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The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 7
------_T- -- -4, - . cA- .'r, " I . . � . . .._. -... _ . refuse to ))0. -South Chicago ty greatly Altlrm- T _ �� ,/ 8 L oro News" �+�'+�ru rely or tnaua, might Th come mothers. In that 0400 I Sup- tial over the discovery of two caries •� a V1,60 It year -41.25 peeve the scriptural iujunctiou to of he Gl sni�ilkuxon vhiuh18rsiilietlafrurn 13f- It e �Y CUT PLUG �c.,tatI0It' th< au �,-_______� •,incrallso and tatiltiply would malty wan as sufficient fa1Q , on November -07. The captain, and „_ --- ( reg:<rded"by regal-do yvet!}Ijl, � la . Pei. Wk, 188$. justi for rape. By others its denied that illore vols,tuy small fox ' 8MOKIN TOBA060a , 0. He Gooks 1 llatiflcation Would $talld Ori the Qn board. The IJ 410i Officer tYODt Licentiate at Dental surgery, Honor Gcaluate Dontistry. THFi .MARRIAGE PROBLEM. amur+lesis its r,aiufself defenseor th" , Or tbore.twasvnoeldl he ingertlAnillenllowsd FINER TMAiV EVER. of the Toronto School of .. JL Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pahtiena aioneo l` the stealing of bread by a Btarvidg her D. COPE, PH. D. to tie nr, A ,th}rieiau was fur and found the wife and __� a:traotton teeth, Office -Over dackson'sClothing store, next to �$ H. sent man. 3:. {Chicago Open Court.) The historical origin Of mono daughter that B) of the steward du+vu with all-pux. '!he steamer has bOett sem, au Past Olflca, Clinton. 35 A Night Dell answered. 4828 _ � Whatever might have been the gAmy is an interesting question be but light) on here. beingtvaccinated uta of the tg .. lReffical. In ratandithat am ong towued the origin of a male sex, its can . cause of h o g It is easy to uuder a b -IN Bl°ONzs< °N- -_�" --• — • result is well understood. Repro- tribes anal nations in the, state of _--_-__-` EACH PLUG and PAOKAtE. QR REEVE. Office -"palace" Brick Bleak, Residence opposite the duetion by two sexes doubles the lose which seems to have character man, file marriage A Lif 517-y itattenbury Street, - -- Tamparance-HiV.1 on Street. Coroner fur the Kurad. 0tH Hours cram s a.rn. to s = • influences Of heredity, and gives the ized primitive less 0 �� G County of offspring twice as many chances for relation would be more or Out of chaos would orig- Ftullueutl)' i't:,;n.+us l':utnj't :tali""' 'tn 1889. p• M. Ciintan, Jan.li, 1881. 1-7 unstable. variation in structure as is possible lusts polyandry, polygAtuy, and hour's lie delay Wailing ttrc Ih,• iinvtnr iiiayarper'S Witli serious rimst•Ilnrur. , M Magazine. /� pR �x in reproduction by one sex. The nlouogllnly. It i3 said that poly. of a do'fieieucy of e.tlmvialty allelldod in cases lit utile l t'ueutllunia, . ytUNN , , andry was a result male, moreover, being free from the u,,,l of female other throat su't Iu»� Intl,Ii,1rN. T•LLjJS'r1tt�.TEI]►. W. Gunn, Ai. D. t.. R, O.PtiEdiuburghL,R.4. C S. Edinburgh Liven the 111dNllia disabilities and duties of tuaternity, women, ill consequence IiAS way lfv we Ito fandly silo l!'1 be tt it:,+',Ira �— f Ontario M6-, Office, on corner of Qnturio nudtW78-y. St"., infanticide, It given has always had opportunity fot bnftu almost ever Wi►orA to the other two Y N'hital u[ Ayer'a i'l,t'rt J 1'er('or'tl, ALLY ltl'UVtld IL9etT, 111 til Niva 11.1 I,I Clinton. 