The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-14, Page 3t 'aUa.iPlgi a 111N11IUQ"VtM X110 awerwarus 1yt;c.4rW1IF was Ipwrtue controlt.8.u. wont Is the feast pro, 'w AXVLNl?i"TI11 t1Vl$lkll�l+`. by Col. Salable, and lie 41AQ saw door- sperous and denWhile my husband was trading in ' IOORRERPav111ENCI; ulentar evice +I at th to I , a , y , i.. a C» pCo. LEAST HAPPY PART OF THE BRITISH fora he Carne across an ;<ndlan who n � �� �VS We ,10th at all Uwe N pleased to motets had paid out oon4d,eroble noltlAlN ! was taken to his lodge to die. Ile - ' receive items o new roni our sub- sures of money to Greenway for had adbi,nwal3rd pains and pains !;lull his . f f Many causes Wright, contribute to scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send its RELIABLE news. A whtch hean others were responst- the resent state of Ireland, but 1m a• 0 gave same XeilQw Oil ole. Mr. Greenway gave u latter P • internally and applied it externally, . to Mr. McArthur` acknowledging Romanism is the cause more than and cured him. It also cured my the claims of the Manitoba Central all things else. Spain is the most husband of rheumatism, and I find it unknown country in Ero a and valuable for coughs and colds, sore to precedence and promised the y P ' throat, ect." Mrs. A. Besew, Cookie bigoted bigin required legislation and it is attach- perhaps the most blindly Mills. Serpent River, Ont. ed to an affidavit. In an interview the world. Mexico occupies about PATENTED SEPT. 7, 1'888. the same position on this coutiment with a reporter to -day Mr. Green-. —She—No ! Mr. Harding, it can as ,Spain does_ intU�,e. When 3 �'p}g{.EnI��Y-/ff ,New. tivay have- art emphartie decrial to tl •trever-be. But -I --A itt-alwa •s --be -a Visor Emmanuel ' ascead+ed the charges made in this affidavit. sister—He (rising)—Oh, that's A Powerful Heater. Throne of Italy there were 17,000, Iortunately, lid said, he had in his the deal., is it I %N1 ell, then, sister, if f 000 people who could neither coact possession documentary proof of the nor writeThkldd eber conce speaker you've got your thimble handy I Economical on fuel. . falsity of the chargee and the wish you would sew up Elie knees - by asking Protestants to stand by Suitable formedium-sized houses Government would take some of }vsers that I have Bacri6o d their rights to labor for such moral my tro prompt notion, the nature s which in Ending out our relationship. * TholoU Tested. elevation o� sentiment as would ,� �-•;; he was not its postion to state, to ghl � make it impossible for politiciansrtto vindicate themselves. It la felt ADVICE TO MOTHERa.—Are yon die- ITS ADVA(VTAG,ES that as the -finding of the grand jury ' attempt the purchase of the politi- turbed at night and broken of your rest cal influence and power of Boman• by a sick child suffering and crying with in the libel suits is almost a travesty stn of Cnttin basements, ism, which would thus be greatly P g Teeth? If so Bond at It can be placed in low cellars or on justice, the Government will ask once and get a bottle of ',furs Winslow's It has casing of steel plate around the firebox, making it perfectly smoke for a royal commission to itivesti. their idled ; and above all f Elie de Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. and gas tight. gate the charges. their utmost for Elie spread r Its value is incalculable. It will rel ieve It is easily cleaned out, an important feature, as it insures the Furnace knowledge of salvation through the poor little sufferer immediately. De- heating as well at the end of the season as when first started. Jesus Christ, pend upon it, inothara; there is no mis- take about it. It cures D senter and Immense radiaUing,srirfitce is given, and additional heat obtained by utilizing PREACHEP.S OPINIONS. --- ---- - y y that which is usnall wasted b passing into the chimney. Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Y S' t � 3`• TWO STA.TESAIENS WIVES. `Bowels, cures' Wind Colie, softens the The fire door is double, the cold air being taken in at the top and carried The following is a portion of an Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives down between the plates to bottom of,the fire piece, preveuung heat and sparks address by Rev. Dr. Ryckurau of Not long ago, when speaking of tone and energy to the whole system, escaping -into the cellar. "Mrs nWinslow'sething Soothing Syrup for It is easily regulated b a dam er rod in front of the furnace, causing the London, Ont., (Methodist) q the his wife, Prince Bismarck is report- children teathing'ie pleasant to the taste 9 (= Y P g Evangelical Conference in Montreal- I P ed to have said : "She it is who has and is the irescri tion of one of the oldest fire to pass down side flues and clear around the fire box, I'ffecting aw great saving made me what I am," There have and best female physicians and nurses in of fuel. The ReT. Dr. Ryckman, Metho, been English statesmen who could 'the United States, and is for sale by all The- New Ment Is the cheapest first-class Furnace made, and embodies . druggists throughout the world. Price ' all the requirements of a perfect heater. dist, London, Ontario, in the course say quite as much. Burke was 25c. a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, a of a very interesting paper, said it sustained amid ' the an Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no •ESTI M QN IALSa is no discredit to Romanimn