HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-12-12, Page 17 "Mom • .. - . - . --.,,tom, EW R Co* D T,11 t N 8 E _R I El ' TER]I181-11.50 per Annufn, 01.25 In Advance. INDNPIfND&VT IN ALL THINGS, NBUTRAL IN NOTHING W1IITELY k TODD f ;<'abllghera VOL. IX. -NO. 52. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1-2.1888 WHOLE N0. 526 A NICE HOMFE ' . AT. A select ' h Eight acres d j lanpie •reel a select orchard of choles apple Irene; comfortable house and stables adjoining Gode• I 'Zoent Torreopoitdale. oeltt Torreopondeure 1_ ddiflona l Zoeato Goderich. � Purely Orange Locals, 44ditiould 40ralo i Additional Poralo r necessary. .He also had something rodCrteh. British North America. Bands of ; i-�sla rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode Mrs. Chesney, nee Straiton, was ,r Open meeting of the High School In 1Y111 be engaged for the each. g o interesting and new to many On the rich. 526 111 visiting her parents last week. n Literary Society on Frid:ty evening Tax Nuws-Racoao at all times will be pleased to sten amen them the Clinton life g Jesuits and incurpoiation and the $400,000 granted them. The leading � � , TOW �oireopolultuire. Mr. P. Kell reeve of Blyth, was , Y S � Nomination of utlicei.•r at the last receive items of news In connection with Societt•or011urch-in all `asesthe nagteofthe and drum Orange,baud), and a ban q uet will be tendered the Grand ]tuin�e in Ornnge]em, the Obligation of Orangeman, the Orange i in town last Saturday. re ular meeting of IIuron Encam writer or sender to accom my the same not g ° p for pubtication), merely as a guarantee of good Lodge. Full particulars will be an constitution, etc , were explained and dealt with in d C.oderielt, Mr. A. M. Todd )aid the circular 1 meat, fait(I.-ED. made public later on. moat acceptable manner. Bro. Todd P watches. town a visit last Saturday. The torn council mot on Friday ' held Lite close attention of the audience ' T{1brO W1Il be 6et't'ICO thlabVenlD g n Pleasure boats were floatiII . in eVODIn and transacted the usual I >; GODERICH DISTRICT R. S. C. BAYFIELD. and did full justice to the Sub J jest, for a in St. George's schoul room. the harbor on Sunday, ° routine business. The Companions are notified to I At the annual meeting of L. 0, L. good round hour. Air. Hy. Aleyer of Wing Liam was Miss M. Grant is visiting tit At the meeting of tho A. 0. U. attend'a meeting; of the Chapter in ° No. 24, last week, the following officers were elected for the The choir tbeti favored the audience with another fine selection. The W. - in the circular town this week. Walkerton. r \\ . oil Mund:► ovuuing, the usual the hall of 306, Bayfield Line, ou Y ,•, nomination at 4 o'clock m. nomination of ofCicotw t.dpnk Y, P ensuing � r o Year :-Pares, W. \I Cuunur, \V.bl.; M. was highly pleased withe first speak - Knox church Rind of Hoe met P Peter's Service was hold in St. on place. John Pollock D,Ai,• Jas. Huston ' , in and would cd.l un auuthur good man in the, of 1n the Church 1?eture room on Saturday, Anuuuciatiou Day, The Ddcomber Sessions of the ANNUAL BLACK MEETING. Chaplain; M. Dupep, Secretary; pardon Saturday afteinuon. Mrs. Geo. Black returned from a � County upound in the Court (louse The anuuAl meeting of Jubilee Murdock Ross , Financial Secretary; urge ago. ,'.n The '-re- Rev, Mr. AlcGahy preachod in visit to her sister at Simcoo !,tat yesterday before Ilia Honor Judge R. R. P. ,No, 161 will be held in the Jamas Pollock, Treas.; Geo. Dewar, wit rev, gentleman was well ceived. He did not know what the St. George's church last Sund y, Weduesday, Totes. Clinton Orange hall this Wednes• ° D. of C.; James Sturgeon, Lecturer; Order had been doing fur tie last fifty morning and evening Captain Robs, R1tyuAs, an old- The Chaucer • Court opened on day) evening. S 1 Committeemen, Geo. Castles, Jr., ears, This was ua Y j !