The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-26, Page 4MT -
wvQ �Jlousatnd ye�Axq ago. That his
and was received wiIh the gkoatest
vqtuin- was fQ.ret9id fppw the time
satisfied vrith the progress the school
enthusiasm. The putlemali dealt
a been crowded out this WeeK, Out, WO though the bitter Coldnesa of the 0 piospe y even faintir realize all the dangers of when rL-rerring to tile irt-scop. of 6c
J4 i
not fast while' the bridegroom was make room for the Rl)le articles of day wutild have been a valid oxcaza.. -nlers- The day uearing to a
those who sweep thron;h Ll -.e deep, whou AtneriL)t crew. Fortlimavely I had with
livikii them. our esteeriatid friends thi) inerchailts, for a niuch less wumber being pro- to a close and many present having the stormy. winds do blow. %li'liat one me at the time a crew'in whom I had
re held tile a long away to go Mr. Porter had be more appalling to a frall human every confidenee, and to the nerve
Christ' i, tile. 1widegrooni. Ile Obich will repay a careful perusal. sent. Proceedings we In
township hall, President W. Camp- to draw his remarks to a close after creature than to flod tile- oak leviathan, displ,,yed and itti-rition given to me by
should be with everyone, especially speaking for about an hour. He constructed with the utmost care and each individual sailt-r on board my boatt
We would have liked te have given boll fn,the chair. The roll bein" skill, whose huge ribs have hitherto I must attribute, in a grent mrasure, the
on Chritittrias d I ay. We are obey- t he full text of Dr. Campbells re -A called: by I Socy. Jas. Miteliell, was iepeatodly choored and the been his trust and pride, become the saccoss which atterided the taking
inany good points he made seemed to as ff c 1 0 e
ing , His comminds when we eat, following delegates answered c, sport of the tempest, it toy in the gr p o f b or w rl�orn -the doomed vessel,
0 mark4 at God.orich on St. Andrew's th 0 0 toilch R responsive churd in till) ofthehurricane, The sails end cordage which, I must now confess, was it slime-
Xriuk and are merry on this Oay. nig4. They were just 'what one to their names:—
The occasion., should, be a joyous might expect from the taleifted au- Ashfield.—A. C. Hawkins, Goo hearts of the, sturdy yeomell and are snapped slid torn to 0hreds tile main wbitt h zardous undertaking, My
' ' others present. At tile cull clasivil mast is by the board, lNe'rudder is gone, thanks, today, are also due to my rriends
Stothers the bulwarks are (town, the rushing and the local press, throgh whose efforts
one, The advent of the Saviour tho*r of a Lire of Burns. An extrtet Hawkins, Ed. Martin, Win: lit, was enthusiastically applauded.
will be found on another page. Njr. Kickle)r, John Black. It was then niovaad i)y F wayes,,Iike hungry wolves sweep the our action towards saving life was
was indeed a joyous occasion. It I Qd- W- deck from stem to stern" tile wfull brought to the attention of the Dominion
w . as.prognant.. vvith tile possilAlitirts Colborne.—Geo. Sheppard, Thos. 'Jullil'itun, �,iucouded b3 W. screams and b1s8es through the shattered Minipter of and 1 brough hiTd to
or unknown joys. Angels announ- Jarvis, Jac. Tobin, Richard Wolters., Whitely: "That this meetin",having rigging of the, iii -fated veese-1,- tin,] the tWAmerican Governmetit,with the -result
Isaac Fisher, Owen Jones, Will' heard tile, remarks of NLlio Robt. Bea yawns round list like a bellL seeking which has ended in the, presentation to
ced big conlilig as "tiditirri of great COUNCIL -StWiley tOW11811illIdOtill- Jones, Thos. Hamilton, Jag. Millian, to devour the helpless wretches on me tonight from the head of otie or the
0 0 Porter, the meniiiier okthe Dow'in- board, shrieking Find wringing th,ir greatest nations in the world, of the
joy which shall be to all People; cil inetat Varna on the 15th, pursu- Patrick Hogau, Thos. Hamilton, jr., ion Hong,) for West HuNu, respeo- hands in fill the agonies of de.,pair, valuable and handsome testimonial with,
for unto, you is 'borti tbis -day a ant, to statute, . meinbers'all present, Win. Claricn, Jacoll Sheppard, John ting the public questions of thii day. History, poetry, find painting delight which I have b, -en preserited. And lust,
minutes of pievi6us ineeting r6ad McNovin, Thos. McIntyro,' Chris. we have. niticli pleasure in endorsing to magnify and celebrate the deeds , of but most of,nll, my beartfult thanks are
Savioul. vvb igh -is Christ the, Lord." and passed. Tile following pdraO'ns Stewart, Win. Corbie, John 1.3arker, the views lie has expressed, as also tho gallant soldier, Iiia -faftts of heroism due to that'Higber Power, which doeth
The religiou of Christ is huninni- were refunded their dog tax, which Win. MdIntyre, George McIntyre, -field, -his patience all tbings-w-611, and withodi' thiii ald'of
the course he has Purs.qqd both in " the bloody battle
and endurance on.the lovely 'aud toll- which noeff)rt,of mortal man could be
tarlau its well as spiritual. It was were entered by mistake oti the Samuel Vallsbone, Thos. Vanstotio, and out of the Hong(), since' h`e has'
-3. Johnston, Jos. Cimp- Jos6ph Back, Wm. Clarke, Janies 8 some march. While we do not wish to successful on the tempest -tossed sea,
not intended for angels, Ile came Ro.I.l : Tho. been our inninber." The proceedin." depreciate the effec.ts or dim the lutstre when the Stol-in King rules almost
bell, Goo. Anderson. 11, Dayman, McDollag4i, 'Charles Stewart,,Win. terminated with cheers for Robt. of the fame of our armies, 'we fiiust not supreme. The valuable present, which
not to call tile. righteous. And in. Dancan MeEwen, Jag. Wanless, Cunningham.
0 Porter M. I':, Sir John A. INTacdoll!' forgetthatthe c6u rage of the soldier is I have lonight received will 'always be
exercised and displayled I iinder cifelim- clivrished bv ME;, 'as a rem- -Indeir ibat -ev-e*-n-
jr4er to -adapt his 1;iilchings to, this John ' Grey. 'Will, Kyle, Alex. Ive8,1 11'awaiiosh.�Robt. Modd, 'dtfferentfrom those which in this world a duty done is apb6ciated
a. old mid the Queen. stances very
sinners whom it 'was intended for, Sparks, Margaret ',\TcE%YeD, Jo Edward Plouglkinan, Samuel Pont- too. often Surround the humane boro who by out fellplys, arid tbftt tllere is a core-
-Suidor. The followill-
�e foritialattill suit them. De- amounts laud, Job.n -Mills, M. McDohald, sAeks to rescue imperilled life at sea. mou brotberlboo'd amongst. men, that is
asing sensuality, or .-Iuttdiiy of mere oadured to be paid ; account Wm. McMillian'. A BRAVE CAPTAIN AND To one there is. all the bustle and ex- only second to tb.- Fatherhood or God.
