The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-19, Page 1A NICE HOME dditt011111 xalculo ddit>ioTaui r>aczti ddltiontri orui T A BARG4 IN. -Eight acres of land with a - A select orchard of choice apple trees Goderich. Goderich. EXETER. loyal Deigbborlio0d in which they - " canfartabl,rhouse and stables ; sit ming Godo• , Purely Orange Locals. „ live. Our beet wishes for continued rich township, Apply co B. L. DUYLE, aoae• I1Ira, T. B. VauL very is still Berl- was stopped. What a'snilden inter- T^ At the annual meetin0 of L. O, .rete• 626tf est the Reeve has talttri 1u those L. No. 924 the following officers prosperity go with them. The Ously ill. Tars News•RacoaD at all times txjll be pleased to , works. During 1888 la paid no receive items of news in connection with were.aleeted and dui inetltlled :- Cvuuty meeting in Clinton should io THR ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF The High School Entruuce Lx- Y ) be well attended find ALL SIR /j o atteuGion to either, was not on the Sof•.lett' or Church-in all canes the name of r j, G(tUN:RIOH.-Thu coming year bide talc aUllnatlUn 1B nO1Y In r0 re88. writer or sender to accompany the name (not W. Al., Bl'G \\.np. SandCCa-; I M., , to be the turning point it) the progress of our I) g CO[UmiG'tee, his prototind Mind b(fiu9 for pubneatlon), tneroly as a guarootee of good ,Jae. Ferguson ;Chap., John SpacJc_ KNIGHTS are 'urgently requosted Town. The completion of our Waterworks and Nixonaith.-ED. Electric LightSysteals muntbecarried aut, The Mr. I�lSLu1dy h89 sold Ont devoted t0 faWlt tennis (:GC. NOty t0 llle•et 1VIlI1 UR. LEE the �iOUnt Electbuildric Li httilS3 Y Ituitbt b the Government +t IIfB grocery business to :lir. Willis. that his Reoveship expires, he wakes slits ; Ree-Sec., Arthur Ifot Treas., y ImprovementalD our Harbor and Public Build ,r up atiddettly and CO01)*grtCtl6 Ghe GUDERICH DISTRICT L. O."L• Fin ,Seo., Jas. Satlsar& ; TL'ea6., Grand Black lneeting In Clinton, ingy„the continued agitation Ili our county I Colborne' township Council Inst on electors' the above improvements � . Henry Lalnbrook ; Dir. of Cor., on January 11th, be a grand sue- Council for the building of a Poor House, de- Saturday. must be carried out. And who can Guderich District L. 0. L. will John Priskator • Lecturer Jas Cosa, ,uaud our attentiQlt, and I fool that as a citizen , , and interested ie our Town's advancement, I Captain TrauncJk has returned do it 2 Why, me. The poor house hold its annual meeting in rho ball of Willis. Committee, Piro. Gig. ]roster- �- -- �- should agate, devote ntv tdme to our interests. I t r, therefore offer thyself as candidate for the Reeve- must be ' agitated. 1Vhat I the 153, Colborne, the seeon3 Tuesday brook L'1'0. E. SaUde1'8 Bro. S. home for the season, , ' ship. Your obedient servant, FRED. w, poor house brought up again' Whq in January, at the usual hour. Stable, Bro. F. T. Slll:tle slid Jiro. JOBjVSTON. 