that and agitation of public life other kind• by domestic' felicity• "Every care Havin; used it Hot Air Furnace pur- For the past seven years we have used with as much zeal, as any Church in yanishes," lie $aid, rrthe moment I chased from Harland Bros., five years in our Clothing and Furnishing Bstab- the word it is endeavoring t8 push ago, I can strcu�ly recommend it xts be- ' lishment two Hot AFr furnaces manufac- P enter my own roof ! His dercrip- Ing the cheapest and best way of heating tured by Harland Bros., and our experi- itself forward in the world, nrid tion Of his wife is too long to quote, houses. It has given run the very best ence during, that time warrants us in slake its claims and pretensions but we must give all epitome of it. • satisfaction, saving me annually from saying that we have effected a great sav- Of her beautyhs said that it did ten to fifteen dollars, as well as being ing in fuel, besides having a better beat - known rto men everywhere. Its • less trouble than stoves, and much clean- ed establishment, and one that has been not prise from features, frons Com• er. Yours res,ecifuil attitude is aggressive.• Aggression ! Y, free from the discomforts of stores. We • plexion,or front shape; "She has GEO. GLASGOW. strongly -recommend hot air in preference is the word. The object set before all three in a high degree, but it is to stoves. JACKSON BROS. Har - them b • the powers that control not b these that she touches the The Furnace put io my house by Har - 3 P Y • land Bros., three years ago, has given I baso much pleasure in saying that that church'is to matte it ,victorious heart ; it is all that sweetness of me entire satisfaction, being much clean- the Heater placed by you its my house, in all lands. This object is to be temper, be-pevolence, innocence, er than stoves, more economical;aand a two years ago,•gives entire satisfaction. ;aired by open, straightforward and sensibility which a face can ex- • great deal less trouble I can strongly We rind it much cheaper, cleaner, and th t forms her beaus Hrecommend them to any person, in pre• more easily managed, and in, every re- 3teps, when possible; if otherwise, press, A y Her _ ference to stoves. Yours, spect a better way of warming a house, by a series of sidesteps, zigzags. eyes -have'a mild- light, bnt they awe - August 18, 1888. JOS. WHITHURAD, than by the old system of stoves. rhe system is admirablyadapted you when she pleases ; they comms 4 �'y I,o The Furnace put in by you in my Yours, etc., D, A. FORItESTER. For the accomplishment of such an mand, like a good man out of office, 4t9 ! house last season has given the best of ' P i � off, g This is to !certify that- Harland Bros. )b'Pct as far 'as human devices or not by authority,hut by virtue. Her '%/ , it satisfaction, and I consider it perferable J y placed Furnaces to my dwelling house methods are concerned. Its celibate stature is not tall, she is not made oq 0 ��, to either coal or wood stoves, being and in my banking office, and I take a,. cleaner, more easily managed and eco- leasuie in statin: the have, given priests earl nuns, brothers and sin. to be the admiration of everybody,®� r .JP 1 Y g' per- ���- 9�j nomieal. JAJ1C$ SNITII• feet satisfaction. It. has afforded me Lora, but the happiness of one. She has AOF `, , comfort to be relieved from the duet and PP C Clinton, August 1888. HAVE NO PERSONAL CONCERN. all the fir.mneSa that tinea not ex• rri /�/ ashes and irregular temperature in i � '7 he Hot Air Furrace put in my house , t3 P !+- elude delicacy ; slle has all the soft, r cIC by tiros,, three years ago, has dent to heating by means of stoves, be,. Their interest centres in the church. G L sides all other advantages news that'does not imply Weakness. -0 o S iyon me the best of satisfaction the g rhey are ready for any work or any \ '� dif '1 g Her voice is a low, soft music not o� 'C� house being more comfortably heated, August 20, 1888. J. P. TISDALL. 3acri6ce that the church re uirea. ' and of a uniform tem lerature and being q formed to rule in public assemb� \y/t s / 1 K The Hot Air Furnace According to its notorious code of /� Q much more economical Chau.either coat you put in for lies but to charts diose who can '. s'� i me last fall has given the very best of man - Allies anything that will promote ' �C�i% or wood stoves, trod very easily . I satisfaction, we bave'been able tokeep distinguish a company 'from a �'�_ _ aged. Yours teal JAS, SHEPHERD. the conquests of the church is per- g y' the whole house (which has nine large Crowd it has this advantages you The. Hot Air Furnace put in m h mineable and right. As a mutter of ' g ' Y _ — p y ease rooms) at a temperature of from 65 0' to Fact and and right. ft has batter o must, come close t0 her .to heat it. la6t year by Harland Bros. works well, to 0, with attehding to it three times in To describe her body, describes her Qp n is cleaner, less .trouble, and more eco- 24 hours. I would, not have a etove in plove.d of all grades, from the most mind ; one is the transe'riptt of the The. Huron News'Reeord nomical than stoves. I can strongly under any consideration, as your Furn--- petty deceits to enormous falsehoods; other, Slit" discovers the right and' recommend• beating by furnace. ace does away with all dirt and trouble. Ind for its own votaries, terroriza, A. II. MANNING. Yours truly, ROB,AV.. COATS. wrong of things, not by reason., Has Just ,laced its stock another lot of Clinton Sept.'15 1888. June let 1888. tion, by withholding the rites of the .J 1 • r :harsh absolution rho indispensable' ing' but by sagacity. No person of E tra Ilard Afetal ' ' P so few yea ,'s, can know the world Call and See It anti Get I" rices. ixtretrie unction, and, Guibord style, 'better, no person was ever less Full Stow of Stoves, Rarawke' &c.' •Frkes ,A,way Down. 