0 b I
is. as f . ar . removed fiam', of $13.68, chairty for Win, Berwick, 1,48t TVaicqnosh.—Jqmes- Owons, CREW. citement created by the presenve of Thanking yna, 11rChairm!kil, ladies and
any kind -accatint, or $6 bharity for Whi it'(] Leishman, thousatiasoftils*comrildes arouid him, gentleratin, for you'r pr�sence here to-
reilel nie�rime�nt as the most anchori- Thompson;.JOhD LOU . 711, $3, ' for' Robert Roily' Rich, D6u GOLD '�ATCII Pltr8H.NTl,',D TO -CAPT. by the wavitli, Of bauver;, and 'tile night, and for tile' iiitei�es% you have
Geo.' Quinn, Brow Williams, neighing and priincing of war-hQrsoi,,by display" in my behalf 'on this emission,
tish fasting. selecting jurors; J. Moirow, $1.25, J. W. GREEN.
0 Paterson. the sound of martial music,' the call of I will no* take my'seat. (Loud and
Thnie.forc %vp ngain say to our" for spikes; John Reid, $6.75, in- bugle, and the thundering druill, for prolonged cheers
'forest on money borrowed for tov�u. Blyth.—L. 11. Shane, Jultin Shot- God of tile iiiijility deep I the other, no eye @sea him. and his tot- The proce'
thuuVoils of readers, a merry, merry. ship use; Geo. Browuett�, $52, for ritt, 'S. 11. Gidley, J. N. Perdue, Whose -awful �oar lowers save that which sees all olir licts, a clese. - edings were t I ben brought to
Christmas to each and every One of keei5ing John Bartley, for the ear Joseph Carter, Patrick, Kelly. Breaks out- still vigils sleell the most open and most secret alike. no
you. And we have -such faith in 18�$;board of health, $7.50, y for 110etk�Jamei;- Barr, Sainnol INVM' lal' fl -0111 11i0lill Or Shore spirit stirring pomp or parade is there,
Loud thunder swells in every wave.— no sounds save the turnalt of the 'ele'-, MA RKET 'REPORTS.
your prosperity that we' believe 1887, and $7.50, for 1888. ' Th e Barr, D. E. Monroe. Death las�sus 1-rom the vresting futinit—O Monts, and the cries and moans of tilose (Correded every Tuesday afternoon.)
e all in a position to have a following gravel accounts were Clinton.—E' Corbett, W. H %ave in imminent, deadly peri I One - is a OLINTON.
you or ordered to bepaid; Jac. Gingrich, Cooper, Jr., �V. T.* Whitely; John' -Th y -sons of ocean ! 0 God above the wave glittering and exiii!lint here who to Flour ........................ '$j GO to, 0 00
reasonable measure 6f enjoyment in $q2�32; 9d Glen, $5.26. John Al And fury of thestorta, guy stud lively music, marches boldly Fall Wheat, 'nt-w & old 1 '00 to 1 03
ex, Spoonei, ]David Contolon. Hear Thou the sailors prayer on to destroy lire and property. The Spring Wheat ............. 1 00 to 1 03
t1l a (706d, t 1) i a of this ander, $1,88; John Canieron, $20,- Goderich Tow2u;N1).—`NVm. Me- Str,!teli fOrd, thy nli.fllty " I other is only it homely cl it and weattier Barley ..... ................. C 50 -to 0-60
life in tile �ear of grave 56, Jag. Parke, $22,08; Robert Ale; Calle, Robert Taylor, Win. lialieke, Though limit lie distant, Thou art lwar !
beaten Sailor, who amid dispiriting and oats ........... .............. 0 '32 to 0 33
1888, and that you will also Innes, $31.60; Win. Carnie, $17.- Robert Bean. For some days the good town of discouraging clfcumatance� risks his all Peas.. ............... 0 58 to 0 58
have a lively sense o -f the enjoyment 60;John Murdock,$2.54; John Reid,� -lVpbII Goderich had been nn till toe of e.x- to save boll). it is the proud boost Of Ap'ples,(winter)perblul 1 00 to 1 50
-an, $24-.88, Peter Goderich Toic7a.—Win. Gla
0 F, W, John
which pass all Ston, Capt. Me ion awating tbo oftasiou when Britons that tile humanity of their Potatoes .................... 0 30 to 0 35
of those things $25.28; Chas. Lo Grli-or, pectati sailors is as cor spicuous its their conr- Butter ....................... 0,18 to 0'19
Caipiug, $22.08;. Henry -11oltz, 96 0' Capt. J. NV. Green would be pro -
R Rad age in battle, and at tile eight or suffer- Eggs ................
undoraLituding and which Call Only cents; Win Moffatt, $17,88; goo. E. Ca 011, George Evans, . v - .......... 0 17 to 0 10
I i fro, a -tel,
Illyi scuted with a gold watch, the gift of ing or distress they quickly. remember Hay
be fully understood and realized in Stephenson, $22.00; Chas. Weeks, J,�iils Mitcho,11, T. C. N f tile U. 8. Government, for flie s(.,r that all mankind are brothers.' Between .................. 12 00 to14 00
the -reat beyond to which, ho%iovor $21.76; Air Ransford, $5.36; Chas- Ed. Van Every, R. A' i cLeari, Arch. i the in . habitants of the two great coun- Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00
a v ice of himself and cretir in re I sculn'" tries of America—Canada and the United
Avery, $1.60; Win. G'rant e4 0(): Elliott, 1), Morwick, M. McDonald, Bee f ......................... 0 00 to 0 00
pleasurable the"anticipittions of it Dr. Taylor, Thowas Finn, Loids the crew of the American barge States—I hope this sendident may Wool ...... it ................. 0 20 to 0 25
Alex. McMurchie, $5.36 Goo Aurri6 offGodoi-ioll in the fall of Pork ...... ..... ............. 6 50 to 6 70.
ma be, wo bope you may-n6t enter ' Elliott, Wni-Lee. never be forgotten, find -th-t tile only,
.y Baird sr, Thos. Rounard, Goo. Stow- 18�7, during a severe etalo, The reta.iation that will evpr, be possible -
until many. more mundane Christ.' art, Win. Rathwell and Samuel The folloving officers were then 0
Sterling, were appoil.ited Deputy elected;—P resident, Joseph Beek, facts in connection with the brave may be slich its this,1(he beftrty recugni- NOTICE TO CREDITOKS.
mas' have seen 'You and your rescue appeared in, THF, NEws- tion of each others J)ravery slid
Returning Offiecis for this year, and Saitford; Vice Pilesident, Robcr� REcottD at the time and were ro- generosity. While Canadians fire
families gathered qround the sQci N M 4 their Medd Auburn; Secretary, James resolved to go ti-eir oyn way on the lit tile mattor uf tile Aw;ignuietit of
By-law No. 6, collfirinilil I forred to on Aeveral occasions since.
board. In tile meantime remember appohitmeut, wits rea(l a third time, Mitchell, Godericb; Treasurer, I'll. Tuosday evening was tho,time fixed !'it ill of progress and development, uiid- T. 11. NVelsh, of tile Towniihip of
in due time add it stirring ind splendid floclorich, it, the County of
tile poor on this fesiivo day. and passed. The titne. for collect. M. Ra6ey, Clinton. The old Vice- and Goderiell toown hall tile place. chapter to the history'lli'great and rem-' Iluroll, y (,ill I tl a 1).
