The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-26, Page 1Tw!"Wi— 7­ ­7 41 7- e.N WHITELT ►&,TODDp Pub)AIijbellp JS, A.&,& IMAY03. AV- A VOL. X.—NO. 2. CLINTON, 'RURON COUNTY, ONT; WEDNESDAY, btliCEMBAR, iK 18881 WHOLE NO.'M A Niels HOM Additional x0rato .0"al woolo it ridwltha Goderiellit. There is some talk of orgatilizing trees orchard of eba)ue Go' Purelu Orange Locals. L. 0.. LGOJ)EHICH Roynil Black PrecepTory (Black in! 3-1de � 182, Goderioh, will 194sie andstlIbles adilip.F1110 I The Misses Macara will apeud the "i1p, Apply �qa. L. D.OYLE ode. MIPS Ross line returned to town. meet in their hall this (Wednesday) Knights of Ireland) at Exeter. No 520 tt Mr. A. M. Todd Wits iu'the dirou- holidsly lei-III in the Old town. THs Nows-Racouil at all Unles will be p eased to • racelve stents of news In o.a.ti.. with OVOLID9. Election of officers and doubt there is lots ot'good matot AroUnd, EXet*r oL., THE ro%YN or lar town last1liursday.. Miss Hattie Smith iti visitID9 In Society or Church—in all cases the name of the in and Qr to support O's e (not other important business. DERICH.—Tho corning vow bids ork. writer or sender to accoinpany the anul TOGIN "E'r Miss Edith Hot-ton has returned NOW Y' merely as it guarantee of good and have a prosperous Preceptor to be the turning point It, the progress of our for publication), y I . SALTFORD. Town, The coulpletioll of our %4tenvorks and h Mr. Gordon, of Manitou, is i u faith,—En. ill that town. FlectTle Dill ttisit, tallat be eArried out. The of t t erninent Mr. Percy Walton i d town oil a via 0 building We p lJaiI%yay,,t1w Got 6 holidaying it to Ids father, Mr. At the annual meeting of Loyal County Master Floody has visit- Improvements In our HArbur and Public Build James Gordon. He has been in the LUCAN. Ks, tho'coutinued ligitiLtiOn Ili our County at borne. Orange Lodge 262 on the 19th lust., ed tire majority of the lodges in ei".1uncill for the building of I% Poor House, do. Northwest over eight years anti L. 0. L. 662 elected the following in Saitford. the following Offitioula the southern part of the county 4 attend our attention, and I feel that as a Citizen Miss Tighe is 81-Andilig VIL01liOn' speaks in high tertijS"Of th"t ,art Of officers at their December meeting •: , 0 were elected for tire ensuing year: during the present munt3i, and re- Y.11 in our Town's Advanceluelit, I fit The Ullaternal resi'dence. 0 Y.11T gain devote IuY thele to YOur i"WrOsts- I our Dominion. Bros. Thos. Coursay, W. M.; James & —Bro. Jas Wells, W. M.; Bro. R. ponto the Order in a healthy con- therefore offer niN. el its candidate for the Reeve- Miss Goode is visiting at the iesi- ship. Y �*t servant, FRED. W. At the last 6gular Itioetilig of Weir, D.M.; Will. Coursey, Chap'; Gibbs, D. M.; Bro. Will McCabe, dit;1on. New members are joining 527- deuce of Dr. And INIrs. Taylor. r Chap.; Bro. Win. Lasham, Trees the insurance in nearly all the JOHNSTON. Huron Chapter No. 30, R. A. M. Geo. Hodgins, R.S.; It. Con FOY, F WANTED.—A General Servant ; good Mr, Jno. McKay, of London, the following of-ricers, were elected S.; N. Ryan, Trans.; Win. Cooper, Bro. E. Harrison, Roe. Sec.; BrQ. F. lodges in tiiat section. paid to a coll"petent girl Bil- sponds the holidays tit the old for 1889:—' Z. Cuillparkion, Capt. J. D. of C.; John Atkinson, Lecturer; - Bro. Jas Savage 1st quire a= of this paper. i,27 Book, Fin, See., homestead. AV. Green ; H. Cuinp., C. A. Ilum. Robert Guilfoyl, W. Cunuivahan?, M Committee man. Iy, Simon Quilfoyl, Jos. hot,; J. Comp., ])I-. _-Nich( )ISOD; 1). S. James Cutlrdc BIDDULPLI. COUNTY GRAND BLACK CHAPTER OF oral 00mropolidellre S. ]I,'. Cooper, Committeemen. 'ODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Colilp., W. 11. Murney; PERTH, ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS G L. O. L. 493 elected the, follow- I rARKBILL, Collip., 11. W. ball; S. N. Cutup., ing officers :— Bros. W. Turner, OF IRELAND. Goderfells. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. Capt. McLeod; Treats. Comp., L r- L. 0. L. 1097 elected the follow- W. H.; Freeman Dobbs, D. 'M AV. The Annual Meeting of the County Grand LNq iss Susie Campbell has returned Tonis; Jair itor Cutup., T. J. V dean. ing officers :—Bros.. James Cathors, J. Smith, Chap,; M. Armitage, Black Chapter of Huron (re Royal Black from hot, visit to Manitou. 'I'lle following ,Are the names of A special meeting of tire town AVO Ph','rdtb1`. the Prange ban Hall, D. M'; Se .SNC'' W. '11. Atkinson Fin. Knights of Ireland, will be ge M.; Jonal Hall, Ili the Town of Clinton, County of lkurc�io. lose pupils 'wb o.wore successful It council was held on Thursday even- George Martin, Chap,; J. B. Me- See.; Jos. flodgins, Troa,.,.; H. on FRIDAY, 11TH OF JANUARY 1880, at the Colunet Allan, of' Tu,runtu, is. those Thor, u was ing. The Mayor presented a state- Donald, Roe. See.; Joseph Simpsony Hudgins D County Grand Master and other officers, and to Lha Xmas examivatiun�. hour of 2 o'clock p. in. for the ;tee TLn of a new visiting in town. D ofC.; It. QuIbert, Loot.; written examimition in each sub- meat of the town's finances to 14th Fin. See.; W. Ilaiid Treas.; Finley Will CUibLrt, Jas. Dobbs, Thus. elect a reception committee to receive the Messrs. A and C. Russ are in a W I deet anti only those who obtained of Dec., 200 copies of which wore Jackson, D_Of C.; Elijah Jackson, Supreme Grand Black Chapter at the coming Hod-ills jr., ltd. Hodgins, Goo. session in Goderich. We most earnestly request town for the holiday season, tl-a that can possibly doso to bo 4o required porcontage have been ortiered to be printod, oil inotion of Lecturer.; John Jackson, J., Wimp, Carter, Culnutittee. all 61r Knight Lawyer B�st John MeJ,ittros, Thuillas Julluestul , rand Master does not expect to Illeet %%,Itb the, hest, Of Sdaforth, is in promoted. The a3lovs have bt,eu NV. Proudiroul, seeunded 1)), 1 �resonton the Itch inkant. Our proseub'00, town this week. arranged in order of merit. itadclill'o. On motion of Dr. Nich, Peter Yorke, Conlillittee. TIIE-,;�ILE OPEN MEETING. Sir Knigbts and Brethren of Huron and Perth lie, ,eaia under the Canadian Flag. He goes with. I old 1 by u )or Ali olVon meotiugy was held Mr. Harry YanEve, y is at the Ce?;tral—Mips Blai� LONDESHORO. his family to Queensland, Australia, early in home once again. 1880. RICHARD BLOOMFIET D, the %faterworka' outtimittee was the �NTilb On W041110Sday 6VOUill", Teacher. L. 0. L. 863, Loudesboro, moton A. .11. TODD, Co. Grand Master of Perth. withorizvil to purebaso ton 25 and undor th.o auspices of L. 0. L. 1052 Co. Grand Registrar. Mr. H. E. Rothwell spent Xmas. PROMOTED TO ROOM L, 22—I'varl Thursday, Docember,20, when tilt) }tame: tell 50 candle power incandescent -,I L S B-AU,- d-4,e, jl&Aa -a ; taut "eus "vorgrtl and mottoes. . There N las M VISItIng at Flott'd Eva Aellesu", Albeit Tichbourue, the onsuill." year :—Ilrus. M'Konzie, Fred. Stolces, foul, seconded by Dr. Whitely, atitig room for about Iwo E.kst W.tw.111041. during her holidays. Harry 0 0 Maines, IV. M.; EdmundCrawford, Wits " I , "I. el,otiit; lights were, rdered to be hundred. Every available seat was 11,111ir 'is visiting at her Hattie Spence,jitnies Nia'riton, I-lor- •Al.; Will. Weymouth, Chaplain BASKET SOCIAL.