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The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-19, Page 7
D The Duron News"/I eo0rd y1,69 ►Your-$1.2tj1n Advance. ' -- �e nesday,, 1tee, Illtlt, flS6$ FOR 01/8 8TORr-READER''. LESSON IN GEOGRAPHY. The geographers and historians of this country will no doubt be pleased to learn that.a most pro- found scholar in these braRohes of study has been recently discovered �n a little lat}�lel; QA the Hudson `joie extent and profundity of tills prodigy's ,researches are Of so start- Ping and novel a character that it has been deemed advisable to give the partial results, to the world I through the inediunl of the press. As ti under consideration J are so far reaching in their scope, it will be necessary to confine this Chapter to the Eastern hemisphere, with special attention to Turkey in P Europe, and more especially to Con -however, stautino le in Turkey. P 3 It will be necessary to etato at the Outset that this remarkable geographer and natural historian is a freckled, hatless and shoeless boy known as Michael Finn, ,h'. holt apparent to the Finn estates on Coons Island. This estate is 50 Y by 100 feet in size. The buildings are in the Irish style of architecture and consist of a plain, unpaiuted, One-story structure, vulgarly known Y fits ashant and a pi sty. There , yr pig is a largo and agaresslve mortgage upon the property; which Michatll Finn 5t., h9s been unable to lift beCALL50 Ol• CheumAG13[ll, 11aTll tVIU-. tern and the feV_a emee,of-saloons in ���..- �� t1rY1n4t,_, y But the rub:tble for' clUsUre of P the 11101'tgagtl troll tile Coll sequint luso of his tuhoritauced0usuutailuut the junior Finu in the 'least. illi rr }las been tNl�{It by the 8Ch0011i1119• ter in the lutlo red school house under lite hill to rely opo❑ himself. It Illll9t be C, U1U33Ud' IiUVVevel', that. �' + o Mickey. ''Shure th' haythlns don t hav' Any u4o fur sigh min. Mueller that^ dopf,t Deco tr! ha' 1o'th fur ohti- I dxa, ce" gu'rula th' alleygatereates."' y'thp.tin' they're b'ya. So it's. Ooh, millta :aurthor, th' hay- thin blaggardsl Oh th' nagur thanes. An' sill I'm tbiukin' th' m others an' fathers 'ud be sittin' foruinat the (lures watching thitn animals swan in th' urls an' the y y lookin' on an'' winkin' at the alley- gators. Dear, dear ! Well, if I had wan iv thin Con stars-ti-no-plurs here, mO ye know what. �'d do wid him, Mulkey? Do ye know fwhat I'd do Kid my two han(i►, nviC 4 \Nell, I'll tall ye fwhat I'd do? be- I gob ; I'd Mould hie head l)eollllne me two knees, an' I'd bate in his ekhull wits Ice fisht so I would an' more power t' like arrull: till I'd do it, , In her elteitewtlut Aliekey s aunt rose to her feet and started in suaell of the pokerto give him a practical example of what situ could du with that deadly instrument. MTs. TI118, so them her ruffled mind Q by handing her Mr. FIUll 3 Cult) . pipe, loaded t0 OVeI'fiUtV1Ug wllh Delight." As she "Hutu Carrier's Deli puffed away she became calmer and alluded to the untimely fate of the n uufovtunate babies in the following feeling manner; "Ah, well, God is good. He knows fwhat is best fur thitn little haythens r'ared in darkness. Faix, it's betther fur thim C dio young, + + r and go t glory than t be druivin U t' b0 e`ann 01118, zko 'tis. Thin, U, P Y mebbe, if they were grown up they'd come over t' Aulerikay, in r big ships an cut down the Irish gurls' wages. Faix, it's lltilo r . el1011gh pay th Irish aro gittiu' now O'l't1R:'•'"'\• ll3t'�tt`rt-}i'i'11N,-'3'9ti`atiY3•-ittl'•--•'-, th' DUOch, tit' Cull-Ols hav' Ile show, 110t t' Wintioll til' Cllil.1060, f b,"1 Cess L' th, pat alters, plot, AIICke\', tell Il1U, dUysAt1RV lV 611(11 animils ever be kilt?" "Aye, sure they (to, hilt . it's nliglatq llaard kinin' thitu, Ye see tliey has scales OU thllri lllcu i1 8hsd - + Ye firm, a.n ye calf 31st Ir m.e back agiu' too.' 