HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-26, Page 8NuxT MONDAY is municipal uomi• BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF
nation day. -.
THE Ontario Legislature will. beig,
summoned for the dispatch of buai-o1i a yO S.
ness on January 24th, 1889.
wit ._
Coucll has a grand display of
Christmas meats and fowl, and NEW NOVELTIES, IMMENSE QUANTITIES, and all at the "
May isnot far behind. LOWEST PRICES.
111[;. ,
p JOHN CALBIUK, brother of Offerill S to friends.
_o_ You will find in our Gr
IY'Stock some very Choice Goods for
the Messrs. Calbiek, Clinton, ap-
pears in the British Columbian
among the Aldermen of New West-
mineler, B. C. XMAS -0 P -RESENT
1SSilk Handkerchiefs,
AIR. GEo. BAILEY, now of Michi- From us, as we have the NICEST AND BEST GOODS The World's Neckwear,
gan, who put in a short term some Markets Can Produce, and
years ago at the art preservative in Gloves and Mitts, a
this office is visiting friends in this > ' UUIl PRICES ARE -:- THE LOWEST`®mt
vicinity. CHRIS,
--e--- Pine Braces,
LORD ADELDERT CECIL, brother DICKSON, CLI N TON. P DERof the Marquis of Salisbury, is in - Hoffer,
Ontario again. He is a Disciple, = --- t
M01 -
and preached in Stra11110y' t+u1Ce 'MIS M:+GGIE I AhF. Of Wing}lath 1if[t, J. H. CALL'ENDER of 14Ie1
Men's Jewelry,
Absolutely Pure. last ++eek• was here over Sunday. gnnd> Dien., Auu the, R. CallE,q Linen Collars
This powdernovervarros. A,narvelotpurity, WORTHINGTON'S MAGAZINE Of fret Of Clinton 19 In town visiting
strength and wholesoutences. More ouonondcal MISS'TUP"r Of I1ntt11ltOn 19 IIGW a friegda. ••��M�--f�rsS•
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot, hasold ill pretty novelties i9 well worthy a Pesident of Clinton. And Cuffs.
competition with the mnititade of low test, visit from Santa Glans. The ener- Afn. S. S. COOPER, of the firm
short weight alumnrphosphate powders. Sold g ome MISS MAGGII, DOHERTti is h —
.pnt,, in cans. ROYAL B.tnrse Powo,sa Co., 106 ons Old,myth has already been there of Couper And Stvaffield, builders,
wan St., N. Y. and will probably call around again from Alma Collage. has bought out his partner's interest
before the Now Year. in the planing factory andl will con-
-- i1IR. AND MRS. S. W. Parry and 1 o I I GOODS
familyare sending the holida s tinue the business of the late firm.
- TheHuror� News -Record HOLINESS SPREADING.—Tile five with elat1Ve91at Bra0
st.5o a Year -31.26 In Advance. Baptist ministers who wore ox- p
palled from the church in the marl" Alit. C[t,+e• CtvEEnr was iresent PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT.
time ,rovinces for preaching the i
Wednt•salup. D:•c•. 'L(itlr IfiS3 1 p ed with a uire little fortune the
holiness doctrine have formed a After an examivatiou of the
_ other evening—its A da,tghtor: dill'orcut divisions it has been -do- •
— --`" --�— new denon►�nation, the principal `
Buy your RUBBERS and p p, • we have a most complete assortmel)t in the best utility
tenet of which is complete santifica- THE Ii r{, Ai R. EDGE takes alt in Bided to leave All the gnome except P q
OVERSHOES t JACKSON'S tion. They hold the same views as a church entortaiumpnt at Hanuver tho threes highest as they are, for that money can buy. j
it [ the Galt people whose case is at oil Christmas evening, too or three mouths. ,The work in
and hove patent Heel Plates present, before the Guelph Presby- divisions I and II would be die �
Afr. ,+xn diit+ AR'l'[iL'It KNox are Men's Persian, Lamlb Gauntlets..
