The Huron News-Record, 1888-11-14, Page 2b. i1rog gtjV.ot ; t.VV4x>i1
a t r t c •
encs pf a moderate and Jua. p o e t
assigned to'tbo task qiw k0api4s 4t
eye on the fold, with inst�'uctions to
Tbie,li.4. oqi opiztiou, imposes upon :
IITr, bTeroler ;the•dl#ty of considering
'tVybat 11, thati1, sed, atrngn..
'Well, $Imply %hie"" $Qz Bill, `dist
�+.. Is gUALIeiI�D. -
ive system, to our irt.fant industries
as igen u4ated in � � •. We would
de9troy'with a shotgun .salt Ruduo^
two questions .--rlst, inalimuph act
Of you're inoltned to, do,the foil
;z „ Y6ry Weduesd%y Morning,
blind t, .our interests if ore dill,
ions bear that might endeavor to
4xs advance snd.#'svors are. received
thing, you'll hand tae over another
,, ---ax�.-�—'
not maintain that system. We are
select from that fold material fo.r his
In this. a irit is it #lot time to Sto
p P
to the Prote.0-
knittin,needle I"
- r
opposed to annexation in every
The Pleasanton is a gigantic
them and only accord
, say to the girl that you have
W nVte`y 06 It Qaa'
form, whether it is in lain terms or
boarding house on Sutter street,
tants what is thel<rs to strict Justice R
The young shepherd had stood J
dieguised under the form of com-
San Francisco, called a hotel by the
guard at the pasture for a week, and 20d, Is it not 8100 opportune under
the to amend the bill
meroil, union or unrestricted reci-
These are our principles,
inhabitants who belong to the social
, class which describes itself as "gen-
no bear a e, red. Conse uentl circumstances
PP g Y
he uttered no complaint rgain0t the settling the Jesuits' estate question
Select the tel. Agree, with ilia
let's father gin politics and the
Otgltatrlio gtreet t•Clinton.
and I believe they will receive the
i feel." Amon, the inhabitants is a
job. On Saturday last he was sleep•. under which Protestant Council of
mother iu religion If you have a
X1,60-Year—$1.�6 in Advance.
aPP`robation of the country; and
these are the principles that will be
young fire insurance agent, who }s
an enthusiast on the subject of fire
ily the foot. of a stone Public Instrnetion has the dish ubu-
Lyall that surrounds the field, when tion of the $60,000 granted to the
rival keep an eye on hits ; if be, is
a widower keep two eyes on }aim,
inscribed on our banner in 1892,>
statistics and fire escapes.
he suddenly became awake. He the Protestants R. Now this Council
Y knows, almost.
•am as every
, say to the girl that you have
The proprietoisof
having the business and plant
and which, when I may perhaps be
Recently he invented a fire escape,
saw a good sized bear over the Qua .is
g J P
wholly controlled by Sir William
no bad �tial}ts: '-it witl-l',11 enough
of THE Hvaox REOORD, will ,in future
h sician—
but a simple consulting p y
notable for its Simplicity. It was
fence not far away from him and
Dawson. It may be said that he
for you to say that you never heard ,
publistp thoatnalgaivatedpapersinCli7tton,
(laughter)—will be carried on to
only a coil of three-quarter lash
Y q
slouch doliborat0l toward where a
those who surrounded him and
yourself snore in your sleep. Don't
under the title of "THE HUI NEwa•
victor b m colleagues. nes. We havo
Y Y Y g
rope, knotted every two feet. The
group of sheep were grazing. ,Squire and
share his opinions constitute its be.
put much sweet atufl' on paper. If
town in
no fear of the result. We -.believe
agent measured the height of his
' o °
Morleywas at work in a field not
"D"ning, middle and end. C oDEe-
Y01 do you will hear it read as
Clinton is the most prosperous
isthe seat ofconsiderable
that in 1892 as heretofore these
� ,
seventh -story window from the
more than 300 garde away. the °
queutly since Sir William cOn-
after years, when your wife has
manufacturing, and the centre oftile finest
principles shall triumph ' that. We
P' N P ,
shall see open disloyalty crushed ;
ground, bought a piece of rope of
that length and tied it full of knots.
g gun
young shepherd, i°noring the °
that let h hieside cleared the wall damns the Jesuit bill, t ie reason
Y Y ,
some especial purpose in inflicting
upon you lite severest punishment
agricultural section in Ontario.
