HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 2q would bite, or stinry the jilted that o UANAD:A IN DANGER I INDULGENCES AGAIN, about tli, roam endeavoring to yer fare, Joe •V 14 that] bis hands, seems to linva tAiigh6 th�rli would i, Tenn., and could look down into Clinton is the most prosperous town ill u - 1s ruDLi'HEu. Every WHdtzesday Mrarnitlg' �`lg efiicf7">}0 u f r reproducingF9 _ k. or a.long, tic t e :eaten and h -w, such Irish newspapers as the Irish We are u o of alone in our plain speaking about the matter of Indul- got by the shielding wife anti reauh ed Bruce, )vhen the latter, who is of ktad o.r religun, "an' rte a wants a mighty eight logo of you! Git —.DY— scent numbers st few extrats front -t' World, of New York, have refrained •gencee. Our contemporary, the gia4t frame, struggled to his feet, : e „ ritzht down an shpt 1 w�`tw`�J r� oCwti► of THE NEwvs-ItttOonv: from brag and bluster and bounce Lutheran Observer, has recently and in a dying effort struck Hacker i ' (` he >t;Y.e" Qtt11� �+ R�AIk . would bite, or stinry the jilted that o UANAD:A IN DANGER I INDULGENCES AGAIN, about tli, roam endeavoring to yer fare, Joe •V 14 that] bis hands, seems to linva tAiigh6 th�rli would i, Tenn., and could look down into Clinton is the most prosperous town ill again gas t Briice.g Re fleetly did settleme.gn wants�noge of your 1s ruDLi'HEu. Every WHdtzesday Mrarnitlg' �`lg efiicf7">}0 u f r reproducingF9 _ k. or a.long, tic t e :eaten and h -w, such Irish newspapers as the Irish We are u o of alone in our plain speaking about the matter of Indul- got by the shielding wife anti reauh ed Bruce, )vhen the latter, who is of ktad o.r religun, "an' rte a wants a mighty eight logo of you! Git —.DY— scent numbers st few extrats front -t' World, of New York, have refrained •gencee. Our contemporary, the gia4t frame, struggled to his feet, : e „ ritzht down an shpt 1 w�`tw`�J r� oCwti► of THE NEwvs-ItttOonv: from brag and bluster and bounce Lutheran Observer, has recently and in a dying effort struck Hacker "Hain't I not religion V demand- peer of any nation in the world ex- OUR NATURAL AND NODLM RIRTHRIOHT. a�'ALnet (,sued%. Ever since the touched upon the subject, and it is a blow oil the head, which made a ed Joe. 'a^F TUSIR July 4, hiss. Isar Feniau raid, 4u fact, that have a pity that what it has to say could a coward of him, as he fled, dodging „ Has a War gut wings 4t answered POWER Pi�ES,IS PRI.NTINQ HOUSE, The British Empire encloses with- shown themselves less truculent, not be read by every intelligent ' the police outside, and is still at Due of the women. The Lord 'Ottita�rlAU Street., Clifton. in its area one, fifth of the globe. The Dominion Of C444411k :covers The childish cowardice and utter lack of anything like discipline or lay Catholic in the land. In very strong contrast to the Observers large. Bruce is at one of the hos- � wouldn't hev ye, Joe, an'you know M $1.50 a Year—$1.26 in Adv!arace. about one-half the arrestiol she whole Empire. " Inbabited by a organization, and the incapacity of " method of dealing with the matter pirate. , it. You s too onery all through. You, s too lazy to hold to religion if elation of the magnitude of our g ntrv,itsprivileges,blessingst.ndposei• people whose- physical ,p><qa ese has been, well likened to that of the their g enerate," which made thou- I sands of men completely helpless stands otit that of the Catholic Sian- dard. The latter journal has been A MOUNTAIN REVLV QLIST. you g of it - The propril:torsol DIEGODERIORNEws, 1' es and lout Spartans at Thermopylae when faced by a scure or two of presenting to its readers a long --- "He's jilt got to abet I" shouted $1.50 a Year --01.25 In Advance. Weditesdaty. Dec. 12tL, 1888 CA AT,4 DA, O UR CO UNTR F The remarks of Dr. Peers, sit Syracuse', New York State, which we reproduced last -week, marks that gentlemav asa thoroughly representative Canadiau, lie.voiced the best sentiment of our people, aud.Ttiu NL:ws-RECORD . is pat'tiCtl- larly pleased to ti-ud that it has found an echo. in all paidotic hearts, throughout this wast Dominion. We are especially deliglited to find such general iuterest'inand approv- at of Dr. Beer's remarks'froin the fact that they are to a very great ex- tent identical with the editorials of this journal all