The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-14, Page 8'OF AscilzvT I3,E1?QW$- -- W o
Brussels Post hitis it Lila.t."The Bible -'
„ ,Society hits been in active opetatiozl _ •�
for 56 years in Cl}ntan.'"
Wl�pn 0 z5hades,
�ble P 1,,e
' Notwithstanding the discuoaiom now ' We hie- as elegant Stock of 1(3w Window Shades, Puha, Spring
A to Itollers, eta. PRICE$ RICHT.
going on t9 decide if marriage is r,
failure, the brakEmen go' right on
coupling. (�te
Mr. Hughes, the pedestrian parson
of Lions. Head referred to in these u
f columns last week,is a minister of the AND SUPPLIES.
F• church of England and has since
been appointed to Christ church, PURSES -A fine New Stock just in. Only two Baby Carriages left,
if Listowel. which will be sold at about half price. We are giving Bargains in
~ "
SERVED Him RIGHT. -John Brown, all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for, Goods.
R of Fordwich, was brought before . •
Justice Miller, h Wroxeter,.) liquor
last Chris. Dickson,Clinton
week charged with salting liquor to
one Wilson after being notified, in
writing, not to do so. The avid- -
W some what Conflicting but SERVICES, under the man- ST PAUL'S CHURCH,—Thanka-
•� OER ace as a , REVIVAL 5 R
REv ,
Absolutely Pure. desisted' in a fine of $10b and agement of Messrs Crossley and giving Day -Service at 11 a, in. The
Tntspowderncvervaril Amarvelof�urity Batss in the Ontario Street Method- offertory will be given to Improve -
strength anti wholesomeness. More economical THE CORRECT CAPER.—In a crowd ist church every ovenNg this week. meat Fund,
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot, besold in
-- competition with the multitude of low test, entering a room, going to a seat in A DISGRUNTLED EXCHANGE SAYS.
short w•oiaht alum or plwnphate powders. Sold
out in tar„s. ROYAL BARING POWD0% co., loo
church or theatre, or whereever it
.-A man who would res a news- Ineets this (Wednesday) evening.
may be, a lady should never hesi-
paper three or four years without Several Initiations will likely be
tate about going a head. Uncertainty
paying for it would pasture a goat made.
about this. rale often causes awk-
on the grave of his grandfather,
The Huron News -Record
wardness: The lady, in public, at
APPLE KING co Cautelun will
ANOTHER FLAT. -Mr. Flatt of leave for the old county next Week
'$1.60 a Year—$1.25 In Advance.
least, is entitled to first place, and
oil all occasions when with an escort
Tecumseh, thought he was accept-
ing Atl ag@11C}' fOP the sale of chorus, on business in connection with his
Wednesday. Nov. 1-If11, tSf38
goes ahead of him whenever they
but it turn- out to be an order for extensive export trade.
Cannot go side byside.
$600 worth ut' the, article, and the P,An debts colleotots,, an'd sever.
LIME.—Persons requiring lime
WHAT 's IN A NAME. 1—It is a
cash is wanted, tisitlg frauds visit Clinton at times.
Ill are solicitors in the town who
for building call be supplied • by
Cooper with St Ainry's
singular fact that no man whose
natue ended with "son" has ever
TAKES IT liACR.-The Christian” e''e
Guardian has been compelled to will attend to the one and printing
white line, 501•tf
been defeated in a Presidential con-
retract, and apologize for its stato- offices which will attend to the
other far more advantageously than
test in the' United 'States. There-
were Jeffer-son, Madi-son, Jackson,
ment about Dr. Wad -el -Ward, the
converted Jew who lectured, here any Outside cauvaseers, who almost
Harri-son, the grandfather, and now
recently. TheGuardian says it iuvariably are frauds.
We have sold our Grocery Stock
Harri-sonthe grandson. Nor has
was misinformed. ABOUT a year ago the barns of
to Mr. James Moore (late of the
by the name of Flapdoodle
1rcw FIl{aL-i\Iessrs. Johnson cC; D. D. `Nilson, of Snaforth, were
Commercial Hotel) and as We
ever been elected, though several of .