The combined circulation of'PnENEws-
that all attempts to. hurt the country
He was surprised to find the rope
at a bound and sped to give the able to infer that his Protestant col
leagues especially condemn it. If
known to a married man. Go
fZEC01:o excoeds that of any paper pub-
• shall meet the fate they deserve,
About thirty feet short of the re-
alarm to his father, shouting lustily
each be the case there would be it
home at a reasonable hour in the
}shed in the County of Ilnrou. It is,
and that a new lease of power shall longth when knotted, but
q °
at ever um p and at the to of his
Y J 1 P will be admitted', a grave anomaly
evening. Don',t wait until the glee
therefore, illlalll'paaaetl a►s an advertisin;�
be given to the Conservative Gov-
he remedied the defect and perfect.
voice :
in entrusting them +vile carrying
has to throw her whole mind into a
liberal, and
ernment, A lanse. Sir John
( PP )
g another
ed his invention by Splicing
« � t r,
Rears .bears ,bears out a law they condemn. What
Ya+vu tln]►t She can't cover with her
sarltates of advertising
furnished on application.
spode with much force, and was
coil to it.
'Squire Morle ^ heard the trios
Y then should the Government do Z
both hands. A little thing like
af'Parties making contracts for a speel.
frequently applauded.
One night last week, after ha had
long before tea guard of the fold To our intuit, its line of conduct is
that might cause a coolness at the
beginning the affair. In
tied time, who disc'tinne theiradvcrtlse�
—�� ""--
gone to boil, it occurred to him that
reached him and hurried to the plainly -traced out. Already during
very of
cold weather finish saying
meat, before the expiry of the same, will
although his invention was thooret-
rescuo of his flock.. Whon ho last sesaioII,a good many Protestants
the house. Don't stretch
{ be cliarged I'ull rates.
ictally all right, it never had been
reached the acture wall the grow ]
P ° I object lu the uaonoy }n quostiou
it all way to the front gat•o, and
Advertisements, withoutinstructionsas
to space anti time, will be lelf to the iu:h•
One of the grave -diggers who ex-
° ` ao
in Aliunoapolis
subjected to practical test, and that
it wonlpl be a good plan to practise
of Sheep had discovered the presence being entrusted to ProtestautCuttu-
gilts beau and had fled bleating in They wanted the $60,000 to be
thus la rho foundation fur future
montof:the compositor in the pisplay, in•
sorted until forbidden, measured by a
cnvate(1 n cewetory
the other clay told a reporter of that
with it before giving a public exhi•
frja},,,t--to the farther side of rho field appropriated for olomentaryschools.
aathma, bronchitis, Deurailgia, and
chronic• `catarrh to help you to'
scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
city that it; nineteeu cofflls the
—all of them except the head of the In the face of the hostile stand tak-
worry the to death after she
Inch), and charged 10 cents a line for
insertion and 3 Fouts a lino for each soh-
lettlaius were found turned on their
in lving face
He gut u made the roe fast to
° p' N'
the window sill, crawled out, and
fold, the merino rani, lie stood his eu h the most prominent and in
ground and a ed bruin tlueateuing Y P `
y °- fluoutial member os that 'Council
has marrie� you. Don't misreprI
aegnent insertion. Orders to discontinue
is must be ilk writiu:•.
sides, and one case,
downward ;the latter Was that bf A•'
made the descent. 1'uo floors bo-
ly. The bear ,evidently did pot, want, the Government should am ud
seat your financial condition. It'
- 8m, NoZea set as, I:EADINC MATTRIt,
full-giowu woman, with long, jet-
low a worthy spinster was preparing
i► tough old ram for his dinner, and is this sense that-"Iaw of last session
is very auDUyln0 to a who
has fur }iersolf a life of
(measured by a scale of solid ronpariel, 12
black, beuutil'ul tresses scattered
to retire, autl as her window wits-
was ptissing on by him to select a and we are convinced that the
luxury im your ancestral halls to
I to the inch) charged at the rate of
over rho shoulders And tangled
far shove anything Within Lick
more tuuthson morsel from the flock, antendsent would he a popular
learn too"tette that you expect her to
10 eents a line for each insertion.
about the neck, indicating that,
telescope• rAuge, she had not drawn
when rho ram shot the thing in the Townships, where there
fruni a catapult. � He bucked to
ash a bald-headed parent , who. has
after being consignee to her hist
restiu } lace the latent spark nof lif,:
the curtains, Happening to look
she saw a Writ] in a pajamas+vinging
missile is so often much difficulty main-
the bear amidships, and bruin went tail, good elementary schools."
been uniformly -hind to her to take.