along, and more particularly during the last three or four months. We have always 'riid'uulimiied faith in our cuuutry, and our people, and find that we are alpsdly in touch with- nine- teuths4 of our fallow couutrvrnec. The reception in Canada of Dr. Beer's speech showv's that our people do possess Me high, the exalted, the sublime emotions of patriotism which -we' have always given them credit for. A patriotism which, soaring towards heavon, rises far above All mean,low and selfish things and is absorbed by soul transport- ing thoughts of the good and glory ofourcountry. A patriotism -vhich cAchiug its inspiration from the immortal God of all, Gua leaving, at an immeasurable distance below all, - _-�r;r`t�`==g'to-v-of-`i�+b �r�o- 'K�'�"'-tom-'• ,r terests,should they stand in the wavy, animates and prompts to self respect, self reliance and devotion to country. This is public virtue and we" are glad that it is possessed by our people in spite of bine ruin croakers, the blandish- mont of occasional renegades and the j•udas traitors whose pieces of foreign ,silver have Corrupted a portion of ilio public press of the country, But those traitorous utter- ances• have boon treated with that contempt and scorn they deserve. Ciail.rdiau i are freemen. It cannot be expected that We will bow down to the foreign would be Absorber And would be conqueror of our country. As an old time South Carolina Senator, Hon. George MeDuffiv,- said, after depicting the oppressive tyranny of the Northern States, `its it to be expected, then, that freemen will patiently bow clown and kiss the rod of the oppressor'l Freemen did I any 4 Why, sir, apy one who has the form andboarsthe name of man— Bay, a beast that wants discourse of mason, a dog, a shoep, a ioptile— the vilest thing that crawls upon the earth, ivithout the gift to Com- lprohond the injustice of its in,jurive, * • • • With the traditionary having purchaser Is usln s p of THE HU40N RECORD, will in future list of authorities defining the doe- pabliell tttearnalgamatedpapers inClinton, another woman. under the title of "TnE HURON NE+Ya- hands, seems to linva tAiigh6 th�rli REcoRD." Tenn., and could look down into Clinton is the most prosperous town ill ` Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable Interpreted by these authorities the manufacturing, and the centre of the finest the Gospel V asked Joe. agricultural section in Ontario. Since the late election, however, The combined circulation of Tiin NEws valleys in all the state, when I REOORD exceeds that of any paper pub• i;^: ished in the County of Huron. It is, '' therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising 5.. medium. g ape which oozed out of them at the SWRates of advertising liberal, and ahead. I came nearer I disco furnished on application. peer of any nation in the world ex- ¢ffParties making contracts for a specs ^interpretation made by the facts is fled time, who discontinue their adv ertiae- pizen, and that's all than' is to it." ment, before the expiry of the Battle, will have returued, and the Irish World be charged full rates. ]took in his ]land. He was a hard Advertisements, without instructions as there may be few who are not in- to space and time, will be lelf to the judg- other. It is utterly useless to nient of.*tile compositor in the pis play, in• by a ' queried the alleged revivalist. averted until forbidden, measured about Canada. These blustering scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the and unwashed, and he sung with inch), and charged 10 cents a lino for first Scott and who delight in belittle- insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub- when they have become matter of sequent insertion. Orders to discontinue e•. advertisements must be in writing. >:• ` SW Notices set as READING MATTER. (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12 was crazy. However, as soon as he 3 , lines to the itch) charged at the rate of elation of the magnitude of our g ntrv,itsprivileges,blessingst.ndposei• 10 cents a line for each insertion. - As we took occiasion to 'r►y some JOB WORK. waitin an the three children ar , than a waitin' oil jlet up We have one of the best appointed Job their own capacity for conquest, but Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable us to do all