Armour, successors to Geo. A. Spar- 'burn.ed. Suspicion pointed to in -
that family have been candidates.
man,+t an, have taken possession and are cendiariam, Recently ono Henry-
wish to wind up our business as
soon as --we would request
read for business. They are both ,Haas was arrested in this conuec-
steady and in. Lieu. He' glowed" and last week
possible '
all those owing us to- call and
meeting of the Strathroy Town
Council letter road from Mr,
practical workmen,
dustrious, and are deserving. Their Wm. Hudgins a Parkhill tailor was
settle AT ONCE. Our Boobs will
a was
A. McTaggart, of London, com•
announcement pill be founId is also, nrrested and both mon were
committed to Goderieb jail,
be found at the old stand for one
'a'n'on of .the dangerous state of
p o g
another column.
month, after which time they will
the sidewalk -and crossing near his
CRtMrxnr. COLLECTORS,—The Bad 'Pains will be an open meoting,
b� laced with Manning &Scott
mother's cottage on Metcalfe street,
Debt Collecting. Agency, in.. big of the -young peoli'to's assoc}-tion or
set -back. Church Wednesday
and through which
letters, has ,received a Willis next
for collection,
had fallen last summer and suffered
The Post -master -General has just evening,the 19th ipst.,in the Lecture
518 4t T. COOPER & SON.
from a severe fracture of the hip,
issued orders to all the postmasters I{oom of the church, at which Dr.
Mr. McTaggart further stated that
in Canada that these lottdrs are not , Horsey will deliver his lecture on
=MAKING ITHar iroa;'EM.—Harland
if repairg"werre 'not mad,'e to the
to be transmitted through the malls "Tho roign of Queen Victoria,"
Bros. of this town have this fall sold 18
same forthwith an actiop for
in future, but sent to the dead There will also be i usic. Silver
of their pgteut Hot Air Furnace,,, two
to God%rich, one to Wiughai n, and
damanos would result.
letter office at Ottawa. This de- collection at the door.
fifteen ill Clinton. 622 It
cision will be hailed with joy by TDF CRIC&ETERS CONCERT on the
the public, as the use Of the tnails
L1 KE S'rt:rn�,—At Chca aside,
Jury possible to the electorate by
having only one as, especially
for the bad debt concerns put danger evening of Thanksgiving day in
:n in the town hall promises to be one
Jackson, gr. is Nulling now staple Broods at
such kuuck•.lown priers as to wake tl,c
when he happens to be a strong
nus blackrnniling weapons the
hands of those •interested. The of the best local affairs ever held in
old fog*y trade "kick like steers." BLit he
partisan, was exemplified in St.
United States postal atlthoritiea the hall, 'Besides local talent Mes-
don't care, he still goes on a slang nteriu
I g'
Marys the present year by the
a se's Tanner and Shane the well
some time ago Pofused trausmissiou
conduct of a Grit assessor. The
for the letters of these agencies. known comic singers of Blyth, will
final revision of St. Marys voters'
dike part. An interesting feature
list took place 'last week:, with the
TIIE REwARD OF NOT KNOWING.— of the evening w111 be a Grand
followingresult:. ighty•twoappeals
"I think I ought to have more than Mauch of the Cricket boys in cost -
Lr allil :arvri[Ial Hite "Blob•"
were allowed in all, 67 Conservative.
three dollars a week," said the office u,ule. For other . particulars see
determinedly. "Why,
natnrg were• added to the .list, and
boy you prograinines, from which has been
Ul'U1Ull U1llh.
iii Reformers struck off. No Re-
little Pascal," said the merchant, omitted a Euphonium Solo by Mr.
feria names 11dded.• .Amongst those
rc what on earth do you mean 4 *you .J.' Chambers.
H'01V _TO (11R'rti 'I'IlF ,S1DDLF..—lt
has been 'ksuggeste�d tv trainers Of'sitting
struck out figures the name of the
member. Mr, Trou, 11'I.
are careless' about your work, you
never 7tavij anything dont right, POUND ND roPRosrER.—L. O. L. T10
horges that if they -girthed on the
P., whose vote was bold to be bad
;}•o,u are a1w,'lys. Bate in the morning, met in rpa,Zr session Vi onday even
iuo• The meeting was the best fol
racing saddfe behind the ribs in-
stead of over them they would thiire-
by the court.
if I want an errand clone I have' to
do m self,faud )u have, the some months. Gue candidate -was
by gain for tho horse the sable ad-
A S0C1:\L SOCIABLE,—Ata CiS 'tell
"fgaO to ask' mil for ' n increase in initiated. The debate was interest•
instructive: A special
vantage as was experienced by the
sociable in Evanston, Ill ., ash
salary I" "I know," said the office Ing and
will be held it) the hall on
long distance runner from his
person was provided with a card on
boy, more determinedly than be-
r Wednesday, :dove}ober 28th, whey
broad tight leather bolt.