47a•). ❑ARPBR'a SIAGAZU , Is tits wUdt USUfLLI, enter- a periodical ill Etre world. more varied pursuits, and More con- systems, fur the reasons already tikes, the trust Einergrtly' \-Heine Alining. and attractifilkons Among the attraatious fur 1$89 will be n new "Ju ^d�It4R� T o tinuous muscular and woutal activ- given Undor polyandry the man ePyT disrUVUted. It give3 ptuutjrt rv'H I way for a ihi+r,m.,ti „Noel-uu Anlericae aWry', entitled. ,iter Lights" -b)• CONaTANCE F. t100LgON; illustrations '---- --- - j � __�__ ======--:-- --- - V ity. He has been the hooter and has no induct3uieut to accumulate nu art fur child so, and industry the fighter in pl'Im1tIV0 BOClety, and I p Y bb allll pl•upares the cure, w tlivh is certain t0 Lu sorter': l,y otshakedpuare'a Cou+udiue by E, A. Alinsr; a tierto$ of articles oil Russia, illustrated by T. oa TurLsl,tur; pnparamt tin Uouiiuiun of Gnnade ��O�T' MANNING tQi 1 must ever remain at It il�iWt,,j.,_.,,Lj,,.... -.. 1: G its in civilization Lhe organizer and the its •ivbltn/10nment cuut•inued list. , $. 1I• l.itl liner, DI. P., Illi• V''rti<!ri' and .t ehuraowrlat+o sarmt b)' CRAttmts DUDLEY WARNISR; three "Norwegian studlea;' by Ba9'Y 851eYd, l�''C., is evident that builder of machines, of houses, and baso x�rtt h Cilia to filo l (7u., s.o.s: " I have fottutt Ayer s t'lrv, rc cure fur (1rn»t+ ill I+il BJVItNbTJKIINE 13JOliNtlUR, iflu.truted i�''COtit' ,,,sins," l hiatorioal ploy b) Aho author of "Ben- p l LLIOTT'S IiLCCl{, -CLINTON. muaththe ' of governmental systems. Some development of a higher reg lid for 1'e,-toral a perfect ,,1sn,, I ltttytl lulolvn the lanes ,'a.''s short till Hur," illnaLYKAEd 1)) .l. it, tVROUKL{N, etc, 'L'he Editurixl Departments are conducted by UR01tOE Motley'to Luu)l. woolen imagine that All these thin gs' women 011 the part of men, So also, the trausition front polygamy ��'''� }U1ttISe alltfa[lllllHa to y. !•n:!- YNfill lien emergencies, for coughs, vronie&, • WILLIAM Ct'RTiri, WMIAAM DKAN RoWI11LLd,:alld U""";' DrOLKr wAltt' - A, R. MANNING. JAS, SCOTT. . might have been done by w-oniou if LO R10nUgaltly slay be re'farded as .Eidsml, Al. P., Dl;tt l!I•`„"t,I, [ have u..,'ti + • HILLIA'RD., the had only, beau permitted, or , Y y. certainly due to the .salla C.tu$e. Tenn., s:t)'s: Cherry Pectoral with th+: hese ,, r • I in HARPER'S PERIODICALS. T. 1. F. pl Y Tho development of this iutoi'itBt had had 0 )ortuuIt to do • so, eta dliv piUctire. This NvonderfnL-ill-9 U" �If Rl5`I'1;1;' 81DL�CIT/Dli,.le. . Put it is nature that has deprived was naturally accompanied by its jnlllousy, be- bolt ()Ilea sl %-ell uty life, 1, tial! li (• 11-0 stint eutw,h, Bight s%VP:Its, ten• _t,•.r.V Per Year : • --•Cooper's now Moak (ground or OitiLe tdflo , virtm•iastreet.,Clintou Coto Iletnentar lltut, thein Of the Opporttinily, and 1 Y This iticroasev of the rvdllvitd ill fles[I, and givru u.• I- :,I!' (h,r, hnttle ami a Ili:if „1 ,,tu 11ARRL•'R'S NIAGA'LINE.............. 8400. ttIll attend iiivitaoncourts Kc13uJ8eldand Blyth tureen nion. IVOmOtl's disabilities III these dlt'eC- on the part' of mull h)sivian, V',a•tllrM rnre't ole•" 11ARPOWS WE CKLY.. ........ . 4 QO ' 4 00 gar asrs F'u"uN To Lsxu aG lown513 tesuf self-iutercat tiuu3 are out of human, .but of must intoe beau lar};ely Clue to the I rannnc Nn}' coon) h i I l,,o,E-r t,t Cherry 1'rvtor:,!!." t`'•''! " i`:_ LIALtPI tt'S B.4'LAtt..... ........... ...... HARVILIt's YUUNU t'Eul'Lls............ ') rest. interest. __ herael'f which I natural or•igitl. advance, Of wolllall r ra't'e'" I�nt_410tl. „f 1 alv,.'!nl•, "•• "" '« t Pustaae 1%rec W fill subscribers ill the t'niled �U\vAitlt Nt1lt}tAN LE\t'IR, E3xrristor, Sol J icitur ill Ilitth Court, conveyancer, J:c., i4larrfaoe, as' an agreemout bo- vary struDgly'suspeci. has ever been factor in social develop ., iu_:t-': 1 do Ihnt, ht.l f,y' i.s I.:-, . ' 1,«,I^ sinru Lau a din t." Stun.', �'an,ule Jlrxru,. �; Godarich and Ba)auld. Jloncy to lolul at nru and ono -half per cnutoil two third margin. I3lty• ttvMa also and Women fur, the the prime . satisfacti011 of it passion which they a1NdL Gutval'tl3 It10n0,%1tnV, In thl3 leads not 1) Ap qp P yj\ f i , r ,.i Chefry 6ES�+9L1 !i i,;,,! i , 'rhe volumuo of the DIA00ZINK begin N•ith the } \uwi,ord kn• Julia olid Docuwbur lit wwh Jour, sehl otline open every ThuredK,v from 9.30 to 4.:30 in Swartz' hotel bluulr,Yoppuaite Dalston Uou't ullive. 