kinds "Be Dot afraid strauger • I am of work—from a calling card -o a mammoth nese that nine tenths of our people poster, in the best style known to the way to oblfterato the scandal and Draft, and at the lowest possible rates the Lorri alone. If don't do it 'Orders by mail promptly attended to. } Address The News -Record, mouths ago I was the most shuck- Clinton. Ont ' - The #urr-e News -Record $1.50 a Year --01.25 In Advance. Weditesdaty. Dec. 12tL, 1888 CA AT,4 DA, O UR CO UNTR F The remarks of Dr. Peers, sit Syracuse', New York State, which we reproduced last -week, marks that gentlemav asa thoroughly representative Canadiau, lie.voiced the best sentiment of our people, aud.Ttiu NL:ws-RECORD . is pat'tiCtl- larly pleased to ti-ud that it has found an echo. in all paidotic hearts, throughout this wast Dominion. We are especially deliglited to find such general iuterest'inand approv- at of Dr. Beer's remarks'froin the fact that they are to a very great ex- tent identical with the editorials of this journal all along, and more particularly during the last three or four months. We have always 'riid'uulimiied faith in our cuuutry, and our people, and find that we are alpsdly in touch with- nine- teuths4 of our fallow couutrvrnec. The reception in Canada of Dr. Beer's speech showv's that our people do possess Me high, the exalted, the sublime emotions of patriotism which -we' have always given them credit for. A patriotism which, soaring towards heavon, rises far above All mean,low and selfish things and is absorbed by soul transport- ing thoughts of the good and glory ofourcountry. A patriotism -vhich cAchiug its inspiration from the immortal God of all, Gua leaving, at an immeasurable distance below all, - _-�r;r`t�`==g'to-v-of-`i�+b �r�o- 'K�'�"'-tom-'• ,r terests,should they stand in the wavy, animates and prompts to self respect, self reliance and devotion to country. This is public virtue and we" are glad that it is possessed by our people in spite of bine ruin croakers, the blandish- mont of occasional renegades and the j•udas traitors whose pieces of foreign ,silver have Corrupted a portion of ilio public press of the country, But those traitorous utter- ances• have boon treated with that contempt and scorn they deserve. Ciail.rdiau i are freemen. It cannot be expected that We will bow down to the foreign would be Absorber And would be conqueror of our country. As an old time South Carolina Senator, Hon. George MeDuffiv,- said, after depicting the oppressive tyranny of the Northern States, `its it to be expected, then, that freemen will patiently bow clown and kiss the rod of the oppressor'l Freemen did I any 4 Why, sir, apy one who has the form andboarsthe name of man— Bay, a beast that wants discourse of mason, a dog, a shoep, a ioptile— the vilest thing that crawls upon the earth, ivithout the gift to Com- lprohond the injustice of its in,jurive, * • • • With the traditionary stout farmers with rifles in their list of authorities defining the doe- I was well above Rogersville, another woman. prEatige which, history concedes s14 hands, seems to linva tAiigh6 th�rli trine and tliQorlr i2f iuit1lgeo. es. Tenn., and could look down into "H'in't I got no call to spread' and the possession of immense self-knowledge if nothing more. Interpreted by these authorities the some of the prettiest coves sand the Gospel V asked Joe. material resources, the well earned increment of valor and prestige, it is Since the late election, however, indulgences do not come out in valleys in all the state, when I "Far call,"answered one of the Y no iddle boast to say that Canada some of the Bob Acre sort of coot- their mosthideouecharacter. Black voice hoard n voice sin inn u the trail singing o it •• men who had spoken before. You stands today before the world the g ape which oozed out of them at the Assumes a less inky hue. But the ahead. I came nearer I disco has jist got a call to be meaner peer of any nation in the world ex- ••tune of the Fenian fracas appears to ^interpretation made by the facts is ered it Ulan seated on a rock with a pizen, and that's all than' is to it." sept in population. And, though have returued, and the Irish World more to be relied upon than any ]took in his ]land. He was a hard „fin' I've mistook hev^ I4" there may be few who are