We have one of the best appointed Job
quickened, and, ttonsciuus of We
befuro iter window, and the sight
down before 'lie force of the blow ° _ —_� �—
you in out of the cold. Don't be
too soft. Don't •say, `These little '
Offices west of Toronto. Oil facilities in
awful Iio,pi lessu ss of her Sltuuliuu,
put itilu ht r r tall all manner of
,is if it had been a stroke of lir ht• (;ILL'S BARGAIN•
hands shall I]Hyel' aU a stroke Of
tela C1Ci181'tl»Cllr CllnblC Ila t0 t1C all
and with the strellgth of desperation,
horrid apprehensions.
work when they are mine'; and
• poster,, i,I the hest style luiown to the
she began the frightful struggle,
Tho worthy spinster squealed and
The'- bear gut up,, but aurpriae -"ill +viz old Judge Hiram Cad.
Cyon shall have nothing to do in
-raft, and at the lowest possible rates
vainly turning and tainting within
Qudged nut of range. The uiati oil
was pictured all over him. Ile well's oldest son—you recollect the
our home but sit all day long and
Orders by ma,l promptly attended to.
the narrow walls if tier prison, un-
the rope mado title weak struggle to
stood still and gazed in amazement C„dweills—used to live on the toll
chirp the canaries,' as if any
til exhaustion finally overeame her
aauoua, Alld t[leu lost his preseneo
At the shed ] that had Dresuu,ed to go
1 isles near the cenletory, Old Judo
down battle
sensible wounln could be happy
The -Record,
and brought relief.
of mind and the ability to move:
throw the gAge of with Cajwell wuz about ez shifless a
away limo in that sort of
Clinton. Ont
• When the ancient.cemetery east
l -le could not clin.” to the rope and
hili. The rain was there for business, ,lean ez I ever see, but Bill'had 4tooling
style, and A -*stet has a fine, reten-
` of Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, was sway in the breeze. The slight mn, head great bizuiss head—cale'late he
and hurled himself ag°
du-- u ]and the. rlrn7ains taken awe �« he elle made cause tale re, ie, lowered, lip -oil the would-be -des- roust hov inheiitad it front his five memory for sett things and
[ } etrub°le I silly promises tit' eourtship,�ana' oc
AlN 'R rd Th' t' l
The Huron ew eco to allow of the extension of Ray- to swing, and like a peDd•ulunl .he , puler of hts dock, is rule re, mother, who came of the hnest casioually, ill after years, when
$t,SoaYear 11,25 iiiAdvance, mond street,the writer saw numerous oscillated around the bay window. landed -between the boar's eyes, and stock from "Hampshire county. She is washing the dinner dishes or
indications of premature iuterments. The frightened spinster supposed bruin's fall was more positive than When he wuz a bo Bill was tradin' a
° 1 Pl y� patching rho west cud of your
The most hideous and blood- that his ntoveiuents were .the mani- it had boon. before, and lie lay on au' swoppin', an' I s'pose lie started trousoru, site will remind you of
{VeditcsdaY. NOV- 11th. ` 1S i8 curdling of these was that of a boll festationa of a fell purpose to keep the grouu.d A moment before }ie, gut in life wit more jack-knives _ J P L l Ji them in a cold, sarcastic tone.
--- - found, , in the old I're'sbyteriau her scantily clan furor in view, recovered sufficiently to understand than'd stock a store, An' Bill
THE KEY -;`TOTE FOR 1892. public receiving -vault. It had been Wherefore she shrieked loudly and 0victly what had happened. He preserved in manhood all 'them
'got up again, but. had no time to talents which he exhibited in, youth. XIL+'`VS ON SE LF EDUC:1'1'ION.