•what. they wanted, Captain J. W GrNeu returned to time Goderich boy, is visiting Tela- Monday, the Hon. Chancellor For- bUNIMBIMILL. Thomas Johnston, Thomas Parker, the subjict, as deceit with by his worLby brother, town last Friday, having; put hie Lives in town. guson presiding. There were but, At the December meeting of L. Charles Parker, James McDonald. young wits the beat and clearest exposition of Ortingeiem he had ever vessel in her winter berth. It is • ea octad that within the next two Mr. J. A. Cuuso, of Forest fisher � Y few cases bol'ure Lite court ivhieh 0. the following officers closed in the evening, r Our old friend Bro. 11 . W. Lounor has occupied the chair of 24 for listened to. Ile did not intend making g N speech, for Lite had P weeks the gallant captain will be inspector of the district, was In town e chs en were chosen for. the ensuing year: Mr. Frame Roberts, who has Bros. G. M. Kilty, W.M.,; F.. Me- l nearly half a century. He hits occu- suh'eht been thoroughly g v handled. it our brothers " � �preaeIItrnT _iv itIi Lite- testimonial last Saturday. --`- y' been fu -u many years at the G. T. R, llvoen D.M.; C. Lovett Chaplain 1 Pind. the vaiionK offices front'- the ,`could keep the ball rolling, suott--afi- - " to -night, the Order awarded him h the United States 3 n hu opal meetlttg of Huron Cha 0 o p- .station In this town, has been John Watkins, Ree. Sea,'Jamea Private to the Grand, in the latter -must meet with universal favor IIe- was pleased 'with • Government for the rescue of the ler No,'30, I,,. A. M. next Tuesday appointed to It position at the cont- Watkins= Fin. Sec,;C. Beacom of which he is an honorary member, the way in which Bro. Todd had ex - crew of the schooner Norris. It is evening. pauy's station at Waterfoo. Treat,.; H. Ball, D. of C,; Jamoo and for many years was one of the pinined "Orange politics,." The tog probabl++ that the Dresentation of Iu accordance with recant legisht- Dr. Shanuon,senr., returnedfrom Miller, Lecturer; H. Beacom, S. best. acting officers the county of must n..w be removed, from the eyes of the article referred to A gold watch, tiun tho 'I,Uwu Council will niout ou Toronto brat '1'hursd;ty. The doctor Appleby, )lr.b• N. Lovett Johu ,Juhuaton - I l 1, � , Huron d;ver had. Bro. John Pollock doubters. The Order bad been, looked upon by many as the hot bed of Toryism will 'he muds by Mr. IZ. Purt.nr. AI. Saturday, whiJo in 'Toronto ha+l an operation and C. ltoid, Committee, is a worthy Deputy, and filled Lite -as ,t sort of old ben or neat egg to P. on the evenin.; of Tuesday, 19th.[iuv. ° Father West conducted aur- pnrformnd on his eye, the result SPECIAL DEGREE MEETIsa, honorable pusitiun ot'Distriet Alastor hatch Cories. But we will take Reform- last•. Afi. R R. Snllonsgive t)PSeC011dl vice at the It, C. Church Hullott, , heing; the happy one of alt entire- At the regular n•eoting of -L. 0. 'hie of Stanley for many years, with Credit to himself and the Order. era in, aad give them a'good seat too, providing, of course, that they ]seep Of iliS Fel'Ip� of diiSsolviilg viewA List $unsay. 'l.'he"wire for the elccitic light is rest„rat•iun of aiglit, L. 710 oil i\lonsa • evouing it was y e Hie Lordship the Pt. ltrv. John duelled to hold a a.pi•ciul nu•otilt � 1 b , The I):t111al�tltll)° ,S•rCl'rttiry, LI'O, M. Dupee, informs its that he ilas mighty quiet, Popery was Lite greatest curse Inhumanity, and we should. fight entertainments in the Union church, • Goderich Townsbi[), last ACoutlty uourly all fixed to thu'pulea, and the Walsh at St. Polders, on AlondaY on lfunday oveuiii- next December �. ' ac- coital tut Agdpatcy for the Sentinel, it as we ,would the dlevil. itie must oppose it with good lir)tish backbone. evening. Air. Goo. Stivens again stores that'are to be.:supplied with Inurnino, ai-lntinisto.red the sacra- 17th,'fur tilt, euut'erring of degrees and with T"' NEWS RECORD , fur He liked the charity of the Order!