The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-14, Page 6.. r/�//� r, yn/r•� /�yfQ�/��S RQn /r -rip _ .. . _ ... _,. ...
• / /R �4 [ N'1 1�[A N icer , o�( ,d NO I.RL� NGIR.
• ., A big stellae was rnulld »:I1nD Puwajl.l. j/,' Q' THEGLOBE ¢1,60 e, Year--$i.15 t dvgoce. Di'. Thpwaa, when Biallop 0f di Davis issues Ilteir l xirnot of erase. " ° (r' '�1
C, -Y_�
• Salisbury, t;sed to tell the f011OtYlDg l . 1? P
1)r,llu and Burdock. 1t Iles wit _the For pee latAax eetu,ptiro to; In{liges, C
story :'iWhile I waschaplain to the great success, sed it wast, for
it is filo finless they refrain frgm sating %
)$duress lay, NOV. 14111►► 1$8$ most powerful blood purifier In the war.. wrist is unwllglesowo' Lt)t if anything
British ]'factory at Hamburg, a kat. It is used with the greatest success ' y '
g• will sharpen the appetite and give tone
gentleman belonging to the factory D all disrasrs arising from a debilitated to the digestive organs, it Is A eels Sar, REAVY FIRST WREii~ Il`T zmoj: IBjIR,
TREUBLY'S SHOW TURTLE., .died at a village about tea miles coedit on of the system, and everynne ' g g y
-. needs, anti should use it boole or two at aaparilla. Thousands all over trip land � GREAT
� � i l ■
- distanti Application was made :o testify to the merits of this medicine. H `�
One of the most interesting law- the pastor of the parish for leave to 'tin }rut, of Ru-will a I.x• y"# Q, tC�`
• .this seasn l ofthe
a P P tract oftiarsa,:trilln and Burdock. liear, errs- Sarall Burroughs, of 248 rIfgllth New Type, New Press, Fine Paper, Five HandsgMo Litktographed
suits ever tried before a justice of have film burled in Ilia Churchyard, Ju rilind oue 50,:, butte rouLai:i6 inure street, Sonth.Boston, writes.' M hus- ov
l y Plates, First•aClass 111udt rations, OritJi4al Matter 1
• the peace in the State of .Hely York but on being told he 1?aa a Calvinist, solid medicine than mast dollar so-called Hand has taken Ayer's f3arsaparilIa, for _ �.
Sarsaparilla and bitters. Alsu remember Dyspepsia and torpid, ;and has and Superior Wbrkixianshig:
].o refused. 'No' seta ho 'tl]urq i 1
has just been concluded before ' ' J that It is sold in Clinton b a!I drii • t THE B
are noun but ere shall be o chug."' y lug, been greatly benefited." EST XMAS PAPER EVER ISSUED IN CANADA
i Jatnes°Dawley, Esq., purveyor of yard, and there shall be no other."' Price 60c, a bottle. Sold by oil drug,
isle and w'•dicino dealers ever whel•e• A Confirmed D s e do '
jurisprudence in the village of "This being told me," says Dr, } 4431ly Y p THE LITERARY MATTER in the CHRISTMAS GLOBE will be entirely original
Carthage. Thomas, "I resolved to go and argue _ C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin at., and will include stories from the ablest pens in Canada. The subjects treated
A few days ago David Trembly, the Inatter with him but found hila _Nineveh wiia liftrt:n mi)es len Boston, Mass.,, writes, that, suffering being wholly Canadian, i
inflexible. At length, i told hint lie g, for years from Indigestion, he was at FIVE HANDSOME LITHOGRAPHED PLATES accom an the paper, thepf4poi-
a well 11no1vI1 citizen, in one of his 0igIIt, ,+ill-,, and furry mill's lound, last induced to try ' p y
made we think of a circulnatuncn with a flail 100 Ellet high, anti t.hiclt y Ayers Sarsaparilla pal one being a scene from Vancouver Park, B.C., from a painting by Mr. Ir
s: r, morning atro[Ia along the banks of which once happened to myself , and, by its use, was entirely cured. R. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist.