40611 rarely a1 tempt to nualyza, ulay be respect woman luau, fI•1nRrketl, { i loran nu time is illuuMmi, subscriptions tela be with tin xitotrice current at time of receipt -----t --. _ __ ---- aecultlplisiletI ill varions Waya, •1 direct force, as all'eatll' bit by the of those rnRl•.tl:I;D I:Y' ;tin lit urdur.a k JIoR•ros, Ili trristers,d'C.,& , God• toll and lVinithiem, C.Seager,Jr.,Goderiuh promise }lures that the assumption of' .exhibition tvhiclt ,are a'lalited to LfTtt` - ter. -d. G. �+ er-& Cn.+ t_r lv c- t,t t•i t+ lir r'uot;'Oar i;ick, In JiLstcloth bi d;; g. will be J. A, Jtort, I W1111(latln. I -1y. -- the Vuluitu Catholic Church that it attructiuns Church ' is for the Buie Objeo,t of wants of his.Dature. • EoM byaU Dru gists. price V; six bua:ae.?S• t - dent h) u0tt1,•pu;t-t•,tid, oft receipt lit alai 00 per 1:100i UlLp for Lwdiug, 56 Ceuta eaeh nAVISON & JOHNsTON, Gtw, Chancer),and •8treett next' perforined it' _._ _ volt 111 e. s, . ,;onvevltneing; - Office-•We't• Ont. 5i•- \,. propagatiun of children, very �IU1tE I+OLZCE INa 'I'IIf: Slat . _ __._..._. -1'> to;tlt,i,ust-p,ua;.': door to Pt;Ntoreoe, Goderlutt. ^ - - he truth. This leadoff to - . - _........._. ..._ .. ... _' - ....-_ _ - � INION. uppermost nl the mlLdsof 1389. lnde`x tO It Alti'EIVS SAGA%1xtS, AlpilabCtlCttl, Aml)tiud,AndUhisz,flvd, forvoluuled 1 to 70, 1850, 'to June, 1885, one _-. — —"" C. 11ATS, Solicitor, Jc. Ulhce,cornerof It. Square itnd West Street, ot;or lluticr's Book persons who marry. Au.l, i��be In olden times the serviceable , , �dtyl per ,; .Bazar. inclusive. front June, v.ol., svo, Gtuth, $4 u0. Store. Qodarieh, Ont. 67• r 1 rr d t lowest ales oft , est. as a question of flict, the [)roduction •belulie was termed with' A 611-11 11CC' Remittances should be made by Post-Gd1ee , o au a _ e � Money t I - - -- . . • Of children - 13 but on''s of several t , uob'-or mallet,-wiLh which I ,Cyl--U:5_.V I C f.�,_')<`-)E'-.l)-.--'- , VfonuJ order or Uritft, to avoid chance of load. ---.-----T- -1 CAST PION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor ht benefit$ �Yi1iCl1 ht COY1ft r$-On he Was ltiOLl eommissioned to `tap,° Newspaper• are +rot's copg this aduerticnu+ell iimwzit& BROTt SKS, IJ. Chnnaer), conveyancer, &e, Utiles over the formerly occu kind, as has been already stated quietly but firmly, the heads of nAKrRlt'N BAZAK,vlll UM,tI11Ul: t.) nuliuWtiu iia tuidh,.tlt the expreasorderr;/ Jerditn's prug Store, rooms pied by Judge Doyia, ' above. gently CACOl858 also )el'9 in church dnl'ing be tel Or 1 reputation as an 11ncq,10i-11 huuil)' journal. Its illudtratinns etre of the hi,:hust order, its Address : 1[AILPR.it l Tlitu'CIII:US, New furl(. � Any amount of money to lonn at lowest rotew of interest. 1.131. • Marriage- may ' 16 may consist lit' one Of the sermon. An instance t0 hand art art literature is of the c WILT- i. kiud,'tud its Fashion 1839• - - _.•--_.--_-.-- •_, i)©1'Il1ADeUt ; each sex. 0110nuganly) ; UUO wall is vely 11111US1 ug, and la not Ullt Of ettl tlousehotd departmontd of Lite luost preen Cil anti lcunumicai cha,:tvter. Ila putteru-shoat :lone will dare ___-� _- -• . y l �1If1141tR�t1'I�ll�. Aud lucre than one woman (poly- lair probability,, Ill 1,110 Old town of i-Kilba►'chan, atipplelnanlsand fashion.111aWs itsrexderstollthuestilecustof+uhauription,a)'d Harper's Weekly,, _ - -- --_ _.