HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 61. -,,, Huron News -Record A ]REASONABLE HOPE 14 013a that is based on previous &, 11 b strike was make when P,()WOII 1.50'4 Year- "Vallue., knowledge or ex 21�11 issued their lillitrict of arsap. Want Qf $1eep fence, therefore arilla and Bit, Burdock. It has met. those who use B. experience, 13. May reason, g with b sending thpusanZiq annually to the TMEHUB GROCERY I liesday. Dee. letill, I itee ably hope for a cure because the, refit success, And it fi�ust, for It is the Jussiuls asylum ; and the doctors say this winst powerful blood purifier in the war - previous experience of thousand's ket. It is need Willi the greatest at trouble to alarmingly on the luorea e. —0 who have used is, shows it to have u all diseases arising front a debilitated The usual remedies, while they may NEW ARRIVAL OF ORQOKERY GI It' 1, W110 G I`GG LES. succeededeven in the worst cases. coudit give temporary relief, are likely to do , :0 " of the SYSLeM, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two tit more harm than good. What is needed .)w tilt) buys it]i Lheir booby- -J. Fraucoeur, a Montreal thI6 season of the year,' of Powell's I1x_ Is an Alterative and Blood-puritier. It mid girls in their ,, tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably igglellood, butcher boy, was nearly 0 the best. It corfects those disturbancesi China gal\�,ne China Sets, ge chop- solid medicine than inostdollar so-called In the circulation Which cause sleepless - 11 he rates protect us. A laugh pieces by a 300 pound sausit 0"t 10 in mind one 50c. bottle contains more i ugh the wurld over. It isca per in Blauchard's butchoor shop, Sarsaparilla and 6itters. Also remember a "die soul sneeze, and its call- The boy had -boeu sitting ul news, gives increased vitality, and re - 0 1 the that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, GLASS AND TOILET SETS ti, ii as weasles. Whether it is edge of the chopping block, 11 price 50c; it bottle. Sold by all drug- stores the nervous system to a healthful tl­ 1101111 of juYuns youth or cack. duublo-bladed knife hanging sus- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. condition. WIlich will I)P, Hold VERY CHEAP. Be t�uro and get fionio of my hanging - ling ago it &lighLa or amuses, pendod above hiln oil an irol, itook.. 44311y Rev. T. G. A. CoW, agent of the Mass. NEAV_ BLEND COFFEE, Whiell Cannot i4e excelled in town: But it 0 Occl'0-16 is 0 Worse than the The boy was warjil-d that oil lie. Home Missionary Society, writes that MODS DELIVERED. -The scheineof Canadian and his stomach was out of order, his sleep piii-Jiled thurns under a put. It is count Of the work going oil up- American Capitalists to develop very often disturbed, and some im- -0 1010 of iimp-tiuitss. As a rule stairs the, chopper ri`,igh? become Brazil's -rest) u,cHs il a Vast one. It purity of the blood manifest; but that '3 III lo out ryi-ria. They would detached from the hok. At 1 "lit is proposed to establish a railway ;perfect cure was obtained by the 1180 b urse than a St. Bartholomew very moment the fell, of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Geo. Swallow,' Clinton. ID" C, and steamboat service extend tj t) . Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington -- 0 sli, 1 e street, Boston, writes: .1 if thoy did. It is the one Of the bla&s burying itself front Para, it the mouth of A icall lirl %v t, Irgies, the ubi. deeply in the boy's hack, and cut- Amazon, is a point My qatighter Mill oil it taibutary was prostrated with nervous debility. 91, 1,, Amuriemi girl who dofies ting Off a slice of fl,,sh about one in till, interior Over 1,500 miles dis. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restore al, iuwu laws,gues where she will, and a half feet. long and one foot teat. Mr. It. A. Poidir, G. E., of health." d her to SPRING STYLES do• what, site please and is a law broad. Ale(lical '"011danoe %"as Ottawa, who rotuined from Brazil lVillialu F. Bowker, Erfe, Pa., was ubtu herself, Of course she is irres- called in, and it is believed that he roevully, is here Initkilly _,ut, the cured of nervousness and sleeplessiless —OF i8little and loving, and some day will ITTOVer, plans *%%Iiicll Nvill bo "fuiwardod by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a'Imi-it 0 III L R -A I Wand$ flood woman. 0 shut ti.v for i lie :Llipj-u%, Ll ,l, tile two mouths, during which time his HATS A r`4 D CAPS 1 Sit- wwild not he the American EXPEL THE WORMS by using Zili?tlj lju%'Vru!IIf.Ijt. weight increased over twenty pounds. gill uIllerwiso. lint silo giggles and the safe and reliable anthelmintic 0 of the very LATEST AMEBICAN MANUFACITI,'E. AJ*o and giggles. If Ft . eeman's Worm Powders. WILL BE IULL�7�bLIT',a Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ah,' warn the trained pro -filet of a Youo� ladies' seminary, wo would -Mrs Alex, Cameron of- T Indications of Dyspepsia, such as FAICtA' One Case Amei�lcan Neckwear RED BY say her giggles was It hysteria of to, k 1) d lorly the wilt) U u"On- Sour Stomach, heart -burn Sick Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. (very Itandsonje), from 20c. till to GO(!. A call r , '0 rorn f C'lpt- 11,,dache, Rising and Souring of the ill toination. But she is nota Ebel, R Ward, of Dol,ruit, , field by all Druggists. Price $I; six bottles $5 respectfully solicited, Ii q and a Food Wind on the Stomach, or a triti nod pio,itict of any school.. nioce or Che bite 8011:1tor 13v 111"a d o, o f Ohio, i o, I i u linking or Gnawing sensation at the Orl i_A_S0r0_W, She is it petted and spoilp(l child wide lipr will at pit of the stomach are fully met by she is it petted Ili' I _TZ I--,' y S id spoiled youn& Detroit OnAlonday. Sho. is eno�_ Burdock Blood Bliter. -yiiiell lifts -Nurray Block, Albert Street. wonilln'. She "i -les from habit, illulisly wealthy, her Lowe fortune cured the worst cases on record. 