HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-19, Page 2L beau tion with falls matter has been WHAT ROMA19ISU WANTS. by the Aci
�Iktr l�Clatt >tlU CCQ. d below the knee, the right leg g with publicans today contained MAX O'RET,E ON AD SCANS.
badly shattered, the left a flesh proven untrue. Facts have been '�—"'"" The a ublf Do Catholics whatever. - a---�
the Warnes o£ uo Ca
4 '
is roni islisu. wound, Ile its shut in the left arm obtained showing that Hawes had From An Anterlcan Paper, ' ` p kat was indorsed Max O'Rcll, the witty French-
' Every Wednesday Mc.rning, just baluty the albgav trod the bone treated his wife ruosG cryelly fqr We have r1o• pyrnpathy„v4itb, the by the gotntnittee of one 11un- Eugliehrnanr who visited Canada °
-BY--- is broken. J. W. Owen was shot some time past. About two months people who want to w e cuncea- dresi. The Democrats, on the con- last summer• has been telling the
t eutirel through the tht thigh. ago he bent her with a large stick, stone to Popery on the pasis of so- teary, renominated Measra. Cann 'English people what ha thinks of
° V. %N: AAS `9a�t' J. IV. Gilntolp, it is thought,gie breaking one of her arms and two caked political justice, because what iqg, Dunn and Calliseu, the three Americans and gave on Wednesday
AT THEIR fatally wounded through the bowels. ribs. He failed to provide her Remauism seeka is to atom the tide retiring Catholic members, who week for the first time his now lec-
P8VIIER PRESS PRINTING HOUSE, Flt►n.k Childer dead. Albert with proper clothing or sufficient' of progress and bring things back to also received the indorsemeutof the lure on "America and the Ameri
Smith (colored) was shot in the nwtiey, and she told several persons her own immutable Lind accursed citizona"convention. Miss Caroline ohne," at the Birkbeck Institute.
'O.utario Street, Clltntu11. i back and seriously wounded. Air. that he had threatened on several standard. Hastings, M. D., was renominated With considerable vivacity and
Wm. Youngblood, Mr. Alexander orcasiona to kill her. Uncle Sam Heads a little of the by the Republicans, citizens' and good h -amour the genial Frenchman,
�I,SO a Year- 01.R5 in Advance. and Edward S. Coopef, formerly After the blood stains in the Italian grit that makes -it so bot for committee of one hundred, but errs , reviewed the prominent points of
repotted as killed or wounded, are house vyere found Friday the Papal pretensions on its native -soil dropped st the rs. Isabelats,la
who our cousins across the water, taking
The prurcli orsofTuF si neietOa NEWS, not hurt. W. A. Bird was shot in building was left unguarded for that they are steadily whining for named instead Mrs. icor of
heC. occasionDOeasured flteee to denounce
having purchased the business sad plant Barrows wife of the editor of the in no measured terms the polio
of THE HuRoN REcoitD, will in future the right shoulder, the ball passing true hours, and when t}ie officers sympathy to the fools on this aide +
publish the amalganiatedpapers ill Clinton, uutirely through flim and eomiug returned some one had entered of the Atlantic, who talk of liberty, Christian Register. Rabbi Solomon dans of the country. No man with
urrder the title of "TRE HtlltuN KFwa- eut near the spinal cord. Most through a window and washed but mean license. Schindler was the only candidate any self-respect has anything to do,
RECOr.I).” 1 Hwa all traces of blood ahowin whose name appeared upon all the with affairs of State, and when A
of the %v'oultded are in the hospital. y g The Italian priests must keep PP P
Clinton is the most prosperous town in TROOPS ON THE SCENE. that there Is an accomplice at lar e. P P tickets. Another effect of the Senator gains by some mischance
Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable P their fingers out of the State pie, agitation of the school question was an invitation to a select party, says
manufacturing, and the coutreofthefinest Col. Thomas G. Jones, of the BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. IU.—As and we venture to say that the to arouse n large number of mato Max O'P.ell with churacturistie ex
' agricultural section in Ontario. %ts Second Regiment of Alabama State to the occurrence of list might Jesuitical nioddlere and Conapir' voters who ordinarly take but little aggeration, the master of the house,