687• So far thele is no opposition td is suffering now I '1'hls uestiou }tits AI r, RAdClilfe fur the CiVIC Cba11. g q I HULLETT DISTRICT L. 0. L. been buried for two yytors. Is therii John Gillespie. Exeter Lod' a is The wires for the electric lights another tt•ip to Strathroy projected 2 rhe District Lodge of Hullott now in a very flourishing cue- �aC� are nearly all attached to the polos. Or has our Reeve a• Site to sill the will melt in the Orange hall, Clin- dition. Cuunty Cotaicil 2 And must he be in ton, on Tb` slay, January 8th, 1889. v COLBORKE, COUNTY GRAND BLACK CHAPTER OF WO,rui (fal'fC 101111C111C1'. Captain James L iirauus has ro- to stty it 2 Mr. Editor I hope you Every lodge 'iii the District should , 1 tur-veil from. his season's marine will stir U the CUUItt Council in At the annual ineetillg of L. i). L. PERTH, ROYAL BLACK I�NIOHTS p Y be well represetlted, r � -- -- duties, this platter. If it is not put throe illi No. 153, cu Friduy evening lust., the of IRELAND, Goderich. ° JT r. 1'rlteat Atticomsou has re_ K: CL1N'roN. before aur Rcuvu tis his looked t�or following officers were Qlocted :- I'il apretty bride. turned home after an absence ut appoimtment or sees fit to retire or . The special meeting of L. 0. L. Bros. Andrew Afiflian, W.M.; Jns, Tho Annual uceth)g of the count] Grand Black Chapter of Huron (re Perth), Royal Black AlI. Ip'ichard Cumetivu was i❑ town eighteen"ttlontbB. (lies, I tun afraid our county will 710 cu Monday was wall attended, Hobson, D.M.; Jas, Milliag, Chap.; Knights of Ireland, will. be held to the Orange not havq. it. What then-, I ask, will and business of importance transact- Wm. Secreta. George Han, in the Town of Clinton, County of Huron, last week. The town eouncilhnet on Saint*- become of the poor-? They will Stevenson, Y � 0 on FRIDAY, 1ITH OF JANUARY, 1889, at the - I Y ed. A committee Was appointed to Curry, Treasurer• Thomas Milliallhour of 2 o'clock p. in. for the election of a naw Mr. It. Thompson is a candidate day evening and adjourned till to- ever regret the absence of Reeve reorganize the band. Afton routine Flu. Sec. Joseph D. of C. CcuntyGrand Nasterand other otficors, and to for councillor in St. David's ward. morrow at 8 p. Ili. Johnston (?) I am certain the "poor � , { r . slept a, reception Black Chapter to receive the house" will be a poor house without business the lodge was raised to Chas. Lune, Win. J, Hamilton, W. s ssionIl Grand Blank Chapter n the re ing ueot AI r. Allan Emfitny returns to The Higlt School closed yostar- I the R. A. P: and cue enndiduto .ad Fowler, Framer, David Sproule, all nSir ;haoht•s thattcannpos bly do ae to be da him. The Reeve has a fit,,bt�ou hand ' -- town this-ireek. y, and .the public sellouls next this ear, hence his intense interest vaucr.d. Committee. rhe brethren of 153 preaenton the 11th lnstatit. our proncut Co. Friday. Y , Grand ouster does not expect t") meet with the t'- • Ciapliillr 'f•ttl l'11edin the poor house. No such appeal GODERiCII DISTRICT R. S. C. are quite comfortable in their new Sir Knights and Brethren of Huron and Perth to town cu uuuiplatiuu of his sea- Semi annual election of officers .a tt'ia u,x+tu-o the rlcotuts last year, The Chapter opened in the hall hall tad the lodge is in a thriving a,ainunder the Canadian Flag. Ile goes with xf- L{IU re Ular 11100t1n of Htirun Intl- Y ' ' o 'bis family to queensland, Australia, early In son's inaritiv work, last week. (� UC tU[ OIW U[ two years before. No of 306 OD Friday afternoon. D13- cutidlliull. Anions the visitors wits 1689. RIOFIARDBLUOSlFiErD, the Reeve felt secure