441'Next.].Yloor to DRY-000DS TALACE. 11 For Horses, Cattle; Sheep, No one lilts ooveoro undertaken to beiti, estimated at A4,000"600. She 'ry T" suppre.18 Ill))., so silo goe. 104V -At Op Lit t 7 Do�,�s, Hogs, Poultry. 4011-�'iugliur' esthe bull: of JIt)r J,)Lt(IU8 t the Tol to police Co. E 1100 K on Tre HOUSE- PAINTING, Hore is ;I fair rumple of the con'-* tile fl-IlItives of' her (load husband Mrs. Stewart was fined 875 and costs verAitticlu of a group of the Ameri- and 1101' living husband, and to Or 30 days for breach of the Nfedical Sent Iree, Illinle)-olis charil lbre and hellevo lit Act in hilVilil worked alleged mind it le A.;{.-Splunj "llellil-,10m, 111ilic V. -Ver. GLAZING AND GRAINING, 01), 'girls, 1011 just ought, to have )slitut,ions ai)d to personal f,-ionjis. 11.11-stralum, 1,41 lit.. ,..Ikea, Ithellwalibil . . 0 C. Na -4111 D14churged. been at, Ih,3. Stevens, , payt Tile City Of Detroit conlea it, for D. D­Itoi-4 or Mritlis, Wornis. Y. E. E­('oughs, fleuves, Pneumonia. George Smith and Harry Jones R Lit'- legacy. Airs. Catneroll is a ro INVIGORATE both body and 11. F—Coli,t or Gripes; Bellvatehe. HND DECORRTIVE�. T �k'L' Can the brain, use the reliable tonic, G. were there, aud-oh,l te-he-he." adian by birt-li, anti inarried a � If. 11-Urinury nu4i Awnev mseasem. CanadiaL. '11pr husband owns the Alilburn's Aromatic Qunjine Wille. 1. 1. -l".1-11plive Pi-onses "Oil, te-ho-tf)-ho-ho-lia oil be -he. J. R.-Dilseases of' 1) itfulillo". APER )I 1111,451'.DiltiOnal hotel, at Nlilind,,Ijr, stublo C'use, with Sreeffles, Manual, N�L Itell IlaZel 01, and D be. -lion. Mr. Foster, 'MiDi4t,w. of cateator, 6 KalsoMining and it Pod deal of real estate in Price, Single Bottle (over 50 dosonj - HA GIKC� wore ni.N 'pink silk andspil-led tile co " Finance, is being' urged by western uIltit's of E.ssox and Lambi,un. Sold by Druggiloal or AND coffee oil till, front broidth-te-he mill -owners tj place an export duty 9A'Ilt I'rf-,Vj,!j4I e11 Jteof.jIjt,)f Price. "To-ho-be-te-ho-he-how careless On elle logs. 'file memorial deals Went; & I'lellardson Co., Agents, For forty years, Ayers Cherry with 0 64 FRESCOTNG Pectoral It 016'suiIjactextensively. Amer - as been demonstrated to "Nellin Blulvu.- ican lumbermen haul the Canadian op Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street couldn't go be- be the most'ireliable remedy in use Eys, cause she k wearing b , ack fol"her-" for. colds, coughs, and lung diseases' logs free of ilkity into the United S��0=zTMCDJ�T, - ONTARIO_ 0 Slight coldi should not be neglected. States, and cut them up there. This �wmEorA re - "Oil, to-he,lie—how sad 'lion 'I'lie Pectoral will prevent their be• alfords employment to huridleds of Nallio to-lie-reall ' X -to -h . e. coming chronic. Americans, without any correspond- SPECIF o.60 0HASI.I.T. SPOONER "Did ing advantage to Canadian labor..Debility, nee 30 years. The only uccesitful 'e"" for ..... you hear Kate White wa 6D,r:1(te-1 to Julln Simpkinsl u -A' Quebec Grit member has Nervous e 111ty,y1tal 'Weakness, You I,., been unseated for corupt praotices and P ostration, from ej r-workorother causes. *I P. vial. or 5 vials an large vial powder, for $6. chiefly 0 By DRUGGISTS, ofsetittioatpaid linreveiptof TENT kno, w it is '"l) }Har -to -he- by agents, said acts consisting i fly OINE GOOD POINT s MONTROSS-1 PA he 1" of making men drunk for the priep-wene A Rieltaideon, Co,,Agenta, llt"Mc. pur- Out of the many poilsess'ed by Gih.qtrept Montreal. "Yes-te-fle-to he -so funny oh pose of keeping them from voting. Burdock Blood Bitters is that it may -to-bo-he-lie- lie. he —'� be taken at all seasoiris':of the ,jVjj;%t du you chow, Susi 7 FUR RICKETS-, AIARASNIU' Yes,,, NE . WSPAPER LAWS MET/-\LLIC -SHINGLES fg, AND' and by either young or.old. In tbi.., ALL WASTING DISORDERS OF way three busy B's are ulways at Tutti frutti or spi-tico? I 'like CHILDREN. worh-and doing good. %Ve (tall the spocial attl3litioll of�ost rubber 111,1111 best-te-ho." nesters and subserilm.., to tiii. r6lioivilic, Scott's Enlulsioij of Pyre Cod Liver "So do I ; te-lie-he-he, to -he." Oil, with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. T. Walker, who lives in iynopsis o I r tito iwwspappr laws:_ EAN D IDINGXX The rapidity with which children I -A postmaster 19 rel-imi-ed to give gain flesh and- strength upon it is la,,e 0 Perhaps this i.,; the langtiago that Ocondarm township, near the' vii- (,tke 13Y Fit (retorning a pal) I Srthat,w-mi inveut%cl it) conceal thought. very wonderful. i tit countoes FIRE. AND _0 ,104 Throw bwelc Enitilsifin ifi cases of Ric an RM PROOF. Girls don't ghr" "I have used Scotts of N1 daloport, brant y not answer the lil,v) whoa a SubSeril", Rickets find was drilling rot, water a day or so not take his paper out of the office j you], heads, expand your pretty Marasmus of long when at a depth of &o' ;tate the reason for its not being taken. standing. In ago r 90 -oats, and laugh till the Welkin every ease the improvement was feet he struck oil. I Any negivot to do `o Ilial;eq the postillastel 0-1- thi le will send res',onsilillo to the pumisliel-s rm. payment. rings, � It will do 'you (; I goad etll(f rnarkad.;-J. D. MAIN, �J. D, New for an expert examino' ihq, find, .make all wlib hear you. hapljy.