t tory, proceeding anent which we Curbed tuu touch to promote pupils
attached FREE of MH R, GE. published a dingshort time ergo, spending Christmas - with their in April and agaiin iti July, Congo- /� •�, Gaunt
1 "
®•�,,,,.,,,a,..,,x „:, 1 ° daughtr+r, MG'a Wright at Berlin. queutly all pupils who have site- Mon? Astrachan �.7 auntlets•
n__ IF rob___havo -not - I� -tight _ y r_ ___ R ." ..11, 1Jooi�en` of this' (`'IacB- caodnd ..in.. lutssiu" ss�01, oke their
LOCA- I � N C -M S. holiday jewelry and silverware will spend Christmas in Teeswaler places in those rooms on rho opeq- �an s— ur-Coats: ' - - ----�T -----1
don't forget Biddleeumbe when you t+;jth I:.ev. Air, and Mrs .Sparl- tug of school. ,
lia :tud Arai ill tltc- "11ub." want to make your selection ; if you" in The following is the result of the Men S S.S. Seal Caps. {
have already made your purchases ° examination in Divisions II and T
'7vil ll l!1,11111. in the above lines you had better PERSONAL. —Mr. John Irwin, III :— Men's-�-Persian Lamb Caps.
A POOR MAN AND Ins PAIL.— not visit L'iddleeombe's jewelry Snb. Cull. Customs herr; is spend- Divis[ov ii.—Aiarks attainable
store. His marynificeut assortment ins his Christmas holidav in and --o--
An 0t.ta+yhr, Inau always carries ° 620; pass marks 310—Winnie
his valuables in A pail instead of in Of reliable goods at moderate prices around Belleville. Shepherd, 327; Geo. Hodgins, 311; � ( •nn
will make you fool so sorry that Ladies �{ 11
_ a carpet bag or vuliso. A Canada Y AIn. A. fi, AraNN1NG 'ocenpied Joaol>h Armslruug, 305,; ..Luc Iltb S 1' i e St. r Seal Caps• and Ml ff
Atlantic-coildaetor WO.uld Dot allow you had not neon his stock before the pul'pitof the Ontario St. Alotho- Shepherd, 295; Eddie.. Mui r,'285- , . l j� [� gp n Muffs, him to bring his pail into a car and you bought that vexation will be dist church last Sunday morning, . Medic Heywood, 283. Ladies Persian, �FUIIIb Caps and l►lulLSt
the railway is now Dinlct.ed to the "Your portion for some time. Rev. Mr. Edge, the pastor, taking Dlvlsios iii.—Marks attainable p �j, RR �! T�
extent of $10. the Ilatt•enbury St. service. 395 ; pass marks 2'98—Charlotte LADIES, ��lU. C�LLAR►S
A FORMER CLINTONIAN BOBS up.— Everitt 372• llarice Jackson 368 • t+ --j r
13UsI�Ess. INSTINCT., A super- Citizens of•'"Clinton will readily 'Dur COLO SN:+p of last week Amelia Fitzsimons, 361 ; Rufus
stitious subscriber, who found a recall Air. W. J. McCutcheon a caused it citizen to exclaim: "I find ADdrews, 343;Thomas Southcombe, # COME AND SEE OUR GI�AND'STOCK.
spider inside his paper, wauts to former .genial and "courteous, hotel the weather very comfortable, I have 334; Linuie Irwin, 327; Maggie Mc -
know if it is considered a bad omen. keeper of this town and afterwards my house heated with a Ilarlaud Chits.000--
Notllin of the kiaid. The slider F ossieurray317; 3 Robertson Day g . 1 of �1'in,{ham. IIo is now• proprietor furuaco and as you see when IgoFlossie PattlRUll, 30S ; Clara Daywas_ lnvirely loukiug inside of the of the Clifton House, 80 Culborue outI encase myself in one of-Jack-
papertu see whiituniproliant was•notSt., 'Turouto. Mr. Homer Cooper, son's fur coats and I am'all 0 K, HarrineutFit Rosa Cunuiughatrte, 300;
advertising, su that he. could spin who spent a fn+V clays in Toronto,FIurry Ftzsimons, 299. Bros'
his %yob across the dour ttnd be free ]list week, found the house every- MRs. D. T. IiENNEsr, A cousin of Several pupils 'in .both rodgia
Mr. IV: H. Cooper of, this town, were But present when some papers
from illatDr})all CCS. thing that could be desired. This
ight have 'been expected.. No died at Westminster, B. C., on the, were given. Some in Division II The Famous Hatter's and. Furriers, Clinton.