' placed there about four years pre- feinted. Then the young man re,-
GRAND CONSERVATIVE G ATHF]ItiNG AT viously, and the lid or top had been Covered his wits, climbed the rope, make up his hind what to do.bef'ore LVhenever you met a man 'as looked
SEFE[tBR001iE. 9tTAllle(i ti0 that 801»e Of th0 BClewa 17alllea It ]ll Alla. StOtVCCl it away, the rams thick skull was hurled ez if he'd been run through a sieve EACH MIND MUST BE ITS OWN SCHOOL
were half torn out, 1110 Sud and and crept into bed, against him,again, and down went j'OU'd Teel mighty safe III bcttin' HOUSE. SELh IS THE ALL.
ACA Conservative demonstration lower part of the top had been' Watchmen bell boys and board- the bear the third time. that he'd been haviu' bizuiss dealin's
, y After A'youth has passed through
in Sherbrooke, Clueboc the other wrenched outward and the ,right ere hastened to the s inster's room These three attacks of the rain on with Bill Cadwell.
the the colnntou school of cotiutay or
dA in honor of 11011. J. H. Pope, foot and part of the leg had been when the Shriek resounded through the.bear'had been made so- quickly , «Otte day Bill cattle into Eastman's City, self' education becomes not
y forced thrtpugh, and wedged under the halls, aDd tried to discover the that 'Squire Morley had not had store an'. alloyed is how he'd be I ly possible but easy. So much
the -very efficicut Minister of lyiill the lid—evidently in the last strain- cause oft her .fright. �i'heu she time to gather` up the gun where the powerful lad to -it, a knittin'
sou left it and et within gun shot, g ° depends upo`u self' "that a college
ways, iD° hopeless 611,01 t. for liberty.. In talked wildly about a burglar. in n g ° needle, His wife wanted one, lie course is valuable only so. far • as,
SIR JOHN MACDONALD $cores of graves the cufftn$ were pajIama- .looking into hor window, After the third knock -down the said.
met with an euthusi:tstic reception found to contain bodifts that were they looked out saw nothing but' bear got•up, and, turning tail on the the dtuseut exerts. his own personal
turimd eget twisted tools ur loss to ° rem st�itea in full retreat. But Mr Cadwell, sez Easttuan, a will power and male's himself
He paid a high tribute to the guest seventy -k v'e feet of spare between knittia'needle tviil cost you just cue piaster of the situation. Colleges
oil; ,Hide -=positive• pruuf. of havill" thie sill and the ground and said she rho, rem caught him in the neck the I cent." offer an opportunity, but they can -
of the evening, who•he said had °
been buried alive. had a uighi£t iu'o'.. Jie.xt shut. and the bear. dr�upped and <<
stood by his side thrower good and t'}, + ° moth+ r •ol' Israel laid there. 'Squire 1lorle reached Pill 1'ooked kind uv surprised lil.e, •not make a scholars cannot make
evil report. It seemed :1e, be the If the insurance ina» hail retained q Y and sez ` knitt•iu' needles must' an orator or a dor,Jor or a statesman,
p I'utNaln, i,r revulutio11ni•y 'reIlown,. th0 s lot but the rain ass waiting. }iev
impression that leu would make an a'ns plat♦ rl
it, her `cofiu atfd the lits presence of mind and kept still fur ilial to tinio, Tile squire gong up seats I come in for one Tho college professor feels how
p all would have.been well but the last winter." powerless he'is.when the parent or
im ortant.�uua.ouncemelit on one Of funeral service, cou,tile uced when wasn't surf: whether the bear was
P she revived and six ears a`:or+rards enormity of his unintontional ofleuco dead tua to remove all doubt he "Wall," sez Eastman, "after pay- guardian of a fashionable, rich and
