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The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-26, Page 6
, J . - . A tuber 'ie being constantly ing ing PSIHS. , The, Huron. News Recora� creased by roiq,folvet�iants, rtalci°that A big etrtke .wap soak,. When Towell U0241 7..T,ZXV;r«.�.�..IE.rY$I'3"ylrics: GIROCI�RdC Damm issues, their 14tract of area • Tt_ '" "U ' _ .. a A vance. they a full armed. p Flow Hprsea, .4'-aifle, Sheep, .. 1.ti. a Year tMl..k to 4 y 41 fully * a R arid■, and Burdock. It has wet vribe N A LL NE A later telegram says :---The great auaceos, and it must, for it is ilia �tiot;;l �Q&i. •i?.A!!f,:•�t. Dec. 2GiL, 1$$S negroes have retreated to ,110 moat powerful blood purifier in the mar- t1i.001'Ao1R1BOOIi+►aTresw e II LI OF-----�-�- —HAS NOW F �g0�11R�$/lllly. iurutofltMimn,pr><atl swamps, where they are fortif'yiltg ket. It is peed with the greatest success (hurt,rcpt Free. * • f fi - - nal[ diseases arising from a debilitated -arse–i epern e'oncu.rriu le. r nanrntottvn.X—MasFru La er ki ins--' t}icroselvca Anil maktn over re• A CAtST .fJ]i DESP;lt1 }O\ . $ Y condition 0the system, and everyone w. -t; ivai nieuiusflit *0>!1 k Fovcr. aratio.0 to rpa!et attacks. They :es._S rainle, Larnenet■} nhouronttrm. x P needs, and should ties a bottle or two at, � illbtumxer, Napn-} iIl■ciwr■r+. - r aro armed witu shotguns, muaketa this season of the ear, of Powell'■ Fac- ►� U.–ligtr gR i:ruLe, }j orms. , SIMILAR TO NO OTHER EYER BROUGHT p+ Y t +, F..–tt'vna6q iHeave■, Pneumonia jj(, g ,�`y ,y INTO A CANADIAN COURT. and pistols. The whites are mostly tract ofsarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear F. N.–C:ollc aR 4Rlpc� 13eilyne6e• Yalencias lSult as Fit etnon armed with Winchester riliea shot- In mired oue 50e. bottle contains more tae ILI. nilr� vary and emw•rhsee■, f f i 7 A, Ii.–U Fr and Ktdue Dl■ea■eq. nuns and some side arms, and are ■olid medicine than rnoatdollnr eacalled I. 1� EruDthe. Li5cage■ vMatrr:e. �rUg4! and Gluon Peels --- Fesb■ At the Oitford County Court on c f�areppartlla and bitter Also remember ,• K.3160ape■ ern ige■tiign. determined to put a atop to all such that it is eiold to Clinton b all druggists, btu;�;p ,Galin s hai 1[an°6 Thursday, before Judie Finkle, a outbreaks. Phe .easel scone of y Ib g _.eatcatoX, si.00 Ver curious carp was tried--Pogina P price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- Prtce,singleBottle(over50doev$1 .GO A Speoial Blend of COFFEE—only House in Town that keeps it. y e the trouble is about five miles from gists and medicine dealers everywhere. Sold by Drngslotei or v. Venner. There never was such Wahalak. 44311y Rant Propald on tri«oript o! Price. CROCKERY very cheap. Two Brooms for 250. }' a case tried in any part of Canada - _ ___ - Wells .� toWlucillrbt., olst eat.Age, � es nlouul at.. tliontve+,l. before. The parties all lived at PLAIN WORDS. `-Ssvernl horses have been i ? alaunh►.ored in the country about Geo. sClinton. Otterville, a few wiles from Wood- 'Rev. Kingston and their hides sold in t'.' stock. It appears that Venner, Rev T. W. Jeffery, the late UgMEOPATHIO 11 _- Pp pastor of the Westoin Dlethodist the city. It would not 'pay, with the rrt-sent scarcity of fodder, to c who was indicted for tare ny, was church, 'Toronto, merle some refer I y SPECIFIC 10A.8. Kenney's (the prosecutor) brother- cnees to his troubles in a Port keep them overwiuter. Innwtoyease.�The calymooe■■fulcomedy for SPRING w �T �E � i.p-law, he (Venner) having ma,•- hope pulpit on Sunday. He said Nervous Qebllity, Vital Weakness, t 'Ietied Ke tie 'a sister some ears arro there were a great many friands one EXPEL THE WOR�'1,S by using and a ro■trgttoa from ore.-wpsk l other causes. >DI per tial or drl+b and tar -Ap poader, top t6. ,tin y Y h r the safe and reliable anthelmintic eOI.DAY�RUOe7AT■.Op■oal4DoetDaidonreCeiptof, but she had diad in 1886. QF could trust, but there are many Freeman's Worm Powders. prleo.