Black river, ran across a mammoth when I was a eurato in Thomas street. • ('bough for three chariots abl Past. Mrs. Joseph Aubin,, cf high street, MECHANICALLY the XMAS GLOGE will be in every way first-class and no
Babylon wits fifteen Ili-es witl,ill fiolyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year expense will be spared in having it surpass anything. of the kind heretofore
lead turtle, Which he captured after I was burying a corpse, when a tie walls, t,;AVII wete tSi ft,,•t riffle; from Dyspepsia, so that she could not published in this country.
woman came and ailed leo b the '
a hard struggle. The turtle was P Y and 350 high, w illi 100 brazen eat substantial food, became very weak, AS THE DEMAND will be very great, we wquld advise intending purchasers
sleeve in the midst of the service. and was unable to care for her famil to leave their orders at their newsdealet's or send direct to this office, not later
-; taken to the village, whorl] it attract- saying, "'Sir, sir, I want to speak gates. The '1'enlpla of I)',uta nt y. ,
ed much attention. No one in to you,' "'Pr •thoa'sa s I `woman Lpliesus was 420 fest to lilt' , upport Neither the medicines proscribed by than the end of the present month, as the supply will necessarily be limited
Y + S Y + physicians, nor any of the remedies and we cannot undertake to print a second edition.
Carthage, and probably no one in wait till I have done.' "'No, air, I cf till, roof, [L was 100 vow n in advertised for the cure of Dyspepsia, The price has .been placed at ONLY 25 CENTS PER COPY.
musts silt to ou immediate] b'Ithlt" lila liu,t•a of the I'yru' her It is intende(l: to have the edition ready the first week in December in
this part of the state had ever even P Y y• , pod her, until she commenced the older to allow le
u' , mids is 451 f,•et high nu 1 653 on
a native tut•tld half ao bin. The re. 1VIly, then, what is the matter 4 use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three P my of time for mailing copies long distances so as to reach
b '°' ' ' tilt si.lrst its L;is'• t:nVrrti "!t'vril destination before Christmas.
suit was that David's fame as a says she, you are burying a bottle$ of this medicine," she writes,
Ivan who died of the small-1,ox next metes. The ,lours are ala+ut 30 feet "cured me." THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., Toronto.
turtler spread abroad in the lana rn poor husband who mover had a.' ill leD<+th t"i'1 tilt, layot s 880. It, ® s ■
and he began to think that he had } t + can loyed� 333 000 men ill building. Ayer's Sarsaparilla THE WEEKLY GLOBE, the best family newspaper in Canada
made a,bigger conquest than 'David
"The story had the desired effect' CJId I:i� %itltll+i,r '17+ 1 and THE RURAL CANADIAN, the best a ricultural paper in Canada
and file 'IBtOI' n!'Initted 1,116 bones }' „}'pt contains 300 PREPARED BY 9 p p
of old, who slew Goliath. p` P Both from now to end of 1889 only $1.25.
of the Calvinist to be interred in chambers and 250 halts. • Thebes+ Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,. Mas&
I-Ie became much attached to tris " ill Egypt, pieseuts ruiuii Lwelty- Prlce$1; sixbottles.$S. Worth
his churchyard. _
reptile that brought him fam'o: Lut sevep , miles routed. Athens was
-- he could not have the uluscot With PROMPT, POTENT ANDPER)IA- twetity•fivo u'ilos rotw+twl ,; Intain, p� - ® NESS
him All the time, so he loft hint to NENT results always come from the ea 5¢50,000 IN nal 400,000 t�D i? ECHANGE
charge of one Dau. Lalonde. Dan
use of Milburn's Aromatic Quinine slaves. Plie taml>lu of 1)olf,llufi wasDR.PIVMP1IREYS'33008
it '080018, was not faithful to his Winn. sp rich in �tuulltions that it w•ns '-'-o--
trusttrust for lie allowed John Neville _.._ t T Cloth &Cold Binding
, r plundered of , 500,000 ; and Nero ( las rages, with OLr"f-Eaararlog, 1. have purchased the o''
a well-known practical joker, to o i, MAILED FREE. h �1'OCOr'y StOCI� of �°1IUS. COOPER
P ---Constable Canieron'of lIami]. carried away 200,st'it.ut's, The "ails Adarnc.,l'.O,aox181o,11.8 &SON L
^ take the turtle from the empty flour ' and- will carry on the Business at the Old .Stand.