not in- is found once more blustering away other. It is utterly useless to ' looking customer, ragged, unshaved ' queried the alleged revivalist. spired with the ennobling spirit of a about Canada. These blustering attempt to refuto historical facts and unwashed, and he sung with child i the re of h leaving her child in the care her servant who Scott and who delight in belittle- Irishmen, who, after all, Lire when they have become matter of such energy that I suspected he You hev ! Now, then, you ment rather than in justifiableappre• only a small portion of their common knowledge for centuries. was crazy. However, as soon as he 3 , pint fur home ! Mariar is tbar a elation of the magnitude of our g ntrv,itsprivileges,blessingst.ndposei• race, have erase]] confidence now ill As we took occiasion to 'r►y some heard and saw rue he called out. waitin an the three children ar , than a waitin' oil jlet up bilities,we yet glory in the conscious• their own capacity for conquest, but weeks ago, "there is no possible "Be Dot afraid strauger • I am you ; gip an' situ some perk an' corn an' let nese that nine tenths of our people backed by the United States as way to oblfterato the scandal and here to du the Lord's work: Two the Lorri alone. If don't do it will rise up in pratriotic fervor and those who were flattered or wheedled crime of the sale of indulgences mouths ago I was the most shuck- yo exclaim,'"thank God,this is my own, by Blaine into giving their votes for from the Church of Rome, except leas critter ill all Tennessee, and that's -wine to be some tar ail my native land." Who are proud of the Republican party believe them- by obliterating history—that is, by wicked to bout. Light has busted feathers around yere 1" their own or adopted land, and proud intheprestige of the Empire of which selves to be, they think it safe to bluttin- out the most notorious in upon me, and I ant tryin' to "Nayburs," said Joe after a paiu- "if we form si part, the boast of whose begin threatening Canada once feature' of the record which this make toy feller critters see and ful pause, I've mistook I've mis- citizens, whether imperial or colo- more. The World says:— :— Y church t tAfL.made for itself in the mend the error of their ways. Let `rook. I rection yoti -know better nial, in any' part of the world : 1!1 "When Canadians understand that annuls of Christianity." us sing." nor me, an' I'm willin' to take am a British subject," acts like a the United States, under its new ad- Our I.utherau contempo-rary He had a I1l�ody tang Sankey advice. Beats all creation how I "go talisman and eommatift respect and ministration; will stand no nonsense adopts a wise course in publishing hymn book but he could only read y y mistook, but I shan'tAgin yer confidence. their jejune attempts of measuring ' a brief extinct or two from the with difficulty, and his enthusiasm words." HOLDING OUR owx. ' their uu swords with ours will p Y cease. America has often been hatan ues of the notorious ardou - p we&too great for hire to stick to the g With that he `stepped down and ' July ts, tees. The Montreal Witness has for some threatened with what England could paddler. Tetzel, that can neither be , „ text. Ile burst into soDg. out And ceased to be a revivalist And soon disappr7ar•ed. 'Then the time past been trying to account for and would do against her in certain We Lainsaid nor contradicted. This is one the extracts When he had finished bis song big man with the serious face got the falling off of grain shipments by the port of Montreal. Canadian canal eventualities. are not such idiots as to live in a fools paradise of : "Indul-ouces are the most lie announced that he was a reviva- list on his way to stir up the sinners up, turned his eyes to heaven and tolls and Canadian railway freight and depend oil England's forbear- We precious And sublime of God's gifts. of the mountains and that he was said :—"Oh, Lord, we is onery an' rates have been introduced to A4 count for the failingoff. But the ante. aro 65,(100.000. We eau anti we will remove from our prox!ut This toss (pointing to rho red to hold services that afternoon at low down. We is shuckloss an' shift"less. We have made whisky Witness generally endeavor' to it this rave aril b union with or Y g P Y cross) has As much efficacy as the Wharton's Valley, about five miles , agin the law, au we hev bin liars .get at the bottom of things. A member anuoxatiou of Canada, and the sooner cross of Jesus Christ, Draw Hoar, away. As I was bound for the any profaners. 