which were printed a dozen number•
fore, "but you forgot one thing I
a discussion will take place or
ed lines. These lines are filled out
with corresponding Dames, and
don't know how to wliistle." And
the merchant doubled leis wages `-Oranoeism." It is intended tha'
will be }Isle in the town hall on
Thursday next beginning at eleven
each persou was -expected to talk
right away. Some day, if-1hat. boy the whole evening shall be devotee
to the subject, so that very in
o'clock. In the absence of the
for five minutes with every one
name was written on his card.
keeps right on not knowing how to
whistle Ile will'get taken into the terost•ing time is .looked for. Th,
Rev. Mr. Stewart, whose turn it is
w toreach the Rev, Air. Livia g
At the expiration of five minutes a
firm. home members should bd out in ful
stone will' conduct the service. A
bell was struck and each ei'son
sought his "partner,'.'
force, in regalia: A hearty
A LAW POINT DECiDFD.—Nearly tion is extended to visiting brethren
collection will be taken up in aid
of the our feud of the town.
out next
whose name was on his card, This
seven years ago Mr. `''► m. Ryan,
cooper, entered a law suit against
r STOCK 8inrMENTs•-1XfcLeau Bros
plan worked admirably, wall -flowers
were eliminat ever Terson how-
Y 1
_-_ Suutmer11i11.
Mr. Joseph Kidd, of Dublin, to }here is close(
The Sunday Schon},
shipped ten cars of cattle from'
ever bashful, received every atten
recover the sum of $710 that being
the balance he claimed Mr. Kidd until next spring.
Clinton station last week.
u, week theyshipped fuer cars, Bawdetl
tion, the timid were brought out,
cliques were broken up, and all
owed him .for wages. The court . Air Will Marshal from Dear Lon
don is renewing old time acquaint
two cars, Okes one car, Sibbon.vent
Smith for
home happy and good natured,
awarded Mr. Ryan $522 with costs,
111r. Kidd carried tbo ansa from one in this vieini:y,
one car, A. one car,
and Montreal. Last week
voting that church sociables are not
necessarily dull.
court to another until' a short time The young folks are getting IIIToronto
Mr. Wm. Elliott shipped two superb
before his assignment a judgment an entertainment in connection
Tontine atallions for . Chicago and
was rendered against him for the with St. Peter's Church hero, I
he will not have to pay any duty
have been having in the Province
amount and all the costs in the final is to be given about Xmas. .
..on them, they being, as the most
of Quebec what the peoplethere
court of appeal. The costs in the Mr. George Hill lost a valuabl,
valuable horses shipped to the
eons:der an excessive quantity of
.case had reached an enormons sum, horse on SuDday evening from 'ga
into it is
United Status are, for We, improves-
twin this fall, ,and last a
but Mr. Kidd paid the amQu•nt oil the stomach caused suppose(
ment of stock and of a class that 'is
solemn tIigh Mass was celebrated at
court, all excepting about $500. by eating grass and a few apples
on the free list,
tho Roman Catholic Cathedral at
•l;eforo.this balance was paid Mr. ThoIl ores was worth in the neigh
THAT 0",020 C. U. MEETING.—Two
the request of the Roman Catholic
Kidd was forced to assign And the boyhood of $200,
weeks ago T>iE NEWS RECORD con-
residents of Notre Dame street west,
who ask this special service to ask
assignee refused to allow the claim ''hero is to be another shooting
to tante as n prefflrentinl one. The same cn'ptains
taineih a reference to a meeting
officially announced -anJ • held at
God for a cossa•tion of the heavy
match soon with
,case was taken to Toronto, and oD This time the will shoot at targe
Y b
Dungannon under the auspices of
rains with which they have so long
been afflicted. tiVe have had a
Wednesday of last wools. Chief Just with rifles, -The pro match
ice�Armour decided that the claim. as we predicted.. caused a great dea
P g
The West Huron Farmers' Institute,
' discuss "Commercial Union."
tolerably continuous heavy down-
should take preference and ordered .of dissatisfiction and considerabl
The afrair turned out to be the
pour of rain in this section for the
the assignee to pay it in full. hard feelings and it is time til
veriast burlesque of a representative
portion of November 'that has ex-
pj,red, if it continues much, longer
PALPABLE FRAUDs.—During the matter was dropped. We hop
Past ear' THE NEws RECORD. re- which ever side wins that the las
meeting.On the authority of n
person who was present we said so..
it laity be necessary for the. clergy
P y
ceived from Bird & Lord, advertis- challenge has been given,
The Wingham Times was illman
here to give instructions to the
cleric of the weather.
ing agents located in Toronto, offers
nered enough to say that we should
of work amounting to several hun- Bel r. ve.