_ explained lh,r, lilfernnt scenes as 1 this light' nwnt of confirmation to about 80 of and general discussion. One, and whir.h fie luta been a Successful clntrchea bad often wade mistakes by -. ..... _ .._ --tlley,-a-mmat<t«#••opt tkto-ef4vas . We- a It is rumored that a Turon.to_g+�u- the Children of that congrvgatiou. pGssibly murk, wi_1-I bo x�l�,aneed to ...worker. our -loyal fpwLherhou«1-enc "at for5enringa hilts mores _It Le_tha_ _ understand that J.. R. S. intan'le tleman will'in a few days tak0 away lits Lordslit n•a- ;iceoni anted b P P Y the 1>uyal Arch. The meeting will r ud citizens like! he kept. bo )' I doctrine -nob the Roman Cnt(`)olics- giving entertainments throughout one of the fair daughters of srver;tl of the clorg of the Diocese. o pCv at 7 30 and n p pliaulta •fOr the rY 1 Applicants well' informed about the doings of a that we should oppose. There is dao ger ahead -our furr.tathere saw. it, I' ° o ' the county., and Av mhny of iht) Goderich, -+--- first Ordor advanced. The brethren the Order at itoule and abroad dtDd and stied their precious blood for the __. _ _. eile3.�l;e_t> ld�ie_�tth_itict - •.. .. _ _.-._,-........,-._..l_+`%-�.' -- _-•- I�r.-.;—•,_. �lie_�lr�c jtcaitwl,- G,-" agent, was called east last week by 1II111!'tt. _ ___ siloulii_hca.t:iti tiJiul.xt- fc i�liy- _ __. .- ,_..._ - ..._. Ma Instsoason, at the Constance, oveniug. , atm-t?8'-TT 11aty-6l�al firs a sem- ;uN carried utT. Vie: --C•,li_-_T9E39':"-_'•�8--Y1TQ'-fl"Vr@..tQ .:.�--.>-.._...___._� work, and there is work for its to do, - ourr bible history often given As les: sons to children in our Snndav the loath of his relative,, Apra. CCullutt, rheeso factory thore was 71,- BRUSSELS. NOTES. We must lift up•the good old Protestnnr. fisg waft to rho breeze Schools it would be wolf if all oar Grant, of Oshawa: 480 lbs ut'oheoao niaduwhich realized At Lite.Annual December meeting g to the patrous $5,200 An average of'L. 0. L. No. 774 the follotyin � Bro. burry, of the Nile L. O. L. � and never b r allow it to be trailed in the -dust. " 9 °The Sabbath School scholars coals she' "Scenes in the Holy L'tnd, and the Air. herd the contractor for the shine work of the new Post Office, 6 price of 69 cents fur each 10 lbs of offidiers were elected and iustarled 153), was in.towa last week. rev, gentleman took his sent, amid applause. The choir ave another ex- g Life of Christ. „ was in town last Saturday on bust- miller for the eusuing ear: -Bros, Af. ° Y Bros. C. J. Sherritttw+l Swith' of cellent selection after which Leat Wednesday If. J. Rump was nest' convected with the ivorlc, AIr. ,James Clark is heel: to his Wilson, \V.AL; Jug, H. Bowman, D.M.; Henry Mooney, Blyth were in attendance at I,. 0. � L. 710 on llunday evouing• Bao. Fusa•Ett, before His Honor Judge 'Colas', 'Cha High School t cooentrance exanti- old homo iu'Hullett on a short visit Chaplain; and he spoke at considerable length on in lower of tiiltagreen, was called upon. He charged with planing an obstruction nation will ,Ake place at the, 'High front -Killarney, Alauitoba.. Mr. Albeit Gerry,. Ree. Secy'.; George The next meeting of tllo (`nand hoped that all skeptics to Orant;eism on the G. T. It. track for the pur- School commencing oil. Wednesday Clark has been a resident of Mavi Cardiff, Fin. See.; \V. It. Mooney, Lo', Igo reception conunittee will be wou'd now be convinced of tho rlev.a- t]og rinlrs pose of wrecking ..train- :1 number the 19th test. .11 tuba fox seven years mil lie is still Troa's.; Al.AL C,ardifr, D. of C.; J. Cvthuai•tetic over rho country. Ile Bowman, Lecturer; Committeemen, named at the annual couuty rueet- . • ing. p"i" of the order. fie was pleaeeu t„ uc pdroei.t and listen to such of witnesaes were examined ; the r defense seemed to roston the weak AIr, and Alts. Harry Arnold, of Owen Sound, are visiting the escaped the frost this soasou and John AfeGutcheuu, F. McCuteheon, P T THE \EWS-I,EGuttD had a Call a clear and truthful lecture. Outsider. now know how we opened our lodge and intellect of the prisoner, Drs. Shan- 1 , at , residence of the lady s father, Mr• had a splendid crop, in feet to