P Y ton seely Saturday n]oruinn met of �tt,n,t were-1 Lllirle it milt, LISTOUP=bri•ALNos. comas rara>r As I ale in a ositioll to buy FOR GASH the public may
better in Which ho was kept,' and o p
round. 1 lrevers, Congestion, Inflammations... .25 Y
subsequently the turtle wild behead- a woman clothed in nothing but a 2 Norm■.Wor,uFevor, WormColio.... .25
i; Crvin3 (:glia, ot- T 0thin • or Infauts. .25 rely on getting
vs; ed and'served up in steaks apd light nlgllt-dl'O88 and with it COUp16 )larrhea, of Children orbAdolts...... .25
TlI1 ;\ZODUSOl'1'sItANDf. b i)1•olera. rbus,C.'BilionsCollo.... .25 GOODS �� ��
&Onp8t060VC1•RlOfttlatg011tlClDtln'6 Ot'9hawtatl7l'OtVllOV0rhn1'31'n]SwR11C- .:(i(:haierntlfarbus,Ynmiting........ ...2fi �'��� ����p�w
boon companionst who had assem- ing in her sloop. Ile followed bar. • ry (loaglla, Cali, Bronchitis.............. ,25 `■
The mode of Burdoclt Blood Bitters t3 �curalA Toothache,25
is that it acts- at one and the same 9 dieadnclies, Sick lion. Vertigo. .25
bled at file village restaurant. to the house of a ma'n named Reid., time upon the Stornnch,Liver,Bowels, MR. OGLE COOPED Will remain with me, and I hope
r Trembly was one of the invited half a toile from -her resid'ouce. OnnEO PATHIC that the tltr'Or1RC'
The constable at omen notified lief• Kidneys Arid the Blood, .to ,cleanse, patronage extended to Messrs. Cooper & Son
guests on this occasion, and he was regulate And strengthen. lienee its ill layspepsia Bilious stomach......... _ .2, will be continued:
helped to some of the choicest friends and when he returned found 11 Etr,ttrussebor1'alnful periods...._ :23
P ' ` C m pl nnlVBfaal BUCCCSa In � hfOniC 12 �Vltltes, too Profuse Poriode........ .$5 JAMES
p01`tt021a. lI0 niC }IOaI'tlty, and be. the woman, YY}1036 name is Mrs. Complaints. 13 Crouppy� Cough, Difficult Breathing.... .25 ®�
" • '
114 Salt 1[heum, Er •aipehis, Erayticus:. .216 °
tWOell mUhtl'1'Ula praised the quality P03a, still asleep. She had In the -- ---- - l5 Rheamatlsm, Riioumatio Pains...... .25
1s Pevee and A¢u Chills, Mnlaiia..... .50 i
and favor of ilia flesh. The -other meantime become enraged lit Dir. ' --Tile Western Fair Board have 17 Fllee.-Blind or el Chills,
............. 50 v-
]bombers of the )art winked at
Reid and bent hit, with the. handle been served with a write for damage 19 Cntnrrh, influenza. Colgdinthe Haati .50 • Late Of Commercial Hotel.
