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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-11-07, Page 6jW
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,.. r ler .ell .f. aba►rglrs . QOI•TSUbII >'IU CTS
.tlutt.ova , Ir.�. 1t.1� ..�f► tl} � >! ;, ' . QQ
�.^ �/c*r n ll� sus t 'e ore n 1 1 a l 4�#1 t1 !Il ti:ltlntt, 14'kt!CS� 110 tt j t �'0 n K,f.�o t * , . SO'H'c
_... , I �,!.. tvett by nit9:tlpr it elA t 1 tt. u i
ti attic! * 11IAti iltttle,l #1# ,1tts httl)da by it it q *'T`
Pr1.t1P>i �9,c V AN;r
1.gI.0 A(lvancp; tYtte ttl}�':ioUs (0 eltthr'ltCe Lilo. 6ppo1•'• t b I '
to Ile event t0•,tk#e s.(stl'e tti4re gust Tnt1t1# nliy!i11Ual'y tiro linn�uln r+t' n ` adnd 91
Y• simple vegetable' mutely' fon' the spo, dy'
l tG4t1:L \(►rc,tlueratlt,lSSt3 the 61rgaius. tiere offered, but not and pormant"nt ;ttlr ut' 1'•„u.,teai.dine` Dlay do for :a stupid boy'sexcumts; but 1 llnve ?Lil•ebased. tbe-rocery Stock d Tnos. Co(,)PE
11re1l I aw all t?
__--- -� having cecus to town.for the ptu'p.Ose I3rot)Chitrs Cutarth, ANthnir what can be said for the parout who �� •'
1. & Sox.; and \veil earry ou the L Ysllaess at tLe 01(t Sta,ad,. i
. , lit tuaktug purCha,es, noel halo,^, throat radical
Lon"' or Neiv, i atw, a it'j, ere pees his languishing daily
NIARRIAGEISV 1 A FAIL It 4. shurt of cash, asking the inerohant and radian! ecus lite Nen• le tlehtltty nw, b t;anti Cutis t
_ e a11I�TervuunCou,,+!sluts, ottt'rhuviug test- to recognize Ll1e want of a toulo and 11S X ism in a 1]JSltll)n to kltly �'O�� GASI-1 thQ laliblic ITl.�3' � ,
to dredit Idle. This the+ mombaut 5d its %VQII((.otfttl Curative ,,r+t)wy in 0,io ,t• blood -lit itlerP Formerly, a course. of: relit on getting
They 1vef4t sitting 1011 t11e deck' refn+ed to du; whey( upu[i t'l)e per ands oi', haN felt it stake bitters, oz.,st►Ip]juc;at►tl u;olussen,vvastlla
]]stir the st�.en Of tau Albltuy day oluisur appal,+tPlied his I'dei d, the it kuoim to Ilk suffering fullows, AvIits, C rule 1 w ll zegutgtetd families; but uoty' ,�" '�°' j RIGHT p I ( �
b it t,headotl '' wp the river, say the goneral utsl'Cllaut and boo -rowed of ted by this motive slid a desire to relieve all intelli-ent households heap .9iyer's 'GOOD
New York Tribune° Ho lvaa cache, Curran snf}cunt. 1 will setts pct. of
hila money tvitlli which hu tirade barsapariria, whiClt is at once l+learaut MIs. OGLE COIIpF:It will .1'Hniti i \Yltll me dill! I hope
small and tvealt looking;aha wns I charge, to all tthu desire it, this ret ipe, in S +
oextetlsive, purchases at Lfla slul'e of. acrinali, French or Eligifsh, ttith 1%111 to the taste, and the most searching and
the neighboring Ingraham. directions for au,lllall!c. taut q thilt the patronage extended t4 Messrs. Cooper & Sell
large and decided; aura there stns n n g isectivebluodmedicittoevurdiscoverrtkl. 1
cold. glance ill her eye, and till, ��'etluOsaaY �� a Niukersuu of by wail by atith'essing t+ith statnl,, nau,ing 1\athan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., will be COnt1T1118( .
