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The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-19, Page 3
h ; R• 4 h ; R• a BUSINESS ANIOUNIEMENT. dull and ordinary preacher occupied deut-who rtiight or might not be AS YOU LIKE IT. M " the •pulpit, and the good old minister elected by the majority of the people COURESPONDENC113. wax unutterably borod. Whet► it -appointed bill own 04hinet , that -Alittle boy had come in with GREAT ; We tvill- at co l tunes bs pleased to was time for the payer he offered that Cabinet was responsible alone his ,clothes torn, his hair full of receive items of news from our sub- the usual petition that till, Lord to the Preejdrtit, and that both the (lust, and his face-hearirig unmistak scribers. We want a flood corres- would bless his servant who had ad- President and his Cabinet were able marks of a severe conflict. 'Oh, ,IJondent tit every locality, not already dressed the people that clay, and- entirely independent of Congress, Willie, Willie !' exclaimed the represented, to send us RELIABLE )LeWs, here he pauNed. His faith was not and were not amenable to public wother, deeply ahoe�ked anis grieved, p ' a strong enough to allow him to con- opinion until the expiratiot of their 'you have diockbeved the again. How RED UCTIO'N SUBSCRIBERS. elude Lilo sentence in the customary four ygars of office ; whereas in often have I told you not to play way; so the conscientious old loan Canada, the Cabinet was directly with that wicked Stapleford Loy I Patrons wlco du not receive their added firmly, -'And may lie shine as responsible to the majority of 'Mamma,' said Willie, 'do I look as Taper regularly from the carrier or a Htar of considerable magnitude for- Parliament, and could be dismissed I if I had been playing with any• IN— thr)uglc their local post oj�ces Will ever and evar I" at pleasure, while Parliament was body I' I_ confer a favor by reporting at this directly responsible to the people.' -An old lady, brought up as a Prices. office at once. SubscriptioTLs asLay THE PILSSENCE AND TRANSUBSTANTIA• `Many of these busiiess and pro- witness before a bench of magis, tonimence at any thne. TIoN• fessional men,' continued his Grace, trates, when asked to take off her Mr. . Percival writin Thad but a vague conception of bonnet, refused to do so, saying► ADD9'ER'1'ISE1tS. HenryY g III�I Ili the Churchman (P. E.), points OUR GREAT NATIONAL HIGHWAY. `There's no law compelling a woman Advertises -81411 please bear in mind out the difference between the doc- to take off her bonnet.' 'Oil,' said that all "changes" o advertisements The had heard of the uan,e one of the magistrates, `you know - �.. a.... g f trine of tbA Real Presence and the Y t� to ensure insertion, should be )Landed 'Canadian Pacific,' and hall a hazy the law, do you I Perhaps you Having contracted for SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH doctrine of TranaubHtantiatign. , in not later than MONDAY NOON of Roman theoto;ianA draw a distinc- conception that it connected the would like to come up and sit here of each week. Atlantis and the Pacific, but could and teach us I' 'No I thank you, Zr tion between the doctrine of the , Y r _ not imagintt how that could ba sir' replied the old tall °there are r ran bstaPresence' and the doctrines of P Y i Stoves �� Bapgain I CIRCiJLATION. ' acconplisbed except by connection old women enough [herr: already.' Trausuhstautjatiou. The JeRUIt with Uuittd States roads, or by THE NEws-IZEconD has a lunger Perrone (whose Praelectiones was running through some ports of the --The Rev, Andre+y Beatsoi has 'circulation