MOTHER-! LAW ON DEQK.— doubt Clinton' people and others 10th inst. Deceased was a daughter hxvo abseuted themselves from ox -
A case.' cattle bofune Ih'e Sheriff"R" from the ntocouniy o IIuan visiting
of Al,r. Benuett+vhcrecently resided .aniivatious in June and December. --
Court at Dundee, hcutlaud, recently `3u Clinton and who only a short _ __ ._-.-_
in which a woman clainu•d aliniont Turontu will thank us•for iufoimiug y 1 QR 1
them of Alr AleCutcheou's address time ago removed to Oregon. She r(,;(„tlet•telt 'H'c►wuship. ����� � ���
from her thyro gnus In-law. The died of. cancer and leases five Child• •''
-;• . As. above, so that when they go to. 3 CooNeit„•-Counail.met,at Holmes- „
sherilftlecitIv(I that "The ]iabiltty of ren botwetyn thea es of ' and I' ts
the t<)tt,lou City of the \hest thug g Ville uu the l5th, according to sta- ChP1stm___as-:--:PPes'en. •
a sun -in-law to s'n;pl u,t his wile.- Will nut•-ho,ps straugcprs iia strange years. Sh,e wasborulit Afulesworth,
paretrty was a natural U48 w•lhich'h, place but 'just feel thantselves at Ont lute, members all present. 11 r.
was bound to t•:ke Ovr+r with his John Holmes presented a petition
wife.” The tnothcr in-law; in bouts.. I�LEd'TO+iANI:+.—A remarkable and with a number of signatures attach- Just 81rr� Arrived, A This
Weeds 1
.Scotland at toast, i9 thus n firrhly ONTARIO STREET 'METHODIST S, S. undoubted case of kleptomania do- . ed thereto, asking ft)
a bonus for a
established institution with a legal At the annual meetinrgs Of the voloped in a respectable lady of wire fences ;Botgritnted. G. C. Leith- C� 7 - +
status now added to her former o town Saturday evening last. R. waite wag granted $65 fur damagoa Silver VV U1� e �S�IGFS Jewelryteachers of this school, held- Deer. I+'itzsitnmous tnisse:d some 1uw] that to threshing through a �
areal moral ++-eight in the house- 18, Rev. Jos, Edge, the pastor, in ° 'engine° TO
hold, + evening and was tuht, that a lady bridge breaking down on a side line Watches.
the chair, the treasurers report Clocks ,u r,
allowed a balance in favor of -the ,just then near Oliver Johnston's between Aiait. Cou. and base line. SUIT. l . �1LL
A SocnAL REFORSI.—Tlie Newest blacksmith shop had taken them. J- K. ;flair, S. Ferris, and Mrs. At.
school. The officers for the current —0-0-0-0 —0-
0 iu...weddin0 tutu's is sousation Air. It. followed her and she at Whitely, were refunded $1 dog tax,,
all called.the "secret honeymoon,++ Year are, D. Tiplady, superinton:,,- e#1ontof' Biddl
Y driut' J:�-AArerr asst9tant do.• E. 0ues..t,ave two ducks alp. Malting dogs dead. The detailedstutptitrier bride nor grouni has any + y+ ' a dslOtl'r of the Grand linion block receipts and expenditut•es up to date, o � � �� V 1J•
idea of whore the t1 nllinrg. Tho Hull, tress.; R Tiplady, seey,; J• ecom'be,NpJ o o the same person appearotl at Hariy was passed, and rho councillor§ iu- 1 r
beat :man arranges it All prepares Angus; Asst.•secy ; H. li. Walker, p I Walker's grocery and appropriated strutted to get 5 copies each foe dig -
the scheme of Vrnvel • nn, . the plan lib.; J. Howe, asst. lib.; G. F. Oaks, r
leather of singinrg • Miss Gibbiu+g� a goose. Mr. I , being informed• tributiun, And G. 'McKee to post up
of eampaign, and gives the bride- o °' °''' of the deal one of the clerks fol- 12 copies as required b statue
giooru a paper r +rich the whulo thin' organist. Teachers, Sr. Bible Class, ' p q Y ' Baker, Shepherd and ATeTavii ii,the McKay will be candidates for the.
