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The Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 3
I s S IF 111111111 y BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT, is the ],est shape. The tree is in alcohol in the proportion of one listening at tele keyhole of the known by its fruit -Go and pay per cent in a tablet form, one of Bellamy parlor there smote a soundGREAT -VORUESPONDENCE. John Williams.' theses containing the 100th part of like unto that which is made by it ' We will at all tithes be pleased to a grain. The results so far are retired squash colliding forcibly receive itents of newel from Our 6c4b- CHRISTIAN AND MATERIAL PROUESS. very encouraging. It is called with the side of a brick house. scribers. We want a good•corres- Writing oil the question w1wthetr Trinitrin, and is nitro glycerine of--.- ondent in ever locality, not already a pure quality, possessing at ffrat REVOLTING DOINGS 1N ` ?� ,f J, y Rowan Catholic countries are less all the explosive ewers of that ` represented, to send Us 1ILLIASLE news. progressive than Protestant, the P P TORONTO. Freezitaats Journal (R. C.) says article. This last is removed by its RED h CTION SUBSCRIBERS. "The Hanseatic' League of the mixture with alcohol, and the Incident to the death of Lily Garman citieR from Cologne to the tablet is foruied of sugar, milk or Charlton, it young girl who died -`--- Patrons who do not receive their borders of Russia, were vaatly more other inert Hubstaner+s. There is a last week in Toronto from the effects 4 per regularly front the carrier or f9ourishiug in proportion before the Patient who has Bright's drseasd of an abortion, developments have —1N— thr)uoh their local post offices will now at the Jefferson medical uni- been made that would vie in infam- con era favor by reporting at this so-called Reformation than they Prices. f f J p have aver been since." And than varsity,at Philade+lphia, upon whom ousuess with the revolting scenes ffice ut once. Sztbscriptiozas znayit says : "The truth ia,of course,tliat thedosohas been gradually increased often disolused in the human slaugh-commence cat any tune. the 1)h'ristian religion bad but little Cantil at rho present time he is terhouses of Buffalo, Detroit or Newto do with the. productive capacitytaking folie dUHP.a of twenty grains York. The authgrities °are More 3 ADVERTiSERS. of any land or the commercial in- each per day, and so far the action than satisfied that the terrible w'orlc II II III�I i� - u ton the cireniation line] the kid• of the abortionist has been carne(} - - - - - --- Advertisers toill please bear in minae stincts of any race."I �- lJtat all "changes" of advertiseznents,Ileys give's the doctor,+ high hopon in Toronto for years, and that es of a,;Y ~�`•- >.:= ' 4o et)sure insertion, should be handed there are scores of young woolen, Having contracted for SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH in not latter than MONDAY NOON of AS YOU LIKE IT. -----___-__ _ _ apparently respectable, who have of each week. Met. CLUGSTON'S PROPOSAL. been operated upon, and who hap- Stoves J-A certain half witted character y+ } pp pen to recover from the effects, at a Bapgainbeing �skHd h a lad if he wanted Lsaat tvetll• a oung unmarried wo- _ C!R('lUL,1'!'ION. a Y Y "Calista 13:lllam m' happiness young THr NEws REaoRD has a larger to conform to the recommwidatiou is in your hands!" mail, whose name is withheld for l of the minister that all should kneel, the present, was taken to State' tae are in n nitiun to sell Stoves CHEAPER THAN EVER. The 'circulation than any other paper in . it Mortimer Clugston, who uttered p thio section, and as an advertising replica veru