'Phar'' uothiu' pizou of the Montreal Board ofTrade wrote it is clone tile better for all parties." and I will give you letters, duly, same place we went on in" company. , mean that we haven't done at some the ft itness that the shipments from It is quirt (rum this that the Irish• sealed, by which even the sius you I soon discovered that the man tiroe'or other, but we reckons on Montreal, had not fallen off in any mere of"the United States are now shall hereafter desire -to coiuulit was rough, ignorant and given to - ' g g thy goodness to forgive. \'ire is ° greaterproportipnthattheshipments. in favor of sharing that ler of sun Soy. shall All be forgiven you. I would plug tobar.eo, but he seemed earnest pole An' irtuorant. of its from Naw York and•other American. orfs Inconsequence of this a re_ porter ., ..„ _, a quer"' ' Canada's puny sword' with ole not exchange m livileges' for n, Y p C those of St. 1 oter in heaven, for I in his mission and so I' foetid many excuses for him. He could �S'onie c'u't read or Write Ail' we is allus q. ' was set owork to et the figures. He was successful in ett- b g the wl six five nlilliona of the tY` eo le of the •Unitod States. II P P e have savNd more souls with my chew more tobacco'in a given time ailin with bodily, tains. Finger Y 1 ae on these things, oh Lord, an lot the in fi Burps showing the exports --of g 6 g P t aro thirteen -to one they think indul-euces Ahan..he with.. his ser "'There and spit further through his front notches on the stick show a in p „ , 8 rain from New York .between the they' will be safe, Is this what the mons, is no sin so teat' - • ` teeth than an man I ever saw • I Y our favor. 1st January land 1st July 1888 and spirit of Ireland, comes to when that the indulgence cannot reach it carried a few plugs in my knapsack say that the woman was slightly 1887. The decrease from that port transplanted to America? � The —lot him only pay largelly,., and it for the benefit of the natives at - With that the Meeting ended, alone amounts to 20,802,861 bushels. Irish iYorkl is one of the organs of g shall be forgiven him. Even repen- large, abd he soon discovered this anti the bi- man took me by the The decline in shipments of grain from New .York was over 68 per cent Home Rule: If it represents Irish- Lance is not indispensable. But, p indulgences and then be would observe : hand and said he hoped he hadn't,--, offeuded my" religion, and that I in those from 'Montreal. While in corn there wits 'h decline of .52 per men truly it is only.•Hume Rule for Ireland that the wgnut and not for more than all this, save not the living alone: they also "Yes, stranger, Although you mn hev bin a irate there's hope roust stay all night At his cabin. "e'er cant from New York, where as thre other small peoples who may' hap- save the dead. Ye priests, ye ahead fur you, and I'll take another see;" be felt called to ex - '!when had been a considerable increase pen to want it as, much as they. nobles, ye tradesmen, ye vulvas, Yo bite o' that plop." plain, religun is religun, an' in shi menta of corn via Montreal. p The Irish World says: "'The time g nlaideus and young hien Young, Y g ' .r By the time we had anxived at its the pure quill an no water in it, The fact of the matter is Britain fs importing largely from elswhere than for little, one horse States is, past• hearken to your departed parents and friends who cry, to you from. J Y r , Wharton's, s, he had wasted half my there's never one on its but hie take it in larem doses ,an' be thank - from America. Duringthe five Belgium, Denmark, Greece and ' ,� the bottomless abyss : We are en- stock, and had spat upop every rock 'There , fill to the Lord 'fur sendiu the months of 1888 as compared with 1887 Brit ah importations of 'wheat Pua•tu-a1 count for nothing. It is an anachronism for Canadians to during horrible torment ! a small a oil, the wayside. were two cabins here, with three other•' With messenger ; but when an onery, from ]tussle have increased 343 per from I�outnania 161 fancy that they can establish another "The Alms would