HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 8P. No, 101, Clinton-,. IM04to
jqaxt Wednesday eveping. It is
expected th -her of filitiatione
At s num
and advancements will be made.
Sp 9
the other day at Cobourg, the editor o�a-t
PAPER NOW.—I11 a shooting m h RolleTS, late, PRICES RIGHT-
�TON'T NEED TO 13Q T" , 'Pulls
PROW atc, We have an elegant Stock of New Window Shades, rin
Oul so ov , e
of the Co -14 won so 4
. qrg Woi
prize a year's subscription to his §707173�77
Own paper. ---------- --
A LAKE IN Tuic Roop.—The Complete Stock of School Books
I flexibility of the English language The above Overcoat is manufactured from an ALL -
was shown t46 other day by the AND.- SUPPLIES. WOOL TWEED, 4eavily lined %bith a good solid lining,.
reply of - a son of Erin to a visitor
d4y tands to -day as the best bargain in the county.
during the recent rainstorms. On PURSES—A fine Now Stock just in. Only two Baby Carriages left, and it s
have quite a pond on the floor," which will be sold at about half price. We are giving -Bar-nine in Good sharp buyers should Vee this Overcoat before
said the visitor. 'Tis; Shure we all kinds of Goods. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. purchasing.
have a great lake in the rooP" ,4
FINE PRINTING.—ID the way of
t t t t t
ne and general printing THE
Chris. Dickson Clinton
NEwsl-REcoun, has few equals. Su-
perior machinery, the finest station
P ER finry and inks, the very latest clear REvIVAL services in R%ttenbury 11148. MARCY, Sour., town, has
out type and model workmen, are a St. Methodist church. been very ill tile past week.
Absolutely Pure, stifficient guarantee that we are up to
A marvel of p rity
This powder never varies. ore eco"Ou the times. Call and see samples THE LADIES of St. Paul's church COUNCILLOR CANTELOIN'S Shipment ou 0 'OVERCOATS
strength aikd wholesomeneds. M n, ,I
n" -o you order any line of print- are preparing for a bazaar to be of 1500 barrels of apples by the
than the ordinary kinds and ican t besold In befoi
competition with the 11 tu bi ide of� low test� i it -1. held fir8t week in December, Empire yesterday makes bid total
short-weiglitiLltittiorphospliate powders. Sold -eig, as
011", ill MIS. ROVAL RAUING POWDR% Co-, 106 L. 0. L. 710 wili hold their so far this year 25,000 bari
wall St., N. Y. WITHOUT Pnicrs.—Rev, Dr. Mock-
rige, of Christ Church Cathedral regular meeting next Monday even- nearly as may be
itter. AIR. — COOPER, a I-radua-te
ilton, cannot conscientious y 0 ufactured from SCOTCH TWEEDS aud FINE,
of the Clinton High School, now i
The Huron News4ecord praemach in a church with poid pews, LADELS.— If you require anything
teacher `u God.orich township, has WORSTED GOODS,' 'add they cause genuine surprise
and threatens to resign unless steps hioe in the way of �ummed labels,
$1.50 a Year -0.26 in Advance. are taken in the near future to have call and see what THE NEws-REOORD been granted by the Department, wben shown to, good "buyers who ci�n appreciate a good
Ads C., -e
oii�appoal, a first class, ar -gain. Our stock of Overcoats ai
pews open to worshippers without Can do for;you' 0 1 bai
non-profossiunal certificate.
Wediit-.%d;ty,Noveiikber(*btli.188 money and without price. His
resignation will take effect Ist Feb THE ONTARIO raillingeoulailaslon THE Christian Guardian says Dr.
visited Seaforth last week to get
1889. Wkd-ol-Ward, the converted Jew, + 0/ +
X X X +
LIME. �Persous requiring I me 10
information regarding tile Batt in -
0 who was up this way a, month ago
for building can ho supplied by A WOLF' IN SIIEEP'S CLOTHING.— dustry. is 11au unprincipled , Adventurer."
Coop�rand8%,vaffii-,ld with S01ft"Y's A onsation hits been caueed in I%n. His course reminds one of' tile wad -
white I i tile. bigh, near Kingston, by the elope- At 1�. R. WILLIAMS of the Bank of
inent of Rev. J. A. Stilea with tile Commerce,. Goderich, and Reeve dle ofa wiled duck.
