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The Clinton New Era, 1889-01-25, Page 3
'I ) K '- , 1 . c ; i . •){ ,, 1. . . >... .. PTW13pw. - V "'T"I'VIR" ) ... f Y I � � ' rv., tl - 1 ^1' . .v . , • - F , ,. I, , � ) ... Y �' .e} 4 "° 1 ^1' ... - The nt ri ab' et h s ow two A ,, 111 y;[L. soma to the ge-nex4110440 Qt the ..�tointy, l 01 eM 14ft ! ,� �iQtor Au a �tise>Ru ut � Q � .Q C. i4 n A4dltlonnl �.4a>wl Maw , >�V''> OX V�tu" TV 091MOL. Qoe � � �It� �1p>;"x�#��t>1���f , 4 _ - -» ?)toyed by Air ,TQiapstQn. 4staQp,61@dy Colonela in is -col. A. M, Bean and ".. -- Adams we are glad to see. that Mr Joh4 MJ Goat that the'reaadti}, from tinea nn. At the. general elegtfotl iy[e4a.1 s., C#14i, Strait neilpr 143 Q ,john ClbaAa-'•-qua. should be able to . aunary sossliolt - d r t e Cana Tem 4 cel Act in *his ban and Bevan . A 68 vo e a '�#1AY: IH1�zAft$.--Q�►�><G 'i14�d '�7d1 Purse lost,-N.:Bear #'uw�t1 Is able,w get ovkt.agtlin.. . _ _,. e b - ,d4 P_ o ' po...ad + . le ,h , eub�arlber'a yremieey �Qt si, lith :con art . for sale --J. Stevenson tlgklt better than aver in the interest of aatanty,nory in the hands o! the ce4eur. ut Toliettie, end tyle torrtter ge.Ittlem4a, gallett, . - the middle fit 7gQaerpbers a PrpA. Y Mr Henry Cole, to slowly recover The members of the County Qaunoil, er, baa lied to the eneral ase o! the the Conaerv4tive o4ndid4ta, received aural 8usmess for Salo- Albert Atay the Province. in from the affect pf a bbd fall, as follows, answertxl to bheir names, count PP g the.eeat b the oaetiatg vote of the lie- herebyenpti(ntted oto plays ioee>4tWneprs Theatical-McDonald Compsny -- Mr John Armstrong, who has been when the clerk called the roll, at Gode• y y ohargas.s,nd ta3ta it away. S�Nf�Y �>b. a Exhibition-Stereoption compaUY B Moved by Mt Proudfoot In amend- tarmng•Offtcer. In dna time he was ,dn Sir John has promised the Trades on the sick list, and Went to Toronto, rich, on Tuesday:- ment, seconded b Mr Beck, that the unseated on a al. On Thursd4 the Business College -Westervelt &York y appeal. 7 Spectacies-Rob. W. Coats and Labor delegates that he will sup- for medical treatment, is helms again, azvxzct�AnlTx REEVE DEPUTY }tE$vr! council memorialize the Goverment to aameoandid4tee wenbagainto bhepells. Popular House ---W, L. Ouimette po,vt a measure for the establishment Mr and Mrs McRoberts, of Lucao, 4shffeld......Joe. Griffin H Grivin apply the said funds for the purpose of Mr Neveu, who had made Unrestricted PURSE LOST. -LOST ON HURON, Ohl• r Notice S. S. Cooper were among those preaant at the mar- " " W. Stothers assisting to the erection of a Hoose o! Reciprocity the main plank in the handso his plat- Pronto, Orange or Albert 6treet, vLuse, Furniture for sale -D. B. Ca1biD►c of a legal holiday to be known as " Ls- """ "' Ref motion and amendment were re- form, ity ! 15tl�oteo Thie resnlb ribs old Pocks hook oontalnzag'ea►boh6 Iia 3l�snd tinge of Mr Peter Cantelon. Bayfield...... Geo. Castles g Y• y Odd ends -Jackson Brun, bot Day." It is unnecessary. Brussels...... R. Graeam 1 a taw pspare. Binder will ba anitabl re- r Wood wanted-- Jas. Twitchell Mies McDonald, of Dunlop, who Blyth ........ P. Helly fered to the special committee. remove from the Restrictionist mind warded on leaving the same at the rz4w - -- - —'+- -- has been visiting with Mrs Pattison Clinton...... A. McMurchie Manning. Moved by Mr Strong, seconded by Mr the last vestige of hope that theLibesal ERA office or relurninr( tt to the owner. N. ° Th Toronto World thinks rho Globe for some time, returned home on Fri- Colborne...... Joseph Beck A -Malloy Proudfoot, that Thos Kidd, of Seaforth, fiscal policy will not be enthusiastically $AER, Holmeeville. lin li tI is running the Imperial Federation day. Exeter........Dr. Rollins WGBissett Geo E. Pay, of Clinton, and Francis supported in Quebec Province. Wher• OUSE AND 2i� ACRES OF LAND FOR + - , Goderich...... \V.Proudfoot A. Smith Jordan, of Goderich, be appointed high ever the great question has been put H BALE.-ti❑bsoribor oSers for sale cit I business into the round. That is the Mr Walter Cook, of Sabin, Minn., school trustees for their res eotive fairl and boldl before a oonebitnena very, reasonable terms, the propertyat res - g formerly.of Clinton had 85 acres of Goderich T'p..John Cox J. Beacom P y Y Y ant oeougted by himself on theLondon fix„ place for it, and the deeper down it ie Gre Wm. Milne W. Oliver schools. -Carried. the Liberal candidate has either won Road, } of a led below olinton. The house . wheat last year that was not worth 11 „ Bryans Moved by Mr Stewart, Seconded by or made large gains. We congratulate is a good comfortable frame one, and the H c' r, planted the better for all concerned. Mr Kidd, that $300 be ranted b thio Mr Laurier on the s lendid vtotor in lot consists of 2 acres with choice fruit trees ., '4:kr. 'R a Cutting. 130 says "there were more Ha H. Happel G.MoEwan g Y P Y t �ir":I ,° f like me." Y • • •. • • • pP council to be pall divided between Joliette. Itis due to the determination thereon, stable, water, &c. Splendidobance t , `••' - Hullett........J. Britton R. Scott equally for any one wanting 'to retire, JOSEPH • We have in band a full report of Howick........J.Kaine A.Dulmage the branch agricultural and hortioul- with whish he and Sir Richard Cart- STEYHENSON, Clinton. ���` ^����••�� The Mail thinks that as the Senate 'xi �l co[]taills'FOConaervatives and •31 Re• the Stanley Sabbath School Cunven- '• J. Jacques Lural"eoaieties.