HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 5. ■ a F Good rgains TarDecemberMonth. _0 O_O 0— being told more than once. The gpod things and the � � '1M6r_L_ &r_C� T0 1=2T - 1T0�L M3 WS OFFER THIS MONTH OYER CHERP, GOODS]mu st be seen tokn-ow 1lthat a BARGAIN is.inalCost X00Remants YQss 0Q� Yards 0 Look in and See if What We Say is Tme, ALSO _0% 20 dozen- Wool- Shawls, at 50 cents and 75 cents Each, We must and will gine Prices that will meet FORMER PRICE $1 AND $1.25. any schemeoffered to the Public to �„ —o—o—G get rid of Goods.- JOHN"""WISEMAN, 1 MANAGER. Estate • Hodgens u(ju* fie'ray M UU6 The Dry-Goods'1nlporium, Clinton. Cooper's Book Store I _ NOW IN TSE HURGROCERY Cooper" Block.Premiss IIAS NOW A FULL TINE OF 0 X -Mas Fruit, -,Layer Raisins, A,Grand Holiday Stock OF PLUSH AND LEATHER IOODS, VASES, BOOKLETS AND Valencias, Sultanas, Figs, Lemon, CARDS,, ANNUALS, TOYS, BOOKS, TOBOGGANS, SNOWSHOES, Orange and Citron Peels -'-Fresh. SLEIGHS, ote. IW Come and see OfJR NEW STORE and a SPLENDID NEW STOCK. A Special Blend of COFFEE—only House in Town that keeps it.. CROCKERY very chteap. Two Brooms -for, 25c. (47D T- Geo. Swallow,' Clinton, JOH.NSON _& ARMOUR, ---PRACTICAL FARM AND MARKET. ip, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Harness and Collar Makers. The "bears" Still control the wheal rptiE CRRDITORS OF JOSEPH TMIPLETON, 0 'markets. Prices in Chicago are about .L tette of the 'rownship of Stanley, in the the fervent quotations for montbs. County of Fluron, who dted on or about the 21st 1Iaving bought .the Business and Stook of Gel,. A. Sliari mn, tee are prepared to pny of arty, A. n. 1ssa, aro on or before thel fill all orders 111 our line at.the i;OR'T�S'f; LIVING 1'1tICF,S. ,\\'e su a both practical The stocks afloat to Great Britain ifi7�' DAY of JANUARY, lssn, lcorkmen mrd can gunrsutee a"superior class of work at moderate ratan, The material and the continent are large. to send to Isaac S:dkeld, of the Township of gill alga s be found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing ','a r<ttor of the y' . ' •h. Y. O. Aduu u t ' •h durst. decea a Qu ', ' teat lu roto o ., v s ,lendid nd n 1 LYt \\'e ha e a 1 1 dour a a• t r n•edecessor. a Trade •t h a liberal xitronn e s o 1 , favored wit s av ht e to he f o 1 g addresses C a 1 and nrnante, a e 1 ' brMtinu: s deceased there C P 111 cave nice cannot • 111 so a vo kmattshi and tantlst v ''t • utaterial t r almost at a S , ,nrticulareottheirclaims. ��. 1 htt.l lot > 7S a and daecription the"tulll line of 1CNtrLE IIAItNL 5, f! 1 N the domanrl. Faru.icrs ou.Saturtlay a statement of their accounts, ami the nature of he surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. sold wheat In T Oronto .at $1.07, In their security (it any) held by them, or In do faultthereofa said 9t daistratorwillimmedi- JOHNSON q�- /yRNA,f UR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. • Chicago $1.01 ie the present figure. otely after the said 1st day of January, 1839, � V 6ai. P� IiI� tt./ The Wheat markets are lower, proceed to distribute the Estate of the said r owing to stagnation in tho Cx )ort deceased to the parties antiticd thereto having. --- - r, regard only to such elainis as are sett iutb him business. Iu Chicago the kfty option within the tune aforesaid. T T /�'''� ( jD S T closed on Saturday at X1.03. ISAAC late JoLD, ./ ( .�-i ).1� 1 l �1 Administrator of the late , ECD, Templeton• 111!!! `..�! ✓ -i..� A...I TORONTO MARICETS.