HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-01-25, Page 6• • Have your eyes properly tested at ROB. W. COATS' With King's Optometor when you. want a pair of Spectacles. We. carry the largest stock id town and can fit any sight. 1 S.AmericanWatch$5.50 Those 3 oz. S. American Watches which wo aro selling at $5.50, the greatest bargains in Canada. See thorn. ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. are A •(: • ?,e • . • . for Infants and Children.' .Castorla is SO well adapted to children that Contorts elves Polic, Constipation, I recommend it ea superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Entetation, known to me." II. .A. Anomm, M.D., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promoten- di- gestion, 111So. OxfOrd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. without injurious medication. ,Tna CENTAUR COMPANY, 11' Murray ts,t ref., ANOTHER Surprising SALEP ONSATURDA Afternoon and Evening next we will commence our Great CLEARING SALE OF. MANTON itA.RIC/ITS• .0ormated evirr WM47 **moon. T1uriidarp`442. 24,1889 - Mast, 1611,white and red 1 03 1 OS Wheat sPlizig,— • 1 00 a OS osto . • - 0 30 0 BO Barley Pea* Flour, per cwt - Potatoes Batter • Eggs Pork Hay - Hides, • • Wool, . Chickens per pair - Dubks per pair - - Geese - • - • 0 48 a 0 68 0 57 a 0 57' - 2. 75 a 2 75 - 0 30 a 0 35 0 18 a 0 18 - 0 15 0 15 6 60 a 6 75 12 00 a14 00. 5 00 a 5 50 0 20 a 0 20 • 0 30 a 0 35 0 60 a 0 60 - 0 40 a 0 50 BLYTI1 MARKETS. Reported specially for New Etta every Thursday Blyth, Jan. 25, 1889. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 0 95 1 00 Spring" . new . 0 95 1 00 Oats . . 30 a 32 Barley • 45 a 55 Peae . . . 55 a 56 Potatoes, per bus • . 35 a 35 Eggs per doz •. 15 a 16 Butter,rolls •. . 17 a 18 -Hogs, . •. 6 25 6 40 Boof - 4 50 a 5 50 Hay - - 12 00 a 13 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Jan. 25,1889. Wheat, fall • - - 1 03 a '1 03 Wheat, spring - - 1 04 a 1 04 Barley - - - - 0 59 a 0 65 Oats - - • - 0 36 a 0 37 Peas - — ,- 0 63 a 0 64 Pork • .. - 6 87 a 7 25 Butter, pound rolls - 0 22 a 0 25 Butter, large rolls - 0 17 a 0 20 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 21 a 0 22 • TORONTO HORSE MARKET. A very fair amount of business is be- ing done at present in the horse trade. The demand is principally for heavy draft, although there is quite a fair sale for general purpose. Drivers, however, are very slow of sale, and are in prac- tically no request. The snow that fell lately, if it lasts, is likely to help trade to some extent. The demand this week has been mostly local,no outside buyers being on the market. Theprices realiz- bd; 'hate not Iseen-eqmil•to those paid last week. At Grand's 38 horses were sold, they bringing from $90 to $155. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. 1 There were only twenty loads receiv• 1 ed on Monday. There were more small stock received, the falling off being in cattle. Last week's receipts'were 1,094 cattle, 187 sheep and Iambs, and 131 hogs. Offerings of all kinds were light , but they were amply sufficient. The de- mand for butchers' was rather better, owing to more f s,vorable weather. There was, however, no • improvement in prices. Local butchers took most of the offerings; one load went to Hamil- ton, and a few were shipped through. Export cattle were dull. Only few head of bullsfand steers were reported as sold for export. The prices paid were about 3ic per lb: There was a de. mond ior good export steers at 4c per lb, but there were none offered. DilYGOODS sb CLOTHING By Public Auction, and continue ° through all this month till the whole stock is disposed of with- out reserve, selling private dur- ing the day at less than first cost. Auction at 7 p:m every night next week T. JACKSON, Cheapside, 1R)Eir171-1 E3p,os, Red Rocker Furniture Store Having bought I he stock of D. 13. Calbick, of the late firm of Calbick Beith, at a! greatly redu•Jel figure, wo are now prepared to give our customers the full benefit the reduction. We. will run off our entire stock of Bedroom anti Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension and Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perfor- ated, Cane and 'Wood Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods at GREAT BARGAINS for the next 30 days. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such bargains can- not last. Call and be convinced. NoTic it: —Our stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now complete in everypartinular, particular, and We are determined to give satisfaction. IELEITIEI JEST:1,0S. The leading indortakeis, Embalmers, Cabinet Makers, and UphOlsteiers, Red Hooker Furnitnre Store, Brick Block, Clinton OGS WANfEb —THE SUBSCRIBER 18 3..1 prepared to purchase any quantity Of Hemlock, Basswood, Rock and Sot t Elm Logs, for which he will give the very high - dot market price. A stock of Lumber of ail kinds on hand. EPHRAIM B1,TT. 1VOTIC111 TO CIOIDTT011.81 — NOTICE' IR 11 hereby given that, all parties haviAg claims against the Watts of the late John Itattenbury, are required to furnish full par- ticulars of the same, to the underaignixl, not later than the 8th of February, 183l1i, after which data they will bo settled, notine !mina taken only of anch accounts received np t,0 that time. And all parties indebted to the said estate either by note or book sCoonet, aro reqelred to settle. the same before that ditto, or the accounts will he planed in (lone, W. NORMAN, 1• P. McaltE001t, '03130" evAUTION—THE UNDERSIGNED hereby 1.-1 cautions the public that he will nbt be responsible for arty debts contracted in his name, without his personal consent. JAS. HOPKINSON, Mullett 1UPPEN SAW M1LL MONTREAL :LIVE STOCK MARKET The stormy weather and deep snow prevented a good many cattle from com- ing to the markets on Monday, their owners preferring to keep them in the stables at the Grand Trunk railway and' and Canadian Pacific railway depots rather than expose them to such hard- ships. Prices of good cattle were de- cidedly higher, and even common stock, thoughthey are still very plentiful, yet they brought better prices than they have done lately. The bestcattle(large fat cows) brought over 4ic per Ib., and pretty good animals brought about 4c do., with common stock at from 3 to 30 do., and lean beasts about 2c per Ib. There was an improved demand for mutton drifters, and sales were made at $3 to $6 each, but there were not ,many on the market. Very few fat hogs are now coming to market and prices are about 51c per lb., but prices would come down fany number were offered. . SUNDRIES kaCISSORS AND RAZORS SHARPENED, I-, Umbrellas repaired. Articles to be left at S. Davis, Hardware Store, Clinton. E. FINCH. D. S. McLEAN wishes to inform the public that he has now got the Kippenlilaw Mill in els own heeds and is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK. meet in, first out.. All Custom Logs attend- ed to tirst. Cutting done for let. earl *LSO D. B. AfeTiltAN, KIPPRN VrONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- .0-1- (tames, or P011101:10.1 BOCUrity'0,1 the lowest current rates, DI. McTAGGART. :teinton, Feb, 24.1888. lt,TONEY TO LOAN.—INTEREST fit AND III. 6 per cont., payable yearly. Also money advanced on approved notes. C. A, HAIINT, Solicitor, Clinton, pd 1DROPERTY FOR SALE — 81250 will buy _1 a valuable lot on the south side of Huron Street, Clinton. three doors below the Com- mercial Hotel, on which is erected five houses, with hard and soft water, small sta ble, and other conveniences. For. partieul- are apply to NALTON DODSWORTH, or at the NEN,/ Ena office 6:1,UFFOLA BOAR ('0B( BALM.— A..101RST- 10 CLASS Thoroughbred Suffolk Hoar, two years old, for sale; reason for selling is that the owner has another, and does not require both. Will be sold cheap, Apply to SAMU- EL WALTERS, lot 29, Huron Road, Helmets - villa, P.O. fini oo s Paiace, STOCIETAKINCI SA.LE. r inton We Offer for the next 30 Days all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Stock throughout very complete. Millinery at Gost. Five per cent off for Cash. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Este49J. 110::„ FENS. ClirowrnoaN BULL FOH SALE—ROYAL 1-.7 Pilot =10636= Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. First prise winner at the North Western Exhibition, rod and white, calved March 5111, 1888, sired by Impt. Excelsior .2693. (912:13), and his dam is .the celebrated prize winner. Matchless of Elmhurst 6th, etc. Pedigree and terms sent on application to W. J. 131GGIN8, Efrohnrsts Farm, Ont., one mile south of 0: T. R. Station, Loudon Road. 11m. ROBERTSON BitTCHEBING BUSINESS. — THE UN- DERAIGN8 I) wishes to intimate to the poo - pip of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order tp suitably moat tho demand of his verv,.numerons customers, he hoe bought out the business of Mr Fitzsimons, and will carry on the sante, with the choicest meats in season. Every effort will be made to meet the.waitts of all, and he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of public pat- rommo, Lowest prices for large orders. Ferment trade a specialty, ALBERT MAY. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP—The partnership btretoforo exsitifig bhtween 3AMU141, 3. Coopen and WILLIAM J SWAP- VTMLI), (doing businesses Cooper & Swatfteld) has been dissolved by mutual consent on 'and from the 21st day of December instant All accounts due to the said firm are to he paid to the undersigned, who continues the business. Parties indebted to the firm will please settle their accounts by the 1511) Jan. All debts due by the said firm will he paid by the undersigned, to whom particulars of the same should be sent forthwith. SAMUEL S. COOPER Not ire of I)ismolittiott. Notice 114 hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between us,,the undersigned, aa Furniture Dealers and Un- dertakers, under the name, style and firm of CALBICK & REITH, in the Town of Clinton, ham been this day dissolved by mu- tual eminent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to .1a,rnes Reith, and all claims against the avid partnership are to be presented to tho said .Jatues Reith, by whom the game will be settled. Dated at Clinton this 0th day of Jannary, Al). KM 1). CALBICIK, JAMES REITH Witness: T. I. F. HI LLI AR 1), Notice of Partnership. Tbe foregoing be si nee!) will continue to b• 'carried oil 1)7 11)0 undersigned, who kindly solicit a continuance of the patronage of the olcl firm, being determined to give each de- partment of thotr husinese the poem prom and careful consideration, Upholstering of all kinds will remain tinder the personal sluporviaion of Edward Heitih tn.fl'H BROS. Clin ton, JEW . 13th, P189. OFFERS A ...".111•411••••••11•1, Discount Sale DEMOB, & Tremendous WILL GIVE DURING THIS MONTH A --13uring January, in order to reduce his extensive stock before February 1st. • CO_ . f nor- c:±:IT 1 On all Cash Purchases over one dollar. They offer this discount in addition to the great reduction of prices already made on several lines of goods. BIG CUTS in every department. Prices away down to the bottom. ,Call early and secure the Cream obertsoll'S bit cuh stom 461,-iurvrrori- THE POPULAR RY OODS J C Detlor& Co,Clinton CENTRAL GROCER 1P. rtOIESJES'S Old Stand.' The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting a .GROCERIES CROCKERY GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. The MILInE3 Grocery I Oue ci Ttohamnekisninnacethceompmubenliccinfogrbtuhseinlielesralfp=sgNeviesixitetnbdeV 416 1 all a Happy New Year. I will always lg.iep the best of stock on hand at lowest prices for cash, and will try to be in the shop to oblige, hoping by close attention to business to'merit a still further patronage in the future. LON DESBORO Preparatory to stock -taking we are picking out all the Odds and Ends, also all lines of goods that have not sold as freely as we would like them to ; anything that has shown a tendency to stay with us, is being moved up to the front and cleared out at a price that means a bargain for the purchaser. 6 -This week We have .gathered up all the odd lines of BOOTS & SHOES That have accumulated during tho last six months, and offer them at reduced prices. A line of Ladies Felt Fax Laced at, $1.50 now going at $1. Of course wo have not a full range of sizes in this cheap lot, but if you are so fortunate as to find what you want, you get a bargain. OVERSHOES and, FELT BOOTS Panic Prices. Last week we had a grand sale of • Ready Made SUITS and OVERCOATS. - And we expect to sell ,just as many this week. The quality of our goods is A 1, and if we can save our cus- tomers from $2 to $3 in a suit or overcoat, these goods are sure to be in demand. We claim to do this. Come in and see the goods and allow us to quote prices. • W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDFSBORO GEO, SW A1.1CA4C)W,C1,INgrON SCHOOL, 1300E.S, SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are selling our WOOLS tor 10c. an ounce, until lst February. Now is your chance. Don't hesitate and then be' sorry. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. OVERSHOES & RUMIEI1S TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from us, and get them Plated with the Celebrated Doney HEEL -PLATE MACHINE, which is it, sure protection from slipping on the ice, be- sides making them 'wear very much longer. We have a machine in each of our stores, at Clintontnd W. TAYLOR & SONS \ CLINTON AND BLYTH BLLCKSTONE'S ORGAN IMPROVEMENTS. l'ArMNral, MAT 3nti, 1e68, Professional Organist Testimonials claim for them the following : — Being Monao Proof, Easier Motion, Greater Command in Crescendo'e and Diminundo's, Moro Graceful for Ladies, and within the reach of Children. There are two Podsila for Grand Organ and Swell, similar to Loud and Soft Pedals on.the Piano Porte. doing Sway with knee well altogether. Communications and Orders Solicited for Patent Organ Improvements which can he adjusted to any organ arid will not get out of repair. (5. MAC KSTON Ill, Patentee & Manufacturer,Clinton. • 143