- York. Sold by . All Druggists, rOc and Ifolly onlars his llalpQll. dis-, S.. DAVIS,.,.- 00 rone up the syst , u I em and 'improv lithillvd; fl, '"mu,t pay all at earages,o) "Laoill aud the world laugl.- CLINTON, I the PIJ)disliel. to send it with you," the appetite by taking Aier's Saran- r I Parilla. It will make you feel like a wilo e 1111ollfit, J%j, -A woman in 11untingd,on, Conn., until' ayinoit k madv, and collect ti I _F T7 1R... 2�T I Ra :�D (,'iggln, and it won't give you I 1(ther it be talion frol, b L' has had nine husbands. 0,rhe grasp- new person. Thousands hove found the othee or 11 . I - credit rot- the sense you have, ot. There call tic no logo, ing monopolists are not all �b�n. health, and relief from suffering, by discoll,thiliallcu until tile �paynient is inalle. the use'Of,this great blood purifier, 3 -Any person Mio takes a paper frau.NEW STOCK NEW STORE! when all other means failed. name or allatilo, or whether lie hassub. CLINTON. who are exposed to the 0 111111 POPPING Till,' QUESTION 'CO A NARROW ESCAPE. the ilost-ofli) - diree A SC11150LINIA'M. People tel to Ili- ELLIOTT BLOCK, sudden changes of -While Mr. and Mrs. Scroggi .scribed bi- not, is responsible for the pay, our northern �0 0 8 climate have little chance of escap- were at church Sunday' flight- in Boston Courier, 4 -If a s-11111crilper ort, JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. lers Ili,; paper to b4 "Yes," said ,the a broke into their 3tj43pea at a curiain time, and the pulAisli. 4 ing colds, coughs, sore throat and Gupl h thieve' 0 young man as he 'lung troubles. The beat safe -guard back%oor with fill axe and ransack- or continues to ,en�l, it the Call at the New Store and see ilie stock of 0 ie subscriber I throw himself at the feet of the is to keep lIngyard's Pectoral Bill- ed the houses, t..ikiD.r7 all the jeWal bound. to pay for it if he takes it Hilt ol, till Bedroom an Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, 'Cliairs, Springs, ry post -office. Tliispi-ocee(Isiipontliegi-otint teacher, "I love yon and would go sam at hand. It is a quick relief they could find and $38 in MODOY, that a illall must pay for what he tIe. Mattresses, etc., slid general Household Furniture. The NN -11 the worla's,6111.1. for you." and reliable cul't, for such compla- r. ole Sindi is how the very lets. They also carried off it valise of M best mainifilettlici "You could not go to the end 0' 1, — ----------- W. J. Williams, a son of liov. Will. 17 51 JOS. CHIDLEY, one tillitor 14'est of Dickson'S Book Store. the world rot, filet jailles. Til, Williams of Lindsay, who 'A'as stop. P not tike ion" to demon- pit Aii&-Iii the Divi4ion.Cuiirt ill Goderich world, or tilt) earth, as itis called, -it will over Sunday with Mr. Sero"_ it the November sitting a newspaper plik - lisliql. sn'b'd 1,01. pay of llaur. Tile defend F T—T R _1 *-T I I rT T—T R T: I I (D is round like a ball, slightly flatten stroto the liwisdoni of allowing "ie"" Tile' valise cuutilinod several o Mormonism to rear its head in 'ibe 11 ed at- the poles, Ono of the first niort ,igesaudotl)ei,viituablepalyer,. int objected paying oil the giblitid that lie Canadian Northwest. In a letter Williams'lessons in elotneDtary geography is INTr, NVillialnw I" —AT— �s is .1 serious one, had ordered a former proprietor of the devoted to the shape of the "lobo. (1 "t t('d lost month Ifr- St011ehOU90; Ti�u suspected characters have been pit PC I, to fliscolytinne it. The jlld�e held t, dint that was not a valid' defence. The You must have studied it 'when a e%-WRP. for Cornox, 11, C., who is arrested, but no trace of the Inissinn, THE RED ROCKJIM STORE n phiintl1r, the present proprietor, had no boy. now '11141,11 priest OfA116 MOrwOn property has been found, nmice to discontinue Slid C011.1iffle'Clitly church near Lethbridge, N. W. T., "Of course I did, but 0 - could collect, altlioligli it Nviii, not denied PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atten- states that the only criminal element that defendant bR41 notified former pro- . . ill bigamy is deception,all(I VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is prictor to dis(,�ontinne. In any event tion Ili called to PARLOR SUITES-thay are of our own Inallillactal,e, Still for design, "And it is no long adds , "I a great aid to internal medicine in .defendant was bound to pay for the time Der a theory. inaterial and workmanship cannot be excelled fit the county. Circullin.,tvi-aturs have c8taUslied have still tograduato in nionogamy; the treatilient of scrofulous soresy he bad rccL!vud the paper and until lie S&Relnember, that all goods will be sold at. a BIG REDUCTION during the month the fact," bnt . when I I . lave one(! attained shell ulcers and and abscesses of all kind,4. had paid all arrears due forsubscription, tion, Of May. First come, first served. AN UPHOLSTERER always On 1-14 repairing We P •ITLIT-@7eft'nt t neatly and promptly attended to. mjw�fria- lig-w1teni d -to OF iU_ "fiter'll"11111'"" govern- -'-Some pors i Ito were % . t that I would. do anything to 1) le"i from dus v e being -.4 W,g IV 0 Inellts that will deter, tile roln seak-' 1, 0 calls to proi�ptiy. Y Ah ! Nifinorva, if,%joii know chivareed" by a. lot of young mo, - inc- higher bonors ill Illatrimorly." iiii g 1 a�50'0 the aching void�_Il fellows lived next door to Mr, - Ce -EF z t4 Cc 0 - -, = . "There is no such thing as A void,, Mermoniiin de6laring ti'lat his com- Corners, whoso wife Waii very ill 0ALB[OK & REITH Here fs the Canadian h4­&'1)rieqt of. Nlrillialli CI-(J%v8on, of Crowson's 9 E, P, A 1q.g"%M Nnhire abhors a vacum - 0 -actice, poly"linly in itild in a procariou'scondition. The Ell ca ALBERT STRER17, CLIN'rON. enmity will pi, gr, but admitting that there colild bo' 811ito of the Govorninom, "ll' Will ullllkvftil doings did'DoL uelma with such a thinly, how could the void induce and lend others in the same Ono ni-lit, b" ;ru j" trig'. Lit was continued for :1. g�-�Ma CW an aMio in it:" now settlement iiiii-d-,iton after elder health was very Card. 