Attempts ha" been niake by ing kaxes was extended till tile first, Presidents * wore aI , I re-appoititorl in There was a larga attentlaiie,e, many ous nations. 'They earnestly desire 9
basis to' -damp �Iie enthusiasm day urJauuarS, 1889. On notion, the differout municipalities, and being ladies. Mr. F. IV. Johnston, that all cames or irritation, if any exist Notiect iihereby given that the under-
Iconoc it was Passed, that Goo, Brownette, A -era[ added in tile unreprosented who took tin active part in callfrig between them and the people of the Re- signed has been appointed assignee of
which for nl-oyy�h6ndred years has receivil only $4A.00 for keeping distriDta. tile atotitiou 6f tile 03,ovorn Ilion t to public on our southern Writer, may be the above named insolvent. in the
-kcd feature of each re- peedily removed, and-th4Lt they whoare place of Robert Gibbuns, tile �iheriff of
been a runi ' John Bartley ijoxt yoar. The coun- oil illotiull of Afessis. IV. T. .(,,lipt Greeu as tht3 instrument a :o closely connected by many ties, may'
curring Christmas dity, which we cil then adjourned to meet again on -Whitely , and W. It. Cooper Of tile hands of the " God of tile live together ln the utmost piace and the.Oounty of Huron,
obeeTNIO On the 25th December, 1) Tuesday, the 18th inst., at 1 o'clock, Cliutull, it unanimous vote of thanki mighty deep " in doing the brave harmony., theni this beautiful. All perpons having any claim against
y . . 'Groo. Stowart, Clork. was tendered tile retiritig president, 0 ' all and chain, as amentgrial of your the said TholnAlt If. Welab, are r, quired.
casting doubts upon the identity of P- 'n- service noforrod to waV very pro- vvat - forthwith to send, tile j)articulars or the
Mr-Campliell, for his untiring and porly called to SoXair. lie called gallant conduct, given to you by Pres! samer with a a atement of'oecurities
tillat day with the actual date of the Vest dent Cleveland, through his officer, be- .(if any) bold by them, duly verified, by
Saviour's birth. Some 011 us the efficient services during the many on iir. Itubt. Porter, M. P, for I cuutle you saved the lives of the I citkeng letter, addressed to me at Clinton P. 0.
ENTEMTAINMENT—A very success- years lie filled the honorable but Hurun, to inike the presentation of tile United States, about to perish, and After tile expiration of one month
the 25th December was a day arbi- onerous and.not personally remun- aud Culit. Green to coino on the may You long live to wear It In pride from the first publication of this notice,
ful ontPrt!%inm,?nt was ht,ld in the and� honor. Arid when you look upon
trarily fixed upon by one of tile Sebuol livuse here, on Weduesd arative positioll'of President of the Platform, Mr. 'Portor, addressing its dialplate, rind observe [low quickly 1 shall proceed toldiatribute the assets of
for the purpose of liavin , . 14Y Asaoiliiiltion. Refiring President Capt. (Irreen, then Apoko as follows: honr and rultilite fly, may You. not forget the estate of the said Thomas H, Welsh
Popes evening, tho 19th hist, in aid of the
- , 0 Campbell thanked the delegatco I have been requested by the Marine that you and I , and all this wide world, among the creditors of whose claims I
special niasatis said which it waR . improvi4mont, full(] of the Episcopil prosent for tile confidence reposp(l Departi . ncill, at Ottawilt to present to are only but storm beaten travellers out shall have received due notice, and after
allowed would be more effective in .church of this place. It.consiate in him for several year - you, Captain Green, this beautiful teoti- on the ocean sailing to a land beyond' sunh distribution I shall not be liable
of dialol"lles inti-I'speraed with vocal 0 6 v t, ptesileut- inonial awardea to your njoble and tile tide, (Loud applause for.'any �art of said nosetfir to aby per -
saving the souls of those in whose . ed hinisolf t , e :, and pledg gon of whose claim I shall not have re -
and instr'xiiiiental music. All of humane gallantry, bythe Chief Magis-,
elect all the advice and assistance As might be expected, Captain eived do, notice.
behalf they were offored upon tile tile dialOgueS vvere received with trate of"the neighboring Republic. Tillie Gro
necessary to agaill succes.41111Y cill"T duty sir, is to' Me as Plet4sing as this en did not claim to be tin orator, Dated this 19th day or December, 1888.
alleged birthday of Christ than upon applause and tho last one *portion the Conservative banner t6 victory acku'lawledgement of your I merit in 11 at be but he oxpresg6a himself in reply- Vy. X. Farran, Assigdee.
any other day, all(] were corrnspnd.. larly entitleil, "A visit to tile Oil West Huron. gratifying to your townsmen and ac- 'ng in it remarkably clear matinor, MANNTNG & SCOTT,
I Asoignpe'il �$olicltors,
Regions," faitty brougIA down the
ingly to be pilid for extra and thus qualutances. I need not recall to your, though exhibiting at times signs of
b , ease. Tile musical part of the Mr. Joseph Beck, the now y- Memory that raw and atorn1y October emotion lie was laboring under. 110 31cKillo'll, Nittlitial Fire Insue-
increase the revenues oftbeChurch. entertainment was provided by i6lebted president, took the chair, day, w6n tile crew of tht. U. S. barge id substantially as fOI"1`ow9 titce Clointillauy.