not have inserted. such a "lying
THF "GRAwg" BREED. -Here's
a dred -dollars. We invariably re-
was The members of L. 0. L., Ne
report," and took especial
exception to the statement that there
clipping from last weak's Plattsville
correspondence of the Sentinel-
fused unless one quarter paid
for in advance in every 'case. We 462, celebrated the anniversary o
was "an audience of exactly 20
Reviely : "It is to be bopfld that
suspected they were frauds and we the gunpowder plot in a befittin
by the holding of a auppe
persons present, by actual count ;"
but it'did not say how many were
this dear change is only limited, for
with flour at $3.50 100, hay at
.were right. There is no excuse for manner,
newspaper men who ivill do work and entertainment. Two table
present. Though we last week•
$15 per ton, and butter at 25e. per
on the strength of a plausibly writ- the entire length of the Orange hal
their loads of eakef
showed that by the Times' own ad-
lb., most people will experience.
ten circular and flashy letter head- creaked under
in Canada we have such pies, etc. After the edibles ha,
mission the attendance was small,
yet having implicit confidence in
hard times with a vengeance the
coming winter." Upon which the
ings, when
reliable concerns as the Mail and been properly attended to, al
in the veracity of our informant we
Standard remarks : "This is an
the globe advertising agencies, and adjourned to the fine spacious
orecied by the Foresters e
wrote him, and now were we die•
overdrawn picture, because • in the'
in the United States the square recently
P. Rowell & the village, which is capable c
" posed to use tho tu,quoque retort we
bill of fare of "most people" in this
dealing firm of Geo.
holding about three hundred people
might say to the Times " you're
another." We will merely give
village, bay is not included ; for the
vary good reason that their abdomi-
Co. of New . York. The following'
will explain : " Several months ago, and was crowded to its utmost calm
the reply we received and will
nal viscera are not constructed so as
a firm by the name of Bird & Lord city. The heavy rain which pr(
vailod did not crampon the ardor c
stand by it: " Yours received, 20
to utilize that kind of provender.
opened up an advertising agency in
those who had assembled to cel(
persons laesides those on the plot-
Perhaps the correspondent may
Toronto. They retrained there tin-
t'1vo ago, when brate the anniversary of the demi
form, all I could see, and I looked
relish a stew of that kind. If he
tit about months
fall of Guy Fawkes and his assoc
on purpose to be sure of the number.
does, it is proof presumptive tbat
they departed for pastures new,
due nearly rtes, supposing they did ,receive
I am certain, that I ata not more
descendants of Nebuchadnezzar of
leaving behind a sum
newspaper in Canada." soQero 'vetting. - Mr. Anthon
than 3 or astray either way."
old'atill wander upon this
Good sensible people who appreciate a good article at a
low price should inspect our
Great Stoof Cl
We stand to -day as the LAltGEST CLOTHING ES-
TABLISHMENT in the County, with a stock of Goods
--- -- ---- ._ __w- - _ - -- -
at prices lower, than what is usually asked V r
slop ready-made stuff. Our FIT AND MAKE is 'a.o
different from ordinary Ready -Made stuff that we find it
easy work to sell our Goods. Peoplewho have not in-
spectod our Stock should do so, bee else it will pay any
buyer of Clothing to see what we are doing.
Our peat 8
& $10. Overco.ats
are it surprise to all buyers, and sensible people who have
not visited us will investigate our statements before
acs®n BF ®s•
• British, sworn to "steadil maintain tfIL.'•:'
Nethery was elected to oeculry Lilo B r Y •
chair, which position he filled very eounection between the colonies of British
America and the Ntutlier Country, and. to,
acceptably. A lengthy program
be ever ready to resist all attempts to
was then gone . through with, as • weaken British influence, and dismember
follows: Solo; "My First' Music' the British Empire." The seceders might. "
Lesson," Miss Godfrey ; 'address,• organize a P'ratestant association bei they .
Iiev. George Law,of I3elgrave ;solo, would not be ovaugemen und1r the. ex- .
intiug'Cotistitution au<1 obligation: •i bei'
"Boston Fire," Mr. •J. Lawrence, ask, "Does Orangeism ik{� exist in the
Brussels; instrumental; violin and American Union, having for its member
organ, Air. J. Bell and Miss Lawr- ship brethern who own a 'brat allegiance
code 'address Rev. J. H. Moor_ to the republic ? I emphatically answer
house, `i'ingham ; Comic song, No. A Protestant association may exist
there but not all Orange Institution wras
"Mulligau's Funeral;" Mr.J. Mason, founded in, England ill 1688, ill Irelandd
Wingham-encored, recitation : solo, in 1795,and which "knows. no' emblem
"A Boy's Best Friend' is His Moth- save the Altar. and.the.Throne." Accord -
Miss Godfrey; }nstruntoI tel, cannot "own first allegiance" to Luny other
organ, `Miss Millar; address, Itthan the Protestant crown of England."