'I CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY you speak of be ;i void it' ,hero ,vas direction. Thoy have named their several evening.-', Mra. Crowson's I • seriously affected The Huron News -Record Corner likiron and Orange Streets, Clinton, moan to say thin any life will by the unearthly din , which wa,. FIRST - CL MAitERIAL ov;ct ASS be lonely without you, that you are kept ill) and her friorj(13 exhorted flag just j)lacvd, in stock another lot of ; �iCtpffa . Extra Hard Metal and UNSURIIASREb JR0.14 WOft&. my daily thoughts abil nightly CONS UNf """ON SURELY CURE, the authors tb�,rcof to doiist. They P41 EDITOR Repairing atilt Repainting, TO THC E It yon were in At -alia, did not null 1.9 a rosillt, were still'. dreauis. istL WORK WARRANTED,Ttj 621-y -0 or at the north pole I would fly to Please inforin your readers that I nioned before Squiro Strauge. At E r g " � " .0 ::., ­.__ 0 you. have a positive remedy for the above the tillio appointeil thoy appeared, : '" F_ , r * D - named disease, `!T• HH-d,'Z=,�o 0 "Fly! It will be another century 18 in Dumber,ii-nd they agrecing to CA SA 13Y its timely use 0 0 Mloz.-tyr FOR LE OR TO kET thousands of 61wless cases have been pay' the costs, nivittunting to between It. OUSE AND TWO LOTS for sale o . I- to jet, before men can fly. Even when permanently cured. I shall beglad a 0 14 $,�� I. .9 0 49 V the lawl,; of gravitation, are succeps. to send two bottles or my and $30, managed to arrange -f.f, A situate on Albert street. For particulars remedy Arivi(R To N10TI19114 -Are you dis- 1(* apply PRF.R to any of matturs; am Mayat T. COOPER & SON'S Grocery, Clinton fully Overcome thele will still re- your readers who litive amicably and f110 tirbed at hi ht Slod broken of your rest 13th, 1888. 496-'tf dropped without a trial. by a .0cic child sufrering and crying Willi main, says a late Qciptitific authority, consumption if they will send. me pain of Culling h? If a) send at their Express anfl P. U. address I Test If the difficulty of Illaintiliving a Res llcetfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUNT RELIABLE REMEDY Fol? T? nee and get a bottle of 1,111-swinglow's J. 0. STEVENSON, balance--" 37 lir"u. 0 Yongescreet,Teiranto,Ont, 499�' Soothing .4ysoli" for Children Teething, ;q 0, - nod relieve -�Wcpl, at all events," oxclaii Nl A'msm. Its value is incalculable. It Furniture Dealer, &c. Procure a battle of Hagyard's the poor ilitlesufrerer rnmediatel De- THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND 7 medicinedeal- pend npnn if, mothers; there is -no mis- the youth, "I've got a fitir balance-fnSt. Paul's church, Kingston, Yellow Oil from your -RE FUNERAL MUM& in the bank Find I want you to be the Bishop of Ontario stated on Sun er, and use according to direction,;, take about it, It cures Dvaentery and my wife. Thero day night that during his 26 years, 7, It cured Ida -Johnston, of Cornell, Dittrrhoett, regidates the Stomach Find Qpposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont "Woll, .James, since, you have cennection with the Episcopacy be Ont of that complaint, and she re, Bowels, cures Wind, Colic, softens ilie had confirmed -80,000 persons and no put it in that light, I--,' opened 166 churaties. mmends it as a sure cure. For 23 Gums, reduces Inflimmla!ion, years it has never fiii;od to give tong ane energy,.to the %vltol:o.iySgt111.e1.I TO THE FARIVIER'S! Let the curtain fall. satisfaction, "UrF, Winflow's soothing Syr Study your own interest till(] go where 111), for YIpe you emn get NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur. 611dren teething is. plenstint to the laste ting on the Stomach, Liver and is tilt, pre.4tription of one of the oldest PREVAILING SICKN gatdi`,1,//9el8, removing all obstruc, --'After a three days trial, a Vi'3' and beat female physicians and nursep in toric 13 C. jury, last Friday, )'he most prevailing complaints at tiO118 found the United Stales, and is for sale by all this season are rheumatism, neural. Dr. G. Hamilton Griffin, fbrmerly of druggists throngbout, the world. Price Reliable 04 arnas, London and Stratford, Ontario, guilty 25c. a bottle. lie sure and Ask for ,,lire A� gig, sore throat, inflammations I manufacture none lint the BF8)V'4GF STOCH. o D b r r, rX 'Patilos T ions an' -Ragotte, a Winnipeg man, has of sending threatening letters to Winslow's Suothing Svrop," and take no ILL HEADS, NOTE Psereare o.rehops that sett ehrop, they ha vr in rn: I covered $5 damages I -A" congestions. For all these and -Llllr r, '000 against Tian. -Robert Dunsinuir And recom. other kill(]. Malls, Letter licads, Tap, lint to lie('. PT call And get ill�tees. Orders painful troubles Hagynrills yellow the C. P, R. for the death of his mended him to the ui�p-cy of the j state onto, Circulars, f3usitioss by mail protuplyatt6 ed to Oil is the best internal and ext�,rnal fattier whose foot was Cal Cards, Progean-nieg. remody. Ight lit a court, Judge Begbie sentenced him I -Beech litits are being sold in etc., printof - ' in it Nvorkoian.