—At Mr. George MiS4 placed at the junction of Church NVoudinan, ace Bailey, Robert Nlortuti. Ellen John Lee, R. S.; S. occupied and the staudiDg room Crich's, last Wednesday. This was home. 41111 St. Pittrick's, St. David's and taken Up. 11"Ully two hundred And Miller, Fred. Bissett, Gallic Camp- I'vioasurer; Will. Little, F, S,; Hollry of quite it novel character and very �Ilr. Bell surith is borne oil it , Stanley, Lighthoi6so and Market And y were present. A number were bell, Kate McIver, Vora WigginAl Hughes, D. of C. John Lbalu, fi I't entertaining. Each gentleman pur- Visit. -Nowgilto And St. David'astroetir, le preseitt frons Dungannon and neigh, Fred. Green, INlary Andrews, Herb. Lecturer; Committeeman, Win. Co chased a small basket of eatables, NIT r. Am. Acheson is horne from niam boillood. B Riebaril Morrow, In tIle Toronto for Christmas. McLean, Frank Johnson, Milb,.-1 Imt, Chas. Ruddle, Amos. Sphul,-, basket was it ticket with the Graham GrahaniWilliams. An opell And a glork"Ils heart, Win. Brown, Thos. -Little. The IV. AL, took the chair at 7.30, ap. name of the lady who baited or I inted-the tylers, read We open- A And Nirs, Lloyd have return- ROhied from selfisliness and art, Rown i;i, Ventral—Aliss. Shartitall, llatientLaud calrij at Tortuna's pow'r, ludgo�is in a prosperous, Condition, Po provided the contents of the basket, ed to town• iba prayer, and a portion of Scrip- Teacher. With \visdwu-never sad nor sour. And meets once it mouth, the Tit ' urs- 0 and the geutlemin was entitled to Cintinctor'and iNliss Hullaps are -ead by Chaplain Pont- P11OMOTED TO RoovIll., 22—Biit. Notwithstanding onv favorable pro- day ou or. After the full woou. Lure wits I the company of that lady while par- spending the holiday season with land. A welcome was exteaded. to taking of the repast. Air. A. Coz- Bates, Hamilton dietions last week, the disease- from B LYTH. Potter, Lottie all by the master, and the proceed relatives in town•, y . oung,'Alattie O'lolls, Gertio Olds, wMch Mr. A. Dickson was s-ifforiDg, L. 0. L. No. 9.63 held its annual il,,,, were opoileg by it couple of ons, Mr. F. AleDoliald and Miss The town financial statement for a III Mary Walters each recited pieces Percy Naftel, Lena Walton, Geo. pleurisy and inflaininatiou, deiol- IllectiDa Oil Monday evening of last 1888, onding oil December 14th, is Card, Ada Stivens, Jessie Coutts, oped fatal sigus on Tuesdayafter- xo-illeut selections from the Melbo- and Miss Dick gave a reading. The r week, when the following officers di,t Choir, and a reading by B 0' Turner family gave Choiceselectionsbeing printed for distribution. 0 t5 James Stokes, Willie Watson Win- uuou, and the fullowin- mornilln be were elected for the enR John MeNeeviii., 1-tev. Mr., Irvine of music betwean the pieces. The 0 0 ul na yeRr : Mr. Robert, I%IcLoan had an ex- uie Ptidhain, Edith "'N'lecaughan, passed to' the world beyond in Br9s. IV. L-ii.diaw, W.,W1. James C5 wits unavoidably -absent at Bon- procect'��, c`:7.20, will be in aid of- �siceediti-ly fat bear on exhibition Jerikima Baker, BeithA Farrow, presence of his sorrowing relatives. Gibson, D.M.; John Magill, Chap.; dd 'was present miller. Bro. 'To ambug his�stocic of Christmas meats. lJoarrie Black, Lion'l I"arsous, Louie Up to the moment of his departure y, R. A. Ale- the repair fund of.the church. 0 e Win. Mont"onior '00 o and gave an address on Oranneisni, ­-Mrs B. Saults and O'bildred, of Miller, Frankie Evans, Minnie his mental faculties were unclouded, Nally, F-S.; James McGee, Treas.; . I .. 