'You ve gut wan nickel, tin i got Ivan, nuntit). I'Van from %vau laves wall, don't it?' 'AV Cuorse, Ittly. Weill' , • r 1hats. rithmetio., Eruest J.u- cold w Nr;tu Yorb: Fven?rty Su?t. ---- tllatlort title Its -Niter Parties getting their sate Bills printed at this Deice will receive a free notice up W ditto 91 „ala, under above heading. Otherwiso, regular ptdverMeing rates will be ch„rXild. - ^ - ''T Z ;'PJUG OUT and' F 4Hq �f,yfe� i n'. fyR /A��: „• : tri Mier M t• V �% Y FINER THAN �� VER ■ • _ ggr,R rZ ^ M -IN BIIUNLN: ON- EACH& PLUG and PACKAGE. 617-y � ? ?' 0� �! t /' ' ------ COOK,�_--�___ �17 Ha T- Llenntiofa a Dental Surgery, Honor Gra'uata pt rho Tpronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas admitristarndfor the patnlene extraction teeth, Olfice-Over Jackson's Clothing store, next to post Office, Clinton. Alight Bell answered. 492y N Y �• DR REEVE Office-' Place" Brick Block, Iiattonbury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Ilurun Street. Coroner fur the County of Ifurou. 0tH hours from 8 Rao. to 6 P.M. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1 7 , , "Did n t Know t was �� Loaded May do for a stupid boy's excuse; but ( what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails g g y to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier? Formerly, a course of bitters, or sulphur and molasses,was the rule in well -regulated families; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste and the most search ng and eRective Llood medicine ever discovered. tethers ri Cleveland, 27 E. Canton 21 Ruston, writes: " Aly daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when She began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and foss Of appetite. I con. eluded that all her complaints originated ht impure blood, and induced her to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon 'restored her blood -making organs to I!calthlis11(td•I actions andIli due Iime tiud Ayer's S; rs, illy a most v9,luable remedy for the lassitiwo Aud debility incident to N it tiule." ` 7 Cnstriellt, Brooklyn Power Co., hrooltly n, N. Y., Nays: "As a Spring 7•lc,uciue,• I time it splendid substitute I'r the old -blue compounds in Ayer's ,,:trA.tpari1Ia, with It few closes of Ayer's fills. Afti+t• their use, I feel fresher and strun ter to go thou h the suntiner." b • 6 A, L �� v -r s---�-'�•r`s-a-p'a-r�r1• -a; PREPARED BY Dr. J. C• Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $ 1; six bottles, 105. N'w'.orih$5abottle. .__ L 18139• Harper's Magazine. I Ld .0 3TLZAT]�7I. ' IIARPaa's MAGAZINE is the most useful, a" ter. training, and beauwful periodical ht the world. Among the attractions for 1339 will be alnewuC}i711 navel-ali American story, entitled "Jupiter Lltrllts"--by CON87ANCE F. 4i00LSON; Illustrations of tihakebpeare's Couledies-by E. A. Amn;Y ; a series of articles papers oil the illustrated f n Da and a TROP ; papers s the lluu,in AR of Canada DUDLEY and sisa; cthree serial by CII Studies," uvAaxaR; three "Norwegian studies;' b BaonnsT'aaRNH B.IORNHON, illustrated i -'Coal" Iwdus," a historical play by the author of "Bull. Bur," illustrated by J. R. w'Eousu.4, etc. The - EditurihlDepartments are col:ductedby OsoRas ii•ILLIAM CURTIH, WILLIAM DEAN ilowELLS,:arld CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. r-. ..