than any other paper in the text Look for seminaries during o n tartar Of a wife, and his hearers we aro iu a position to still Stoves CHEAPER THAN EVER. The United States, but when I explain• this section, and as an advertising the last Pontificate), commenting , are l,ot ignorant of their pastors Stov, R r.re bt uaht and the Staves MUST BE SOLD, so call and get ed to them whaC t the Canadian Pack- medhan has feiv equals in Ontario. upon the Tridentine decree, says :- wihfurtunH. the other Sunday hes Prices before purchasing. fie railway was what it was doing Ou]• books are open to those who it is evident- that tile, article of gave out the text, 'Wive-, obey meal[ business. Transit be tantiatiou is a doctrine by and what it will do for this half of your bus1wids,'and delivered a atost If you want to have COMFORT in your homes still to SAVE `',ION.EY it) itself, and distinct from the doctrine the continent ; how it was not only impree,ive discourse on it. 'Wasn,I FUEL; ger ono of our NEW GE31 FURNACES. of the heal Presence of Christ,' the great trunk lice OF Canada, lint the minister rales eat -nest the day 1' .jfOili PRINTING. ('Tract : de Euclt : Chap. II,') an imperial highway, over which remarked one hearer . to ano'dwr. CROSSCUT SAWS, AXN:S, COW CHAINS, away down in inter. was beingcarried passenger and 1W Sep our NEW IS,\l1308SED STOVE PIPES. Try our PARLOR • lice Job Depurt]]ne)tt of this jour- "The doctrine of the Real P R 'Ayr hes was,' replied the other, a nal 'is' one o the hest er tci lied in freight. traffic not only 3,HtwHHu . LIGHT COAL OIL, it is a No. 1 ami save prices as Conuuon oil. f 1 11 Presence simply affirms that afti,r quiet touch of liunlor in his tone. Western Ontario and a superior consecration the body of Christ is England and China and Japan but a' 'I wonder what 111ra. L'vlttsoit has Bral fllheft-St, class of tvo)h: is yua]'et]Lteed cct very resent : the doctrine of Tfi0sub- also n good share of the American Hula% intP [rude itself -thea they `rasped l)"tin daein neo.lo1]t p] ices' stuntiation ggoes ole step further, _- Clinton. a new idea of Canada. Dense -A few days ago, the Legislate w - - and defines of the consecrated bread' iLulu of Couneoticut N'aR discusaindiscussingaignorance prevails of many other -A Ha\yniian cutivict who- was TheHuron Nevus -)Record `This i9 the body of Christ.' points. Many imagined that Eng- woman•HuffragH bill. weilber "The doctrine of Transubstantiate IirnRH and denounced the, bill, and cuudealnad to death had his fife m1.60 a)'car-$1.25 {n Advance. IIHb goodei' were imported into Cana- , Spared Oil Tile Conditiou that }le tion since the council of Trent denies da free • and it was news to thein added I dont proposo to make I MEN, ' to be told that English int orts were a mail out of lily wife.' Anothershould be iuoeuluted with leprosy thechangeof the subscauce bread p by way of experiment. 'The iuocu-Weduespilaly. ][Det•. 19111 )SSS and witiH' but aflirnls that tie subs taxis revise) the.Rewo as those re},lie(1 The geI1tIH11111p 11eHa11't� P Y fatten took place three yfrars ago,stance is trot '(hanged' but 'non from the United States. And then Propose to make a titan out of his wife. It would he a blessltl!r for tins the unfortunate roan, \yho THEOLOGICAL THOUGHT 'vertetl (conversionent non esse inuta- as to our climate. I left Halifax would surely have don0 better t0 a0 A SURE CURE. „ "1'141M t'Loneni.,' says Viva, as quoted h the coulitry if Ilia w•ifo eolll!l Inalie } , q Y (luring the chfarmkng weather of the to the scatlbld, is now a tuberculous FOR BILIOUSNESS,CONSTIPA'I RELIGION, utisIC and POLITICS. Cardinal Newman). latter art of Octobei • and during a Illan Out of hill) !' The If OUal+ INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS,, SICK p , g leper. 