__� r_ ___ gRllly)i.01' UU0 WOti)an ad;l tnUl'e 'tnAll (polyandry); Or It Whicl: is celebrated in Scottish"pU(i• its articles oil decorative art, social etiquetto,' huuse•kueitiu,,e„okcr)',etc., make it indispens• . household. Its brigat short 1[T.r1LJ!" 1'rT ,,v -r.11,,-". H. BALL, • than on.a tt ' its the birthplace of Rabbis Illay 1)0 all undetlned and tlurecitrict- y )90n, Ale V'Pe i p able a, cvor)' stories, and 011108 e4says, nru among the: best _� - published ; unit nota lino Is admitted to its UCTTONEEIt for Huron Count)', Sates at- A tended to in am' part of the County. Ad• 'S'llll ed relation between different men 1 of L110 CiaChan 011Ce 1tVOd an(1 colunms that could offend the wtret fastidious .1ressordereto Gl1DRR'CI1 P O. V-17. A "n • the attritliolm of the view volume It t R's VVEKI(LV il•ta a W-11-catablished place _-.�_ — R to Poll. 0 [ONEY tglo}td In largo or "mall fit,, •, on good lt+Rr U99111 qr persenal uovut,ty, a0 I. lowest current I�(tter, H. RAI,g, 11u, •,i,ast, Itan. Linton. Vel). 95.. ,I t$r' iVlogayo 11 R1VA'rL° FUNDS to fepA on Town apd Ist'rn Property. Apply to o. 11DQOT, )fffee, next Nitwit ltrcconp Cup statre) Albert•81 I.am ONEY TO LEND ell good mortgage or personal security at lowest current rate of Brest. M. McTAGOART. ;Raton. Feb. 28tib,1W, 485tf I + 11114 11ANK0 , Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18561 APITAL, - - - $2,000,000 REST, - $1,000,000 Lead Of ee, - MONTREAL. ROMA$ WORKMAN, President.g . ti. It. MOLSON, Vice -President. , WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager • dotes discounted, Collectiunsntailo, Drafty issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at low- est current rates. NTKanaT AT 3 PER CENT�ALLOwKa,oN DEPutiT. - FA.RME�� Money advanced tb farnterson their own note vith one or more alfdorsers. No mortgage re lutred as eacuricy. ' ITC uttr 'ER, Waring", February, 1884M Ct•tNToit .. °0111000f. _^ _ _ CT INION I,odge, No. 84, A. I''. & A bf. meets every Friday,. un or atter thefui moon, -Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. YOUNG, W. M. - .1. CALf,ANDER, Sit Clinton, Jan, 14, 1881. I. -�_. (!117111 .� L. 0. L. No. 710., Jiecti, rltcot's Stooday of every • month. Llull, 3.n: flA, Victoria Mock. Visiting brethren always . 90 1»a'lt w0coule. C. T%VEIiUV', K', M. W.SI,f ,-WAFFIK),See. It. S. CUupt:1(,U. M - %V . . S+} Jubilee PCecep►oCy 4. 161, • . (1alar! I r,i,.Llav+f liplund) r \leets In the Clinton Orange'ifall, the secend \Vcluesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock ill the evening., Visiting Sir knights will always 'e• • a heart • welcome . 't ' and %vomeu (huterogamy). Ili f 'alto. In . as the lualiiig iltndtrnted nctvspaper 1n Amcrtca. .ct a J. 1 C10t' which 13 at all Ui'gAL- tire a revorend origlDal whuSO will hesoriA stories by Slrs. FltAvcEN IronnsoN AR a • A. M. Tours, worshipful PreceptOr puma l ao ) were of the'old B,JaNsTT, MRs. A'LKxANOKR, WILLIAM BLACK, and ',`lie' f:titn„ds lit iia editorial cuwu,euta O» wrrent CHAS. IQ.ltPrlllfL'1'IbI�N •.� }, }l[}. /ll il,'lt Ininistrat10n8 V TnUMAa 11ARTIV, WId a dt'riL'a Of I1:lpe,'N all nurser ,• polities has t`:irlled for it Ale respect tend Cots GNOfSGK tANLKy, Depttt),Prcucptor �., ized, a deffuite relatiOn which' s 1 donee of otiutpm-tiai renders, and the variety and UCTIONEER, land, loan avid insnrs.nce agent - W11,L1.4at S1cCKx, ltegistniT permit the TOCOrrnitlOn and AUppUI't h31lioned, bodden•gray. type, 'being nnn,agelun,+t by exaotlut,ceotitslitertry.coutenta,tvhich ltic!Utle A illyth. Sales attended littown .indcountry, -_ _____ - p a humdrum and innocent Oi all spirit in •reasonable terms. A list of farms and villaie of ehiYdron is 'Lt61d to be necessary. 