+. r HARPER'S PERIODICALS• �^" ` k"'" "* "':' Per Year: HARIVER'S ALAGAZINE....:....... $4 00 HARPEWA WERKLY....... ..... . .... 4 00 UARI'ER'S BAZAR . .. .:................ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.........., a oo Postage. hree to all subberibers in the L'niled States, Canada ur �fexieo. The volume„ of the AIAOC%INR b in with the . umuers fur June and comm er ut sac 1 year. 11'1 ell uutuue is specified, bubsuripttuns will Do. gin with the Nulal•er current at Lilac Of receipt of ardor., �.- . r, - ••- .-... Sound Vo:umes of HARPRR'N MAGA%INN, for threeyLars back, iul�:,tcloth butding, will he sunt by u,ail,pwk-pal of) receipt of ,3 Ou per r: volume. lout Cuces, aur binding, 6+3 unuts each, --by mail, post paid. Index to HARPER'S MAGA%INE, A:phabetieil, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, iuuluniVu. from June, 1550 to June 15,5 one DR GUNN • i ''t i r \V.1nim, Al. D. L. K. U. I'. Edhrbur••h L. K. Q. S. Edinburgh Licenciateof the Alidwil'cry, Edin. Office, on corner of Ontario audl-William Stu., Clinton. _..•.:478-y. `' e � - MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers c., ' ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. 1Yloney to Ltrun. A H. MANNING. JAS. SOOTT. T. 1. F. HILLIARD, `. Ii,t+ItlUti f 1.14, SOLICITOR, Sc. Office -•Cooper's new block (ground floor), Victoria Strcut, Onion. WII! °trend Divtslun Courts nt Suyfield mid Blyth � PRIV'ATH FeAD1i To Lssu at lowestratesof Interest. 613 ��DWAIM11,0101AN LEWIS, Barrister, Sol L icit,�r w 144yh Court, Oouveyunuer, ,fc., Goderich ,old Bay lield, Alouey to loon at five and one -hall per teruuntpt'o thud uiargiu. Bar• field O bee upon eery Thursday from 9.80 to 4.31 I"•nl3iF.'irt%'-ii`ote-hT66 v e--DirfstanCourt ; t�7 ettt 011ico. 400tf [M EAGER &Stu hair. Bar ea er, Jr., k , elud• eriehaudyY'inghuul. C.Seuger,Jr.,C:oderioh J; A.Alortoll Wingluant, 1-ly. AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Charlcery,and Street, next oo ConvestO fee, U Goderich, dour to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. - - lggg C. HAYS, .Solicitor, .L c. Office, corner ol V. S 11V t St t • S tl B N , quare ant es ree , g or u er s o0 ° 11tt10 A'tlllt) 18 nOt'a'hl'IIIIAnt aCh'OI'at'- O1'1''y A9 bl'r a3 a8t11UYe It'Ia60•'tt•n' "At!' "'�'""�-n I'-` �• •• ��. -- 'vol. yyuOiutlr-A4-U0; - - •, I r• g �."XI pG1 CL1AMA 4 , , , Store, ©odorlch, Urrt. 67. in tudinlentu'v Enr+lish, • Still he haard, sit ft Uullet 'nd scut 'off their g Rewittnucus should bit Made by Puet•011ico �' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. lwhichr v�"CYi•P1'i'Ii1cA, can spell L ullslDlltlUUp e, 110 backs like a tuarblo off til roof. I ... a. Apollo Order or Drat, to ovoid chance of lobi. - - ----- did IL_tho, I`Q[Itiwi g, Ina'nnor the So, fhwat d'ye think they but shoot Setwpapersarerut tooq)ythis advertisement E. CAMPION,'Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor ht ' ++ tai[lu,ut the Cx' +tan order b 1lAItrEII d', utIOTB HItS, J• Chancery, Con vepa neer, &e. Office Over other d'ty when his mother had thim fruit) th inside,. 1; f ,Jordan's Drug store, tate ruonls foruterly owu If Altl'Eits BAZAR 3'111 V "It•i„el' t„ 111:00100 its pied by Judge Doyle, Company and after she had eueour- Mrs. Finn looked -up from the reputation as till unuqualled family juurnal. Its Address: HARPER& BROTHERS, New York. aged him with "Now, Micky, tulle art illustrations tare All the highest order, its 4W Any amount of money to loan at lowest + y , etOCklilg a{l0•• Was knitting, 91100,k literature is of the choicest kind, and its Fashion ° rates of Interest. I -ly. yer thumb out 1V yer inotith ail ]ler head warningly at her son, and and flonsehul-1 departrmcmts of the must praeti 1889• , -___ - _ .