—Wileat $1..03 Dated 5th Novernhef, 1888, at Goderich. 523.61 to $1.25, the latter price for ,�lo. 1 ` 0 Manitoba hard. Birley 60c to' 650. l CG D R. •� O RT H I N GTO WW, Oats 368 to 37e. Peas Qac. POtQtE'f)e8 .Now 21alcksmith Shop 45c to 506 per bag. Eggs, fresh; �b7,,. Hag just received a Choice Now Stock of Buttor 16c to 19c, Hogs $6.50 ilio' STAPLE TRO-WITILL aijid asopenud outagsn &FANCY'GOODS G oral 13lackinni and Repair Shop fn the DPTROIT M.kRICETS'—\\ heat $0.0?2 hufiding lately occupied h)• y[r Gaulcy, north of to X1.01•. Barley 53C t0 640. ' t)aL9 Cantelon's carriagd works, Albert struct, Clinton. 27c to 299, Butter 1 Je to 228. Eggs Blacksmith0'11and iron work in all its brnnclres nn IIorse'Shoeing promptly attended to and saris• in TIVIPOIt'CED STATIONERY, BERLIN 'WOOLS, CHRTSTIIAS 21 e. Apples $1.110 to $1.50. taction gnarnnteed. The public are int•Ited to CARDS, BOOKLE'CS, S. S. LI$RARIES, CARDS & TICKETS, etc. BUFFALO 1\IARI:ET.—Graded Steers call before ordering any plass of work in the 1.500 to 1.600 lbs $5.00 to $5.35 shorn nose. , 497–tf GEortrr; TRot1-ItTLL Also in stock and always -on hand it complete supply of DRUGS, PA1'. from -1.300 to 1.400 lbs 83.80 to $4.65 ---- — ENT MEDICINES AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. 1i lit butchers from x•2.50 to $3.50. DL'TrTIERTNG RLSINESS-TIi$ UNDER - HO 3 $4.75 t0 $5.50. B signed wishes to intimate to the people of Hogs Clinton Intl icet th td emandntry, that in order << Beaver Blocl� " East Side of Albert Street, Clinton, tosuitably an meat the demands his very unmet• 3IARKE'P IlEBo1�T5. of Mr. I .Fitz, ho has bou>;bt out the business , of yfr, ft. Fitzsimons, and trill carry on the sante, (Corrected every Tu lay, afternoon.) Mt.h the choicest moats in season. Every effort- CLINTON. will be mntle to meet the ,wants of a.11, and he ;hopes to merit and receive a fair share of public Fall W......'........., old 1 00 to 6 00 patronage Lowest prteos for large orders. HRLL� GLINTON11 Fall Wheat new &Old 1 00 t0 1.03 Faru,ers'trnde-aspecialty, ALBl;R'PMAY. Spring Wheat ............. 1 00 to 1 03 Barley ...................... C 50 to 0 60C®RN FOR SALE Oats ......................... 0 32 to 0 32 ' 4 ^^ c Peas ......................... 0 58 to 0 58 AT THE �'.--���N_ RVBS��-��-,J- Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00, to 1 50 --ll���' - Potatoes ........... :........ 0 30 to 0 3v Clinton,,,:-'; 1d11�1S. --DEALER IN— Butter....................... 0a18 to 0 119 C l� , flEggs .......................... 0 17 to o 19, Whole or Ground. CHOICE FA MIL Y ORO OERIES. ay ...........................12 UO toff 00 Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00PRICES REASONABLE. Beef ............. :............ 0 UO to 0 001 — Wool ................. .. 0 20 to 0 25The befit of VALUE given in Pork ........................ 6 50 to 6 70 JAMES ' FAIR. China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White CHRISTMAS Clinton, July 17th, 1888. Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour, Meats, Canned Goods, Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. --- I RC)k3 CHI1�1i� �M' _ SO Nit " ry L`'1"i .. —A -D Poultpy Show I, CLINTON - COUNCIL - CHAMFER, MARKET SQUARE, SATURDAY, December 15. LIB37RAL 3=M1ZMS_ Under t aus he -ices.nf the HITRON CEN- TRAL TRAL EXHIBITION. 