in his bargain A. IL TODD, Co. Grand Mosler of Porth.. The re^alar nntetiug of the Y. camptPiPut next Alun.duy' will! his deputy-ono Grit and ane trio Master} Goo. Hanley in the au old residnuter, Bru. John H1unll- Co, Grand Reglatrar, _ W. C. T. U. was hi Id at, the cosi. Mr. E. Bingham, who has been 'Tory ,goes in, this saves both trouble Chair, and Gump. A. Anderson in ton, who i+ now it resident, of,Essex - dence of Mrs. It. Heud6l'suh. Peduusly ill for solao tiUni hast., is, and expeuse, and, hang the (lectors, the tlr..puty. Cunlps. I'. Cnuteleu (4e tare. Ile is IV. M. of Gcstu ro wrted to bit inn pro-vin + whe cares for thein 2 Lot u0 leaders and Todd worn visitors frnin Chit- 1,. O. L. Nu. 795. 11t;lyCl1. w A baro uu Alt. Gliders Guru, l i 1' scheme for ourselves, lut Cho nor ton. A 'food number of the Coin Mrs. Dallas of Wingham is the Culborile township, was burned Huly Cunlrnuuiun at 9 and ser- P n 171LLSQ,P.EliN. 1 vice at I l a. tu, at St. George's on and the maldsills go to Jericho. the paniuns of the District were pies- quest 0f Airs, ]rmigh at present. driwil last Wednesday evening g Reeve tried this game with Air. At the annual Inestirig•uf L. 0. L. p #• Christmas Iuurning., w Mr. P_d 0 ant. One brother was knighted, • No. 308. t.h.0 following r u.ificers .were_ lteove P. Belly rvls visitlnQ_ the - - ____.............. ....,_.._..hhe--Vic-turia strovy; -Methodist 1.roudfoot. but _as ,.Ir. ---.- .. church Sunday Si heal Kuuts, tree Fur the �Reeveshlp A[r. F. \1', want ilio deputy's place, the s�id '1'h(i Chaliler adjomrued to moot in ,elected W. At., Bio Jas. Foster•; county town ouliouciay, +- ` p' ..:.: :.• ..--_.'. G - 'i-ate,thn}ttll.of 1:88, Holmesvillt+,..on _ r--Zhlt.regultut.9upp}1 uf.�,.-A,-,ly.--.v-..._�e iu fufC`bltiuln'uit-Ffidik iTolln9to,n•ltud.,Nlr:'Q p o _ Il-�i, iutill,-Col it tl+tir=�\ ao era fu Lho field. list in ins cu- I had almost Ba1 pt.ia}, IsC, at two o cluck p. m• Flack; , Rec, Secy., Wnp. CuuBit; No. 964 was hold in their hall on p eVelllno,l,he 21st lust. 1'Ita gilt{peC- „ I GOYfIF.N LINE. P' Afondu' eV0111❑ -t- in- ing auii distribution of the trees' AIr, A. Dickson, our respected coat This but -hat would be too 1 ill. Secy. Geo, Parket•' Treas. } g• roll burden will, take I(e dor )UBtttlaater, N'h0 lVaB 9U dies tll'OUaI the his .4 cart-hip two o where 0 John Gorbe}; Dir.. Of Cei•., Andrew Mrs. E. and ATiss Lizzio Watson pretty ' { g Y the list has been for two or throe At the annual sleeting of the L. i' lug rho evening. ill last week as to give his many years. Now be i5 going aroud O L. 333, Goshen, the following Wiley; Lecturer, G. A. Plewes; were visiting friends in Clinton this 1` P. friends serious alarm is steadily on telling he offered ;lir. Proudfoot were elected officers :-W. Ai:, Bros, Committee, John Wilson, Jas, Keys, Week. - Mr. Robert Porter, M. 1., last Y evening presented Captain ,J• \V; the mend• the Deptlty•Reeveship and.he would R. Nieholsen ; 1), Al., John L. Franklin Weekes, Geo. W. Parker Mr. R. Sellars returned home oil _ Green with a valuable watch pre- Irx•AIa}or Seager, and 'AlesJrs, not take it. Will this offer to sell Parke; Chap.; 11obt Pollock ; Rec- and John'Lhesney. They were•in- Wednesday from Portland, having please the electors ? Hoping this Sec,, Wm. Pullock ; Fin.