deliver us; you can it, and "will The in the mile, and About fifteen Nl1th108a, Ctts3 like ,Too William's sots a to hev got a call to s'tread P 1 ' cent per .cent., petty etc state." Cime.for the little give- you :not. Money People had Gathered to liar the o the Goilpol, ail" he sums yere from Egypt pt 1 781 per cent. And de. bYI , P one-horse stere of Troland is, we ver muutent that the clinks Y revivalist talk. He. introduced me young rtisral ! Wh+t do you m, -An creased 51 per cent. from the United States, 69 cent from British... should gather from this, past , also, agaiu't the bottom of the chest, ,the from as "a feller critter" lie had picked anion-, its As know him to spread it why, we feel to make him shot." per India , -and only 34 per cunt from Y '. p •aLd Irishmen recognize the anach- Bull] escapes put or And p „p Y flies free to heaven. - up on the .way, .and added that I _ - - --p-- • Canada. ronisni of attomptiug°to establish evidently, needed Braying for the S' 1 b 'd •'th th' 1 A.DRINIi CRAZED BRUTE ° Li5G1aLATIVE FREEDOM. July 25; ariother petty state to Egrope as well as ill "AiLerica. Such se•nti. x e y at a wwi is we rave, equally'iInPOI..taut testimony, The worst wvay. the people- received , him rnthpr cold) I'tl`founht •cud I yr '• b —r Masa. Britain is as uifich afraid of allow. menta as the Above are •t•hose of. a Jesuit historian, Maimbourg, in o , soon" learned the reason. When One of the most hellish of the'` ing full control to Canadians'in mat- poltroon. The States above named speaking of Tutzel and the Domini- we had had a.bite to eat the people" ,,any horrible deeds was exposed tern of -sting Canada as the burly are the most gallant and honorable Call friars who assisted, him in arranged themselves about the open in .the,Police court, Montreal, when Westerner, loaded down with mas• in the roll of nations. They may. selling indulgences; says : "Some door of the cabin, and the revivalist a woman with hands still actually sive.six•shooters. was of the dude on a small, but all leave been r+stark-- of these preachers did not fail as I , began by saying. stained with the blood of a baby the train who carriers a vest, ,ticket l ab able for groat deeds and all have ilaUAl t0 distort choir subject and " r.• boy three months old, was.chargod Smith a Wesson pop gun. The, dude was angry with the Westerner and a , had- the honor and glory of .Areserv- so to exaggerate .tile value of the rhaT s stn and wickeduess yere —heaps of it. You 'nus is nuthin' with attempting to murder bitn. Y Pulled out his pop -gun and threaten• ing or regaining their indapendonoa indulgences as to lead• the people but n shuckless pack of sinners on the revolting and uncontradicted ed vengeance—demanded b l ood, in spite of great foes. Greece may" to believe that as soon as they gave. yer way to a fiery furnace fed with details of the oriine are these:— sir. The Westerner smilingly took bo..amall to -day, but there -is only their money they were certain of sulphur 'and brinistun. The devil Some weeks ago Mrs. Lightstone, of in the situatiari" and carelessly re. 'due nation on the face of the earth salvation, and . Of'the (]a Branco of , is clus behind the hull Of ye, au Notre -Dame street ,near Saioneure,' marked : 41 Look h ar you, if you Y r Y > wvhich should not bo,willinG to Lar- souls front purgatory." p traatory. he's Lound to get ye.", hired one Bridget Hogan, as general shonld fire that ar thing at me and hit me and I should find it out, 1 ter all its past and present• r ex. -Greece. We do not think it necessary to ' "Look-a-yere 4" interrupte(I a tall servout. The woman is forty years of age. Twice Bite left her work would mash, yer down inter the smal- chane for the history of g Y And who can foretell her future if si est that a Jesuit historian And serious lookin- mottntainoex -as and went on a drunken spree_- On p' lest speck of a grease spot. But 1 don't reckon I should ever find it she once seats herself at Constanti- could .hardly exaggerAte the facts whon the are so terribly adverse lie rose up, "let's start this yere sarcumstance at the beginnin'. In Saturdayevening Mrs. Lightstone g ° out." .Burly England, "heel'd" as she is, does not appear to be very nople. The ignorance displayed in the Irish World is no less surpris- to"the Rumish