• ,Toru ay. 3EZ -E 3E1 IR., is' E"I'lop" frog. to Ave years penal aervitude. Pickering tit 2.5n. ppr qviart, elitk%'niftliner aviii at to%%, rates, a t WVII� NEWS -RECORD Office. HARNESS E.NIPOR _' y,0LVTj1q ONT. ji Huron News -Record A ]REASONABLE HOPE 14 013a that is based on previous &, 11 b strike was make when P,()WOII 1.50'4 Year- "Vallue., knowledge or ex 21�11 issued their lillitrict of arsap. Want Qf $1eep fence, therefore arilla and Bit, Burdock. It has met. those who use B. experience, 13. May reason, g with b sending thpusanZiq annually to the TMEHUB GROCERY I liesday. Dee. letill, I itee ably hope for a cure because the, refit success, And it fi�ust, for It is the Jussiuls asylum ; and the doctors say this winst powerful blood purifier in the war - previous experience of thousand's ket. It is need Willi the greatest at trouble to alarmingly on the luorea e. —0 who have used is, shows it to have u all diseases arising front a debilitated The usual remedies, while they may NEW ARRIVAL OF ORQOKERY GI It' 1, W110 G I`GG LES. succeededeven in the worst cases. coudit give temporary relief, are likely to do , :0 " of the SYSLeM, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two tit more harm than good. What is needed .)w tilt) buys it]i Lheir booby- -J. Fraucoeur, a Montreal thI6 season of the year,' of Powell's I1x_ Is an Alterative and Blood-puritier. It mid girls in their ,, tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably igglellood, butcher boy, was nearly 0 the best. It corfects those disturbancesi China gal\�,ne China Sets, ge chop- solid medicine than inostdollar so-called In the circulation Which cause sleepless - 11 he rates protect us. A laugh pieces by a 300 pound sausit 0"t 10 in mind one 50c. bottle contains more i ugh the wurld over. It isca per in Blauchard's butchoor shop, Sarsaparilla and 6itters. Also remember a "die soul sneeze, and its call- The boy had -boeu sitting ul news, gives increased vitality, and re - 0 1 the that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, GLASS AND TOILET SETS ti, ii as weasles. Whether it is edge of the chopping block, 11 price 50c; it bottle. Sold by all drug- stores the nervous system to a healthful tl­ 1101111 of juYuns youth or cack. duublo-bladed knife hanging sus- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. condition. WIlich will I)P, Hold VERY CHEAP. Be t�uro and get fionio of my hanging - ling ago it &lighLa or amuses, pendod above hiln oil an irol, itook.. 44311y Rev. T. G. A. CoW, agent of the Mass. NEAV_ BLEND COFFEE, Whiell Cannot i4e excelled in town: But it 0 Occl'0-16 is 0 Worse than the The boy was warjil-d that oil lie. Home Missionary Society, writes that MODS DELIVERED. -The scheineof Canadian and his stomach was out of order, his sleep piii-Jiled thurns under a put. It is count Of the work going oil up- American Capitalists to develop very often disturbed, and some im- -0 1010 of iimp-tiuitss. As a rule stairs the, chopper ri`,igh? become Brazil's -rest) u,cHs il a Vast one. It purity of the blood manifest; but that '3 III lo out ryi-ria. They would detached from the hok. At 1 "lit is proposed to establish a railway ;perfect cure was obtained by the 1180 b urse than a St. Bartholomew very moment the fell, of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Geo. Swallow,' Clinton. ID" C, and steamboat service extend tj t) . Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington -- 0 sli, 1 e street, Boston, writes: .1 if thoy did. It is the one Of the bla&s burying itself front Para, it the mouth of A icall lirl %v t, Irgies, the ubi. deeply in the boy's hack, and cut- Amazon, is a point My qatighter Mill oil it taibutary was prostrated with nervous debility. 91, 1,, Amuriemi girl who dofies ting Off a slice of fl,,sh about one in till, interior Over 1,500 miles dis. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restore al, iuwu laws,gues where she will, and a half feet. long and one foot teat. Mr. It. A. Poidir, G. E., of health." d her to SPRING STYLES do• what, site please and is a law broad. Ale(lical '"011danoe %"as Ottawa, who rotuined from Brazil lVillialu F. Bowker, Erfe, Pa., was ubtu herself, Of course she is irres- called in, and it is believed that he roevully, is here Initkilly _,ut, the cured of nervousness and sleeplessiless —OF i8little and loving, and some day will ITTOVer, plans *%%Iiicll Nvill bo "fuiwardod by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a'Imi-it 0 III L R -A I Wand$ flood woman. 0 shut ti.v for i lie :Llipj-u%, Ll ,l, tile two mouths, during which time his HATS A r`4 D CAPS 1 Sit- wwild not he the American EXPEL THE WORMS by using Zili?tlj lju%'Vru!IIf.Ijt. weight increased over twenty pounds. gill uIllerwiso. lint silo giggles and the safe and reliable anthelmintic 0 of the very LATEST AMEBICAN MANUFACITI,'E. AJ*o and giggles. If Ft . eeman's Worm Powders. WILL BE IULL�7�bLIT',a Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ah,' warn the trained pro -filet of a Youo� ladies' seminary, wo would -Mrs Alex, Cameron of- T Indications of Dyspepsia, such as FAICtA' One Case Amei�lcan Neckwear RED BY say her giggles was It hysteria of to, k 1) d lorly the wilt) U u"On- Sour Stomach, heart -burn Sick Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. (very Itandsonje), from 20c. till to GO(!. A call r , '0 rorn f C'lpt- 11,,dache, Rising and Souring of the ill toination. But she is nota Ebel, R Ward, of Dol,ruit, , field by all Druggists. Price $I; six bottles $5 respectfully solicited, Ii q and a Food Wind on the Stomach, or a triti nod pio,itict of any school.. nioce or Che bite 8011:1tor 13v 111"a d o, o f Ohio, i o, I i u linking or Gnawing sensation at the Orl i_A_S0r0_W, She is it petted and spoilp(l child wide lipr will at pit of the stomach are fully met by she is it petted Ili' I _TZ I--,' y S id spoiled youn& Detroit OnAlonday. Sho. is eno�_ Burdock Blood Bliter. -yiiiell lifts -Nurray Block, Albert Street. wonilln'. She "i -les from habit, illulisly wealthy, her Lowe fortune cured the worst cases on record. 