1V\(.J.10K-,0N, A.IT. '.1iANNTNG, Secretary: President. SHORTHORN BALL FOR SALE. ROYAL PILOT _10536= Dominion Short. horn Hord Book, first prize rvinner at the North-Western Exhibition ;red and white, calved March 6th, 1888 ; sired by Imp. Exeelsior -26113 (51233), noel his dam is the celebrated prize winner, latehless .of Elmhurst 6th, ate, Pedigree and terms sent on appllcntion to W. J. BIGGiNS, Elmhurst Farm, one utile south of G. T. R. Station,CLINTON,Ont., London Road. 624.4t Money to Lend at 6 per cent T. 1. F. HILLIARO, Itarrist.er', 51A•Bm Clinton, ont FOR SALE.. THE Sl7iiSCRiM11 offers for saln four eligible Cullding Lots Tmntinff,• nn Albert Street; also two fronting nn Rattenlmry, Street; either an 1,160 or in snlmrnte lntg, to snit pnrnhasers. For further parr rnlnrs apply tothe undcrOun,.d.-E, DINSLEY, Clinton. •382 K."7! Life - Insurance - Agents ! 001: A'r SA1I PLES OF COST IN A J IIO�lE CO3NIPANY: rift $1,000,_ Atte 25 Cent for 1885, also 1886. • SO 00 30 " •, a 35 30 ' ' ' .. 6 64 „ 40 , ,. ., .. a 93 „ 45 " .. 7 69 6o 8 88 0o „ " .. 14 97 6iir Definite Insul,nuce at the above rates. See 1110 t'efore you insure in any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for 851000 was about $35 for 1885, also for 1886 See its before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. FOR SALE OR RENT The "QUEEN'S t10TEL;' llaln street, Rayaeld now occupied by Mr. E, Elliott, will be•sold or lot on roasonable torus. Possession given 15th of December, 1888. Alsn„the FAIt\I of the understgned,close to vilhts;e of Rayllcld; 1•f0 acres, 70 cleared, 70 bush; will he gold or rented for a term of years. Llb- oral terms will be given. Apply to W. W. rONNOR, Bayfleld P. 0• November 14th, 1888 522--4t B11TC1( COTTACSF. FOR SALE. -The ghbscrib or offers for sale that very comfortable Cottage on I) 1. > street, at present occupied by "I 's, Broanleo. �t contains Nix moms and pan• ti•y 4nwngrnSrs, and large room g taIm The I ot Is a corner ryuarter Here, with h, rel and soft water. Will he sold on terms to stilt pureb,tger. i`or pnrtiduiars , apply to D• D1CICINSON, Auctioneer, or J. O. 1tLT,IOTT, Clinton.' , FRESH -,--.AND -: - RELIABLE, CHRISTMAS. —� NEW 'YEAR'S. Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for the fall and winter are very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. s \1'e aim to give the Rest Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buy'er's we offer many advantages. PRODUCT] TAKEN, CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. WE HEAD,.; THE PROCESSION, O_ I F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADiNC TAILOR. 0 This is the time of year Irreporetionsare bring made for WINTER CLOTHING. We arP' now showiu, a w/ell•uouglit and fine selected Stock of material for IW OVERCOATS to order,-%: including `IELLONS, BEAVERS, WORSTEDS, NAPS., VENETIANS,'etc. FOR SUITS our stock is one of the hest Nelected and most tashion- able to be found. IN ORDERED PANTS we have a Bonanza—,get R pair. FINE GOODS. LOW PRIOE``l, PERFECT SATISFACTION. F SPEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Albert Street, Clinton. n �. C. DETLOR & CO. OFFER THIS MONTH — Big 1g rives in_ Dless GoodS . ' U '1' lq have made it purchase`nf a lot of DRESS GOODS AT NEARLY HALF PRICE,, which they otter at Marvellously:-: Low:-: Prices, 0 New Plushes, New Fancy tSrlk and Velvet Dress Trimmings, New Mantle Cloths, NEW, MANTLE AND DRESS ORNA IPAENTS. J.,C. DETLOR & COMPANY Gr'eatClearingrGoods of AT " CHEAPSIDE." The undersigned has decided to clear out AT AC'T'UAL WHOLESALE PRICES the NENV STOCK of Dry,Goods at'dw tibove Establishment. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS zihd TWEEDS, will.be"sold REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES., and .HOSIERY, at -,IMMENSE BARGAINS. SHEL"PINGS; TOWELINGS, COTTONS, HATS!& .CAPS- all styles PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACHAN, and COIII)ITR.OY, at LESS THAN WHOL9SALE PRICE.'. SILK PLUSHES, worth' $5, selling at this sale for $2. RIBBONS, COLLARS -acid CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CORSEA'S, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SIIAWLS,'COM FORTERS, and VELVETS will he, sold at , PRICES TO CLEAN. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH o' THO'S.- JACKSO"N-41, SR.,, V zI ISTOVE I.L 3a , 2 LL r Call and see chew. CROPPING AXES, CATTLE CHAINS, ROPE BUILDERS' AND CARRiAf,E HARDWARE. ��/�� Iron &` Hardware Merchant' R. M. Rakey, CLINTON. ON. November, 1888 THE OLD RELIABLE . TEA STORE STILL LEADS! }laving bought the Grocery Stock of T rooter & Son, and being in a position. to buy my goods for Cash, I 1111 bound not to he uuilopsold by anyone in the tradn: I have just received a i\IMINIFICF.NT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the Novelties of the season. I neq ofrodlig Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for 1$2 50; Printed Sets, $3.75, worth 1$4.50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4.75, worth $5.50; Combination Dinner anrf Tea Sets, 85 pieces, 1$10,00 ; Dinner Sat, 97 pieces, $11.00; Combination Set, 100 pieces, 1$18.00, worth $20.00; China Tea Sets from $5 00 up ; Docorated Chamber Sets from $2.75 tzp ; China Cupe and Saucers, 10c., worth 950. , Fresh Peels, Figs. Dates, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods,, and Every- thing to be found in a First -Class Grocery, i JAMES—eMol 0ORE, CORNER S- EM ., •'til} - a � � _ - � - . F Good rgains TarDecemberMonth. _0 O_O 0— being told more than once. The gpod things and the � � '1M6r_L_ &r_C� T0 1=2T - 1T0�L M3 WS OFFER THIS MONTH OYER CHERP, GOODS]mu st be seen tokn-ow 1lthat a BARGAIN is.inalCost X00Remants YQss 0Q� Yards 0 Look in and See if What We Say is Tme, ALSO _0% 20 dozen- Wool- Shawls, at 50 cents and 75 cents Each, We must and will gine Prices that will meet FORMER PRICE $1 AND $1.25. any schemeoffered to the Public to �„ —o—o—G get rid of Goods.- JOHN"""WISEMAN, 1 MANAGER. Estate • Hodgens u(ju* fie'ray M UU6 The Dry-Goods'1nlporium, Clinton. Cooper's Book Store I _ NOW IN TSE HURGROCERY Cooper" Block.Premiss IIAS NOW A FULL TINE OF 0 X -Mas Fruit, -,Layer Raisins, A,Grand Holiday Stock OF PLUSH AND LEATHER IOODS, VASES, BOOKLETS AND Valencias, Sultanas, Figs, Lemon, CARDS,, ANNUALS, TOYS, BOOKS, TOBOGGANS, SNOWSHOES, Orange and Citron Peels -'-Fresh. SLEIGHS, ote. IW Come and see OfJR NEW STORE and a SPLENDID NEW STOCK. A Special Blend of COFFEE—only House in Town that keeps it.. CROCKERY very chteap. Two Brooms -for, 25c. (47D T- Geo. Swallow,' Clinton, JOH.NSON _& ARMOUR, ---PRACTICAL FARM AND MARKET. ip, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Harness and Collar Makers. The "bears" Still control the wheal rptiE CRRDITORS OF JOSEPH TMIPLETON, 0 'markets. Prices in Chicago are about .L tette of the 'rownship of Stanley, in the the fervent quotations for montbs. County of Fluron, who dted on or about the 21st 1Iaving bought .the Business and Stook of Gel,. A. Sliari mn, tee are prepared to pny of arty, A. n. 1ssa, aro on or before thel fill all orders 111 our line at.the i;OR'T�S'f; LIVING 1'1tICF,S. ,\\'e su a both practical The