-Carried. Wright have adhered to their intention tJ tion, which will appear next week.- Morris......... H. Mooney Chas Howe Moved by Mr Proudfoot, seconded by to make the issue between the two par- Farm for Sale or to Ilent and formers, "the latter Will require to take We have also tither reports that are McKillop......Jae Hays Bennemith Mr Beck, that the council have an else- ties that of Free Trade with our neigh ButClier Business for Sale. >,- treat care of themselves, or the will I Seaforth ......D.D.Wilson A. Strong trio lamp placed in the court room, and bore vs. Restriction on all trade rela- .- F'RID:1Y, JAN. ' ,, 188.1. R Y unavoidably ly omitted, also have a supply of water from the lations. Sir John will now perhaps The undersigned offers for sale or to rent soon be too weak to call for a division," Stephen .. , ... \ .Rutz C. Etl ibe PP Y P P -- Richard Manning, 1sq., the very 1.H Eliber Goderich waterworks placed in court understand that he mast reverse his that o road, about one y situated farm h the Hur- C:►lpi ltet (Ataltges, , 'Phey might get too weak for that, but affa5le agent of the Confederation Stanley ........ J. Torrance I. Errit house and jail. Referred to the jail and fatuous policy or find his party wiped C tn. There are 114 acrefrom about 8 acres _.� � never too weak to draw their mileage Life, was in Sown yesterday, arrang- Tuckersmith.... R. McLean J. Elgie courthouse committee, out at the coning election. -Globe. of gGod hardwood bush. All seeded down A" ullicial atirlu"LeellIcnt of what has altd sessional indemnity. Ver little ing for payment of the policy On the Turnberr McPherson Thompson i Letter from the county trca ,arer, but about 10 acres. Good large frame bar" • teen nkuureu;l i n politiclil circles for y' Y Y • • • • • • ! and house plenty of water and 6 acres o1 or. life of the late Henry Porter. Usborne........T. M. Iia Kidd with detailed statement of accounts, NEWS 1�OTES. I strength is required for this task. Y I non•resident collections, &cr, was read chard. The farm is well nnderdrained and Reeve J. S. Locke, of Oshawa,'was WingLam ......T.Gregory in a erst•olass state of cultivation, and all scale t i nie a'ay made nu 6atnrday,whe❑ I -���- Wroxeter ..T.Saunders......... • and referred to the finance committee. the buildings are in good repair. Po(lsession, elected Warden of Ontario County on Report of Tdr Ainele road commis- Sit' Richard Cartwright is ill al given by the 1st of April. AlsoagoodButch- a}:m retirt:mEut of lion. 'I'. B. Pardee While the Dominion Government Wednesday,which the Scott Aetsu Wawanosh E....T. Taylor Anderson P Y' eriug business in Clidton, with complete out- P WawauoehW , ... Johnston J. Stuart stoner, was read and referred to the road Kingston. et; In a good stand and doing a first -clan* .from the Onutriu Ministry was made may have been guilty of a very small porters regard as a decided victory and bridge committee. J:klblic'. .)Ir Pardue has held the office ,for them. Mr•Larke is a relation of The first bnsinase }vas the election of 11It inhabitant f1. i ends, the old- "' thees, will be sold on reasonable terms Application of Messrs. Floody, Reid, as the �reprietot• intends going west. A. wised of meanness in suuunarilydtsm'se- a warden. eat inhabitant of London, died On MAV, Clinton J Crown Lauds Coinn,ie:ioner for a Dr Williams,Clinton Crooks and room to hold for the nae of lug Hon. Mr Roes, collector of Customs James H,Lys, reeve of McKillop, was the court room to hold the sessions of Tuesday, aged 85. somber of years, cud has administered The Hallett Grange has usually nominated by Dr. Boling and Mr Cast- + �,.----- at Halifax, and formerly a rilember of held its annual meetingand supper the Super.or Grand Orange Lodge of Ret-. Canon falls, Of Christ ,.� affuirs so well that ver little fault PP lea• British America, in the latter art of Church Amherstbur r OPERA HOUSE. Y riir Mclienzie's administration, it is at Londeaboro, in February, but it is P g, Ont., died y+ Joseph Griffin, reeve of Ashfield, was May next, was read and ranted. VRII)AY JAN. 25"itli, 188:). lime Luau fcnln4l therewith, oven by his reposed this ear, though we believe nominated b D. U. Wilson and V. Y g On Monday evening, G3 veal's Of + useless to protest against the act, be. P y + g Council a'djourned to meet tomorrow , political oppu,,m,i . Iiut failiu;,++health enure the government has uo honor not yet decided, to hold the meeting Ratz. Y - r at ten o'clock a. m. -Carried. age' P R RC' V HUNTING, �L in the .Lown Ball, Clinton, in which A ballot was taken, resulting in 2a The remainder of the report will a Lieutenant-Governov Schultz, (1. has compelled hire to retire from the in such cases, The only way to deal Case the Hon. C. Drur will tr to be votes for Mr Have and 24 for M. Grif• ( P P' snrroRTen BY Y . try pear ti'extweek.) of Manitoba was thrown from his 04 biir.istry, though 11, will probably re• with a thing of that kind is for Liberal present, fin, when the clerk declared. Mr Hays ' ' E. A. McDOWE'LL'S COMPANY, dui