t�mphatically, Dever � a ' inspector Archtbold's roomaut} was Stoves err. I�ou„ht anti the Stoves MUST 13E SOLD, so call and get these words was the editor anti a bit will I kn«•el. The Bible says : ]tut through n rigid crOss•exanliu'a" Prices before urnhaaia medium has feiv equals in Ontario. , proprietor of The Doodleville P g Watch and pray, and goo clean tion in which she made several itn- Our books are open to those who , Yol er. He had ,leaded his suit ,• r � everybody watch oil their knells wi P 1' purtaut admissions, although thug If you wa,,t to have; CO\[FOIal in your borne and to S3\ F. ai0\I:1 to mean business. their een steekit 4 Na, na; I'll just with an button tont had broken do not bear upon the Charlton caso. FUEL, ger one of ,our NEW GEM FURNACES. a collar button and nearly loosened — stand and glower aieoot neo as I Rae It is thought, however, that should., J011 PRINTING. aye dune." a front tooth, and as ile stood await,- the Crowe see any possibility of a CROSSCUT SAWS, AXES, COW CHAINS, away down in price. ing the young lady s answer he y See our NEW EMBOSSED STOVE PIPES. Try our PARLOR failure of justice in the Chorlton The Job Department of this jour- -Rove Charles P0+]rltex Who could distiuctl feel the rnterest LIGHT COAL OIL it is a No. I and same rice as common oil. �' Y case they will indict Dr. Valentine + P real is one of the best equipped in has been writing his sermon, .lenit- `growing oil the nota of X16.38 due on another charge, anti so as to be Western Ontario, and a sitperior. ing up suddenly) -Maria, will you in one month, which he owed to prepa red to go oil they have collect -Harland lJros Alert -S l Clinton.class of work is rluaranteed at very take the children out of the room thn accommodating gentleman in . . 4077, prices. for a few minutes l Mr's, Ponndtrx Chicago who kindly edited the out- °d a mass of:evidence, many of the in sur rises Certain) m dear. side of hie a er for him. stateuienta being direct and to the P )- Y Y P P point. The authorities now know A FEW ERRATA. But-aro•they annoying you l Rev. Gathering courabe from hot- sil- of at least three cases of abortion .The Huron News -Record Poundtex-Not at ail ; but 1 have, once, he broke out again : that have boon performed within a -number $1.50 a Year—$1.35 In Advaiwe, ' Just slipped thb mucilage brush ill „ . { A crept lel l0 t{!tl Calista, ,your Inanuor leads me rocont period, and they are now story on the first page of last week's i --- the inkwell, ai'id I would like to be a � to hope. tiny I promise myself invHatigatiug a Inner revolting issue, writes A. \V.• 13ollew, in the j Dec. 12111 1SSS at lihcrty to make. a few rentarlcs• that von will fi,l Loo .chasm in m sane Tho Oun(r uuulturied `; Wednesday, }' Y your)(, Yankee Blude, the printer boing } B' d -A good colored brother in life that -or -yawns for you 1 A woman before referred to admit- intoxicatod awl tilt) oditor boing off i air A ,pI I x p p��� . Georgia recently wrote to his bishop .bright foturo,mny be yo -s, Calista' ted that she had taken a girl that is to say, ofI'on a. hnuting ex �- rlam �N 'dA for a cleriettl supply as follows : With you by my side as an assistant to lir. Valentine's for the par• peditiun: t t a "Send us a hisho to reach, If in an editorial career, as a proof- pose of having an abortion per- , „ ;, .. _ In memory ofJRH.NreLAss,�o,aged15years,who P P TQC shn fell into lit revel', read died in the summer of.1888 trout injuries sus• you can't send'us a bishop -seud u, roader, as a helper in folding papers formed, and after is good deal of +:Ieverie." tabled by it horse running away at her father's H sliding elder ; if you can't send Thursday afternoon, making up hesitation