stocks afloat to Great Britain ifi7�' DAY of JANUARY, lssn, lcorkmen mrd can gunrsutee a"superior class of work at moderate ratan, The material and the continent are large. to send to Isaac S:dkeld, of the Township of gill alga s be found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing ','a r<ttor of the y' . ' •h. Y. O. Aduu u t ' •h durst. decea a Qu ', ' teat lu roto o ., v s ,lendid nd n 1 LYt \\'e ha e a 1 1 dour a a• t r n•edecessor. a Trade •t h a liberal xitronn e s o 1 , favored wit s av ht e to he f o 1 g addresses C a 1 and nrnante, a e 1 ' brMtinu: s deceased there C P 111 cave nice cannot • 111 so a vo kmattshi and tantlst v ''t • utaterial t r almost at a S , ,nrticulareottheirclaims. ��. 1 htt.l lot > 7S a and daecription the"tulll line of 1CNtrLE IIAItNL 5, f! 1 N the domanrl. Faru.icrs ou.Saturtlay a statement of their accounts, ami the nature of he surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. sold wheat In T Oronto .at $1.07, In their security (it any) held by them, or In do faultthereofa said 9t daistratorwillimmedi- JOHNSON q�- /yRNA,f UR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. • Chicago $1.01 ie the present figure. otely after the said 1st day of January, 1839, � V 6ai. P� IiI� tt./ The Wheat markets are lower, proceed to distribute the Estate of the said r owing to stagnation in tho Cx )ort deceased to the parties antiticd thereto having. --- - r, regard only to such elainis as are sett iutb him business. Iu Chicago the kfty option within the tune aforesaid. T T /�'''� ( jD S T closed on Saturday at X1.03. ISAAC late JoLD, ./ ( .�-i ).1� 1 l �1 Administrator of the late , ECD, Templeton• 111!!! `..�! ✓ -i..� A...I TORONTO MARICETS.—Wileat $1..03 Dated 5th Novernhef, 1888, at Goderich. 523.61 to $1.25, the latter price for ,�lo. 1 ` 0 Manitoba hard. Birley 60c to' 650. l CG D R. •� O RT H I N GTO WW, Oats 368 to 37e. Peas Qac. POtQtE'f)e8 .Now 21alcksmith Shop 45c to 506 per bag. Eggs, fresh; �b7,,. Hag just received a Choice Now Stock of Buttor 16c to 19c, Hogs $6.50 ilio' STAPLE TRO-WITILL aijid asopenud outagsn &FANCY'GOODS G oral 13lackinni and Repair Shop fn the DPTROIT M.kRICETS'—\\ heat $0.0?2 hufiding lately occupied h)• y[r Gaulcy, north of to X1.01•. Barley 53C t0 640. ' t)aL9 Cantelon's carriagd works, Albert struct, Clinton. 27c to 299, Butter 1 Je to 228. Eggs Blacksmith0'11and iron work in all its brnnclres nn IIorse'Shoeing promptly attended to and saris• in TIVIPOIt'CED STATIONERY, BERLIN 'WOOLS, CHRTSTIIAS 21 e. Apples $1.110 to $1.50. taction gnarnnteed. The public are int•Ited to CARDS, BOOKLE'CS, S. S. LI$RARIES, CARDS & TICKETS, etc. BUFFALO 1\IARI:ET.—Graded Steers call before ordering any plass of work in the 1.500 to 1.600 lbs $5.00 to $5.35 shorn nose. , 497–tf GEortrr; TRot1-ItTLL Also in stock and always -on hand it complete supply of DRUGS, PA1'. from -1.300 to 1.400 lbs 83.80 to $4.65 ---- — ENT MEDICINES AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. 1i lit butchers from x•2.50 to $3.50. DL'TrTIERTNG RLSINESS-TIi$ UNDER - HO 3 $4.75 t0 $5.50. B signed wishes to intimate to the people of Hogs Clinton Intl icet th td emandntry, that in order << Beaver Blocl� " East Side of Albert Street, Clinton, tosuitably an meat the demands his very unmet• 3IARKE'P IlEBo1�T5. of Mr. I .Fitz, ho has bou>;bt out the business , of yfr, ft. Fitzsimons, and trill carry on the sante, (Corrected every Tu lay, afternoon.) Mt.h the choicest moats in season. Every effort- CLINTON. will be mntle to meet the ,wants of a.11, and he ;hopes to merit and receive a fair share of public Fall W......'