•_ _ _ . _ _ )ell that ha 1then name ilii' Pr cul and teononileal character. Its pattern sheet spell haythen 3:litI In a tone Of quiet reproach• sapplentents and fashion•plates :June will save L aUBtl@, tilttt'3 it good b'y." li Ash• „ , its reddors teu times the oast of .nhwription,a nd Harper"s Weekly,,- 1t�tt�uQ e�ln4!. fully hanging his heal litllu Alil:e Now, Mickey, deal-, dont bo Its articles oD dveorative art, social etiquette,-_ --:------------ --;„ - tellin' yer auntie army lies?" house keeping, uuokory,etu., inane it iudiepons• .F be-all : „ r r r , able to Avery' household. Its brigat short 'I1L�.0:'��'�i<tl,'�,ti,,)D, 1-'i. V. SAL.L,i Deed I doff t hav t be tellin stories, and timely essays, are among the best t, CCTTONF.F.It for Huron County. &nlcs xb C-0-11, there's, yer Clip. S•t•a-Il, „ IV", ; and not a Ifno is admitted to its -- tended to in any part of the Count het lion' mother, said little Alike C,Jtnouns th-it could offend the most fastidious P• y'. A<I• there'.' yer stall theta s ver Cwgsj,au, �) dress orders to GODHRICII P G. V-17. y ' , Indignantly. "1lLLt I'll get t11' taste. Among the attractions of the now volume 11AaPaR's w'RxRLY has n well-established plate T -i, -there's yep' ti; theles yer Con- , , will be serLd nturies he Mrs. FitANCRS H9D040N _Ls the ILUdiug illustrated uew•spuper in America. a book fin show her th picture where BURNETT, )f s. AI,MXANDHR, WILLIAM B1,ACR, act CIIAS. HAMILTON. 9ta1161. N 0-.thel'0 s 21 no: there's , p , s poi acs bass of its editorial it :t a respeot on current � y th' WUnlen 18 feedlll the alleygaters. TIIOM.AN HARDY, Anda series of peppers nit nursery politics has corned Pm• it the respect and cm,fi Constantino. I -u-I, there's yet' management by Mrs, Mristine Terhunc Iferrick, dunce of ell impartial rouders, and the variety and A UCTIONF.ER, land, loan and insuranoe agent nl' t}1010'9 CUOStantin0 ul!" dickey disappeared In great __ excellence of its liter,ry' contents, which incluJe tf, Blyth. &Lies attended in town and country, p ' p haste in the bedroom and reappear- Serud and short stories by the best Arid most in reasonable terms. A list of farms an, 'I village to for 1 M n to ea o c to loam' on r , popular I real CSL' u ar writers fit it fur the perusal of people of Y to all Then his niother flushed 'with ' HARPERS PERIODICALS. ' I P P P ed Ill a B1101't t1llle with a tatter the rouge of testes and pursuits. Stipple- low 'rates o lntereet. Insurance" effected on all pride, find his aunt alluded to his old time geography. ' He turned meutsare frequently pluvided, and no expense classes of property. ?Totes and dehtscollected. performance in the follow%- laud- Per Pear Is spared to bring the highest order of artistic Goods appraiso , and sold on commissieo, Bank• a over 1110 leaves rapidly in his ability to boar Upun.tile illustration of the ruptstocks bought and sold. ator inhaner : changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Blvth. pee. 16, ISNO y• to establish his yo utatioil for .•$4 00 new work of fiction from the pen of {{'tLLIAM , P HARP.EIP& BAZAR ..................... I - "Luk , a' that novel ` Falx, illus. truthfulness, and at lastr• in rtri-, HARPER'S '.11AtpAZINI................... 4 00 DEAN HOWELLS, and one by CAPT„CHARLHa KING, -. will be among the Ieuding features Of'the 1vEHaLY Finn, ytlr b y has ':great head. bo umph diaplayod a picture reprosen- HARhr:It'S WEEKLY ...........:.iw......4 00 ferlss9: I'fiotOgrap'ler S hehils.