she confessed that a coik For "hes wore rod hoaklwl hair " faint in the Township of Mullett. Us a Hlidiner elder' send us a stationinailg, doing u) single wrappers ers altd taro martiod woman, glVing gel' ,� „ °, `;���„v ^�''�A��� r,{'•'�= o I S I P read ho waw- is huroditar • hoir. (m A ycnootHArs.) ary preacher ; if you can't send looking after the accounts of 'do- name, had two, if not L}]res abor- } z+t •� `:;3?fy��. ;,rte ,a Farewell, Jennie a long farewell ! hiul'seud its a circus rider ' if you liugnont subscribers I could make tions jperforuuid within four years. For "in front of Chu mansion he a ,:•yi. •;" ' .� Y he had a bull" pu) " roe,} to pull ' i 71r �jf Bcluved friend, thou art gone, can't spare hien send us a locus The Yelper evan.a.grreater .power in It appears that silo separated from I I + 1 For eternity to live where angel, tlaJell, the land than itis no her husband some year's „ago, and uF t.. ! •.. t li ll i; p; ?i ;y s.• preacher ; if you cant apare a ]onus t g While we are left to mourn. reacher send us an exhauster'' "MI.. Cingston," • said Miss soon after got into trouble. A For "darling, this ,is your nasal =- ;: •,- ,`!„ :;r,,. �. Disease, wasted not thy fair form, P „ "natal," i Or we would not grieve so born, That settled it, and hes got a preac Rollanly play I ask you wheat the barber of leer acquaintance under- morn,' lead Halal. _..._�.__- -- _.__._.._. , 'Taves dread accident that tore theo her. circulation of The Yelper is V tool: to help' her hide her sham©, For "I never was so awful hurt- J 1' Away from earth for evermore. "About a thousand, Miss Calista." and attempted himself to perforin " "angry." 1 I gay in my life, read angl•y.' -A p-'•rson of quality was one+ it I ant not the tress agent of a an abortion ata house on Sackville j'�''i ;;: �.�, ;'if,_9•_' ,.�, The cold and blighting blast of donth da walking. throe 1,1 a field when a i O For }oil say, she aro mo with, n Swepttierlies-youth fillforin Y g circus and menagerie, Mr. Clogs• atre'et. Ito failed, however, and - - a smile," road "satiate." And she has, lice a summer flower, bull addressed him in an undertone ton," replied the yours ; lady. "I Dr. Valentine was called in. The „ Aroi+'e�. ent tot :cu. c: r • t:• t:: t-� n " and ivado for hind with its head 1 or she did not for a moment cur; .. t; :.;, P--' .:.."I a' •e '�:wl Bowed before tete sweeping storm. am not getting up a newspaper tvouuau nearly diol from Cho in- cease her violent trombone," rend deatm.i,-r ..' ,•. norm_•, e Yes, she has sought that calin repose clown and horns in- a position to directory nor try`iug to make a con- juries received, but finally recover +,trembling " That virtuous souls re(pite,. raise him. He was a great official, a tract with you forradvertising a ad and within a year sh4 was iu When o'er these scenes of pain and woe } a } For "he gently throw ]tear played `�, a man of dignity and power and 'atont clothes wriD or. You Can trouble again. This titno i ig` " DR.�A���..�(��o� They sopa on wmgs'of light. P' g. a` t - w out shawl around het read plaid. N natural pomposity,, but lie ran, He afford to tell ilia the truth." stated, she went to Pr Valentine ,,, ' O, that she thus should Ittse her bloom ran surprisinglywell and ho of to ae p u ++ Fur sonic said it was the spi'nago I And no more to earth return ; , g Of.courso 1 only mean 1,000 in who cured her for $i5, but the Iiieningitio," read "spiunl." Throat''antl Lou: Sar; eon, of the fence first. He clambered over, round numbers, M actual circular barber skipped out without paying r 0, shall we meet where grief and care Y I P ! ' Y o For "Herbert, I know you rascal, Toronto. Make not the spit -it mourn l out of hrh d dignity, eatanand. tion is 386, but it is ;rowing every the fee. It is alleged that a . third b etc," rand `]risk all." }lel'; footsteps neer again. shall pre." - fount f the owller,Of, the bull calmly ,day, bliss Calista the world off three time the operation was performed For '•shtl saw h.ie..lip grip ale," Will be at the This earth aside of .ours, contemplating the operation. 