church. itis words ,as tlia fust lace who waste a I' �' child i the re of h leaving her child in the care her servant who touchy over Canadian legislation ing than its eraveo spirit. It is not L p usual" are air gnificant. This method of extolling indulgences "Don't interru t a sarvent of the p was ironing. Unknown to her mis- g k when its object is clearly not aimed injure worth while arguing about Canada was the usual one. The were Lord !" warned Joe. • tress she had been drinking.While to England but to defend and protect Canadian interests. She and her institutions with any one Y t licenses to commit sin. The au• ,r Yes, who was ye l" inquired a tit her work she was annoyed b the Y Y can afford to be magnanimous in who thinks that the Governor- tlrorities of Rome know this, and woman as she laid aside hbr snuff' Ye baby, who missed his mother and, cried The woman spoke view of the pop gun legislation of Can• ada—she has not been able as to Goneral "appoints Lioutenaut Governors to suit himself," and that probablyA pod man of them 0Such stick to stand up. was poor au shuckless art low down, Joe piteously. -savagely to the child, and Mr. yet find out that it has ever hurt her, he "rules Canada" by "playing off ish that o t no facts could be uved, But false representations Williams, only a few weeks ago. Lightstone, who wvas occupied in No ABSORPTION, one province, against anothor."— 1) w+,ill not disprove.—N. Y. OLSc°ser. Yor hull family was bur tut, an, another part of the, house,. came to oetr. 17, 1898. It'ifhesd. the best yo f)ad to est was bar mat her and remonstrated saying my Some 7,000,000 of absorbed people -- - — an' bones. Ye drank more whisky wife will be home in about half an in the United States p..eril,�ll_t riser to __.. . _.._ ---t . � _ s . _ ... ,-�F1�•I1- #+P-�f�ttlt�i _ti ....— utrwx-�pa =--=tem• tom== _w_.� vas tttrtlerr� wv�Trr -sli whey t1;s a7•a rpt..j' :_—_- -to •_ _ ye never FiacTn seco� sbtieiu m regain their individuality. It was DER.!" back per became inflamed by the liquor, in.tariff matters that their nununtity was shown. The South, ro,lucin craw p � .b On the 18th of Jul of the rtes Y l A most desperate and cold-blooded Attem pt to cuunnit murder took' I This wasn't'a corner for Joseph. and she seized an almost red hot iron' from the stove and pressed it on 'th9 material largely for export, wished ant year John Holton, an old and ,lace at Indiana olis last Wednes- 1 P Ile heard the woman through with , face -of the child. The baby's nose a low tariff to allow them to buy from their best customers In return But prosperous farmer living in Tilbury dA muruiug ill the baker of Johtl Y 0 Y Bruce. About tww•o' n smile, anti thou said A sarvent of the Lord must take was partly horned Gift his cheeps the North said no; you must buy our Yankee wares, and to make you I;»at Kent count was tenni] half y' I . yoars ago P. Bruce souk n poor German uAtued the abuse of ahuckless sinners Aurl literally cooked, ani] his forehead seared. Madtleued by liquor the. . do it we will fix the tariff according nnirdered in his house, which is Geurm I[Acker into his ern pLo and 1 Y. turn the other cheek. I hev cunt woman tlu•iist bar fin-er down the ly. The result was a war which en, remote from any other rosidence, taught him the trade. Hacker grad- up yere to warn yo that the seventh baby's throat cutting the flesh and tailed a debt of hundreds of mill -ions TO the people who found hint he ually developed into a full blown signals has bin sot in the heavens skin with her finger nails. The sof of dollars on the nation. Of course the strop ost and lar est portion of g 8 1 trade a statement naming the man anarchist and socialist, And when couversiug on the, subject of.anarchy as a wvaruin' I Woe ! Woe! Woe ! Them its gin head will pass (towvn blood rushed out the child's the states liked nbsorpuon—it gave them power—but a number possess who struck hint and the roan whom wvouldgrow excited and abusive. I? the trail clothed in silks an' 1 peArls. mouth and over the murderous hands which clutched him. To ing the territory and population o he named was arrested. Holton Bruce is an ardent Republican, and Them, as scoff an revile au cuss complete the crime she was chol- a nation like it only because they died shortly afterwards. The ac- every time he