'hristian burial, and for Protest- corrupted by that knowledge. She, 'T ints, especially converts, persecution has a true; generosity of temper, the �j t ulaeklisting; boycotting, mobbing, Wiest extravn ant cannot be more' '� �Iar�al�d Br0s., gibert-8L. cfiRtalk End occasionally the knife' or bullet ur,bouuded in their liberality, the Y11 -am in Hackett's case. The aim of most covetous not more cautious in Uatllolicisnl in Canada is +� %.4-4 .s.l �.0. � ��+��®�, 'their distribution. Her politeness I^. ill O FO WAKE CANADA R031AN CATHOLIC. seenl9 tO flOW ratil.PT �rQI3t a, natural. Y • O �r. 0 7 A -5'l t> :ItIOR— v U . ' � V 0. Furfllturh Dealer, &c. Drc;tllQrle may vary' in different disposition to oblige, tlFan front any �i ,, • r, N y THE LE�iD!'+!0 "ONDERTRKEi3 AND o'calitif Ia Ontario, where the rules on the subject. It is lone be, U 1"~ t-, ° c DIRECTOR in oris are. Protestant's the con, foie Ole chooses but then itis fixed owMachine" cd ,� E 'b �' FUNERAL :eat may go on with soft gloves, in. for ever ; curl the first hours of C, U r'd ' 3 a Opposite '.Cu,yll Hall, Clinton, Out pugilistic phraseology ; in Quebec; romantic friendship are not warnwr s O ch 6 « x w:tboiit gloves, As to the iustru than hers after the lapse of years. U' O X. , �+ � "e .p nentalittea employed- rho speaker T1s she never , disgrHces her -good �j �d O bA O bio ~ a g " 7' t o e�gtic +so lwelt'upon two at length -political nature by Severe reflteotions on any- BLACK k- COLORED BRITISII? W �, 1�' rQ �j ° IVm `1g�ge eo °' %. i 7E.,-pnWS-,9�,.�Q-.� C md-social influence, and sympathy. body, so she never do radfs her �.. a„ 1 0 " - °�c,onem°az AMERICAN AND CANADIAN N a s ec o apmoNoam"m.Ir1 0 honlauists must not enter a Pro- ,judgment by immoderate or ill- � }�•,� N � a ul � g Tg z �_�= a U >~ a w °+0as�s �� iPstatlt church.' The servant niiist laced raises•for ever thing viol- C •,A .--� i." 3ti NO o= ro=oa°=a2sS"a W—C lot how at the familyaltar with eat is to her gentleness of FINE:-:,INKs =a Y�i �' p, n b A TSI E ���-�.�;• ;ho family site is serving. Mar- disposition and the eyenness of her "ti �, t.F., 'Ci ttl rU� zto •sages must riot be allowed between virtue." " U • O ed C�, ev1 p a'� paQ8sy�=1 ca Protestants and Catholics unless the Lord Beaconsfield described his COi'1'ER-\II\ED -'"- -' a; .o�a°=ott^m4 0 r-;-" I:Ontriictin parties en a e before, re >yog g g wife as the Srivere?tt of critics but SOUNDADi'ICF,.--Those havings,rlo9 of any _land to adhere to the church. if 1 `' ' AME SCAN., ORNAMENTS Iliad should consider that itis just as important �o= a ierfrct wife. She was the widow to ave their posters properly disptuved nod ap• f t an title one Should renounce e, • ms`<nY of his friend, til r. Wyndham Lowls, pear neatand attractn•e, a•, it is to have n { cod 8 .4;: liOUlaniam the Whole awes Of mgCial nuctlouuer Tnr,Nrwrs-Racoae mnkeaaspecialty y m ?65°a n9sg,�P and tNPllty yP,arA lila elder. The of thl9 class of wok, they hnvo the matcrinl and�� e�om'me7 RDFA)Owe's is turner] against him With arrest affection which Disraeli enter, experience togive yon what you want at very ' .�.==°abm,"P'�inmerciful promptness and persist- taiued for his wife whole he alwa s 11AND50111i renson,rhte prices. R a l og^^�og�5. 0nc This, fact must be considered ' Y o=^,'. W;=•moa�-o' Y• emtPemed am the fm.rnder of hieNew'Border$ T a,m_ Wm?s•"So?ate?r� n accounting for, first, the tenacity fortunesi is well known.. S•he was i ��iY��� ���..� vilb which thousands of I.Otllalllatm in the habit of travelling with hi'ue J ��n �����®�I Ldbere to their church,.and secondly oil almost all occanmoi lous, At a din-' T. M. CpA1RLING, he snlallnem,i of the number of pro - ner party a friend of the earl had - essett e0liveris in the membership l,o hettf;r taste than to e.xpofaulilte CANADIAN & I\11'OR'CED '1'lie People's Auctioneer+ Throat and Lunt; Sur -cow of ,f the French Canadian missions, with hint for always taking the Is prrpare•Ito conduct. Sales throughout I Toronto.t )Pcauae viscountess with hint. r'T „ he, county of Huron. cannot Largo};xltcricnre. Terris ;ty 111 V^ a9 a111', is at the is SOON ASTIIEY RENOUNCE IIOAIANISM under0and it Raid the raCe!Pss , b Satisl'u.:T9on guaranteed. hey must, for the merest purpose of than, "for, you know, you fuake FINE PAPIERS Farillors amlothers 1010 study 1.Lrir own L li elihood,' remove to some; place yourself a perfect laughing stock hltvrests should ,'all un ur addrr;s Ra,tt�,otluly flou* )f,youd the reach of the social try• wherever your wife goes -with you." - o T. Al,. CARLING, CLINTON CLINT014, finny just described. Referring to Disraeli fixed him eyPR upon him Our facilities'are unsnrpa.,etll for t --- --.