the great issues of the day. {Ap gave, girth to the cells Israel troubles' hint, and tit '2 a.m. he re put a� 10as of buckshot, into his in' freight 'lid one thing au' another indolent lad introduces this mortal
plause.) He wished to speak on ° g solved to make amends like I% gen- I can't afford to 'let knittin' ne'o'dlos- to the teacher and expresses a de-
l Lon oars a o l,hree medical still]- head:
° y ° tletnnD. He got- tip, dressed hien- go fur less'n a cent apiece." sire to have a man meds"'goer of rho
this matter with n° uncerttiu 801111(, etits; who had paid an extra sunt of ° • But the gictory was the rata's uud °
Sir John cuntinuea \� 0 aro << sol.f,,wont down stairs, and knocked ' ` °Bill didn't say 6 ything fur n avell dressed and well fed material;
, " .T Brit- niuley to a prul'698iOnal resurrect At the lady's dour. When it lues tile'squire thinks no other guard � but when an earnest open faced
ionist" for the purpose of ttocurIirr, Y minuit or two, but after lookiu out P •
isb subjects, anti we know the ad- l l pro ° opened he began an ex planation to for that flock is needed, perhaps overt • stricken farmer bo
vantages we possess iu being con- fill extraordinarily desirable subject, [ ° 1 _ — _ uv the -door at the scehery, he lural 1 [ poverty Y
0 1 ° introduce an elaborate apology, but round And sez :="Look here, b1r, has waltzed. fifty miles to find a'
netted with that great Empire. As entered the college dissecting room was interrupted by the vehement THREAT. ' k:AstmaII 1'll tell ou what I'll do:— group of professors and a collection
we were born British subjects we one night to view their purchase I .1 SI\(,ULAl�,THI.L.1l.
which had list been received. Lif_ Slamming of.the door in his face. I'll trade you aneggfur a knittin' of books, there is joy in the faculty,
expect to die British subjects: What J His purpose in explaiuing the ap' Iionv THE t2Uc I7Ec covErtsuENT WILL needle." from the president down , to the
should .tver gain by a change Z If ting the cloth cover, they were more aritiou it the wi.ridoa was tnisuu• humblest tutor, because a young
there is a country on the face of the than pleAsed fo discover the remark- P PUNISH PROTESTANT HosTti.►Tx TO "Eastman shook his head. "Why
derstood, and before noon the next HUMAN CATHOLICISM. "You man has come who can make a
earth that is ha 'tuft Arca eroos able fresh, fine, desirable Corpse of. not Z' sez Btll. don'tLousuppose
PPY f P a gong and lovely maiden laid day he was being thoroughly dis-' 'ata darned, old. knittin' needle is scholar out of himself. In the first
it is the Dominion of Ceuada. \1 e young Y y' Cussed in the It011ae as n persistently Speoiat-to the witness- twelve years of life a schoolis•need-
have slaw -abiding population, ex- It was the form of a Juno and the P Y p'4 wurth ez much ez an egg do ye Z
1'witures ofd Hello. Itonud plump,. bold bad man. L'Electeiir, the chief Mercier , ed ; in all the remainder of life
cept now and again up in the ' P l' The insurance agent was interest- I never heard uv anybody payin each mind must be its own school
Northwest. (Laughter.) We have sl[poudidly developed, perfectly ed iu a Dung lad° who has taken °tgd►il Here, has a very remarkable froi°ht on eons" sez Eastman Ae.
symmetrical, with wealthy of dark y ^ article tela morning on the action of ' house and keep its own school.
a Splendid ewviiato, n .rich soil, dna the question of ongagemellt tinder the Evangelical Alliance to the was the most sarcastic Cuss in the There are many forms of human
an energetic people. \�'e Lave good chestnut tresses, and chestlalt color- advisement. Uf course she hoard ° township, Eastman wuz. g
laws wisely Administered. 1l, Query, ed oyes, pink, creamy tinted corn- - Jesuits estates question dna the un- Will dna many Shadings of taste.
