______1_ I Interest. I - = 4 ) breathing ci tl I sail; "I never saw a better," I fho rest of 1) 'i an Ui k_ -_ . f�13 _ - __ . No man with any refinement make it fiii-thor advance, the firin - - i I , F_ so. I -_ - ------, "Yes, yes, that bolonged to old I have fol ally instructed me to serve self -protective instinct of.instan. (AVIES - : - PU1Jcl . " � I - -M=00. 'Ples,�the 0110 wilcli) tl)p P101"Id- I the uslial.'six* Illorldis'notice Oil yot'l, taneoitsmid ;kl-noqt autonialic,judg, I I . - Fire Ing ad. and, whatever he lacked, .NIr Quest Sir J, -in' E� N D I Moivr I I " . had refinetnent--could beano he heads shot. � calling in the tnioney already 'ad- rilent, given to goard it from till- At 4; per cent. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH * All k1ritiq opprnperty insured at lovest larl than continually repulse,] 1)y a wo. I "What ! the Sit- James who hid I (Ishgeys with which it is continZialiv I 1, 4 -and �5 per ( ent. ,Uderoqf A 116ib,d � I rates. Flrmt-clils� compinies, t ' I vanced on mortgage, together' " 1, I . ,. , . I I'm T. 1. F'. MILUAlil), �arvistor. @nDeponit.q,ac(:ordingtoa�tiou,nt � I man, and so it came to pass that the treasure'?' I threatened at the hi%nds of man's I I,. I . ICKPTS VIA N. W. T, CO. LIKE BOAT@ v the intereslit, which, toast remind I lto . their relations had always been of ,,Yw. I was telling. that. story 1 , * -mastering stre'n,,t li and ordered '. 6M Cli , and time left, TTO WJNNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS I )oil, is near] a year bverdue, an(I "" 6 � ALSO by all rall line.9 over the GRAND TRU 0 the roost stra�ned nature. .-1 ... . I I - --- - - --- -_ OFFIVIt-Cortleto - North 8 and CANADA PACiric to am, point on ftt I The'l Qua. intelligence. Ida knew nothing to f Market Rquitre and . . this step I joropose to take to -mor- E�- KEE-FE'R. I HORACIM NORTON, 1,14 Winnipeg, 13randon, &c.,'Dakots, Katesas, , list lind obtained] t rich, last night" ), Mr Q)uest's disadvantage' indeed, I I , when she at 1. the ,--,- � ""'"I to out, now neighbor, Colo clew to the secret of his life, under -a very, nice fellow Vow. n MANAGRA. or :.,y point reached by 011, local or foreigin. "" by trio way ; yon should gri, and call I she always heard hint spoken. of DENTIST, floderich,Amnist ath IS85 I M 'I'll(- Old (rentleamn stag ered for a -----,- -:7_77=________. _._____ Come nod metmie bofor4 you hny ti-ii,pip any- .�. -_ threat of expomue' she .hove bet, on him.' i ., ng with great respect •; wid, culiolisly r, .,.,r ....... - _ � bargain, of which the terms were .J wooden what he did with it," I moment, iind caught Kt a mantel- enough, she liked his wife very Nonror,K Vmi+ 137 Cowxclx Sti,mr.l. Grahain"S'110,1ir flemover wpe?v. complete separation in all but out- piece, for the b'ow was a hea vy much. Btit she could not bear the TOItONTO. IQ Painleafl, instantaneous ana the only de- . said Ntr neat. l one, and as unexpected its it, V�as . .. . olatory its the world which does not injure ward form, and virtual freedolis of man, feeling in her heart, that lip. ' Jibe ikim. Price $I per bottle, E. 0. LPM. ', A!,, qo do 1, and so will roany heavy. But- he recovered bifniile)f AITRE, 2W Queen st. West, Toronto, Do J, rMORPSON, C1111ton, action for herself. This, consider- fo-Od. i. [dare say. I wish that I in an instapt, for it was one of the was not only to be avoided on ac- G. H. 00OX, . minion Agebt. - � . .- -.-------.— ing the poiition, rs)lf. . , i,ic.-.utiato of Dental aurgery,11on . , 'was ,ha of ,,or Graflu ________._ -----:-I---- - -.