'p ��tt'p ( aerial and short stories by the beat and most 6 3.911 t 1'UUsing elor uenee and force. Like ARPER'S 1- r11LI0DICALS. popular writers, 41t, it for the perusal of people of lora for Bale. Money to Ilan ee reit] estate, at 90 �l Black PCece to lien do not take upon 'themselves o l H the widest riuige of tastes and pursults. Snpple, low rules of interest. Insurance effected on all I j y y IIIaD Of ills clerical brethren, lie !Dents tire frequently provided, and no expense classes of property. Notes and (lebts collected. the support of the Nivea And chil- Y is li+;lre4 to bring tile Ittgbest order, of urtiati0 Gootls appraised, and amkl nn co,umisaitnt, n4c • was greatly annoy Ali every, .Sunday Per Pear : ru tatocka bought an sold. " dean of other men, Dud it' the "fatly b Y Y ability to bear upon Ann uluatrt+tient of Aho n s d Biotic li)lvyht, rf L•elutid, .., « at the Sight rhe of sever)1 of his par- b N b Y i �`, . Sleety in the orange hall, I:1Jth, the wcdnC9 1. IQra of child cannot be determined 6 ehan •erul 11aSeN of home xud form •n hieWI A Bl 'th, pec. 18,1890 ..>:4 00 - now work of flbtion from 'the pen of l�ltttAet day after full moon of every mm�tb, t • lsh lUnel'a sleeping t1lC0Ugh the .3eT- HARI'E I;'S l'ml%AR.. .. 4 00 Ur;ax IIOq'1!Id.a�aull Oilp I,v ('ANT. CnARLKa i{IMO, - _� . their support falls -On - the mother. p g ITA SIA ....... `' "'I Iinrolvnsupportalso in that ease moil• lie was especially angry win to,ono„gthe loading featurhsafthny'EKKLY •Photo 1',': hetS �/�/ 1110 JohnnyPlano the villaryt, HARpElt'S WEEKLY..... .. ._ 4 00 for 1899. tJ Ili >✓� depends upon herself, and she is. + e 1L41'PEtt'S Yot rG PEOP.LF:,., 4 00 � � '�f.y ,� Royal Black PCacEplary 3151 uiLOr, tvho dropped off to sleep��--' t� f01'CO(1 into ii p061tlUll in 1110 W01'ld ] , tae t«ya vda,frr ,114xfbscribers in lire f.itifed HARPER'S PERIODICALS, {, ever Sunda afternoon silnui jI [l, A) Black Knight's of Ireku)id, like that occupied by the man, with Y Y lure• ca,tt,<ta lir ,flexa'n' - F taneousl with the 2'urwaL delivery the additional burtheu of 4' child, Y -- eluate in thea or;utge Ffxlf, (9otleri h, the Thir and 110 disadvantage of inferior of the text. Johnny 'had beau Tile 1'olumes of the Bazar begin with the Orsti Per Year : it tiled' e the old beadle's mallet Number for Januar)• of each year. WilLn n0 CLINI`ON• made yofevnrymonth, l'initirgiibipLtaatwa)A 6tl'ength with. R'h1C11 to combat Y l . tinge is mentioned, "lbscrq,timis Evill begin with .. r -- masa wvleume. II'ARPXIt y R hERT.I'.................... 4 0i) Life Size Portraits a SDeoialty,. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, :,altfurd P 0 . natUl'A, T110 fact that tvoman'.is {}1e Un Several UCCa9lOns,- but Only Ill a -the Number currentat thou of ruuuiptot urdur• IIARPF.It'a MAGAZINE .................. 4 00 W H MURNEY, ltegiatrar, Godcrich P U . • , rrelltle though persltllsive manner. •1lonnd V'ohnnesof llarpor'e Itazar, for three IIARPER'S BAZAR—, ................... 4 09 -___ _s,--�.. on.____ ____ -. - - - . , child -bearer, and that man is not, .obl' 1t last Ono da the minister, no-. penes bunk, In aunt cloth binding, will of sent se 1I41WEli'S YOl NC: PEOPLE .........,. 