hexio11, brilliant'ivory white teeth the boarding house vorsiun of hie friendly attitude of Protestants "No; nor I never heard nv�feodin, Often when the will powor is great
branch of industry our country is P ' Adventure, and when the inventors knittin' needles, sez Pill. It• dont enough h to,bind a mind to the daily
prosperous. We have no reason to thin, delicate ears, mouth And noSO, gene,rnlly towards the 1lfercier„Gov- , g Y
'friend, who wits trying to forward ernment, notwithstandiug its efforts costnothin,to raise knittin needles. task of a student thele is 'not taste
envy any other country, and as a eyebrows and eyelashes }tenutil'ully e ° g
his suit entreated her to Ivo A fav- to propitiate them b liberal treat. "Well, Pill an' )rasttnnu arouse an' enough in the heart to call the will
more matter of self interest it would IODg Ault 8hnpelg, ° 1 P Y
orabla Answer she said she knew h° uleut. Storting out with the state- Argued fur more'n hour about hens power into action. A Chicago man,
not only be prejudicial but ruinous One of the two lingered about the was a quiet, steady young man in uteut that nothing obligor the dna knittin, needles an'thinga until
for U8 to $eVCI our CODllCCt1Ull With body apparently its OIIC 11C1d lltUler most +vat$, goon temperotl and tvcl[ ° who had exhausted love and money
Great Britain au(1 uuito ourselves the spell of. A strange. • auilefined• Government to mnl:o a grant of at last Eastman gave in and sez:— both in the attempt to malts lira
fixed financially, hat—, Hero silo $60,000 to the Protestants in connec "«'all, I s'poao I might jest ez well son absorb in some manner the text
with the country to tel south of us, fuscivation• alluded to the fire pe scrape, g
great, .l,8 it in9y bo.” (Applause) 'leo girl had been ill and +vee l P ' tion with tear setthtnient• 'of the swop oz not, although I hate to let book of the host institutions, found
and said : ,icsuits' estate3 question it $113-8 ; anybo+ly get the advantage uv me.'. at last, to his surprise and delight,
Sir John won't on to say that the supposed to have died of some heart " NN'hat cuulel .I c10 with f► Inas gave Pill the knittin' great taste
Canadian" constitution was much disease, And hA(1 laid in her family like thatZ _No;.I'm Afiaid hg's uou• it ivuula scum that this liberality S° I as and that his sou possesses a °
Canadsuperiia in constitution
rnany ways to the ewer•' vault about d laid horn a: Tho Suited," � might have disarmed theiT hostility. needles and hill gave I:astmau the dna talent as a drafisulan and ma
ica,n constitution. Wo are a freer oung student, filled with admi•ra Anrl so they were not nrurietl, But n�thi»g of the sort. From All egg. chinist. Ila caire�l;, nothing for
eo le in over wa tad we should tion °gait lifted rho magnificent) quarters of the Dominion demands "B:ut' when Bill got to the door Homer, but he could make • a loco-
p p Y way,and Y o Y and did not live happily ever after. ;tlo pouring in upon Sir Johu he tnint'round an come tact: au' mgtive, Since this development
be acting against our .best intoi•esta modeled aril. It was not chillingly _. - __ -
if we were to chango our form of cold although cool, The muscles Macdonald to veto the law. Up to sez : �`i1lr. Eastman, Ain't it the cos took [tette the father has had a
g0vornmeut or sever our connection were Trot hard and fixed severely as the presuut these demands end no tont fat you to treat when you've pouceful time Of it, 1'ur is Sou 18
with the llotlner County. L\'hnt in rigor mortis. He raised the importallet', coming its they did settled with a Customer? You an running with groat zeal along his
should we gain by such a change Z eyelid,; and saw none of leo glassy. Squire Peter Morley, of Kettle only from Orangemen. But some- me hev hell our dispute, but we've own good path,
croak, owns a merino ram that Can thio has happened ened in Moutreal come to a Settlement and an under • One of the finest at
in the
We might 'et a little more for our and ghastly peculiarities, Ile was g l P
° 6 o Y P ' justly lay claim to a distinction that which troves this fanaticism exists standin," Seams to me it would be United States went through a col-
lTpper Cdoadian barley --(laughter) aroused, :incl laid his car down over 1
—but in no other way that I can the region of the heart. Thou he no member of the sheep family was among uutu whose position and the handsome thing foryoti"'to treat." lege, indeed, but when he graduated
ever entitled to before. The rain is education should raise thein above "Eastman didn't see it in the he knew " little Latin and less
see should we be ige gainers. On was puzzled And startled, and appli- a big one, and, while pussrssing a such narrow prejudices. There is g g Oil so Greek," but there -wail not a medical
the other hand we should be taxed ed the stethuiqupe formidable a p enrannr tit+ver until I J just that light, but Pill gun
I [ ,tit association called the Evangelical nu.' wpe eoryconciliatiu' that finally wort: in -rho library ha has not has
from Washington, anti would thus Then he r"pressed his growing a few days ago developed an in -
P Y Alliance whose •object is to spread Eastt an handed out a tumbler au' in his room for Special Study, and
forfeit our rights as free mon. Aro excitement and Summoned assist- 3 0 n
we going to sell oto• heritago for ante. Evidences of latent life in the clination toward pugnacity. "Phis Protostantism. It has at its head not the bottle o' Medford rum. there was not a bone in the room of
ram is the patriarchal head of a some only ministers of different denom- „ „ anatomy which he did not prize
such a mess of pottage Z Annoxa• body were discovered without a Y I don t•want to seem particular,
what pretentious flock of sheep, of inatiuDs but prominent In mon'such above a lesson in astronomy or suc-
tion, we must .always remember, doubt. Vigorous efforts were then 1 Y sez Bill, pouring out half a tumbler- g
which their owner is justly prowl• its Senator Macdonald, Judge Mac „ veyin°
would lead to direct taxation 'tad lnaejo for resuscitation, and anecess- fol uv the liquor, ,but I like to :.iko One of the advantages of self ..