-See., stalled to office by 1V. C. M., E enjoyed the tri) ver much. (' routed by the. United Stales Govern- •Abraham Smith, J. H. Colborne letter will not tax' aur space. , r ,,1 Y Y I l�obt Elrmstraug ; Treas., \\ m. l foody. Bro. A1`.' Dupes, of L 1}'- „, meat for the rescue of the crow of and C. A. ]lumber are said, to be Respectfully, l)RBERVN:R: r Che c0utiunitl clown-pour of rain thio U. S. schooner Norris some aspirants for the position of De ut A1eC llnchy; D. of C., ti\ m. Lamont; field, was present and advocated the 1 l p y Gedoricly Door. 13th 1588. Lecturer, Ross Johnston.; Commit- claiins of Clip &,ntinel, and Was silo- caused the churches hero to be very bighteen )nontha since, la.ueve,-- - - slimly nttpndPrl. to e, W. 1'lliutt, S. Pollock, R. Me- cessful in obtaining a good number The nominations. will lake place ,Alibsus 'May Afalcomson, Edith Nile., Our tax cuilector was on lits Jiililay, S. JQhustou, A, Johnston. of subscribers. in the Toon Hall on New Year's Maod,ernlott, Aggie Ross, and Ztiphy rounds on Monday payipg Chu Eve at. 7.30 1). 111. It is unfortit• Williams attended the Conductor's Ai t' \V, May Spent Sunday Ill IIOLr'IFSVILLE, wlNGll�t(.• . delinquents a friendly visit. Clinton. nate that the first nominations under Ball at Stratford last Friday, shaper- A-t the annual aneeting of L. 0. At the annual mGotivg of L. 0. The regular sitting of the 12th the now act should occur on an owed 'b Mrs. R. -S. Williams. Miss Ada Graham, of Sheppard, L. IS9, on ALonday evening, the L. No. 781, W-ingllam, the follow- ' Y • _. Divisio.0 Court. i .to be hold on k ' evening when the ma'orit of aur Misses-M. and B. Start joined , the ton, was visiting in this vicinity the following officers were elected :- . ing officers were elected fur the eu- a J } J Thursday next, in the Orango Hall. past week. Bros. Adant Cantelon, W. AT.• ailing e u : Bros. John Davidson p. business men will be unable to party from Tara, ' }' ' The good st i king of the past attend. ltatvs was received from Detroit Mr. John Hamilton of Essex Pletcher McCartney,-D. M.; Albert \V. Af.; lIoury.Green, I). AL; Thus, 0 g g I t; Centre was visiting. friends here Halstead, Chap.; D. S. Cook, Rec. Abraham; R. Sec,; F. H:' Ruderus, a+oiik has improved business here, If the waterwor•lcs comtuittee oil Monday of. the death Mrs. last work, See.; }:obi, H.Irl°liott, Treas.; Jas. '1'reasnrei; 1Vup, Clegg,,. F. Sec.; out• merchaltts to all appearances- ` ulace.clectric•lights at the head- of Stewart, nee J©nuioq Ferguson; � Laithtraite Fin. Sec.'I3on.'Chomlili- Thos. Agnew Clay E\7. John-, have'beetl doino:a rushing business. Lighthouse, St. Patrick, Newgate dan0hter of our.old townsman, Mr,. Loyal Orange lodge 1052 !net in _ , _., Agnew, . Chap.; ,w sou,-D of'(,. 