........., old 1 00 to 6 00 patronage Lowest prteos for large orders. HRLL� GLINTON11 Fall Wheat new &Old 1 00 t0 1.03 Faru,ers'trnde-aspecialty, ALBl;R'PMAY. Spring Wheat ............. 1 00 to 1 03 Barley ...................... C 50 to 0 60C®RN FOR SALE Oats ......................... 0 32 to 0 32 ' 4 ^^ c Peas ......................... 0 58 to 0 58 AT THE �'.--���N_ RVBS��-��-,J- Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00, to 1 50 --ll���' - Potatoes ........... :........ 0 30 to 0 3v Clinton,,,:-'; 1d11�1S. --DEALER IN— Butter....................... 0a18 to 0 119 C l� , flEggs .......................... 0 17 to o 19, Whole or Ground. CHOICE FA MIL Y ORO OERIES. ay ...........................12 UO toff 00 Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00PRICES REASONABLE. Beef ............. :............ 0 UO to 0 001 — Wool ................. .. 0 20 to 0 25The befit of VALUE given in Pork ........................ 6 50 to 6 70 JAMES ' FAIR. China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White CHRISTMAS Clinton, July 17th, 1888. Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour, Meats, Canned Goods, Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. --- I RC)k3 CHI1�1i� �M' _ SO Nit " ry L`'1"i .. —A -D Poultpy Show I, CLINTON - COUNCIL - CHAMFER, MARKET SQUARE, SATURDAY, December 15. LIB37RAL 3=M1ZMS_ Under t aus he -ices.nf the HITRON CEN- TRAL TRAL EXHIBITION. 1V\(.J.10K-,0N, A.IT. '.1iANNTNG, Secretary: President. SHORTHORN BALL FOR SALE. ROYAL PILOT _10536= Dominion Short. horn Hord Book, first prize rvinner at the North-Western Exhibition ;red and white, calved March 6th, 1888 ; sired by Imp. Exeelsior -26113 (51233), noel his dam is the celebrated prize winner, latehless .of Elmhurst 6th, ate, Pedigree and terms sent on appllcntion to W. J. BIGGiNS, Elmhurst Farm, one utile south of G. T. R. Station,CLINTON,Ont., London Road. 624.4t Money to Lend at 6 per cent T. 1. F. HILLIARO, Itarrist.er', 51A•Bm Clinton, ont FOR SALE.. THE Sl7iiSCRiM11 offers for saln four eligible Cullding Lots Tmntinff,• nn Albert Street; also two fronting nn Rattenlmry, Street; either an 1,160 or in snlmrnte lntg, to snit pnrnhasers. For further parr rnlnrs apply tothe undcrOun,.d.-E, DINSLEY, Clinton. •382 K."7! Life - Insurance - Agents ! 001: A'r SA1I PLES OF COST IN A J IIO�lE CO3NIPANY: rift $1,000,_ Atte 25 Cent for 1885, also 1886. • SO 00 30 " •, a 35 30 ' ' ' .. 6 64 „ 40 , ,. ., .. a 93 „ 45 " .. 7 69 6o 8 88 0o „ " .. 14 97 6iir Definite Insul,nuce at the above rates. See 1110 t'efore you insure in any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for 851000 was about $35 for 1885, also for 1886 See its before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. FOR SALE OR RENT The "QUEEN'S t10TEL;' llaln street, Rayaeld now occupied by Mr. E, Elliott, will be•sold or lot on roasonable torus. Possession given 15th of December, 1888. Alsn„the FAIt\I of the understgned,close to vilhts;e of Rayllcld; 1•f0 acres, 70 cleared, 70 bush; will he gold or rented for a term of years. Llb- oral terms will be given. Apply to W. W. rONNOR, Bayfleld P. 0• November 14th, 1888 522--4t B11TC1( COTTACSF. FOR SALE. -The ghbscrib or offers for sale that very comfortable Cottage on I) 1. > street, at present occupied by "I 's, Broanleo. �t contains Nix moms and pan• ti•y 4nwngrnSrs, and large room g taIm The I ot Is a corner ryuarter Here, with h, rel and soft water. Will he sold on terms to stilt pureb,tger. i`or pnrtiduiars , apply to D• D1CICINSON, Auctioneer, or J. O. 1tLT,IOTT, Clinton.' , FRESH -,--.AND -: - RELIABLE, CHRISTMAS. —� NEW 'YEAR'S. Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for the fall and winter are very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. s \1'e aim to give the Rest Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buy'er's we offer many advantages. PRODUCT] TAKEN, CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. WE HEAD,.; THE PROCESSION, O_ I F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADiNC TAILOR. 0 This is the time of year Irreporetionsare bring made for WINTER CLOTHING. We arP' now showiu, a w/ell•uouglit and fine selected Stock of material for IW OVERCOATS to order,-%: including `IELLONS, BEAVERS, WORSTEDS, NAPS., VENETIANS,'etc. FOR SUITS our stock is one of the hest Nelected and most tashion- able to be found. IN ORDERED PANTS we have a Bonanza—,get R pair. FINE GOODS. LOW PRIOE``l, PERFECT SATISFACTION. F SPEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Albert Street, Clinton. n �. C. DETLOR & CO. OFFER THIS MONTH — Big 1g rives in_ Dless GoodS . ' U '1' lq have made it purchase`nf a lot of DRESS GOODS AT NEARLY HALF PRICE,, which they otter at Marvellously:-: Low:-: Prices, 0 New Plushes, New Fancy tSrlk and Velvet Dress Trimmings, New Mantle Cloths, NEW, MANTLE AND DRESS ORNA IPAENTS. J.,C. DETLOR & COMPANY Gr'eatClearingrGoods of AT " CHEAPSIDE." The undersigned has decided to clear out AT AC'T'UAL WHOLESALE PRICES the NENV STOCK of Dry,Goods at'dw tibove Establishment. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS zihd TWEEDS, will.be"sold REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES., and .HOSIERY, at -,IMMENSE BARGAINS. SHEL"PINGS; TOWELINGS, COTTONS, HATS!& .CAPS- all styles PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACHAN, and COIII)ITR.OY, at LESS THAN WHOL9SALE PRICE.'. SILK PLUSHES, worth' $5, selling at this sale for $2. RIBBONS, COLLARS -acid CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CORSEA'S, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SIIAWLS,'COM FORTERS, and VELVETS will he, sold at , PRICES TO CLEAN. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH o' THO'S.- JACKSO"N-41, SR.,, V zI ISTOVE I.L 3a , 2 LL r Call and see chew. CROPPING AXES, CATTLE CHAINS, ROPE BUILDERS' AND CARRiAf,E HARDWARE. ��/�� Iron &` Hardware Merchant' R. M. Rakey, CLINTON. ON. November, 1888 THE OLD RELIABLE . TEA STORE STILL LEADS! }laving bought the Grocery Stock of T rooter & Son, and being in a position. to buy my goods for Cash, I 1111 bound not to he uuilopsold by anyone in the tradn: I have just received a i\IMINIFICF.NT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the Novelties of the season. I neq ofrodlig Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for 1$2 50; Printed Sets, $3.75, worth 1$4.50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4.75, worth $5.50; Combination Dinner anrf Tea Sets, 85 pieces, 1$10,00 ; Dinner Sat, 97 pieces, $11.00; Combination Set, 100 pieces, 1$18.00, worth $20.00; China Tea Sets from $5 00 up ; Docorated Chamber Sets from $2.75 tzp ; China Cupe and Saucers, 10c., worth 950. , Fresh Peels, Figs. Dates, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods,, and Every- thing to be found in a First -Class Grocery, i JAMES—eMol 0ORE, CORNER S- EM