Others allege that the day is of pure Missos Laithwaite and Thompson, mid in a few wolt chosen words 1,;orris, exhansted,with labor, overpower- Rai
ty Mossrs.],nitliwitite and MoBr ( for f1w honor ed with cold, hungpr, find the fury of it is far beyond My ability to ex[ ress
pagan origin, find thlit its obierv- ion and thanked the delilgatos The Annual Meeting of the members of tlio
a tile elements gave ilterreelves up (is myselr in appropriale ternas on this coca -
once by Christians is it heathenish the chui-oh choir and was also well conferred on him, and promised to 1k Niolullop Milwal P'lro Insurance Cotiipan3, will
hopelessly lost, slid abdut to sink into Mon. Mr. 11orter, allow me to that, be iew in tlie'rown Hall, sealorth, oil P'luDAY,
practice. received. Tile net proceeds 'were do all in Ids power to advance the a watery grave, No rescue seemed pbs. you most heartily, for the tiranner n JANUARY 1801, 1889, at the bour of 6ne o'clock, -
018.50. At the conclusion vot6a of -interests of tile Conservative, party. sible, their cold, a laked garments tin- which i-oll have made this presentation P. 111., for blie purpose of electitig Directors
hearing and recelvitil; the Annnal Statement anti
However, though all this may, be thanks were Imased to trusteea for ' The following gentlemen were peded their enfeebled arms; their to me. You r -words, -a pok en in so kindly the transactloh of such otber businesH as may
so, and though tbw actual calendar use of school Find to all who IIA41 elected 'an Executive or Advisory strength wike gone and labor was in a mariner, unnerve me more than a storm be dmined necessary.
v!Lln. Look in what direction thq upon it lee shore,. We sailors can look IV. J. Shanti-bli, T. E. Hayes,
(Jay may -be IVt in t'ho remotend'Is helped to got tip the entertainment. Committee : T. I, F. Hilliard, Clill- would, the almllow waters of the lake to thogreat deep in itg wrath,withotit dia-
of antiquitry:or noC traceable in his- The'annual examination of the ton; Win. Campbell and E. Cam ,r, tossed into angry billows crested may, but words of kindness,. or praise 5,28-w Secretary. pres4lent.
I - Public School here was hold on Pion, Goderich; Robert- Modd, wi-h foam, Aile winds werb howling foi duty dcMel always. bring a treMGr to
tory or traditiou, what boots al piten y as it moaning In sorrow for the frame and it atarnmering to the FOR SALE.
Thursday the 20th inst. The West WAwftnOsIl; P. Kelly, 'Blyth; "ll 0
A i,o,; tiny othername will the p.or* wretches whose last vo.yagn tongue. You have boon kind onough t lIi;sI'i38lURllJF,�—otYcrs for Sale fourellgiblu
teacher, G. INT. Kilty, 'was assisted Dr, Caen, Dungannon; and Jqmos in T13oliding Lots fronting on Albert Street; also
seemed nearly over. But to them, as it refer in flattering terms. to 'MY action i
Rinell as gweet. Tt is an historical, in the examination b Mr. T. Low- Pottor, Belgrave. has often been to others in sore trouble 'tile rescue of the crew or the Sdrrls and two frunting on itatteliblirl, Street; either
I y you llqvp, tholigbo bll)c or lit ae-liarato lot4, to sult piirchmerii. For
tradif ional and rovealo(I fact that the ery, tertolict No. -1, Ifullett. At tho P011TIM M. 1. WAS thOn arid distress, li,(,!p was lit frond lind T thank you for kviiftt furtber partioulars appl) to tile un(1crslAnttIF,,
r nearer thari they thought. Your white- fit to any of me on this Occasion. In DINSLEY, Clinton. 382
God-mau Christ was born nearly conclusion the trustees and others called Upon to address the woofing
wvQ �Jlousatnd ye�Axq ago. That his
present expressed themselves as well
and was received wiIh the gkoatest
vqtuin- was fQ.ret9id fppw the time
satisfied vrith the progress the school
enthusiasm. The putlemali dealt
Nbela the Lord alwid He would make
is making. Tile atteudanou of visi-
IU176 was not 44 large Its it Utight, to
in a very ft licitioms ipanneir with
the living issues of the day. lie
Our. corrospolidents will please
tbe seed of the iyonitin. to bruise the
be oil an occasion of thiii kii4d.
exposed file hollowness of the op.
for recip.
jpq aq i.mmind thaL their bud -eta for
bitaid of the serpent. Whou He
Every ratepayer of the section
position cry unrestricted
thn United States. Ile
uqxt week; shou,id reach us, ir I -os-
would right the wro l2gs brought, on
should be present and allow that
to taking all interest in the eduea
rucity with
pointed out that there was a stand
gjb 1% by'tho Will. The fortao of
the human. raca. in tile fall
tion of tho�f oting, au& in that way
ing olier, approved by the Parlia-
TH� NEWS-RZOOILD will be sent 10
of Adam, by sending His oil ly
elleouroac, tile teacher to make
ment of Canada, to exclialige with -
press on the Monday afternoon pro-
beloved Son to expiate the sins of
ro, a.
_greater ell'orts ill tile futu lid fit
estrictiou whatever a great
out any I, n
coding Now Years.
all mankind.
the same time encourage the chil-
number of tile raw pioducts of tile
0 glorious thotiglit I And bo%y
dren by allowing them that educa-
soil, forest and mines. Tile Ameri-
The Huron News -Record
"compatible with such thought is
tiou is valuable and well worth
striving for, and in that way caus.
cans with their usual sharpness,
however, only saw fit to make all
merriment upon that Son's' na till
ing them to make greater efforts to
interchaDge of it few of the enuuiiirat-
day. or upou any named dap. The
obtain it. At the next examination
ed articles and those of a class only
be beneficial them-
identity of tile day is a matter of
we hope to see a large attendance of
which would to
Wednesday. Dec. 2601. - 1888
indifference, so long as the heart
selves and correspondingly iujtir-
ious tu Canadi,iii faritters. lie
=2= 7-7
goes out in thankfullness to the
Almightyfor HIS -I scheme of
allowed that the droppi-ni, of the
term coin morchil unionani assuill-
2xd hold that
ing that of' unrestricted reciprociry
This week tive issue Tim mws-
redemption. we'
bo by
by the opposition was a plain At-
thankfulness call materialised
0141 6111111f. -N
REcoaD on Christmas morri
proper use of the ft -uits of tile earth
print ' ed it on * Alonday so a4 t`
and other of the good God'agifts,
sarvative West
Association tif
Huron at Sluith,s llill, Tuesday
Their last policy was oven worst.,
thtin their discarded outi. It was
allow opr,staff make inerry on
in col,juctioll of course with spirit.
of lost week,(loveloped tile f;,ct that
a mi.quoiner. histi-ad of being tin -
tile natal day of He who r-pake as
ual and intellpotuil thankfulness
tile success of two years ago whiel,
reistrictod . reciprocity it tilealit
Greut 4.11J.'allitic Joilt S.tileistiowguinguij.