6'. P 1 " g lowed a and of the goose bofbre and to "receive $3 for. same.
drawn up and a echndulo of A H. Mauuang, Jas. Stevens .I r. p' g E, ' latter of whom is to tucEred .4i r. deputy-reeveship.
arrant rrtntents mule as he schedule.
into ilihlc Claes, G. Y. Oaks, J. Vlrerrv• it +vas cooked'. 'The kleptomauiac Following accounts +vete .peed:— Cooper. During the afternoon the COUNCIL.—The Council met at
the earciArrE+ when the happy ,air Teachers of the boys' classes, W. then went up Albert street and took Rowse ll & Hutchinson, election scholars presented their teacher with Brucefield on Saturday. All the
carriage, 1 I y l a dressed chicken from Swallows papers, $7.77• Dr FVliitel attend -
have the whole new fruitful Kay, Alt's• Shipley, T. Aloon, Mrs. i p ,' y' three very beautiful gifts, an album, members present. The minutes of
sub'u.t,to discuss as inns opening Edge, Mrs. Perrin ; of the girls' grocery. Her muvemaute Having lug h. Bray, deceased, $7.50; A Y
3 I g been watched this also was recovered. Courtice, gravel, $17,04; T Potter, a Bible and a li tnnbook, accompan- last meeting were road nn(1 passed.
conversation of their married life classes, II. Wiltce, hiss N. Stevens, ied b the following address. Mr. Robert L''lgie, Sr., chairman of
Mrs. II. Andrews Aliso Gribbin a The person is.in very good circum- gravel $2,58; T. Marks,,gravel in J " the local board of health, presented
instead .of having it worn thread- g`' stances and ackuow•led-ed that she -years 1883-3.5 $18• C Williamsand DEAR TEACHER,—We, the scholars _
bare <lctriDrrtl►o preliminary engaged Airs. Steep, Airs. T. Gibbings, Miss t' Y ' who have been attending your school a In
favorable report of the. sani-
es f Y ., g had no need to resort to this means A. Afay, use of scraper, $1.37j; T during the past three years, take this tory condition of the township. The
Period. S. Moore, Hiss J. Gibbings. Asst. ,
to secure domestic provender, blit Draper, gravel $3.60• D Cook per-
teachers, Mrs. Kearns, A. Augas, ' ' opportunity of assuring you of the report was received, read and a(lopt-
A CIANTvv "lion" Ill, -,ARD FROM. \Liss IInekste p A. Stevenson A, that some uncontrollable impulse sonal property tax refunded, 62.12; esteem in which we bold you, and of ed. The Council recommended that
—'rho `'aucouver 13. C. News of 1' ' urrgPd ,her to do trhat she had. no T. Alurch, gravel 50 conte; W. our high appreciation of your labors it be published. The members of
<< ( ) Welsh, \'Ins. Baer. Teachers of in uce.l to du and what she knew oho Crooks +ravel $8.52 Clerk extra , you
the 13th soya:— Clam. Whitehead, Fant class Mrs. W. Ti glad Mise , b , , in our behalf. As a teacher, the hoard, including the medical
for the snots sheds in AVa1kHI, Tiplady,
on-ht not to do. There can be.no services, $12. 11 \Veston, gravel, have instructed us thoroughly'and health officer, received as remnnera-
the mountains, nue of the best doubt whatever that there was no $4.56; 1V. B. Foster, work on road, faithfully, and as a friend you have tion for their services for the year
known and best follows, is to the AN ERRATic Fin.—O Ur town con- moral wrong doing, the action] being $8.50; collector, tax notices etc, 8 always willingly Riven us your advice Y
the result of mental disorder which treasurer,ival<ingoutfivancialreport, and assistance. -in your departure, the sum of $5 each. The Council .