'What quires more than The Jasper Herald by another m„edical man, but the „ Nor shall we roaurtogethn- where read gtoty pale. The golden sunshine pours. deo you mean by having an infuriat= of American Liberty does, anhe details tho,Joung woman could not. ]~or "is it possible ! And me owe Rattehb ouse ed animal like that. roaming over claims 1,600. In less than a year.. give. for b Ceti with nothin" to sustain She is not het;e ! but in.a fairer Clime the fields?' ' Well, I suppose that j'ou and I could make even -the.cir. J A fete minutes after the young „Q` ' "overboard," \Vltere the bright leaf fadeth never mo,. .read OvorbOal'd, eNTOiN. the bull has. some right. . in the dilation of ,Doc. Reeve"s Pinhook unniarried woman 'left head carters Where the lav'd feel not too touch•oftinpe B q For "lie throw both,•arms around Her freed soul it will rest farvcI-, field--', ' liight'f right ! . Do' you Jii ger ecce: mighty sick, another delicate -looking woman „ MEMBER 19, The home circle Lata been broken ; know who I am' Hir 4 Do you know " hxcuso the question, 'Dlr. Clugs- was escorted to Inspector Areh'a' her ancient maiden scut, etc; r Death has claimed the first fitir flower ` y ' a period after "her." Forenoon. a•lio,1• am 4' The farmer shook Ria. tong but have you a Itaying advertis- bold.'s rooms, whore she was exemia- For ""but my age must be' -re - And life's golden bum•} lies shattered- i, Had, ' I Hir-I. am Genoral—,-' ing patronage In ed by the County Croton 'Attorney. „ e + I A few the rrtuitiveaa enroa by Det. Jennie dwells in u heavuuly bowor. numbered ioati ' relnembor. ` Why on earth didnet you tell -the ." Advertising Thorn hasn't been After some hesitation she. confessed ' w sinlvGTo1al New 1lfewoa Let us fold the snow roto For "you era my last darling," gond of ru►.alat.lm► Y bell Z' an issue of .The Yelper for three to having twice been operated upon,, "lost?•' •• II. storey, or stotay t� sen, ,rombeent Round her with a gentle grace ; years that has had less than $1,50 and gave all the, details as to when, „ ++ lore w;uaifarey. of of Acton, Ont., pouredroini by Gently, geirtly, close her eyes, —Once a week there is a cosy For I ani thin, I am wholly thin. g worth of pay locals for Macey s re- where, and by whom Site col' „ „ lir. Washington of catarrh of the throat, bad The coffin lid slots e'cr her face. tea-party givtua in the comfortable read thine, I form, and pronounced • incurable by eminent In the cold ntoistearth we laid her vOlvirrg clothes drier of cod livor oil rOb01'ated the 9tOl'y Of the yUUllg slecciallAsin Canada and Fagland, write hhn When the latest cast its leaf, drawing room of the manse of Glen- inserted ne'x't to pure reading matte]• unmarried woman, and gave ad- --'�- for particulars, b And we wept that ono so lovely latur, and the ambition of the on the editorial page, 1 have a trunk ditional inforidation of an import- r ; p AD101G TITI' HUTS I IIiE l Ciuoufe 13aoncl.itiswudAsthuta Corea Should have a life so brief. villave girls is to be invited thereto. full of due billa•froni sewing machine ant character. LAND. An English Church Clergyman speaks, One Thursday a guy group was �._ Rectory, Cornwall. out. Lies she with folded lily hands companies, organ manufacturers, DR. WAanlSeTUH Lightly an her breast ; gathered round th,o