elected and lie, was sworn b His cutter on Monday and bad his arm twin his'• Scat n, the inenkbyr 'for lamb- governments to retaliate and boun6@ C. I. L S. -The Iiterar societ of Y Y In the Greatest Sensation ever Con - Y Y Honor, Judge Toms. Around The County broken, ceived. The Strange Case of ton. il.,rk. Mr ilar3y takes the office every Conservative in their employ. It the Cgllegiate Institute was.organized The new warden briefly thanked the — It is stated that 117t• John Met - vacated by 1Ir Pardue, kind the position is not a nice thing to 'do, and if it was on Monday evening, when a new con- Council for the honor done him, which Mr E. Woodstock has returned to calfs M.P.P. for Kingston will DR JEgYLI, and MR HYDE atitution was adopted and the follow-- he considered rather a recd oition of his Goderich after a sojourn in Denver, ° of Pruviucial lwcrctitr •, vacated by Mr (lone, about one third of those holding P g 1 not amain be a candidate for legis, - y ing officers elected: -President, Mr A long services than of hie special fitness Col. He prefers to be under the folds t' A 1Drantatizatton of Robert Lewis Stev- e Rice under Mr Mowat would lose their Bud e• Vice -Pres. Mies Fraser• Sec for the position. of the Union Jack. dative honours. Hardy, is token -by .11r John Gibson, g � ( , y, p � enson's world read book of the same places. Y y e + name. the ulcer Wonderful, Startling M, P, Y., of Hamilton, Mr Gibson, —••�^ • MissMagee; Treas., MrJRoes. Man- A communication from the Count On Friday evening, as Mrs Dr. Cole, Martin Caths an old and re - Com„ Messrs Burchell, Brown, Council of Perth in reference to width man, of Seaforth, was walking along speeted farmer Of Sydenaam town- and Inconceivable Stage Effects evsr though he has been a member of the R Agnew, B twerman, Montgomery, of sleigh runners was referred to the the aide walk opposite Cardno's block, r I Urange Societies Itnvo been for some g g Y• ship, full dead in J. Weight i� produced. i Housefor several yenta, is a compa''a- The times of meetin have been 81- Road and Bridge Committee. alis slipped on an icy spot, falling and , time bringing pressure to bear on the g Dr. Rollins and Messrs. Torrance, breakingher left arm. Soli's feeil storo in Oweu Sound. PRE FOR THE OCCASION. lively young man, with an exception- g g ! tt 4 o'clock. alternate Thursday evenings, Kaine, Kell and McMurcbie, were Daniel Willson, who, was fbr- Secure Seats at Jackson Brow Dominion Government, to disallow at 4 o'clock. Y The S�uth.Huron Agricultural Soci• _illy brilliant record. ted by ballot a committee to strike the ety is in a prosperous condition finan• morly in the Eleventh Hussarst what is known as theJesuits'Bill, pass• We are informed that Mr WJ Lobb standin committies for the ear and He took the degree of B.A. nt,'lrrinity g Y dally, theta being a balance of over and was ono of rho noble 600 to Grand - Panoramid"- - 1. i;allege in 1s(i3, carrying off, the Prince ed by the Quebec Government. This of Holmesville, general agent in Hu- instructed to have the list printed on $400 in the treasury, after -paying all bill grants the num of $340,000 of public rqn and Bruce for Tuniaon's publita• cards for distribution to the members of expenses and, claims against the Soci* the f:it�oue Charge at Balaclava, of Wales prizes in that year, as welt as tions, has given the following men .the Council, ety died at Halifax, on Monday. Ile EXHIBITION . silver inedals in classics and modern money to a secular institution, and if positions as f Alesmen in the respect- Moved by Mr Kelly seconded by Mr was 59 years old, --nY THE— there P McMurcbie, that Peter Adamson and A. fifty acres I his has sold the north Oil Saturday morning Mrs. ,rd Oriental languages. He is a law- there was an instance where the veto the placer;: Crittenden, Blyth H. Manning be appointed on the board fifty acres of iiia farm on the lad con. y 5 }p p } n )ower could have been judiciously used, and Morris; Joseph Sparling,Stanley; of Hallett, near Alma, to Mr Alexan• Anson Greene .died at the house Canada SIUrUopliea❑ Company, yLr by prufoasiun, uncl it member of the 1 1 Y of criminal audit for the year 1889.1 this is thought by many to have been Geo. Potts, Clinton. He, we believe, ,.Moved in amendment by Mr Kaine der Jamieson, of the Huron road, for of her son-in-law tit Rochester, #aculty of tho University. He has re- wants an agent in each township,and that W. Proudfoot and Peter Adamson $3+300. It is a very nice lot, and has N, Y. Mrs. Greene was the widow- Ltnbracing Views from the Atlantic one of them. However, contrary to all those out of employment will find a on it a small frame house and bank Presented the city of Hamilton in thebo appointedon rho board. The amend- barn of the Iiev.'Anson Greene, D. D. , to the Pacific, in the previous opinions, the `Government has profitable and honorable situation by meet was lost by amajority of two, and. Onturio legislature since 1379, and was applying to the general agent. the motion carried. Mr S. Marra of the 2nd concession one of the beat known of Toronto's :lor many years chairman of the board declared its intention not to disallowANOTHEa INVENTION. �Mr ATLhur A motion by Messrs. Kay and• Kydd of Hullett, has Iso sold his farm to old-time Methodist