} S b • 20 Wiwopin1t Cough ViolentCouBhtr._ .50
` each othor, but he sus )o .ted noth- of a revolver, and bit his hands and at the instance of bliss A hnie Tow. l4 C,encralllebilltYI ysivalwesknesa .sot
1 Q ° 2i Kidnav DIsenso.............. ..r...... .50---
g feet, which were covered with blood, ere, of FIibbert,near }':xoter, who was z Ile'tmusebl'inv•...,.....,S,a„°=,00
t r.:iDg ' 30 Ur ear eat er., Wetting Bed... 50 NG
'N'ext 11101'll1Un Trembly mi3sod Mrs. Ross when questioned by the injured by saints caught in the shaft- 2 plea seso[theHenrt.Palpttation.1:00 .. YL ��
Y ing at t11a lAte Exhibition. ®� ^ t 1 . r
his turtle. '}Ie quoationed Liilonae, policeman, said she bad gojla to the � _ _ r V '
but that gentloluan knew, nothing cemetery to.putson�e nhawlson bar -oF--
O: son who she said was cold. Her ,CURED BY B. B. B WHEN ALL. Bold byDruggigte,•q;eept,pgetpaidoq><egeipta !,
about its ascfl�0. Trembly made a ' ' Price-Wells ledt Rlchordioa0a,dgants,6{]iw ����
son was Dir. Ross, of 1Vilson. street, ET.SF. b'AILED. (tpustrsetl\Ioutreal.
terrible fuss bil> out it. tl said lie who died some fele weeks since Dff Emanuel Allan, of Lisle, ont ATS AN, r would not bu the turtle and he state that he tried all the doctor's in
would give a liberal coward- for its and ever since his dogth• Alae. Ross i�E1NSPAPER LAWS of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also
has been. much affected by her slid his locality while suffering for °yeses
recapture. - T.he Bows of the turtle's with Livor and Kidney trouble; noth• We call the special pt°tention of Post
bereavement. she was tflken to her One Oase American l
departure atid'1'rembly's excitement ing benefitted him until .he took Wasters and subscribers to the following
and worry over it soon , spread to }some on Cannon street. Burdock Blood Bitters, four bottles , „ ,
of which 'cured him. Y ofsis of the newspaper laws:-
ovary corner of the village. Close (very bautlsome), fl•oin 20c, 1) to 50c. A call' respectfully solicited.
i-A postmaster is required to Dive P P Y
after it cries a story about turtle SICK HEADACHE caused by - -"- -- ' - noaico uY cls'r•r,.l. (returning a paper t110es
sotlp at the village restaurant. excess of bile or a disordered stow- -Dr. Grain, a.prominent physician ❑O't answer the law).whon a subscriber does
r. ach is promptly relieved by using of Winnipeg,ischarged with indecent• not take his paper out of the office, and
is DVllen this story camp tQ Tremb �Q ona5 Pill, ly.assaulting a sixteen-year-o d girl, 3tute th'0 reason for its Wet bciu+J taken. Murray Block, Albert Street. t'•
ly's oars he was one of the maddest named Lit Ho arth in-his olHce last ZVNext Door to DRY-GOODS PALACE.-
y' g + Any neglect to lie so the po4tiyaster
men in the state. Hp:allowedthat the week. Ile has been committed for responsible to the publishers'for payment.
joke had been .carried too far. He -Frank Day; a young Canadian trial at the Assizes. _
couldn''t• sco any fun in killing, a was killed at the corner of Clark 2-If any porswi orJels his paper dis='
VALUABLE TO KNOW. outinued, he must pay all arrearan , of HOUSE ��� � I �'/�y
mau'3 lies 'turtle in A St]rl'npt1t10BS and Jackson streets at mldll%ght til,; publisher may continue to send it �■,'
+ mariner and 'then geEnig him to 'by an UDkDOWn man. Day. with Consumption may be more easily ,uutit.payment is lriade, and'col'leet til(
dino off elf it,. pravtated than cured:' The irritat- wlaulo auu>iutt; t\hctjJei it b0 taken flairGLAZING• t1
• two friends'was s on his Way to Polk ing- and harassing cough will bo grant- . the office or not. There can ' be no legal � ' �� � .G.RAI N I IV�`i,
In his opinion it was a proceed street depot. Just before they ly relteved'by the use of IIpgyard's discontinuance until the payment is made, -
ing of which the lavv should' take . reached Jackson street they were Pectoral Balsa,] that cures coughs, $--An} person \t ho tapes a papa, freer'. PLAIN HND DECORRME
cognizance. Accordingly he swore met by another party of three, all colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary the post-oftice, whether r directed to oni
out ar warrant fur Neville; wile was more or less intoxicated. As they troubles. name or another, dr ,vhether lie has sub-
said L 1J ll ♦ ��
,said to he the teen wile put up. the passed the strangers shouted-"Hur- x - - - - 3cribeil or net, is responsiblo fat; the pay. Kazsnminin�
job. Before the case came to trial the rah for Cleveland'." Day shouted -Ray. DIr. ), a few yoars I-If a subscriber orders his cape,• to bi NANCINC�.