2 00 I'entlel'$ t,llell' 1'6111110❑ t0 lila that'- � t Y 1' mail, postagepsid,ornyexprras,free,�fexponse n�I., 'j'[r[j(�• %iL1NTON Iii�IGll'1'S OF 3,?tliOIl Yoked be olid endurance at the (provided the freight dour not exceed one dollar Fmstage free fr, all subscribers in the t°rtited C11J1U�� Marble. Warks, v ltooma, third flat, Victoria 1dr' k. Regula !'lege contl'aCt diffe -cut. It also y xr volume for Z7 VO el voluu,e. meeting evory Thursdai, eveoiug at 8 o'cloc Sight of the . joiner soundly asleep, T ' )+ p" Stntea, C«„ads, or Afdxfco, renders boterogafny an'd polyandry o Cloth Cases for each cohuue, suitubic for bind. • - HURQN STREETI CLINTON, sharp, l'isiting Knightsts mode N.wcoate. lost hie tem ler. •- t• ,_—.. == diaa9tT'Qua. t0 the lvell•being of 1 mg, will L+c Hent b} fund, post-paid oil receipt -of The Volumes of she W KKNLv begin with the r - `JOhun Plane' l CI'led the • T6V0C- Al UO each. first nuulber for January of each )ear. When FOR FII{ST CLAti!3, ltOmel] and Chllill'Crl, while p01y,� Y no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin ' C11d gentleman, stopping ilia did• itcmittann0s a110111d Ile made Il PtlS`i`4) oe W . H . COOPER, J r., HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING ally and II1O110gatlly preserve the h J tyith tin \uu,bercurreut at of of Colirso and eyeing the Culprit severe- 'Money Order or Dalt, to avoid chalice of loss, ' order. • interests of both. In Other WOPd$t Alauufxcturer of r,n dealer in all kinds of Go t0 A. E. iEO'A1�', h,AyIIIONAeLB U8t1C0 compels Lhe support Of IYt ,are ye really sleeping already, Newspapers are real k+ co r Deis atlUertiseate,lt . J 1 and Ino Do halt' thl'OUgh with the p 1 pJ 33ouud V'olualos of ISA,iraK's 1V'aar.Lv,for three I3AItaP,lt, 2 scold rust of (,veli to of Wolnsn and,ebildeen by a IU an, s0 ivitho«( the exNress order nj llnrper &. Brothers. tears tack, In neat Cloth binding, will be sent by flee, Special ath,Iltinn given t0 LAnI E$' first hand 4' Address: 1[A RPER & BRU'CFIET{S, New York. mail, postage paid, o: b)• express, free of expense Marble .4 Granite for Cemetery ANI) CEILOft1:N's Ilk;,,cllttil,g,• Iona as they are kuotl'n to be his ; (provided the freight dues not exceed one dollar but when this fact cannot be alcor- The,juirier, easy man, was quite per Volmmv), for E•7 00 per volume. work at IlLmres that dery competition POMPADOUR IIAIP.('U'I'TING A SPECIALTY, tamed. 110 1$ US1dUr n0 Obligation t0 Ob1iVlUUs t0 things mundane, and Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind- — 1889. - do so. On this obviously just prin notice(1 a .,t the rebuke, Ing, will be snot try nmil, post paid, on receipt of `Andra,' resumed the minister, ad $l o0eacn. A1su manufacturer of the CelebratedHas ciple the vast majority of social or dressing beadle and relapsing Harpers Young People. ARTIFICIAL STONE for L'uildiul; par -I t [.,'falliLatlOns have been a+•ecto<1. p Remittances should he uiule by Post -Glace I DOrIL, `gang found to Moitey Orden' Or Dr,tft, to.cold tdt.tnco of loos. pOSC$ slid G,nletery Rork, which mllst ' Polyandry has flourished in A fete into int'ul', AM ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. be Been t.o be a) lreciated.-All murk the wast f a t (west gallery) ells rap thuut th ers re cwt to copy Ntis R& BRfsernettt l 1 localities, for limited periods; wh}le a.f/tout apers ,•t,,N,,itompy AaraRnBauTnaRlt wnrrt}nte(ito hive satisfaction. heterogamy has been generally out• up Joliet) Plane. Gio the lazy loon ® ,rills 911:1' ,) On 1110 1101d • h6 110- , Address: ILtRPIiRA: nROTillittS, New Yor a i HARPr:n's Yut'Nu I Em't.E begins 'tis i�ICKiIIop Mutual ioSUCaoCe C0+ lalved 6v6u atnoury very prittt}tite b 1 tenth tohuuo with the first Number in '-----`-� "� races. This fact his, however, not serves't,' ,t'•I November. During the year will con - -.� ... �y uv-I'se,u.lul ,�t.l-u o�tht ,',vast-,19_.r:r.- ,--•--�-' r-i-CCm1f, is -_ moi.. _ ,. _- TTi41r1_T _t!