has James Oakley, Geo. Mooney, Jos. from Bro., •Hamilton of 153 Cul• how the tyhera protected those inside. non and Holmes having - testified !t. I3annamy' never �t had a fitiltire, lie has Smith. J" borne, last wook. Ile was on his He was glad to sue ao man ladies. Y It that he was of low mental calibre, The schooner Evenhig Star has 150 acres read for cru) nex4 ear'.' , CLiNTON. .' ' y 1 Y way to • visit relatives •tit Essex present. shows that they are interested in the cause. The lad ,True Y. but knew right from wrong. At been hauled out, and occupies the The Ataoding of the pupils of S. L. 0. L. 710 rticLt in regular sea- Ct+ntre. Blue lodges are meeting with groat the conclusion of the ase His-HonorS. P osition from which the Ontario AuA, Ilullett, for the mouth of Sion on Monday evening. There, Bro. John Scarlett, of MoKillo r P• success, acid they are not afraid to show reserved judgrnent,till this morning, launched last' week, November, Llly.D.. D.ty Leriche)•, is was a good attendance Of resident accorn tnled b Mrs. Scal•lett and p` Y t�t)ihe side they are on, He was born \\Tednesday. he County Attorney, by Mr. P. Holt,. tale The engine for runnin elec- ° g) ,is, as follows :-Class iti -1, Allis members. The following o(Iicers Medd- 7 John N. Hunter• 3 \lar wore elected and installed :-Bros. child,, were welcome caplets' at 1'itE 1\EwS-li;ECGRD„:Dn 'They` in the old county and knew well of Y the p of Orange and •who R. - watchecl'the c.ise for the G, T. R.; trio light reached town• on Saturday y Fairaoi'vice; 4, Lizzie Hamilton: \\': J. Smith, W. Al.; ll. B. Cal- Monday.- -°.tent had been on. a visit 'to relatives in here, bill there 'bat the Order ices growing ' groProwing rapidly thereevep in Fenian strongholds. prosecuted. The defendant has for morning, and is now - being placed Sr III -1, Charlie \Vaymouih; 2', bicho, D:" M. ; Geo. Iiauley, Chap- Goderich townsbip and were on It time we would awake. The •reeeita counsel Gtrrow & Proudfoot. in position. Eliza Hisk; 3, John' Hazelwood ; 4, Iain ; Peter Cautelon, Ree, Sec.; A. their return liomp, are invading out fair land. He, would hnnthe Empire on Thursday there Alr. Jones, of Tambling.& Jones Lizzie Fairservioe. Jr 111 -1, Will Al. Todd, Fin, Sec.; Thos. Kearns, Bro, I3rown,,of Newbridge, called advise all to er in sincerity, determineroin ] ►o) do right; Ordalien was a sensational article regarding .. the contractors for the new Post B. Hamilton; 2, Martha Roid- 3, Treasurer ; Wm, A. Ross, Dir. of E NEwS.iRECORD oil" Frida,v, to the ope and on oid gourt a one time captain of the ll -fated P Office, was in. town on Saturday Aleck Medd; 4, Jessie huddell. Cer.; E. Floody, Lecturer; Corn- Ha is- He is -an ipLelligentyouug man and' charity ways beod motto,�and schooner Explorer that was wrecked making arrangements in Connection Sr II -1, Amps Cartwright; 2, Goo. mitteemen, John Shoover, Ogfe in Lecturer to the Orange L'odga out 6 would surely receive 'our just reward r . near Tobormoray some twenty years with the firma contract, H.isk; 3, Robt Morrison. Jr II -1, Cooper, James Howe, Wm. Ford, g there. ;Although a com arativel P y across the river beyond. f since, The schooner , was raised Tho schooner Ontario was success:. Faun Young and Emil Stevens• 2 Joshua Hamner Pastr AT. Y o Y , ' ° young member, he is a Knight Coin- Votes of thanks were unanimously' Boma four or five years since, and fully launched from the harbor Alabel Sundercock and John Reid; Chas. Tweedy, 3, Flo Hunter; 4, Win Stephenson, priniou of the Scarlet Order, and tendered the speakers, ir, and the pallia, the WDIead theoclosing went down again the year follow• o y island on Saturday evening, H©r J ° ETIIEL, expects to soon be a Black Knight prayer, and Lite benediction was pro- ing, when, as at its first foundering, .up upper works are not completed, but -- - '•� L. 0. L. No. 161,'of Ethel, have by joining Listowel Preceptory. Ho pounced by !Rev. Mr. hlartt. Thus leas of life occurred. In