firHHide, wliile ant-] mo" rieturs of latentrwind-mills LOVE IaNOWS NO BARRIERS. Lt three days t ie I bad visited the 'ministers wife was entertaining l P I Y DRAB SIR, -1 11111 glad t0•bC able to lnfOrnl you Her pain and -sorrow now are o'er, t, to apply on the pivrebase of those nearly 1200 lilttis and cabins;in the that our daughter is quite well agaap. As this is Peaceful is her rest. her guests with some tales of her the second title#, she has been eyred, of grave Gently Boar her froth poi hwnc, articles when I want to. buy theta ; Quite a romantic tale comes froth wilds, of nishoweu, The more bronchial troubles under your treatment, when' dart life including of course those t. ++ the usual remedies hailed, Iwritetoex express m' \1 Rich is filled with Inco Y ' g ' and out in my coal sod I have the village of Chambly, I Province of mentio of the words, I am front P y gloom, mo tlentoua events, her courtship „ gratitude. Ileus#, accept wy sincere than]". She can dwell no longer there,P patent medicine enough, paid for in Quebec. Some months since, so the A,mo}} ca, was the magical talisman Yours truly, Lay her in the tomb. and marriage. "Ah : you'vd a advertising, to kill a regiment of story goes, -a son of Mr, Josoph o 6'uing every door and heart, Mrs Jno M#,iculry,, Kingston, out.°cainr in i Dust to dust sod earth to earth good, good husband, dear D7lrR. S-„ Bengal tigers. I always travel on a Dewe 16 eats of age fell des ler- Heav'a bless o for that !" "Itaal- consum ten. g Y Y, Y o+ 1 Y p Spirit to her God, ` said one of her guests, not noticing railroad pass,good' anywhere be aL01 ' Ill love w1L}1' Dlrlle. LOtI't 8" 1 nOtV—an' O'I'H' telllu' fn0 `� + John SlclCelay, Icirrgnton, Out, Catarrh. d Y y— Y DIr A Hopping, Kingston, Ont, Broncho Consump. now we now in hope and trust that the minister had just. entered 'tween Saluda and IIarker's Corners. Lajouuesao, a first cousin of AI nip May ye be saved for the�roat jouru tion. To the chasteloing rod. ee + „ „ , Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Out, Catarrh, head and this recut. I "I've made up my I never eget less than seven coo- the world renowned cantata' ,who ay home ! Ah, now, but that's tercet. Gent] , li lite heap the earth , o Y r Y' mind that I wont marry until I limentar tickets whenever a cir- will be remembered to h, a been a the fine county, altogether !" Dfrs,Jno Bertram, Harrowsmith, Ont, ndai, Ring - steel, her quiet breast ' P Y Y, steel, Catarrh, throat. Softly, mournfully, -turn ave' find a perfect man." ° "My dear ccs and menagerie comes to Doodle-' Miss Lajeunesse anti likowiso a "And did ye see my .Dennis ' MLssMaryA Rmnhor:rg,Centreville, Out, aturrh Front her place of rest. young lady," said the minister sly- ville and ever wedding in the native of Chanib] Although Miss "Woe e. corrin' u wid m ould h'""I throat. + Y a t Y• a Y P Y Jamas Mathews, 11. Master, Acton Out ly, "let ilio advise you to take neighborhood brings me in a box of Letitia was five ' ars older than her man, sir V "Faith, but our Kety'a A EtFiA, Conts Furnishing, Belleviile,Catarrh warning by the fate of Naomi, the assorted acres of calce. I tell oil youthful Tuve ind a Roman Catho- there !" "Ma the blessed saiuts throat. TIIEOLOGIG�AL THOU GHT. P you, Y John Phippt,n P. O. Sandhurst Out, (nearNapa• dao hter of Enoch. She too de- Miss Calista The Yelper is hum lid while five 0 a Protestantthe show a our Phadrick when o're nee),e'tarrhhead and throat Radcase Glared-Rai=_to-t-entiox--of-find+n rr s1Q*_ i more vats d'art-jad-ror= *y''fra ti0nssr!trt"d--to+mve-lymr:-ba�k !"