Clergymen. TOWN HALL, CLINTON, the Bill, and there is much disappoint- ti that $160 be refunded to the township Mr Angus MoDermid for the sum of He was .for 54 ears engaged in Of education in that city. Col. Gibson Cantelon, of town, is taking out a . y—(,N— ment in certain circles, the Orstipmen r Of Usborne, there being an error to that $5,500. This farm contains one bun• the ministry. • is also 'an enthusiastic militia man. patent for what he calls The Farm S . alleging that they will still try to have era' Friend.' This is an elevated amount in the equalization of that dred acres, and butts Mr MoDermid's A farmer• named John Ott ` of TUESDAY FEB. 5itlt 1 S41). lie commands the 13th battalion of municipality for the year 1887, was re- present farm. r + + + it disallowed. The reason for the Gov horse power and counter shaft, to «ainfleet, living six miles west of - volunteer militia, and served with his ferred to Finance Committee. Mr Thomas Ross, of East Wawa- - create speed for straw cutters, crush- Admission �G Cents ernment's action is not given, but it Richard Radcliffe', o£ Goderich, was nosh, has a pair of one year old steers Port Colborne, committed StliCido + .regiment at Ridgeway, during the Fen- ere or•grindera, or other like machin- nominated as county auditor bylMessrs, which tip the beam at '1,510 pounds, On Monde b throwing himself Children - 15'+ Cents. . would not be an unjust inference to els• er It Can be run b one or two y y g ian troubles in 1806. Ile also has a y• Y Beck and Grivin. W. N. Watson, of one of them' going 1,300 pounds. He before the engine of a passenger . sante that it did not want to offend its horses,,,. anis occupies but little room Seaforth, was nominated by Messrs. hag -also a cow which takes the scales : _ 'high reputation nr it marksman, and on the barn $o0r, and appears to Britton and blcrilnrchie. Mr.ItiadcliHe at 1,650 pounds. train. He leaves a wife and five _... a _ -_ Quebec supporters. _ {las attended the annual meetings of meet a }Ong felt *ant.' It. requires was elected by a majority of three, and It is with dee, regret that children town U and tri oOOd 1 g we have to g " r — '! --- pp chronicle the departure from this life of Circumstances, a was subject - -- ,••ems the Dominiort Ritle .Association in Ot- to be seen to be tliotoughly under- the warden appointed Jamas Patton, of _ stood. Goderich township, as the other audit; one who will be very much missed from to spells of inanity. - _111149 aWa for a great many years. He was The announcement that a car load of ' L or, - �l £J PRETTY HARD LINES.-O`n One Of The usual a to )riation of $3,000 -for the family circle, We refer to Miss An Ottawa Telegram says ; Sir -` - _- . s member of th(• Canadian Wimbledon manufactured cotton has been shipped PP' ! Elizabeth Holland,of Ashfield,who died Adol he Cal On tv110 teas sari ust'cd THE : FOREST' CITY BUSINESS COi, the bitterly cold days of last week, a the improvement of boundary lines was on Sabbath, the 13th Inst. p •LEGE reopened .January, Ard, 1r 79, with the. , j 0' teams in 1 H71, 1�7 i arid 1879, winning from Kingston to China furnishes ad- .subscription was taken up for the made oil motion of Messrs Cox and with the campaign work in., Joliet- largest attendance in its history. This in. I prizes on every occasion., In 1879 ho' ditional evidence in refutation of the purpose of buying a little fuel for a Beck. Mr John Thorp has sold Ilia farm on stiViten ercells all of "the bests." in atb,n- I P P y g tel i8 dory much depressed over dance, thorou� family consisting of father, mother, Petitions for the granting of peddlers' the 2nd concession, of Ttickersmith to b hnT cull equipment. 1'o,",G wori the Prince of Wales' prize, (a badge pretense that Canadian manufacturers Y g + Mr Thomas Carter. of the d,ofeat sustained t170 Min- men wanting a THOROtiC:II 'I'It;1l\r\(i, and ei ht small childre who were licenses free of char's to the following the Huron Road, Y g fly b g �i should enter a contigs which attracts pat) by sari C160aiad in Lsrl commanded the re not able to compete )ole with their for the sum of $3,700: This farm con• "1Stt' The •unreatrlCted reel t•0 ) a 1 egid to be suffering for the neeeeear}e9 � Persons war® read and referred to the r,, S P age by the superiority of its•ccursr., "nC b}• r• - Canadian Wimbledon team which de- American rivals on equal terms. Our of life the mother bein sick in bed: Finance Committee, viz: Air Johnston, tains one hundred acres, but there are ,guy wave; said a' French Canadian low' fees or. the payment of railway, tare.' . ' g Win ham ; DZr Reid, Bayfield ;and Mr no buildings on it., About two years Catalogue tree. Address tVL•'S7't;P.t'I:r,'I' & „ feated fhe Jiritisll tours in the rifle rnanufacturers enjoy no special advan• The father Rome time ago loaf a steady g . Y 11 ado Mr Thor was offered and refused bai-i-istei-, now in 'the City, is not YORK, London, Out. Stewart, C:rov•' P confined to Joliette but is'pasising situation, and d li not been able to r $:1,600 for it. + i tont:at f:'r t:v• lt.;jnh I.