> rn .• - #li(t1iKt?�t��1_t t- _.. vMEW _�"__-'_'=-` Itle �sit1-ft15IiranAi-1 !;jF1 }s goes,= ane1_ �![ /���, p ,1,stns,.,hv_._If.ITlli. Y1z.11Ltl4-, 171{._1 t W(yi{IAN AR LO heed t mute or logs conspicuous er- „ - ,�_,x�_r _: ., I'._. s,. 1.:-F tiiiiNtr"c, Bornnolent” arcs" iouer) T .; son Ill history, and. her trade is o II Mustang," by �1. 0. Sroin,Aruti and A proGperove today in the most civil- It rather smartly raps him on hisDay in ri axland b R. K. ]IIUNKVV: CESERAL AGENT. VV bnild head. just there was oencu"; "lrrils'1'hnrlutv's `Priul," by J. T, laolated town and vSliage property, ,+x well usized communities• 'This fact results the )lit of Johnny a sudden starrnoivflitnx;E; "The Till, Wishes," by htrmb„fldings and stouk, Inettred, Ipanrancua WILL CURE OR RELIEVE from two eauaesl apart from want of l' F. ANs'rEY and BRANbElt DIATTul',NVS; a light i . ,It $-c "tock that may be killed by BILIOUSNESS,^ DIZZINESS, u , and between hint and the Ivor- lightning. if ioa want lueurnncaadrop a Hard DROPSY Self control, and, from poverty. 1 + ' Buries of fftiry tales written and illustrate'1�� to the unofo address, DYSPEPSIA, , see r y arc, that, Lhe nomadic habits thy beadle a hot, undorbreath baudy-. by liulv,litI) I'xl.F:; "home studies in //"i� SMITH go2•tI- INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING ing of words. yilenee restored, the Natural Ilistory," by Dr. rm,ix L. 1 JAUNDICE, OF THE HKART, of many men ; socond, the forceel gentleman )recessed with OSWALD; `"Littlel,xper,nlents," by Sarni'' Market Square,l ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF associations imposed by an extreme reverend [,' 1 B, [frftitrux; "Glimpses of Cllild-Isle from Goderieh Marble Works SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, Inonogamy. That hoterogainy ig his scrluou fie if nothing unusual +" by MARGARET E, SA\(;S,rP,R • LTV1J l�tl�r,/.Cl. J —_ HEARTBURN, DRYNESS • Dickens," (✓ disastrous to chil(lren, and eo is ill het} occurred. articles on various spurts and pastimes, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, consistent with a healthy growth of After sermon Andra met the min- short stories by -the bRs! writers, and hunt- - Having bought out JOaEPH VAxa'roNN' And every apecles of disease aristng� fros�tt r, IStOr. In the vestry, who at OttCe orous pap and poems, with mpny hen• in Goderlcb, we are now prepared to fur disordered LIVER, ,,,HEYS, BTOMACN, population is Cleat' enough. That , deeds of illustrations of excellent gqaalftyy. nisb, on reasonable terms, BOW EL8 OR BLOOD, it is highly injurious to the female A[,ule inquiry as to the words he Every lino to the paper is subjected to t11e NVEST OF ENGLAND SUIT• proprietors, hart had with Johnny ill the gallery. , T. HILBURK & (li�i:. TORONTO. mind is not less certain ; aid that reticent add most rigid editorial scrutiny, in order that INGS TPtOUSI ZZINGS 13EADSTONES AND 11IONUbiF,NTS.' " it becomes ftnAlly an insufficient But the beadle was nothing hafiviful may enter Its columns. CrRANITE A SPECIALTY. uncommunicative On the matter, alts y SUU'1QH '! \l1F.ED SUITI\TGS & t»enua of anll,)ort, is Also equally - '1'IIUUSF.ItiNG`S, V1'e are phi M1lihlnolil ltfiell county'an ally o+- N EfflTC! evident, It ig an institution which would not be questioned as to the An epitou)e of everything that is.attrac- • . �a 'reception the joiner had given his five and desirable in llvellile lite:ature.- , . 