the article will be finished during the winter, passed a very graceful tribute to the Vitrlla• speaks highly of the progress of. the ended ope of .the beat attended, moat inontionod it is stated, among other Mr. Juo. A. Doyle, of Sault Ste, , memory of rho pato l\'m. McCullagh, A couple of this place were T Order in his section, and says many orderly and enthusiagtic , gatherings we 15'have ever been at. 0 noticed in the things, that the captain who Com• Alarle, was lu town for a few days whose combined ages arraY, of L. 0. L.Ao. 774,expresstng their new members have been received audience Bro, Geo. Hanle District manded the vessel some twentymarried last week. John A. looks as thou h g said to be 120 years, deep, sympathy with his relatives, during the last few mouths. Master, of Goderich, Bros Jus. Churchill years since, is alive and actually in the Sault wasa prosperous portion It was signed }i Bros. Chris. Ra g Y Y and Geo. A. Cooper from the same Dis- the county County jail at Owen Sound. of our Dominion. The boys of this "hub" aredoiug n4rd, W. M , and John Maxwell, trict ; also representatives from Bay - This is the only portion of the story • �" Anniversary sermons wyfie preach- a big thing ill trading slow time Recording Secretary. Bro. McCul- Open (bran a Heating. fieidand Hillsgreen, Frank Shei herd of Clinton and others that we think it worth while to deal ad In victoria street Methodist watches. lagh was for a number of ears and g Y ' • with, because the foundering of the" church 1 ist Sunday; the Mr. Robt. W.ttsou has moved to up to the time of ilia death a staunch TUB GOOD OLD COLORS WAVE AT VAR\,t. _ --- - ---�-•--_ The vessel was made public at the time 'the pastor, I'ev. A] i. Potter, occupying the pul- . , Lrucefield, to. the farm of the latch supporter of THE NEWS -RECORD. On Thursday evening last L. 0. L In And Hbout Count y' of occurence. Regarding the pit in Ili - •Horning, and Rev. Geo. Mr. Young, Mr. W. has bought We always found him to be one of No, 1035 -held an open meeting in the -A man in llibbert has a• seven real captain .we may state that he Richard, . , in the evening the propery. the most true -hearted Orangemen in Orgnge hall at Varna. The doors were months old Iamb that weighs 170 g lost his life on Ju] 20 1870 near. Y °' Inspect r Malloch,- of Clinton, The pump business is booming. IIuron Ind he was ver high! re• Y o Y thrown open about 7 oclock, and in lite, Point Clark. His body was coked P who was it, town last weak in sou- Mr. L. is a single gentleman and ° gentleman, s ected b the Brotherhood. ` He was P Y lees than thin minutes the large com- Y g -W, AicAlullen of \�'n ham had g I tip on the beach shortly after the ' , junction v ith • Inspector Torn ex- it is Said he has interviewed a rev. %%ell known iu Goderich, Goderich fortable hall was well filled. A great Lite tips of two fingers taken off by accident and taken to the light- r house in charge of Mr. Jno. Young, g, stained til•• pupils of the modelite gentlemen and deposited a fee as a ° P township and Clinton. many ladies were present, At 7,30 lire. Wm Rathwell, W. M., took the chair. a,a,aw in the Union factor y, ° front whicll lace it was, conveyed P y.rr t ?lass ae to batt proficiency to teach guarantee of good faith. OPEN OttANOE MEETINGS. ..ts The office bearers took their respective, v. -\'1r. ,John Gentles , oaf Kincardine, `_ - _ _ . _. _ - - r.n t.hs - re enGe s►€ -h _ - sttl ts-rnPtltgt III^ tn.g�_—... _._r8�lsstnvd=?tfiiss-'e>zeitfiin ... _ __.