441'Next.].Yloor to DRY-000DS TALACE. 11 For Horses, Cattle; Sheep, No one lilts ooveoro undertaken to beiti, estimated at A4,000"600. She 'ry T" suppre.18 Ill))., so silo goe. 104V -At Op Lit t 7 Do�,�s, Hogs, Poultry. 4011-�'iugliur' esthe bull: of JIt)r J,)Lt(IU8 t the Tol to police Co. E 1100 K on Tre HOUSE- PAINTING, Hore is ;I fair rumple of the con'-* tile fl-IlItives of' her (load husband Mrs. Stewart was fined 875 and costs verAitticlu of a group of the Ameri- and 1101' living husband, and to Or 30 days for breach of the Nfedical Sent Iree, Illinle)-olis charil lbre and hellevo lit Act in hilVilil worked alleged mind it le A.;{.-Splunj "llellil-,10m, 111ilic V. -Ver. GLAZING AND GRAINING, 01), 'girls, 1011 just ought, to have )slitut,ions ai)d to personal f,-ionjis. 11.11-stralum, 1,41 lit.. ,..Ikea, Ithellwalibil . . 0 C. Na -4111 D14churged. been at, Ih,3. Stevens, , payt Tile City Of Detroit conlea it, for D. D­Itoi-4 or Mritlis, Wornis. Y. E. E­('oughs, fleuves, Pneumonia. George Smith and Harry Jones R Lit'- legacy. Airs. Catneroll is a ro INVIGORATE both body and 11. F—Coli,t or Gripes; Bellvatehe. HND DECORRTIVE�. T �k'L' Can the brain, use the reliable tonic, G. were there, aud-oh,l te-he-he." adian by birt-li, anti inarried a � If. 11-Urinury nu4i Awnev mseasem. CanadiaL. '11pr husband owns the Alilburn's Aromatic Qunjine Wille. 1. 1. -l".1-11plive Pi-onses "Oil, te-ho-tf)-ho-ho-lia oil be -he. J. R.-Dilseases of' 1) itfulillo". APER )I 1111,451'.DiltiOnal hotel, at Nlilind,,Ijr, stublo C'use, with Sreeffles, Manual, N�L Itell IlaZel 01, and D be. -lion. Mr. Foster, 'MiDi4t,w. of cateator, 6 KalsoMining and it Pod deal of real estate in Price, Single Bottle (over 50 dosonj - HA GIKC� wore ni.N 'pink silk andspil-led tile co " Finance, is being' urged by western uIltit's of E.ssox and Lambi,un. Sold by Druggiloal or AND coffee oil till, front broidth-te-he mill -owners tj place an export duty 9A'Ilt I'rf-,Vj,!j4I e11 Jteof.jIjt,)f Price. "To-ho-be-te-ho-he-how careless On elle logs. 'file memorial deals Went; & I'lellardson Co., Agents, For forty years, Ayers Cherry with 0 64 FRESCOTNG Pectoral It 016'suiIjactextensively. Amer - as been demonstrated to "Nellin Blulvu.- ican lumbermen haul the Canadian op Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street couldn't go be- be the most'ireliable remedy in use Eys, cause she k wearing b , ack fol"her-" for. colds, coughs, and lung diseases' logs free of ilkity into the United S��0=zTMCDJ�T, - ONTARIO_ 0 Slight coldi should not be neglected. States, and cut them up there. This �wmEorA re - "Oil, to-he,lie—how sad 'lion 'I'lie Pectoral will prevent their be• alfords employment to huridleds of Nallio to-lie-reall ' X -to -h . e. coming chronic. Americans, without any correspond- SPECIF o.60 0HASI.I.T. SPOONER "Did ing advantage to Canadian labor..Debility, nee 30 years. The only uccesitful 'e"" for ..... you hear Kate White wa 6D,r:1(te-1 to Julln Simpkinsl u -A' Quebec Grit member has Nervous e 111ty,y1tal 'Weakness, You I,., been unseated for corupt praotices and P ostration, from ej r-workorother causes. *I P. vial. or 5 vials an large vial powder, for $6. chiefly 0 By DRUGGISTS, ofsetittioatpaid linreveiptof TENT kno, w it is '"l) }Har -to -he- by agents, said acts consisting i fly OINE GOOD POINT s MONTROSS-1 PA he 1" of making men drunk for the priep-wene A Rieltaideon, Co,,Agenta, llt"Mc. pur- Out of the many poilsess'ed by Gih.qtrept Montreal. "Yes-te-fle-to he -so funny oh pose of keeping them from voting. Burdock Blood Bitters is that it may -to-bo-he-lie- lie. he —'� be taken at all seasoiris':of the ,jVjj;%t du you chow, Susi 7 FUR RICKETS-, AIARASNIU' Yes,,, NE . WSPAPER LAWS MET/-\LLIC -SHINGLES fg, AND' and by either young or.old. In tbi.., ALL WASTING DISORDERS OF way three busy B's are ulways at Tutti frutti or spi-tico? I 'like CHILDREN. worh-and doing good. %Ve (tall the spocial attl3litioll of�ost rubber 111,1111 best-te-ho." nesters and subserilm.., to tiii. r6lioivilic, Scott's Enlulsioij of Pyre Cod Liver "So do I ; te-lie-he-he, to -he." Oil, with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. T. Walker, who lives in iynopsis o I r tito iwwspappr laws:_ EAN D IDINGXX The rapidity with which children I -A postmaster 19 rel-imi-ed to give gain flesh and- strength upon it is la,,e 0 Perhaps this i.,; the langtiago that Ocondarm township, near the' vii- (,tke 13Y Fit (retorning a pal) I Srthat,w-mi inveut%cl it) conceal thought. very wonderful. i tit countoes FIRE. AND _0 ,104 Throw bwelc Enitilsifin ifi cases of Ric an RM PROOF. Girls don't ghr" "I have used Scotts of N1 daloport, brant y not answer the lil,v) whoa a SubSeril", Rickets find was drilling rot, water a day or so not take his paper out of the office j you], heads, expand your pretty Marasmus of long when at a depth of &o' ;tate the reason for its not being taken. standing. In ago r 90 -oats, and laugh till the Welkin every ease the improvement was feet he struck oil. I Any negivot to do `o Ilial;eq the postillastel 0-1- thi le will send res',onsilillo to the pumisliel-s rm. payment. rings, � It will do 'you (; I goad etll(f rnarkad.;-J. D. MAIN, �J. D, New for an expert examino' ihq, find, .make all wlib hear you. hapljy.- York. Sold by . All Druggists, rOc and Ifolly onlars his llalpQll. dis-, S.. DAVIS,.,.