s The combined circulatintt of Tur. N,. f coops, arrived here this morning, Sheriff' Smith said . Webnged ators who leave no stone unturned to interest in the municipal election on hearing his nacos announced,
REeonu exceeds that of ally paper pall. ,,•ith five companies and is confident and pleaded with the crowd to destroy our school system, will in and fail to vote at all and ciluseil first enjoins on his servants to keep
fished in rho County of l sten, It is, of his ability to prevent an keep back and then the fired the time got .their deserts from an arous-
i'. therefore, unsurpassed as air
1 Y P p Y ° many who usually veto the Demo- an eye on the silver, and then sees ,
medium• further attempt at snub violence. first shot. Several shuts were fired ed people, Romanism has a darker cratic ticket to support the opposing that the hats and coats in the hal[ '
¢iWItates of advertising liberal, and 'There was much excitement fur is by the crowd before I gave the, day ahead of it -in this country than candidate.,,. To this tagitation the are counted, With all their open -
furnished oil application. while last night, but it has subsided order to fire. We begged them to she ever dreamed of, and we venture defsnt of Alayor O'Iirieu today is Bess land cordiality that exist in
zeparties tuaking contracts fol' a spt•t•r. somewhat to-dav, halt at the mouth of the alley, and to say that the very meaus She is us- largely attributed. The returns are
Bed finis, tvlwdiacuutiuue thoirudwertisc -- still they kept coming on. We in- to -day to undermine our liberty not all in ; but the h't}lpublican
hent, before the gxpiry of the same., will begged them to go back tirne and and our institutions, will be what school board ticket is undoubted(
be charge(( full rates. again ; warned them w.o would will arouse the forbearing "Yank" elected.
Advertisements, without instructions as On Tuesday'afternoon, December shoot, but they would not listen to to a sense of his duty and reaponai-
space and time, will be, lelf to the ju.lg- .4, the body of a very beautiful us. Thrr cams half-wa • ill.) the g - played poker
u party s American men
p, I 1 )r � irl, apparently between lU Y ybilit�y-concuruiu° this adieu church, played oker incessnntl with an
stent ol;tl,e coin ositor in the pis da ip- ouuA MEAN MAN MAKES A P Y P Y
se•ted until forbidden, 'measured by a young 2a alley, dues to the jail door, and and then Itioms will haus to. beware entire( fresh oath for ever' card
scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the and 12 years of age, was found were. shuutiug, 'Blow up the jail of the fui ofa atient man for this AIL+'AN PROPOSITION. Y y
inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first floating in East Lake, a body of with dvnamito.' After all this, and Y P they threw down. On the Snoring
insertion and 3 cents a line fur` each sub- water in the vicinity Of I3irn,i❑ begging church that has been fund- morning a young lady was playing
Y g- after they opened fire, I gave the led by Protestaut politicians and fed Senator Sherman is by many re- sacred airs on the piano, and the
? Sequent insertion. Orders to discontinue hain, 'Ala., by two boys playing order to tire. They contilined b the alms of well-meaning but gardud as tits coming Secretary of 1 '
advertisements must be in writin"' -hoar the bank. Tlfe bodyhad evt- °' poker party coming into the saloon
Notices sot as READING MATT]"It, bring after we ceased. I feel that dulled Christians, and will have her' State for the United States .in the
dent( been in the water two or 1 stood around, end fur two hourasang
hneasured b a scale of solid Non xuiel, 12 Y %tri could nut have done anything rtulsk tutu ell' Hud will appear in all Iiarriaun Admin}eLrat}on. This ex-
Y t three days,' 7'},e coroner was Pl hymns and psalms with the greatest
lines to the:ineh) charged at tits rate nf. 3' else under the circumstances, and 1 her bloodthirsty hats and hideous puetation gives to his views on poli -
10 er•nts a line for each insertion. summsued and offorts were made to deeply regret the necessity." deformity. I•lou. rolix K hrunot, q ° cheerfulness, stud energy. blax
tical , estiona n certain weight in' O'Roll has, lie is sorry to say, met
establish the identity of the on- ITAwI.7S TELLS 1113 STORYr in speaking of the Bili in the ub- exeeSs of that whish.belongs to them
JOB �i�i�. furht,late girl but her fair face was P men in other countries who swore;
t ° lie school terse( outlines the duty iu virtue of his character and sena-