'Phos, C llbick Lect• cion, Lecturer' Dr. Thus. Chisholm Apr. A_. Fortune, painter, has re- and St,,David's streets they will bo. Dauiel Ferguson. The•, many. their hall last Monday night for the r' , , ) 6 the most uieful•ones in the town as friends of the family sincerely sym- transaction of general business. urer; Barry Sweet, James Elliott, fat Cout, turned to town from Exeter and the • will give light to eight largely pat with the bereaved ones, Preparations for the. Chrismas Arthur Currie, Thos. Harrison, Juo_ Bro. Pettypiece, the popular Chief neighborhood ,where he has Accu } C C 0 0 } p' p Woods Coin. r for some time past. • He is the 9atne populated streets, besides illuminat- Dr. Ormiston, of New York, will tree is still. going on and as far as of �\ ingham, was in Ulintou on in- Colborne Montreal Hainiltuv g HUTLE�"=,• Thurst3t1 last. Ile was cu his ro- old two and sixpence. C ) ) tu-1110 (Thursday) evening lee- tt•e can judos it will o.rcol all for. Y and Kingston streets at touch need- Lure in hues church on "Scenes in finer efforts, At the regular meeting of 5W, 'turn from Goderich, where he had The bankrupt stock at, the Itoi e.l point-. California." The Dr., who appears The examinations at the U. S. S. Ilu'lett, on Friday evening, the oscarted one of Wingllaul's alloged Star grocery Was sold on Tuesday following officers ware elected :- bad citizens. la$t to A'L. Broderick, of Exeter, at The officers of the Royal Arcanum tinder . the auspices of the Ladies last week were a grand success. 60c on tire dollar. The , purchaser f for the ensuing term are as follows : Aid 61)cist is said to be one of tine The pupils did well and received Bros. Albert lCrlt}, \\'. AT.;' Robert BAYFIELD LINE. 1 0 y' p p Otterso.0 "17. Df.• W. McMullan, tens opened out ani! is disposing of ' -Regent S. Malcunlson • Vice most able loct.lirers on this Conti prizes according to nitirit. 'r At the annual meeting of L. O. L. the goods at reduced figures. C ' ' I 0 Chaplain; Thos. Noble Sec !tens. r 0 C ' Iloge.nt, Joseph Beck ; Secretary,. I. hent. The Oran omen -of this aactl p Y No. `306;' Bayfield Live, �Goderi'ch g 1 A. Aikens, Thos. Archer, It. Bailey, Our chief -of rho fire cotnpatbe F. Tours; Orator, F. W. Johnston,; Mr. anis Mrs. Lloyd, Conductor expect a Jarge ffatheriug at their township), the following officers Collector Rees Price •Treasurer P. I Wednesday 0 0 Corn. One member was received were elected :--Bros, G.. A. Cooper, AI r. John Ewigh, is confined to•th•e ) ) , and Mrs. Crawford, Dr. Shannon, hall on \\ ednesday of this week, as 011 certifigate, and two applicants house these days with a lame back, Holt ; Chaplain, W. A Rhynas ; Aliss Hufchison and her teat Alis AIr, A. Todd of THE NEWS_ bV.AL; Geo. Hanley, D.AL; John r T 8 5 ) ) will he initiated at the vest meet- the pains being most excruciating Guide, W. D. Cox ; Warden, J. S. Clark, of Guelphi and Mr.. Dick • Riconn,will.-bo present and deliver inrr ,\ special mooting will he S}leppard, Chaplain; 'John '1'homp' at titnes. We hope to sea' John " ' Platt Censor Juo. Shaw ;Trustees. , „ 0' 1 0 son, Secretary; Matthew Sheppard, and Miss Cameron were among a lecture on .Orangefsm. All. pro• held on Wednesda *27th Dec. relievod of them ore lung. A. Allen., Dr. A. Taylor, It. C. those present from this town at the testants are invited to attend. The E Tieasurer; Joshua Cook, Fin. Soc.; Black, Conductors Ball at Stratford ' last ball will be decot•ated for tile OPEN ORANGE IIEETtNr,. Goo.' Sheppard D. of C.' Albert 'Pore annual Christmas co and > The Nile correspondent to a Anderson Lecturer; Committeemen entortaiuruont of rho Episcopal ,• Miss Ida \Vilkinsvn, and AIr. L. Friday, occasion. Rev. H.Irviuo will give a P ' ) ' + Goderich paper