Ili ndllition tti Lhk ivt. are off- ring
novel. ilian spaka.
altat-on.' Foa, surely trian
and ex,
resulted in tile oluctiun of tile
. ;iartkiion of' the larill'
ll'u"Oly till as.411
:1 "Treineudous Skilit ®rater Iii Muntles Mantl.,s lor $2, livorth $5. NOW
We wish �oii all, then, kind
calinot live �y bread iluile.
proSellt 1101.10rod mombar has not
of Calladd with , thA of the United
is Your chatice to se�uro Bargains, It' You
such aijuther. ltentembor. %ve give a,VRESENT
illiss this olillortlillily von Illay never got
readers, a marry, merry Christinast
and niny yoii till ont, drink and Ile
had auy anervatilig effects upon the
party or blinded the members to the
necessity for eternal vigilance. In-
SLUtOS WS Rgaillst 1.110 W11010 %vulld,
including Great Britiiiii. It nl�alrt
Positive il�scriinivadou a
Robertson's Great Store
doed tile p rovessive pulicy of tile
tradowith Gr6at Britain. lie
Ascetic; inny say that this is a
We are thankful to Grip for the
government ui Sir Julin A. Mac-
ted out huw if we handed uve.
sensual way' uf keeping tile andi-
customary exchange offer, but so long
donal(l, and the efficient support
conduct of our commercial affairs to
United States would be
as we get the Globe we have no need
Mr. Robert Porter P. jilts given
the we
. nn 0
versary of tho Sun of 111 . whits
to squander our revenue producing
-to - that policy ti�n& the veteran
t rooted I)v them as we should de-
winged vessel, like an angel of mercy,
bringing bore
putting forth the efro rts that I did to.
mission was to 9;ive it lost world by
spac,e for another funny paper.
leader, have nerved the (junsorva-
to lie, %%itll tile uUluitio,,tfk(I
aemi a _
reller to the suffering,
down on the despondent crew and cbeer.
wards the saving of human life on the
night of the storm to which *You have
putting a check upon the carual
tives to continue their untiriti-ef-
contempt whiell the Americans
ed their heavy hearts. But deliverance
reforred, I dij not look,, upon it that I
desires of the hoarts of men. The
. 'rhough late in doing so we would
fo rts in favor of good governineut
and tile present ablo and euli-litud
1*1 'eAt all Otlicts whont they have
overtleAched.. Canucks would deri,
wits not immediate, all day long the
brave Canprilan captain circled round
Wits fletilig"Nii part of a liern-1 only
acted thr, part of a min, and did wh;tt
Phariseos of Christ'-, time objeckFd
now pointedly call attention to -tile
supporter of it who ropresouts this
sivoly be placed ill tha Category of
the shattered ship, tried to bring bell)
every true saitor sit uld it er. lar
o 0 and Simi
that Christ and Ili$ disciples lite
vi4wa of Archbishop O'Brien of irsti.
riding. Defeat never daunted the
"Indians," "niggern," 11greasei ['a
to these perishing men, and though
circumstances There is a common
and,roasted yea, not ollry di'l su,
fax as given in last issue of this
C,n,e'rvatives of West Ifuron and
Ile allowed the iiiarvollous progress
baffled and thrown once and again
yet lie did not desist ontil he had
brotherhood ftmoiigst all of us go
down to tile sea in thips," arid a brather's
burt even with pu�licans an(l.sinil,i.s.
journal. lie-te a llbrick."
we fire right glad to find that success
we have niado and how llunres trio-
brought off #ill ante and sound, though*
part is alway.4 to a,d 4 brother in afflic.
He them by'tolling, ill -in
hasnotmildethein careless. There
ted reciprilcity would retard that
weak and trembling. We who liqe on
land, tread this huge
tiou. But, air, I do not con�ider that I
Considerable correspouldence line
'-wero over 100 i1arsons proselit,
prouress aud be tile death knell
and rottiudity with
el Y -OU
am i f all.Umf"ielo will L
have b eh kiad enimah to bestow todAy,
a been crowded out this WeeK, Out, WO though the bitter Coldnesa of the 0 piospe y even faintir realize all the dangers of when rL-rerring to tile irt-scop. of 6c
J4 i
not fast while' the bridegroom was make room for the Rl)le articles of day wutild have been a valid oxcaza.. -nlers- The day uearing to a
those who sweep thron;h Ll -.e deep, whou AtneriL)t crew. Fortlimavely I had with
livikii them. our esteeriatid friends thi) inerchailts, for a niuch less wumber being pro- to a close and many present having the stormy. winds do blow. %li'liat one me at the time a crew'in whom I had
re held tile a long away to go Mr. Porter had be more appalling to a frall human every confidenee, and to the nerve
Christ' i, tile. 1widegrooni. Ile Obich will repay a careful perusal. sent. Proceedings we In
township hall, President W. Camp- to draw his remarks to a close after creature than to flod tile- oak leviathan, displ,,yed and itti-rition given to me by
should be with everyone, especially speaking for about an hour. He constructed with the utmost care and each individual sailt-r on board my boatt
We would have liked te have given boll fn,the chair. The roll bein" skill, whose huge ribs have hitherto I must attribute, in a grent mrasure, the
on Chritittrias d I ay. We are obey- t he full text of Dr. Campbells re -A called: by I Socy. Jas. Miteliell, was iepeatodly choored and the been his trust and pride, become the saccoss which atterided the taking
inany good points he made seemed to as ff c 1 0 e
ing , His comminds when we eat, following delegates answered c, sport of the tempest, it toy in the gr p o f b or w rl�orn -the doomed vessel,
0 mark4 at God.orich on St. Andrew's th 0 0 toilch R responsive churd in till) ofthehurricane, The sails end cordage which, I must now confess, was it slime-
Xriuk and are merry on this Oay. nig4. They were just 'what one to their names:—
The occasion., should, be a joyous might expect from the taleifted au- Ashfield.—A. C. Hawkins, Goo hearts of the, sturdy yeomell and are snapped slid torn to 0hreds tile main wbitt h zardous undertaking, My
' ' others present. At tile cull clasivil mast is by the board, lNe'rudder is gone, thanks, today, are also due to my rriends
Stothers the bulwarks are (town, the rushing and the local press, throgh whose efforts
one, The advent of the Saviour tho*r of a Lire of Burns. An extrtet Hawkins, Ed. Martin, Win: lit, was enthusiastically applauded.