NOTICE. youiliful daughter of a farmer whose Johnston were in Clinton last even; 'RFSIDENTIAL (,HANGFS.—M r.Peter ALL XADE BY OURSELVES
hospitality lie was enjoying. The ing to a social Party. Cole hits removed to a house of Mr
We have sold our Grocery Stock Rev. gentleman denies the elope- Cooper's in St. John's ward, near
Al R. Ross, o f Ma n i toba, so u - i n- I u - + + + +
to Mr. James Moore (late of the ment, says he merely married the law t , �f IMayor Whitehead, 'Was in tile railway track, and Mr John JI
Commercial Hotel) and'as we the girl secretly, because he had no town last Friday, and both geiitl Scrutou hits taken the promises on
c 4
visible means ofsuppo�rt for himself Ontario St. vacated by Mr. Cole,
men left for a trip E�ist the same AND THEY ARE
wish to wind up our business as or her. day. SUMMARILY DISMiNSIED.—Twouty
soon as possible, we would request -a on the
THE SAME OLD Fox.—A few throo,G. T. It. couddetot
all those owing us to call and weeks Ago we mentioned the fact of A WET Tim.E.—Rainfall for the Southern *Division, and on the run
past month beats anything in
settle AT ONCE. Our Books will Mr. Arthur Knox of this town see- from Toronto to Stratford and front
blncic foF cross the r(;ar of his the memory of the oldest inhabitant Wbodsto6k to Port Dover have been RELIABLE GOODS 1
be found at the old stand for one ing it iin
even bein- more continuous 'th dismissed witliout it hearin pro -
Premises and vanish in Gibbon's the -famous wet season, of 1868.
month, after which time they will suinably for givin- free rides.
bush. And now comes George,
be placed with Manning& Scott Buchan of Bright, Oxford count OmiNous.—In the harbor of LAWYER HILLIAORD hits Temoved
for collection. who last week shot, orie of those Port Hope the other day the schoou- his law office to Cooper's new block-, We sell the Best and Cheapest Clothing in the County.
5184t T. COOPER & SON. rare animals in that vicinity, the er Oliver Mowat, ran aground and near Jackson. Bros. clothing etupor. TRY US.
skin of which is said to be worth irm. ii is
was pulled out of the mud by the it This . directly opposite
31ORE PItOFANE LAN- $100- It is probably the same tu,, Sir John. Manning & Scott's law office, and
GVAGE.—Perfect Fitting- steell animal Mr. Knox saw. the party of' the one,part aan. now
Plate S tove Pipies at sanic price PEDESTRIAN Riimoiox.—A philos- WE Would like to hear front a make faces at the party of the,other
Dumber of our correspondents. rt without dauget of A collision. k�
as ord!nary Pipe' It. M.Racey, ophic- minister has advised. bi pa
is Send along the news, geutlenjen,
Iroil and Hardware brethren to take pedestriap e and let the world. know what is, WE NEVER 110 into ecstasies uv
cliftiton, October 9901. '88, if they want'tlicir Pluggisli ideas to
g0IDg on in your locality. the-'effurts of"travelliug troupes to -0S
er Jackso'n -Br
keepoutbe nrove. Toh"e Rev. Mr. please our citizens, lini we will say
I k I Hughes of Liou'a Head, Bruce DR. TAYLOR, of Goderich, the that the 4,11i Henry Minstrt;ls," are
L N E AA/ � S. couon't-Y, hits- been acting on this other day -assisted Dr. XIackidlof -el
as ninch above the averagii Minsh
advice. After walking to and Sonforth in successfully perforun ug troupes in artistic and chaste
In anill Aron tkil ilite "Illub." pr6achiug ,it three staiiOns the other a difficult operation on %Ira. D.
excolleue4 as PagRoini was above a
Sunday be,during the night walk. Sproat of Egmondville b remov-Ing 'Ay
M 0 , 1 �% back fiddler. -They bad A &Od DOING US PROUD.—The Brussels tute the strut of $100 this ear, the 41h
it, it Z11111t. ed- twenty-two, miles to cate from the breast", y
h the' a cancerous growth
-ida Budget says : "TnE NEWS- RE601tD, Institute to pl,;d,,e itself.to take no
boutie here last Fi y niaht.