sit s : There will be '1'.hos. H. Cook, John Beacom, Hy. S. hero is to be head in the Temper- 'Brayloy of Toronto, were united in At Airs: Ball's, oil the square, short address. an open meeting o ilio -Lr-O. 1., No. Cook 11. Perdue Samuel Churchill, nota Hall on Friday evening next. wedlucic s bonds this morning. fresh N rains Lemons, Valencia "Kir. E. Dawson, Grand Lecturer r 0 ' �g will be hold the An excellent programme consisting The ceremony tools place in til° and J.rnutiea oranges, Alalaga for -the t,'0. G. T. for Ontario 105. ou' \\ tldvosday, Dec. 19th. The next meeting north street Alethodiat church and Jiro. A. M.Todd, of Clinton, County first Wednesday in January. 306 of dialouges, recitations and sing- . was )erfol'med h Rev. Geo. Bich- Grapes, 1',•rsian D.ttes, Blame Figs, West, lectured in the Orange hall Lecturer of Sonth Huron It 0. L. is in a prosperous condition, it has in,, having buou pruvidud for this 1 Y Selected a',d Standard Oysters, here on Saturday night last. After will delivor a lecture on Oran-eism, on its roll-book a good mombel'ship, ectasia❑ n Loud Hula is .spotted. ardson, After partakitlg' of the Spanish t .:ions, Cape Cod Craft- the lecture was over there was a and there will also be a short ad- 'and the members are wolf advavice(l Adulis 15 cents, childi-vn a smaller wedding breakfast the happy couple berries, \ ,t3 Biscuits and all lodge started with 25 chariot mem- , fee. Don't fail to attend and on- ` left on the afternoon train on their 0 dress from the Rev. Air. Irvine, in the various orders. kinds of C,.i.dies. Special arrange- born. \Ve think it will not bo long Alusir, will be furuiahcd b the tour ]ge tl)e little fulks. honeymoon trip, a large number of n y It. B. P. ELECTION. ( - menta fur Christmas .coca and _before there will.bo_Oalnbers us. \ - •- cls beta __..,..A114))oc ' trelrgi,uYo4n.tlti lePae -- rc ._ M }. p1ae _ €tj@Kn ++Psetrtr -at -their-de- At�tho annt nTmeetin V ltture, 0 school E--: u�,talnmonts, tt is starting with a-lo"�of goo7i spersed by readings and Focationa°_1� Lib offal(.,o�vg}ti�o�Assnc�aJauaJ�,u,E�. p' ' v i.l l._ aee...,tllat-,ill �t9� - T-1'-i j 1• f _.:L.th�. i�gtlhaa• meefrttso tri- thenterlaC-.ivhu..a, - It�ty % .I1"f�at' '1 t' th© allowing Sir I{ni++hbs tt�era.oriy'T2 n o en5lg 1,�, - --� >~ t1 � 1als 1; ,. +1t 11 ril i't Sod' alrlrTl iSe rrfint d lrc�" invited: aa, 0 C y hall on Friday evening tit l8.�j). m., 11Tnitland' lodge Nod 3 , A. & A. `a that' bars are closed at 7 o'clock elected officers for tbo ensuing year: a rood attendance being tt aunt. 0 Friday the following programme STiLL ANOTHER OPEN MFETING, -A. 111,-Mudd, W. P.; Geo. Hanley, 0 g p '' AT. the following were elected tuns presented :-Chorus, by the Saturday nights and not opened F. M. 'Canner, Esq., was elected officerA fur 1859; W. AT., W. Bro. uiombors rending APiss, lI. again until Monday mornings. L. 0. L. 145,*h con., Gloderieh D. P.; 11. Cautolou, Registrar; Thos. o, township will hold au open meat- Kearns, Trolls.; JohnSearlett, Chap president and John 13x11 re elected Jas. Addison; S. W. Bro. H. W. township, p Sectand 'Lions, Messrs. F. M. Ball J. 1\ Jiro. Jas. Craigia Strachau; recitation, Mr. Boyd; There wore three boys who iug on Thursday evening, Decent.. laiu;, I). B. Calbick and F. Shop- 1'tuit er lluh(prt ILowiud Jahn ' 0 reading, Miss 111. Acheson; solo, happened to got together one bor 20th. I3ro. Tedd and others herd, Lectitio�;, C. 