will be found on another page. Njr. Kickle)r, John Black. It was then niovaad i)y F wayes,,Iike hungry wolves sweep the our action towards saving life was
was indeed a joyous occasion. It I Qd- W- deck from stem to stern" tile wfull brought to the attention of the Dominion
w . as.prognant.. vvith tile possilAlitirts Colborne.—Geo. Sheppard, Thos. 'Jullil'itun, �,iucouded b3 W. screams and b1s8es through the shattered Minipter of and 1 brough hiTd to
or unknown joys. Angels announ- Jarvis, Jac. Tobin, Richard Wolters., Whitely: "That this meetin",having rigging of the, iii -fated veese-1,- tin,] the tWAmerican Governmetit,with the -result
Isaac Fisher, Owen Jones, Will' heard tile, remarks of NLlio Robt. Bea yawns round list like a bellL seeking which has ended in the, presentation to
ced big conlilig as "tiditirri of great COUNCIL -StWiley tOW11811illIdOtill- Jones, Thos. Hamilton, Jag. Millian, to devour the helpless wretches on me tonight from the head of otie or the
0 0 Porter, the meniiiier okthe Dow'in- board, shrieking Find wringing th,ir greatest nations in the world, of the
joy which shall be to all People; cil inetat Varna on the 15th, pursu- Patrick Hogau, Thos. Hamilton, jr., ion Hong,) for West HuNu, respeo- hands in fill the agonies of de.,pair, valuable and handsome testimonial with,
for unto, you is 'borti tbis -day a ant, to statute, . meinbers'all present, Win. Claricn, Jacoll Sheppard, John ting the public questions of thii day. History, poetry, find painting delight which I have b, -en preserited. And lust,
minutes of pievi6us ineeting r6ad McNovin, Thos. McIntyro,' Chris. we have. niticli pleasure in endorsing to magnify and celebrate the deeds , of but most of,nll, my beartfult thanks are
Savioul. vvb igh -is Christ the, Lord." and passed. Tile following pdraO'ns Stewart, Win. Corbie, John 1.3arker, the views lie has expressed, as also tho gallant soldier, Iiia -faftts of heroism due to that'Higber Power, which doeth
The religiou of Christ is huninni- were refunded their dog tax, which Win. MdIntyre, George McIntyre, -field, -his patience all tbings-w-611, and withodi' thiii ald'of
the course he has Purs.qqd both in " the bloody battle
and endurance on.the lovely 'aud toll- which noeff)rt,of mortal man could be
tarlau its well as spiritual. It was were entered by mistake oti the Samuel Vallsbone, Thos. Vanstotio, and out of the Hong(), since' h`e has'
-3. Johnston, Jos. Cimp- Jos6ph Back, Wm. Clarke, Janies 8 some march. While we do not wish to successful on the tempest -tossed sea,
not intended for angels, Ile came Ro.I.l : Tho. been our inninber." The proceedin." depreciate the effec.ts or dim the lutstre when the Stol-in King rules almost
bell, Goo. Anderson. 11, Dayman, McDollag4i, 'Charles Stewart,,Win. terminated with cheers for Robt. of the fame of our armies, 'we fiiust not supreme. The valuable present, which
not to call tile. righteous. And in. Dancan MeEwen, Jag. Wanless, Cunningham.
0 Porter M. I':, Sir John A. INTacdoll!' forgetthatthe c6u rage of the soldier is I have lonight received will 'always be
exercised and displayled I iinder cifelim- clivrished bv ME;, 'as a rem- -Indeir ibat -ev-e*-n-
jr4er to -adapt his 1;iilchings to, this John ' Grey. 'Will, Kyle, Alex. Ive8,1 11'awaiiosh.�Robt. Modd, 'dtfferentfrom those which in this world a duty done is apb6ciated
a. old mid the Queen. stances very
sinners whom it 'was intended for, Sparks, Margaret ',\TcE%YeD, Jo Edward Plouglkinan, Samuel Pont- too. often Surround the humane boro who by out fellplys, arid tbftt tllere is a core-
-Suidor. The followill-
�e foritialattill suit them. De- amounts laud, Job.n -Mills, M. McDohald, sAeks to rescue imperilled life at sea. mou brotberlboo'd amongst. men, that is
asing sensuality, or .-Iuttdiiy of mere oadured to be paid ; account Wm. McMillian'. A BRAVE CAPTAIN AND To one there is. all the bustle and ex- only second to tb.- Fatherhood or God.
0 b I
is. as f . ar . removed fiam', of $13.68, chairty for Win, Berwick, 1,48t TVaicqnosh.—Jqmes- Owons, CREW. citement created by the presenve of Thanking yna, 11rChairm!kil, ladies and
any kind -accatint, or $6 bharity for Whi it'(] Leishman, thousatiasoftils*comrildes arouid him, gentleratin, for you'r pr�sence here to-
reilel nie�rime�nt as the most anchori- Thompson;.JOhD LOU . 711, $3, ' for' Robert Roily' Rich, D6u GOLD '�ATCII Pltr8H.NTl,',D TO -CAPT. by the wavitli, Of bauver;, and 'tile night, and for tile' iiitei�es% you have
Geo.' Quinn, Brow Williams, neighing and priincing of war-hQrsoi,,by display" in my behalf 'on this emission,
tish fasting. selecting jurors; J. Moirow, $1.25, J. W. GREEN.
0 Paterson. the sound of martial music,' the call of I will no* take my'seat. (Loud and
Thnie.forc %vp ngain say to our" for spikes; John Reid, $6.75, in- bugle, and the thundering druill, for prolonged cheers
'forest on money borrowed for tov�u. Blyth.—L. 11. Shane, Jultin Shot- God of tile iiiijility deep I the other, no eye @sea him. and his tot- The proce'
thuuVoils of readers, a merry, merry. ship use; Geo. Browuett�, $52, for ritt, 'S. 11. Gidley, J. N. Perdue, Whose -awful �oar lowers save that which sees all olir licts, a clese. - edings were t I ben brought to
Christmas to each and every One of keei5ing John Bartley, for the ear Joseph Carter, Patrick, Kelly. Breaks out- still vigils sleell the most open and most secret alike. no
you. And we have -such faith in 18�$;board of health, $7.50, y for 110etk�Jamei;- Barr, Sainnol INVM' lal' fl -0111 11i0lill Or Shore spirit stirring pomp or parade is there,
Loud thunder swells in every wave.— no sounds save the turnalt of the 'ele'-, MA RKET 'REPORTS.
your prosperity that we' believe 1887, and $7.50, for 1888. ' Th e Barr, D. E. Monroe. Death las�sus 1-rom the vresting futinit—O Monts, and the cries and moans of tilose (Correded every Tuesday afternoon.)
e all in a position to have a following gravel accounts were Clinton.—E' Corbett, W. H %ave in imminent, deadly peri I One - is a OLINTON.