1'hH expHrimvnt \vas perhaps The Christian Inquirer .(13aptist) `•The doctrine' of the Real my visit in Baltimore was often it wont wild, and for the time busi hardly necessary. The fact that HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE says ; " In the Church of the Presence teaches that the. bread ritate by some one a+king, 'Wasn't I1 Has was atispPtided' Fathar Diiilien has bocoino a le )Hr STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWEL. y -A correspondent of the, Phila. I THEY Afl'N. A MILD.THOROUGH AND PROMPT Divine, PAtP.Clllty of Now - York slid Welles are Clliitlged ; the doctrine It veryCOId When OU left IlOgle i' a1LICe Iles ++•tint t0 1'('alltR 111 it settle- IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID Cl tY.l't-►a propUReil to devote it suer Of �Trausub8ta'ntiation explains TREY HAD All .IDEAS _ dviphia Press l.as this t0 -offer TO nicht Ot 1Hp8I'S 18 Fil'Hly PI'UUf TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE CP,HaIUII of ,�'Ulldav I.V. ... ga , t0 philosophically that change by de- all poor men who contemplate buy; enouoll that the disease r9 contao- TREATMENT_ AND CURE of CHRONIC � lisionusic And p011tCs.` To- -"a -t lie Blaring that it takes place by 'tie that- Halifax harbor was frequeUty ing Eoor land I would Say, '.Don't..' ious, -NTuw, lluwever, there. is •BO AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. pastor's own wor'Iv : conversion of tile whole substance frozen or hlobked with ice ill winter; If you are able to buy one hundred room for auy doubt which may have --- --- _ .tea •r�...aa-s.•c•s-�. r o: +.t• of bread into the Body_ (of and looked very incred"10110 wilHn I acres of land which is low in price been felt upon th(� matter at one tri this, l;t ,h�ta { ; `yt ' 4 "'The idea is to give more premia' Christ) and of the whole substance toil-! thew that I had seen more ire once to music and less to preaching, br+cause it is poor, you will do better tithe. and such words ae do come from of wine into His Blood, the R )ec'►ee in New York' harbor in Jai)uary by buying twenty-five acres of good „ T d f :D 4 of fit+`' o • than e'vei I had seen in Halifax:' -A dru clod iu «Icltita, Iiau. �y the pulpit shall pertain to the of bread and wine nevertheless re- land in high culture at the HAmH-• t '- ��'' g was sent to gaol for ten ears and y i Or s'rFtOYS AhlLi REMOVES WORMS politica! issues of the day. ntnining' (Decree of 'Trent, Less. 'How does your Grace account price the hundred acres wont(] Cost. fined $20,800 for selling liquor ! Or ALL KiIVllS itJ CHILDREN OR "'1'i this end a ulftle quartet and xiii., Canon II)." for the fact chat those people, Ho Poor land and a poor man will pro• against the Prohibition law.. The RGAF;' lC. �\Vi�-IAR;;-1 TAS 71-1-4.:u 9oST - a chorus of forty voices have been AR for any "carnal view," result, ignorant of leading facts about this bably both keep poor for a good governor pardoned him after he had 1- �r.'� is .'�-r; ci iltQ added to the regular' quartet, and ing from tho doctrine of the Real country, should be -so anxious to while, but, rich land wi;l foou help served six months. NTow the an elaborate musical programme Presence, Mr. Percival says :-"The annex us `1' an industrious mail to enlarge his Attorney-Geuoral has had him re - will Ile offered each. Suoday even- doctrine of 'the Roman Church tti, i borders. arrest6d to answer a little dHlimild ®R WAS INCTON, • Their idea is that the 'United ■ ing. ' And this, in the church iu day does not, however, teach any States is the 'be all and end all' of -A case in which suit was of $50,000, fines and costa. which Dr. E. H. 