R. "Godfrey•; instrumental, violins This I will maintain against'all Conners,
and organ; Messrs. J. Bell, C. Bu• If there are any norniuil Or'au-emen in
ney and Miss Lawrence; solo, Mr. Camrda Who advocate independence or
Commercial Union other .names for an -
C. Birney; address,Dr. T. Chisholm, nexation, tlicir place is south of lat.451D,
Winghani ; comic song, "Have You and I would sorrowfully say' to them—
Seen Her," Mr. 'Jos. Mason—an- wayward brethern, depart fn peace.
cored "Little Brother Joe" ; solo, Yours etc.
Miss Godfry ; Scotch Reading,Miss A WTVILA\ OIeANGF.MAN.
Bryce; instrumental, violin and Goniuuctl, Nov. 2nd, 1888.
organ, Air. D. Anderson and Miss —�—
Lawrence; solo, "Don't Drink, My In And About the County.
Boy, Tonight," Mr. J. Lawrence——Nfessrs. W. and T. McLean, of
encored, "The Old Maids do kiss"; Godericb, cattle" buyers, shipped
'instrumental, organ, Mits Millar - seven cariloads of fine beef cattle
encorod. A' vote of thanks was from Lucknow station'the other day.
tendered the speakers and others Thpy were destined for the old
who had ;assisted in the entertain- country markets.
' ment of .the evening. Representat- —Romain Callender, of St.Thomas,
' t has sold the right to manufacture
fees were pyesetlt from Blyth, and use his patent organ'
action for
Wingham and other lodges.—Ad- church organs • to the `Roosevelt „
rance. Organ Mfg, co. of New York. He was
offered $14,000 for the patent but ,
has negotiated the sale of the patl:nt
WHAT IS ORANGEISA 1 on a royalty basis. 4
—Iiev. 'J. Cooper- Robinson, an
Aho•riwn tuuEaieR 1A11P AL HHAnln FROM' Episcopal clergyman well-knov, u
t in this county, who lately went to
Lb the EJilor of The Sentinel : Japan as missionary, has lost no
I Sity—Allow me to say, without mean- time An dllopting some Japanese
[ ing to offend, that the definition of customs. Ile has written a letter on
Orangelsm in your leading article of last a sheet of native paper 131 feet long,
week is directly at variance with the so that it is interesting to look at as
F Orange ConstitQtion and Obligation to well as to read.
Which you do not once refer. why ignore —Miss AlcCowan, a Canadian from
documents that contain the only correct Brueefield Count Huron traveling
answer -to the question "What is Orange— ( y g
ismi" You might m well leave out the companion for a wealthy Southern
the thirty-nine Articles in defining the lady from New Orleans, acoidentlly
faith of all English Cliurchman or the fell against the dressing table in her
Fcreed .f Pope Pius IV., in defining popery. room in one of the leading New York j
You say " the rulb of allegiance laid hotels and internally injured herself.
down was not intended, we think, to amply The young lady is said to be a hero•
r to Orangemen, except while they remomed ine, having two years ago, at the
Britisli subjects.". renis implies that "'On risk of her own life,. rescued from
1 who are not Btitish subjects may be drowning at the Island, Toronto, a
Orangemon, which I deny. Hear the lovely young lady who fell out of a
constitution : "The Arsaociation is gener- row boat.
1 al ; not confined to any particular place,
i person or nation, but extends itself where- d
1 ever a loyal, Protostant Briton is to be —'The Moncton, N. B., Times re-
f found, to the remotest corners of the ports that a Mr. D. Cameron, of
globe for the establishment of the Protest- Lucknow, Ont., employed by the
f ant faith,aud British liberty to the latest contractor for the Cape 'rormentine
dges of posterity." Hero it is plainly ex- breakwater ,as superintendent of
_ pressed, that an Orangeman must be a the stone quarry which is located i
"loyal Protestant Briton," which he can- near Port Elgin, went up on a derrick
not be when he forswears allegiance to to unfasten some, of the rigging,
Queen Victoria and becomes a citizen of
"Lot it tipped,carrying hits down to �•
the United States. You say; Let us the ground, a distance -of 30 feet. He
. suppose Canada breame an independent died in n few hours from injuries re .
nationality, must Orangeisrn necessarily J
eeage oto exist in our midst t Certainly it ceived. He leaves a wife and family
a must as at present constituted. In that in Lucknow, acid the body has been
Y case tine• society would be no longer sent hove for 'interment.