-Wove a Richardson ca,Agents, as Mc- —oF course, ,pore being such a relationpresumable friends that would take Gillstraet Montreal. ship between them, Vennor had away a men's character as quick as -James Bushane, of Comber, HATS AND CAPS every opportunity of getting very look at hire. If he were %tort" a Essex county, was instantly killed NFEWSPA.PER LAWS w intimate with Mrs. Kenney,the million dollars he would rather of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also this morning by a limb falling on prosecutor's wife. On the 12th have the whole of it taken away We call the s social attention of Post his head whits J. was en"& B in 1 One,_.Case American Neckwear ' November last, 'or some time ora- from him than that his character felling trees in J. S. Artistic&Bros.' Wasters and subscribers to the following vious, it had been arranged between ba taken away. It is not always a lumber woods there. He wae.mar. synopsis of theneivspaper laws: them to no to England. The tris- matter of character, however, when ver handsome), from 20c. u to 50c. A call respectfully solicited. a o 1 ried only about a year ago. /-A postmaster is required to ggive osier had purchased three tickets. n wan faces insult and blasphemy. noti6^Y 1.14TT.tt (returninga arIse. dace -� /� c ^-���•- one for his He had been troubled .dote during out answer the lawwLon a ubsiUor 111611 GF-uO- G -T _. Lslc o V V one for Mrs. Kenney, A SEVERE ATTACK.. ) own eon and one for himself. She the past three months than he had �� aot take his paper out of the office, and Albert tS'tr8et. ever boon before but did any one I never felt better in my life than ,tate the reason for its not being taken. Murray Block, was to leave a day or two before , Y I have sinee'taking Burdock Blood Anynegleot to do so makes the postmaster C�'Next Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. z; the prisoner, which she did, Pris- th}uk it was Himself and his own Bitters. I had a severe bilious at- responsible to the publishers for payment. oner was to meet her at Queboc, blimacter he was defending only? tack; Icould not eat for several days, where they meta to take the steam No, he had a little girl, six years of and was unable to work. One bottle 2-1f any peraun ordars his paper dis. e'. ship Sarnia and sail for England, age, and when he thought of her cured ma." JohnF.iohards,Sr, Tara :ont9nuod,'he must pay all arrearages,m HOUSE PAINTING, . growing U to womanhood he Ont. For all bilious troubles use the publisher may continue to send ii +(� F . they having.alLtbe baggage packed e g P B. B B. until payment is made, and collect thf \lV would bluah for alienia if he did GLAZING AND GRAINING - and uiarkud via i�l'thebac s, e. Sarnia, � -whole amount, whether it be taken fro>r London, England. Kenuey, how- not -face every kind of 'insult and the office or not. There can be ;to lega, Q Q 1 >>: ever, got some idea of what was ,reprobation heaped upon him by -Rev. A. C. Crews, pastor of discontinuance anti] the payment is made, PLAIK AKD DECOARTI l rj ry about to transpire, so lie got the unscrupulous devils, who dared not Simcoe, street .1lethodist church, !-Any person who takes a paper from 1 aid of the lett attd had the prie0nor fight him face to face. These dastard. Hamilton, has accepted a call from the post -office, whether directed to hit PAPE r� �+ �•, r, ' name or gnother or whether he has sub• r - 1 ' alaeated_ as 'lyJ+il s the bttggaage ly, cowardly leen attempted to take the Zion church, Wrnnepeg which • po e -P _ � � f1I17� 1111119 t stopped at Quebec and returned. away is charactoi, -�an3� `£tittle i� Llio second NI fho�tef chu' iuh to ervbed or�not; rates nstble for th a . 17 11{illl'lly it awe in the face of his child. the city.'The stipend is 81,500 4 -If a subscriber orders his paper to bl uQ�* Mrs. Kenney, in the meantime, got Y P $ 'lite � a+• � • away, and it is supposed alta is in There are men in this world who a year and free parsonage. or atevd at a curtain time, and the AND continues to send, it the subscriber i � • England, but her whereabouts is. do.things that make the devil him bound to pay for if takes it out of i1" � , r-R,E SCJOING, 'snlf blush forshame when he thinks post -office. .This tioceedsu onthegroum de ,unknown at present. The baggage A HINT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. p 1 ' . P e he is father to such an ignominious that a man must {,ay for what he use, � • Shop Next �Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street . was all brought into court, and it- g' bSra. Robert Williamson of (ileaila 2 was a sad- sight to see the father child. A man that will attempt to Parry Sound, Oat., swya, "I could p ^ ° take awe a man's character out- not kee» house without Ha yards S� CLIN'I'ON ON'S'gR�O_ and husband, he Navin; two small Y Hag yard's which the mother had rivals the devil, his father. Yellow Oil �t hand phave used it