- uufawiliar to the conn %+•hu gazed A corie•poudent called upon � Y Y he has also met, he is glad to say,
We have one of the hest a p pouted Job Y 6 of all loyal citizens nd Uhristian toria4 position, whatever that weight
I I u on it that da and it was out }Lawes in jail yesterday afternoon. Y a mail who sang hymns, • but he be-
Officos west of Toronto. Our facilities in ! Y+ freeman in regard to our educational may 6e. The wonder is that he, or liaves America to be the only place -
this dcpartmout enable us to do all kinds until the following day that it WAS lie was perfectly free how excite- e' p a
system and how necessary it is to any n- to re American would be
ofworlc-from a callingcar(Itoautnm„iotlp anent. Dttrip" the fusilade bu- Y Y ' which produces teen who do both
learned that., it was Aiay Hawes, b the reservation of thin taut and +villins to receive into the bosom of i
poster, in the hest styie known to the daughtor of Richard It. Hawes, twuou t11e mob and police he bo- preservation g' ° with equal facility. The ng quAmerican -
craft, and at the iOtcest possible rates 'Tho case was anveloped in the deep- trayed no excitement • whatover•, glorious republic. He soya ua fol• the "Grout Republic a people. so girl possesses many charwing quali-
Orders by mail promptly attended to. set mystery arid,,rho theory ul' r1 hoard approached him and said : lowil to beingute of manliness as e, manner
ties, but she overdresses; and the
"The reli' thus couscieuco in to being transferred in rho• manner word simplicity Address"Well, Hawes our time has Come. $ . p Teary is not found i❑ Lite
murder attracted tilany believers. ' ' your America was born free • civilliort he indicetee. lie admits, in effect,
• The News -Record, CeJtaiu circumstances directed sus- They pu•o-after you. Hawes arose p Y vocabulary of the Ne%v York dress-
Ctiutt►n. Ottt from his coltch dressed and. ex. rest'. was born ut -the cost of blood. that the Alaritinie Provinces would maker..
ptctou towards tbe-child's father. P Tho are is ins Arable us stir and "welcome political union" only if ---- -• --
__ _— ad no concern, only saying that it Y Qp „-.�~.
�.wes..-was.--tn.u•rr-ted .to -Misr...----- sunk�}rt; and tuctat stntxl or -fall to it came "without shock to their , ,
was all right; but they "would hath b AROUND THE GLOBE.
The Huron News -Record Mayes Story at Columbia, Allss., Bother, Blot the sun, and you loyal sensibilities; that Ontario is
an innocent man. t
Wednesday afternoon, apt( arrived destroy the d.t tl,u sun and the "still as loyal as the Eastern 1'ro-
A few years ago Hawes caught Y y ' vinces " and that Quebec for yeas- —'the South Carolina Logisla-
L50rYear a1.251nAQvance. 111 Birmingham Wednesday night. dtiylight gone, the beauty of the ' "will tee has passed a bill providing for
his Wife in jlapran.te delicto with a ons peculiar to itsdlf, trill be the 1 t g
IIs and his young bride were buuud earth is lust iu daskuess. As sur- P ti,e expulsion of -lay member who
man named Alike Coins, in Atlanta. last fortress of resistance to consolh l Y
_ for the east, where they expected Cly as that the sun,can only shine, dation." The three sections whit -i accepts a free pass from Buy rail-
fdCdteesd:ty. Dec. 19th. 1888 p lis assaulted the latter and almost ntld the day exist I b the immutable ua
to spend several weeks on a bridal`. 'killed him. When asked estor- Y•
• - tour. A telegram convoyed the h y' contain ill but a few hundred thon-
g laws of the diviu hand which
da. about. the affair, ha said that sands of the population of the —Tho London Tl) mons
AN ALABAMA SLAUGHTER information that the bridal party planted the sun int a heavens so P P , 13. Y
would arrive at Birmingham on the if lits pistol had -not failed to go off' g_ Dominion being thus un pro ared- market +vee active and higher last
he would have killed Alike. „I sure is it that our civil and reli $ unprepared—'
b {
OFFICERS Rlnnr,E A LYNCHING non 9, 1p• m. Georgia Pacific train i.ous liberty can onl� stand upon for what can be more inconceivable. weed: at 6 per cent.. This.is unusual,
WITH I3ULLETS. Wednesday night. Officers board- wish I had killed him, ho added' tire platform upon which the buil- than the transfer of loyal people and an advance 6f 3 per cent since
— ed rho train as it pulled into the "I would not be here in jail charged from •one flag to another without Nov. Ist.