if we adopted commercial union or fully, too. Than the hapless girl, 'Squire Norley lime no idea that donnld and Sir William Dawson, my ruin with an egg in it." °
his flock or an moutbor of it had Not contented with trying to extend education lies in the fact that it
unrestricted reciprocity, which Arne while yet unconscious, was wrapp Y Protestantism "Now thiscome pretty nearbrenk- ermits a strong will to follow a
tically mean the same thing, we, e1 iu blankets and tendon remov• allied beneath the co roth gaze of dorwhich is. its right, o P °
Y in EAatwan a heart. I[o�hod laid the personal tanto. An explanation of
would have to supply our diminish- oil to the residence of one of tiro any m.arnuaing bear or other' wild has undertAlteu to read lessons to I ['
animal bat as there were rumors the Catholics tit' this Province. In- egg on a shelf behind the counter, the great success often •of went aro
ed revenue by resorting to direct professors near by. Her relatives "'he reached for it an' handed it called self ninde men may be found
taxation. But I for one have no were sent for, and in time Slie re• more or le$a alarming to ahoep stead tit' thanking tile. Mercier forY
to Bill sl, in' "Wall I'm in for it in their freedom, to follow the path
fear that this agitation,' %Vhich has gained her,hoaltlt andsubsequently uentl owners that the pastures Of another granting to Protestants $60,000 to sayin', „
g q y and there's no use uv kickin . of moat. attractiveness. Man a
boon commenced in a spirit of des- wedded the student, who afterward part of -tile conntt;y had been in- which they were snot entitled, it Y
Aeration, will amount to anything. became president of the Philadel- speeted by brain, found good, and joins the Orangemen in calling up "Bill brake the egg info the rutty,_ mind is diverted by the father ort
The country under Conservative phia medical college. Sho is now treated accordingly, the 'squire on Sir John - to disallow the Jesuit and to an' behold, it was a double- mother, or by the dignity. of a col -
administration has prospered, and a widow and resides with the young- thought it +voila do' no harrn=ro set bill, "This fact is possessed of more 'yolk egg i Gosh, but Bill wuz ox- lege course ur faculty, from the
the people has faith in us, and an eat of four stalwart sons, a watch over his pastur'A and keep than ordinary importance. This oiled I channel for which nature fitted it,
the part of that Government I wish I _ it there until the. -arrival of the time Association represents all Protes- "Mr, Elis'nlan," Isez he "you've and thus a terius dies not of neg-
to declare bore to night that our when boars succumb to boreal tante. We are, therefore, justified .been a takin��an advantage over me.'
lett but of too much attention'.—
g PAINFUL BURNS, bruises, scalds a rr
polio will be as it has boon Canada I ,urrouudings and hole up. in assuming that its acts are those of Huty so?" naked Eastman. Professor envie Stein° in Chicago
forthe Canadians, by the maintan- I healed l,y Victoria Carbole Salve. 1 A young son of the 'squire's was the whole body in the Province, "Why, this -egg has got two yelks.' Journal.
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