� Kolwliurr's cup. rages over tLe Americans or ht is Adjraular ,roul theCuuuts Coutroil of DIJFrP AND LUT R01t aLt•;-'CHA9� • et another, anti nituout h lir is able :111 acct the PrOvlcee. Hrlasir(ible 1-11s t and lot ocen lied b Mr I }'.i in, kind also one frnm lir (unbolt of S;Ltnrday last Lbs,! nl,Lf,v friends of 1 y . Col, Gibtiun + l,r•si•1L,nt of the 011tario nlen in tau Chinese inarkct. They g } of )Ir could � 1 '` ltd. Ita:r, nn Ita;.tn„I,nry Ht. 11'ill he sol,l to wlitk, kin4t hrarl , p I Oeford, ret nesting co-opurutiun in liar- f r, shanliou'Vsi'„ of (;udut•icll, were, re• I The Bismarck, 1)n k. (urre<1"'!' 1 l cllun.p. I or Ruins a.r'pl' to J1A\\iN(i & i3iflu :1„o;:'i,ai:.;:,: cud n menibcr of cbo moat rnutl)etr With the foreigners on not ler his t:unlly -,till jig Che ing t.iu l,l.ty awe„dud sn that all cuimty �Sice(1 m) sue hits walku,g thea streets 11ont of ilia SLI'nui 'ivueet• Prl•ss, 1 SruTT'. senate of Toro:.to Uuiverstty. mi equal footing, and if they call under, children have been runniug ,tmuud ()Hitters;,g1'oiuted by 11114 Governtnentbe ,tnaiderl after an interval of I5 ye,Lrs, plldeavut•.-1 to show i,%, ,mtati't ivs I �- - in tL�ir bare feet krnrkle ;d the colde+L NNW ROMMIN i HOUSle. SUJiSuP,l1t• Tha.pr(,baNlities are that Vis return dersell Yankee cotton n,en in China Meet • c,.v the people, Rr.rt referred to Burin, whish his fight bud been ob. ; that ibe ,'uncral fund batt+ 1,. -el) j 1•:R kirks first-class accommadation for , days taw winter. Sunday was riot a the Special (olnmlttcc:. seured by vatmract. Sums tame sn,co , ..� six or eight boarders,, in the utost eonye"i- . to the ministry will not be u) posed fl they could certainly do -so at home and I'vol•drawli 27,000, t hat the hand eat and snitablo part of the town. rtates ( 1! Y day man} peop:o Wrluld like to rhenCl A circular from the Ontario Agrial--I be underwent all operation which prey. w� i .he Consur'atiyes of Hamilton, who in the [Jdited States, if we and crnu. without the heat arld O.nnfnrt of a tural Colloge im reference to the admin• cd successful. I ttltrl alts buen ncerl to meet flr:IftR re,Lsouable. (Jk:ORGr (10[tUoS. Victoria: n - Street, near Pos'r Orpicp% fi�i�, but wr Lnow An 'r,l,l dr,ui1lr in Sinn of county student; ass icferred to mayor, Butler, of Goderich, mkida a Iln(i 1hat.'tht+ l.'C1•I.,toriul '1'ruasurg J have the goal se•usu u) nppreciatu u t nod knercint raciprticit� with the :luker}esus. satse cOtnmittee. 1..-L Uh ld•: FOR Ei.it:r-SUSSuhIHER ut - town who slivot the day firrle++, and new departure this year. Instead of i is banknipt. a recent report f1'ittn �it•'T3lta for alLlH that nett/ sad d011yetlrellttV :non, and the bun•]r conferred on their To pretend that (al]t1(ll'dTta CkLll colo• went to bed without ; ny supprr; as A circular frokal the City t:i)mucil of holding high carnival over his election, tar 1leasurr•r showtnrr that un situated hm,se on tt'enington street, coli- ' Uttawa,asking ro•ooperatumto secure , _� tainilli;Rmenloollis.stonoaeIJar,wondZ:,1,, :ity, e ell if it is i V 1,urt}es oppoytd to Pete with the British null American far as fut•1 waa eoncurned tfnrir tva: to and ofi'erint, up aaerifica at ttieahrine ofif},),(100 worse 1,ard and soft water, a,;,u lull Within two 1 were re]iaved nest murrain • amendment tO the assessment act, so as Bkicchne, he donated $:) each to the Nov.'tl I(tst it tva. , L ` ;hem politiou.ly air Oilison is related nikutuffcturors nn tho'ether lido of the t0 ab011all taR E'xenl ]tlel]e Uf CVOCV des- „ 1„ln(Itwl walk of prat (Aller!. Will be sold On 1 towndlmrches, to be applied to the re. I oft' than nolllitl,= renaonal,le turrus. ANIGUSCOLM, Clinton. I 'ay marriage to ll• 1iu},t, 'cat•s, of Clin• globe but cannot do so in their country T nE SFr; ir,I.o]' INSURANCE. (.'u>l- criptiou, was referred to the Special Tho cic���on ul' 1111'. 1Vilson, Atau for sale a Boudoir Doherty Organ, new lief of the poor. Thin is a step in the t :Uri, atilt by virtue of relationship Is ky childish• I.'ANY:-Tile annual rneeting h1 Lhe Committee, right direction, and shovnE that the I the frlakldtonian ('lindldate Ill the _._- -�--- _..._ .__._ 1 S- L. Halls,pf God rich, and ,James + P1 013 SALK—THA'h l)E*J TALE sUnUx- Ln8l11bets of the iMeKillop Mutual muyOt''s head is level, and that his (r (, t•a r, (IIVI;ilUl1 Of IIaI1:1 L'liFhll'C„Oil 1 RAN property, sltuato oil the Base Lines %16o out: of the u%ecutors of the Zealand I - - +•: - Fire lusurance Company was held .Turnbull, of -Clinton,' zamineon ted on heart is ill the right place. justoutsido the corporation of Clinton, con_-_ rstlttu, of St. Thulr.as. + in the town half Seufortb, on Frith the Loard of•( County q h't•Ida}' to fill LIIC stmt in the HOtiye taiuing toll n•crts of laud With fruit•bearin;; 1 }' The annual meeting of 'the West orchard, fi"P briel( house, stable-, hard a"(i ,�.. .- 7.oWti (bunch, Acircular from County Council of Of Commons made vacant. lit' the rt----- _ last. Theca t7aa s' fair attendance. g Huron Agricultural. Society was hold volt W14cHC. hvk+rythin� is in rho bast ossi- Bruce, asking co-operation to secure an , p ; The `eVurtlrnShii►. The annual report was Tea and amendment to the asseasmentact,sothat at Goderich, last Wednesday, and the death of Sir Will. I auri c, has l,tocoiiditi;,u, uiakiu;(it a most desirable I Council met on Monday evening, adopted. From this report we following oflicers were elected fol• the caused the greatest. re oicinrr in h°,ne. tyro he sold Rr• ,L bargan,. For rut• P P townshi .