6- a might be largely rAplaced by hotter P J FItLNCII AND ENGLISH WOR- Parties wnnt[ng anything in flits lino will � x Ur ""' salutar summons. Boslnn Courter' STED CI,U'l IIS, s find it ,to their interest to reserve their - �, S " G' t.g systems were rational attempts Y orders for us. irt,t, 'Well Andra' at length said the A %Soekly feast of good things to the ,xo • ; oracle t0 do s0. In regions where '' 'I'll boys and girls ill every family wllirh it women ore in excess and Chair sur,, reverend gentleman, I I1 tell ye wve the Must not be heated of this visits.-Brook/yn Unwn, Made ft1, ill Beet Style and lYork--ROAERTSON R BELL, � � :� * , 5 gi 1 arT,' 91ti }line is not golf supporting, ,it volun- , Itis wonderful it, its wealth of pictures, ?;v0I.•ht ftt Abraham S'mith's. I11ay 17th, 188G. 302-3m oy. � P '' Ersir ;, matter. If the loon aloes next I/ x�=� 2 -- --Q . Lary allA properly defined polygamy p information and interest. -Christian .�, Q tocols ho better than the state of Sunday dilring Sermon, fist you ,Advocate, N. Y. T J EXHAUSTED VITALITY ! ,oras, a . I. (ranee n) and rap him back to rea- +f.11 n' "s°G1n affairs which nein exists. T say t, o l . Aro itt stock utte of the rhea,Jre- --e r'il gag son. Its a knock wi' some force Terms : Postage Prbpaid, $2 0o Ver Year. TIE SCIENCE OF LtFE, Z R, " • 5 e'sF0 r.a' v e t'nlNlttllYy pOlj'gnlly, the adjective and best stoeks'of T thegreat 5ledleal Work 'Z z; "' �9. b•°y ro Coors© applying to both Boxes. in't the chief wants ; luind1hat, and V,•I, X. begins November G, 1888. of the%geol+,ilanhood,Nor. bdy e ; g ptv�' 8 aro IIUt, WINTER CLOTHING vouxandl'h)efcal Debility, QY i "�' }i5= x S4, 1 " ��'rh01'e the 1118titliti0tl at present ex- p , i Specimen dopy Beni on receipt of a two- Pren,aturo 1)eclino, Errors 'yP> 5 e °' � lath, it is a hist y volalnbnry on the 'Doed Ito. Bir, was the beadles I of youth, and the nntola X. 1., • t , , cent shnnp miseries coneequent there•��. earn re )1 111 no dtsturU S15ui,E N(MTwits. Five Cents eaell. AHp CL®THS• on, 800 pages 8 vo., 125 7+ � G I l, /\ 1.part of the man, but not, or but Y 1 Y ry i40. $ him Slee )in' lir waukin, for sOnlb prescriptionstoralldleeasea 4 partially so, on the part of the we,- , l Remittances should be matte by Post- Cloth, full kilt, only $1.00, td r '111 a Its , t0 collie. Ile threatens t0 by mall, sealed, IlInAtrath'o eanip a free to all --- -___- __ luno. This is a lrl'on to tvomon, OHica lDtoney Order m' Draft, to avoid A F1111 Line of GENTS' FUR g ICnoC� pew Bibles and hymnbook chance of lo9a, �y l'o»ngand middle-aged men. Sand now. Tho who should, to a certain extent, p 1 Py NISI3INGfJ alma sin stock. Gula and ,Inwennd Slnaal awarlsl ca the anchor j)ltppl:liTY, I UIZ SALI`, OR out O' m0 if [ n+fain dam- t0 rap Neivs,a e¢s are nut to t0 Ihis «du¢r- Y by Lh!, National Medical Association. -Address ria jj It)rx,r,-_AdiertlsersNi'{I Bud "Tia have entire liberty of choice ill the a ) P . hill atweoD this and b[al'tiuma$. If asenunt tuiihout the express order of Iimt. P. 'Q. Box 81n Il'oston, htnse, or Dr. N. Il. otoNewR matter of her marrirge. I aaj• to a , + PILItiom, graduate of Ifarvard M&II(ral College, II In tile Oom+t" o4 !Moron. of tile f'Advertisetin certain extent, for it slight happen, Johnny's to be kept frae eleepill, "T'It R flitol•ltaas. It Evill Ally you, to call on 25 yearspprartlee h, Roston, who may be consult-)' I A'l�li'els� 11A1{I'1:1{ &. ISILOTfIh,[{;�, ed confltlentlnity. Sperlalt)•„ Diek•ttses of Man. "The \etvs-Itecerd"--Thu lioilble Cirrulatfon though Almost inmiceivably, that, minister, 1'e milun Just put tit f01'C01 New yolk• ABRAHAM SMITH Office. No4BulflnchStreet.- 4888 TalkstuThouaunds, Ratcanxlownsnn;. Ali the women of a given locality, I into yet Barman.' .e I . R , • . {, I e to oks„ ✓ •-11 a N , u .;J �.o.+L:,.L. # .''�%.wY41..yx,-�.�--3w„t.,. . .a.nw,,yf,,L.....ia�e.Y