--a157 a iiunilre'd'Iiko�-gree - - - "�1t7iii C zil ZIIT xD`H); sArLEB -" r _-I>�,r_.a -- 1 a-aii =sTae as -eve sing; Alto ,Ife, I , e;a -tl —av -I >ro a de i a• ]tiesUtrr' a �v,1G - - _ N The Afid,Continental Says :-At hundred anti eighty years old when been copi-ed into, .rho Brimfiold Fr ch-Caundian lady. lIcre, how- from the region of tears ill them, O O Q `O _ a prayer meeting down East, a mann she wail married. And the girl's Tomahawk and Eureka. Thunder- I er, the trouble came in, as tbb were showered upon me ; and iiiay VnJ/ U �� N V 0 noted for' his failures to meet huHi, confusion was covered by the bolt, and pronounced• ilio able cure of Chanibly rofused to marry I be forgivon where heart's hunger. /W -1 �a ness obligations, roses to speak. The hearty laugh of all prosent. articles on chinehbngs in cornj�eid the young couple and advised them is counted on crime for the mild W sulij'>ct was: "What skull 1. -do to be, -'What would you advise, doe, the moral influences of wo n in to go and see the Archbishop of anti comforting lies that I told (f) X . '� o saved Z" He commenced s1rFw ly to ' for l" groaned the young man the politics that• have been j�Anted in Dtontreal, or the administrator of them, 9 ►�1 O � ;a 04 quote the word,: -`What shall I next morning after the banquet., an} of the papers for m,id.es around; tho diocese. � But one of the whole- simple host, � O O � � 6 .o do to be save+{Z IIA paused, looked eMy advice, air,' replied the physi, and I have been pro rnently men• On the other hand rho boy a par- ,t boor old woman living alone with a% .�+ a""' O v m.4 around and Haid again: -'What cine, after fe elfin„ his caller's pul$P, tioned as a Candi( a for the posi- ents failed to realize that anything a goat and a pig ices hut, turned a-► 0 b 'a n Shail 1 do' to to he RRved4' Again oxaueining his tongue and ponder- tion of delegat o the district lodge so serious as matrimony tvaa con- upon me. Had I coon her Michael �. ]r7•r• a o M with more solunut tone lie repeated inn (iHH Iv a few moments 'iR that of Good Ter )lags." templated by Choir son, although it darlin', who the next blessed year „� ' .a a a the question of q'uP4tions, when a you give up all thoughts of business "I am t insensiblo to the des- is alleged' that Madame Lajounesse would being her out4 I had not; �^ QJ � 3�,, 'ter aN.6 voice front tilt- assembly, in a clear for rho cloy, return to your residence, tinetio you offer �� to confor upon encouraged the Rehome to a ceptain but would find hint. Silo was as. a O 3 O and distinct -token, replied :-'Go retire cl your apartment, have some me, r. Clugston, said the young extent, Dir. Dewey bad, in the June dayof deli++ht until that fatal �-+ '� and pay John Williams for that water heated to the boiling point, 1 y softly. "I will he your wife wenntimo, made arrangements to denial. Nu matter •for my brilliant U O C4 M yoke of oxort.' n condition that it shall not bra a send the lied to the Methodist Inst]= exposition Of America's'geogro th o procure a number of clean cotton 1 D o i Y, as part of my f,uty to wash the office tute in Montreal, and the other day its wide expanse,' it unuiberloss "Tile incident stirs u�t snlunrn bandages dip them carefully in a !; thought,- A great malty people be- water, apply them to the he as towel." the boy, hav:ug got a upessa4e tile- cities. Ah, whero Dlichad was was " Wash the office towel Calista !" livered to Iiia father purporting to hoe• America entire) And God fore they can be, saved, or guide hot as you can beer thea keep ' Y• others to the Saviour will -have to them constantly moisto replace exclaimed Mortimer Clugston, as be from ]leu. DIr. Taylor, saying to blear the Lrneolrl soul of a mother "go and pay John Williams" the ing Hnch.handage by rash one aR his hair rose straight up oil and in