the llivisi11u Court to Goderiel, C H/�iis■ T• SPOONER taken away with her,' sorting out in m family for erou .sore throat at the November sitting a uerTile lir:put- - as BIG IIOOPER 1VHOOP''ER UP. and a cut foot, and can highly re, lister stied fns' p,i>' of paper, Thu d6tead- the articles which he claimed commend it to everybody.' ant objected paying on the ground that he. --_-- pts out of the various trunks and had ordered a former proprietor or the boxes which had been packed and "I don't think Canada will ever paper to discontinue it. The Judge held ! -Mr. Patterson,an old Toronto that that was not a valid defence. The MONTROSS PATENT bad been intercepted in transit. be annexed to' the United States,.„ . man, called upon the Mayor, Thurs- plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no During the progress of the trial the said Capt. rhos. Hooper, at the day, and produced an official manu- notice to discoritinuo anis consequently Crown tried' to show adultery had Russel house, Detroit. The, captain could collect, although it was not deniedMETALLIO HIN LES script cousus of Toronto, or rather been committed, but 'it 'wits not is a than of splendid physique and that defendant had notified former pro - been town of York, for 1805. ,The pprietor to discontinue. In any event strong; enough to convict a man of enormous strength, and easily car- manuscript came to lien) froth his defenditnt was bound to pay for the time ,such an offence. The case lasted ries the destines of the celebrated P grandfather. At that time the he. had received the paper and until be AND S I D I N G nearly all day, the population was 473, made up as court room be- Beav • mine, on the north shore of had aid all arrearsduo forvubscription. incrowded. The prisoner's coon- Lake Sup©riot. on his shoulders. follows ; Adults malea,119 ; adult sel. worked hard in cross-examining He is also the proud father of six females $2• male children over 16 the -hituesses to tryand shake their boys and three girls. One of the ' rbed a to- Land r —A re you die- Y g 8; female ch}idren over 16, `�'el, tithed at night and broken' of your rest FIRE AND CIii7ORTl/r 'pQ OOL1� testimony. Some very flue points boys is 19 yoare old, six feet three male children under 16, 108; female by a sick child suffering and crying with FIRE .L9.1V D STORM M .0 ia+ 1' o of'law were brought up, and it is and one-half inches tall, and weighs children undar 16 81• servants 5,.• pain of Cutting Teeth? If -so send at w likely they will be fully argued be. *230 pounds, within^five pounds of once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow•s The township of York had 494 in SoothingSyrup” for Children Teething. fore que of the superior courts. the captain; while another is, 16 habitants, $carboro' 1A. The g _ Mr. Ball Q. C, to the jury, went years old. six feet and an itch, and its volae is incalculable. It a will relieve _ • , , J Y, population of Toronto at presout the poor 'itltie aufferer immediately. 'pe- Sq' DAVM, - CLI NTON. over the evidence very carefully. weighs 201 „pounds. The captain is 170,000 • Pend upon it, mothers; .there is no mise 'Mr. Fletcher for the prisoner; spoke has traveled considerably in the take about it. It cares Dysentery and very earnest,y on pia behalf, saying United States.and Canada, and has Diarrhosp, regulates the Stomach and A LtCKY ESCAPE. Bowels cures Wind Colic, softens the that ho considered that tate prisoner formed very decided opin}r 118 on "o 4; wits udt guilty of larceny. -'The annexation. For six yearsl suffered with as tone a reduces Io o the ion, and 'tem. TheN v ry 'we ti enlarged tonsils. I was tone tins nenlergyslow' to the 'Whole system. �n�0�'d judge, in sumlroing tip rho cnafl, `.i\Tearly all the Canadians are in very weak ; I'doctored four yea;•s "Mrs Winelow's Foothiog, syrup' forG quoted from• numerous authorities favor of it." confiuued the captain; and had advice from three doctors; children teethi3ig'ia pleasant to the mate t�tiiiiiiiii� z and said that-fli -alt his experience sand whj shouldn't' they be? they said I would have• to undergo an and is the preacrtption ofone of the oldest a.: he had never met with a similar The have everything to sin and operation. 