'Chapii made the carnal or sensit)te presence of Christ everything ; that to be a citizen of brought by Catholic taxpayers to'. ____-_ _.. ____ ____._. _.__._.-._:__- Tllro:et anti L. Toronto. tit pulpit a throne front which to sway ty,. be the result of its -doctrine of the United States is one of the goals •prevent the reading of the King RILL H3:ADS, NOTE Toronto. Is the aeeptre of an influence that was Transubstantiation [even], but (to Of human ambition.. Added to this 'James Version of the Bible in the -�•-� shads, Lottor Heads, Tags, 1 Statements, Circulars, Business will be, at the preeTniueutly .spiritual,- ,whatever quote again-PerroJie)•vtile glorious is their very erroi)eouR idea that we public schools,- was decided,in Wis- Garda, Envelopes, .PrograDmas. i else'ihust be said. about i• . Less and spirituO Body' of Christ (as the are anxious to beconio annexed. certain on the 19th inst. Judge oto., oto;, priatei, in a workman p } l to . preaching !' Cuuld there be a Apostle calls it is resent in the IRTe rnmuler and at low rates, a (ttittcnbary; EiouSB P ) P Now, I admit that the development Bennett Ltild that such reacting was THE NEWS -RECORD Ulilce. more deplorable confession of weak- Eucharist under the 'symbols only and go -ahead -activeness of the Amer- riot sactaridn instruction, the chit- ' ness than that? ' More prumii)ence after a spiritual or . Sacramental f icans is Something wonderful, But Oren of the petitioners not being 1�lIYtL3111. _ LE.r9L'IL' to music+' marks a teudrncy of the utannrr, ails to the wn of a s irlt . oblige(] to listen if they did not de- CARRIAGE AND IAC©N FACTO�iY,' DECEMBER 9�i I. Y P [shite everyt ling into ciolsldera church -life, of the time .which is (sub sywbols'spi9•Ltuali prorsius modo tion, Canada. is away ahead.. 'Their sire, and the Bible having' Leen (it- Corner,lfuron and Orange Streets, Clinton. swiftly downward and only deteri- seta S(tC'](111147b [LlL et Cc(l 9]20d4inL a17th'L-. social life is not equal to Dura: vides upon by the authorities as 011e FIRS'P - CLASS ^ MATERIAL Furelroon. orating. It already looks as though t1,.q. Perrone, De Euch., Cap. II., of file text -books for Wisconsin and i'NSCRPASHEU IRON WOW[ . anew ot• the huutlrede eared by DR, some Chur h edifices weals Soon ISO," wE ARE MORK SECURE. hchools. There was nothing, how w'ASFIii.GroN9s New 111ctlwti need reconstruction lllt0 concert [[spate{iIg and Repainting. oC Inhalation We have not such vast wealth, nei- ever, to prevent the children Ecom a ALL, WORK WARRANTED.'1sx 521-y balls. 1'1,eanwhile there is no h!lz they have we such dire poverty• reading a version of thn Bible accept- __ W. H. Storey, of Storey & Son, prominent TM and in the aRAertion tharthe Gospel A TRUE CANADIAN. The conditions of life for tllg general py FOR SALE OR TO LET Dr. N manufacturers t Acton, oat., o»rod by g able LO t'lIH Catholic Church If they 1>r. washing ton of catarrh of the throat, had of Jesus Christ is not vflHte. Lot --^ feral, Iola prononncul incurable b' eminent mass is easier here that) there. I preferred. specialists in Canada and Fnigland, Write him i6 first bH believed with.till the ))cart, ARCHBISHOP O'BRIFN POINTS OUT THE shonl+l Strongly recornmend our peo• []'OUSE AND TWO LOTS for sale or to let, forparticuhoss. o ' 111 situate al Albert street: For partil:uhuro and then }assailed with energy,, SUPERIORITY OF CANADA P Y n -This is scandalous, said 1VIrs• apply a le, t0 Htft 4t hams. If OUC yOUnn pp y tT. ae oil Albert SON'S Grocery, Clinton Chronic Ilronchilis and Asthma Cured entlltlsiavini, and adaptation to the OVER THE U. S. ,nen would work as )lard here as Lushly ae Rhe ushered her spouse in- clay isth, 1884. 