you or ordered to bepaid; Jac. Gingrich, Cooper, Jr., �V. T.* Whitely; John' -Th y -sons of ocean ! 0 God above the wave glittering and exiii!lint here who to Flour ........................ '$j GO to, 0 00
reasonable measure 6f enjoyment in $q2�32; 9d Glen, $5.26. John Al And fury of thestorta, guy stud lively music, marches boldly Fall Wheat, 'nt-w & old 1 '00 to 1 03
ex, Spoonei, ]David Contolon. Hear Thou the sailors prayer on to destroy lire and property. The Spring Wheat ............. 1 00 to 1 03
t1l a (706d, t 1) i a of this ander, $1,88; John Canieron, $20,- Goderich Tow2u;N1).—`NVm. Me- Str,!teli fOrd, thy nli.fllty " I other is only it homely cl it and weattier Barley ..... ................. C 50 -to 0-60
life in tile �ear of grave 56, Jag. Parke, $22,08; Robert Ale; Calle, Robert Taylor, Win. lialieke, Though limit lie distant, Thou art lwar !
beaten Sailor, who amid dispiriting and oats ........... .............. 0 '32 to 0 33
1888, and that you will also Innes, $31.60; Win. Carnie, $17.- Robert Bean. For some days the good town of discouraging clfcumatance� risks his all Peas.. ............... 0 58 to 0 58
have a lively sense o -f the enjoyment 60;John Murdock,$2.54; John Reid,� -lVpbII Goderich had been nn till toe of e.x- to save boll). it is the proud boost Of Ap'ples,(winter)perblul 1 00 to 1 50
-an, $24-.88, Peter Goderich Toic7a.—Win. Gla
0 F, W, John
which pass all Ston, Capt. Me ion awating tbo oftasiou when Britons that tile humanity of their Potatoes .................... 0 30 to 0 35
of those things $25.28; Chas. Lo Grli-or, pectati sailors is as cor spicuous its their conr- Butter ....................... 0,18 to 0'19
Caipiug, $22.08;. Henry -11oltz, 96 0' Capt. J. NV. Green would be pro -
R Rad age in battle, and at tile eight or suffer- Eggs ................
undoraLituding and which Call Only cents; Win Moffatt, $17,88; goo. E. Ca 011, George Evans, . v - .......... 0 17 to 0 10
I i fro, a -tel,
Illyi scuted with a gold watch, the gift of ing or distress they quickly. remember Hay
be fully understood and realized in Stephenson, $22.00; Chas. Weeks, J,�iils Mitcho,11, T. C. N f tile U. 8. Government, for flie s(.,r that all mankind are brothers.' Between .................. 12 00 to14 00
the -reat beyond to which, ho%iovor $21.76; Air Ransford, $5.36; Chas- Ed. Van Every, R. A' i cLeari, Arch. i the in . habitants of the two great coun- Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00
a v ice of himself and cretir in re I sculn'" tries of America—Canada and the United
Avery, $1.60; Win. G'rant e4 0(): Elliott, 1), Morwick, M. McDonald, Bee f ......................... 0 00 to 0 00
pleasurable the"anticipittions of it Dr. Taylor, Thowas Finn, Loids the crew of the American barge States—I hope this sendident may Wool ...... it ................. 0 20 to 0 25
Alex. McMurchie, $5.36 Goo Aurri6 offGodoi-ioll in the fall of Pork ...... ..... ............. 6 50 to 6 70.
ma be, wo bope you may-n6t enter ' Elliott, Wni-Lee. never be forgotten, find -th-t tile only,
.y Baird sr, Thos. Rounard, Goo. Stow- 18�7, during a severe etalo, The reta.iation that will evpr, be possible -
until many. more mundane Christ.' art, Win. Rathwell and Samuel The folloving officers were then 0
Sterling, were appoil.ited Deputy elected;—P resident, Joseph Beek, facts in connection with the brave may be slich its this,1(he beftrty recugni- NOTICE TO CREDITOKS.
mas' have seen 'You and your rescue appeared in, THF, NEws- tion of each others J)ravery slid
Returning Offiecis for this year, and Saitford; Vice Pilesident, Robcr� REcottD at the time and were ro- generosity. While Canadians fire
families gathered qround the sQci N M 4 their Medd Auburn; Secretary, James resolved to go ti-eir oyn way on the lit tile mattor uf tile Aw;ignuietit of
By-law No. 6, collfirinilil I forred to on Aeveral occasions since.
board. In tile meantime remember appohitmeut, wits rea(l a third time, Mitchell, Godericb; Treasurer, I'll. Tuosday evening was tho,time fixed !'it ill of progress and development, uiid- T. 11. NVelsh, of tile Towniihip of
in due time add it stirring ind splendid floclorich, it, the County of
tile poor on this fesiivo day. and passed. The titne. for collect. M. Ra6ey, Clinton. The old Vice- and Goderiell toown hall tile place. chapter to the history'lli'great and rem-' Iluroll, y (,ill I tl a 1).
Attempts ha" been niake by ing kaxes was extended till tile first, Presidents * wore aI , I re-appoititorl in There was a larga attentlaiie,e, many ous nations. 'They earnestly desire 9
basis to' -damp �Iie enthusiasm day urJauuarS, 1889. On notion, the differout municipalities, and being ladies. Mr. F. IV. Johnston, that all cames or irritation, if any exist Notiect iihereby given that the under-
Iconoc it was Passed, that Goo, Brownette, A -era[ added in tile unreprosented who took tin active part in callfrig between them and the people of the Re- signed has been appointed assignee of
which for nl-oyy�h6ndred years has receivil only $4A.00 for keeping distriDta. tile atotitiou 6f tile 03,ovorn Ilion t to public on our southern Writer, may be the above named insolvent. in the
-kcd feature of each re- peedily removed, and-th4Lt they whoare place of Robert Gibbuns, tile �iheriff of
been a runi ' John Bartley ijoxt yoar. The coun- oil illotiull of Afessis. IV. T. .(,,lipt Greeu as tht3 instrument a :o closely connected by many ties, may'
curring Christmas dity, which we cil then adjourned to meet again on -Whitely , and W. It. Cooper Of tile hands of the " God of tile live together ln the utmost piace and the.Oounty of Huron,
obeeTNIO On the 25th December, 1) Tuesday, the 18th inst., at 1 o'clock, Cliutull, it unanimous vote of thanki mighty deep " in doing the brave harmony., theni this beautiful. All perpons having any claim against
y . . 'Groo. Stowart, Clork. was tendered tile retiritig president, 0 ' all and chain, as amentgrial of your the said TholnAlt If. Welab, are r, quired.
casting doubts upon the identity of P- 'n- service noforrod to waV very pro- vvat - forthwith to send, tile j)articulars or the
Mr-Campliell, for his untiring and porly called to SoXair. lie called gallant conduct, given to you by Pres! samer with a a atement of'oecurities
tillat day with the actual date of the Vest dent Cleveland, through his officer, be- .(if any) bold by them, duly verified, by
Saviour's birth. Some 011 us the efficient services during the many on iir. Itubt. Porter, M. P, for I cuutle you saved the lives of the I citkeng letter, addressed to me at Clinton P. 0.