0 occupying an hour And fifteen inin- n Blytil Bluevale,'are sponcling Xmas. with Craigie, Harry Weatherald. and he, fully realized all that was It. W. Gibson, 1). of C.; T. Quinn utes. His remarks were well re- relatives in town, Rqow IV., Central—MlY8 Cronk, taking place. By the death of and T.. Mollruy, Lecturers; C. _J. ceived. Ile dwelt. at Our public schools were closed considerable UU run, Dr. Miebardson, of Stratford, And Teoteher. Postuiaster Dickson - deriuli, loses sherritt, G. E. Bryant, Geo. Qui length on the obligation of an oil Friday for the XIDRS b0lidAY4. ROOM 111. 2,)— a citizeR,,, who Dot only loved the G. A. Hend e recin, J. A. Brownlee, gelllfill, And -his remarks no M Mr.. B. Ri6ardson. Toronlo, iro OT&D I r PROMOTED. TO town,'biht had. a kind - word, and f,,Onlinittoo-meu. 'The Judas is in I doubt-will be the means of chang- .-Our townsman Mr. R. Howard is spending Xmas. at the parsonit a., 1@11 Baker, Al i friends ia,,W b visiting in(, am for a ina Marlton, genial smile for everyone of its in- veryhealthy condition, financiftlly`* in- tit&, ininds of many. Bro. Mr. J. Kay left -last week for 'St. Mabel habitants. It. is said that , out of and numerically. It reports few days. Utson, -Dickson,�izife Rines, Edith Wilson fifty' Itiallough, District Master of Wawa- Thorii - Ila to take- up a Bank Appoint sight means out of mind," but wb four members, a not increase of eight remarks of this Service is to be, field in the Ilion Bortia Yates,John call, endorsed the retrial a to] ler. Mary Wright mantas expect that for many Idn- Yc'08 during the year. Beattie, Harry Bates, previous kileiliker, and would like to Episcopal Church here on Christ- The Ray. Mr. .Young accom Brown, Frank Cassidy, those who'knew our late official will- DMTItTCT �AIEETINGS, have­sdoh meetings held* more fre- mas day at 11'4. Ili. Barry Clucas, Duncan panied the Bishop of Huron on a 11 miss the pleasant aDil kindly face Archie. DioksQu, Frank Hills, Harry Goderich District L. O;� L. (Geo. qnently. Bro; ?vlcllwfkl*llk gave a Mrs. Jaimes Forsyth left here this -n visit last week, neither that so often, like A glifilmer ofaun- With Johnston, Th(;nias Kueeshaiv, Peter Hanley, W. D. M.) will ]told its recitation in good form, find the Week, to spend a short holiday Miss Marion Grant has returnea a come shine, appeared At the post office McDonald, Oliver Rhynas, Arthur annual meeting in the hall Of 153, Choir 'fit intervals rendered c her parents in Wioxeter. from a visit to Walkerton and Wicket. The disease that terminated Straiton, George Wyatt. Colborne, the second Tuesday in very fine numbers. ' A lady mem- Mr. W. Milne arrived home on Brussels. so fatally'w" engendered some two Mourn V, Central.—Miss Campbell, 0 January, at the usual flour. Every ber of''the. choir also gave an excel- Wednesday to spend his Christmas The'rector of St. George's being weeks since by a visit to his late of thanks bolida�s With his parents. Teacher. lodge in the District should be well lent recitation. Votgs wife's grave at Maitlaud cemetery e indisposed Rev. Air. Racey offici- represhted. were tendered the sp aker's and PnOMOTEIP TO ROOM ivy, 31.