- 00 rone up the syst , u I em and 'improv lithillvd; fl, '"mu,t pay all at earages,o) "Laoill aud the world laugl.- CLINTON, I the PIJ)disliel. to send it with you," the appetite by taking Aier's Saran- r I Parilla. It will make you feel like a wilo e 1111ollfit, J%j, -A woman in 11untingd,on, Conn., until' ayinoit k madv, and collect ti I _F T7 1R... 2�T I Ra :�D (,'iggln, and it won't give you I 1(ther it be talion frol, b L' has had nine husbands. 0,rhe grasp- new person. Thousands hove found the othee or 11 . I - credit rot- the sense you have, ot. There call tic no logo, ing monopolists are not all �b�n. health, and relief from suffering, by discoll,thiliallcu until tile �paynient is inalle. the use'Of,this great blood purifier, 3 -Any person Mio takes a paper frau.NEW STOCK NEW STORE! when all other means failed. name or allatilo, or whether lie hassub. CLINTON. who are exposed to the 0 111111 POPPING Till,' QUESTION 'CO A NARROW ESCAPE. the ilost-ofli) - diree A SC11150LINIA'M. People tel to Ili- ELLIOTT BLOCK, sudden changes of -While Mr. and Mrs. Scroggi .scribed bi- not, is responsible for the pay, our northern �0 0 8 climate have little chance of escap- were at church Sunday' flight- in Boston Courier, 4 -If a s-11111crilper ort, JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. lers Ili,; paper to b4 "Yes," said ,the a broke into their 3tj43pea at a curiain time, and the pulAisli. 4 ing colds, coughs, sore throat and Gupl h thieve' 0 young man as he 'lung troubles. The beat safe -guard back%oor with fill axe and ransack- or continues to ,en�l, it the Call at the New Store and see ilie stock of 0 ie subscriber I throw himself at the feet of the is to keep lIngyard's Pectoral Bill- ed the houses, t..ikiD.r7 all the jeWal bound. to pay for it if he takes it Hilt ol, till Bedroom an Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, 'Cliairs, Springs, ry post -office. Tliispi-ocee(Isiipontliegi-otint teacher, "I love yon and would go sam at hand. It is a quick relief they could find and $38 in MODOY, that a illall must pay for what he tIe. Mattresses, etc., slid general Household Furniture. The NN -11 the worla's,6111.1. for you." and reliable cul't, for such compla- r. ole Sindi is how the very lets. They also carried off it valise of M best mainifilettlici "You could not go to the end 0' 1, — ----------- W. J. Williams, a son of liov. Will. 17 51 JOS. CHIDLEY, one tillitor 14'est of Dickson'S Book Store. the world rot, filet jailles. Til, Williams of Lindsay, who 'A'as stop. P not tike ion" to demon- pit Aii&-Iii the Divi4ion.Cuiirt ill Goderich world, or tilt) earth, as itis called, -it will over Sunday with Mr. Sero"_ it the November sitting a newspaper plik - lisliql. sn'b'd 1,01. pay of llaur. Tile defend F T—T R _1 *-T I I rT T—T R T: I I (D is round like a ball, slightly flatten stroto the liwisdoni of allowing "ie"" Tile' valise cuutilinod several o Mormonism to rear its head in 'ibe 11 ed at- the poles, Ono of the first niort ,igesaudotl)ei,viituablepalyer,. int objected paying oil the giblitid that lie Canadian Northwest. In a letter Williams'lessons in elotneDtary geography is INTr, NVillialnw I" —AT— �s is .1 serious one, had ordered a former proprietor of the devoted to the shape of the "lobo. (1 "t t('d lost month Ifr- St011ehOU90; Ti�u suspected characters have been pit PC I, to fliscolytinne it. The jlld�e held t, dint that was not a valid' defence. The You must have studied it 'when a e%-WRP. for Cornox, 11, C., who is arrested, but no trace of the Inissinn, THE RED ROCKJIM STORE n phiintl1r, the present proprietor, had no boy. now '11141,11 priest OfA116 MOrwOn property has been found, nmice to discontinue Slid C011.1iffle'Clitly church near Lethbridge, N. W. T., "Of course I did, but 0 - could collect, altlioligli it Nviii, not denied PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. Special atten- states that the only criminal element that defendant bR41 notified former pro- . . ill bigamy is deception,all(I VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE is prictor to dis(,�ontinne. In any event tion Ili called to PARLOR SUITES-thay are of our own Inallillactal,e, Still for design, "And it is no long adds , "I a great aid to internal medicine in .defendant was bound to pay for the time Der a theory. inaterial and workmanship cannot be excelled fit the county. Circullin.,tvi-aturs have c8taUslied have still tograduato in nionogamy; the treatilient of scrofulous soresy he bad rccL!vud the paper and until lie S&Relnember, that all goods will be sold at. a BIG REDUCTION during the month the fact," bnt . when I I . lave one(! attained shell ulcers and and abscesses of all kind,4. had paid all arrears due forsubscription, tion, Of May. First come, first served. AN UPHOLSTERER always On 1-14 repairing We P •ITLIT-@7eft'nt t neatly and promptly attended to. mjw�fria- lig-w1teni d -to OF iU_ "fiter'll"11111'"" govern- -'-Some pors i Ito were % . t that I would. do anything to 1) le"i from dus v e being -.4 W,g IV 0 Inellts that will deter, tile roln seak-' 1, 0 calls to proi�ptiy. Y Ah ! Nifinorva, if,%joii know chivareed" by a. lot of young mo, - inc- higher bonors ill Illatrimorly." iiii g 1 a�50'0 the aching void�_Il fellows lived next door to Mr, - Ce -EF z t4 Cc 0 - -, = . "There is no such thing as A void,, Mermoniiin de6laring ti'lat his com- Corners, whoso wife Waii very ill 0ALB[OK & REITH Here fs the Canadian h4­&'1)rieqt of. Nlrillialli CI-(J%v8on, of Crowson's 9 E, P, A 1q.g"%M Nnhire abhors a vacum - 0 -actice, poly"linly in itild in a procariou'scondition. The Ell ca ALBERT STRER17, CLIN'rON. enmity will pi, gr, but admitting that there colild bo' 811ito of the Govorninom, "ll' Will ullllkvftil doings did'DoL uelma with such a thinly, how could the void induce and lend others in the same Ono ni-lit, b" ;ru j" trig'. Lit was continued for :1. g�-�Ma CW an aMio in it:" now settlement iiiii-d-,iton after elder health was very Card. 