990-tt to the hall very early in the morn- An English Church Olurg>ectn y, Cos, deepest and abidiu;{ needs of man, : there they would be, far more coni- Lector)', Goruwutl,�+nt, And its herahl will not asset to go His race Archbishop O'Brien Portable. They would be their own ling. t You ❑lust have been leak-STEVENSON, w'esulsoTox.- �' �' �T� 9 p °G'�DrAR Slit, -1 am glad to bu able to inform � OU y begging far nn 4IIdIHI1Cl9, I]Or will. bas recently returned from a visit to I1hAHters and All dilaht bacome pro- ling a nice exhibition of yourself that our ll:Ll,g!ILeriellnite well again. Asthlsix the chalet, iu which lIH i9i15istera ,13altimo•e, New York, Boston and P downtown., 'I was perfect (Bic) %UftlltUre Dealer, �tC., theseun,d tine she has b, en cured of grave perty holders -which but very few Y g THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND hronchial troubles under your treatment, when nee(!' to be transfernle.l into a other pointe. Speaking to a re- Could become [bore. Of those who allobor, orderly, an di eified all er the usual remedies failed, Iwrite toexpreas my need" opera house, porter regarding the prevailing tune,' replied Afr,'L., assmuing an gra.titudc. I'1VW1c nueept lily sincere th." i, leave the Maritime Provinces for FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Yours;trul), dense ignorance of a larva number tIH United States, the rent major- ii.liired look that almost threw hon Opposite Town }fall' Cl'ulton Out O. R. Pt:rrtT. 4 ' g 1' Off his Lft1anCH. 'That IR' rtODHeIiHQ Firs Jno N10ic +y, Kingston. Ontr; Q1Ltarrh and j NO KIST O'WHISTLES. of Americans on the affairs of ity become hewers of wood and ,. ' --- Consumption. Tll^,res is in Baltimore a Meth Canada, his Grace Said [net a rlrawHrs of water, One man rhay said his Wife positively, lust amour - 1 sirniiojiii ;lay nor,'ontthro ciocons»mp- odist Protestant Church the like great malty business and profession succeed and his success if, blazoned ent ago, while I was looking out of TO THE ��I���F;� . cion. '. ' al hien and Clergymen. The public ' the upstairs window, I saw you try- Study your own interest hall go where' Sir. F. Scott, i(ingston, Out, Catarrh, brad stills of which is rarely found in America. abroad in the press as something you can get throat. affairs of the. two countries were ing to unlock the door with a tooth- Firs Jno Bertram, Ilarrowv nlith, Ont, near Xing - No instrumental music of any kind wonderful , blit nine.ty•nine are sten, Catarrh, throat. is ever ]:ere within its walls. The naturally a theme of conversation- pink." ' Posh'bly ;but yolpbesshe� Reliable HCUlIII11Jsr FlisssnrryA Roulbourg,Centre+Biu,oat, atnrrh never. known to fame and are sexes on all occasiolA nine[ sit apart, especially as I was there during the life I )thew too much to ick m head and throat. strangers to Such r"rosperity as they , - - James,lnthans, r'. 11ast!.r, Acton, Oiit. r SACkVllltl incident ails oil the day teeth wisher door -key (hic) didn't A F:IFidi, Cents Furnishing, Dellewille,Catarrh • not oven man And wife are allowed might haves enjoyed at home. I 1 manufacture none but the B88TOFSTOCK. throat. to sit together. No money can be of tile presidential election, I was , 111 DelaareO/ehOpx'that sell cheep, an than have don't Hoe how any luau who wants sol to tive. AT .Call anflget prices.