- he influence of ROnlanisai through very expressively and maid, "I don't w eeuNon of — . NOVEMBER 21 is educational institutions, as these auppone you can understand it, P - ILL II MADS, :VO'T'E . I Q (leads, tetter }lends, Fagg, Forenoon. tl'ected rbcs youth gf the country, ,I 'dont suppose you eau �)�Velry Class of Pol�t� (' statemont�, Cireulars, BoWics� lie speaker pointed out how, b understand it; for no one could e�•er ! cards, Envelopes, Programmes N N r Y etc„ etc., printei in a woricumn' A few of the lu.ndredx eared 6yDR. heap education, extra attention to in the last and wildest excursions Ilk; ninener and at low rates, a WASHING3TON9g Nety Blethod Of an lumens llfla 111at1011, m O9A in the very best style'kumca to the; craft, TFIE NEMS -It iSCOltp•Ottice. oflnitatatfm, .rotestant pupils, prizes, otd., Pro. g PPP an'.l at moderate rates. you to be guilt £ ratitudP." W. 11. Storey, of'Storey & eon, prominent extant parents were induced to send .3' Y og lucu mmnoinetnrers of Acton, Ont: cured' by Ur. Washington of entarrh-of the throat, bail heir children t0 Ism meutinarlris. form, taint pronouneed incurable by dinineht 'his was a seat source of danger. I'C Ifi SA!''E '1'0 L'SE ,,semen's Fall ! speciaists in 1-immht and Ewxland,, Write Klin he separate school System in Ont- Worm Powders, as they act only on � for particulars. ri o resulted, as far as Roman Catho the worms and do not injure the Ing ChroirrcBr•otichittsnerdAsthmaCored,101snt was Conceri,ed, in the intellect• child. �at An Esnghsh Church Nerpinan speaks, Rectory, Cornwall. "nt sal impoveriyhmentof tile youth sent ----------- � DR. R'Asuixot�rM-- o them as was well evidenced b the.don't Dy.An Sin, - f nm glnd to be able to inform con Y —Jack—Say, llilk, why ery few who passed through the you marry that bliss Jones,if you OF ATT KINDS, F I Tthntowdaughter hois hasnite 1,een Burr. of this ive ALT, 'the eecucd lima she has been cured of (;+•;n•e n--.- igher inmtitutions of learning. , bronchial troubles undor your tryatment, when g esteem her so hi hl I Dick-Thore highly the annul remedlea fnllerl, f write to express my "A symtom." 'ihe speaker Said, are serious objections to much ratitude. Hcnse ncecpt my sincere thanks. „ When f say CURB I do not mean merely to Yours truly, kith such characteristics, (relating Jack. Jack --Oil ectionmZ I afn Itop them for a time, and then have them re C. B.PETTIT. o celibacy, terrorism, falsehoods, surf' silo im pt etty enough, aniiablP, SALEBILLS! ;urn again. I AIRAN A RADICAL CUR£. Afro .ino M,Nehy, Kingstun, Ont., Catarrh and I have made the disease of Consninptio". iPrmeCU LIOIt, etc) la 0. religion, but 111 ti'111 roll t, of good family, and not. John McNctvy, Kingston. Ont, Catarrh. i iiA7� EPYLEPSfX' or Air A Hopping, KmFzvtnn, Ont, Broncho Consump. t is not Christianity. It holds in without wurdly inhcrilance. What ALL SIZES AND COLOR,, t� •�� tion. he train all the Christian doctrines posslhle OLjeCt1011s Can you Have j iJ�tlnliZ��7' �i� � Mr. E. Svott, Kingston; Ont, Catarrh, head and &Itfol-on study. I WARRANT7iI remed to throat, ut it overlays every Christian doe- Dick --1 s'pQse T can t(.11 you scute• R tt of 9 throat, Itertranl, Harrowsmith, ont, near lung- ODRffi the wars Ogles. Because Others have nh,n, Cnt,vrb, thrAnt. rule W1111 BnCh IlUnlan perVP,rafhlNmH tlllttg In r'(11?firll`I1PU 71nt1 y011 11t1t:'t lailedltoticreason for atise Wrecdtvtnguat/ULZ Alia,3inryAltombn^.rg,Ceti treville,Ont, -Atnrrh rid corruption it, to nullify its ower re mat it 2 Jiiclt -.l;ve i tin,+• old Bend atohceforatreatfaoandaFMMOTTLl howl and thron.t. P Y P 1 3 t of in; INFALLIBLE RRMEDY. GIVO EX rely ,Tamp+ �fntltea`s, 1'. Afnstor, Acton, Ont. did destroy its Gospel effect. It is boy, What is it I Dirk -21,110 iFine I nd Post Office It costs you nothing rror a A EIYf.h, 0eniq Furnishing, Itollevilla,Gatnn•h �r,at and it will Cure you. Address throat. ndet:d a kind of paganism, and Las ol, ectionm were lileil h 11i•sm j Y Dr �. (}. RIOT. 8? Yor3ge Sty Toronto, Ont, Jahn viiippon, p. O; Sandhurst,, Ont, (noir Napa een a curse to every people that it Jones, OF Ia'F.RV DESCRiI''I'10N, npo),Cntanbheadandthroat. Dadcase, y I i I m } Is - ■ SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or uglt tlteiv--local post qfflsei; will conifer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any bine. ADVERTiSERS• "Advertisers ivill please bear in mind that all "ehanyes" of adverUsementd, • to ensure insertion, should be handed in not letter thetle MONDAY NOON of each iveelr. — CIRCULATION. THE NEws-RECORD has a larger circulation than ady other paper in this section, and as an adveHisintg medium has feta equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who, mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job' Depas tmestt of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work 'id gura•an.teed at very Joni prices. .The Huron News -Record • 51.50 a Year -3'1.25 In Advance. Wednesday. Nov. 14th.. 1885 I. SURFACE PREACHING, Well, wife, town sermons, seems to Ine, Are like the ridiu' plow ; They're easy, purty kind o'things, But don't go deep, somehow. They take ye over lots o'ground, - An' science styles is such, Both in the sermon an' the plow, That one don't feel it much. To -day our preacher skiiiimed along, . Au' peared to do a heap, A cuttin kiverin' of the weeds He oughter' plowed in deep ; And when lie halted at the end, An' got his team ungeared, The devil laughed to see the tare's A growin', Fin afeard, This scientific, plowin', now, An' scientific preachin',. too,. , Both run too shaller for the work The pint has got, to do. Yov'vo got to let the" traces out, An' change the clevis pin, Then hist the handles, hold `em tigbt, An let the p'int