- Alusiltt, but this eddicatiou 'tide; 'the women of Hindostan of- IIA RI'ER'$ YOM, PEMU......... 4 00 Ct -! is, a quare��tll.ing. _ An' whare is fering up their children t0 the Povtage Fr,c to all subreribmq in the United ,., this place'• ve werq%pellin', Mickey?” crocodiles in the river Ganges. Stater:, Canvda, or file—tier HARPERS PERIODICALS, �� . C This 'quer;tiou staggered Mickey Both the .vomer examined the plc• for a minute He scratched his Lure minutelyand' uttered- ex The r°fn"'esorthe.Ita%teach ear.5h the fust Per Year: 01 INTON. Number for .lanuury ut c.•tch year. when no pr°s�- o Clamations 'of surprise. Sustained tine is mentioned, siil,scriptions will begin with •-"-----^ hand in a thoughtful manner, called P tfARtlER•s car:Etcr,Y:.,.....'............$t o0 • the current at ttwu of rcuciptot order. ' mentally on his limited stock of and soothed by these evidences' of IIARPER's MAGAZINE .................. 4 0o We Size Portraits a SDeoialty, geographical kuowl"dge, and re- unquestioning belief, Mickey pro- Bound volumesos Harper's Bazar, for three, HARPF.R'S BAZAR ....................... 409 CI a pears book, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by seeded tU relate how the "elle maters"_ tall, osta a laid, or L ex rrsb, free of expense 1IALtPEIt'S YOUNG PEOPLE ........... 2 00 , plied at A ]lazal'll: 9g P g ' )' p.Clinton Marble Works, (prucided the freight Aloes out exceed one do1L•ar "Ili Asy.!" wore captured, Said he. ) p, Postage nada,oall subscribers ire the United P per volume), $7 00 per volnwe. y States, Canada, or Mexico. "Ah, ba, is that.so?" replied his 'Yo see that alle ater wid his _____ y'b' Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind. -HURON STREET) CLINTON. aunt. An'tell me Miekoy,is that any his mouth open? Well, whin wall in,,, will be sent by mail, post-paid oil receipt of The Volumes of the WHg„LY begin with the �d , to 00 each. first number for January of each year. When c than hfiythiys wants a pair o Lvhal'P, neat' Troland?” , no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin cowhide boots t kape his feet out Remittances should Le made by Post -Office with the Number,eurrent At thug of receipt of w H COOPER, Jr., "Nagy," replied the'boy, bridling. , Money order or Uratt, to:truid ch:uleo of puss. order, o th wet, lie takes an ould totality Alanufnchuur of an dealer ill an klndeot with a consciousness of largeness Of can An, fills it full or btastin+ powal Ne"'spapers are not to copy thismun advertisement Bound Volumes of HARPER'S WRRRLY,for three lila information. ''It's right fern r , ruilhoul the express w'r{er tj llurpor At Brothers. years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by dher, '1 Thin he'll put a ,bit 0 fuse nail, Ipostage paid, or by express, tree of expense Marble & Granite for Cemetery Inst �Africay, whare Only black nag- t' the can an fire it Out t' the big Address: IIA RP13R & BROTHERS, New fork: (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar ures l l ate e. On in Con -Stan per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Work at 6L'ures that defy competition y, y, mag mollh, that's out in the wather P ti-n0-pul th nagure s yeller an ' Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for hint] - 8 _- tandin' Jpen like a cellar dare. Zggg; ing, will he sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of thare's more dogs thare than hairs on -me bill oat's geek." Thiu'thA .1 iythin 11 put his fingers $1 00 each. A1Hn mnunfactnrer of tLe'Celebrutec y S in his c.0=, an' there'll be A bang ' ur y Building P , , , Harpers Youaa,, People. Remittances should ho made b Post•ORlco ARTIFICIAL STONF, ler Bt Il(lin ur• `tow, ow;' exclaimed his aunt, like thou'! an th wather Il shoot Afoney Order or Draft, to avoid'Umnee of loss. poses find Cemetery Work, which mtlsl raising her hands in Surprise. "An up like .: fountain, If ye were AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY Newspapers copy be seen to be a t'redated.