� and villages can conduct the g . g J chur particulars s. , , lIr Janies Flu a, tours of McKillop, Uo motion Deputy -Reeve, b[annfn p sale of lands for taee� in the Ramo man- ensuing year :-I'residont, It. riLcI,oan ; the CxladstOneparty. Che free• 1 1 Iv to d. It rT, Clinton. y p,g that there are now 1 604 poli e8 in% - - __ , Y wad appointed Collegiate Institute force,_coverin an insurance of 82 ser as counties, cities, and towns, was First Vice. President, John Aikenheacfl; GIARNI Ful, S -11A.• -Til AT 8111,ENDID was elected \t rider, of the new Count trustee for the ensuing three ears. g Second Vice•President, D". A. Ynrvisi; man's Journal, of Dublin, Hays : farm of I 1 aeras, on tau, Maitland eo„- It g y 251 450. The amount of the premium referred to the Special Committee. ., cession, heiliF lot 7l Goderich township, Council, On Tucedap. LIia opponent The Reeve, Deputy and Councillors notes now held ia$58,529.61. During Applications from the sheriff and Directors; Jas. Connolly, Wm. Clarke, Tho viCtorS is complete, Crush eituated li milotifrou, rlolukosville,and souk• •'j :vas Mr Joy. Griffin, of Ashfield, the Kennedy, Cantelon and Searle were the past ear there were 360 new county attorney to have double windows J. T. Dickson, A. MCD. Allan, Isaac ing and conclusive. It i8 a verit- miles from the Town of Clinton, rhe soil i,, Oint a good clay loam, with a neverfailing spring . , Adest contiumouarceve in the County app •' ed members of the Court of olicies talen out coverin an incur- put on the west side of their otHces,wore Fisher, A. Allan, Geo. Cure11, Robt. able electoral Sedan. The Glad- dg I P g Nedd and John Govier. It was decid- creep rlTher g through the place; also goo -' - Council. „Thu vote stood, Hays„25, Revision for the year. encs ' of £482,275. It will thug be referred to Jail and Court House Com• sten inn& now want only a general wens. There is about a acres of bush, which �' The report of the Committee a mittee. ed to hold a three days' fall show on is one of the beet sugar buehos i❑ the Som,- GriJ13n 24, and ,vasa straight party pointed fCL strike the. Blandin Com- Seen '.that the company is-makinrT The council the adjourned, to meet September 17„ 18 and L9, (ono da,y less OleCtior to complete their tri- ti: also two frame barns, ones bank barn, , P g aatiafaotory progress: T he assessments f than last ear. um h." ' one frauke hbrao stable with roost for ton vote, with the exce )tion that one Re• mittees, recommended as follows :- at 10 o'clock on Wednesday. year.) Alex. Watson was re• p goo(} hearing orchards, bn- 1 horseA, also two former, ft personal friend of Mr Ha s, collected during the year aspounted elected Treasurer and It, C. Hayes -`--�'*'� 1n about six acre shiall; two good lo houses. P Y OFFICERa AND THEIR DU'rIE6— to $2,25 319 80he losses There trate amount - d The minutes ND PAY-'rANtiARY ' 3RD Secretary, vice H. Hayden resigned.' Sale Register'. About 45 acres seeded down. will he sold supported him. The duties of Warden Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Messrs $ P s of yesterday were toad on reasonaMo terms. ALEX RADOUR, Kennedy, Cantelon aneb Foster. ' William Hollhaae, a Hollander, is at flotmesville P. 0. are not particularly b(trdlinaotnewand y+ during the year X1,000 borrowed last and approved. resent in the Count . Mortgage Sale of Farm, in Tucker. -- __ _ _ P yr of OLD- COUNTRY TICKETS. 41r Hays ,will doubtless discharge them FINANCE -Reeve, Deputy, (chair- year. The account for the year was A communisation froril Mr Scott in defrauding a number of parties at smith, at the Rattenbniy Rouse, Clin- • is well as any onr else would. man) and Messrs Walker, Overberry closed with a balance of $260.48 in reference to the erection of a joint House Auburn and in the northern part of the toff, on Saturday, Feb. 9,1D. Dickinson - and Foster.- . • the treasury. The assets of. the Com. of Refuge_ for Huron and Bruce was county. It is the old confidence racket Auctioneer. Manning & Scott, Ven•. . .. STREET COMMITTEE=The Reeve r rear, and referred tO the special com• dors Solicitors. „ _--..,..•..�_ pony amount to $59072.u9 while over again, .and filo victms ought to _1 and Messrs Kennedy, ), t}iere are no liabilities. The o>�1 mittee, harm Stock &c. of Mr H, Weston, lot (chairman known bettor. He is a little Dutchman, I:1 IT(1141AJ, NOTES. Can ion Johutron and Couch. y' Petition of Mr Fife and others of the 31)con, 6th, Goderich, Townshi on _ + Change made in the Board Of Dirac- townshi of Stephen to incorporate the with a per tongue and r ssionteat and Thursday, Jan, 31st, T. Brown Auct. ~ .fy. I'[[OPERTY COYIfMITTEE -Reeve, tors was the election of Mr lames P 1? P after he draftee the impression with r- y' Ija]dinlnnll is rbc holiticiaua' r;ontre village of Credtttrnt into a oligo village - -ate'' chairman),De nt and Messrs Johne- p. g alleged draft a the Bank of Amster- --"'- _ ( P Y Evans for McKillop, to place of Mr was read and referred to special commit• wo rrprnsent all rho loading steamship .f attraction just now, and will be till Con, Cantelon and Searle. I John Beattie, and of Mr Cr, Rlliott tee. clam, bo is liberally trusted and pays a BORN. linea ernasing the Atlantic and we can give With a Cheque On some local bank, to full Information about travol to any part. ,lie nlectiot that takos placo next week CN. Mello C earl,, Fr -The Mayor)and for Goderich township, in place of Petition from Sir McCann in refer. McLI..LN. --In Seaforth, on ilia pith and Niesare Searle, (chairman) Ande case On a bank at Kincardine, and - ,Iver. ) late HenryEiFord. For the latter once to ki claim for repairing Holmes- Inst., the wife of Mr M. Y. McLean, of W. JACKSOfti Foster• position there was an animated con•. g in another on a bank at Exeter.. Judge - .