would mention the around will be tooken byethe heels ing the child to death when the can't help themselves. What would cused had a perfect alibi and was election of Gen. Harrison and ex- and flung into the fiery furnace, mother entered. The culprit, her prevent Canada being treated. as the discharged after rho. .coroner's ill• hibit any gratification, over the re- which is 100 feet deep an' full of bund still besmeared with blood ' South were 7 quest. Since then I'iuvincal Do• stilt, llacker wound becorue violent- tww•istiu' sarpints." said at the enquiry that else • Tt1E 1'ALl'li OF CANADA.tective McKee, of Windsor, has ly euraged. Wednesday morniu- Two children were overcome land did not know what she did Ovtr. 17, 1888. boon working out the clues in the when Bruce entered the battery to began to cry at •this, but the father on Saturday night, but she did not Admitting that the total debt of case with much shrewdness and to. mix the flour for his bread, Hacker, of one of them gave him a box on deny the charge. She was committ- Canada is $300,000,00o, we have $150,00.11,000 invested in tiny, with the Assistance of Detective who had concealed himself in the the ear and roae u and said p ad stand her trial in the Court of such productive enterprises as canals, Rogers, of Toronto, to,,k under his toom, sprang on him with a hatchet < "Who was you •an' what is you 1 Queen's Bench. All those ;present ee railways, lighthouses, harbors, put), care James Mulders irnd Todd , ani a long knife. He struck Bruce We all know you to be a shiff'less, say that the woman was slightly lie buildings etc. We have loans Quick, of Colchester. Neither of above the right eye with the sharp orrery, shuckless varmint. You under the influence of drink at the to harbors, railways etc. to the the detectives would say much in edge of the hatchet and on the head wasn't fit to wipe up skunk's fie fur time of her cruel act. amount of $15,000,000 bearing 31 per regard to: the case, but it is tinder. with tiro blunt aide; then he crowed- ten long y'ars. Then you went cent interest. We have Crown !ands which at 60 cents an acre stood, that ifulder jlhas turned it is ed his victim against the wall and deliberately the dagger. over to Knoxville ined the Salva - J —A Country dnetor being nut for would realize $600,00;1,co). So that Queen's evidence, and said that Q the only link lacking in the chain plunged eine. Limes into his neck and face, tion Army, hev cunt book yere a day's Allowing took his errand boy, Canada has in Bight bona fide assets of evidence is to to have the men Bruce finally cried out for his wife re to call us hero an wvuthloss sinners:" to carry the game brit;. Entering amounting to at least $750,000,000 as against a debt of 300 000000. g $ identified by a Chatham man who and the brave little woman rushed ' "Let its sing," said the revivalist g+ a as the other but the people afield of turnips, the clog pointed ;° ' bo And we are much less taxed as Bury rho persons who killed Holton. 'phb into the dimly•Ifghtod room anti •l.ho paused, groaned him down, and the other and .tile overjoyed at the rog- YP p act'of his nraster,s!succeas, exclnirn- Provinces than we would be As States officers have no doubt that they (grabbed anarchist about the continued, ad "Oh tu»ster, there's a covr' of the Union. have the sight men. Tho men neck, dragging him from her hes- I � � r Y ; 'r•ul themselves will not talk and are not hand as he was lifting the "We've bin feedin' yer porn if you tet nt•nr ww•on't you ,flaetfott ;tale Regi:,tei- only (vatehed by the officers but by ,ji,st hatchet to brain him. A terrible heartbroken wife And children, nn' physic 'eti,i l" "Physic them you Parties getting tiwir Sate nine printed at this each other. \ful dens is colored and ctrugglo took place. Iia WAS wild you hev bin gallivantin' around an' young rtisral ! Wh+t do you m, -An office will receive afree notice ill) to dot„ of ad% Quick is white. Neither of them with murderous hate, and, holding purtendin' you had a call from the said the doctor. "Why, kill 'eel to undo nate+ ill be'Le nehenvi+r,rvgnl'tr ndecrtl+ing raise will ba charged, I look like desperate characters. p his blood knife in hand, lie rushed y Lord to whop 'or u , I kin tell p P be sere " replied the lad. w � N . 0 yg7 , a t< F 4