-A'll wort ■ Cerus ra Urs are not to co r this adDer•liseu,ertt } p . fwhat does.theydowid th' doggs?" walkin,g th' shore In about with"utthe express urderrJHARPHR&BROTllaas. warrante(1totitivesatisfaction. "Makes sa83id,gtl iv end" two minut auntie, wid yer. hands r p Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. -- 1,011, ill' blasts. But tell mo Ill yer ]pU•. ,ets an' smokin' yer 11.i velum with : I Isfrst h('1., be ata McKillop Mutual losurance Co' ) , tcntic volume with the ..first Number in :Ifickey, is it pork'sassidge or bolo'- poipe, yer1; see the dead allegater Nuvenilper. Dgriu," the year it will con- -;.". 11S"s9A3aT(1 •'• --_ = �� COtlilii'--� 0 Alt' t^.p n' th' -tit' _ - ' t j .I 95r iFiel,.,t:.,,. „nit _ __:.. _-• ____-_ - a an' a hole in his back -as o c'ud Illate9 " by KIRK AicsaoF; "The Rod Again little Alike was nonplused. y Mustang,''b NV. O. SL'ODDARD; and "A T• NEILANS, HARLOCK After a little recollection, ho -Wever, Put u barrel. ill, y g , Y GENERAL AGENT. Day in Vlaxland " by R. K. AIrNrrr• lie replied "An' what thin, Aliukey." said his -rltiw1 ; "Nols Tliurlow's Trial," by J. T. Isolated town And village property, its well a " + aunt, who he'd become so much inter- 'I'ruwnRtucF' "The Thrce iiVishes," by farm buildinus an stock, insured. Insnnuuc Well, I dunno, but I m afther + F. AN I'FV and Pr11AND1•:It Tlv\'I"1'flFw'S, a — effected against stook that may he killed b; r ested in the marvelous tale that her lightning. U yon want fnsuranees drop a car. thinkin' it must be boldny eassidgo, series of fairy talcs w•rittun anll illustrated to the above address. for horn could they make pork sas- pipe had gone out. - by HOWARD .I'vl,F•; "Monte studies in ������� SMIT'H ,yo2tf " ,t ++ Natural History," h Dr. FFl,ix L. Yid ro out iv a do"? Well, thin, resumed Tittle Y " y dogl"' "the tows hiou ashore 'wid OSWB. 11 nD; "Little "Glimpses sofChd- SoPrIA ont q ) Goderich garble �ork� "Throe fur y e, Mickey. I didn't y B. AI,I); Gtt; tle of b S from Market S ware a tow line au they pries out his Diel(ene " b MAIWARET F. SANO..sTFIt y thing o that, But vvhtlt else is i•y O•y�^� kICH■ - thare 'lidos Boggs?" - teeth Avid a ,crowbar an makes articles on by sports and pastimes, � jJ.LeJ 1V.L3 "Well, there's alleygatera in th' knife handles iv thim; they pulls short stories by the bes writers, and hum- Having bought otlt JOSFI•ll VANS1'owE out his backbone t' make hoehan- orous papers and poems, with 'inony hun- in Goderich, Yee are now prepared to fur river Nile, beyant the city, wid dies an' shoe brushes out iv his dreds of illustrations of excellent quality, nish, on reasonable terms, mouths on them like th' kitchen „ Every line In the paper is subjected to the WEST OF ENGLAND SUI1• dare. These animals is as long as eyewinkers an boots iv his akhin. most rigid editorial scrutiny, in order that INGS & TROUSERINGS, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS A fence, An' they comes up on th' "Dear, dear, luk at -that no)vf nothing harmful may enter its columns. GRANITE A SPECIALTY. That's what �e l,'arn when yore SCOTCH TWEED SITITIN'GS & shore an' lays there will thane y , TROUSERINGS, We are prepared to sell cheaper than an, mouths open till the little childer eddicated. Surra a bit o me iver An epitome of everything that is attrac• other firm in the county. crawls in. Thin the alfa ators heard . th' loikes afore. An pwhat tive and desirable in juvenile lite:ature.- FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- Parties wanting anything In'this line w'i'. yg Boston Cowrie?. find it to their -interest to reseiyq thei swalloys the ehildre, clothes an' all kin' o' 1'arnin' d'ye call all that, A weeklyfeast of" ood thins to the' STL+'D GLOTTIS, g g orders for us. widout army salt wither' so they do, Mickey? bti,ys and girls in every fancily which it an smacks their lips fur more," "That's g'ugraphy," replied the visits, -Brooklyn Union, Tilade ftp) in Best Style and Work- ROBERTSON k BELI It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, fnyansh'ip at Abraham Smith's. Alay 1701, 1886. 392.3m "Ah, th' little dears ! Goll help Scholar,information and interest. - Christian them. An'. , Mickey, does thim "An' yer 1'aruin' other filings Advocate, N. Y. animals ate many o' th' childre?" besides that, me b'yl" --- EXHAUSTED VITALITY "Cool's@ they does," replied this 'Av coarse I am. Ain't I ill th' Terme: Postage Pre aid $2 00 For Year. Noty ill stock one of the chea)le- g Prepaid, HE SCIENCE, OF LIFE, student of natural history.'""The 'rithmetie class?" Vol. X. begins November 6, 1888. and best stocks of T the great Medical Work y of the age on Manhood, Ner. Ate all they Can get, an' pick their tAArtlll dear„ fell me sOmethin' S)ecitnen Copy senton>ecci to a to+o- WINTER CLOTI�ING prevouandphysicalDecline, Debility',. l „ py p f . r Premature Decline, Etter, teeth wid th incl iv their tails, about that care thin of Youth, and the untold Which is sharp as nadles jilt fur q g cent stamp 'llav' yo two nickels in your rOC• $IN(34F.. 1'Atrbat,, FicO•Cenfs each• AND OLOTHS■ on,miseries0 pages 8 thero- that purpose.,, , + proscriptions ptionsforalldiseases ket? Ren,ittancea should he meds hywi est• I 77 Cloth, tullg'fte, only 8t.00, "t1n' don't the'childre squeal?" , r Ofl'lco Stoney Older or Draft, to tcoi'j A Full. Line of GENTS' FUR by mail, sealed, Illustrative eautple free tb r I hav , was .tlt� reply, As oho Dun nntl nilddt -aged men. Send now. 71 " , r chance of loss. m, 1' iT c, R Shure they does; but th equ alio laid them upon the table, Mickey Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the anth' comes re late." livid th one of the abl ea M and Newspapees are nol to copy mi.� arlDe). NISHINGS always in stook. by the National Medical Association. Adlrc isenitnt without the express order of NnR- P. 0. Box 1896, Roston, Aires, or Dr, W. 1 "An' whare's tho p'liceulin will slipped it into his pocket. prat & 11ROTnratN. It Evill pay hole to call opt PARKER, graduate lice Iot Harvard. n,%%,hA►e y h consul tharo elubN?" 'You had two nickels awhile ago + 26 yoare prntIalI in Boston, Vvho may he Consul g Address: HAIi:I Hatt lit filtOTHF'PfI.S, ell confidentlAlly. Speclnity„ Diseases of Afa " P'licerhenl" scornfully replied an' I took wan Awa,' didn't I?' j Ncw fork, I ABRAHAM SMITH office No 4 Bulfinch street 493y' y I " A A, A " Wows to IP04. Al RR1 ONRY 1A lend In largo or. ?!Weir apwa, Rn A thlow et lla 0. rqE .of pa bT�G sacurityi at .Ihe.I n, H R,utod at, Clinton, Feb. 20 1681 lv MQ__AYjj: x PRIVATE F'JNDS to�lerid on Town and farm property. Apply to O, RIDOUT, Office, next Nxws-RNcosp (up stalrq) Albo rt-st 859.8nt MONEY TO L1344k ou Rood mortgage or personal security at lowest current rate of interest. Al, AluTAGGART. Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1888. 186tt - — ��•tt�t#txg,, I P THLJ.111liltMa Incorporated by cAment, 1856, CAPITAL, 62,000,000 REST, 61,000,000 Head Offtee, - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President.1 J. H. It. MOLSON, Vice -President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at low- est current rates. iNTRRMST AT 3 PEa CHNT. ALLON'„U ,nN Dil'06r7Y . S FARMERS_ Atouey advanced to faruterson their own note with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re gitired as security. iT. C. BREWER, Manager, February. 18$4 CLINTON as'• - - - �filzt�vttil'. C{`t hlN'r.N Lodge, No. 84, A. F. S A M. meets every Friday, on or after tha ful moon. Visiting brethren cordialh•Invited. 6 J. YOUNG, W. M. J. CAF,LANDER, Fe. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1• drititIle. L. 0. L. fo. 710, CL..IN�°'ON■ Meets sacorn hlonday of every month. Hall, 3.I4 Hat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made w0egn1e. '.. O: '1`\V•LEDY;•ivV•.•M. W. S.SWAFFIEI,l),See. If. S. COOPER, D. Ai 1i op"Rh 'it • t ([ly q` , Jubilee Prece+ for Not,161 p Y l , (LiAve-1 h."vi+l'fs of 19,0e d) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second "w`odnesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evehifig. Visiting Sir Knights will alw„ye •'^eeive a hearty welcome. 'A. SL Toun, worshipful Preceptor GROROR IIANLHp, I eputy Preceptor. WILLIAM MCOHM, Itegistrar Boal B!a heceptoij 3,971 t Black.Iinighte of lre.70 1, Meets lit the Orange Ilall, Blytit, the Wednes. day after fuil mumu of every mmuth. flual Black Noce for 3151 p� Blucb: Knights of lreland, '.fleets in the Orange ball, Goderich, the Thir Alonday'ofeverymonth, VisitinglLnightsalways nude w•elcolme. . JAMES WFLLS, Preceptor, Saltiord P O W H MURNEY, Rggistrar, Goderich P O OLINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR Roonps, third Hat, Victoria Week. Regula meeting every' 'Thursday evening at 8 o'cloc sharp, Visiting Knights made %Alcoine. FOR FIRST CLASS,' HAIRCUTTING ACID' SHAVING - Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2doors`east ofNFws-RFCOItD of - lice. Special attention given to LADiaS• AND CHILDREN's 1-laimlittiug. POMPADOUR HAlnctilri\0"A sl'ECIALTY. THE KEY TO HEALTHIt" kr 02M A - : n�i;#t?f=':IfY$[�1so�--slt'J',girc•.ts•:,r .r-rye;z�6ti•;4kit'c-s��..:.:a�:ws»�. .�- '.� Bowels, Kidneys and Live., c:;rrying off gradually without weakening lit" system, all the impurities and foul. 1110WIL (-f the secretions ; at the same, time Cgr'recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy' Dim• ness of Vision, Jaundice, Sa1t2heum. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and general Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Com laints icld to the happy influence of BIIRSOCI"BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles )c; Regular size $1. a For sale by all dealers. T. KILIIUItN A Co.. rroprletore, Toronto � P. P / nWp g�� p' tz AS , B 81=8 Es!°15� a � - ■.y '� it y LJZmCn v Fgt. cy ' w v F �e 9 i t i �t ?7 • � P' jd P,11 0 � I ?4 m pC•'1,� .'gib 1 A! r �ROPERTY FOIL SALE. OR lla RENT.-Ativortisors will find "Tho New•s•Record" one of the best mediums in the County of ITurgn. Adyertieo in i. "The News- i1CCArd"-Tit o Doable Circulation Talks to Thousands. Ratca Ae low tie any. • „ e ., dtr p f ..+.ait5... a,e±iTs�i'0�+,a,..�. �:.ut�...,'..�..,, ..,ui'.,�... s.. :.,lva,.�'. , .. ,._.',45re,v' s,..�l�w�.:.-..a�.wNesi.�....ur.:.."...,i,,wl sYtli':.�::"....�. ,,J .o.,n,ruuiiiii'r..:,.�...�,:e:�.1.filYiilli,u",�z•.�,>...,...>•.,-tis'. �w.;ri .. - - .,..r.. _ ,,... - -„ . , . ....