•, _ - p villa Brid o was read and to the Toms will likely hear the ohargos in a the Expositor, of a Ron. SPECIAL CrMr:'I'FJtV CUMAti-rrn'r- test betweerf-lllr Elliat and M -r .1V finaneo committee. - I omuNcz.-•At Mount Forest farm, AGf',NT feLi days. 'I llr• Plta •(,'I I:; t. he spreading that Messrs Searle, (chairman), Walker, Crooks,of(_loderich'townahip;brot}1er_ COmmu„rcatu)n In refcr(•nce ton jam talon Adelade, N.W.T., on tho-8th Inst., Couch and Overberr in the Maitland river at Win leant, was Mr W. Sproat has disposed of his the wife of .los, A. Porranco neo Miss IC�.06iiT®N ;;cneral Dl,ti,inll,n elecLiou will be y in-law of the late 1i.1 (rd, Sir John farm in Tuckeramith, to 14Ir H. M.- Mesara D, A. Forester and .Jamas Hannah of Tucker+mith, was a referred to filo road and brill roor,mmlr- Booth, Of Clinton)Clintotl) of a eon. q 1 'r y + sett this .tar. ]t would dm no bar"' P rue• Chessney The farm is lot 10, con. Ii, 1liARRI);1) 1� 9I� I �i�1C �tiiliL` 1'hompgon were appointed auditors. )ointed mans er. At a meeting of ll. R. S., containing 100 acres and is in 1 Y t c, be p (•1,+,r,:d t, r it ;n any (vont. On thesufigestlon of Deputy -Reeve the Directors gubsequentiy .heldaMr Conut:uuicatiuu in rcfcrenct to 14r ,L lliO state of cultivation, The sum (l.tNrin,oN-BRowv.-At tlro residence . -Oil - _- ._- ylanoi n the I3 IaN Committee were , 1lirk's claim for damages a',Ls referred ]all is $7,550 cash. ritr S' root lived of Mr W, H, Conk, on the 'Lard lust., '" g+ y- 1. h.. Hays was re elected 1 President to finance committee 1 P 1 I instructed to prepare a by-law deal. ;and Mr Donald ltosa Stanley,Vice- Circular front the comity nonnril to I r''' tilos farm nearly forty years, being by the Rev. J. Livingstone, Mr 1'. N'ithia ►le Karat Idt11d:S in 1lttl The ]yll�I rill:: ;:c•t,rcd a big victory + lag with the aesesament of dogs, so President. Mr W. J, Shanon was hawkers and peddlers was referred to I o to of the first settlers, Lie tock up Cantelon, jr. (of Cantelon Bros. Clin. 'I'lttklishiiii flit, 1,114-herwt)title • 'n Johctto election last Thursday, that those owned' at a certain time in I re -appointed Secretary and Treasurer, the special committee. two farms when he came here, as his ton,) to Miss,Bella Brown, of Toronto. and the London Advertiser , works the year should be assessed, 'with no I Circular front the county council of brother George was not of age at the ANNIs-COLLINS.-At the residence of uwivr anti by virwoof a powerof sa.ireon- in this Outru +enol; tun, ' '['he Tories option of a ramias}on in case the ani Kant, in goferenoocto road makin{ and limo. After the farms were paid for Mr D, Tiplady, Hullett, on the 22nd rained inwctrtnu, nnrtgngntnTlteUaua(lian ! mal died. The Committee waa also JU ST WHAT WE WANT draining, was interred to rhos eciai the brothers drew straws for choice' of inst., by the Rev. J. Edge, Mr Charles yyvii!gs a.nd Loan Company of London, ti+ P Canada, and by rho said Cwrip1my asstguori Should not fv11),r},Iiw over the oloction, instructed to deal with the question ' committee. the farms, the choice falling to Wil. A. Annis, of Pickering, to Kra M. J. to tho vendor Iwluc,h said Mortgago and tho , tar they ran he .L)liet,te." of remitting taxes on vacant premises, To the tailor oj:6he New E'rn, Circular from the comity council of liam, who chose the farm ha j"st sold. Collins of Clinton. assignment thereof wttl bo prodmced on thn [t is Mr S root's intention to live re• CRArett:-JUnNST0,.v-At Goderieb, Ott clay and at place of ealo) there will be of - The petition from the City Of Otta- DKAR Snt.-It,seems st'rau +e that in Oxford, requesting the cc•operation •of P fored for sale at public auction by Davit, h tired in Seaforth, the 16th inst„ at the residence of the �' wa, asking the Co-operation of the a town like Clinton, there is no unde• this council to get the necessary legiala- Dickinson, Attctioneor, at the Council in trying to abolish all ex. nominatibnal Christian Society for ion to prohibit the importation, menu• The Expositor gays : -- Mr Jobe bride's fatter, by the Rot Dr lire, Mr t The latest turner cmrceruiug the Y g Y P P P Y Alexander P. Crai 1 IL:>,ttenbtlry House, C1iletoti, eruptions from taxation was taken younW'men, while other towns not so facture and sale of intoxicating liquors Reith, of Hay, has returned from the g'e, to Elizabeth Goderich Post Ufiigo is that Mr P. P large nor everything do s a beverage in this Dominion, was re. the old country. This wag r Reith'a Agnes, oldest daughter of Mr ,John Hill At thv hoar of'.) o'clock p. m., ou ` up clause by rlAuee and Its Ruggea• g Y g good a moral n R � Johnston. • ' Kelly, of Blyth, who was at Ottawa re• tions agreed to. reputation, have one or more such so• ferred to the special committee. first trip across the Atlantic and of Saturday, Feb. J, 1SS9 gently, is an aspirant for the position. cieties, Now I think such a society The report of Mr Tom, P. S. I., West course he enjiyed his visit, although he DIED 'Clic following lands and prnmiaoa, vie: -hot I We fano that he values his __. once started there would soon have a Huron, was read and referred to school oomboned business with pleasure.' He TQeon.