• orders John e), ppen, P. li Snndh test, Ont, ad cuexpa• ,t ver much astonished at the ignor- n at,trr londnndthrout. Bad cue raised for its wont by such mftkH• Y to work can t succeed in these pro. -A white young wan while at- by mall promplynttended to ' ¢tie which r� eval re Ardin. tease Gl tss �t1►-!u�-yti _ tendig,o avrvioA in k'' to u _ ee Canada. A great many peopT `T'-" ;.'-_��.:iT' "-_=��•o: `. this is due to the will of a Mr. Starr, young people, and old ones too for (Conn.) colors l church was guilty of to 0^- ' �im scouted to think that ranadA was HARNESS EMPORIUM, HLYTI1, ONT. O M =` Q i - , who several years aga gave the lot that matter, fion't work one half as the impropriety of expectorating on (Al( U . a anxious to be annexed to. the United nj U N • -4 • rn V o and money to build the) house on hard Rt home as they have' to do the floor. His offence was soon 1:4 � in � ' States. The asked me if a large y g y Y PP The Huron Ne�vs-ReeoPd '-" conriition that those things which he Y when they o away. The _noticed b a deacon, whoa roach- 1 r U y pq "o q, disliked Hhould hover be� done, iumher of Canadians ware not ed and said iu the Most Solemn W � ! ` >, �?CJ till b _ strongly in favor Of annexation AMPRICANS FIt1KE GREAT BOASTS, r, g b � �,, C a _•_ — tob" : - Yo,un„ Ivan, you must not U • iii �. THE THREE PS. and when I tole] [Lem that there Continued the Rrchl>iahop, of their sit tobacco nice here." A few Has ,just phtchd in stock another lot of h•� U da '� ''b' qJ m d was do annexation sentiment in" liber[ But I don't think their P Extra }lard Metal ,� 0 c z,{ Says tie Glasgow Ch? isticcn Lea- y'' minutes after the contribution 'box 3 this country -or Ione worth nlen- religious liberty if; equal to ours. was passed by that official, and the ' : Ari. -t O der :-" Prof. �Vnt. Graham was , '�, O do ,iNg-they we •e greatly snr- Tile religious element hasn't the D e -wont to point out a peculiar coin- g tobacco Chewer paralysed it by f]o y., �[j �. D prised, They appeared to think same chance in the life of the State �� „ YOo W Q.r• q cidertcH in the history and tope- dropping i❑ a carter, The deacon `�Y a ,, graphy of Scotland. Donkin; at till! that Canadians should he anxious as it has in Canaria. Publicly they looked nT the quarter and at the con- / o �y �y �' •�• '�, w � w o to be annexed. It the pretend that the don't want res- e �� � A N aN tierce great religious movements- p Y , 'tril)'utor a nlornent, Then, putting � •r,,)• � a � ^ ,...,t-� � an o $ •� the first against Popery, and second causes of their delusions, 1 found n Ijgion to exercise any influence in IIIc han(1 to Iris month, he whispered q,/. against Patronage—i o allows that SUitPRISING AMOUNT OF IGNOKANCF the life of the State. But tl-e more to thecontribu,tor in a stage asides ; T o�'r�d' "y r.,.., • trU� Z G three parishes lying next each other on the part of those I met regarding thoughtful of the people are, private- -"Spit in the corner !" �o� j U O td fry V v°l are famous in connection with their the osition. of Canada our modo of lY convinced of their mistake in p -The X. 1. Tvihu]te tells a story � G oG ot, this respect. At a recent confer- ze reg ective leaders. John Knox govorllmont, and, in fact, almost. P of an enthusiastic Prohibitionist, �,,! �� ole P ell& of educationiate it was free) e / began to preach in St. Andrews ; everything of importance conioctcl'1 Y who, it save, was green enough to Alexnndar Rendereoi in the next with our county Tire, bad no confessed that their public Retool Y Y system iR a failure. Yet there is try and tie B18hop Foss, of the �•� /S+-RECO���i� village, Leuchers ; and it ,was from intelligent mea of our triode of Y Methodist church, to the third IC]Imany that Thomas ChftlntHrA "Ovet•nile>nt, and nonmed to imaging sit n tyranny of public Opinion, , I -CURE,,. or `American sentiment,' that PVP,II party's chariot wheels. For an hour emerged to the great work of his that we ware governed directly hes plied him with the stock argu- from Londdti after a manner these educationists sett t dare to life." menta of his faction, and finally dH- ---- - --- - similar to the' ovHrnntent of India discard the wrong and advocate the !tt � mended by way Of `putting on theScotch FIE MODIFiED ITIS PETITION. or As W/f rP. Crown colonies. They right. " reuseinents :' ' Now, Bishop, if I have lately heard of an old min- were t;tonished to be told that we " i think Canadians should take you saw A toad dog in the street, were so self governing that even special pains to enlighten any Snapping at everybody in He path, When i say CvtttcIdonot mean mor47U ister who had retired, from antive the Governor-Gener'AI was but a Americans the ineet on points Itopthem for atime. Bud then huvethemre, service, but who stili retained his • Y 1 and doominG them to A horrible ;urn again. I MRAs A RADICAL CURE. mere figure head and without any about C!ahada on which they enter• (hath what would you. do 4 Wnuld SOUND ADVIl:F::-Those having saldeW-bf any I have made the disease o neat in his farmer pulpit whiles can- political ower. I oiked out to tail' grrobeoue ideas." -Mali aa; ' Y kind should consider ere that Itis Jest ns Important didatee were preaching there. Ile p P P _ f you try to restrain him and cap- toli-pearne tandasteraprops*I Is to hav halloo- ��S.9 EPILEPSY or pear neat and nttraGttve, as Itis to haven •nod always offered the closing prayer, the people with whom I 'conversed, Herald Lure him alive 1� Or would you not auctioneer Tnx News.RRcnaO mak'+a a spools%ltV Ir."LZNVA SICKN�'a'�'',o on theso things that the Government -..- ' , ' of this class of work, they have the material and .-,. .. .... h ._.... b e .. ... .......... _.. � _.. - rather Shoot him de.Ad. 4 ,,,,, WHIP experience to what you want at .ver)•„ _lLilfeltm $tt1.r1.•,...k..4yARRANTm reined to and after.aeking thti Lord to 1 aA _.. of Carrftda was . his service whoya cure iharl broken the flrand Trunk anc� canadtan salt)'""'1yt Foga, me(iltativel$y, }int'"Ee(sarr'airitt,rtres.- OUnstlie\-ors cases. I3ecails�"tlrtft=s ays' bread of life t0 his scenic that Clay, )FORE OF it GOvERNFfENT OF Tit F: ) — tattedtt cinesnoorson for not now re nEn oTTTa Pacific shareholdo•s in London' are with conclusive firnviHaA, ' if I had -- �' � _ - Bond at•oncefor atreatfsoand aFRars'�orrL1 1I PEOPi.E, • being asltod to ainn a petition ash• Leen blRzing Rway At him for t urty r,-�,,hrw 7TI{AY STCI(,K AT)�'A;Tt- ofmy INFAT,TlBLHI RRbirDV. Gtvo Express was Accustomed to arid, and „n,ny D t(r "'' F,-) TISEitENTs inserted in THR yy,nd Peat ORlee. It coats yousnothing for S 1ne shine as a Rtftr of rho first maj{- by the, people and for the pnoplf*y, ing the diroctors of file two eompan- � ears without hitting him, i c1On,t Nxw•s RFCOR" .It low rate-. The law trial, and it will cure. you. Address nitudH forever Rn!1 ever." But it than was the Government of the ics to cease hostilities and woTk in 1 know but what I'll try the other makes It compnisory to .dwortise strny stork. I Dr lx: G. ROT. ST Tonle SL, Toronto, Out. i ion want any kind of advertising, you cannot Nhappened one Sunday that n very iJnitod n State's, There the Presi- harmony. plan I' etter than Can on -The News neonrd,^ •