go in. �' "CRUSKTHE DEAD LEAVES UNDER THY FEET." Crnsh the dear! leaves under thy feet, Gaze not on them with mournful sight; Think not earth has no gl+,ry' left - Mpeause a few of its frail things .die ; t' Spr' llg time will bring fresh verdultcs as ' sweet— "Crush the dead leaves under thy feet." Look not hack with despairing heart, Think not life's morning has been in vain ; Rich, ,broad fields lie before thee yet ' Ready to yield their golden grain. Autumn may bring thee fruitage sweet— "Crush the dead leaves under thy feet." Mmi-miner not if the shadowa fall 'Thick and dart: oli thy earthly way Hearts there are which nlnstwalk in shade, Till they -reach thy light of enternal clay. Lift; is not long,and the years are fleet— `'Ciush the (lend leaves umler thy ft" -et." Bravely work, with a steadfast soul ; Make others happy, .and thou shalt find Ifappiness flowing back into thy heart ; A quiet peace and contented mind. If earth be lonely, then heaven is sweet— "Crush the dead loaves under thy feet. MOLE SCANDAL. SRRIOUS CHARGES AGAINST MR. GREENWAY-WHICH IIE IN- DIGNANTLY DENIES \ The pnhlication of all affidavit of Mr. J. B. McArthur, of ,llinne- apoli�, formerly of Winnipeg, r+-. apecting the matters whioh gave rime to the recent. crimiva; libel suits against the Gall and Prec Press, created great excitement today, following as it did, closely upon no bills being found by the Grand Jury. The affidavit im very explicit, and in substance States that being ' solicitor of the Manitoba Central he arranged with Premier Greenway to Secure needed legislation, for his company which was working in the interests.of the St. Paul, llliune- apolis and Xtanitoba road, (not the Northern Pacific as generally sup; posed ) Che company was to fur nish_ 1$2,500 for Mr.. Groenway'a own election, lie at tTf' ime fearing strong opposition, and $10✓000 for the general election fond if a disao• lution took place. Tho .Manitoba Central .lead previously subscribed $200 to the Reform election fund, McArthur secured from Greenway ' both' verbal and written assurances that"the amendments asked to their chartt-r and to tho l3ailway Aid Act woufd be matte, Mr. Me. Arthur ,gave Mr, GrPPtiway, am instruch d by the railway company, nnqualitied assurances of (lie local promoters that the inonry woul,l be fortheetining if needed. Shortly A whtch hean others were responst- the resent state of Ireland, but 1m a• 0 gave same XeilQw Oil ole. Mr. Greenway gave u latter P • internally and applied it externally, . to Mr. McArthur` acknowledging Romanism is the cause more than and cured him. It also cured my the claims of the Manitoba Central all things else. Spain is the most husband of rheumatism, and I find it unknown country in Ero a and valuable for coughs and colds, sore to precedence and promised the y P ' throat, ect." Mrs. A. Besew, Cookie bigoted bigin required legislation and it is attach- perhaps the most blindly Mills. Serpent River, Ont. ed to an affidavit. In an interview the world. Mexico occupies about PATENTED SEPT. 7, 1'888. the same position on this coutiment with a reporter to -day Mr. Green-. —She—No ! Mr. Harding, it can as ,Spain does_ intU�,e. When 3 �'p}g{.EnI��Y-/ff ,New. tivay have- art emphartie decrial to tl •trever-be. But -I --A itt-alwa •s --be -a Visor Emmanuel ' ascead+ed the charges made in this affidavit. sister—He (rising)—Oh, that's A Powerful Heater. Throne of Italy there were 17,000, Iortunately, lid said, he had in his the deal., is it I %N1 ell, then, sister, if f 000 people who could neither coact possession documentary proof of the nor writeThkldd eber conce speaker you've got your thimble handy I Economical on fuel. . falsity of the chargee and the wish you would sew up Elie knees - by asking Protestants to stand by Suitable formedium-sized houses Government would take some of }vsers that I have Bacri6o d their rights to labor for such moral my tro prompt notion, the nature s which in Ending out our relationship. * TholoU Tested. elevation o� sentiment as would ,� �-•;; he was not its postion to state, to ghl � make it impossible for politiciansrtto vindicate themselves. It la felt ADVICE TO MOTHERa.—Are yon die- ITS ADVA(VTAG,ES that as the -finding of the grand jury ' attempt the purchase of the politi- turbed at night and broken of your rest cal influence and power of Boman• by a sick child suffering and crying with in the libel suits is almost a travesty stn of Cnttin basements, ism, which would thus be greatly P g Teeth? If so Bond at It can be placed in low cellars or on justice, the Government will ask once and get a bottle of ',furs Winslow's It has casing of steel plate around the firebox, making it perfectly smoke for a royal commission to itivesti. their idled ; and above all f Elie de Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. and gas tight. gate the charges. their utmost for Elie spread r Its value is incalculable. It will rel ieve It is easily cleaned out, an important feature, as it insures the Furnace knowledge of salvation through the poor little sufferer immediately. De- heating as well at the end of the season as when first started. Jesus Christ, pend upon it, inothara; there is no mis- take about it. It cures D senter and Immense radiaUing,srirfitce is given, and additional heat obtained by utilizing PREACHEP.S OPINIONS. --- ---- - y y that which is usnall wasted b passing into the chimney. Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Y S' t � 3`• TWO STA.TESAIENS WIVES. `Bowels, cures' Wind Colie, softens the The fire door is double, the cold air being taken in at the top and carried The following is a portion of an Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives down between the plates to bottom of,the fire piece, preveuung heat and sparks address by Rev. Dr. Ryckurau of Not long ago, when speaking of tone and energy to the whole system, escaping -into the cellar. "Mrs nWinslow'sething Soothing Syrup for It is easily regulated b a dam er rod in front of the furnace, causing the London, Ont., (Methodist) q the his wife, Prince Bismarck is report- children teathing'ie pleasant to the taste 9 (= Y P g Evangelical Conference in Montreal- I P ed to have said : "She it is who has and is the irescri tion of one of the oldest fire to pass down side flues and clear around the fire box, I'ffecting aw great saving made me what I am," There have and best female physicians and nurses in of fuel. The ReT. Dr. Ryckman, Metho, been English statesmen who could 'the United States, and is for sale by all The- New Ment Is the cheapest first-class Furnace made, and embodies . druggists throughout the world. Price ' all the requirements of a perfect heater. dist, London, Ontario, in the course say quite as much. Burke was 25c. a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, a of a very interesting paper, said it sustained amid ' the an Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no •ESTI M QN IALSa is no discredit to Romanimn that and agitation of public life other kind• by domestic' felicity• "Every care Havin; used it Hot Air Furnace pur- For the past seven years we have used with as much zeal, as any Church in yanishes," lie $aid, rrthe moment I chased from Harland Bros., five years in our Clothing and Furnishing Bstab- the word it is endeavoring t8 push ago, I can strcu�ly recommend it xts be- ' lishment two Hot AFr furnaces manufac- P enter my own roof ! His dercrip- Ing the cheapest and best way of heating tured by Harland Bros., and our experi- itself forward in the world, nrid tion Of his wife is too long to quote, houses. It has given run the very best ence during, that time warrants us in slake its claims and pretensions but we must give all epitome of it. • satisfaction, saving me annually from saying that we have effected a great sav- Of her beautyhs said that it did ten to fifteen dollars, as well as being ing in fuel, besides having a better beat - known rto men everywhere. Its • less trouble than stoves, and much clean- ed establishment, and one that has been not prise from features, frons Com• er. Yours res,ecifuil attitude is aggressive.• Aggression ! Y, free from the discomforts of stores. We • plexion,or front shape; "She has GEO. GLASGOW. strongly -recommend hot air in preference is the word. The object set before all three in a high degree, but it is to stoves. JACKSON BROS. Har - them b • the powers that control not b these that she touches the The Furnace put io my house by Har - 3 P Y • land Bros., three years ago, has given I baso much pleasure in saying that that church'is to matte it ,victorious heart ; it is all that sweetness of me entire satisfaction, being much clean- the Heater placed by you its my house, in all lands. This object is to be temper, be-pevolence, innocence, er than stoves, more economical;aand a two years ago,•gives entire satisfaction. ;aired by open, straightforward and sensibility which a face can ex- • great deal less trouble I can strongly We rind it much cheaper, cleaner, and th t forms her beaus Hrecommend them to any person, in pre• more easily managed, and in, every re- 3teps, when possible; if otherwise, press, A y Her _ ference to stoves. Yours, spect a better way of warming a house, by a series of sidesteps, zigzags. eyes -have'a mild- light, bnt they awe - August 18, 1888. JOS. WHITHURAD, than by the old system of stoves. rhe system is admirablyadapted you when she pleases ; they comms 4 �'y I,o The Furnace put in by you in my Yours, etc., D, A. FORItESTER. For the accomplishment of such an mand, like a good man out of office, 4t9 ! house last season has given the best of ' P i � off, g This is to !certify that- Harland Bros. )b'Pct as far 'as human devices or not by authority,hut by virtue. Her '%/ , it satisfaction, and I consider it perferable J y placed Furnaces to my dwelling house methods are concerned. Its celibate stature is not tall, she is not made oq 0 ��, to either coal or wood stoves, being and in my banking office, and I take a,. cleaner, more easily managed and eco- leasuie in statin: the have, given priests earl nuns, brothers and sin. to be the admiration of everybody,®� r .JP 1 Y g' per- ���- 9�j nomieal. JAJ1C$ SNITII• feet satisfaction. It. has afforded me Lora, but the happiness of one. She has AOF `, , comfort to be relieved from the duet and PP C Clinton, August 1888. HAVE NO PERSONAL CONCERN. all the fir.mneSa that tinea not ex• rri /�/ ashes and irregular temperature in i � '7 he Hot Air Furrace put in my house , t3 P !+- elude delicacy ; slle has all the soft, r cIC by tiros,, three years ago, has dent to heating by means of stoves, be,. Their interest centres in the church. G L sides all other advantages news that'does not imply Weakness. -0 o S iyon me the best of satisfaction the g rhey are ready for any work or any \ '� dif '1 g Her voice is a low, soft music not o� 'C� house being more comfortably heated, August 20, 1888. J. P. TISDALL. 