-In McKillop, on Januar number thirty -night ilk the fire concessiotl y political - �•�•�► _ cod member roll and would be committee. took over about 1,100 barrels of apples r p' Y of the Township of Tuckersmith, In tho :- - liberty too ranch to be confined within g pro. PP Lath. Margaret Tudor, aged 18 years County of Huron, London Road Survey, cot - y The Blyth coriesponden•t of the ductive,of mach good among the young Report of bir Dickson,jailer, was read with him, and disposed of them very and 9 montlie. cainfug one hundred acres, be rho same the walls of tau nounty town post Office. men of the town, not alone for the time. and refered to jail and court housecom• satisfactorily. He broughtlback wit i . RORe:RTSON.-ln Goderich, on pith i'nore or leas. The lands are well fenced and , News -Record has this to say of a going, but in many ways in their h[ture mittee. him two very fine tbree-year old Clyde (net., Hellen, relict of th tato W n, R6b- drained and in an excellent state of outtiva• • -�..-- well:knnwn Cliotoniian, who merits it: life, for are not the young men to -day Report of J. R. Buller, license inspec. i dale mares and one your stallion. In tin❑, with n bearingpromises orchard of k bar frit:. Some }dos of U,c value of what the Mia lyhitt of he excel- Y g y P P g (9 months. of Colborne, aged 8l yenta and Thera is on the premises a bank barn with ' Clinton,+ to be the politicians of to -morrow, for of East Huron, waa referred to rho this venture also Mr .Reith was very 9 months. stables &c. in London free Vresa used to call "that lent organist and leader of the choir P good sato, of repair, and a Surely there is nothing mora necessary finance committee. i fortunate. He had intended Bailing by poRTaR. �in Clinton, on the tAth lust., frame dwelling acus©. Tho property ie non• worthless tract of land” snot what is in the Episcopal church here for up, fora political man than a sound moral Four tenders foreounty printing,wero one of the Dominion line boats, but Henryilliam Porter, aged :iii vouieutly aitustf)d within a tow mites of rho 7 g years Town n Clinton, o" the r,ondon Road. wards of twelve years, has been coinprinciple of honor. I believe such ao• read and rnferred to the printing com. when ho,arrivod at Glasgow he found, and 20 days. known as the Disputed Territory, may .Y T ny to b Ton per tion( of the our d rho,., palled to resign her charge, which stories do much toward the laying of mittee. , rho space for stock all taken up. He HrNra.-[n Clinton, On the 19th inst., money to be pairs on rho day of sato and tan be gatharod from the fact that the St, takes elt�ect soon, in Consequence Of the foundation of that much needed A number of acconnta aver«• rtad and consequently took passage with an Al. Elizabeth, wife of W. IL Hinc, ages 77 I'Maneo ill thirty days thereafter without Catharines Sliding Company is about the declining health of her eon. The trait in a man's chardyter. And were referred to finance committee. , Ian line boat on the following day. On years. ton o .. ed , property oe to t o will 1xi gold Finblerit bytheveodnrA to institute a suit against Lhe Dominion lady will be greatly missed by that the organization of such a society, oneo Moved by Mr ganders, secondee! by arriving at Halifax he learned that a WANr,Res. _ [n Hay, on Lha 2lst lust., 'rho purchaser will ) e f1lin rl (o'Rfgn n Som Government for '200,000, for rho loss of denomination, not Only in the inter• made generally known that it would Mr Mc,l herson, that rho warden and friend of his, wjtli whom he had intend• tract on the day of sale for the comF'lotlon or eat of the church but also of the Sab- Y PP I,ront Mrs. Varna, a, mother of Mr .1kLR. WM1n meet with heart support from M1 r dlorkrnomorinlizothe Dominion (lovern• eii sailing, and who got off on Lha I)o• the rnlrehaee. Further terms and particu its privileges. If It portion of it wag ' mont to ase an order•in•comncil author• minion line boat, had lost all his hors- loos, \•amts, aged 97 years. lace will be to Lil on the dayigil of nolo or upon P (. P many young man of Lha towns who P bath school where she took a faith• application tr, rho undorsigntd. worth that to tho Company, how much enter into the spirit of it with real izing the cdunty muncil to apply any cs, some $11,000 worth, while Mr Iteith's Srahaow.-In Stanley, on rho Clef fol and earnest interest in the Rpir• �' g inat., Mr. Joseph )arrow, aged 40 U. t)iOICiNSON, MANNfNCt & 9(brT, is rho whole of it tt•orth to Ontario. _ itual welfare of the Oun zeal, which would ondalrage others to surplus money colloctrid trader lire Can- were landnrd in the host possihlo rnudi• 1 Ki R Auntim,oar. vnndnr'aHtticitora. young. do tko same. Yours truly, X, oda Teniperan •A Aot anal to plans tl,o tion. years, 071int]n, .ran, 9, 18ali. , t ) . 1 .. . C . -. ,. . m