__ _ ._ w _ - Jot?sta-�Vtcn`t�ss "�sts ---Two-_ tTlij Mill' of - e - - - - very ,mires 7iv-e, particullarrl`y—when the _0 Orrr31d r�r+e - -- - erysip" eras lit toot. by our present bounty ..._ fir. G. I� fc15ODAgh forrherl a ' y ei-to Cfire .Alagistrate Wapless) were joined Colborne, on Nov. 5th, was q stop in the right direction and has, tylero, Broa. J. Johnston and N. Harri- -51r. Davidson of the Commercial Chief Coustahle, and a relative of tlle deceased. • The hod ryas in- of Goderich, lectured at the Conser- vator of Music Toronto,, last Fri y ° in matrimonyon Wednesday last y been the means of making Orange- son took their positions with drawn . swords. Bro. Footer W. M. of Hills- , hotel Sea orLh has rented his )remj- , S ( ' 1 Y trued in Maitland cemetery on Jul • ,' „ day evening on The Nature of and have entered upon household ism a subject of discussion. A good green L. 0, L., was acting Chaplain sea to Ratter sash poach fora conaid- oration of $1,000 a year. Y 23rd 18'70 the funeral being con. o Sound and How it is Produced in ' dutieq ill our town. We congratu• late tile couple and relatives on the cause will always bear the light of day and criticism. Sipco and filled-theposition in an admirable manner. The lodge was opened is the —The make of the Seaforth cream - ducted by Ali-. D. Gordon. A-4 all the gnntlemon mentioned were well the 1,•trynx." The Ernpire of • Saturday in commenting on the happy occasion. ,honest the 5th Bro. Todd has the usual way by the Chaplain leading in prayer and Bro. Rathwell reading a pry the past season brought $5,211, , averaging 194 cents per Ib. and net, acquainted' with the Captain we A „ above says, the audience evinced a - ----• ►• brethren in Clinton, and an open and portion of Scripture. The Master in a p Lin the patrons all average ' g; p g;e of 15, think there can be no gti`estion as to hearty and intelligent appreciation Ba3'lieid. large meeting at Varna, he is billed few well timed remarks welcomed she cents per lb. theidentification. In the report P of the lecture and in this were << Prank's whiskers reported to have for the Nile on the 19th, Summer- large and intelligent audience. The Church of England choir was -Afr, F. G. Sparling has removed s • mentioned it is stated "that there is greatly aided by Dr. McDo6agh, been thinned out b the lake winds y blowing through them. Butactually• hill the th'irdThursda in Januar y y' Goderich townshipin the hall of present and made a break in the programme by his familyfrom Reaforth to Win ham ` Wingham, his cohnection with the salt works a peculiarity in his walk that is identical with that of the pato whose lucid and concise methods of ex ression%nd ex lanation ke t the p P the cause of the lithinness" was r a few days, and a number rendering selection. very pleasing maoaer a sacred Master in a few at the latter lace rendered this P cap- tain, On this point we may state P subject matter within the compre- caused by writing squibs for, Txn HuRoN- '1 -RECORD at poor Pol- oth other lodges have taken the matter g er remThe appropriate reinnrka introduced necessary. that the deceased was A fine looking; hension of his non-professional list- lock's expense. The result ts, they "too up and will hold open meetings, the dates of which will be later BRO. A. M. TODD, he knew bad in forma- -At the Wla ro Cheese factor 11fcKAt, last there were p' man, with a tvallt in uo tvieo pe oners," have got thin" and the people P p can see through them. A.L. M., given On, who Considerable tion to impart on the Orange Order. 701,032 pounds of In -ilk delivered l Liar, and that no nue but n sums Y During the past weed a bar formed you had better be' aware of Grit corres- Bro. Todd was received with applause. which made 61,032 pounds of cheese, resurrectionist would try to pass off the 'ail bird of Owen Sound as the across the mouth of the river. The ondents as you are not livingto P ' GODERiCIi• He was present for several reasons, but the foremost because he fully realism the sum of f15 (183.4'<I. (If g ' this amount the patrons received J counterpart of the late captain of the r bar is some three feet above lake level joins the .beach about six, , J Y Uoderich now. " The above appeared, as coming A meoting of the Grand Orange Lodge reception committee was hold 1 was believed in the foundation and principles p p Order. He $4,390.35. The cheese sold at the averse rice of9.18 cents � f Exl)lorer. We have purposely