l ders of the .Republic placed them g
SEVERAL 1(FN KILLED—wINCIIESTERS station. A glance into the first with those murders," Hawes, how ,and a po'n which the have stood ,"shock to their loyal sensibilities?"
no nrnDLr wont:—ThE FIGHT car revealed' the presence of the ever, emphatically declared that he 1 Y —The peoplu .of Mexico are re -
DO innocent. Ho said �\ h —the manner in which Senator
„ r for more than a century. Shall we joiced in the fact drat the bulls of
' ALi, ABOUT A MISCREANT man they wilutad, Seated buerde Y step down from this high vantage •Sherman would proceed in the
should I kill them ? I loved those I g o that country are unusually gavage
woo MURfpFrtED nus a lovely woman, his bride. They ground at t},e beck of infidel or hien- business becomes peculiarly interest this ear, and the, prospect of sonir4,
two children, and once I loved g in He would, have the President Y `'' ' 1 I
%C1E'k AND His walked up toward hill), and when arch, to contend upon the the staging $ iuteresting bull fighting is pected- i
he saw' thein his coun.t.ennnee fell. their mother." or Senate open communication ° °- !
' D:aucHTFR ofsticks.intowhichtho would P At•tho am phithoutre in Jauvez last '
The city at miduiotht was quiet Y with the British Government "and l
One of the officers approached him us? Shall, we resolve ourselves into Sunda n successful fight was given
and stated that he hold :a warratlt and no
further outbreak., was feared. proceed thenceforth b the ordinar y' g given,
BIR\r11GIL%\i, Al:t., Dec. 9.—A' contondib- sects to fight a battle of P Y y' in .%vhich Senor Joves, •Ono of the
crowd, which had beep collectim, fur Li.. arrest, the charge of whish coitoNER'y IYQUEyI. Jugs ill the current which sweeps diplomatic methods of treaty mak-
'. %v;lo tits unirder'af his c}rild, and The cor.on0r's in nest tu;da r9 ° P ing." Ca°n it be that a Senator of best touradota in ALexico, was fat
c) the streets for several }Tours last '1 Y on to the abyssZ Or will the patri- 0"0
ally wounded by.an enraged bull.
'79 -night, at midui) ht i(Ivanced on the without any ado the man surrender•, endoavoring to•get4to the bottom of Cts of they nation, of'every sect, the` uitod Mates }a to obtuse as
f ori, turning his now wife over to the facts in Saturday Bl�ht's Stand shoulder to shoulder to affirm not to perceive that surh a proposal—Enitua Day, 0f Drayton, last
county gaol -with the intention o
g the c-ue of a❑ acquaintance and q,assacrs: I;xe'itement still ru' s would be`a flagrant insult to 1poth Tuesday morning shat and killed
lynching R. R. Hawes charged q e and maintain that this nation is,
with the murder of his wife and wont out under the custody of the very .high and the people „.arn divas, anal shall forever continue as 'as- the parties concerned .Z - Where in Harman F. Ruthmier, a.young man
child. Many of the best citizens officer',. Ile was'exceedingly well tied over the, action of the o(fteers. `•-tablisheil by its rounders, Ch�ristain, all the history of England'a dealings from Cincinnati, who was trying to
,tried to reason, with the crowd and dressed and was refined in appear- One very romarkablo featurdis that Protestant, unsectarian and free, %vith�her colonies can anything be gat into her house. She says she
prevont trouble anti somo, lost their once. Ile asked no questions is to noarly evbry man killed, was shot in _. _-------- ,foulid-tb 'Al A* tl'rnt�e the supposition shot him in self-defense, that yea- p
w- lives in t•hs attempt. When the whiiih of his-, children he was the back, showing that the crowd 1'IiL BOSTON ELECTION. that she would not rosent deeply an torday he had tried to kill her with
crowd was within it few feet of the• accused of having murderod, nor had turned away when the firing invitation to dispose of au import- a pocket knife, for which he had
i;ttol dour and hart failed to heed did he express any desire to see was begun. Postmaster Thock- ant colony Z and what more in- been arrested. IIs• gave bail and
numerous warnings, the officers the -remains. About all that he morton was shot in the lower back, TI1F PROTESTANTS ELECT THEiR tolerable otrence could be given to returned this morning, Still 'threat -
opened fir* on them killing seven y 1 n g g Ex,tJRp SCHOOL BOARD TICKET. a free and essentially self -ruling, cuing to kill her.