--- lr�rxlrox perhaps could find it, I'm stirf% ,It's wanted peenliarities of his character thott count of his own Iiidden qualities, site ot'the Toronto School Dentistry. - C, I I justified in doing, but her husband badly enough 6wadav,p. Brit that his spirits always seemed to rile to Lilt that he wafq, rrioreqver,an lict'vo � Nitrous Oxide, Gas Administered for We .J. BTDDL8COMBE. � I I never eye M . r foioave her for it. More than reminds me, Quest. �'oti will have the, occasion .in the face of urgent Personal en6ny. . I 16ftill)too OR tithotioll Of teeth. I I "=v� I ns * , -1�4 �J i -K I . that, be determinef by any mea -om my note They went into the old dining- I Office over Jackson's clothing Stoye. next I. i Planing Mill' I , ,X adversity ; in short, he possessed an to Post Office, Clinton. ,�� Watch UI it I A01 " it were possible, to Wril the passion gatberM my difficulty ft room, where the luncheon t9 Set, 0, 4 . * arid what 610'Arg) told you. Yoli extroardinary share of moral pluck. &V Nigbt bell answered. ly I .1 A�l whicb,although she did not know it, see'this mail, Ja(titer, has-thauks , "Indeed," he said, indignantly- and while Tdot allowed Mr ,vv,,,,,t to I _ ----- --- --- - I � .111MIFITILIP, &c., -AND- . . lie was perfectly aware slic bore�to- to that confounded fellow, Major "indeed) it is a pity that you did Cut her ,,no cold boiled beef, all MONEY I MONEY I MUNEV I I " , . 11 opposrrr,rti i., MARKET SQUARE, cu.t.,,. wards his business superior, Edwa"l Bolton, and his, alitiori about ihose not tell me that at once, Mr Quest ; operation in which he did not seem We, can make,a few good loans from priva ('44 I � . DRY KILN' foudent low rats will Moderate expense. I Wllei�e lie lirenve a qe1ert nAmortmovit of r I —1 Cossey, to a refined instrument of College lands --thrown tip tho Mout it would have saved me from put. to be very much at home, She came Terms made to on t borro-ors. rVIIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST o0g, vengeance against her; with what . NANNING &SCOTT, Clinton - 1. , " - . - I � - - -, . 4 �� , A L - r I . � . - R47-- , 7' _ I � ik � 4 11 M, I' - N4 I Tin . i I , %, - I I � � I i i I I I M W 1� I M I I Fit Farm, and George myself in a false position by - I Watches Cloaks, Jewellery, with machinery of the iatost improved p&korliq . I 1. tells me thtit ting' to Ft rapid conclusion in her os,n JL Mriu) and furnished bin now I'lantrig l A success it will be one of the pur- there is not. another tenant to be mind. Shehad seen clearly enough _ --,-,- - silverware. Is now preparedto attend to all ordorl; in ids poses of this history to show. proposing a business artran'goment from lipi-, father 's face that his inter- UNION S11AVINU PAULO& ; llnolT%ti ftotprc�.pt.,,d,,htWActoryrdftnner 08. had for love or money. In foci, which is not acceptable. As regards . . I . WhIch We win veil at, reawinabin tsoam. 6nd-at i$ ,)nARble rate,, tie would amo retirm Such wero., Tait its briefly its p you know what it is; one can't get the in"terest, I admit that it is A view wit), the lawyer had boon of a � 'fl A Vtr4(;. H t[R cU.rpfJt1:1 Ann SHAAI Zarkj'f x1l who patronizedthe old in b4fore tiible, lbe outlines of the character 8 POOING done very Ile , and to aWx I - , - they were burned m t, and how beimina hot tonants nowitdays, they simply are you say, and I ver much regret i I serious character,but gt�- knew that every person. , Iteppirin,iJI every (]*)Aorgian promptly ter po,iti()n to ex, , orders expoiltdousl , __ " ... � I _- a,aelit1% to. an all war wairranig, foohicattildentbecai :j . . _ _.__.—_. . .--- - - . .. _. . Y. . t, . . _ _. _ _ _ , I , v F'A 1) RN. SAWth'F1 1310(+ � v vatirgaebion io KIL � Chl'sdr,pr ttry ior, . i �;Invaherls Castorla. Children . Cry for Pitcher'S Castorla. 1 '14)11' i oltuton, Nov. I.,48A. . 16"S.R. . FACTORY -.\-rad the Grand Avm . L . Raikan- clintor V . 14 I , , - ,;,%-"__4.- ,—, . , _ I— ""Ill"," —, , 111111�_ ' '"%% I ,a — I., I!- I � I ,, :_ _1 _, -, I -1, I '. .1. I . I llloxAs X0T(RNZM