re- framed from feet south of the breakwater, and � from 'P.,ayfield, i❑ Ills Advocate e in the Goderich Orange hall on of the appeared before them pp .present member, ase who had taken per 8 P p pound, netting to the patrons 6 cents per using lite captain's ° P name, as no good purpose could be follows in .senii•circular form to a last week, \Vo do nut' understand Saturday last. Among those pre- the first degree and ended at the last. gallon of milk for the first sales and served thereby, but it might on, the point near Attrill's beach, where a small opening is left for the river's the squib, but if there is a "nigger on the fence" we hope e some of out sent were C. M. Floody and Secre- Lary Saunders, F. W. ,Johnston, J. He referred to matters closely connected with the glorious 'Orange Institution in 7 cents for the last sale. -John Belford die 1 recently, aged contrary revive sad recollections in the hearts of the many living discharge. If with the strop cur- g g n P good Bayfield friends will explain. Craigie, John Reid, A. M. Todd, A. Ireland; Home Rule; Land Leagueism, to. But some might be inclined to seven., five ears. ifs was born in Y y the County Fermanagh, Ireland, rola• lives of the deceased. \Vo would rent of -the river so much' land will The Bayfield correspondent to Tse Killian WillisBoll IL.'�ichbnurne , ) think the Green Isle lou far from home of Lind came to this country when a advise the police allthOritieA of Owen form is it not probable that a cur- NEWS, we might say, was a true r \1 . Crooks, Thos. McKee and Capt. and he spoke at considerable length on in lower Child. His parents settled at B p y` Sound to communicate with the rent through the harbor would I;riton and a for at resent a resi_ y' P Mallough. The business transacted o matters the province and our own Cg n Northwest. Some might town, now called Ottawa, lnar- County Chief Constable of Huron cause a similar blockade at the � harbors mouth in a very few years. dent of our ori n Canadian North= west. The above appears as though was of a preliminary n re brio _ P y g ing down the estimates, arranging the still beg the quertfon,and say that those rind a Miss Jane Wall, with whom he h moved to the Township of Euphemia, before they proceed any further with their latest As all things point to an extension peanod by a "travelling loan," one programme, etc. Bros, Crooks and places also are too tar away from home. But to have everybody satiefied he would in the County of Lambton, Ontario, sensation. of the north pier as the only who is not a resilient of the peace- Alillian were appointed delegates to direct their attention to the state of where he lived 51 years -to the time llrelntive to the above, wo may way that wo attendod"the funeral of the deceased party re• remedy against scud hpnlca between Able and respectable village by the North Huron County L. O. L. It affairs nearer home-Lindsa Ont -end Yr save facts that must have opened the of his death Ilia wife still survives him. They had -five sons and four furred to,and had known Mm In British Cohen• bla, beinga companion voyager with hen from Fmnoisco Victoria, the lake end of Clio liters we hope the matter will at once he brought lake, • is oxpected that about eight hundred souls will be added to the popular eyes of home. The 'epealter was still dauglieors- daughters -all living, 1Te waa aIt 5:w to B. O, As to peculiar• ' of walk, the only one In him he being he being to the notice of the Minister of I Tho exports of gold front New York tioll of frodorich during the session willing to come nearer home, ro the town of Clinton, and pictured very a strong Conservative and a member of the Church of En g waItys ons n soler, a bellepright one, the e, rho eon of n soldier, we believe, En,'ron Nlcws•Bttconn.] public Works. a eta to take the place of wheat. 1 of tl)o C rand Orange Lodge of ° Clearly whether or not urangeism was land. w p -) ... .... ......�„. w'. ..�:..e..,., <�a.:,sri4�a#sJt.;a::•�>. �, a