'Itried B. B. B. instead. and best female physiciads and nurses in C. The tit' after here out Y Y " g •+ the Coifed' States, dna ie for sale by all mould be" an excellent present to send to friends —one One bottle cures me. M. A. Jury g nothing to lose. They have a debt druggists throughout the world. Price the Would remember the year round. r for half an trout, brought in a ver of $300,000,000 that they Would Squelch, Raglan, Ont. 25c. a bottle. Ile sure and ask for "M re y y diet of guilty• like to have the United Stated a — a inslow'a Soothing Svrup," and take no „ -- _-_- - for them, but I don't think it will -At the meeting of the Wood stock Public school Board on 'Tues- other kind. t.' •y.k , MURDERS IN MISSISSIPPI, be worth -while, Canada is a God day, 11th, Principal Van S1ike was -Thomas Welsh son of Mr. °: ---' • IIOw THE DIFFICULTY WAS 'DROUGHT saken country, the most of" it, and the people are forsaken of God. It P P dismissed, and Mr. Garvin, of W 1. land, almost unanimously appointed ' Edward \Vessh, of Stratford, a 18 �r ABOUT—LATEST NEWS FROM would take' a long time • to make is to the vacancy. young man of ears of age met J' o Y o ' with 'an accident in the "Michi an g ,�. TIIE scENE. -- •- Yankees of them and there prat- r tically. nothing for us to gain by lumber woods, at Bay, city, Friday A special to the Avalanche from } P the making.. To be sure the have o t Y CO INVIGORATE both hod and Y the. -brain, use the reliable tonic, last, which cost hiui his life He between two logs and �- Columbus, Miss.; gives the partica- some mines over there, but we can Milburn% Aromatic Quiuine Wine. was caught instants killed. The body was Y .ars of the riot, as follows :-On bring the product of them without Y brought to Stratford Tuesday morn- SuiSday. evening two boys -one duty., as it is now, so we would direction, -At a meeting of Middlesex o Ing. white and ,the other Mack -got into - a fight.. Tom Nicholson, the gain nothing' iu that 'Then the country would not suit us farmers held 'Thursday in London 'recommen- resolutibhs wereassed P ` father of the white boy,. attempted and e e would have to tear it all diner that the Provincial Fair be BEYOND ,DISPUTE. e to separate them when Maury; the P ' (down and build it over. No I discontinued and the usual grants There i3 no better, safer or more ' father of the negro, jumped on him ,uf don't think it will ever be annexed I h' k h o for that object be devoted to other ag_ pleaernt copgh remedy made than Hagysrd's Pectoral Balsam. It cures and beat him. Nte Colson swore to the United States. . t ru t e • � ricultural purposes. out a warrant against Maury, which people of this country have toogood _ P p _ Hoarseness, Bron Sore 'Throat, Coughs, was placed in the hands of the sense to fall into such a trap. colas, Bronceitie and all throat and The News -Record makes a specialty 'df the constable. The constable, after' A SEVERE TRIAL. lung troubles. • • searching, found Maury, with quite AN AMERICAN SALT TRUST. Frances S. Smith, of Emsdale, -Mr: James Bradley, farmer, of a crowd of other nrgtoes, harries h., Muskoka; writes, • I was troubled Georgetown, while excavating fur a inestded- in a house. The refused to with vomiting for ewe years, and I r r b Y The origaniaere of the scheme to have vomited as often as five times fouudafion of a building, was I'atnlly pay any attention td the officer• form an American Salt Trust deny a day. One battle of Burdock Blood injured liy a bank of earth falling Not satisfied with defying the law,Bitters cured me." upon hirn. Ito died, two hours they attacked the officer and beat ,list it has an 'connection with the P - -- - afterwards. him until ho was more dead than Salt Union of England, blit aa' • - ■ alive before they would allow him most of the capital engaged in the -Prof.. Todd and a party of as- J..' �..J J.�V �./ Lo go. He returued to town for new movement comes from En tronomers form Amherst Observii- FOR RICKETS,, MARASMUS, AND i• - g ALT, WASTING DISORDERS of NE's STOCK 1. NEW STORE! help, who proceeded at once to the land; it is regarded as unlikely tory, Amherst, Mass., aro arranging CHILDREN. point whore the negroes were fot'ti- that there will be anyclash of inter to make observations at Brandon. f ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. fied, to demand the surrender of ests between the two. -The active Man., of the eclipse of the sen of .Scott's typoEmuhon o Pure Cod l wrr - • Oil, with 1lypoplrospkitea, is unequaled. Maury. The negroes, however, promoter of the American trust is January 19t. Tiro rapidity with which children JOSEPH CHIDLEY Dealer in