�GrT TuEnie Ei,i ! '['lie colubrat- P:trly train Monday morrilu
�g at is on gal proceedings to coiupel� the, -
ad htimorou,4 lectli i vr ';Eli Perkins" Wiart )n. INSPECTOR MALL(,cit is. homO W -E HAD A CALL last week from a of, if not the ablest, edited leg 0
ilot from a trip through the porther ' Jocal p1per in Ontario.," We acceDt Council to complete' the by-law
Who loctureil 11pr*ii last Nvinter -ha$ 0 n Mr. Jas. Gallagher, of Godericb, one
0 i-'R0FESSio-;.xL FiNEssE—A-, pro- part of his inspectoratO. Just one tile compliment for our Godefich that was carried by the vote, of
there. He got, 611*a 1-:61—Y train at a of Ole residents of Gbderich +u tile
it e
inineut which does a gre, t yar ago he had to plough through Correspondent who was the , writer the ratepayors—carri d.
arrellod ay back titileS4 but who Afterward
station to IlAV6 kIlL111011 and qii la aw, 9
d-.:tl of business for a rich werean'- ne inches orsiloW, this year mud is of our impartial Account of the trial Finance chairman Mannin quot-
witbtbeproprii�tor of the 1-0,'taurant tile concern lately rendered a till the inatter. ronioveAto.Colbornewith his par- And the '.cotn- d the Act'.8bowing tha . t all -taxes
who knocked Eli down. AN"hen Eli ents, but is il�,ain residing in Gode Grant vs. JonkiD.s.
which tile senior partner -of the C. pliment is deserved. We may here must be paid before December 14,
returned home lip "got there" with Inanager 1`101 "ildopend
mercantile "establishment who was Mn. D. GLASS, fortnoily ently comfortable oil IueD'IOD that We iUVitO carrespond- and Council is immediately there.
a pair of black eyes.
accustomed to liberal charges of thollank of Montreal at Goderich, the proceeds of his -farminog put- ence'dontainitig news or COUCiFle after bound to publish a detailed
tilt' e' presently of Brantford, has left suits.
LOST ONIONS AND l'i E E F. —A thought wavtoo high. 'Ile er dissertations on live issues. Don't statement of receipts and expendi-
beef anitnal bnlonoing to it Lind. fore took the 6ill to' 'the law firm there to open a branch at Wallace- TIIE TORONTO Weekly I'Veirs hi's be afraid ; give us the ideas and we tures, copies of, wbich shall be pro -
0 n ',burg. On his leavin- Brantford issued a very. fine etching of Munk,-,
Bay'liLl'tcherbruke into his crarden and awl nsked the chief to look it over will put them in printing shape. ducod at time of nominations, and
The lending citizens presented him with acay renowned painting, "Christ Be-
ate Up his onion patch. When tile autl see if it waii, till right. be obtained from tile Clerk in the
Animal was killed the beef was eo Account was subsequently returu,d An'Address and a purse of money.. re. Pilate," 21x28 in, which is
taintc4 with raw onion flavor that with 810 add -ed for "advice as to A REVENUE TARivp.—Tho hotel. given along w ith ' I'll e ATe irs fo r $ 1. 0 0 Town -Parliamerit. On motion of Manning and Ken-
t, elice , 0
estroy it all, the reasonableness of the bill," keepers of London, in cousequi it year. As A work of art the pic- -Met Monday 'night. Members
he wits obli-od. to A nedy all municipal Domi4ations,
losing hi's orflous and $65 lie paid ture 1.4 worth ten times the molicy, all present except, the Mayor..
0 A DOCTOR DisAnMED;—Whou in of,the high price of fodder, have and the pqper is an excel lout family Reeve Mellurchie in the chair shall take place fit tile town hall
for tile animal. - between the hours of 10 and 11 a.
Montreal last week Dr. Coleman of e6tered into an agreement to fix journal. Request of 'Mr. J. C. Steveasou to
their rates for stabling to the follow- in. on day fixed by Statute.