P said on the wily tit) to the slot was -through through,, A. ll. Rry•_ -- k °
men instant( fatall woundili that he was innocent. lie was ant was shut through the hoart from people litre the Canadians, than to —A Connecticut man has an in
Y, Y $ BOSTON, Doc. 12.—To-day's elcc assumo that the and their county
more Or leas severely about 30 perfect(} tranquil and betrayed no the .rear, bluuy point to this as Y Y torestirg monkey. Whether it is a
others, any y g' . g tion closed one of. the most ox'citing could be matte the subject of barter
emotion of an character. When ver dams to to.tho oflirers. j brass -one than this son of the land
'dunici al cam paigns over carried
asked• if. he iie had any defenco Governor Leary has arrived and N campaigns between the ALother Country and an- of wooden nutrriogs has deponent
THE KILi.ED AND WOUNDED. to make t110 pl'ia6lleC said lie %%'a9 hell( R_COni01'CBCO with_ CO1. ,Jones, on in ' this City. Bitter personali- other nation Z If Senator Sherman saith not. The animal is five years �
t Tho following"" "'fii`I•l"'likt-of the ties have beau indulged in-frooly oil understood anything of the spirit of
prepar.,ed to answer any questions The governor said that from the 3 $ P old, and weighs six pounds. All of
killed and wounded :—AIL B. all sides and es peciall ^ has this
that might be put to him. reports lis had received by %vire he especially rho. people of whom he learuod so his joints are double. Among the
Trockmorton, postmaster and a vary g been the case ill the discussion of much in the course of a tri from .
'The next day- Hawes was taken thought Sheriff Smith had only N many accomplishwents of .this anon-
lirominent and popular citizen. He Y done his duty. At miduight the the public school question, which Afontroat to Victoria, ho would key is his ability to talk • not only
Was about 30 ears°ofa a and leaven
from the gaol to the room where y' ° has been the principal issue of the "papa,"
I'mamma," " Y
J $ his child la tie wont willing( city was perfectly quiet and but few P 1 perceive that when they wish to be- can he say papa, mamma, and
a wife and one child. An unknown y• "Lite campaign. The issuo was, brought come absorbed in the United States . "
and when his eyes fell upon the -People were in the streets. cuckoo, as well as any parrot, but
negro was shot through the lungs y 1. befure the people last summer the will ask for it and that in the s "
little one a convulsive gal filled I,umingham; Ala., December 12. y , ha will, when hungry, say : Jack
and died this morning. J. It. P —The jury in the" IIawes murder through the removal from Lite school absence of such request, an nese
itis throat and tears trickled down J. Y q , Y ° wants his grub."
ALcCoy was in the front of the case to da rendered :a verdict that 1pJ' the school board of certain tiations %euro Such ossiblo between
his cheeks." He said little beyond Y ' p ' —Is it possible for grief to kill a
crotid %when the firing commenced text -book, which contained sonti- the United States and British Gov- expression Yes it is 1'Ia 'both the +woman suet thea girl, May man Z William T. Jrldri4'e, for
and fall at the first volley. A. B. 1 Y• inents considered by Catholic ernment with that end in view fort ears piloted vessels o and,
}Ia%vice was known to have had Hawes, came to their death at the y y P P
lurraut was shot in the hack. After to be incorrect as platters of History would arouse their fiercest iudigua-
hands of Htnvaa, and that Fanny ,tad to be unjust reflections u ion he r g down the Dslatvare without mishap, -
thb,First VQlley'l►e_.lny .dQ%gttt o11_tJ1e. �_wifo when he_marrie<1 Diiss Story. _ p d to .�J_ t mom..,.. .�: the a k1e.l�eelf� -�=�: _-.� - ,�- -
- -, ya�sr� w. veutiw y . «..•- r _ .a.s .....c oho ' avFi"rle ru arge bf e
t__iT_ tib-�►rrEr+ .,,� 1 ,. sFt.d�atterauu u�--- l ,
lb 'f
a . A . •,v a __
,-* .f.., tioltc f rah. 11e rn tit t In e
r`e ln�r it s P t11T�1 killed 61'689 lint she also had been mur- ` T � � ' 11119 aCLiOn tlla' BaN nn° 6ntOring T -, ateanter Lord CsOl1gH, that VCSaCI Tall
y' ° ' charging •Sheriff Smith with tour- y g TII1✓ OLD 11A� .1I I -EC, ashore. The Philadelphia port
him as he lay on his face. A. D. dared. This suspicion Was con- dol tve-a sworn out to -da Hud he wedge by which Catholic supremacy 1'10NA'L'E.