— funeral to Mr. It. McGee of Kincardine, a aced on Sunday evening, preaching on a stormy day. The The District Lodge of I-ItilloLt Choir, the closing prayer was read, former resident here was in town an excellent sermon. Lucy Gordon, Mildred Campbell, place on Saturday aft and the meetiligowas brought to a Pearl ornoo ViNeeo.s. (Robert Searlett, W. D. Al.) will on Thursday attending the court. Graco,%Lee, Annie Munro, deceased's late residence, close, by singing God save the 0 , On Friday tberoi was a public ex Wynn,, C3rrio Cits.9ady, Gretchen 1�. Adamson, Al. I-rutchisoll, H. I. meet in the Orange hall, Clinton, The Conservative party here was amination and entertainment at INloyer, Mabel Byers, George Strang 1). C, Straclian, Goo. on Tuesday, January 8th, at two Queen- well represented oil Tuesday and SAItford School. During Brophey, Hattie Harrison, a Stiverls, and Judge Toms being the o'clock p. in. Every lodge in tile GODERICH TOWNSHIP• the afternoon tire teachers, Mr. Case Rutson, Horace Cornell, 11_�1111,d pall-bearers. Nearly all his rola District should send a full delega- Wednesday at the Smith's Hill ;and On Thursday evening it very Brussels conventions. and 'M iss Susie Campbell, we.re each Graham, Mertin Johnston, , Mary fives and friend were present at tion. successful open meeting was hold Mrs. Sarah Foy of Waterloo presented with a gold ring., 8 w Bollman, Walter Buchanan, Willie tile interment. The Od(Ifellows. Stanley District Lodge (James in the Union Prosbyterdan Church, county arrived here on Friday to King Christmas is hero, attended "ale Hyslop, Alvin Wallace, MaMi Were present and marched to the Reid, IV,D.M.) will bold its annual under the auspices of L. 0. L. 145. spend her Christmas holidays witi) by his joys and fairies, and also we Simmons, Charlie Babb, Charlie cemetery, where Rev. Dr' Ure con- Diecting at Vai-Da on tfie second The nigl)t was unfavorable, .but bar sister Mes. C. Hamilton. hope Santa Claurn May he bring MeiL,an, Richard Cattle, Willie ducted the church service, and Mr- Tuesday in January, at two o'clock fu aftendatice. arrival me, there were about 150 1 Mr. John Weir, a recent a jollity and plenty to, every be MoLeaii,.Jennie Vivian, Kenneth P� Holt and Rev. Mr. Race that of p. in., sharp. It N requested that Bro.'Thos, McKee, W. M., took though we cannot forget the sorrow�. the Oddfellows. every lodga in tire District be well the chair. read prayer, and Bro. from coriqy Cavan, Ireland, is at Hortou, Bella Weston, Blanche present visiting her' ))is Uncle 'Mr. ful fact that shadows deep and last- Watsoii; Arthur Bates, Fred. Shop- They twain are one. repte'lonted. Thos-Joblistou read a portion of Joseph McGuire. ing have fallen lately upon some -late, Sara Morrison. -e. Rev. ) are, MA1­! I Scriptut P 11r. Ash ley offered domestic circles in Goderich. May COLBORNE. Rev. J. S. Fisher of HolmosviII6 d faith, the kind assuagers of Divisimt Vo. VI, Central.—Miss K. a feeling and appropriate prayer time and a former pArsoii of this' circuit RaZI, Teacher. Miss Nellie Gregory, who has Bro. Richard Ryan of L. 0. L. for the good cause and tire proceed. all grief, help to staunch tbo wounds PROAlOi! D TO ROOM v, 29—EF110 been engaged for sortie time as -No 1052, �%ile, and Bias Caroline ings were opened by it welcome preached the S. S. anniversary ser, caused by the ravages of Kin- vices ill the Akfethodkt church on- Death. Morrison, Maggio Graham, May teacher on the 3rd con,,,Ioft for her Currey, daughter of Bro. George from the Master and an excellent 0 U -eye of L. 0 0, L. No. 153, were selection from the Glee CIIIV, of Sabbath. Tire electric lights were electrify- Allan, Jatiws Ross, Ralph Young, )ionic in Exeter last Monday worn- Corr th iDat Clinton, This Club is under the Tile Christmas Tree and enter- John Bak � r, Nellie McVicar, Win, ing. She will be greatly missed as united in matrimony on the 5 in- on Saturday 'evening. the lyrt- tainnient of the Metbodist Salthath enefal fav Kneeshaw, Reg. Sharman, Grant all' Wits ,, g orito t�itli the by Rev. Mr. Irvine, Bro. Thos. direction of Mr. G. F. Oakes, and vate services being all in running 0 - Using Waddell, Mary Tichborne, Lizzie little folks, and she Will aL Rvan and Miss Emrua Cql�i:y_ WI) Kmdamd-thoix-nu ml order. _-- v . be 7T too is o IS ii, i in re I The light at the . Britigh 6 � . 