Furniture, had abandoned their house, and C. F. Burger, general agent of the gain flesh and strength upon it is s were posted in the woods, near by, Higgins Eureka Salt Manufaetor- CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. very wonderful. "[ have used Scott's Call at the New Store and see Pstock of and as the constable, with his posse, ing Company, of Liverpool. Emulsion in eases of Rickets rind Bedroom and Parlor Sets' Loun1' ge deboards• 'Cht airs Springs, neared the houso, they were fired Speaking oil tile subject yesterday To Txi; EDITOR : Marasmus of long standing. In n, upon from the ambush. Constable Mr. Ilurget said: -"Ever ,since Please inform your readers that I every case the improvement was Mattrasses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Sto4 is from the very Cobb and four of his art fall salt lino G have a positive remedy for the above marked.;—J. D. MAIN, M. D,•New best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. party h",cn cndd iri this'country named, disease. By its timely use York: -Sold by fill Druggists, M ande JpR; CII IDLEY, one door West of Dieksolit's Book Store. diad at the first volley, an'd there the uranufactureis have, with fete thousands of hopeless cases have been wan only onn man among the twelve exceptions. been losing ntonoy and permanently cured. I shall be glad T--_ -- - -�T-p �-�t�T who eacahed entirely whole. The have for a number of years been to send two bottles of my -remedy, -Ali enthusia�iwen ting of ��F V sLNI .L V �iE� ►� whites, soiling that they were only tying to form an association by FRRE to any of your readers who have ratepayers ra was helSound,a }raudfnlcumeared to rho largo which ruinous colo petition could be consumption if they will send. me ,---.AT.-- 1 l their Express and P. 0. address for rho purposing the crowd of negroes who were opposed avoided. The Salt Union in Lon- Respectfully, ectfull d A. T. rens tf $15,000 veto to the Polson Iron !! to thorn, and tvho numbered several don has floated its capital stock of 07 Yongestreet, Toronto, Ont, 499y Works Company to enlarge the dry' THE RED ROCKER STORE. hundred, eetrtated, leaving their :26,000,000 at an offering -in Sub- duck and do the necessary dredging _ - dead on the field, followed by the scriptioi�s of ton times that amount at tho shipyard slip. Committees -o jeers and shoats of the blacks. and it not .sells at 150. Sarno of-1Vhile oiliu;{ a thresher on Ii, tr.fl,,o formHd for rho various wards PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDFBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atten• Upon the return of rho remnant of this unused money is u(1'ered to us Coat -a' farni in .Usborne 'Township and it is confident. ex sected that tion is called to PARLOR SUITES -they are of our own manufacture, and for design, the to9sr: t0 toren Lhe soma was an if ¢inetican manufacturers Thos. John.,)' sleeve esti slit in rho Y 1 material and worknianshili cannot be excelled fn the county.' 1 6 the by-law will entry.BIG ., ..one of: the wildest excitonrout. A wis t to make use of it the will find gearing and was drawn in u to the - _ �. _� of May. tuber, that all goods will . sAld ata 1,S REDUCTIf always during the month Y g e P --- - of May. First come, first screed. AN UPH07 STERER ahvays on hind ;repairing , special train ams made up at Meri- us pulWhasers of their plant on a shoulder. The limb was maahed to A Pf)S'CbfAS'I'ER'S OPINION. neatly and promptly attended to. dao with about seventy-five doter- fait And savings c basic. We think a jelly and had to lie amputated, "I have great pleasure in certifyh Undertaking' and FInbalndnn, attended to at onr usual low,ratcs. Night wiuod inou aboard, and loft for rho immense Savings can bn mads in the - � eallg attender] to promptly. ing to the usetulness of Iiagyard's scone of the f}oht. This numlier coat of manufacturing and that the g g �� �ALI�� REITH• VIC'T'ORIA CARBOLIC SAi,VE is Yellow Oil," writes , D. Kavanag, was im;,i acrd at every station along price of salt will be rather lees than a great aid to internal medicine in of Utnfraville Ont "Lavin used it tiro road. The negroes h,id not more, besides being of a better the treatment of ecrof •lous sores for soreness of the throat, burns, boon idle. RepoHe state that their quality." ulcers and absct?asea of ell kinds. I colds, etc., i find nothing equal to it," ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. a