send the youngster along his trunks for it, though silo did alum tlio door money they honestly cave him, soon as it 1) 11 noticeably re 1�'C'U RE a Paroxysm of amazement : " We- word packed and off ho went to col- upon me and glare unassailablo never wash it. so help uta Benjamin loge. dofiance through the littlA window Slit-owd tricksters in the marts of due:t,d in temp�a� ature. Diaintain ' the w;rrld are not shrowd gnough to this method cif treatment for six Franklin 1 �VhAD it isn't in use `I'ho next morning, however, from her sacro, white face, until the bo dux IonHHt at ]mart and retain the hours anri oil will be relieved.' for brealciDg kindlings or propping affairs assumed n serious turn, when frills of her ancient cap danced like Up 'a window it always stands be- it was discoverod that Miss La eu favor of God, who 'Invem purity in ChristP er Cu!umbus !' ejaculated P ' y J wind swept heather among rho hills. FITS , hind the door. Oh Calista ! are nesse had also loft for parts -Edgar L. Wakeman. the inward parts.' Neither can a the nnG man, an hour or two ' you mine at last 4' unknown. anti the Rnwo day agen- When I say Orrin Idonot.mean merely to hope of the world to come bo like a ]at , while carrying out these - -- -- ;top them for atiino,and .then have them re The neighborhood cats wailed do nine dos titch Was received from the Rhdet-anchor in the Houl of any one strtictionat 'T paid thht doctor s ° p` SOUND ADVICE:.—Those having sates of any urn again. I the a RADICAL CURF. IiriouRly their touching notes of principal. of ilio Aftentroal institil kind should consider Unitltisjustasnnporta1et Ihavemadethedtseaseoi who rolls God by being dishonP;"i 't for telling me'to go home and Hoak despairing love and defiant hate, tion, which told at Orion that the to have their posters prQperly'diepplaved andap• Ria fellow m tn. m head.' petfr Beat and attraetrye, am it is to hava°'n good �.W'+w79 EPZLEP�Y or Y the pensive frogs in the adjacent first 011e }lad linen a clHvorly COn• auctioneer. TunNRws.RRCnRa mah"Raspocialty >�ATTTIT� CTfV1:l1T�ClQ "Thousands read no other,s�ile -'Do you know that nitro. pond discoursed monotonously in cocted forgery. experleinceclass togivey,outhey w� t yea want at,land very i.i3i�L8ia A1iVi1\i� w�w�! than tho lives of those wh /'profess glycerine bids fair._ to become an Vola euk the belated Bellamycow Effort9 wore inade to capture the reasonable prices. A1ffolongstudy. Y WARRANT my remedy to P OvitR tele worst Cages. Because others have to be following itH precu;f0H in their important rAmody for diseases of bawled loudly her purposct to stand runaway couple, but in vaiti,.. _boy - _- failed is no reason for not nowrecetvin scum dailylivesX11r1T1b11i The, r atest nood of the kidnr. s and for Home tinin ast at too , Mass, and STRAY STOCK ADVER- BondetonceforatreatiseandaFRsahoTTO Y , P gate of the baru}Tard and reached Worcester, C' . -.."STRAY oMYp INFALLIBLE RICMEI)Y. Give Express ,,,r -'J I_ TISF.\IFNTS inscrtod in Tuts p�lid P01t OMee. It Costa O the choreeer(:, npClght has been experimentally tried ill blaspheme until some body came to were married, and the young mall is .+ Nitwit Retcoltn lit lowratoy. The law trial,and Itwill, turd you yAddressng or e livingvsknown and cases of Pright's disease ! Accor- lilt her in, and upon the our of the clerking it while his Wifo is work- makesIt compulsory to advm•tise stray stock. Dr IL q•. ROOT. ST Yos 9.R Toronto Oat. readof all s neer: man I ding to the formula it is re seed ulild•lookin old lad . who was ing in a (lros`smakinn ostablishmont. I if yon wantany kind of advertising, y"" cannot T tt p (l a P P g Y o a a better than call on ^Tho News-Rccord," t n r ti� •