'I CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY you speak of be ;i void it' ,hero ,vas direction. Thoy have named their several evening.-', Mra. Crowson's I • seriously affected The Huron News -Record Corner likiron and Orange Streets, Clinton, moan to say thin any life will by the unearthly din , which wa,. FIRST - CL MAitERIAL ov;ct ASS be lonely without you, that you are kept ill) and her friorj(13 exhorted flag just j)lacvd, in stock another lot of ; �iCtpffa . Extra Hard Metal and UNSURIIASREb JR0.14 WOft&. my daily thoughts abil nightly CONS UNf """ON SURELY CURE, the authors tb�,rcof to doiist. They P41 EDITOR Repairing atilt Repainting, TO THC E It yon were in At -alia, did not null 1.9 a rosillt, were still'. dreauis. istL WORK WARRANTED,Ttj 621-y -0 or at the north pole I would fly to Please inforin your readers that I nioned before Squiro Strauge. At E r g " � " .0 ::., ­.__ 0 you. have a positive remedy for the above the tillio appointeil thoy appeared, : '" F_ , r * D - named disease, `!T• HH-d,'Z=,�o 0 "Fly! It will be another century 18 in Dumber,ii-nd they agrecing to CA SA 13Y its timely use 0 0 Mloz.-tyr FOR LE OR TO kET thousands of 61wless cases have been pay' the costs, nivittunting to between It. OUSE AND TWO LOTS for sale o . I- to jet, before men can fly. Even when permanently cured. I shall beglad a 0 14 $,�� I. .9 0 49 V the lawl,; of gravitation, are succeps. to send two bottles or my and $30, managed to arrange -f.f, A situate on Albert street. For particulars remedy Arivi(R To N10TI19114 -Are you dis- 1(* apply PRF.R to any of matturs; am Mayat T. COOPER & SON'S Grocery, Clinton fully Overcome thele will still re- your readers who litive amicably and f110 tirbed at hi ht Slod broken of your rest 13th, 1888. 496-'tf dropped without a trial. by a .0cic child sufrering and crying Willi main, says a late Qciptitific authority, consumption if they will send. me pain of Culling h? If a) send at their Express anfl P. U. address I Test If the difficulty of Illaintiliving a Res llcetfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUNT RELIABLE REMEDY Fol? T? nee and get a bottle of 1,111-swinglow's J. 0. STEVENSON, balance--" 37 lir"u. 0 Yongescreet,Teiranto,Ont, 499�' Soothing .4ysoli" for Children Teething, ;q 0, - nod relieve -�Wcpl, at all events," oxclaii Nl A'msm. Its value is incalculable. It Furniture Dealer, &c. Procure a battle of Hagyard's the poor ilitlesufrerer rnmediatel De- THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND 7 medicinedeal- pend npnn if, mothers; there is -no mis- the youth, "I've got a fitir balance-fnSt. Paul's church, Kingston, Yellow Oil from your -RE FUNERAL MUM& in the bank Find I want you to be the Bishop of Ontario stated on Sun er, and use according to direction,;, take about it, It cures Dvaentery and my wife. Thero day night that during his 26 years, 7, It cured Ida -Johnston, of Cornell, Dittrrhoett, regidates the Stomach Find Qpposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont "Woll, .James, since, you have cennection with the Episcopacy be Ont of that complaint, and she re, Bowels, cures Wind, Colic, softens ilie had confirmed -80,000 persons and no put it in that light, I--,' opened 166 churaties. mmends it as a sure cure. For 23 Gums, reduces Inflimmla!ion, years it has never fiii;od to give tong ane energy,.to the %vltol:o.iySgt111.e1.I TO THE FARIVIER'S! Let the curtain fall. satisfaction, "UrF, Winflow's soothing Syr Study your own interest till(] go where 111), for YIpe you emn get NATIONAL PILLS are a mild pur. 611dren teething is. plenstint to the laste ting on the Stomach, Liver and is tilt, pre.4tription of one of the oldest PREVAILING SICKN gatdi`,1,//9el8, removing all obstruc, --'After a three days trial, a Vi'3' and beat female physicians and nursep in toric 13 C. jury, last Friday, )'he most prevailing complaints at tiO118 found the United Stales, and is for sale by all this season are rheumatism, neural. Dr. G. Hamilton Griffin, fbrmerly of druggists throngbout, the world. Price Reliable 04 arnas, London and Stratford, Ontario, guilty 25c. a bottle. lie sure and Ask for ,,lire A� gig, sore throat, inflammations I manufacture none lint the BF8)V'4GF STOCH. o D b r r, rX 'Patilos T ions an' -Ragotte, a Winnipeg man, has of sending threatening letters to Winslow's Suothing Svrop," and take no ILL HEADS, NOTE Psereare o.rehops that sett ehrop, they ha vr in rn: I covered $5 damages I -A" congestions. For all these and -Llllr r, '000 against Tian. -Robert Dunsinuir And recom. other kill(]. Malls, Letter licads, Tap, lint to lie('. PT call And get ill�tees. Orders painful troubles Hagynrills yellow the C. P, R. for the death of his mended him to the ui�p-cy of the j state onto, Circulars, f3usitioss by mail protuplyatt6 ed to Oil is the best internal and ext�,rnal fattier whose foot was Cal Cards, Progean-nieg. remody. Ight lit a court, Judge Begbie sentenced him I -Beech litits are being sold in etc., printof - ' in it Nvorkoian.• ,Toru ay. 3EZ -E 3E1 IR., is' E"I'lop" frog. to Ave years penal aervitude. Pickering tit 2.5n. ppr qviart, elitk%'niftliner aviii at to%%, rates, a t WVII� NEWS -RECORD Office. HARNESS E.NIPOR _' y,0LVTj1q ONT.