ENTEMTAINMENT—A very success- years lie filled the honorable but Hurun, to inike the presentation of tile United States, about to perish, and After tile expiration of one month
the 25th December was a day arbi- onerous and.not personally remun- aud Culit. Green to coino on the may You long live to wear It In pride from the first publication of this notice,
ful ontPrt!%inm,?nt was ht,ld in the and� honor. Arid when you look upon
trarily fixed upon by one of tile Sebuol livuse here, on Weduesd arative positioll'of President of the Platform, Mr. 'Portor, addressing its dialplate, rind observe [low quickly 1 shall proceed toldiatribute the assets of
for the purpose of liavin , . 14Y Asaoiliiiltion. Refiring President Capt. (Irreen, then Apoko as follows: honr and rultilite fly, may You. not forget the estate of the said Thomas H, Welsh
Popes evening, tho 19th hist, in aid of the
- , 0 Campbell thanked the delegatco I have been requested by the Marine that you and I , and all this wide world, among the creditors of whose claims I
special niasatis said which it waR . improvi4mont, full(] of the Episcopil prosent for tile confidence reposp(l Departi . ncill, at Ottawilt to present to are only but storm beaten travellers out shall have received due notice, and after
allowed would be more effective in .church of this place. It.consiate in him for several year - you, Captain Green, this beautiful teoti- on the ocean sailing to a land beyond' sunh distribution I shall not be liable
of dialol"lles inti-I'speraed with vocal 0 6 v t, ptesileut- inonial awardea to your njoble and tile tide, (Loud applause for.'any �art of said nosetfir to aby per -
saving the souls of those in whose . ed hinisolf t , e :, and pledg gon of whose claim I shall not have re -
and instr'xiiiiental music. All of humane gallantry, bythe Chief Magis-,
elect all the advice and assistance As might be expected, Captain eived do, notice.
behalf they were offored upon tile tile dialOgueS vvere received with trate of"the neighboring Republic. Tillie Gro
necessary to agaill succes.41111Y cill"T duty sir, is to' Me as Plet4sing as this en did not claim to be tin orator, Dated this 19th day or December, 1888.
alleged birthday of Christ than upon applause and tho last one *portion the Conservative banner t6 victory acku'lawledgement of your I merit in 11 at be but he oxpresg6a himself in reply- Vy. X. Farran, Assigdee.
any other day, all(] were corrnspnd.. larly entitleil, "A visit to tile Oil West Huron. gratifying to your townsmen and ac- 'ng in it remarkably clear matinor, MANNTNG & SCOTT,
I Asoignpe'il �$olicltors,
Regions," faitty brougIA down the
ingly to be pilid for extra and thus qualutances. I need not recall to your, though exhibiting at times signs of
b , ease. Tile musical part of the Mr. Joseph Beck, the now y- Memory that raw and atorn1y October emotion lie was laboring under. 110 31cKillo'll, Nittlitial Fire Insue-
increase the revenues oftbeChurch. entertainment was provided by i6lebted president, took the chair, day, w6n tile crew of tht. U. S. barge id substantially as fOI"1`ow9 titce Clointillauy.
Others allege that the day is of pure Missos Laithwaite and Thompson, mid in a few wolt chosen words 1,;orris, exhansted,with labor, overpower- Rai
ty Mossrs.],nitliwitite and MoBr ( for f1w honor ed with cold, hungpr, find the fury of it is far beyond My ability to ex[ ress
pagan origin, find thlit its obierv- ion and thanked the delilgatos The Annual Meeting of the members of tlio
a tile elements gave ilterreelves up (is myselr in appropriale ternas on this coca -
once by Christians is it heathenish the chui-oh choir and was also well conferred on him, and promised to 1k Niolullop Milwal P'lro Insurance Cotiipan3, will
hopelessly lost, slid abdut to sink into Mon. Mr. 11orter, allow me to that, be iew in tlie'rown Hall, sealorth, oil P'luDAY,
practice. received. Tile net proceeds 'were do all in Ids power to advance the a watery grave, No rescue seemed pbs. you most heartily, for the tiranner n JANUARY 1801, 1889, at the bour of 6ne o'clock, -
018.50. At the conclusion vot6a of -interests of tile Conservative, party. sible, their cold, a laked garments tin- which i-oll have made this presentation P. 111., for blie purpose of electitig Directors
hearing and recelvitil; the Annnal Statement anti
However, though all this may, be thanks were Imased to trusteea for ' The following gentlemen were peded their enfeebled arms; their to me. You r -words, -a pok en in so kindly the transactloh of such otber businesH as may
so, and though tbw actual calendar use of school Find to all who IIA41 elected 'an Executive or Advisory strength wike gone and labor was in a mariner, unnerve me more than a storm be dmined necessary.
v!Lln. Look in what direction thq upon it lee shore,. We sailors can look IV. J. Shanti-bli, T. E. Hayes,
(Jay may -be IVt in t'ho remotend'Is helped to got tip the entertainment. Committee : T. I, F. Hilliard, Clill- would, the almllow waters of the lake to thogreat deep in itg wrath,withotit dia-
of antiquitry:or noC traceable in his- The'annual examination of the ton; Win. Campbell and E. Cam ,r, tossed into angry billows crested may, but words of kindness,. or praise 5,28-w Secretary. pres4lent.
I - Public School here was hold on Pion, Goderich; Robert- Modd, wi-h foam, Aile winds werb howling foi duty dcMel always. bring a treMGr to
tory or traditiou, what boots al piten y as it moaning In sorrow for the frame and it atarnmering to the FOR SALE.
Thursday the 20th inst. The West WAwftnOsIl; P. Kelly, 'Blyth; "ll 0
A i,o,; tiny othername will the p.or* wretches whose last vo.yagn tongue. You have boon kind onough t lIi;sI'i38lURllJF,�—otYcrs for Sale fourellgiblu
teacher, G. INT. Kilty, 'was assisted Dr, Caen, Dungannon; and Jqmos in T13oliding Lots fronting on Albert Street; also
seemed nearly over. But to them, as it refer in flattering terms. to 'MY action i
Rinell as gweet. Tt is an historical, in the examination b Mr. T. Low- Pottor, Belgrave. has often been to others in sore trouble 'tile rescue of the crew or the Sdrrls and two frunting on itatteliblirl, Street; either
I y you llqvp, tholigbo bll)c or lit ae-liarato lot4, to sult piirchmerii. For
tradif ional and rovealo(I fact that the ery, tertolict No. -1, Ifullett. At tho P011TIM M. 1. WAS thOn arid distress, li,(,!p was lit frond lind T thank you for kviiftt furtber partioulars appl) to tile un(1crslAnttIF,,
r nearer thari they thought. Your white- fit to any of me on this Occasion. In DINSLEY, Clinton. 382
God-mau Christ was born nearly conclusion the trustees and others called Upon to address the woofing