THE HuitAN, VOICD.—Rov. Mr. Seafortli in coming dowti—froin his
in" Single horse to hay, 15 cents; A _NEW DEPARTURr.—Ou tile be allowed to put diain from his In discussion on third reading of
Livingstone gave an excellent lect- room in the httel misriod his footing, el Store to Detlor's corner. On motion
0 to hay,and oats,25 cents; team to hay 31st October Alr�. S. Morley, of tile free library by-law" Jackson gave as
ure on the power, beauty � and the on acconnt of imperfect lighting, of Jacksou and Cantelon referred to
various philtses of the hunian voice, and fell breaking the small bone of 25 cents; to bay an(] Onto, 50; stAle Grand Union, Clinton, was married his reasons for opposing it that
0 Street Co�m tit ittee.—Let ter f ro in
in.the town h:ill oil Tues(lay even- one arm. We presume the doctor without Jeed, 10 cents. to Mr. R. J. Tufts of London, at Ontario Board of Health recoinru,,. proper publicity of day of voting
ug of last weck. Rev. Mr. Craig, has kept in view the old apothegm the latter place. THENEws-RECORD had not been given and that thoo
THE C. U. BURrXSQUb_The life.lon- 'ding the Council to take measures
presided. Th -o attentlance Was, 'About the unwisdom of a physician . wishes the happy couple a tte ' to have All persons vaccinated who promoters had acted unfairly in
WiD-ham Times does not like THE n- I
continuance of the felicities idiDg public discussion while
lie have not Already boon, also those avo
large aii(l the general verdict was bein,r his own - patient or a lawyer N 's-RECORD's mention of t dant upon theirnew duparture, and
4(one of the most entortaining lect- his own client, and socurod proper , 'burlesque" of a ineeting held in go, quietly working to carry their point
ever livard." 0, that the union may W a grand one who have been over seven years a
tires I tnedical-troatment. TFiE NEws R E' Dunflannon to fire the heart of th in the highest.and best se'lise. mmencim, with the sell even thpli0b it should be against a
Conti, in common with the gentle- f co Ool chil- properly obtained representative
armels in f�avor af Commercial dren. On motion of Cautplon nnd
NOT HANDSOME.—A Buffalo pit 1) - man's 'many friends, wishes him Union. The Times accounts for tile POINTING OUT THE DirFERF-,cr_ Jackson referred to local board of vote-
er takes exceptiuu to tile word- perfectly armed agaiu. paucity of persons present on ac- The Rev. J. -M. Snowdon tit St- health. Street Committee recom- Reeve McAlurcbio took Jackson
ing in tile offer of a "Itandsome bust
I George's church, Ot.tawa, in his ser- fr)m to task for saying the Council had
of Sir John A Alacdonald" to till A WAR'NING TO WivF,,9. ' Those count of tile meet.iDff being "pool- y mended two plank walk
0 0
-ibers to The' Empire. The who do not want to be widows had advortiscd;" even, be says, "tile mon latit SLluday, pointed out that Webb's corner to Dudsworth's and acted dishonestly. They bad.given
subset Government f
in Punpurion '�vere not in Catholic Quebec the rom Mrs. Tuft's apble to the two all the publicity in the matter the
Staten ant is made that Sir John is better take in their clothes lines or I)00PI6 is could And di(l pass a bill gi ailed for, If those opposed to
not handsome and consequently a do the wood splitting'ilienaselv,,. aware of it being held." This .'v in 9 new houses near woolen will, Also In w c,
likenessof Ilini could not be hand- One of the narrow escapes recently Corroborative to sonic ektout of T[IE $400,000 of the people's nioney to that street lamp at Dr. Williams' the free library did not take enough
some. Our 1'"ankee friends should is that of Mr. James O'Shea -NEwS RECORD'S '1110ptiOD, IV, the Jesuits in defiance of the law, to be moved to range with inside of interest in the matter to remember
while in Protestant Ontario tile sidewalk, 'Ind new lanip tit Goriell's the day of polling and deposit their
renlembor that actions Speak louder of Lucan wbo was splitling Wood have no personal knowledge of the
Govarnment. would not give a sini. material ballots accordingly it was their own
th " winn, doings at tile meeting but. believe corner. J. 'Miller to have
than looks in this country, whore and the axe while on e 0
our report of it to be substantially plo act, of incorporation, according to inilke sidewalk' front Albert St, to fail It.
,hatid.4otno is thtit, handsome does." came in contact with a clothes line, to law, to a Protestant body—th' his blacksmith shop. AmOrlded by
And Sit- John ails the bill to j)erfee- the result to him being tin u�ly correct, as our information waR re- Reeve Manning "went, for" Jack-
Orall-emen. c'
tion. gash 'on the forehead, Hit ceived iroin a reliable gentlemaq 20 inch ow 24 inch sidewalk on son ou,tbe lines of McMnrcbio and
thourylit, ! Lot the crood wife save who was present. Ira. Jont Car- taxed him with Sitting at The coun-
0 0 A Succi.,ii.s.—I'Marriago is failurel" Townsliend St. to A as t,
GonrniCu IIDBERAL."—SeVeral the life of her husband and secure oloquised the Rev.Mr. Joynnut in ter's gate ; and the appoiutment, on oil when the submi ion of the by -
persons who have Admired IT'S ALL RIGHT I*THER AlAY.—I a be motion of Jackson and Walker, of it law came tip and raising no objec-
the her own comfort by ggetting one of the solilitude of his study As
various CO-11tribut ions of' "Liberal" those admirable revolving clothe a be married to ber or is site married opened the modest little envelope special committee of Reeve, Deputy tion. If there _w as any dishonesty
to this paper, haveapked us who "a driers for sale by R. M. Racey. to him I There is a distinction i the bridegroom had handed him a Reeve, councillors Foster and on the part ot the council Jackson
is. " Woulay say that hp is not our these phrases, Says a contemporary, few hours before and found a one mover and seconder to enquire into was a party to it.