corners of her mouth turned down- this paler. W. A. Nuvt•.s, flit I l,wer's :Boston, writes: "D1y daughter, uoty YI
lilugftala was huutiu0 ;larir1' 0"e Block, Rocheslc,N. P, 507 -cow. steges old, was in perfect health until a JAMES MORE
ward slightly. year ago when she began to complain of
about huff' a wile hem ilia f}un,e, b
"What ou regain', Abner 4' fatigue, heat till to debility, dizziness,
Y lleariug his dug balk, he supposed -An Pccw'trir• t,nt nrnt 1+ respect_ hutigesttan, aud loss of appetite. I con, Late of Commercial Hotel. t
she demanded when they were ju$L that the flu had found some birds elnd�dtit'itall herComplaints Originated
n ' ell uld ulnti,tvr ill the 1lurth of in
Ilia side of Youkuts• and, hasteiiiDa in the directiuu of - - -'--' -
' ]`Jess an old woos r•1 >ur that fuller the s+nu{a he found that the don Scutlnud m bile lin-aclt,iur , was Aycrls Sarsaparula. Thisnlodicinesoen_^--
1 3 , o restored her blood -making organs toT i �� t
with the sago on his coat deo) ed greatly nnum ed- Lt $nolo of the health action and in due time re@stab I Ti fi
1 P had e s bruin
a large N bear. As
, r• f�rutgr.+ cello ml�•,++. ,!arias the fished leer furuler health. I find Ayor's SPRING ,
' here., soon as bruin saw Mr, Nickerson ho
sermon. One Sabl,:lth Ltit rl.non be Pal'saptuilla a most valuable rc i e nt to
"Be you t-eadin' 1110111 lottery mads for him, growling E;,rcery. tl,r lassitude or
geld debility incident to —OF�
' „ a 1I r. N. L'asLil climbed tree "t;tk- IreC9rrt0 sn PxacpPr-Opcl ,I•y the rill ing tinle",
advertisenlonta ah In,• Abhor 4 she Y Ui t,wu';,,t_ of a n an jn•t Lt•Imv !lir f. ('ashieht, I3ruoklyn Putvur Co., ® ��� Bun his +nn with hits bu} hna a$ asltod iti a metnlliC accents• o o ' u1 1 that I e lifle'l t; , til," I,i� IBrnnville, K. 1°•• "acs: ” is a SprhttlHATS
"hTaty, I ain't -do you think 1'uI c''uded u111y sown rix or eight feat l hilt nu•1 It•t it dr•• nu t I't • I e ,.!'s ttc<jgeguo, I eget a splendid substitute
fool, Haulier 7" whoa ht cin eaugh4 hint by the pant I p :t., t.,a "!<l -tine rwu,+uundn iti Assets of tl vary LATEST ADIERICAN DIANUFACTUItE. Also
Maul real .lul'''u ua l,e diel so :- t •r;uparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's se
"I think you ryas once, and there 10+g and trie:i to lull hen Ao the _
1 Pills. After choir use, I feel fresher ford
flirt v II t,0 lis+t'n to tl,,• A\ ,:rel 1 yI� C��j Amer
'ruuud. rite pants gave ao•ay. i'ht , 'y' struuger to g;u til 'ongh.the su{uauer." , / (� ain't no guarantee you ben't ag lir. m faith I'se utak' r f•'PI lt... ' - - e IcanNeckwear.._
hoar thonselzed hlsshoeand pulled Y Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
What aro you rondiu' Z" r
it front his foot, carrying it to the (very hantdsou,e), front 20c. up to 50c. A call respectfully solicited.
"A little piece here about a debate around. !Brain's next tri;) ill) the PAINFUL BU HN S,.bru ises, scalds YliEr'A.HED 11Y �-1 T c c
they're haviu' somewhere$, 'bout free tial more sued"s$ful. This and cuts are quickly a soothed and Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. GS'JO� ..LJA1� �-\�y
healed b VictoriaCarbolio Salve.
is Dlarriage a Failurel' Blamed it tithe he. carried clown one of 1\I r, Y trice $1 ;,six bottles, $5. -North $5 a bottle. MurrayBleck, Albert Street.
this feller don't kinder think it is. lA;ekersou's stockings, alsu Ono of
-A uian ill WisCt»i�'i1 WLile - SYNext Doqr to DRY -GOODS PALACE,
"He ought to be ashamed of his- his toes, badly lacerating two rooie. ,�, r
111" in" a ,r+nt Itnit' tl„+ (n �U't' dH1'. 1.' ,✓-, .. Ji Ili iil lv �+. S ,
self, Hafts all I've gut to,sav, boric \(r. Nic�lcol•suu bad flow gut ill a 1� I »,
I uueartht•cl a hnttle (iP 32:f•;tf ul,l
him. Abuar, what do yoi} -thiuk position to use bis run and n� the
a whisk Ever had in t h,• In,itrhl,m For ]loess$, Ca*t!e, Sheep, HOUSE ��'� I �' • /)
about i6'1 savage banal was ascululed tilt+ trao J Y Y r r
Good is hard it work with a ,osis•, ¢? De's, Hc�s, Poultry. �r.
"It nitgllt be a failurq in some the lhirLl time (with filo brava little 1 r#✓3 `i ,Oot'A(;t ritt4?aionTrgrtt• • v
` cases," he answerod, meekly deg hauginri to his 11nnh) ho coolly `- '- - -- d , �' ti.e• osAu;lnalnau'1 GLAZING AND GRAINING
I Ii�ht iL4„' Wailutl lultill the Inurzie crf Hiss gull A BIG �TRIKF., ' gi