111ryaItt wits shot through the heart. firmed Friday afternoon by search• '' y' in tho control of the public schools wardens suspended him for three
He was standing near the trout and in" the Hawes cottage and finding is again a prisoner in jail. monthF. Smarting under a sense of
Standing ° f; g was to be ultimately obtained those The following tender extract is
was doinghis best to restrain the blood stains in every room. At - who thouidit the schools in danger 6 injustice Mr. Eldridgo went to Ilia
° g from a letter tvrifton b Daniel
crowd from going an nearer. IIo noon yesterday the body of the 1'SI:FUI. ItLCIPLS• havo-held fro usnt meeitiugs to ex- r Y home at Cold Spring, N., J., never
fell sit the gfirst vette a'nd died missing %woman was found at the -- prgss their u �iuiou and ublic fuel- O C onnell, the greet Irish agitator held his head up afterward and died
Y bottgni of a lake i❑ the park half a GEMS.—Una glut flour ou6 pint 1 } p and orator, to his wife. It Ia tliu last lionduy. 1'110 severity of his
instantly. G. C. Tate was shot 1 I p I ing has boon wrought up to the more remarkabfo because touned to
through the hip, thigh and Ioin. utile from -the cottage and five miles milk: one egg; half a teaspoonful hi *heat itch- A mass meatin was 1 puuishliuent killed him.
He is dying. Ile is n painter and from East L'llce tubers the body of salt. Beat the a until light add 6 P $ the luc}y ttvonty•tbr0o years after rho'
y egg ° ' ` also hold in Faueuil ball and, as couple wets married. —Worcester, Alass., has a relig-
ht lived at Eastlake. Col. Bert Smith little Mny Hawes was•found last the milk and salt and boat gradual- the outcome, a ccmutitteo of 100 IUnd society called Faith Home.
shot throe h the right Tuesday. Tho head of the dead 1 into the flour. Lake twenty MY OWN AND ONLY LOVE :—It The members who number a dozen
(colored), g g Y Y citizens, irrespective of party,., was was Rate wrote the letter I had yes- '
lung died this morning.Lawronee woman had been crushed in by a° minutes in hot gait pane. The a >0intod to prepare a list of school only, unable to obtain spiritual
lung, Pl P P tardily, and I do most tenderly, ten -
Fitzhugh a civil engineer, is bad( blow with an axe, and the body above makes u dozen gems. committee m(imbors for election to- satisfaction in the churches, meet.
$ + Y derly 16ve Kate. Yea,, , sweetest
wounded He was shot through was kept at the bottom of the lake CHRiSTMAS PUDDING.—Take one do that should contain the names every Sunday and study the Bible
8 Y Mary I could have wished to sae
the shoulder. Charles Philo was by 200 pounds of iron fastened' and a' half pinta of fine bread of only suEh creche as wore known g to suit themselves.. They bolieve.