3acri6ce that the church re uirea. ' and of a uniform tem lerature and being q formed to rule in public assemb� \y/t s / 1 K The Hot Air Furnace According to its notorious code of /� Q much more economical Chau.either coat you put in for lies but to charts diose who can '. s'� i me last fall has given the very best of man - Allies anything that will promote ' �C�i% or wood stoves, trod very easily . I satisfaction, we bave'been able tokeep distinguish a company 'from a �'�_ _ aged. Yours teal JAS, SHEPHERD. the conquests of the church is per- g y' the whole house (which has nine large Crowd it has this advantages you The. Hot Air Furnace put in m h mineable and right. As a mutter of ' g ' Y _ — p y ease rooms) at a temperature of from 65 0' to Fact and and right. ft has batter o must, come close t0 her .to heat it. la6t year by Harland Bros. works well, to 0, with attehding to it three times in To describe her body, describes her Qp n is cleaner, less .trouble, and more eco- 24 hours. I would, not have a etove in plove.d of all grades, from the most mind ; one is the transe'riptt of the The. Huron News'Reeord nomical than stoves. I can strongly under any consideration, as your Furn--- petty deceits to enormous falsehoods; other, Slit" discovers the right and' recommend• beating by furnace. ace does away with all dirt and trouble. Ind for its own votaries, terroriza, A. II. MANNING. Yours truly, ROB,AV.. COATS. wrong of things, not by reason., Has Just ,laced its stock another lot of Clinton Sept.'15 1888. June let 1888. tion, by withholding the rites of the .J 1 • r :harsh absolution rho indispensable' ing' but by sagacity. No person of E tra Ilard Afetal ' ' P so few yea ,'s, can know the world Call and See It anti Get I" rices. ixtretrie unction, and, Guibord style, 'better, no person was ever less Full Stow of Stoves, Rarawke' &c.' •Frkes ,A,way Down. 'hristian burial, and for Protest- corrupted by that knowledge. She, 'T ints, especially converts, persecution has a true; generosity of temper, the �j t ulaeklisting; boycotting, mobbing, Wiest extravn ant cannot be more' '� �Iar�al�d Br0s., gibert-8L. cfiRtalk End occasionally the knife' or bullet ur,bouuded in their liberality, the Y11 -am in Hackett's case. The aim of most covetous not more cautious in Uatllolicisnl in Canada is +� %.4-4 .s.l �.0. � ��+��®�, 'their distribution. Her politeness I^. ill O FO WAKE CANADA R031AN CATHOLIC. seenl9 tO flOW ratil.PT �rQI3t a, natural. Y • O �r. 0 7 A -5'l t> :ItIOR— v U . ' � V 0. Furfllturh Dealer, &c. Drc;tllQrle may vary' in different disposition to oblige, tlFan front any �i ,, • r, N y THE LE�iD!'+!0 "ONDERTRKEi3 AND o'calitif Ia Ontario, where the rules on the subject. It is lone be, U 1"~ t-, ° c DIRECTOR in oris are. Protestant's the con, foie Ole chooses but then itis fixed owMachine" cd ,� E 'b �' FUNERAL :eat may go on with soft gloves, in. for ever ; curl the first hours of C, U r'd ' 3 a Opposite '.Cu,yll Hall, Clinton, Out pugilistic phraseology ; in Quebec; romantic friendship are not warnwr s O ch 6 « x w:tboiit gloves, As to the iustru than hers after the lapse of years. U' O X. , �+ � "e .p nentalittea employed- rho speaker T1s she never , disgrHces her -good �j �d O bA O bio ~ a g " 7' t o e�gtic +so lwelt'upon two at length -political nature by Severe reflteotions on any- BLACK k- COLORED BRITISII? W �, 1�' rQ �j ° IVm `1g�ge eo °' %. i 7E.,-pnWS-,9�,.�Q-.� C md-social influence, and sympathy. body, so she never do radfs her �.. a„ 1 0 " - °�c,onem°az AMERICAN AND CANADIAN N a s ec o apmoNoam"m.Ir1 0 honlauists must not enter a Pro- ,judgment by immoderate or ill- � }�•,� N � a ul � g Tg z �_�= a U >~ a w °+0as�s �� iPstatlt church.' The servant niiist laced raises•for ever thing viol- C •,A .--� i." 3ti NO o= ro=oa°=a2sS"a W—C lot how at the familyaltar with eat is to her gentleness of FINE:-:,INKs =a Y�i �' p, n b A TSI E ���-�.�;• ;ho family site is serving. Mar- disposition and the eyenness of her "ti �, t.F., 'Ci ttl rU� zto •sages must riot be allowed between virtue." " U • O ed C�, ev1 p a'� paQ8sy�=1 ca Protestants and Catholics unless the Lord Beaconsfield described his COi'1'ER-\II\ED -'"- -' a; .o�a°=ott^m4 0 r-;-" I:Ontriictin parties en a e before, re >yog g g wife as the Srivere?tt of critics but SOUNDADi'ICF,.--Those havings,rlo9 of any _land to adhere to the church. if 1 `' ' AME SCAN., ORNAMENTS Iliad should consider that itis just as important �o= a ierfrct wife. She was the widow to ave their posters properly disptuved nod ap• f t an title one Should renounce e, • ms`<nY of his friend, til r. Wyndham Lowls, pear neatand attractn•e, a•, it is to have n { cod 8 .4;: liOUlaniam the Whole awes Of mgCial nuctlouuer Tnr,Nrwrs-Racoae mnkeaaspecialty y m ?65°a n9sg,�P and tNPllty yP,arA lila elder. The of thl9 class of wok, they hnvo the matcrinl and�� e�om'me7 RDFA)Owe's is turner] against him With arrest affection which Disraeli enter, experience togive yon what you want at very ' .�.==°abm,"P'�inmerciful promptness and persist- taiued for his wife whole he alwa s 11AND50111i renson,rhte prices. R a l og^^�og�5. 0nc This, fact must be considered ' Y o=^,'. W;=•moa�-o' Y• emtPemed am the fm.rnder of hieNew'Border$ T a,m_ Wm?s•"So?ate?r� n accounting for, first, the tenacity fortunesi is well known.. S•he was i ��iY��� ���..