people bec:une greatly stirred up back,-"What's the matter with Har- since a :Methodist nliuister located stopped at a certain t^inu,, and the publish `' � AND
over it, and it wile hard work to nut rison 4" The stranr, ,'lit Birt 1.0Drlon townih! i is about ' 01' cpntiuues to scud, it the subseriber i
o ,els immediately + ! ' bound to it for it if he takes it out of' 1
a constable Nilo would servo sub assault,�d -Fier to vin the Church of I;nnland and pity � 1 FRESCOING.
ans SI?vera1 blows 1 0- pnst•olhte. Phis-proceetlsupuutheriruuD
p(xnas on either witnesses or jury. were struck.' A moment later one dovotb lets talP'I)i; to niiv»IUnlry \\.ork filet a man ,,,est 1 fbr \,par ha use;
' ,v Shop Next S ooner's
A jury, of 'sis utnn Was finally se- of the strnngora•"plunged a dirk exclusively. ♦ p p- Hotel, .filbert Street
r cured, however, anti the trial went knife into Day's breast, and the ' -- - --- r CT-PON, C)wr 4RIq_
on with two Of the ablest 1RWy0rs latter sank to. the pavement without' A BARE 0031.131NATIU\.. ri- ••'fit the Mvisii,n Curt in uwlcr.ieli A p T.
ppp+��� �g/■� /.�
in file Village a6 COUn�a01. agfOall. T110'Usaaein escaped. De 4t the Noylulter sithuo a news•,a u;r nil.- % V H Li. S. fl . S �.,/� !O N ER
P Thera is no nthPr remedy or "Dein- 4 i 1 1 //`1L" Y ft �,i
' Some ramaarkble turtle stories ceased was 23 years old, unmarried pination pf medicines that i]IPP.t» so Itsher sued for prey of pace', Tile deb-lit" y
---were told in court. Lawyer Fulton, and had only been sfx months in many requirem-nts, as does Burdock gut objected paying m1 the ground that. lie
the,countr 'His father, Davlfll)a had ordered a farmer ln'oplictur of the. A FULL STOCK OF
who bad the dofelidant 3 - case in y. v Blood Bitters in its wide ranee of paper ,, held
y+ a ,er to discontinue it. The Jud'.•
hand, related that h6 auto round lives in Eraniosa,Wellingtoncounty power over such Chr:,nic diseases its ,
Dyspepsia, Liver and I{iduey (;Orr,. that that was not a valid dcfelcc. The
antimnreuae turtle shell chained to and 11 r. L. C. Smith, master of the plaintlfl', tyle present prpprictor, had 1io �holee G/o�e� Timoth Seed
plaint, Scrofula and all humors of the nnfice to discontinue said consequently
a tree, from •which the turtle had Oshawa Binh School is tbeirbrother-
crawled out and escaped. IIs in-law. Deceased was for aurae blood._
' " genii collect, nl'though it \van not d -Ilicd
1 1 - --- tltot det'cudant harl notified former pro.Also all 011ier SI'lletle� of Fiel(l. Garden avid FtOsser Seeds.
thought this might be the case with yaal•.4 a ,netuber. of "All 7,atteryr -D1r. A. R. Dickey,8ir Cmerle, prieto• to disuolitiuue. In any vunt Special palm I►a�^e been iRhen to procure them Fresh
v Trentbly'6 tUl't10 i any way, Trembly Quebec. ' , �lul'undont was hound to ,a for the tiu,e .. � and, Pure.