Y Y P one -line also in that h'andwritin that the can reach perfection rind
shot through the }read it is thought about the neck feet and waist, In crumbs, one pint of chopped suet, to be friends of. the public school ° Y P
$ g P which give9 hours
recollection li e$ d the and a Ualit with Christ and thus
fatally. A. J. 8cheide n mechanic addiV,ion to finding the body other ono and a half pinta of currants s stem and who would work sole) • g q Y p •
., Y• p , system, J happiest hours of my life, and still
tray shot in the left aide. It is cireumsti li•11 evidence was found and stoned raisins tuixud, halt' A for its development.- The unusual blesaes mo with inexpressible sweet- resist death and live an eternity on
a thought that he will die. He came ngtlinst Dick Dawes, the husband cup of citron cut thin and fine, one interest aroused -in this ueation earth. To do this they believe that
g q , ness and comfort when we, dar ing,
recently from Kalamazoo, (Lich, of Lite dead woman, The fooling scant cup sugar, half a teaspoonful was more noticeable among rho are separate. All the romanc� of the body must be regenerated by
Several of his -companions wore against him is intense and resulted of grated nutmeg, five eggs, two woman voters, as is shown by the my life envelope you, and I am as means bf certain mental and physi-
•a _ wounded, but less seriously. in the attempt to take him from even tablespoonfuls of flour made fact that while Duly 833 of thin clans rornatiti0 in my love this day as I cal preparation, They endorse faith
-� Charles Jenkins was shot in the gaol last night and the dreadful riot into a thin batter with milk. Mix wore rogistered for the municipal was three and twenty years ago, cures.
back of the head, the ball corrin that ensued. in the order given and steam four election last year arid only 72b —Clement Ilantbur former( of
$ Y, Y when you dropped your not unveil- Y. Y
out in the cantle of his forehend. Aliss Story bitterly bewails liar hours. Servo with sauce. It will voted, the .total registration this ling hand into mine, Darling, will London, England, was found dead
He lingered until ton o'clock this fats declaring Hawes cruel( be- keel) a long time and can be steamed year reached 20,216. Tile school in bed on )lie -ranch in Texas one
morning. J. W. ALont ower ro. tra ed her into marriage saying he over when it will be as'goodas now. board consists of 2.4 members, of You emits tithe levo tuner of your da last week. Ho was ver old
Y 6 old husband. Oh, no—my Mary— Y Y t
ceived a slight %wound in the left had been divorced two ears and STONING RA181Ny.—One of the whom eleven were elected to -day, and lived alone ten miles in the
$ y Yp my own Mary will remember that
jaw, ;lir. Borkle %vas shot through had only ono child a bo chance discoveries which fate will 'including two members to fill vacan- county. His dog canis to town
J Y g Y p Y• g she has had the fonts and faithful Y• g
both las below the: knee while Hawes had another daughter occasionally, throw Tit the path of a cies resulting from the death of after his roaster's detith, went to the
$ $ woman, is that • a bit of butter 6 affections of fray youth, au(1 that if
to Irons, She also is missing; and Edward C. Carrigan and the years have rolled over us they have hotel where his master stopped when
,, .. ....rubbed.., Qn_.Lie fingers and knt.fe e,
sitting 0l) the rear porch of tl
1t'sidrrtTcs of A41. Wti , •Sid'dons. althou fp hor body cannot be found resi ,nnt}o.n...of.th.e,-Rev .J..T. Durye,,. in .tole'u...,tend„theu.to the etors.,}yh le
g Y $ Y given as no cause to respect.or, levy +
Charles Bailey, a brakosman on the that,(, is little doubt that she too
Will relieve the tasty of raisin-s(,odi,n0 who has accepted 'a call froth thin oael't other less than we did in earl he traded. The clog nete(j so strnngo-
Louisville & Nashville railroad, has boon murdered. of ill its sticky discomfort. west. Of the ,thirteen members life. At least, darling, so think I. ly that Hnmbury s friends thought
was shot in the right side. Itis' Tho evidence against IIawes ii — who hold over, eight are of the something was wrong and started to „
wound is not nocessarily • f,•ital, the most damaging, and it is cor• ---Col. Duucau, Af.P•, a noted Catholic faith, and it being hell by —France, with a population of the ranch. On their way they met
John H. 11ferritt was shot through twin that he had one aceomplico, English soldier, died recently from the Popubilcan convention that is a 35,000,000, consumes as much partiescoming down to report the
the calf of the left log. AlntIt, , perhaps spore than one. Every painter's Colic, traconblo"to sleeping sufficient representation of that sect wheaten bread as the United States, death. Heath was caused by
! Kennedy was shot in both legs statement he has mads in connec- in a houso newly painted, upon the board the ticket preseuJ" -with a population of 0,000,000. pneumonia.
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