0 of - th its A that merited and received) the on Chriotmas night. A good time miff-6 --"v 0 0 n t e audience. Bro. Silver collection to "ione"there beirl" crowds wi,tching Williams. George McGfegbr, Ethel Ontario St. cliuveh, Clinton, it Is large number of guests assembled a Appreciation of the i, Anticipated. it All the evening. The following McLeau, Ethel Craig, Ethel Naftel, her preserit int(fution to attend tile, the wedding aniong which 'were a Todd was prese t and hold the be taken At the door, lin(l store lights, It. 13, Smith & Co., Core Hyslop, Connie LeTouzel, Normal school for A time. sprinkling of-Orange brethren: An attention of the audience for an Large quantities of podc, are com- Mrs. Goo. Grant, Detior & Co., Jus. Charlie McGregor, 11lary Durnin, ExAMINATION—A highly success- i-11101180 lot of presents to the bride hour and twenty-five minutes, and lays. Messrs over"much the same ground 411"o to "'A"I"t tires' ( A. Reid & Bro., RQbt. McLean, Jennie Dickson, Stewart, Straiten, ful examination and entertainment sh6wed the high estimation in went 0 Watson anti Freeman paid out oU Albion Hotel, Goo, Rhynas, White- Philip Horton, Jennie Fraser, IN-labol was held in the School hous3e No. 9 which the lady is held by her as at similar meetings. Bro. James ley Bros., Jno. Acheson & Son, Goo. Hennings, Amy Card, Evelyn Ale- on Friday the 21st inst. The teach- friends and neighbors. Sortie -MoMath was glad to be- present. Saturday over $1500 for thirt. coill Ile was like the previous speaker— modify. Our illarket has got its rsok'C. A. Nairn, E. Down- Millan. or Mr. Watson wits assisted in the thirty-five handsome and valuable H. Pit presents were made by the be had commenced at the first do- Danto up far and wide as the best ing, Colborne Bros., A. Murdock, St. pateicle's Ward.—Miss A. dxaminittiona by Messrs. Looliart, P. O'Dea, F. & A. Pridlion, 'Burritt, Teacher. Marray,Wilsou, Kilty and Lowery, Misses 1. McKenzie, A. M. Young, gree and ended at the lost—and for porkers, Fraser & Porter, A. Munre, Cot-' PROMOTED TO--ROOM VI, CENTRAL all teachers, and the manner in M. Jones, S. A. Oliver, T. Young, would corroborate all that had been A public meeting is called to be borne. Hotel- and W. Knight. ScnooL, 10—P. Videan,D. which •the pupils answered the S. Rutledge, T. Plunkett, E. and said. He was a Prbabyterian and a ),old in the Orange hall on Moudtvy -aiton, C. Robertson, W. McCraw, questions put to them as also their M.MoIlivain, S. HAD . ley, A.McPhee, Reformer, onfl,who firmly believed -Dec. 3111, 1888 for nominating The Manitou, Man, .3fereury do Sti votes about a column to an elaborate done Martin, L. Hyslop, Ann Xur- 0 reading and Rpolling testified that M. Wilson And Oliver young ladies; 'in tire liberal principles of Out Reeve ani four council lors for1889, Mr.Wat8ou is doing good work. The also presents were given by Mae- glorious institution, was proud to At which it is expected 11lat 1,110 IV- %entiGn of the marriage of Miss ray, Charlie Ball, L. Farrow, F. dames J. H. Richards, A. Millian Martin. examination amina-tion commenced in the P biI all Orangeman, and was present tiring daddies will give a full no- Annie Gordon, daughter of our Readings were , t lilorliluo;,at noon dinner was pro- Wilson, McCann, and Messrs A. to show his colors. couf,�t of their past a ewardship. well known town official Mr. Jas. s Ward.