riippPr, ,nec-ssor in (,nml,P,,l,ta, pay
could have the slloll if ho wanted -Firs admittofl bribory h „+ants• he had received the paper and until he
it. A siugle, bottle of Ayer's Sarsaphr• __, Y _" had paid all arrears due for qub„eription . Extra Value in China Tea Sets and Decorated
TheBplaintill'swore that Ilia turtle !Ila will establish the merits of this CONSUIIP'I'IONnfiUIt] LY CURE, - "- - �" -- _"- - Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet- Sets, White Granite Sets
medicine as ablood purifier. Many
was amines-buil: mud turtle four- thousands of people are yearly cured TO THE EDITOR : and Fancy Glassware.
teen inches wide and sixteen incl'es of chronic diseases by the faithful Please inform your readers that I. Special Value in New Season's IRlacl�, Green
long. 1[e had a hule through his use of this remetly. It is unequalled have a positive remedy for the above
' ..
•iahe riy'Ilim by, and judg for the aura of scrofula. Hamad disease. By its limply use cro and Japan Teas. Canmed fruit, Vegetables, T
ing from the ring» an his tail, Was -_ thousands ofhopefess cages have been
r� '1� &c•. In endla-►ia r<.arieSy.�Orana Fv, Lemons, I'i1gq, &c. Flour.
< bbtwoen rJ0 and 100 yenta old. pArmanently ,cured. i shall be glad O bIa vii an(Ib Prov lions. ivevpecS logic and get Prices.
-A (jAn3alan CIVLI engine 18 at
Harr ^ 1�lilager a ,i o to send two bottles of rs remedy o
} b , boas-nfltnrea' ,veil: 36 tliu St, .Clair flats. IlU -Fels Furlt to any of your readers who have f� " �0��
y,. r Dutchman' was callus as it turtle been employed for ,t week rlmphio consumption if they will Senti, We
;r export by the plaiulifl', and the lime Rua taking observations, their Express and P. t), nddre», e�fl NA 23ALL, C,LINipN_
defandant's counsel asked him it' Several ul' Iiia \vllite sioual flags flit Tte»pcctfully, Dr. A. '1'. SLt)CiT tT, � z� ezRoaRtmc s�alcs a R[F _•6R S7,
r he know the difrOronco betwoen 'a - --
r flying .on the »oath ])far, sell the 37 longe street, 'fornntn, t"Int. 990y :� _ -
"' turtle aux a t 1b 1 r, one a pity- rttuge is cuutinned up flit' first W :-1. ' ~� h P � _
ing glance at the attorney harry straight at1,;Pt,uf the river chauuel -It i» tau»idertd a«rt;tiu in
66xc!uimea : bayoud the Star island house. The wr' ll-iufoltlwfl circle, that N'shop c i� tyg r
"Ori, mein Gott! A, lobster got Cauadiart to;invor beomn his hist CIr';or'A' Kir",run u•!ll be nppoiut s� -1 g� y ,t�
dwenty live Net Dna one toil, au(] 1iuo, I'1'mu t,,L'I);1.911ea ]p0111ts In tilt, n'i It' tn+ \ u;ani l uni.ui (;itllulic v atR�c' b+pTT% BLOCK, Y �Qr?� a � .
„ der fulfil, h<tf gut four fent alta von ora ship char utl Dear the ttvu liryht- Arek,hi,h"in iC d'roruntu. m tib
pedals, Vy ! acre vas 3hAu»t, ,o hU11909, ti -Fish steed in the lake JOSEPH • CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
" mooch difference as dein vas bu- north of the St, Clair Shooting and A QUARTE R()I. A C'N:NT111ZY, r-,_
twouu der Shoostice and tee." Fishing Club's buildivas, Ca],t. 1'or more than ttbeut.y-five yenta e~�-*-- > Call at the New 8tote,aucl see the stock of
I[a2ty know that tuella oil ,las D[ott, >>nitatl St,ttina anStudian of JIBS }inbyard s fellow oil bP.en sold ,- Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, !
worth abutit ten aullars a plllt, blit the Catial. nollll11 till 011g11100I at Icy druggists, and it never yet failed NItltll'D9ses, etc., slid F,reI1P1'al Ikmsrhold Furnitln•e. The \vhnli• Pfocl: is frpin the very '
n lie could not estimate Elle ,%mount work, illvit'-d lith to tllalCa Il8" of to give satisfaction as a flea-ellold C16-4d I,IsC InnllllfilOtlll'C1's. rl''1111•e names soil i\•innldings of every drscriptipn.