city, and will remain More a few temporary makes a false statement we will experience great loss. As a resolved itself into a Court of Revis-
days. Mr. Whitehead is a railway when it says there was not anoth,r i.i' fully recognized by physicians $4; J. L••.. NVIli tely, cutting thistles, small Cftd,n of ou'r regarel we ask you ion and remitted the taxes of certain
eontr{ctor of mall y years •landing; :paPar in the congty that "gave any- and medical ,jurisprudeuco as a dip• $6i Collector's salary, $75, Trea• to accept the accompanying gifts indigent persuns, amounting in all
hr and hi: father having built the thing like ,t full aeCount of the ease, and that no criminal guilt .eater a salary, $75, L Swans, use of And be assured At the -same time of to $4.38. The Council resumed
old ]1uflsla, l�rtuitford & Ishe fatal cnhutlity in Morris, near 131yth, attaches to persons afflicted with it. hall, R50. Clerk, salary, $110; our very best wishes for your non- r,oneral hn•in0ss and after paying a
Muron Railway in the earl_ • fifties. by which five persons lust their' There are bundruds of well attested James McDonald, gravel, $15.4'2; A, tinued prosperity. In your new °
__ Case8 of this I1Rture. Cantelon .Bros Drysdale, gravel $4.3'3' Reeve legal field of labor we trust you will be nunrbor of accounts it was moved by
His father, now A:iyor ofr i nion, lives, f[[r NEw9 RECORD gave a Y , b' , faJohn
Ont., is hale mid hearty. He fired full aeeonut•of the matter from its lead three turkeys taken, but they advice, 83; Mr. 7.'remblay, 2 months equally as successful and useful prayer
McL Sinclair, seconded al of B.
were not gobbled u / b • this person, board of Mrs Bray, 12• time for re- you have been with us. Our prayer :1ichoan, `thst the municipal uomin-
the first locomotive, the old bucket, enterprising Blyth correspondent, 6 I y [ y, $ , will ever be that the choicest bless Ations and nominations for public
which was ever -built. It . was and it did not rel black letter turning collectors roll was extended inas of heaven may rest upon you, school trustees be held at Dixon's
Y upon CHRISTMAS SrRVICE.—The song to the 27th, James Patton Clerk.
eugineered by the groat Robert di.pla,y lines and insignificant de- nelrvice on Sundry evening in the t and that in all your labors you may .hall, T,rucefield, on the last Monday
Stolrhensou. I+a+v now survives tails to pad it out. Our correspond Ontario street 1lcthudixt church was Air. D, J. Cantelon, son of town- .be directed and aided by that in D•ecumber, at 12 o'clock noon.
whose record i9 as 'renaarkablo as once would have made a column,but sl�i , treasurer Mr. Adauh CnntHlur, ' miter which eticketb closer than a '
a memorak>1H event. The church i ' brother." And in case a pull, is demanded that
that of Joseph Whitehead!' wc.gac all the public wanted to was fairly par•k� rl with a der ply ill' Is house after An absence of seven Signed on behalf of the school:— polls be opened at the usual places,
know of Ow nn,tter. Our town con- terested bm,;r ,ti , ,, Tlu• servle, y''"r" iu Jtanit„1"t' ALIeE IZATII+%ELt„ ITATTIE NIInDLrTO%, deputy rolnruing officers as follows
"111F MUST GiG,va ricrLi,kR ON tempo• im's pliffrng and egotistical wag an appropriate one and wris EXAMINATION,—A school exauri- MAUD ELLIOTT MARY CLU -Fr. Sub div. No. 1, at school house No.
Rrconn.r1t At the eutworth self adulatiou is no remarkable sign nation was'lield in IS. S, No. 8 on �— =- 8 °H. Colbert ; sub•d•iv, No. 2, at ,
very greatly eujnye l by those per school house No. 6 James Broad" -
Assizes op 'Cuesday last the first case of lnudsblo enterprise. It must sent. T:m excellent (•noir of the Friday, the 14th lust., under the Tuckersuitth. '
taken up was the Queen v, Henry, Bove a vary poor opinion of the in- management of the. teacher, Air. A. foot; sub•div. No. 4, at school house
church rendered th++ fallowing su. 6 DOTS.—Mr. Samuel 'Townsend r
in -which William Henry, of Stam• telli+renco of its readers when it P. She ,herd assisted b Mr. J. A. No.,9, J. Cumming; sub -div. No. 3,
° t.hems during fill- evening :•—"hark, f Y who has been living in Manitoba at `school house No. 2 S. Smillie.