'tweedy•and ' (,haplaiv, W. Bro. A. Straiton; , \Villford, Robert Symonds, Joseph Mr. S. 1 Halls ' recitation Miss Saturday night not long ago. They will deliver addresses. The Glee T. C. Dohortyy- Consors • Y. Ford Treasurer, Bro. S. Sloan; Secy., Rio, Ii Robertson ; reading, Mr. Me- stayed out rather late and when Club of under the direr,• and A. Andel;on Standard Bearers; Carter and E. D. end , asedele W, W. A. Pah}•has. A committee was Clinton, ' ' were appointed to attend • as dole- Cluskey ; solo, lilies M. Strachan; they went home the poor boys had•. tion V Prof. Oakes will be resent C. T. Spooner Pur,suivant • Com , appointed to arrange for the annual ) p 1 ' gator to rho Brussels convuntiun on •'�'", dialogue, by the members ; reading, to tell a story so that their mothers lend a s leudid evening's entertain. mitteP Robt. Scarlett IV. Steven - supper, which will tape place at -, P o ,, ' the 19th lost., sad the following Mr. W. Robertson ; reading, Mr, would not be too hard on them, but roont is ex eetod. The meeting will son W. McGee C. J. Sherritt. Bro. Jonathf(`il Miller'F, Albion If g ' gontlematr as delegates Cu the West ' H, 1. Strang; chorus, by the mem- it so happened that one of the little be Held in the Union Presbyterian The Preceptory is in a healthy con Hotel, on Thursda • the 27th inst. Huron Liberal Conservative con- }' hers. The election of officers ro- fellows took a horse without asking church, Doors o pen at 7 o'clock, dition, and seven propositions for , the festival of St. John. Tickets I vaut•ion on Tuesday atSmith s Hill, ~'y Stilted as fQIloivs :-President, Aliss for it,ns he wanted to drive one of the chair taken at 7.30.- knighthood hava been accepte3. It can be obtained from en, Nichol Addison• Vice -President Air. Boyd; other boys home. Thns it was that viz : Messrs. John , P. D, son Captain J. W. Gruen, Captain Y ' } GEa•ro, E:Isrx COUNTY. is, the intention to have Sir Kt, E,.tviu, John Sherritt, P. Kelly, t p 2nd Vice•I resident, Aiiss McCor- ilia horse business leaked out. All Win, Lee, Grand' Lecturer, visit r John Craigie, Captain Jas. "Inkster mac' Treasurer Miss M. Parsons 'thd rest of the boys of course feel We liave beotr Arequested bi an the Prece for within- the nctxt two Joseph Carter and 1'. 1\ . 8vott. and H. W. Ball. Librarian. Miss nth \Villiams bad shout the affair and we thick old patron of Tun NEws-RECORD to p y Before the meeting Was drawn to it months. The Black Order is bound On Wednesday during the sitting Editresii, Miss Flo all; Council- they will hardly be found guilty, publish the following in our Orrrhge to prosper in Clinton. The annual Close several of those present spoke locals:-At the annual meeting of a few 'wall. timed and encouraging of the County Court, Henry J. lora, Messrs. H., , p, Gram and again. County meeting will be held hone Romp, the prisoner /charged with. McCluskey ; Secretary, Miss Grace __ Geste L. U. L. re 795 the follow. on Friday, 11th January, at 2 p, tit• cause that in the interest of the grand. placing obstructions on the G. T. it. Wilson; Secretary of Committee, ing officers were elected hnBros. enure that wip had met for. -track, was brought up for ,judg , Miss'Rusk. (olbor>tte' John Hamilton, W. AI.; John Aic• moo cn FOR AUSTRALIA. )Gent. His Honci t having gone ___ On Wednesday evening last Gregor, I). AT.; Lionel Butt, Chap The County Grand Black Chap- over hair rfrnnnerhill. over the evidettco given Mr. •1• T. !