'4 the official it 1 , whioh is 1•t 1' remedy for pain latilenesi-and sora, �" r- � .)1Q�b1. (1ii0191.1 l elle door �i'cst of IBiCksoll's Book Stoic.
of oil '1'rctnh,y's ;.Delle u'uuLl yiula. I ►'.'it rho Y pain,
liohthuus„ a+t} iu'^ mess of the flesh, for external and +
A groat ways ul' evidence wa.s g it might 4aVe him internal use in all Painful corn. Z lr
trouble ;incl Inip01% The Canatli'm p �
given to ]leave the verse of turtles, plaints _.__.__
nerd '1'ronllply's tnvf.l0 in part•irulnr, it; supposed to ve the sante man : ����(�qROOERIEStdhieh it wits pitivvil Neville hus \vile marls itis anrvey in 1860, antifH
! to b repot•torl that part of the Au old id i,+hlan'I �',t�'•,_ult in CiQ
CRUse' o kill"41, 1 Canal w.t, And the clinicestgoodslcept in snick by
- rn the ,lUl'19 f11CtlU!] Of �lrlliatla, Ilir• ,i Iy!i I'•gui"•,�ix. a is ,
Thpn tho jury went out to delilwi'- thlnicaa (�alltall! Mott fUf ills Curl t•_ .voilty his ru,ipul� nett 1,1011 i„ yt.t,
ate. In about s ve -Fonts the tbnud til it till tL • li'i,., v,,.i• out in the, ------- �j-,�_ITIMT 10M JB�064 ,
y t,r•,sy,and ,litimiled that he wuild
+ a verdict of scvculy-five ct•nf3 felt have to dopend ew,ir(ily on hi, awn `` I'tlr rut k rr1 , uk i;,irui,., f i/ ,t rrn,ut KI't)1''T'IIAT couGu. •_ -
the plaintiff, 'filo till-tle Cost resourcesfor data. W! cn ho t!, '::, !1,- per, eiVud ,t Ninny people nPgleet what they call -N c blly In the very hest 111800ts and give 0111• otistomer:'s every advontage, our goods
Ntt ilio '$1.5, cuuntiug cost» tuul light shinier f„' r„ar�"I nit :-Tit n simple Cold, which, if not checked will always ho found Musli earl Reliable, oiul to tho econoniioal housekeeper we offer
Coon»ol fors, but ho cunsiaart!'d - oat 11-L liv!" ti, •rn r lint! t,f iii, ill time may lead to Lung trouh)e. Dian) AdVantnges, Ourgrnxla, in valiety,'lnality, anti price, Wearesatisfied will meet �
that dirt Ch',np for all, the full Ito A'vgit# the harsh, irritating,griping Inel, ,!tout••'? bacli :- \Inn, its tilt Scott's Emulsion of Cod LiverOil the rfiluirulne'It.s of evou household. Farre Produce taken at the htgrrtst price,.
h:lri hail, l,e•i 1,,., h'?laic the (Infeu(i• compounds so often sold aspurgativa nt1fut', rl�t'unr.'.ot L u ii g \,try t0illi Hyr,o,hp,pltilrs,Will notontystop i r
medicine, and correct the irrPgu er. OANTELON ROS
nut ill ill ul:l,y l�:itl', latv,,;;it huolt•ti u•.•!1 tl„..;,,..,,,,,,,� '•ri•• i I,,t a in rr- the coag t but heal the lungs. En- i 1 �4
ties of tile bowels by tha•u»r,pf ,1yer's dorsed by thou»ontta of physicians, t'1
to the cuurtc (if nurtilrrn NiIW CAthortir Tills • 'They are invaluably turn 1 i 1,+. tit ' ,, 1 „', what a
York • ass familyme'licin; p
e. it Is it it .,•Ir,' Palntable as milk. Try it. fold by
r All druecists of 50e. and '$1,00. 1 WHOUSALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. f:l_iNVIN. 11INIi