� vilb which thousands of I.Otllalllatm in the habit of travelling with hi'ue J ��n �����®�I Ldbere to their church,.and secondly oil almost all occanmoi lous, At a din-' T. M. CpA1RLING, he snlallnem,i of the number of pro - ner party a friend of the earl had - essett e0liveris in the membership l,o hettf;r taste than to e.xpofaulilte CANADIAN & I\11'OR'CED '1'lie People's Auctioneer+ Throat and Lunt; Sur -cow of ,f the French Canadian missions, with hint for always taking the Is prrpare•Ito conduct. Sales throughout I Toronto.t )Pcauae viscountess with hint. r'T „ he, county of Huron. cannot Largo};xltcricnre. Terris ;ty 111 V^ a9 a111', is at the is SOON ASTIIEY RENOUNCE IIOAIANISM under0and it Raid the raCe!Pss , b Satisl'u.:T9on guaranteed. hey must, for the merest purpose of than, "for, you know, you fuake FINE PAPIERS Farillors amlothers 1010 study 1.Lrir own L li elihood,' remove to some; place yourself a perfect laughing stock hltvrests should ,'all un ur addrr;s Ra,tt�,otluly flou* )f,youd the reach of the social try• wherever your wife goes -with you." - o T. Al,. CARLING, CLINTON CLINT014, finny just described. Referring to Disraeli fixed him eyPR upon him Our facilities'are unsnrpa.,etll for t --- --.- he influence of ROnlanisai through very expressively and maid, "I don't w eeuNon of — . NOVEMBER 21 is educational institutions, as these auppone you can understand it, P - ILL II MADS, :VO'T'E . I Q (leads, tetter }lends, Fagg, Forenoon. tl'ected rbcs youth gf the country, ,I 'dont suppose you eau �)�Velry Class of Pol�t� (' statemont�, Cireulars, BoWics� lie speaker pointed out how, b understand it; for no one could e�•er ! cards, Envelopes, Programmes N N r Y etc„ etc., printei in a woricumn' A few of the lu.ndredx eared 6yDR. heap education, extra attention to in the last and wildest excursions Ilk; ninener and at low rates, a WASHING3TON9g Nety Blethod Of an lumens llfla 111at1011, m O9A in the very best style'kumca to the; craft, TFIE NEMS -It iSCOltp•Ottice. oflnitatatfm, .rotestant pupils, prizes, otd., Pro. g PPP an'.l at moderate rates. you to be guilt £ ratitudP." W. 11. Storey, of'Storey & eon, prominent extant parents were induced to send .3' Y og lucu mmnoinetnrers of Acton, Ont: cured' by Ur. Washington of entarrh-of the throat, bail heir children t0 Ism meutinarlris. form, taint pronouneed incurable by dinineht 'his was a seat source of danger. I'C Ifi SA!''E '1'0 L'SE ,,semen's Fall ! speciaists in 1-immht and Ewxland,, Write Klin he separate school System in Ont- Worm Powders, as they act only on � for particulars. ri o resulted, as far as Roman Catho the worms and do not injure the Ing ChroirrcBr•otichittsnerdAsthmaCored,101snt was Conceri,ed, in the intellect• child. �at An Esnghsh Church Nerpinan speaks, Rectory, Cornwall. "nt sal impoveriyhmentof tile youth sent ----------- � DR. R'Asuixot�rM-- o them as was well evidenced b the.don't Dy.An Sin, - f nm glnd to be able to inform con Y —Jack—Say, llilk, why ery few who passed through the you marry that bliss Jones,if you OF ATT KINDS, F I Tthntowdaughter hois hasnite 1,een Burr. of this ive ALT, 'the eecucd lima she has been cured of (;+•;n•e n--.- igher inmtitutions of learning. , bronchial troubles undor your tryatment, when g esteem her so hi hl I Dick-Thore highly the annul remedlea fnllerl, f write to express my "A symtom." 'ihe speaker Said, are serious objections to much ratitude. Hcnse ncecpt my sincere thanks. „ When f say CURB I do not mean merely to Yours truly, kith such characteristics, (relating Jack. Jack --Oil ectionmZ I afn Itop them for a time, and then have them re C. B.PETTIT. o celibacy, terrorism, falsehoods, surf' silo im pt etty enough, aniiablP, SALEBILLS! ;urn again. I AIRAN A RADICAL CUR£. Afro .ino M,Nehy, Kingstun, Ont., Catarrh and I have made the disease of Consninptio". iPrmeCU LIOIt, etc) la 0. religion, but 111 ti'111 roll t, of good family, and not. John McNctvy, Kingston. Ont, Catarrh. i iiA7� EPYLEPSfX' or Air A Hopping, KmFzvtnn, Ont, Broncho Consump. t is not Christianity. It holds in without wurdly inhcrilance. What ALL SIZES AND COLOR,, t� •�� tion. he train all the Christian doctrines posslhle OLjeCt1011s Can you Have j iJ�tlnliZ��7' �i� � Mr. E. Svott, Kingston; Ont, Catarrh, head and &Itfol-on study. I WARRANT7iI remed to throat, ut it overlays every Christian doe- Dick --1 s'pQse T can t(.11 you scute• R tt of 9 throat, Itertranl, Harrowsmith, ont, near lung- ODRffi the wars Ogles. Because Others have nh,n, Cnt,vrb, thrAnt. rule W1111 BnCh IlUnlan perVP,rafhlNmH tlllttg In r'(11?firll`I1PU 71nt1 y011 11t1t:'t lailedltoticreason for atise Wrecdtvtnguat/ULZ Alia,3inryAltombn^.rg,Ceti treville,Ont, -Atnrrh rid corruption it, to nullify its ower re mat it 2 Jiiclt -.l;ve i tin,+• old Bend atohceforatreatfaoandaFMMOTTLl howl and thron.t. P Y P 1 3 t of in; INFALLIBLE RRMEDY. GIVO EX rely ,Tamp+ �fntltea`s, 1'. Afnstor, Acton, Ont. did destroy its Gospel effect. It is boy, What is it I Dirk -21,110 iFine I nd Post Office It costs you nothing rror a A EIYf.h, 0eniq Furnishing, Itollevilla,Gatnn•h �r,at and it will Cure you. Address throat. ndet:d a kind of paganism, and Las ol, ectionm were lileil h 11i•sm j Y Dr �. (}. RIOT. 8? Yor3ge Sty Toronto, Ont, Jahn viiippon, p. O; Sandhurst,, Ont, (noir Napa een a curse to every people that it Jones, OF Ia'F.RV DESCRiI''I'10N, npo),Cntanbheadandthroat. Dadcase, y I i I m } Is - ■