—M4qy K. Millian, J. 11, Richard, Thos Ryan, given by Messrs. M. St. Andreiv Elliott and Gordon, to Mr. R. Ironsides-. who _11atson, Teacher. vided in the school house by the 11. Christie, Harland, R. MeWhin- D'fiviAbob. Votes (if thiinks 'were On-' Friday Gur roputar auction- bas large interests in the I"niber, ladies as also a lunch in theovening. aer kr. (3. Hamilton sold by auction Maui. PROMOTFI) 13—Donald McIvor, After the examination An entertain. noY, W. Oliver; R. Plunkett, W. tendered the Club and speakers, the larm of Mr. Nlicheal Dwyer, stock and grain business in , I ly who met such slid losses redently ton. The marriage took place at Keith Parsons, Frank Bingham, meutby the childrenamused the visi- Nlcl' itle, IV. Dodd, It. 11,ittledge, and the benediction pronounced I Irene PaTsous, Percy Cornell, E,lwin tors for some time. There were prizes W. Jones, J. McCann, J. Clark, Rev.. Mr. Ashley. Among those tire Methodist Parsonage in the by fire, to Mr. J. H. Grennan for Arthur, Mantle Afolvor, James distributed its a reward of merit. IV. Stevenson.After justice was present were Bros, It. Tichbourno, Tile stock arld implements village of Cannan. The ceremony Vivian, $2,500. was a performed by the Rev. A. John Graham, Addie Thoro was a large turnout of visitorA dorlo to the magnificent feast of Jas, Craigie And Robt. Thoiripsony fetching tit the same time very good a was Gordon uncle of the bride. Mi-4a Matheson, Afalculm McLean P Oliver and all seemed deeply intereated in good things oil the table, games, from Goderiell. The mating prices, Susie Campbell of Winnipeg and Buchanan, Neil Melvor• the educational interests of kho singing and other Amusements a decided success. St. Davhl's Rard.—Mise Mary young. Things Are there as they wore indulged in until it wits -time NOTES. Division Court was held here oil _S* 'Miss Susie Gordon of Carman were wish otW to separate. Each individual guest, f Thursday in,the Orktige Hall before the bridesmaids. Everything was Sharman, Teacher, should be and we only prior to taking leave for home Goderich brethren are talking 0 his Honor Judge Doyle. 'As there conducted in princely style. The PROMOTED 13.—Eddie 'Bates, sections will with such a good ex Wished the happy young couple holding an open meeting. was an units", Ily largt) number of bride was the recipient of many Maud Sinith, Sam - Wyatt, Ida ample before them turn out on oc- 'A a hug e+ costly presents, while the bride- Glover, Frank Itobertson, Lefia casions of this kind for the en. All nianuor of happiness And many There is some .t lk of boldin an cases for be b6trd Rud One or-two of gement of both pupils and rf�turlis of their wedding day and ppen meeting at Londesboro. an interesting nature, the court groom presented each of the brides Tichbonine, litebard Ross, Lizzie courac-, ' room Was crowdpd Sonic of 'the Bates, teriell the Ir. that each recurring one would be The Orange Order is making rprii4s with a handsome gold watch, Doak, Manger Naftel, Mary er, At conclusion N memories of progf-eseive,stridos in the county of cases were adjourued until next anol to the bride a beautiful set of Sara Sproi.1, John Waddell, May Watson waspresented with a beauti- bl�,ssed with happy mem diamond jewelry. lt-oberts. ful album by his pupils. this suspicious day, Huron.' sitting. P P I