furl, was charger] with false pro- has to resort to continual pointing the Herald Aingrk Sing," "Thr Cooper. The scholars conducted +
tenses in connection with certain out of its alleged enterprise lest , then,nelves in ood forui nild showed the last few year's, has returned home In such manner and at .uch time as
Priors of I. ace, •Cluny to (rod in g on a visit to his parents. He s peaks
grapevine trausactiona in 5 {Itlleet, they might not discern its infinite- ` to the satisfnctiou 0f the numerous p I this law directs.
the }[ighOst," Whin Sliepli• els ver highly of the prairie Province,
After hearing the arguments of sinal smallness, We all remember ,+ visitors resent that they had been y g 1, y 1
counsel„Judgo Sinclair dischArged how the school boy who hail doubts watched their Sheeh by t,i11 nrut P .—Master I McTavish, of the AtiII
"iie i�edeonwtl Jle,” Air. Kay is under tl,r training of a careful and Road, had the misfortune to have 1t11[Tllti.
the defendant, on the ground that about the identity of a drawing per- to I„+ hearth eongratulaced on the paiwmal<iug teacher. Mr. Shepherd Twea,nv.—In n till 18th imt.,
he halt not laid himAelf open. to porting to represent a horse, Wrote Y his hand severely crushed between Clinton,+
etliciencr of the choir under his I,as completed three successful years two co Wheels while oiling it straw the wife of \(r. Charles Tweedy, of a
crituinal- `prosecution, adding this I in very largo characters underneath g daughter.
consolatory reninrk to ifenr leadershi and frau, the• talent Of itt this school and has been re cutter.—Mrs. A. Townsend, of Ila- 1!1'l,►THS
y :— it, This is a horse ; or rho man who p' ,ga rr d for 1889.
"However, I think the uvideneo � tried to repeat a funny story to his I µ'Bich it, is roerposedi we an
looi< for � ge kota, is home on a visit to her ifr,NNvsv,—Tn New Weshninist,•r, 13. C.,
shuµ's•that you aro the moat gigan- wife, and seeing sho did not tumble w,t• n Letter results yet. Rov. Mr. On Tuesday a pulyliu exatnitlation daughter, Mrs. IL Crich.—The box nn I)ee•, 9th Sabina lleunett, wife of I).
tic liar on reeord," 111 Carseallon, to it hes remarked, "AVhy thong's a i:�Ige preached ll able discourse +cos handl' in ' the Baa field kine social held at Mrs, Geo. Crialt s on 8. 11viinesy, aged 81 yearA• I)eCPased
floury's coltnsol, objected to the big jolio in that, and yet Pott ro• from f.nkf- 11, 10, 11, 12, d1•aling s(huolhouse audl was at"'Dded by a .'Tuesday evening +Vas a lg,eatin,cce.— ira9 A Qaughtcr, of Firury Sarah
remark, and stated it to)),, Ilia I main as sorions its an owl.t' So t},, witip the• birth of our Saviour and ver) large number of visitors. The An excellent programme was ren- Nv,' it . C (lata of of t1ion;, And antsin
b 1 e 1t•, if. Cooper jr. of Chia plarc,
eliont's Intention to bring, notion E) -a hap to label its prodigious work drtw'ing many grand le,sons front classes •,%'ere examined by their tiered.—Ali•, R. It. McT.ea11 will be �t-t-.-_Tn 11iWett on T)ea 21, T)„rrAa,
against t•ho9r who had caused his "enterprise," and yet the people I'th„ same. The,ser%ic(, (in the whole teaelwr, Air. J. A. Cooper, assisted a candidate for the ronveship for the beloved wife 4 Thnmas i:aat aged 5%
arrest, cannot sag it, j WCs ►NPt.erestin5 And iutprrpsice, by the visiting teachers, Messrs. corning year. Mr. EAgio and Mr. years.