� Ilecor(l. the barn of Mr. Gilders, abont lain; John At. • Rhodehouse, Score- ter of Huron re Perth will beheld , +'dila. �V erc•h- '' � ) Poor old Billy is duan. Ho diol Crarroaf, Q. C., and County Atter tcC"a miles from urn,avas burned, tory; Chas. E. Weldon, Troaa.; in Clinton, as noted elsewhere, on of sh t "till fever. Ile hadn't much Sat•-Perhaps you p vo o p. ed wil�,.cro and im lou)euts. It is Wesley A'fisner, Fin, See.; Marvin January l lite. Tile County Grand ney Lewis replied alio formor p J ) plbitsuro for the last few years of contending that the writ en confer the card of the candidate for Ree a ileratood the`s'e was some loan.- ATooro. D. of C.; Alnrtin nderson, Master, Sir 1Cuight Richiu'd illoom a.aece.�tetl...e's.._ey.1- .- paper r his life, at least if he Karl hocouldn t g of Goderich hl the news 1. - Bron ottl,.•• ot•b 1 Ha is tFle •town that can..boast . n. 1 in the \\ nwanosh Mutual Steven W. 'Butt, Sa 1 field, field, will leave in early cprtng and Acv it. He was n splendid horse at IpuY ;. The the is re forted to'iavo origin TIc+)Tt� MnGrogor, en'r Moore, boaame..._n,-.1pGrt)))ncut resident of •on.o.t.iluP.. -about_ thv_a.ul' .ft).ul..t.lie _._..... delYce, pattpcnlarly as it was made of such a cauilr(lato. If you ha`e 1 g ) by a person of such weak intellect not read.the address, d0 so. `� Do it tied by the slipping out of its Conpnpittee; John M. Rhodehouse, Queensland, Australia. I-n lily ra had wasp that he could not live -' as the prisoner, and the latter that at once, • quick, while its fresh.•' fastening or the breaking of the P.. M. The lodge meets the second tnoval the Orange and Black Orders without eating,` there was evidence sufficient for a You will see at once the "man of ring by which a lantern usod in Wednosday of Query month. The will lose a siert vnlaetl worker, and _ brains." Notice" the hif)h tone, it's cotivicti`on. His Honor hold rho• r, the born was enrriec' orsitsptpndod. matCor 0f having an open meeting his presence will h0 rnuch missed-bir.Dunean McIntyre has been , pro Retie laugna c what next year confession ada»issable gild found rho 1 p g'' } � Tho oil spread nmoug the other was discussed, and although shoot at the taming Su1n•ome meeting' ul asked by the clot committee of is to do. The water tv0rlcs mast r;0 inflammable surrounding.,; find the 125 miles froth Clinton we will Clbderich. We aro sorry to see ) prisoner guilty, but anapon'dod son on, the (electric light system must be g , Grand'Crunlc and Canadian Pacific ✓o Lento for a decision of the full Court carried ollt. Sir, when I read those flame from Cho lamp soon sot fire to likely have Bro. 'Todd give its an Sir iCt,,11loomfield and family re- shareholders to act as Rn inter- as to the IP nlity of Cha reOnfession. words I thought the whole caboose the whelp, t addroas Some tinso this winter. move from good old TIuron and the mediary between the two companies. m