regular Goderich. corteRpondent Fie flow To SFIUNT OFr THE GinLS.— though few peoplo or newspapers 1, it (101 fill. bi I I enClose(J. And report on tile advisability Of Jackson said his remarks did not
-a 1) year and as it is now regard it, and even the dietioDary riage a failure I" he repeated with lighting the town wit It electric lillbt. apply to tile council, it wa
Q0?ne siippose. nor is he its others This being h C, a w.ith 41r,
suppose, froni, his rather pointed -drawincy to ik close many of the ignores it. It ip a common place of emphasis and independent fervor as "October statement of Treasurer reference to the promoters who he
4ef�reiiceo to Mr. Cameron, the per- young men are in danger of losing most rhetoric teachers that it is the he placed the bill in his pocket, Showed receipts, including balance, Still thought acted unfairly in trying
rt man who does the marrying And tile "No I never I The idea is bitibarous,
son who on the eve �f the general their liberty oT landing in a cou $1658.02 ; expenditure $1015.71, to stifle public discussion AS be f
In 8111ous, (let me look at the bill leaving balance 8642-31. October understood they did.
elections intorrorativeiv made un- of law for not carrying out implied woman who ip the-personr married. - f
founded chitrges againsi the ex14. promises of mhrriage when the fair This simply follows out the idea of yes it's genuino,) and s�rikem statement of Finance Committee Exception was taken to paying
P., and for publishing, which we ones "pop the question." It' may be the Garden of Eden story that went- At tile foundatiop of society Red f 1" Qr. salaries $181.25 ;street $134.69; for Some cedar procured from
were threatened with a law Suit that Lhey can get out of the difficul- an was created to be married to man. property $1346 ; fire And water parties at Blyth, Some of the lumber
tiniess we gave up his name. No. ty by smoking. A Scottish court The distinction is recognized in the TIIF KINCART)iNr Review of last
132.75, -charity $15.89, insurance being wortbless. The inspector
He has been an Orangenien for 30 hits just decided in ,in action brought inarriage service of the Episcopal week contains an excellent pot -ait " 6, lumber, streets, $134.80 freight was instructed to make out a state -
years or more, we believe, and rather Against a young man for breach of church"in tile question, -,�Vhe giveth of Editor Lling ']'his is in honor of $4
ID 0 Cr $9.60, printing $6.75. Receipts : ment.
tbink is now out on cerlifiedta. promise of marriage that he was this wornan to be married to this The Reripiti's second growth of four Hall, $45.00 ; weigh Scales, $20.80.
However this may bo,ho is a liberal, justified in' so doing, because the man I" It is rocognizod again in years. Tho portrait allows tile Edi -
a Free Library by-law came 'tip for —A gentleman, lwgging Villiers.
higbminded gentleman who has no fair maid objected to his smoking thd'moaning of the word "marry," tor to be as speakingly full of vital -
0 0 third reading.
axes to grind, but has Simply 'the, she.'finally Saying, "Chooqo botwcon which conics from the Latin word ity As his paper, and both are the witty�Doke of Buckingham, to
best, interests of the Order, to yourcirraraud me." He made the Illas,incaning tuale. Tosaythatanian pleasing to look upon. We Wish �ackson, Cantelon and Kennedy employ hiri interest for hin) At Court,
which lie has belonged for tin ordin- choice in favor of the weed, and is married to -it woman is The Same The Review at least a decade of objected to it being read and con- atldett that lie hAd 110bOdy to (10-
arylife time,at heart. An,_I these he when she stied him the judere held Story of statement as to say that quarternion periods ofexistenco,And firmed. pend oil but GoJ wid- hi..4 Grace.'
apparently endeavors to forward that by offering the alternative she "The 1-lon- Slo-aud-So was given a that it may soon got up Alongside Deputy Reeve Manning and Fes- Then,' Raid tile Duke, 'your condi-
without malice to any one on was responsible for the Swain's do- banquet." It is the banquet which Tim Ncws-11,nooni) in poi t f i ter moved that it be not now read 'tion is &,sperlite, ; 'you rould not
"1 01 "Ir
Account of oppoqlto rcligious opill- sertion, and the suporioi court Rus- the thing given. It is the woman who culation. and away boyoud. 'hieb ii, A. third ti.me on condition tbat the have untllp,l two,i.eings wilo haVe
tained the decision. is given"In marriage, not the man. is making rapid Fittides to Council grant the Mechanics' Insti- less interest at Court.'